health benefits of kidney cleansing and natural ways to cleanse kidneys


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This power point presentation describes about the health benefits of kidney cleansing and natural ways to cleanse kidneys so that you feel rejuvenated and refreshed always free from any disease or disorder. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What Are the Functions of Kidneys?

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located

at the back of the abdomen. They are the multi-

talented powerhouses of the human body that

have various functions like regulating water levels,

balancing blood pressure, regulating acids and red

blood cells, and excreting wastes out of the body.

Their timely detoxification is necessary so as to

keep their functions optimum.

What Are the Functions of Kidneys?

10 Health Benefits of Kidney Cleansing

Now we are going to reveal the top 10 health

benefits of kidney cleansing and ways to

cleanse it naturally. These points will greatly help

you in collecting the knowledge of this vital organ

so that you better take care of your health.

Blood Pressure Restoration

Since the job of kidneys is to regulate the

blood pressure, the cleansing process can

actually restore this function optimally.

Deteriorated functionality would have

developed hypertension which isn’t the issue if

a person cleans his kidneys.

Acid Regulation

Healthy kidneys balance the acid levels in the

body. If the acid level increases, the kidney

dilutes it and vice versa.

Water Regulation

Water has many health benefits in the body

such as balancing the body temperature,

diluting the acids, maintaining the kidney

functions, etc. Kidneys in turn regulate its levels

by excreting out if consumed in excess and

keeping it stored if a person doesn’t drink it for

long hours.

RBC Balancing

If the kidneys are functioning properly they

produce a hormone known as Erythropoietin

(EPO), which is supplied in the blood to the

bone marrow where the EPO stimulates the

production of RBCs (Red Blood Cells). These

cells carry oxygen throughout the body, without

which a person develops anemia.

Waste Excretion

Improved urine flow can only be maintained

when the kidneys work optimally. If the wastes

are not properly excreted, they get built up in

the body causing various health hazards.

No Kidney Stone

Since kidney stones are developed due to less

fluid intake resulting in the rise in acidic levels

and ultimately stone formation, the detoxification

process thus helps in maintaining the stone-

forming and stone-inhibiting substances.

Fight Infection

Kidney cleansing includes removal of harmful

bacteria that are likely developing urinary tract

infection. Developing UTI is a signal of

deteriorated kidney functioning.

Release of Essential Hormones

Kidneys produce hormones like erythropoietin

that stimulates the bone marrow for RBC

generation; calcitriol which is an activated form

of vitamin D essential to absorb the calcium by

the body so that strong bones could be


Excessive Salt Elimination

Excess of salt in the body promotes high blood

pressure. Therefore, it is essential to eliminate

the extra salts, which is performed by the


Prevention from Kidney Failure or Disease

Timely detoxification process prevents the

kidneys to develop some form of failure or

disease. Kidney failure cannot perform any of

the function mentioned above.

Ways to Cleanse Kidneys Naturally

It is advised to feed on cucumber,

watermelon; teas that contain parsley, celery

seeds or nettles; juices like cranberry,

beetroot, lemon, oranges, grapefruits,

carrots, radish, purple cabbage, etc. in order

to cleanse kidneys naturally., the world’s finest health

website, strongly recommends the use of

ayurvedic herbs for kidney detoxification. Herbal

remedies are not only safe and effective but

these types of treatments also help in keeping

your body in harmony as well.

UT Clear Capsules

UT Clear capsules are one of such remedy that

cleanses the kidneys for long run. Its regular

intake would surely help you in getting the

desired results with no side effects if one uses

these strictly as per directed.

Key Features of UT Clear Capsule

Keeps kidneys free of toxins

Balances the stone-forming and stone-

inhibiting substances

Prevents from the stone formation

Regulates the water and acid levels

Key features (continued)

Controls the bacterial growth

Promotes urine output naturally

Cures and prevents from UTI

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