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The Heart Threat Your Dentist Won’t Tell You About


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HEART TRUTHS by Life Titan Research

Copyright © 2019 and Beyond Life Titan Research



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At Life Titan Research, our goal is to share the latest research and effective treatments in alternative medicine and natural health.

Our independent investigation team is on a quest around the globe to reveal all the newest and most powerful natural techniques and therapies from the brightest doctors and scientists.

We are dedicated to bringing you the latest in proven natural health modalities that have real-world results backed by reliable scientific evidence from reputable doctors, scientists, and researchers.

Life Titan Research remains outside of the medical health complex that often overlooks what is right in front of them (good and bad).

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Giving you access to useful health and wellness information that is backed by science gives you the choice to be your own advocate.

Helping you remain fully informed about any health decision you make – that is what we do here at Life Titan Research.

To your health and wellbeing,

Ethan Oliver Editor-in-Chief Life Titan Research

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PART ONE: THE BATTLE FOR YOUR HEART _______________________ 1

New Information for Age-Old Problems ______________________________ 1


Oral Health in Pregnant Women Can Impact Child Development ___________ 6

Inflammation, Infections, and Wounds of Particular Concern for Diabetics ____ 6

Mental Health, Happy Chemicals, and the Power of Your Smile ____________ 7

Protect Your Memory and Brain Health with Good Oral Care ______________ 7


For Oral Health…Start from the Inside Out __________________________ 10

Mercury’s Effect on Your Heart ____________________________________ 13

Symptoms of Mercury Toxicity ____________________________________ 14


7 Basic Oral Hygiene Tips ________________________________________ 18

Existing Heart Disease and Dental Care ______________________________ 19

PART FIVE: WHAT TO AVOID, WHAT TO ENJOY! __________________ 21

For a Healthy Mouth, Avoid These Foods! ____________________________ 21

For a Healthy Mouth, Pick These Instead! ____________________________ 22

Taking a Proactive and Holistic Approach to Your Health ________________ 24

REFERENCES __________________________________________________ 26

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Every day, we learn more about how things are connected. So many aspects of our lives and our bodies have a cyclical nature and if you look closely, you can follow the threads to find viable ways to keep yourself living longer and stronger into oldest age.

With the worldwide threat of cardiovascular disease – the number one killer that claims more than 17 million annually – we’re constantly searching for the connections between the disease and the foods we eat, how we sleep, the stress we’re under, and our genetic predispositions.1

New Information for Age-Old Problems

The answers about what causes heart disease are getting more solidified every year. Old beliefs and therapies are being turned over by new science that’s taking a fresh, unbiased look at data used to implement worldwide changes to how we think about food…and turned out to be wrong.

We realize that our mental state plays a much larger role in our physical health thanks to incredible research in the last decade. Inflammation is a far more devastating villain than scientists ever realized. Diet can literally change the landscape of your personal wellness outcome for the good or the bad.

It is the methods and modalities to prevent, fight, and survive cardiovascular disease (CVD) that are often fuel for debate between conventional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

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When something isn’t working, you must take a step back, take a broader view, and figure out why…because no one wants to die of a heart attack or stroke.

Heart disease is more survivable now but the numbers of patients (diagnosed and undiagnosed) who suffer from it are higher than ever.

It’s time to stop heart disease by any means necessary. One very simple way to improve your personal heart health is simple, inexpensive, and can be handled in your bathroom at home.

Every once in a while, you might see something and think, “No way. That’s gotta be quack science.” Unfortunately, more ends up being true than you might wish was the case.

It’s critical to separate the plausible from the ridiculous to provide you with information that’s scientifically proven, safe, and useful in your own life every day.

There are things you do daily (or don’t do) that can affect your health in ways you might have never considered.

• Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Tobacco is highly inflammatory and causes damage to every critical system inside you. From the moment you touch it to your mouth and take the carcinogens into your body, it causes damage.

It’s been listed as a prime factor in everything from bad breath to heart disease to cancer. It leads to yellow teeth, discolored tongue, dulls your ability to taste, and makes it harder for you to seek cosmetic dental repair.2

• A diet that lacks vitamins, minerals, or fiber while being high in unhealthy fats, refined sugars, and pro-inflammatory ingredients adds stress to your body and encourages the formation of arterial plaque. Excessive simple carbohydrates such as sodas, sweetened juices, and candies are the sugars most people avoid.

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However, there is a lot more sugar in your foods than you might realize. Reading your labels is critical. A poor diet practically guarantees the development of oral hygiene complications and heart issues later while also raising your risk of cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and autoimmune disease.3

• Living a sedentary lifestyle means your body isn’t working at the speed it requires for your metabolism, cardiovascular system, and even your immunity to function properly. It is known to lead to obesity, diabetes, and serious heart disease.

Regular exercise is helpful in getting rid of excess carbohydrates, lowering inflammation, and encouraging your body to use vitamins and nutrients more effectively.4

These are just a few of the things known to be true, things we’re taught, and are generally common knowledge.

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Scientists and researchers study many behaviors that play a part in the development and progression of heart disease. The lifestyle you choose to lead can be the biggest contributing factor in how healthy you are.

The fact is, there are many elements that play a part in your overall stamina. There may be some you’ve never considered that are known, scientifically proven, to contribute to the risk and severity of cardiovascular disease.

Your oral hygiene and health is so much more important to preventing heart disease than you’ve probably ever realized.

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It’s common knowledge that the health of your mouth is important. Dentists recommend regular cleanings and checkups to prevent bad breath, cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss.

Good oral health is important even if it’s something as simple as being able to put your best face forward with confidence that your smile is bright, clean, and healthy.

What people may not realize is that a hale and hearty mouth can also prevent serious – even deadly – disease.

A twelve-year-old boy died in Maryland from an untreated, abscessed tooth. The bacteria in his infected tooth spread through his body and into his brain.5 What followed were two brain surgeries, many weeks of hospitalization, and eventually his death. All caused by a preventable systemic infection that started in his mouth.6

The human mouth is a truly complex system made up of more than your tongue and your teeth. Nerves, tissues, fibers, lymph glands, and blood vessels are all part of the construction of your oral cavity.

Your teeth have a blood supply connected to them so any bacteria surrounding your teeth has the potential to get into your bloodstream.7

Effects can impact overall health in ways you might not have considered.

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Oral Health in Pregnant Women Can Impact Child Development

For pregnant women, poor dental hygiene can result in damage to their unborn child.8

Scientists found a correlation between periodontal disease, low birth-weight, and pre-term birth.9 Throughout their lives, these babies are prone to higher incidences of breathing problems, malnutrition, heart failure, abnormal mental development, and cerebral palsy.10

Infections caused by bacteria or injury – even those that are undetected – can result in inflammation that spreads to the fetus. This chronic inflammation can result in damage at the cellular level and create a lifetime of problems for your child.11

Maintaining good oral hygiene before you get pregnant and throughout gestation can safeguard mother and child.

Inflammation, Infections, and Wounds of Particular Concern for Diabetics

Diabetics must be especially diligent about their tooth care as well. Besides contributing to a myriad of health issues in a sort of domino effect, diabetes has oral health ramifications.

Neglecting your teeth can lead to the development of periodontal disease which will lead to tooth and bone loss. There’s a connection between uncontrolled blood glucose levels and the development and severity of periodontitis.12

Those who suffer from either form of diabetes (type 1 or type 2) are also prone to slow wound healing. Infections in the mouth have a higher chance of raging out of control, spreading into the bloodstream, and causing a bigger problem over time.

Dentists are often the first line of defense in a diabetes diagnosis due to changes in the overall health of your mouth.13

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Mental Health, Happy Chemicals, and the Power of Your Smile

Good oral health can affect your mental state as well. A person’s self-image can take a powerful hit if you have stained, rotting teeth and bleeding gums. Missing teeth, the pain from an infected tooth, or crooked teeth make people less inclined to smile.

Smiling releases “happy” chemicals into your body. Neuropeptides send “happiness” signals to your entire body and it promptly releases the “feel good” neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin. These chemicals fight depression, relieve stress, and even reduce pain.14

That’s the reason you feel amazing when you’re smiling and even better when you’re laughing. Your mouth can play a part in your behaviors in ways we might not have considered.

Scientists have proven that the act of smiling is contagious and truly does change your mood (even if you’re pretending to feel happy) as well as the mood of those around you.

You smile, someone smiles back. It’s a lovely reaction that makes you want to smile even more.

Protect Your Memory and Brain Health with Good Oral Care

Inflammation caused by poor oral hygiene has also been linked to an increased risk of dementia and general decrease in brain cognition as you age. Alzheimer’s disease is marked by rampant inflammation in the brain.

New research from the University of Oslo in Norway stated that it is an explosion of oral infections (viral, bacteria, and fungal) in the aging population that should concern us.

Professor Ingar Olsen explained, “Periodontitis constitutes a peripheral oral infection that can provide the brain with intact bacteria and virulence factors and inflammatory mediators. If genetic risk factors meet environmental risk factors in the brain, disease is expressed, in which neurocognition may be impacted, leading to the development of dementia.”15

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Taking care of your mouth health is important to all of you and your continued good health. You might not look forward to going but don’t put off your next dental checkup!

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There’s a lot of information available all over the internet about the health of your mouth and how it affects your body. Some of the most common myths should be dispelled before we get into the hard facts.

• It’s normal for pregnant women’s gums to bleed. Pregnancy is a time when women need to be careful about their overall health. Changes in their bodies can sometimes cause what’s referred to as “pregnancy gingivitis.”

This does not mean that bleeding gums should be ignored, however. During pregnancy, women should be even more diligent about their oral health and schedule an extra cleaning.16

• Bad breath means you have gum disease. While gum disease can be one of the reasons people have bad breath, there are diseases that can cause it as well. Acid reflux and digestive issues have bad breath as an indicator.

The only way to be positive is to have a thorough checkup by a dental professional. If your dentist sees no issues, a follow-up by a general practitioner may be in order.

• Diabetics automatically develop gum disease. Diabetes may make it more difficult to control gum disease but is not necessarily the root cause.

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Diabetics need to be extra careful to take care of their teeth to ensure that they remain healthy.

• Gum disease isn’t common. Gum disease is more common than most people know. In people over the age of 30, up to 47% have some form of gum disease. In adults over the age of 65, that number rises to 64%.

As we get older, our bodies more easily contract infections and that includes infections in the mouth and gums.

• Sugar is the only contributor to poor oral health. There are many factors that cause the breakdown of your tooth enamel and gums. While unchecked sugar consumption is definitely a contributor, there are other issues that are just as dangerous.

Drinking soda, tobacco use, poor brushing or flossing habits, and not getting the right mix of nutrients can all impact the health of your teeth and gums.17

For Oral Health…Start from the Inside Out

Poor oral hygiene can lead to many health issues. However, you might think you’ve been doing a good job. Then you find out that those fillings you got when you were a kid might be causing problems you never considered.

Stained teeth and bad breath are the least of your problems in your mouth.

For more than 150 years, if you had to have a tooth filled to treat a cavity, then your dental professional used mercury amalgam to do it. It is still in use today because it is cheap, easy to use, and lasts forever.18 It is a combination of mercury, silver, tin, and copper.

Like many debates, the dental community is split on this topic.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states, “Dental amalgam contains elemental mercury. It releases low levels of mercury in the form

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of a vapor that can be inhaled and absorbed by the lungs. High levels of mercury vapor exposure are associated with adverse effects in the brain and the kidneys.”

However, they go on to say, “FDA has reviewed the best available scientific evidence to determine whether the low levels of mercury vapor associated with dental amalgam fillings are a cause for concern. Based on this evidence, FDA considers dental amalgam fillings safe for adults and children ages 6 and above. [There is no] association between dental amalgam use and adverse health effects in the general population.”19

They also state that your exposure to mercury is below levels considered “safe” by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The issue is bioaccumulation.

On our planet, elemental mercury is found in soil, water, food, and the air we breathe. Pollution has dumped more of this element into circulation than ever before in human history.

While the mercury in a tooth filling may be at “safe levels,” it is added to the mercury we’re also eating, drinking, and inhaling on a daily basis. Your body doesn’t digest or expel mercury. As with many heavy metals, they are stored in your vital organs.

You see where this is going…

The problem is similar to acetaminophen (Tylenol™, Exedrin™) overdose. Your body can’t get rid of this over-the-counter (OTC) drug. It stores it in your liver.

Perhaps you take an OTC pain med every day or so for those headaches caused by your spouse or allergies or job stress. Then one day, you get a nasty head cold. To fight it, you take an OTC cold and flu product on top of your headache solution.

What you might not realize is that the cold and flu product also contains acetaminophen and your liver suddenly says, “Too much!”

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Acetaminophen overdose is the number one cause of acute liver failure.

The FDA states clearly, “Liver injury from acetaminophen overdose remains a serious public health problem.”20

Not because someone is taking an entire bottle at once but because those doses add up – they bioaccumulate – and one day, your body freaks out and your liver shuts down.

More than 56,000 emergency room visits every year are due to overdose of this compound and 26,000 of those result in extended hospitalization.21

In the United States, this drug is one of the most widely used for pain both in OTC and pharmaceutical prescriptions. It is considered “safe” and “harmless” when taken as directed. Most people give it to children when they get a fever.

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In comparison…

Mercury is known to be highly toxic.

Every scientist, doctor, and government has said that for years that mercury is: not safe - beware. Except for these fillings we’re putting in your mouth…those are fine.

When a lot of us were kids, the dentist called fillings “silver” – and they do contain silver. It was only in the last decade that the public was informed that these fillings have mercury in them as well. In fact, half of the filling consists of mercury.

“Wait. They put mercury in your mouth on purpose? The stuff causing major issues with how much tuna fish people should eat?”

The answer is yes…that mercury.

If this comes as a surprise to you, you are not alone. According to one poll, 72% of those surveyed in the United States didn’t realize their silver fillings contained mercury.22

Mercury’s Effect on Your Heart

Mercury and other heavy metals in your system creates oxidative stress. It generates massive amounts of free radicals and neutralizes your body’s defense mechanisms designed to fight these free radicals.

It accumulates deep within body tissues – which is your body’s defense mechanism to remove and store a toxin before it has a chance to circulate.23

However, once mercury is stored, it is difficult to remove and continues to cause damage. Accumulating within the arteries, it promotes the formation of plaque. It’s been shown to cause damage to the heart valves and the lining of the heart.

By reducing the absorption of calcium in the heart, it reduces the ability for the muscles to contract and pump blood effectively.24

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Mercury destroys red blood cells, reduces blood-oxygen levels, and causes damaged red blood cells to create clots in and around the arteries leading to and from the heart.

This mercury stuff is no good and while the FDA and American Dental Association says it’s safe to place 100 million amalgam fillings in patient mouths annually…most would prefer to be cautious.

Symptoms of Mercury Toxicity

• Irregular heartbeats (tachycardia)

• High blood pressure (hypertension)

• Heart palpitations

• Anemia

• Chest pains (angina) and other cardiac abnormalities

• Rapid aging

• Chronic fatigue

• Muscle weakness

• Central nervous system damage that affects cognition

• Vomiting or nausea

• Changes in mood such as irritability, anxiety, or depression

• Numbness or tingling in extremities

• Hearing or vision dysfunction

• Bowel distress

• Insomnia

• Changes to salivation or gingivitis

Amalgam fillings hide decay occurring beneath them, which isn’t visible by an exam or from an x-ray. Teeth are also more likely to develop cracks beneath and around the silver fillings.

Though many dentists in North America no longer offer amalgam fillings, they continue to insist on their safety. That’s because more than 100 million Americans have silver fillings in their mouths right now.

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Truly, what else can they say?

Composite resin fillings are tooth-colored and the most common replacement for mercury fillings. They’re made of an acrylic resin and while they may need to be replaced in a shorter time than a mercury amalgam, they don’t leech poisons into your body. They’re cosmetically more appealing, safer, and usually a viable alternative.25

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The type of fillings you have in your mouth are only one consideration in your overall oral health as it relates to your heart.

Endocarditis is a serious infection involving the lining of your heart (endocardium), heart valves, and blood vessels. It results in severe inflammation. It is caused by germs and bacteria from around the body that travel through your blood and lodge in your heart.26

Experts estimate that many of the 15,000 cases of endocarditis that occur annually are due to naturally occurring bacteria on your teeth dislodging. These plaques can be knocked loose during a dental procedure, brushing or flossing, or even chewing your food.27

In the mouth, they’re harmless for the most part.

However, when they break free and end up in or around your heart, they present a very different set of problems. Attaching to damaged cells, they begin to multiply in an ideal environment.28 The bacteria form large colonies that result in infection, inflammation, and further damage.29

What has scientists baffled is why your body’s immune response doesn’t destroy the bacteria before they take root and colonize. They theorize that your immune system becomes tolerant of the infectious cells in your mouth. Studies continue to determine the process of the infection.30

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The plaque that forms on your teeth is the same type of plaque that builds up in your cardiovascular system.

One incredible example of this was exhibited during one research study where rabbits were injected with dental plaque. Within minutes, the rabbits began to present with blood clots. The case was discussed at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting.31

Simply put, the plaque on your teeth sloughs off and travels your bloodstream where it adheres to the arterial walls of your heart and other organs.

Scientists around the globe agree that there is a definite link between periodontal diseases and cardiovascular health. There are ways to protect yourself against the potentially harmful effects of periodontal bacteria.

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7 Basic Oral Hygiene Tips

1. Brush your teeth twice every day and do it properly. Making small circles, brush for at least three minutes. Brushing before bed is especially important. Bacteria grow faster while you’re sleeping (your mouth is still) than any other time.

2. Use a soft-bristled brush. A firm toothbrush isn’t going to remove more bacteria and it can cause damage to your gums and enamel. You put small “nicks” in the surface of your teeth, providing the perfect “homes” for bacteria.

3. Replace your toothbrush three times every year. Bristles wear down and no longer do their job.

Focusing on the bacteria that grows on your toothbrush while it sits innocently in your bathroom is going to make all of us incredibly unhappy (just…yuck). Toothbrushes aren’t expensive and they come in 10-packs so stock up.

4. Do not (EVER) share your toothbrush. This is a thing people do. No. No. No. That this even needs to be mentioned is insane. Share a toothbrush, share all the bacteria.

5. Brush your tongue. Back in elementary school, they told us to do this (along with the roof of your mouth and the inside of your cheeks) and it seemed silly.

As it turns out, the level of bacteria that hang out on the bumpy surface is astronomical and everyone should get into this habit.

6. Just floss already. It isn’t the nightmare people make it out to be! There are all kinds of products that make it super convenient now. Dental floss holders, picks, and other flossing tools get between teeth to remove plaque and bacteria that a brush can’t reach.

7. Drink more water! One of the best things you can do for your entire body (head to toe) is hydrating properly. It feeds your cells,

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helps you process foods and nutrients more efficiently, and flushes nasty bacteria (including the ones in your mouth) from your body.

A good rule of thumb is half an ounce for every pound of bodyweight. A person weighing 150 pounds would drink 75 ounces daily. If you work in a hot environment or sweat a lot through the day, double your intake.

Existing Heart Disease and Dental Care

If you already have heart disease, talk to your cardiologist before undergoing any dental procedures. They may recommend you delay a treatment.

It’s imperative that you discuss your current level of health with your dental professional. They need to be aware of your condition and informed of any medications you’re currently taking. Here are a few of the points that could make dental procedures risky for heart patients.

• Anesthesia usage: Epinephrine (found in many anesthetics) may have an adverse effect on patients with heart conditions that include arrhythmia (rapid heartbeat), pain, high blood pressure, and increased risk of heart attack.

• Excessive bleeding: Blood thinners are sometimes prescribed to patients recovering from a heart event. This could cause excessive bleeding during certain procedures in the dental office.

• Anticipatory antibiotics: Patients with certain heart conditions may be required to take an oral antibiotic before you have a dental procedure to lower the risk of infection that leads to inflammation and an increased risk of a heart event.

• Calcium channel blockers: Prescribed for angina (chest pains) this pharmaceutical drug can cause overgrowth of the gums.

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A dentist or oral surgeon may need to perform surgery in order to fix the issue so they should have nitroglycerine and oxygen on hand in case there is a medical emergency.

• Unstable angina: Patients with controlled angina should be able to undergo any dental procedure in a standard office.

Patients with unstable angina, however, should only have major dental surgeries or procedures done in a hospital or in an office capable of monitoring cardiac activity during the treatment.

Maintaining good oral health is important to protect yourself from cavities, gum disease, tooth decay, and now potential cardiac issues.

It can be achieved by more than just brushing and flossing. Changes in your diet and consuming the proper foods at the proper times can assist in keeping your mouth healthy.

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There are foods that play a key role in keeping a healthy smile. Dentists are breaking the stereotype that it’s just sugar and candy that’s bad.32 Some of these foods are even touted as health food or certainly healthier options. These may surprise you.

For a Healthy Mouth, Avoid These Foods!

1. Dried Fruit: Eat fresh or frozen fruit. The more “processing” done to fruit, the less it’s a fruit and more it becomes a candy.

Dried fruit is nothing more than concentrated fruit sugar and should be saved for a treat (because it isn’t a “health” food). They cling to teeth like sticky caramel and trap cavity causing bacteria against your teeth and gums.

2. Garbage Beverages: You’re not going to drink water (or green tea) all the time but the trend in energy drinks, sport drinks, and “vitamin” waters is frightening. Energy drinks have been linked to an increased risk of a heart event and all of them are filled with sugar or artificial sweeteners.

They are also acidic and wear away the enamel on your pearly whites. As for soda, you already know how corrosive, filled with chemicals, and all-around awful for you they are (yes, even the “diet” or “clear” ones). They offer nothing and sap your body of necessary nutrition. Just…don’t.

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3. Simple Starches: This includes foods like crackers, pretzels, candies, baked goods, and potato chips. They convert almost instantly to sugar and stick to the tiny spaces between your teeth.

The stickiness helps them accumulate throughout the day which leads to rampant bacterial growth and bad breath.

There are food choices you can make that are good for your teeth. They help neutralize the acids from other foods you eat, stimulate saliva production, and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to assist in repairing tooth enamel.33

For a Healthy Mouth, Pick These Instead!

1. Cheese: This food is a saliva generator which helps rinse bacteria from teeth. Cheese also contains calcium and phosphates that help neutralize acids. The casein in cheese helps fortify teeth and it’s a good idea to eat a small piece of cheese following a meal to prevent tooth decay.

2. Apples and Oranges: Apples increase saliva production and prevent cavities by scrubbing teeth clean as you eat them. Any high-fiber fruits and vegetables will scrub the teeth until you can brush them properly. Despite the acid contained in oranges, they naturally cleanse your mouth. Any of the fruits in the citrus family are packed with nutrition and will help keep your teeth clean.

3. Yogurt: A probiotic and good for your oral health? Yes! Yogurt is an excellent protein and calcium source that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. Get the plain kind and mix your own fresh or frozen fruit to it.

4. Nuts: They provide essential vitamins and minerals while offering a pleasant crunch we need sometimes. There are many ways to eat them but they’re great as a portable healthy snack you can enjoy anytime, anywhere. Different nuts have different nutrients like vitamin E, potassium, zinc, iron, folic acid, and fiber. Peanuts, almonds, and cashews have high levels of protein and calcium.

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5. Tea: Green and black teas are high in polyphenols that can kill or suppress the bacteria causing damage to your teeth. Polyphenols also have cavity fighting properties. By now, you know that teas are an excellent option for a healthy weight, are good for the heart, and have been linked to strong anti-cancer activity.

6. Fatty Fish: Wild salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources of heart healthy omega-3s, calcium, and vitamin D. All of which are crucial to keeping your heart running at optimal levels. Most people in the United States are omega-3 and vitamin D deficient so enjoy some wild-caught fish tacos in the late-afternoon sunshine and boost your body in twenty minutes!

7. Dark Chocolate! Yeah. Chocolate. Despite the knowledge that sugar and candy are bad for your teeth, dark chocolate containing 70% cacao or higher is good for your teeth. Dark chocolate contains a compound called CBH which is proven to harden tooth enamel. Hard teeth are less susceptible to decay and cavities. Cacao also contains tannins which help prevent inflammation of the gums and aid in circulation as well as disease fighting compounds. Enjoy it in moderation.

All the information on the dental connection to the health of your heart can make us wonder what other issues a dentist can detect.

Surprisingly the state of your mouth can give dental professionals many clues as to the overall state of your body.

There are signs in your mouth that can alert our dentists to potential health problems such as diabetes, dementia, osteoporosis, reflux, and eating disorders.34

Maintaining strong oral health can have a greater effect on your overall health than you might have expected. Therefore, it’s imperative to find a good dental practice and a dentist that you like and are comfortable with seeing. You also want someone willing to listen to your questions and answer them without condescension.

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Every time you’re in the chair, whether it’s for a simple cleaning or a more involved procedure, a dentist should be checking your overall health as well as the health of your teeth and gums.

They can spot issues and recommend that you seek the advice of another physician or specialist.

Spotting potential problems early is important and your dentist and hygienist are all important members of your healthcare team.

Taking a Proactive and Holistic Approach to Your Health

As with so many new discoveries, many of the choices that can protect us from disease or death are options based in common sense. They are often inexpensive and able to be practiced in the privacy of your own home.

Don’t let the word “holistic” become a dirty word in your vocabulary. The negative slant on the word (much like “alternative”) causes people around the world to imagine gnawing on grass, depending on meditation alone to heal cancer, or maybe sipping a bean sprout smoothie in some organic café with Yanni playing his mellow sounds through the speakers.

In reality, the word holistic simply means “whole person.” It is looking at you, at your total health, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. It takes your emotional and mental health into account when treating physical problems.

Holistic means treating the whole person rather than whatever symptoms they manifest. Traditional, alternative, and complimentary methods all have merit, there is a place for all of them at the table.

Your oral health is part of your “whole person” and needs to be considered an important part of your cardiovascular health.

Start today.

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1 World Health Organization: Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) 2 American Dental Association: Smoking and Tobacco 3 Medscape: Diet and Oral Health 4 Your World Natural: 5 Ways Exercise Can Improve Dental Health 5 Washington Post: For Want of a Dentist 6 Washington Post: 5 Years After Boy Dies from Toothache 7 Dummies: Nerves, Blood Vessels, and Lymphatics of the Oral Cavity 8 Science Daily: Bad Oral Hygiene Can Lead to Complications in Pregnancy and Problems For Babies 9 National Institutes of Health: Periodontitis: A risk for delivery of premature labor and low-birth-weight infants 10 Perioeducation: Helping Patients Understand the Important of Oral Health Before and During Pregnancy 11 My Child (CerebralPalsy.org): Infection, Fever, and Pregnancy 12 American Diabetes Association: Diabetes and Periodontal Infection 13 Science Direct: The Relationship Between Oral Health and Diabetes Mellitus 14 Psychology Today: There’s Magic in Your Smile 15 Journal of Oral Microbiology: Can oral infection be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease? 16 Colgate Oral Care Center: Six Myths about Oral Health and Overall Health 17 Medical Daily: Oral Hygiene: 6 Dental Care Myths 18 Department of Pedodontics, BBD College of Dental Sciences, India: The Dental Amalgam Toxicity Fear 19 U.S. Food and Drug Administration: About Dental Amalgam Fillings 20 U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Acetaminophen Overdose and Liver Injury 21 U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Estimates of acetaminophen-associated overdoses in the United States 22 Jonathan B. Levine, DMD, Clinical Prof. NYU, Prosthodontist, Reconstruction & Aesthetic Dentistry 23 The Natural Recovery Plan: Mercury and Cardiovascular Disease: Cause and Effect 24 Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine: Role of mercury toxicity in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and stroke 25 Dentistry Today: Has Resin-Based Composite Replaced Amalgam? 26 Mayo Clinic: Diseases and Conditions: Endocarditis 27 Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry: Endocarditis-associated oral streptococci promote rapid differentiation of monocytes into mature dendritic cells 28 Center for Oral Health and Systemic Disease, University of Louisville Health Sciences Center: TLR2 Transmodulates Monocyte Adhesion and Transmigration via Rac1- and PI3K-Mediated Inside-Out Signaling in Response to Porphyromonas gingivalis Fimbriae 29 Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine: Fimbria-dependent activation of pro-inflammatory molecules in Porphyromonas gingivalis infected human aortic endothelial cells 30 Discovery: How Mouth Bacteria End Up in the Heart 31 Massachusetts Dental Society: A Healthy Mouth Can Mean a Healthier You 32 Ask the Dentist: The 5 Worst Supermarket Foods for Your Teeth 33 Precision Nutrition: The Dental Diet: 10 Nutrition Strategies for Healthy Teeth 34 Everyday Health: 7 Health Problems Your Dentist Can Spot