health benefits of breakfast

Health Benefits of Breakfast The right breakfast foods can set the mood for the day. Some foods can help fuel your day, others can give you strength and even more, some foods in the morning can actually help you lose weight or help you maintain a healthy weight. The first thing you are probably thinking about is what your mom always told you. She always said breakfast is the most important part of the day and you probably always brushed it off! Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your mom was right! Breakfast in general has many health benefits; it has been linked to weight control, improved performance, less of a chance of heart disease and heart attacks and more. Below we will be going over just a handful of benefits, since there are so many different ones! The decision whether or not to eat breakfast is a common health question that many ask, will I loose weight if I skip this meal? What if I’m not hungry? And many more… But unlike many common medical questions the answer to this one is simple, eating breakfast is a healthy choice. Weight Control There have been many different studies done on breakfast eating. One of these studies shows that those who eat breakfast weigh less or maintain a more healthy weight than

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Post on 26-Jul-2016




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The right breakfast foods can set the mood for the day. Some foods can help fuel your day, others can give you strength and even more, some foods in the morning can actually help you lose weight or help you maintain a healthy weight. The first thing you are probably thinking about is what your mom always told you. She always said breakfast is the most important part of the day and you probably always brushed it off!


Health Benefits of Breakfast

The right breakfast foods can set the mood for the day. Some foods can help fuel your day, others can give you strength and even more, some foods in the morning can actually help you lose weight or help you maintain a healthy weight. The first thing you are probably thinking about is what your mom always told you. She always said breakfast is the most important part of the day and you probably always brushed it off! Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your mom was right! Breakfast in general has many health benefits; it has been linked to weight control, improved performance, less of a chance of heart disease and heart attacks and more. Below we will be going over just a handful of benefits, since there are so many different ones! The decision whether or not to eat breakfast is a common health question that many ask, will I loose weight if I skip this meal? What if I’m not hungry? And many more… But unlike many common medical questions the answer to this one is simple, eating breakfast is a healthy choice.

Weight Control

There have been many different studies done on breakfast eating. One of these studies shows that those who eat breakfast weigh less or maintain a more healthy weight than those who skip it entirely. One theory about why this is, is because its thought to reduce hunger throughout the day. Because of this it allows helps people to make better choices for other meals like lunch and dinner because they aren’t as starving as someone who didn’t eat breakfast. We all know that when you are super hungry you will eat just about anything and you don’t really care if its healthy or a big meal or not, you just know you are hungry and that’s that! If you think you are beating the calorie game by not eating breakfast, think again. If you skip breakfast you WILL eat a bigger lunch.

Jump Start Your Energy Boost

When you start your day its important that you start it with as many vitamins as you can. Thankfully a lot of those breakfast type foods have both of these, here are a few examples

of things you can consider eating for breakfast.

- Eggs: Eggs are incredibly easy to make and take little time to prepare, but they have numerous health benefits as well. First off, they are packed with amino acids. Secondly, they are a great way to boost your vitamin C.

- Whole Grains: It doesn’t matter if you are eating cereal or toast, this is considered a super food because it is a good source of fiber which means it will help keep your digestive track healthy, as well as its ability to reduce your risk of heart attacks and heart disease, as well as cancer and diabetes.

- Vitamin C: Items like oranges, grapefruits and apples all offer you Vitamin C. You can either eat these whole (raw) or in drinks.

Better Concentration and Sharper Focus

It doesn’t matter if you are a kid in school or an adult on the job, all of us can use a little more concentration and focus.

Metabolism Boost

Your metabolism continually runs while you sleep, albeit much slower than while you are awake. One of the best ways to jump start that metabolism is by eating a healthy breakfast.

Prevents Starvation Reflexes

When you are asleep your body doesn’t burn as many calories because your metabolism isn’t running as quickly. When you don’t eat in the morning and you wait until lunch, your body starts to go into survival mode – a natural reflex of the body, and it begins to store calories which creates fat!

Lower Your Risk For Certain Diseases

If you were ever curious about breakfast skippers versus breakfast lovers, here are the stats: Around 18% of males and 13% of females are actually said to skip breakfast in the morning. These people are in the ages of 35 and 54 and account for a 2011 study. Breakfast is so beneficial for you that it can actually decrease your risk of certain diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and heart attacks.

If all those benefits weren’t enough for you to consider switching your routine, also consider the fact that another study was done by the ADA and found that those who do not eat breakfast are actually more likely to decrease cognitive functions related to getting good grades, memory and even motor skills. Eating breakfast is without a doubt, the best move to make!