heathcote ps news · the school ouncil and staff of heathcote primary school acknowledge the...

1 At Heathcote PS we value... Respect Learning Teamwork and Responsibility 31 Herriot St, Heathcote, Vic, 3523 Heathcote PS News Telephone: (03) 5433 3090 Fax: (03) 5433 3091 [email protected] Issue No. 8 1 April 2019 4th April Heathcote Community Games Schools Day Barrack Reserve 10am to 2pm 5th April Last Day Term 1 early dismissal 2pm 22nd April Easter Monday 23rd April Term 2 begins 24th April School Photo Day 25th April ANZAC Day IMPORTANT DATES SWAN HILL CAMP Last week the Grades 3-6’s enjoyed a few days indulging in the acvies at the Swan Hill Pioneer Selement. As well as spending me together and learning skills in coping away from home, our students made the most of their me at the Pioneer Selement and learnt a lot about the 1800’s and early 1900’s and how much different life was back then to now. The students were able to parcipate in the PioneersSchool, learning how to write in script and discovering the differences between school in 1901 and now. On the first night they watched the Heart of the Murray light show where many of the students were amazed by the lights, water and fire displays. On the final day at the selement they driſted down the Murray River, taking in the sights and relaxing before watching a movie at night. But the most enjoyable acvity was the buer churning, where some students described the damper and buer as one of the best meals they ve ever eaten! The Grade 3-6’s along with the teachers had a fantasc me on the camp! Thanks to the staff who aended camp and to parents for ensuring all students were well packed and well prepared. BENDIGO CAMP Our Grade 1/2 Camp to the Discovery Centre also went really well with a lot of visits packed into the two days. A session at the Bendigo Library was a highlight for some and was followed by visits to Palmer s Gym and the Bendigo Fire Staon. Highlights of the camp menoned by the students were the foam pit and the bounce house at the Gym, learning what to do in a fire (get down low and go,go,go), hearing stories at the Library, the vercal slide, pulley chair and the mirror maze at the Discovery Centre, the Queen Elizabeth display at the Art Gallery and climbing to the top of the lookout tower in Rosalind Park. FOUNDATION STUDENTS – New Staff! Last Friday as a special treat, our Foundaon students and Abbey and Ned had their lunch in the Staffroom. The Foundaon students enjoyed pretending that they were the new teachers in the school. They thought they might introduce much longer lunch and playmes!

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Page 1: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to


At Heathcote PS we value... Respect Learning Teamwork and Responsibility

31 Herriot St, Heathcote, Vic, 3523 Heathcote PS

News Telephone: (03) 5433 3090

Fax: (03) 5433 3091

[email protected]

Issue No. 8 1 April 2019

4th April Heathcote Community Games Schools Day Barrack Reserve 10am to 2pm

5th April Last Day Term 1 early dismissal 2pm

22nd April Easter Monday

23rd April Term 2 begins

24th April School Photo Day

25th April ANZAC Day


SWAN HILL CAMP Last week the Grades 3-6’s enjoyed a few days indulging in the activities at the Swan Hill Pioneer Settlement. As well as spending time together and learning skills in coping away from home, our students made the most of their time at the Pioneer Settlement and learnt a lot about the 1800’s and early 1900’s and how much different life was back then to now.

The students were able to participate in the Pioneers’ School, learning how to write in script and discovering the differences between school in 1901 and now. On the first night they watched the Heart of the Murray light show where many of the students were amazed by the lights, water and fire displays. On the final day at the settlement they drifted down the Murray River, taking in the sights and relaxing before watching a movie at night. But the most enjoyable activity was the butter churning, where some students described the damper and butter as one of the best meals they’ve ever eaten!

The Grade 3-6’s along with the teachers had a fantastic time on the camp!

Thanks to the staff who attended camp and to parents for ensuring all students were well packed and well prepared.

BENDIGO CAMP Our Grade 1/2 Camp to the Discovery Centre also went really well with a lot of visits packed into the two days. A session at

the Bendigo Library was a highlight for some and was followed by visits to Palmer’s Gym and the Bendigo Fire Station.

Highlights of the camp mentioned by the students were the foam pit and the bounce house at the Gym, learning what to do

in a fire (get down low and go,go,go), hearing stories at the Library, the vertical slide, pulley chair and the mirror maze at

the Discovery Centre, the Queen Elizabeth display at the Art Gallery and climbing to the top of the lookout tower in Rosalind



Last Friday as a special treat, our Foundation students and Abbey and Ned had their lunch in

the Staffroom. The Foundation students enjoyed pretending that they were the new teachers

in the school. They thought they might introduce much longer lunch and playtimes!

Page 2: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to





Audrey McFadzean


Tylie Schroeder



No birthdays this week



Audrey McFadzean


SCHOOL PHOTOS School photos will be taken on Wednesday 24th April—day two next term. An information flyer is attached to the News-letter. All families will need to use the online booking and payment facility. Please contact the school with any queries. KITCHEN GARDEN Last week in Kitchen Garden, our P/1/2 students had some time learning how to prepare and cook bread. It was a great chance to begin their journey in the Kitchen Garden Program and they certainly looked and sounded like the session was a hit. The students cooked bread made into the first letter of their name. It was ‘the best bread ever’. A big thank you to all of our parent and community helpers who have assisted in the Kitchen Garden this term. You have provided significant support. We look forward to your continued involvement in Term Two. ASSEMBLY Our Assembly this Friday will be from 9.00—9.30 because of our early dismissal on Friday. EASTER HAT PARADE On Friday at Assembly, students are encouraged to wear a decorated Easter hat and take part in a pa-rade. Some of the younger students will be making their hats at school, while older students are en-couraged to gather some bits and pieces from home and create an Easter hat to bring along.


As we are a SunSmart school, students will continue to need hats in the yard until the end of April. Don't forget the five key SunSmart reminders - slip, slop, slap, slide and shade.


A reminder that students cannot having access to phones or phone devices during the school day as per our school policy. A copy of the policy is on page 5. Any phone device should be left in the school office on arrival and picked up at the end of the day. If communication needs to be carried out during the day it should be done via staff or through the office.


Students will dismissed at 2.00pm on Friday for the end of term. The School Bus will run earlier than normal on Friday.


As this will be my last newsletter, I would like to say thank you to all staff, students and parents for making me feel very wel-come. You have a lovely school and I have very much enjoyed the term. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and en-courage you all to enjoy some nice family time over the holidays.

Lex Johnstone

Page 3: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to


Grades 3-6 Camp

Page 4: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to


Grades 1-2 Camp

Page 5: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to




To establish the protocols for the acceptable use of mobile phones.


The School Council and Staff acknowledge that the use of mobile phones while children are at school is not

necessary. In these circumstances both parents and students have access to each other through the

normal communication channels at school.

Parents are able to contact the school to pass on messages to children to alter plans or to ensure their safe-

ty in cases of family emergency. Children can be called to the phone if it is urgent the parents need to

speak to the child.

Mobile phone cameras are not to be used by parents or students in banned spaces such as toilets, changing

rooms or swimming pools. They cannot be used to film people and their activities without their

knowledge or permission.

The School Council and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the

safety of their children. The ability for children to be able to contact parents in cases of emergency or

danger is essential. Access to mobile phones by children before or after school has become a useful

tool for families to keep in contact with each other.


Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones to school.

If for some extenuating circumstance, a student needs to occasionally bring a mobile phone to school, the

following will apply:

The school accepts no responsibility for the theft, breakage or loss of phones. Under no circumstances

are the mobile phones to be used while at school.

Phones must be handed into the Office on arrival at school. Any emergency contact with parents can be

arranged through the class teacher or office.

The school accepts no responsibility for the exchange of contact details between students however use of

these details for prank calls, harassment or bullying will be dealt with through normal behaviour

management procedures.

Students who attend camps or excursions will not be permitted to take phones. Teachers carry a school

mobile phone to be used in the case of emergency. In a camp situation, emergency contact details will

be made available to parents prior to departure.

DET does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it will not pay for any loss or

damage to such property. Staff and students are therefore discouraged from bringing any unnecessary

or particularly valuable items to school.

Page 6: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to


Page 7: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to


Booking forms


available from

the office.

Note that the


varies at each


Page 8: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to


Page 9: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to


Page 10: Heathcote PS News · The School ouncil and Staff of Heathcote Primary School acknowledge the importance parents place on the safety of their children. The ability for children to