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7/23/2019 Health's Article 1/20 What You Can Learn About Your Health by Analyzing the Color and Smell of Your Urine By Dr. Mercola Urine can reveal important information about your body's waste elimination process, providing clues about your overall health status. Your kidneys serve to filter excess water and water-soluble wastes out of your blood, getting rid of toxins and things that would otherwise build up and cause you to become ill. Many things from excess protein and sugar to bacteria and yeast may make their way into your urine. !nstead of ignoring your urine and dashing back to whatever important activity having to pee interrupted, take this golden opportunity to become familiar with your "normal." !f you notice changes in the way your urine looks or smells, the cause might be something as benign as what you had for dinner last night, such as beets or asparagus. #r, your astuteness may potentially alert you to a serious condition. !f you suspect you have a urinary tract problem, you should consult your physician. #ne of the first things he or she is likely to do is a urine test. Urine tests have been around for more than $,%%% years & and are easy, noninvasive tools for uickly assessing your health status(. Minding Your ee! and Cue! !n your lifetime, your kidneys filter more than one million gallons of water, enough to fill a small lake. )ma*ingly, one kidney can handle the task perfectly well. !n fact, if you lose a kidney, your remaining kidney can increase in si*e by +% percent within two months, to take over the ob of both. Urine is + percent water and five percent urea, uric acid, minerals, salts, en*ymes, and various substances that would cause problems if allowed to accumulate in your body /. 0ormal urine is clear and has a straw yellow color, caused by a bile pigment called urobilin.  )s with your stool, your urine changes color depending on what foods you eat, what medications and supplements you take, how much water you drink, how active you are, and the time of the day. 1ut some diseases can also change the color and other characteristics of your urine, so it's important to be alert and informed. 2ith so many variables, you can't always be sure of what's causing any particular urine characteristic, short of laboratory testing. 3owever, urine's character gives you some clues to potential problems that may be developing, giving you time to do something about it. 4he following chart outlines some of the most common color variations for urine and their possible origins. 4he maority of the time, color changes resulting from foods, medications, supplements, or simply dehydration. 1ut there are certain signs that warrant concern. Color Yellow/Gold Red/Pink White/Colorless Orange Amber 

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What You Can Learn About Your Health by Analyzing

the Color and Smell of Your Urine

By Dr. Mercola

Urine can reveal important information about your body's waste elimination process, providing clues about your overall health status.

Your kidneys serve to filter excess water and water-soluble wastes out of your blood, getting rid of toxins andthings that would otherwise build up and cause you to become ill. Many things from excess protein andsugar to bacteria and yeast may make their way into your urine.

!nstead of ignoring your urine and dashing back to whatever important activity having to pee interrupted, takethis golden opportunity to become familiar with your "normal."

!f you notice changes in the way your urine looks or smells, the cause might be something as benign as whatyou had for dinner last night, such as beets or asparagus. #r, your astuteness may potentially alert you to aserious condition.

!f you suspect you have a urinary tract problem, you should consult your physician. #ne of the first things he orshe is likely to do is a urine test. Urine tests have been around for more than $,%%% years& and are easy,noninvasive tools for uickly assessing your health status(.

Minding Your ee! and Cue!

!n your lifetime, your kidneys filter more than one million gallons of water, enough to fill a small lake. )ma*ingly,one kidney can handle the task perfectly well. !n fact, if you lose a kidney, your remaining kidney can increasein si*e by +% percent within two months, to take over the ob of both.

Urine is + percent water and five percent urea, uric acid, minerals, salts, en*ymes, and various substancesthat would cause problems if allowed to accumulate in your body/. 0ormal urine is clear and has a straw yellowcolor, caused by a bile pigment called urobilin.

 )s with your  stool, your urine changes color depending on what foods you eat, what medications and

supplements you take, how much water you drink, how active you are, and the time of the day.1ut some diseases can also change the color and other characteristics of your urine, so it's important to bealert and informed. 2ith so many variables, you can't always be sure of what's causing any particular urinecharacteristic, short of laboratory testing. 3owever, urine's character gives you some clues to potentialproblems that may be developing, giving you time to do something about it.

4he following chart outlines some of the most common color variations for urine and their possible origins. 4hemaority of the time, color changes resulting from foods, medications, supplements, or simply dehydration. 1utthere are certain signs that warrant concern.







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Doe! Your Urine Smell Li"e #o!e!$

!f you're a woman from ancient 5ome and your urine smells like roses, you've probably been drinkingturpentine. 4his is a high price to pay to woo your suitor with pleasant-smelling pee, as turpentine may kill you67hort of drinking turpentine, there are many common substances that may alter the way your urine smells,which is why it's helpful to know what's normal. Urine reflects all of the inner workings of your body andcontains a wide variety of compounds and metabolic by-products. 7ome dogs can actually "smell cancer" inhuman urine$.Urine doesn't typically have a strong smell, but if yours smells pungent 8like ammonia9, you could have aninfection or urinary stones, or you may simply be dehydrated. :ehydration causes your urine to be moreconcentrated and may have a stronger smell than normal, as do high-protein foods like meat and eggs.Menopause, some sexually transmitted diseases, and certain metabolic disorders may also increase theammonia smell;. 3ere are some of the more common reasons your urine's odor may change<• Medications or supplements

=ertain genetic conditions, such as Maple 7yrup Urine :isease, which causes urine to smellsickeningly sweet>• =ertain foods most notably asparagus. )sparagus is notorious for causing a foul, eggy or "cabbagy"

stench that results from a sulfur compound called methyl mercaptan 8also found in garlic and skunksecretions9. #nly +% percent of people can smell asparagus pee because they have the reuired gene.=utting off the tips of asparagus will reportedly prevent the pungent-smelling pee...but of course, this isthe tastiest part6

• Urinary tract infections

• Uncontrolled diabetes is known to cause your urine to have a sweet or fruity or, less commonly, ayeasty smell. !n the past, doctors diagnosed diabetes by pouring urine into sand to see if it was sweetenough to attract bugs. #ther physicians ust dipped a finger in and took a taste. ?ortunately, today'sphysicians have access to far more elegant diagnostic tools.

When You %eel the Urge to &o' &(

Urinary freuency is also important. @eeing six to eight times per day is "average." You might go more or lessoften than that, depending on how much water you drink and how active you are. !ncreased freuency can becaused by an overactive bladder 8involuntary contractions9, caffeine, a urinary tract infection 8U4!9, interstitialcystitis, benign prostate enlargement, diabetes, or one of a handful of neurological diseases.

!t is important to pee when you feel the urge. :elaying urination can cause bladder overdistension likeoverstretching a 7linky such that it can't bounce back. You may habitually postpone urination if you findbathroom breaks inconvenient at work, or if you have @aruresis 8also known as 7hy 1ladder 7yndrome,

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1ashful 1ladder, 4inkle 4error, or @ee )nxiety9, the fear of urinating in the presence of others. 7even percent ofthe public suffers from this condition.&%

Ho) Much Water Should You Drin"$

! don't subscribe to the commonly uoted rule of drinking six to eight glasses of water every day. Your body is

capable of telling you what it needs and when it needs it. #nce your body has lost one to two percent of itstotal water , your thirst mechanism kicks in to let you know it's time to drink so thirst should be your guide. #rcourse, if you are outside on a hot, dry day or exercising vigorously, you'll reuire more water than usual buteven then, drinking when you feel thirsty will allow you to remain hydrated.

 )s you age, your thirst mechanism tends to work less efficiently. 4herefore, older adults will want to be sure todrink water regularly, in sufficient uantity to maintain pale yellow urine. )s long as you aren't taking riboflavin8vitamin 1(, found in most multivitamins9, which turns urine bright "fluorescent" yellow, then your urine shouldbe uite pale. !f you have kidney or bladder stones or a urinary tract infection, increase your water intakeaccordingly.

 You and Your Urinary Sy!tem

You should now have a pretty good idea of how important it is to familiari*e yourself with what's normal for your pee. Urine is a window into the inner workings of your body and can function as an "early warning system" fordetecting health problems.

4he most important factor in the overall health of your urinary tract is drinking plenty of pure, fresh water everyday. !nadeuate hydration is the number one risk factor for kidney stones, as well as being important forpreventing U4!s. 4o avoid overly freuent bathroom breaks, stay hydrated but not overhydrated. :rinkwhenever you're thirsty, but don't feel you have to drink eight glasses of water per day, every day. !f you'regetting up during the night to pee, stop drinking three to four hours before bedtime.

Aimit your caffeine and alcohol intake, which can irritate the lining of your bladder. Make sure your diet hasplenty of magnesium, and avoid sugar 8including fructose and soda9 and non-fermented soy products due totheir oxalate content. ?inally, don't hold it. )s soon as you feel the urge to go, go6 :elaying urination isdetrimental to the health of your bladder due to overdistension.

Why Medicine Won*t Allo) Cancer to Be Cured

By Dr. Mercola

!magine a commercial plane crashed and there were some fatalities involved. You can be sure that would makethe headline of every maor newspaper. 2ell, we have the euivalent of >-&% planes crashing BCB5Y :)Y witheveryone on board dying from cancer.

0early two million )mericans are diagnosed with cancer every yearone person out of three will be hit with acancer diagnosis at some time in their lives, in spite of the massive technological advances over the past half-century.

2estern medicine is no closer to finding a "cancer cure," while cancer has grown into a worldwide epidemic ofstaggering proportions. 4he statistics speak for themselves<

• !n the early &%%s, one in (% people developed cancer 

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• !n the &/%s, one in &$ people developed cancer 

• !n the &;%s, it was one in &%

• 4oday, it's one in three6

 )ccording to the =:=, about &,$$%,(% 8&.$$ million9 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in(%&&. !f overall death rates are falling, why are incidence rates still on the riseD 4he answer is simple< the /%-year "war on cancer" has been a farce.

4he cancer epidemic is a dream for 1ig @harma, and their campaigns to silence cancer cures have been fierce,which is a tale well told in the documentary film featured above, Cancer: Forbidden Cures.

4he =ancer Machine

@lease understand that cancer is big business. 4he cancer industry is spending virtually nothing of its multi-billion dollar resources on effective prevention strategies, such as dietary guidelines, exercise and obesityeducation. !nstead, it pours its money into treating cancer , not preventing or curing it.

2hy would they shoot their cash cowD !f they can keep the well-oiled =ancer Machine running, they willcontinue to make massive profits on chemotherapy drugs, radiotherapy, diagnostic procedures and surgeries.

4he typical cancer patient spends E+%,%%% fighting the disease. =hemotherapy drugs are among the mostexpensive of all treatments, many ranging from E,%%% to E;,%%% for a one-month supply.

!f the cancer industry allows a cure, then their patient base goes away. !t makes more sense to keep a steadystream of cancer patients alive, but sick and coming back for more. 3ow did this societal monster come aboutD

4he featured documentary is enormously informative. !t details how the pharmaceutical industry partnered withthe )merican Medical )ssociation 8)M)9 in an ingenious plan to overtake the medical system in four swift, easysteps, back in the early &%%s. !n a nutshell, it went something like this<

&. !nternational bankers that own the drug and chemical companies gained control over the medicaleducation system over &%% years ago.

(. 4hey gave grants to the )M) and leading medical schools in exchange for seats on their board andthe ability to control policy.

. ?inally, they cleverly engineered their control of virtually every federal regulatory agency relating to thepractice of medicine.

':on't You :)5B =ure )nyone6'

!n spite of the enormous amounts of money funneled into cancer research today, two out of three cancer

patients will be dead within five years after receiving all or part of the standard cancer treatment trinitysurgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. 4his is not too surprising when you consider that two of the three arecarcinogenic themselves6 #ne study estimated that chemotherapy benefits about one of every (% peoplereceiving it.

#ver the last hundred years, a number of natural cancer treatments have been developed and usedsuccessfully to treat patients in the U7 and other countries. )ll have been vehemently discounted, silenced,and pushed under the rug by the medical monopoly, with physicians and researchers attacked, smeared, sentto prison, and professionally ruined for daring to defy the medical establishment.

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4o this day, with respect to credibility in medicine, "uack" is synonymous with "competition."

!n order to protect the medical monopoly, any viable natural treatment is met with massive opposition by thepharmaceutical and medical industries. :rug companies have no interest in natural agents that they cannotpatent, because they interfere with their revenue stream. 4hey will goand have goneto extreme measuresto prevent the truth about effective natural treatments 8competitive threats9 from reaching the public.

4he ?:) is now, thanks to @:U?), primarily funded by the drug companies and is complicit in this process.4hey restrict competition in the guise of protecting the public, when the reality is they are protecting the profitsof the drug companies.

My 4op &( =ancer @revention 7trategies

4here is so much you can do to lower your risk for cancer. 1ut please don't wait until you get the diagnosisyou have to take preventative steps 0#2. !t's much easier to prevent cancer than to treat it, once it takes hold.! believe you can virtually eliminate your risk of cancer and chronic disease, and radically improve yourchances of recovering from cancer if you currently have it, by following these relatively simple strategies.

&. %ood re+aration< Bat at least one-third of your food raw. )void frying or charbroilingF boil, poach orsteam your foods instead. =onsider adding cancer-fighting whole foods, herbs, spices and supplementsto your diet, such as broccoli, curcumin and resveratrol. 4o learn more about how these anti-angiogeneticfoods fight cancer, please see our previous article< ":ramatically Bffective 0ew 0atural 2ay to 7tarve=ancer and #besity."

(. Carbohydrate! and Sugar < 5educe or eliminate processed foods,sugarGfructose and grain-basedfoods from your diet. 4his applies to whole unprocessed organic grains as well, as they tend to rapidlybreak down and drive up your insulin level. 4he evidence is uite clear that if you want to avoid cancer, oryou currently have cancer, you absolutely MU74 avoid all forms of sugar, especially fructose, which feedscancer cells and promotes their growth. Make sure your total fructose intake is around (+ grams daily,including fruit.

. rotein and %at< =onsider reducing your protein levels to one gram per kilogram of lean body weight.!t would be unusual for most adults to need more than &%% grams of protein and most likely close to halfof that amount. 5eplace excess protein with high-uality fats, such as organic eggs from pastured hens,

high-uality meats, avocados, and coconut oil./. &M(!< )void genetically engineered foods as they are typically treated with herbicides such as5oundup 8glyphosate9, and likely to be carcinogenic. ) ?rench research team that has extensively studied5oundup concluded it's toxic to human cells, and likely carcinogenic to humans. =hoose fresh, organic,preferably locally grown foods.

+. Animal,Ba!ed (mega,- fat!< 0ormali*e your ratio of omega- to omega-$ fats by taking a high-uality krill oil and reducing your intake of processed vegetable oils.

$. atural robiotic!< #ptimi*ing your gut flora will reduce inflammation and strengthen your immuneresponse. 5esearchers have found a microbe-dependent mechanism through which some cancers mountan inflammatory response that fuels their development and growth. 4hey suggest that inhibitinginflammatory cytokines might slow cancer progression and improve the response to chemotherapy.

 )dding naturally fermented food to your daily diet is an easy way to prevent cancer or speed recovery.You can always add a high-uality probiotic supplement as well, but naturally fermented foods are the


;. /0erci!e< Bxercise lowers insulin levels, which creates a low sugar environment that discourages thegrowth and spread of cancer cells. !n a three-month study, exercise was found to alter immune cells into amore potent disease-fighting form in cancer survivors who had ust completed chemotherapy.

5esearchers and cancer organi*ations increasingly recommend making regular exercise a priority inorder to reduce your risk of cancer, and help improve cancer outcomes. 5esearch has also foundevidence suggesting exercise can help trigger apoptosis 8programmed cell death9 in cancer cells. !deally,

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your exercise program should include balance, strength, flexibility, high intensity interval training 83!!49.?or help getting started, refer to my @eak ?itness @rogram.

>. 1itamin D< 4here is scientific evidence you can decrease your risk of cancer by more than half simplyby optimi*ing your  vitamin : levels with appropriate sun exposure. Your serum level should hold steady at+%-;% ngGml, but if you are being treated for cancer, it should be closer to >%-% ngGml for optimal benefit.

!f you take oral vitamin : and have cancer, it would be very prudent to monitor your vitamin : blood levelsregularly, as well as supplementing your vitamin H(, as H( deficiency is actually what produces thesymptoms of vitamin : toxicity. 4o learn more, please see my previous article< "2hat You 0eed to Hnow

 )bout Citamin H(, : and =alcium".

. Slee+< Make sure you are getting enough restorative sleep. @oor sleep can interfere with yourmelatonin production, which is associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance and weight gain,both of which contribute to cancer's virility.

&%. /0+o!ure to 2o0in!< 5educe your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, herbicides,household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners and toxic cosmetics.

&&. /0+o!ure to #adiation< Aimit your exposure and protect yourself from radiation produced by cellphones, towers, base stations, and 2i-?i stations, as well as minimi*ing your exposure from radiation-based medical scans, including dental x-rays, =4 scans, and mammograms.

&(. Stre!! Management< 7tress from all causes is a maor contributor to disease. Bven the =:= statesthat >+ percent of disease is driven by emotional factors. !t is likely that stress and unresolved emotionalissues may be more important than the physical ones, so make sure this is addressed. My favorite tool for resolving emotional challenges is Bmotional ?reedom 4echniues 8B?49.

2hat to :o !f You )lready 3ave =ancer 

2ithout a doubt the most powerful essential strategy ! know of to treat cancer is to starve the cells by deprivingthem of their food source. Unlike your body cells, which can burn carbs or fat for fuel, cancer cells have lostthat metabolic flexibility. :r. #tto 2arburg was actually given a 0obel @ri*e over ;+ years ago for figuring thisout but virtually no oncologist actually uses this information.

You can review my recent interview with :r. :')gostino below for more details but integrating a ketogenicdiet with hyperbaric oxygen therapy which is deadly to cancer cells debilitated by starving them of their fuelsource would be the strategy ! would recommend to my family if they were diagnosed with cancer 

2he Benefit! of a 3etogenic Diet and 4t! #ole in

Cancer 2reatment

By Dr. Mercola

=ould a ketogenic diet eventually be a "standard of care" drug-free treatment for cancerD @ersonally, ! believeit's absolutely crucial, for whatever type of cancer you're trying to address, and hopefully some day it will beadopted as a first line of treatment.

 ) ketogenic diet calls for eliminating all but non-starchy vegetablecarbohydrates, and replacing them withhealthy fats and high-uality protein.

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4he premise is that since cancer  cells need glucose to thrive, and carbohydrates turn into glucose in your body,then lowering the glucose level in your blood though carb and protein restriction literally starves the cancer cellsinto oblivion. )dditionally, low protein intake tends to minimi*e the m4#5 pathway that accelerates cellproliferation.

4his type of diet, in which you restrict all but non-starchy vegetable carbs and replace them with low to

moderate amounts of high-uality protein and high amounts of beneficial fat, is what ! recommend foreveryone, whether you have cancer or not. !t's a diet that will help optimi*e your weight and all chronicdegenerative disease. Bating this way will help you convert from carb burning mode to fat burning.

:r. 4homas 7eyfried is one of the leading pioneer academic researchers in promoting how to treat cancernutritionally. 3e's been teaching neurogenetics and neurochemistry as it relates to cancer treatment at YaleUniversity and 1oston =ollege for the past (+ years.

3e's written over &+% peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters, and has also published abook, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer .

Hetogenic :iet )ccepted as ?irst Aine )pproach for BpilepsyF !s =ancer 0extD

4he ketogenic diet has actually been used for managing sei*ures in children for uite some time. 2hile :r.7eyfried and his team worked on brain cancer and epilepsy in mice, one of his students suggestedinvestigating whether or not a ketogenic diet might also be effective against tumors.

7o, in the late '%s, they began dovetailing their work on ketogenic diets and epilepsy and cancer together,eventually bringing them to a better understanding of how changing your whole-body metabolic state can beeffective in targeting and eliminating tumor cells.

!nterestingly, clinical medicine has recogni*ed the ketogenic diet as a valuable option in the treatment ofepilepsy since the late %'s.

"I served as the organier for the !etogenic Diet #ecial Interest $rou# at the %merican &#ile#sy ociety," :r.

7eyfried says'

"(e initially started as a small focus grou# )ith the folks from *ohns +o#kins Medical chool, )here the diet

has had its greatest use and im#act' %nd then )e started to gro) and substantially increase interest mainly

through the efforts of *im %brahams'

*im started the Charlie Foundation for his son Charlie, )ho )ent through a neardeath e-#erience from

seiures and )as rescued using ketogenic diets' +is colleague, Meryl tree#, the famous movie actress,

became very involved in this'

.o) the ketogenic diet is receiving considerable attention in the e#ile#sy community as a first line of a##roach'

 %lthough this is still not )idely acce#ted, I have to admit that the ketogenic diet is no) recognied as an

im#ortant com#onent for the management of refractory seiures in children'" 

 )ccording to :r. 7eyfried, the mechanism by which the ketogenic diet manages sei*ures is not nearly as clearas the way the ketogenic diet manages cancer. 4his is ironic considering that it's barely known, let aloneapplied, within oncology circles, while it's already a first line of treatment for epilepsy. !n the case of cancer, it'swell-established that it's the glucose reduction that kills the cancer cells.

=ancer !s a Mitochondrial Metabolic :isease

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:r. 7eyfried has developed a process called metabolic control analysis, which essentially analy*es themetabolic flux through different pathways that occurs when you transition your body from one maor fuel sourceto another maor fuel source, to maintain energy homeostasis in your body. Many believe or are under theimpression that cancer is primarily a genetic disease, but :r. 7eyfried dispels such notions.

"(e/re not going to make ma0or advances in the management of cancer until it becomes recognied as a

metabolic disease' 1ut in order to do that, you have to #resent a massive counterargument against the genetheory of cancer," he says'

"One of the key issues here is that if you trans#lant the nucleus of a cancer cell into a normal cell, you don/t get 

cancer cells' 2ou can actually get normal tissues and sometimes a )hole normal organism from the nucleus of

a cancer cell' .o), if the tumors are being driven by driver genes 3 all these kinds of mutations and things that 

)e hear about 3 ho) is it #ossible that all of this is changed )hen you #lace this cancer nucleus into the

cyto#lasm of a cell )ith normal mitochondria4

5he gene theory cannot address this' It clearly argues strongly against the conce#t that genes are driving this

 #rocess' %ctually, a very fe) #eo#le inherit genes that #redis#ose them to cancer' Most #eo#le inherit genes

that #revent cancer' %nd those fe) genes that are inherited 3 the germ line like the 16C%7 mutations, 189,

and a fe) other very rare cancers 3 these inherited mutations a##ear to disru#t the function of the


 )ccording to :r. 7eyfried, the mitochondriathe main power generators in your cellsare the central point inthe origin of most cancers. Your mitochondria can be damaged not only by inherited mutations, therebyincreasing your risk for a particular type of cancer, such as the 15=)& and 15=)( mutations that increaseyour risk of breast and ovarian cancer. 4hey can also be damaged by environmental factors, such as toxinsand radiation, both ioni*ing and non-ioni*ing. #ver time, damage to your mitochondria can lead to dysfunctionand tumor formation.

"It/s ultimately a disease of the mitochondrial energy metabolism, )hich is the origin of the disease,"  :r.7eyfried says. "O;nce the mitochondria become dysfunctional or insufficient in ability, mutations )ill occur' 5he

drugs that have been develo#ed based on the genome #ro0ects have been largely ineffective in #roviding long

term care and are associated )ith to-ic effects' %s long as the field continues to focus on that #art of the

disease, )hich is a do)nstream e#i#henomenon, there )ill be no ma0or advances in the field sim#ly becausethat/s not the relevant as#ect of the disease'" 

7ugar !s the @rimary ?uel for Most =ancers

=ontrolling your blood-glucose leptin and insulin levels through diet, exercise and emotional stress relief can beone of the most crucial components to a cancer recovery program. 4hese factors are also crucial in order toprevent cancer in the first place.!n &&, the 0obel @ri*e was awarded to Ierman researcher :r. #tto 2arburg,who discovered that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells,and that malignant tumors tend to feed on sugar. More recently, researchers discovered that while cancer cellsfeed on both glucose and fructose, pancreatic tumor cells use fructose specifically to divide and proliferate.

:r. 7eyfried's work confirms that sugar is the primary fuel for cancer, and that by restricting sugar and providingan alternate fuel, namely fat, you can dramatically reduce the rate of growth of cancer. 3e explains<

"(hen )e/re dealing )ith glucose and cancer; management, )e kno) from a large number of studies that if

res#iration of the tumor is ineffective, in order to survive, the cells must use an alternative source of energy,

)hich is fermentation' (e kno) that glucose is the #rimary fuel for fermentation' Fermentation becomes a

 #rimary energygenerating #rocess in the tumor cell' 1y targeting the fuel for that #rocess, )e then have the

ca#ability of #otentially managing the disease'" 

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4he strategy :r. 7eyfried suggests is a low-carb, low to moderate protein, high-fat diet, which will effectivelylower your blood sugar. 4his is an easily measurable parameter that you can check using a diabetic bloodglucose meter. 4his type of diet, called a ketogenic diet, will also elevate ketone bodies, as fat is metaboli*ed toketones that your body can burn in the absence of food. 2hen combined with calorie restriction, the end resultwill put your body in a metabolic state that is inhospitable to cancer cells.

"!etones; is a fat breakdo)n #roduct that can re#lace glucose as a ma0or fuel for many of the organs andes#ecially our brain,"  he says.

4umor cells, however, cannot  use ketone bodies because of their respiratory insufficiency. 7o the ketogenicdiet represents an elegant, non-toxic way to target and marginali*e tumor cells. !t also allows you todramatically lower your glucose levels, as the ketones will protect your body against any hypoglycemia thatmight otherwise be induced by carb restriction.

"%ll of the ne)er cells in your body )ill be transitioned to these effective ketones, thereby #reventing them from

damage from hy#oglycemia' %t the same time, the tumor cells are no) marginalied and under tremendous

metabolic stress' It/s a )hole body thera#y<you need to bring the )hole body into this metabolic state,"  heexplains.

"(e like to call it a ne) state of metabolic homeostasis: a state )here ketones have reached the steady statelevel in your blood and glucose has reached a steady lo)er level in your blood''' If it/s done right and

im#lemented right, it has #o)erful thera#eutic benefits on the ma0ority of #eo#le )ho suffer from various kinds

of cancers' 1ecause all cancers have #rimarily the same metabolic defect'"

?or =ancer @rotection, 5everse Your Ilucose to Hetone 5atios

:r. 7eyfried uses ketones and glucose as the measures of this new metabolic state. 4he parametersassociated with an ideal state are ketone levels eual to or higher than the glucose level in your blood.

"5here/s a high ratio of glucose to ketones' 1ut in a fasted or thera#eutic state, this ratio is actually reversed'

!etones can actually become higher than glucose,"  he says. "(hat they can do is they can get their blood

sugars do)n to ='8 to 9 millimolar Jeuivalent to about ++-$+ mgGdlK, and then their ketones to u# to 9 or >millimolar, )here the ratio is no) reversed' It/s this state that no) brings the body into this ne) #hysiology'" 

You can easily check your glucose levels at home, you'd need to work with a doctor to measure ketone levelsin your blood. Ienerally speaking, a fasting glucose under &%% mgGdl suggests that you're not insulin resistant,while a level between &%%-&(+ suggests you're either mildly insulin resistant or pre-diabetic. 3ere, :r. 7eyfriedrecommends getting your glucose down to a steady level of about ++-$+ mgGdl, which is about 3)A? of what'sconventionally considered "good" or "normal."

1lood ketones can be easily measured using the Medisense @recision Ltra blood glucose and ketone monitorfrom )bbot Aaboratory. )s many pharmacies might not stock the meter 8bar code , >&+ >%/;9, it might benecessary to call )bbott directly 8&->%%-+(; 9 to obtain the meter. )ccording to :r. 7eyfried, the @recisionLtra seems the most accurate of all the ones he's used.

!t is important to mention, however, that the blood ketone strips are more expensive than the blood glucosestrips. :r. 7eyfried therefore recommends measuring your blood ketones every few days rather than xGday forblood glucose. )lthough urine ketone measurement is a cheap way to assess ketones, urine ketone levels arenot always indicative of blood ketone levels. !t is best if you can measure ketones from both blood and urine.

"I )ork )ith nutritionists and #hysicians," :r. 7eyfried says' "5he #roblem )ith cancer #atients is that many of

the #ractitioners are unfamiliar )ith this )hole a##roach, so there/s this tremendous ga#' (e have kno)ledge

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of ho) to do this' (e have #atients )illing to do it' 1ut )e lack #rofessionals that are trained or even

understand the conce#ts of ho) to im#lement these kinds of a##roaches'" 

 )ll of the guidelines are included in :r. 7eyfried's book, Cancer as Metabolic Disease, which is available on )ma*on. 3e's also published a couple of papers &,( that outline the guidelines and treatment strategies forcancer patients. #ne caveat to consider is your use of medications, as you need to know what the adverse

effects might be if you use a medication at a particular dosage along with this kind of metabolic therapy.

4he !mportance of !ntermittent ?asting

!n my experience, the vast maority of people are adapted to burning carbs as their primary fuel, as opposed toburning fat. #ne of the most effective strategies ! know of to become a fat burner is to restrict your eating towithin a six- to eight-hour window, which means you're fasting for about &$-&> hours each day. 4hisupregulates the en*ymes that are designed to burn fat as a fuel, and downregulates the glucose en*ymes. 4hiskind of intermittent fasting plan can be a useful modality to help you make the transition to a ketogenic diet.

"5hat/s the )ay it started in the clinic for children )ith e#ile#sy' 1asically, the child is given a =>hour and

sometimes >?hour fast 3 )ater only' %nd then the ketogenic diet is introduced in relatively measured and

small amounts," :r. 7eyfried says'

"2our body transitions naturally that )ay' Intermittent fasting is actually a very strong com#onent of the

a##roach' % threeday fast is uncomfortable, but it/s certainly doable' It gets your body into a ne) metabolic

state, and then you can a##ly these thera#ies' 5he hardest #art, I think, of this fasting is the first three to four

days, de#ending on the individual and ho) many times they/ve done this'

5hat/s basically trying to break your addiction to glucose' 5he removal of glucose from the brain elicits the

same kind of #roblems or events as you )ould if you )ere addicted to drugs, alcohol, or something like this'

2ou get malaise, headaches, nausea, lightheadedness' 2ou get all the kinds of #hysiological effects that you

)ould get from )ithdra)al of any addicting substance' I look at glucose as an addictive substance' It/s an

addictive metabolite' 2our brain is comforted by having glucose@ your body is comforted' %nd )hen you break

that glucose addiction, you have these #articular feelings'

''' Fasting certainly has remarkable health benefits to the body: strengthening the mitochondria net)ork system

)ithin the cells of your body' %s long as the mitochondria of your cells remain healthy and functional, it/s very

unlikely that cancer can develo# under these #articular states'" 

Unless you have a very serious disease, ! believe it is best for most people to implement intermittent fastingslowly over six to eight weeks rather than a three-day complete fast. You begin by not eating for three hoursbefore you go to bed, and then gradually extend the time you eat breakfast until you have skipped breakfastentirely and your first meal of the day is at lunch time. #f course, you are only consuming non-starchyvegetables for carbs, low to moderate protein and high-uality fats. #ne of the things !'ve noticed is that onceyou've made the transition from burning carbs to burning fat as your primary fuel, the desire for unk foods andsugar ust disappears like magic.

4he @otential 5ole of @rotein in =ancer ?ormation

Ilutamine--one of the most common amino acids found in proteinsis another interesting aspect of cancerthat :r. 7eyfried is still investigating. !n his opinion, most oncologists who do cancer metabolism recogni*e thatsugar 8both glucose and fructose9 is the prime fuel for driving tumor growth. 3owever, mounting research alsoindicates that glucose and glutamine together act powerfully and synergistically on the growth of tumor cells.

"5hese t)o fuels )ork together in concert to #rovide a continual gro)th,"  he says.

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#ne of my early mentors was :r. 5on 5osedale. 3e taught me, about (% years ago, about the importance ofinsulin control and then, more recently, about the importance of  reducing protein intake, for this very reason.Most )mericans likely eat far more protein than they really need, and this excess could be a factor in cancer.4he @aleo approach makes sense on many levels, especially with regards to intermittent fasting and loweringyour glucose levels. 4he @aleo approach is very clear about reducing grains and any food that raises yourblood sugar. 1ut there are, of course, two other macronutrients left< fat and protein.

Many @aleo followers are overly concerned about getting high amounts of protein, which could increase yourglutamine and branched chained amino acid levels, which in turn tend to activate m4#5. !n some, that couldbe problematic. )ccording to :r. 5osedale's research, the pathway known as the mammalian target ofrapamycin 8m4#59, is controlled by lowering your protein intake. 4his pathway may be another metabolicpathway that helps control and prevent cancer growth.

=alorie 5estriction !s a Hey @art of the Buation

:r. 7eyfried, however, is more cautious in his evaluation of m4#5 and reducing protein for cancer prevention.!n his view, the most  important aspect of cancer prevention and treatment is the intermittent fasting, or overallcalorie restriction, which includes eating less of everything , period. 1ut while calories from carbohydratesshould be virtually eliminated, calories from protein ust need to be reduced, while most need to increase their

intake of healthful fats to get a more ideal ratio of fat to protein. )s far as the specific types of fatsrecommended, :r. 7eyfried uses medium-chain triglycerides, i.e. coconut oil, butter, macadamia nuts, andother types of saturated fats, which is what !'ve long recommended as well. "5he saturated fats are converted

to ketones much more readily than #olyunsaturated fats,"  he explains.

7o, keep in mind that for cancer prevention and treatment, the actual calorie restriction is an important part ofthe euation<

"(e did some studies on this )ith our model of glioma''' 5he m5O6 in our model )as not dramatically

changed by these metabolic thera#ies' 1ut I kno) others have re#orted it, and this could be an im#ortant

com#onent for certain other kinds of cancers' 1ut my limited )ork )ith this did not demonstrate this to be a

ma0or issue, at least in the glioma model that )e looked at' (e sho)ed that you could give animals a highfat,

lo)#rotein diet, as much as they )ant Aero carbs in this dietB, and their blood glucose )as 0ust as high or

higher than the mice that )ere eating the #roteincarb diet'

It )as more or less related to the total consum#tion of calories' Most calories boil do)n to glucose' Proteins )ill 

be metabolied to glucose' Carbs are metabolied to glucose@ fats are not''' (e don/t get any thera#eutic

benefit either in e#ile#sy or cancer )hen )e allo) the animals or #eo#le to eat as much of these highfat diets

as they )ant' (e get no thera#eutic benefit'

5hera#eutic benefit comes from the restriction of the calories in the diet' 5he ketogenic diet or a lo)carb, lo)

 #rotein diet is sim#ly a )ay to take the sting out of a thera#eutic fast' 1ecause as long as the glucose and

ketones can get into the metabolic range Aand you can do it )ith eating small amounts of a highfat diet rather

than thera#eutic fastingB, then that 0ust makes #eo#le feel a little better about ho) they/re doing this rather than

feeling that I/m starving to death'" 

3yperbaric #xygen 4herapy

! recently interviewed :r. :')gostino who is another cancer as a metabolic disease researcher. 3e published arecent paper that shows a phenomenal synergy with a ketogenic diet and the use of hyperbaric oxygen forcancers that have metastasi*ed. 4hese types of cancers are notoriously difficult to treat. ! would stronglyencourage anyone struggling with this challenge to consider this type of therapy.

More !nformation

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?rom my perspective, it's nothing short of medical malpractice and negligence to fail to integrate this type ofdietary strategy into a patient's cancer treatment plan 8along with optimi*ing vitamin :9. ) ketogenic diet alongwith intermittent fasting can be easily integrated into whatever cancer treatment plan you decide to follow.@ersonally, ! believe it's absolutely crucial, no matter what type of cancer you're trying to address.

4hat said, remember that a ketogenic diet, in which you replace carbs with low to moderate amounts of protein

and high amounts of beneficial fat, like avocado, coconut oil, butter, olive oil and macadamia nuts isrecommended for everyone, whether you have cancer or not. !t's a diet that will help optimi*e your weight andhealth overall, as eating this way will help you convert from carb burning mode, to fat burning.

4o get more specifics about using a ketogenic diet and calorie restriction for the treatment of cancer, ! highlyrecommend picking up :r. 7eyfried's book, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease' You can also review hispapers,/,+ which outline the guidelines and treatment strategies for cancer patients. !f you're a cancer patient,!'d recommend printing them out for your oncologist.

3e also has a ?acebook page $ for his book, and a website connected to the 1oston =ollege 1iology:epartment; where you can get more information about his work

2he Many Health Benefit! of A5ocadoBy Dr. Mercola

You probably know that avocados are an excellent source of healthful fats, but this whole food may also haveother uniue health benefits.

4o learn more, the 3ass )vocado 1oard 83)19 is supporting clinical research to investigate various healtheffects of avocado consumption, particularly its benefits for cardiovascular disease, weight management,diabetes, and its ability to enhance your body's absorption of nutrients.

4he first of these 3)1-supported studies was published in 0ovember, (%&(.&4he small U=A)-led pilot studyfound that eating one-half of a fresh medium 3ass avocado with a hamburger 8made with % percent lean beef9

significantly inhibited the production of the inflammatory compound !nterleukin-$ 8!A-$9, compared to eating aburger without fresh avocado.

 )ccording to lead author :avid 3eber, M:, @h:, the findings offer "promising clues" about avocado's ability tobenefit vascular function and heart health. )s reported by Medical .e)s 5oday <("5he researchers observed a significant #eak Aa##ro-imately a #ercent increaseB, of IE four hours after

the #lain burger )as eaten, but less effect on IE Aa##ro-imately a > #ercent increaseB over the same time

 #eriod )hen fresh avocado )as eaten )ith the burger'

 %dditionally, the study found that )hen fresh +ass avocado )as eaten )ith the burger it did not increase

triglyceride levels beyond )hat )as observed after eating the burger alone, des#ite the e-tra calories and fat

from the fresh avocado'''

5he #ilot study also re#orted that the difference in #eri#heral arterial blood flo) Athe movement of blood to

different #arts of the body, as measured by P%5B, a #redictor of vascular health, after eating the hamburger

meal com#ared to the hamburgerfresh avocado meal )as a##roaching statistical significance'''

P%5 scores significantly decreased Asignifying reduced blood flo)B only after the #lain burger )as eatenAa##ro-imately a = #ercent dro#, on averageB com#ared to a burger )ith fresh avocado Aa##ro-imately a >

 #ercent dro#, on average, signifying less reduction in blood flo)B'" 

A5ocado! 6 A #eal 7Su+er %ood7

 )vocados, which are actually classified as a fruit, are rich in monounsaturated fat that is easily burned forenergy. @ersonally, ! eat a whole avocado virtually every day, which ! usually put in my salad. 4his increasesmy healthy fat and calorie intake without seriously increasing my protein or carbohydrate intake. 87ee 0utrition

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?acts @anel below.9 !t is also very high in potassium and will help balance your vitally important potassium tosodium ratio.

 )s !'ve mentioned before, eliminating grain carbs is one of the best ways to support your health and maintainyour weight, but when you cut down on carbs, you need to increase your intake of healthy fats. )vocados arean excellent source, along with organic raw butter, coconut oil, and organic pastured eggs, ust to name a few.

4here's also evidence suggesting that limiting your intake of protein can be helpful for long-term good healthand the prevention of cancer. )t the very least, most people are consuming far too much #oorGuality  protein,such as beef and animal products from livestock raised in confined animal feeding operations 8=)?#s9. 3ereagain, if you cut down on protein, you need to replace lost calories with healthy fats such as avocados, coconut

oil, olives, olive oil, butter and nuts.#verall, most people would do well to get upwards of +%-;% percent fat in their diet 8along with high amounts ofvegetable carbs, moderate-to-low amounts of high-uality protein, and very little, if any, carbs9. )ccording to the=alifornia )vocado =ommission, a medium 3ass avocado contains about ((.+ grams of fat, two-thirds of whichis monounsaturated. 4hey're also very low in fructose, which is yet another boon, and provide close to (%essential health-boosting nutrients, including<

• ?iber 

• @otassium 8more than twice the amount found in a banana9

• Citamin B

• 1-vitamins

• ?olic acid

 )vocados are one of the safest fruits you can buy conventionally-grown,and most experts do not believe youneed to purchase organic ones. 4heir thick skin protects the inner fruit from pesticides. )dditionally, it has beenrated as one of the safest commercial crops in terms of pesticide exposure, so there's no real need to spendextra money on organic avocados, unless you can afford it.

2he Many Health Benefit! of A5ocado!

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 )vocados have a long list of potential health benefits. ?or example, besides its anti-inflammatory properties,previous research from Napan suggests this powerful fruit may also help protect against liver damage. !n onestudy,/laboratory rats were fed avocado and (( other fruits. 4he rats were then given :-galactosamine, apotent liver toxin that interferes with cell synthesis and results in cell death. 4he rats fed avocado suffered theleast amount of liver damage. 4he chemical-induced liver inuries resemble those caused by viruses, so theresearchers suggested avocado could potentially offer support in the treatment of viral hepatitis. )ccording to

one lead author 3iroka*u Hawagishi, @h.:<"1esides offering taste and nutrition, avocados seem to im#rove liver health' Peo#le should eat more of them'" :ue to its beneficial raw fat content, avocado enables your body to more efficiently absorb fat-soluble nutrients8such as alpha- and beta-carotene and lutein9 in other foods eaten in conunction.#ne (%%+ study,+ found that adding avocado to salad allowed the volunteers to absorb three to five times morecarotenoids antioxidant molecules, which help protect your body against free radical damage. #ther researchhas found that avocados<• =ontain compounds that appear to inhibit and destroy oral cancer cells.$, ;

• =an help improve lipid profiles in both healthy individuals and those with non optimi*ed 3:AGtotal cholesterol levels9. !n one study,> healthy individuals saw a &$ percent decrease of serum totalcholesterol level following a one-week long diet high in monounsaturated fat from avocados. !n those withelevated cholesterol levels, the avocado diet resulted in a &; percent decrease of serum total cholesterol,and a (( percent decrease of both A:A-cholesterol and triglycerides, along with an && percent increase of the so-called "good" 3:A cholesterol.

2he Be!t Way to eel an A5ocado

:id you know there are many ways to skin an avocadoD 2ell, there are, and how you de-skin your fruit canhave a bearing on the nutrients you get from it. !n (%&%, the =alifornia )vocado =ommission issued guidelinesfor getting the most out of your avocado by peeling it the right way<

"Californiagro)n avocados contain 77 carotenoids' %ccording to HD%/s %gricultural 6esearch ervice,

avocados contain a com#le- #ackage of #hytonutrients, including carotenoids that may #rovide numerous

health benefits' Carotenoids a##ear to #rotect humans against certain cancers, heart disease and agerelated

macular degeneration'

The UCLA research showed that in California avocados, the greatest concentration of beneficial

carotenoids is in the dark green fruit of the avocado closest to the peel.

/5he Commission/s #ublic relations outreach to encourage consumers to /nick and #eel/ their Californiaavocados and to eat that dark green area of the fruit has resulted in 99 million consumer im#ressions,/ said *an

DeEyser, vice #resident of marketing for C%C' /5his /nick and #eel/ message is also valuable information for

 #roduce de#artments to share )ith their sho##ers'/" 

4o preserve the area with the greatest concentration of antioxidants, you basically want to peel the avocadowith your hands, as you would a banana<

&. ?irst, cut the avocado length-wise, around the seed

(. 3olding each half, twist them in the opposite directions to separate them from the seed

. 5emove the seed

/. =ut each half, lengthwise

+. 0ext, using your thumb and index finger, simply peel the skin off each piece

Ho) to &et More A5ocado into Your Diet

2hile avocado is commonly eaten raw, on salad or alone, with nothing but a dash of 3imalayan salt and someground pepper, for example, there are many other ways to include avocado in your diet. ?or example, you canuse avocado in the following ways<

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• Use as a fat replacement in baking. 7imply replace the fat called for 8such as oil, butter or shortening9with an eual amount of avocado

• Use as a first food for babies, in lieu of processed baby food

• ?or hundreds of uniue recipes that include avocado Ofrom salads to dessert whip and everything inbetween O check out the =alifornia )vocado =ommission's website&%

2he 8 %ood! You Should e5er /atBy Dr. Mercola

Many foods have been heavily promoted as being healthy when they are nothing more than pernicious unkfoods. !n the featured article, =lean @lates&f ounder Nared Hoch shared his list of nine staple foods that are farless "good for you" than you've been led to believe.3ere, ! expand on the selections that are mentioned in the featured article.

9. Canned 2omatoe!

Many leading brands of canned foods contain 1@) -- a toxic chemical linked to reproductive abnormalities,neurological effects, heightened risk of breast and prostate cancers, diabetes, heart disease and other serioushealth problems. )ccording to Consumer 6e#orts ' testing, ust a couple of servings of canned food can exceedthe safety limits for daily 1@) exposure for children.3igh acidity a prominent characteristic of tomatoes O causes 1@) to leach into your food. 4o avoid thisha*ardous chemical, avoid canned foods entirely and stick to fresh fruits and vegetables, or switch over tobrands that use glass containers insteadespecially for acidic foods like tomatoes.

:. roce!!ed Meat!

 )s Hoch warns, processed deli meats like salami, ham, and roast beef are typically made with meats fromanimals raised in confined animal feeding operations 8=)?#s9.

4his means they're given growth hormones, antibiotics and other veterinary drugs, and raised in deplorableconditions that promote disease, these meats are also filled with sodium nitrite 8a commonly used preservativeand antimicrobial agent that also adds color and flavor9 and other chemical flavorings and dyes.

0itrites can be converted into nitrosamines in your body, which are potent cancer-causing chemicals. 5esearchhas linked nitrites to higher rates of colorectal, stomach and pancreatic cancer. 1ut that's not all. Mostprocessed deli meats also contain other cancer-promoting chemicals that are created during cooking. 4heseinclude<• Heterocyclic Amine! ;HCA!< which are ha*ardous compounds created in meats and other foods that

have been cooked at high temperatures. )ccording to research, processed meats are clearly associatedwith an increased risk of stomach, colon and breast cancers.

• olycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon! ;AH!<< Many processed meats are smoked as part of thecuring process, which causes @)3s to form. @)3s can also form when grilling. 2hen fat drips onto the

heat source, causing excess smoke, and the smoke surrounds your food, it can transfer cancer-causing@)3s to the meat.• Ad5anced &lycation /nd roduct! ;A&/!<< 2hen food is cooked at high temperaturesincluding

when it is pasteuri*ed or sterili*edit increases the formation of )IBs in your food. )IBs build up in your body over time leading to oxidative stress, inflammation and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetesand kidney disease.

4he truth is, processed meats are not a healthful choice for anyone and should be  avoided entirely , accordingto a (%&& review of more than ;,%%% clinical studies examining the connection between diet and cancer. 4hereport was commissioned by 4he 2orld =ancer 5esearch ?und( 82=5?9 using money raised from the generalpublic. 4herefore the findings were not influenced by any vested interests, which makes it all the more reliable.

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!t's the biggest review of the evidence ever undertaken, and it confirms previous findings< @rocessed meatsincrease your risk of cancer, especially bowel cancer, and 0# amount of processed meat is "safe." You're farbetter off ditching the deli meats and opting instead for fresh organically-raised grass-fed meats, or wild caughtsalmon.

-. Margarine

4he unfortunate result of the low-fat diet cra*e has been the shunning of healthful fats such as butter, andpublic health has declined as a result of this folly. 4here are a myriad of unhealthy components to margarineand other butter impostors, including<

• 2ran! fat!= 4hese unnatural fats in margarine, shortenings and spreads are formed during the processof hydrogenation, which turns liuid vegetable oils into a solid fat. 4rans fats contribute to heart disease,cancer, bone problems, hormonal imbalance and skin diseaseF infertility, difficulties in pregnancy andproblems with lactationF and low birth weight, growth problems and learning disabilities in children. ) U7government panel of scientists determined that man-made trans fats are unsafe at any level.

• %ree radical!= ?ree radicals and other toxic breakdown products are the result of high temperatureindustrial processing of vegetable oils. 4hey contribute to numerous health problems, including cancerand heart disease.

/mul!ifier! and +re!er5ati5e!= 0umerous additives of uestionable safety are added to margarinesand spreads. Most vegetable shortening is stabili*ed with preservatives like 134.• He0ane and other !ol5ent!= Used in the extraction process, these industrial chemicals can have toxic

effects.=A) is not only known to help fight cancer and diabetes, it may even help you to lose weight, which cannot besaid for its trans-fat substitutes.Iood-old-fashioned butter , when made from grass-fed cows, is rich in a substance called conugated linoleicacid 8=A)9. Much of the reason why butter is vilified is because it contains saturated fat. !f you're still in themindset that saturated fat is harmful for your health, then please read the3ealthy ?ats section of my #ptimi*ed0utrition @lan to learn why saturated fat is actually good for you.

>. 1egetable (il!

#f all the destructive foods available to us, those made with heated vegetable oils are some of the worst. Makeno mistake about it--vegetable oils are not the health food that you were lead to believe they were. 4his islargely due to the fact that they are highly processed, and when consumed in massive amounts, as they are bymost )mericans, they seriously distort the important omega-$ to omega- ratio. !deally, this ratio is &<&.

 )nytime you cook a food, you run the risk of creating heat-induced damage. 4he oils you choose to cook withmust be stable enough to resist chemical changes when heated to high temperatures, or you run the risk ofdamaging your health. #ne of the ways vegetable oils can inflict damage is by converting your good cholesterolinto bad cholesterolby oxidi*ing it. 2hen you cook with polyunsaturated vegetable oils 8such as canola, corn,and soy oils9, oxidi*ed cholesterol is introduced into your system.

 )s the oil is heated and mixed with oxygen, it goes rancid. 5ancid oil is oxidi*ed oil and should 0#4 beconsumedit leads directly to vascular disease. 4rans-fats are introduced when these oils are hydrogenated,which increases your risk of chronic diseases like breast cancer and heart disease.

7o what's the best oil to cook withD

#f all the available oils, coconut oil is the oil of choice for cooking because it is nearly a completely saturatedfat, which means it is much less susceptible to heat damage. )nd coconut oil is one of the most uniue andbeneficial fats for your body. ?or more in-depth information about the many benefits of coconut oil, please seethis special report. #live oil, while certainly a healthful oil, is easily damaged by heat and is best reserved fordri**ling cold over salad.

?. Micro)a5e o+corn

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@erfluoroalkyls, which include perfluorooctanoic acid 8@?#)9, and perfluorooctane sulfonate 8@?#79, arechemicals used to keep grease from leaking through fast food wrappers, are being ingested by people throughtheir food and showing up as contaminants in blood. Microwave popcorn bags are lined with @?#), and whenthey are heated the compound leaches onto the popcorn.

4hese chemicals are part of an expanding group of chemicals commonly referred to as "gender-bending"chemicals, because they can disrupt your endocrine system and affect your sex hormones. 4he B@) has ruled@?=s as "likely carcinogens," and has stated that @?#) "poses developmental and reproductive risks tohumans." 5esearchers have also linked various @?=s to a range of other health dangers, such as<• 4nfertility -- ) study published in the ournal +uman 6e#roduction found that both @?#) and @?#7

8perfluorooctane sulfonate9, dramatically increased the odds of infertility. @?#) was linked to a $% to &+/percent increase in the chance of infertility.

• 2hyroid di!ea!e -- ) (%&% study/ found that @?#) can damage your  thyroid function. !ndividuals withthe highest @?#) concentrations were more than twice as likely to report current thyroid disease,compared to those with the lowest @?#) concentrations. Your thyroid contains thyroglobulin protein,which binds to iodine to form hormones, which in turn influence essentially every organ, tissue and cell inyour body. 4hyroid hormones are also reuired for growth and development in children. 4hyroid disease,if left untreated, can lead to heart disease, infertility, muscle weakness, and osteoporosis.

• Cancer  -- @?#) has been associated with tumors in at least four different organs in animal tests 8liver,pancreas, testicles and mammary glands in rats9, and has been associated with increases in prostate

cancer in @?#) plant workers.• 4mmune !y!tem +roblem! -- 7everal studies by scientists in 7weden indicate that @?=s have an

adverse effect on your immune system. )s described in a report on @?=s by the Bnvironmental 2orkingIroup 8B2I9, @?#) was found to decrease all immune cell subpopulations studied, in the thymus andspleen, and caused immunosupression.

• 4ncrea!ed LDL chole!terol le5el! O ) (%&% study in the %rchives of Pediatric %dolescent

Medicine+ found that children and teens with higher @?#) levels had higher levels of total cholesterol andA:A or "bad" cholesterol, while @?#7 was associated with increased total cholesterol, including both A:Acholesterol and 3:A or "good" cholesterol.

! strongly recommend avoiding any product you know containing these toxic compounds, particularly non-stickcookware, but also foods sold in grease-proof food packaging, such as fast food and microwave popcorn.=learly, if you're eating fast food or unk food, @?=s from the wrapper may be the least of your problems, but !think it's still important to reali*e that not only are you not getting proper nutrition from the food itself, the

wrappers may also add to your toxic burden.

@. on,(rganic otatoe! and (ther %re!h roduce 3no)n for High e!ticideContamination

Your best bet is to buy only organic fruits and vegetables, as synthetic agricultural chemicals are notpermissible under the U7:) organic rules. 4hat said, not all conventionally grown fruits and vegetables aresubected to the same amount of pesticide load. 2hile Hoch focuses on potatoes, as they tend to take up a lotof pesticides and other agricultural chemicals present in the soil, ! would recommend reviewing the "7hopper'sIuide to @esticides in @roduce"$ by the Bnvironmental 2orking Iroup.#f the /> different fruit and vegetable categories tested by the B2I for the (%& guide, the following &+ fruitsand vegetables had the highest  pesticide load, making them the most important to buy or grow organically<

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!n contrast, the following foods were found to have the lo)est  residual pesticide load, making them the safestbet among conventionally grown vegetables. 0ote that a small amount of sweet corn and most 3awaiianpapaya, although low in pesticides, are genetically engineered 8IB9. !f you're unsure of whether the sweet cornor papaya is IB, !'d recommend opting for organic varieties<

. 2able Salt

7alt is essential for lifeyou cannot live without it. 3owever, regular 'table salt' and the salt found in processedfoods are 0#4 identical to the salt your body really needs. !n fact, table salt has practically nothing in commonwith natural salt. #ne is health damaging, and the other is healing.• @rocessed salt is > percent sodium chloride, and the remaining two percent comprises man-made

chemicals, such as moisture absorbents, and a little added iodine. 4hese are dangerous chemicals likeferrocyanide and aluminosilicate. 7ome Buropean countries, where water fluoridation is not practiced,also add fluoride to table salt

• 0atural salt is about >/ percent sodium chloride. 4he remaining &$ percent of natural salt consists ofother naturally occurring minerals, including trace minerals like silicon, phosphorous and vanadium

Iiven that salt is absolutely essential to good health, ! recommend switching to a pure, unrefined salt. Myfavorite is an ancient, all-natural sea salt from the 3imalayas. 3imalayan salt is completely pure, having spent

many thousands of years maturing under extreme tectonic pressure, far away from impurities, so it isn'tpolluted with the heavy metals and industrial toxins of today. )nd it's hand-mined, hand-washed, and minimallyprocessed. 3imalayan salt is only >+ percent sodium chloride, the remaining &+ percent contains >/ traceminerals from our prehistoric seas. Unrefined natural salt is important to many biological processes, including<

• 1eing a maor component of your blood plasma, lymphatic fluid, extracellular fluid, and even amnioticfluid

• =arrying nutrients into and out of your cells

• Maintain and regulate blood pressure

• !ncreasing the glial cells in your brain, which are responsible for creative thinking and long-termplanning

• 3elping your brain communicate with your muscles, so that you can move on demand via sodium-potassium ion exchange

2hile natural unprocessed salt has many health benefits, that does not mean you should use it with impunity. )nother important factor is the potassium to sodium ratio of your diet. !mbalance in this ratio can not only leadto hypertension 8high blood pressure9 and other health problems, including heart disease, memory decline,erectile dysfunction and more. 4he easiest way to avoid this imbalance is by avoiding processed foods, whichare notoriously low in potassium while high in sodium. !nstead, eat a diet of whole, ideally organically-grown

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foods to ensure optimal nutrient content. 4his type of diet will naturally provide much larger amounts ofpotassium in relation to sodium.

. Soy rotein 4!olate and (ther Unfermented Soy roduct!

7adly, most of what you have been led to believe by the media about soy is simply untrue. #ne of the worst

problems with soy comes from the fact that % to + percent of soybeans grown in the U7 are geneticallyengineered 8IB9, and these are used to create soy protein isolate. Ienetically engineered soybeans aredesigned to be "5oundup ready," which means they're engineered to withstand otherwise lethal doses ofherbicide.4he active ingredient in 5oundup herbicide is called glyphosate, which is responsible for the disruption of thedelicate hormonal balance of the female reproductive cycle. 2hat's more, glyphosate is toxic to the placenta,which is responsible for delivering vital nutrients from mother to child, and eliminating waste products. #nce theplacenta has been damaged or destroyed, the result can be miscarriage. !n those children born to mothers whohave been exposed to even a small amount of glyphosate, serious birth defects can result.

Ilyphosate's mechanism of harm was only recently identified, and demonstrates how this chemical disruptscellular function and induce many of our modern diseases, including autism. 7oy protein isolate can be found inprotein bars, meal replacement shakes, bottled fruit drinks, soups and sauces, meat analogs, baked goods,

breakfast cereals and some dietary supplements.Bven if you are not a vegetarian and do not use soymilk or tofu, it is important to be a serious label reader.4here are so many different names for soy additives, you could be bringing home a genetically modified soy-based product without even reali*ing it. 7oy expert :r. Haayla :aniel offers a free 7pecial 5eport;, "2here the7oys )re," on her 2eb site. !t lists the many "aliases" that soy might be hiding under in ingredient lists -- wordslike "bouillon," "natural flavor" and "textured plant protein."1esides soy protein isolate, )AA unfermented soy products are best avoided if you value your health.4housands of studies have linked unfermented soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-systembreakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders and infertilityeven cancer and heartdisease.

4he only soy with health benefits is organic soy that has been properly fermented, and these are the only soyproducts ! ever recommend consuming. )fter a long fermentation process, the phytate and "anti-nutrient" levelsof soybeans are reduced, and their beneficial properties become available to your digestive system. 4o learnmore, please see this previous article detailing the dangers of unfermented soy.

8. Artificial S)eetener!

=ontrary to popular belief, studies have found that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame can stimulate yourappetite, increase carbohydrate cravings, and stimulate fat storage and weight gain. !n one of the most recentof such studies>, saccharin and aspartame were found to cause greater )eight gain than sugar .

 )spartame is perhaps one of the most problematic. !t is primarily made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine.4he phenylalanine has been synthetically modified to carry a methyl group, which provides the maority of thesweetness. 4hat phenylalanine methyl bond, called a methyl ester, is very weak, which allows the methyl groupon the phenylalanine to easily break off and form methanol.You may have heard the claim that aspartame is harmless because methanol is also found in fruits and

vegetables. 3owever, in fruits and vegetables, the methanol is firmly bonded to +ectin, allowing it to be safelypassed through your digestive tract. 0ot so with the methanol created by aspartameF there it's not bonded toanything that can help eliminate it from your body.Methanol acts as a 4roan horseF it's carried into susceptible tissues in your body, like your brain and bonemarrow, where the alcohol dehydrogenase 8):39 en*yme converts it into formaldehyde, which wreaks havocwith sensitive proteins and :0). )ll animals BL=B@4 3UM)07 have a protective mechanism that allowsmethanol to be broken down into harmless formic acid. 4his is why toxicology testing on animals is a flawedmodel. !t doesn't fully apply to people.

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&uideline! for Healthy %ood

2hatever food you're looking to eat, whether organic or locally grown, from either your local supermarket or afarmer's market, the following are signs of a high-uality, healthy food. Most often, the best place to find thesefoods is from asustainable agricultural group in your area. You can also review my free nutrition plan to getstarted on a healthy eating program today<• !t's grown without pesticides and chemical fertili*ers 8organic foods fit this description, but so do some

non-organic foods9

• !t's not genetically engineered

• !t contains no added growth hormones, antibiotics, or other drugs

• !t does not contain artificial anything, nor any preservatives

• !t is fresh 8if you have to choose between wilted organic produce or fresh conventional produce, thelatter may still be the better option as freshness is important for optimal nutrient content9

• !t was not grown in a factory farm

!t is grown with the laws of nature in mind 8meaning animals are fed their native diets, not a mix ofgrains and animal byproducts, and have free-range access to the outdoors9

• !t is grown in a sustainable way 8using minimal amounts of water, protecting the soil from burnout, andturning animal wastes into natural fertili*ers instead of environmental pollutants9