healthcare systems: harmful or helpful?

HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS: HARMFUL OR HELPFUL? Presented by: Victoria Christensen

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Post on 12-Jan-2015



Health & Medicine

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This is a powerpoint presentation on the flaws of the healthcare system in the U.S.


  • 1. Presented by: Victoria Christensen
  • 2. The maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health through the provision of healthcare professionals and services
  • 3. Three trips to the E.R. Three weeks spent in the hospital Three misdiagnoses Resulted in zero faith in our system
  • 4. Focus on treatment of disease and sickness Only benefits short term Preventive action not taken Results in multiple visits for reoccurring symptoms and illnesses
  • 5. Not enough effective communication among all professionals Treatments/medicines unclear Lack of clarity for patient and family
  • 6. Insurance costs increases yet... Coverage efficiency and effectiveness decreases Increase in overall medical costs Rise in Medicaid eligibility New technologies
  • 7. Doctors focus more on what will pay them more Surgeries and specialty procedures as opposed to primary care physicians Overprescribing medication unnecessarily More patients becoming addicted Profitable for doctors
  • 8. Between 44,000 98,000 people in the U.S. die per year STRICTLY from medical error Equipment errors, deviant from normal treatment, mistakes Diseases like diabetes and cancer, in addition to infections, are misdiagnosed and WORSEN over time THIS IS PREVENTABLE
  • 9. Making changes to health insurance Obama care Implement interactive and interprofessional patient plans Focus on preventative care Not overprescribe pain medications/unnecessary medications