health, safety and environmental introduction v2.1


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© Agilisys Arch 2013.

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© Agilisys Arch 2013.

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Introduction to Health and Safety

• On average over 200 people are killed at work every year

• On average a serious injury occurs every 17 minutes

• Everyone is responsible for health and safety at work

• You and your Employer are responsible for your actions in the workplace


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Employers DON’T want to:

• Go to Court • Get found guilty in a criminal law case

• Defend civil court cases

• Put ‘Publicity Notices’ in newspapers We have a moral duty to look

after fellow human beings, and prevent pain and suffering

Employers DON’T want to:

• Pay higher insurance premiums • Pay for uninsured losses

• Damage the reputation of the business

• Reduce Productivity / Revenue

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Activate the Fire Alarm System from one of the actuating points.

These are called “break glass units” and are located at all the

exits from the building.

What do you do if you discover a fire?

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Activate the Fire Alarm System from one of the actuating points.

These are called “break glass units” and are located at all the

exits from the building.

What do you do if you discover a fire?

Evacuate the building immediately by the nearest and safest


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Activate the Fire Alarm System from one of the actuating points.

These are called “break glass units” and are located at all the

exits from the building.

What do you do if you discover a fire?

Go to the closest Fire Assembly Point.

Evacuate the building immediately by the nearest and

safest exit.

Your trainer will now explain to you

where to assemble and what will happen

at the assembly point.

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Activate the Fire Alarm System from one of the actuating points.

These are called “break glass units” and are located at all the

exits from the building.

What do you do if you discover a fire?

The Fire Wardens will sweep the building and tackle the fire IF


Do not re-enter the building unless authorised to do so by a Fire


Evacuate the building immediately by the nearest and safest


Go to the closest Fire Assembly Point.

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What do you do if you discover a fire?

All this information is displayed

on the “Fire Action” signs located

near the Break Glass Units

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Should you use a Fire Extinguisher?

Fire Extinguishers can be dangerous, so should only be used by

trained personnel (e.g. Fire Wardens).

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Should you use a Fire Extinguisher?

Fire Extinguishers can be dangerous, so should only be used by

trained personnel (e.g. Fire Wardens).

Fire Extinguishers can be dangerous, so should only be used by

trained personnel (e.g. Fire Wardens).

Select the correct type of extinguisher

ONLY use a Fire Extinguisher to aid your escape if all the Fire

Exit routes are blocked.

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Should you use a Fire Extinguisher?

Fire Extinguishers can be dangerous, so should only be used by

trained personnel (e.g. Fire Wardens).

ONLY use a Fire Extinguisher to aid your escape if all the Fire

Exit routes are blocked.

Select the correct type of extinguisher

Fire Extinguishers can be dangerous, so should only be used by

trained personnel (e.g. Fire Wardens).

To use the extinguisher:

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What should you do upon hearing the Fire Alarm?

The Fire Wardens will sweep the building and tackle the fire IF


Do not re-enter the building unless authorised to do so by a Fire


Evacuate the building immediately by the nearest and safest


Go to the closest Fire Assembly Point.

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What should you do if someone needs First Aid?

Contact the relevant person in charge (e.g. Trainer)

The first aid kits are kept in the Rest Areas

Details of the First Aiders are displayed on various boards

throughout the building

Please familiarise yourself with the first aiders within Arch and your


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Can you think of any incidents that you would need to


All injuries need to be reported – this is a legal requirement.

All incidents where there has been damage to either equipment or

property should also be reported – so it can be fixed.

You should also report all “Near Misses”.

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What is a Near Miss?

An example of a ‘NEAR MISS’ would be: -

You were walking through the building, when suddenly your foot slips

forward. You managed to regain your balance and turn round to discover a

pool of water on the floor. This is a Near Miss because you did not hurt

yourself, and there was no damage to property, but there could have been. If

you had not managed to regain your balance and had fallen over, you could

have easily sustained an injury.

The incident should be immediately reported to the Trainer/Relevant

Manager, who would then have the pool of water cleared up, investigate the

cause, and then put in place measures to prevent this from happening again,

and therefore STOP any future accidents.

An incident with the potential to cause harm

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It is important to report Near Misses because: -

Bird’s Triangle For every one Major Injury

(e.g. broken arm)… 1




… there are ten Minor

Injuries (e.g. sprained



… and thirty incidents

where there has been

damage to equipment

So remember that a Near Miss is an

incident where no one was injured,

and there was no damage,


So, how many Near Misses do you think occur for every one major injury?

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Also to provide and maintain: Safe plant and systems of work. Safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances. The provision of information, instruction, training and supervision. Safe place of work, with safe means of access & egress. A safe working environment.

Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Employer’s Duties:

“It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as reasonably

practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.”

a) Safe plant and systems

b) Low amounts

a) pens and pencils

b) articles and substances

a) nice company car

b) safe working environment

a) information, instruction, training and supervision

b) adequate stationary

a) safe means of access and egress

b) good local shops

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Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Employee’s Duties (YOU!):

To take reasonable care of their own health & safety

To take care for anyone affected by their acts or omissions.

To co-operate with the employer to meet its legal obligations.

Not to misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and

safety at work, i.e. safety arrangements.

Maximum Fine: £5,000

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Health and Safety

Our Health and safety Policy says:

Good Health and Safety practice is the responsibility of everyone.

You should take care for your own and others Health and Safety. A

member of the Arch Team will have carried out a risk assessment of

your work premises or training rooms prior to commencement of

your training. If you receive an injury whilst at Arch you should report

it immediately. All accidents should be reported and details recorded

in the accident book A full copy of Agilisys Health and Safety Policy

is available to all learners on request.

For more advice and guidance on health and safety visit:

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You will now complete an evaluation test

There are 10 questions. The pass mark is 70%

The room is under exam conditions

Make sure that you use your Full Name and keep a note of your

score at the end.

Test link:

Passcode: health40

Evaluation Test