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Heaven Knows WhatAstrological Report for Steve Irwin

by Grant Lewi

Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Seasons of Your Life

All the Best Astrology Reports at the Best Prices!

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Your Chart Data

Name: Steve Irwin

Date: Feb 22, 1962

Time: 12:00:00 PM PDT +07:00

Place: Melbourne,AUS

144E58'00" 37S49'00"

Here are the elements of your birth chart or horoscope calculated for the moment you

were born. The horoscope provides a permanent record of what surrounded life at its

beginning. It is the blueprint from which the following interpretations are read.

Natal Chart for Steve Irwin Koch House System

Sun in Pisces, at 03° 41', in the first house.

Moon in Libra, at 08° 43', in the eighth house.

Mercury in Aquarius, at 08° 31', in the twelfth house.

Venus in Pisces, at 10° 03', in the first house.

Mars in Aquarius, at 16° 15', in the twelfth house.

Jupiter in Aquarius, at 22° 52', in the first house.

Saturn in Aquarius, at 05° 50', in the twelfth house.

Uranus in Leo, at 28° 16', in the seventh house.

Neptune in Scorpio, at 13° 28', in the ninth house.

Pluto in Virgo, at 08° 59', in the seventh house.

Midheaven in Scorpio, at 14° 38'.

Ascendant in Aquarius, at 21° 17'.

Interpretation text is from Heaven Knows What and Astrology for the Millions

both by Grant Lewi and published by Llewellyn Publications.

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Horoscope of Birth

Your horoscope of birth is the blueprint of your personality and character as indicated by

the position of the Sun, the Moon and the eight planets on the date of your birth. This

section is devoted to each of these members of the solar system.

The planets are the antennae and arms of the horoscope, of which the body and soul

are the Sun and Moon. No planet will ever cause you to act counter to the testimony of

the Sun and Moon in their combined influence on you. Remember this when you proceed

with the following readings. All planetary vibration must be considered in light of the

basic solar-lunar readings, for these are your character, your basic nature, which the

planets will help or hinder but cannot materially change.

According to the sign position of your Sun, one planet will be more important than

the others and should probably be read first. Your Sun is in Pisces and your dominant

planet is Jupiter (and Neptune). Not only the action of this ruling planet will be very

important in your life, but also the attribute over which it rules. Thus Gemini, ruled by

Mercury, lives a great deal in the senses; Libra, ruled by Venus, responds most readily to

emotional stimuli; and so on. Study your ruler carefully.

Remember in all planetary readings that they work within the pattern of your solar-

lunar nature; never against it. The synthesis of your horoscope from the following series

of paragraphs to a working unit depends on your keeping this in mind, which will enable

you to weld all the readings into a unified and significant whole.

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Libra

Your aesthetic qualities are strongly marked; you strive for self-expression through

the arts or through religion or philosophy. Whatever you go in for, you have a sort of

consecrated and devotional attitude toward it. You are strongly sensuous, and you give

whatever you touch a romantic and idealistic glamour. Appeal to the emotions rather than

to the intellect is your aim or should be your aim. Intellectually, you are capable of taking

a fine education, but you are fundamentally not an intellectual but an intuitive type. You

can drown your gifts in a sea of facts, and verbiage if you go in for too technical matters.

Your control can be over the hearts, rather than over the minds, of men and when your

intellect is working under the spell of inspiration you can produce marvels that strike to

the roots of humanity with a strange eerie quality. You should not go in for spiritualism,

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mediumship, or mysticism of any sort, for this can gain a great hold on you; but you

should develop an automatic quality to what you say, do, write, or speak, for your best

self comes out when you are completely off guard. You have a deep and active

subconscious, and to bring about the fluent expression of it, unhindered by the world and

even by intellectual considerations, should be your aim. You are capable of falling into

bad emotional muddles through a sort of irritating consciousness that you aren't working

as a unit and of trying to rationalize yourself out of them. As a matter of fact,

rationalization is one of your worst enemies. You can believe anything which it suits your

emotional purposes to believe and, under stress of disappointment, frustration, or slow

progress, can further impede your getting ahead by thinking too much, analyzing too

much, and acting too little on impulse.

You are one of the few people in the world who is best when undisciplined, for

although a certain amount of education and self-control is necessary, you tend to press

yourself into a mold more completely than is necessary, and to set up complexes due to

the repression. Contrary to psychoanalytical dogma, in your case this is not sexual

repression but emotional and intellectual repression. You need to let go, internally, so that

the expression which is so important to you may flow of its own volition. When you do

this you will be amazed at the increased happiness, fluency, and success of your life.


The Sun indicates the appearance you will present before the world and the

psychological bias which will dominate your actions. What you seem, and why, are told

in the reading for your Sun. In many ways the Sun is the dominant force in your

horoscope and in your life. Other influences, especially that of the Moon, may modify the

Sun's influence, but nothing will cause you to depart very far from the basic solar pattern.

For this reason a whole literature and a whole business have grown up around Sun-sign

astrology; and many people exist who think there is nothing more to the horoscope than

knowing what "sign you were born in" and what the Sun in that sign means. This is a

mistake, as you will discover when you have read the influence of the other bodies. But

throughout your reading, keep in mind always the basic influence of the Sun, and

remember that all other influences must be interpreted in terms of it, especially in so far

as other influences play a visible role in your life. You may think, dream, imagine, hope

to be a thousand things, according to your Moon and your other planets, but the Sun is

what you are, and to be your best self in terms of your Sun is to cause your energies to

work along the path in which they will have maximum help from planetary vibrations.

Sun in Pisces

"Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of

celestial fire, conscience."

George Washington, born in Pisces, February 22,


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"The humblest citizen of all the land, when clad in the armor of a

righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error."

William Jennings Bryan, born in Pisces, March 19, 1860.

Pisces seeks salvation within himself, striving always for self-sufficiency, self-

knowledge and effacement of self. His aim is deep and worthy, and if he does not

succeed, it is because of the difficulty of the goal rather than because he does not try. His

early aim appears material, because he knows instinctively that the search for self goes on

most successfully if physical wants are not a source of worry. But he is not always

equipped by nature for the give-and-take of commerce, and often feels himself a failure

when he should not. His "failure" is more often than not that of a square peg in a round

hole. When he finds his noncommercial place of service, love, understanding, he goes far

toward the deep kind of satisfaction that is his personal, and therefore his true, success.

Because his aim is different, he tries ill-advisedly to accommodate himself to what he

thinks he ought to be instead of following what his heart and instinct tell him. And

because he wishes deeply to do the right thing, he becomes confused about his true aims

and gets bewildered and lost in the business of living. It all comes about because he has

forgotten the stir, small voice - because he has allowed himself to be distracted from his

true desires - and because in following an uncongenial and unfamiliar path his feet

stumble. He thinks he is misunderstood - but this is true only because he misunderstood

himself, tried to palm himself off for something that he wasn't, and found he didn't have

the heart to go through with it. When he is being his truest, deepest self he is crystal clear

- unselfish, sweet, lovable, devoted, demanding little, giving much, eager always to

sacrifice himself for others.

It is only in the presence of the material world, when Pisces tries to submerge the

sweetness which he may come to be ashamed of, that he is unhappy. It is then that he

becomes demanding, jealous, unreliable, self-deceived and perhaps even deceptive-

because he is trying to force his meditative spirit into a harness where it must try to be

something it isn't. Let Pisces follow his heart, his conscience, his inner desire for service,

self-realization and self-knowledge, and the world be damned, and he is the happiest,

most useful of mortals, living comfortably with deep spiritual truths that give him an

almost mystic grip on other people and on the reins of his own life.

Following are the aspects to your Sun. In a general way, the trines and sextiles to your

Sun make ease, contentment, happiness, luck; while squares and oppositions give you

energy, drive, success, ambition. Conjunctions bring both energy and luck, and are

translatable in terms of whether the Sun receives squares or trines, along with the

conjunction. Similarly, squares and trines to the Sun together bring success through work

and perseverance, and luck develops in proportion to the work done and the effort


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Sun Conjunct Venus Orb: 06°22'

You are popular, a favorite with the other sex, with a robust magnetism and fire to

your personality that comes from high good spirits, and a sort of all-pervading optimism

and good fellowship. In a woman's horoscope this will give you more than your share of

admirers, and they will have good financial and social backgrounds; girls with this

position generally marry above their station without sacrificing love. Women under this

aspect frequently trip to the altar with the boss or his son. In a man's horoscope you are a

favorite with women, lucky in love and in other things too; loyal, devoted, and ardent, the

prototype of the Great Lover. Idealism lends a curious glamour to your appearance, for

you are easy to look at, and your idealism sticks out all over you, throwing a kind of

magnetic aura around you. It's sex appeal but also something more idealistic than that -

the appeal of a Janet Gaynor rather than of a Mae West. You love nice things and have an

exquisite, as well as a lavish, taste. In both emotional and material matters this is a highly

intensifying influence and will heighten and tend to improve any other aspects to the Sun

or to Venus.

Sun Opposite Uranus Orb: 05°25'

You've sown your wild oats - and how! Your intellectual development was a good

deal in advance of your emotional development, and as a result you had ideas, notions,

theories, of independence and of human relations which you put into practice,

considerably to the despair of your elders. You're a liberal in every way, with advanced

social, political, and personal ideas. Individualism is very important to you, and your own

ego comes first. As you grow older this outlook broadens from the purely personal to the

more general; you turn from egocentric to humanitarian, interested in large ideas, large

groups of people, social problems in the large. With your Mercury conjunct Saturn and

Sun conjunct Venus, your mental outlook is very inclusive, developing out of a strictly

selfish rut into a genuine feeling for humanity. This is one of the aspects of idealism but

on its way to that state it goes through many ramifications. You have been dejected and

depressed and discouraged; probably you've had your share of unconventional and erratic

love affairs. You always tend to be something of a romantic; no matter how much you

control, or how much you learn to translate the personal into the impersonal, an

adventurous spirit keeps gnawing at you. This is the aspect of Ulysses, forever wandering

the seas - even when he's sitting by his hearth with Penelope. This adventurous urge,

leashed and controlled and directed by a sound mind such as is indicated by your

Mercury conjunct Saturn and Sun conjunct Venus, will produce works of art, for the

creative urge is powerful, with a touch of inspirationalism. Translate your

adventuresomeness to intellectual, rather than geographical or personal variety, and the

world is at your feet.

In any case, you have a periodically explosive temper and must learn the lessons of

cooperation both with the world in general and with individuals. You tend to think that

you are right and all the rest of the world is crazy, which may be true but doesn't make

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much of a hit with the world.Sun Trine Neptune Orb: 09°47'

Your emotional and intellectual sides are nicely blended and give you a good deal of

quiet charm and magnetism. Your intuitions are strong, and your critical faculties are

aided by innate good taste. You are likely to have the wish to create artistically, but this

aspect alone will not bring the power, though if other aspects to the Sun, Moon, Venus,

and Mercury show creative powers, this will materially aid their expression and help to

bring recognition. You have in any case a genuine appreciation for beauty, poetry, and

music and will be found among the patrons of art galleries, operas, concerts, and the

theater. This aspect also supports the health and aids the general material welfare.

Sun Opposite Pluto Orb: 05°18'

Power is important to you but, without introspection, this power is likely to be a

"bluff," a show you put on to impress others. With introspection, you can use your clear

perspective on your motivations to give a solid sense of purpose and determination to

everything you do. Hidden resentments can trip up even your most well-intentioned

actions, so self-knowledge is essential for success. Winning is important to you, so you

could become a master of tricks and manipulation. The lesson is the proper application of

power, so that success comes through the use of your magnetism and inner strength rather

than through the use of dirty tricks. Try to be for things as intensely as you are against



While the Sun's position by sign determines what motives and urges dominate your

life as it meets the naked eye, the sign position of the Moon tells the desire of your heart

which may or may not be expressed or realized in your life. When you "know what you

mean but you can't say it," it is your Moon that knows it and your Sun that can't say it.

"Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears" are the thoughts of your Moon's nature.

The wordless ecstasy, the mute sorrow, the secret dream, the esoteric picture of yourself

that you can't get across to the world, or which the world doesn't comprehend or value -

these are the products of the Moon in your horoscope. When you are misunderstood, it is

your Moon nature, expressed imperfectly through the Sun sign, that you feel is betrayed.

When you know what you ought to do, but can't find the right way to do it, it is your

Moon that knows and your Sun that refuses to react in harmony. Also, when you "don't

know why I said that," it was your Moon expressing despite your Sun (if you are innerly

satisfied with the involuntary speech), or the Sun expressing against the will of the Moon

(if you are displeased with what has slipped out). Things you know without thought -

intuitions, hunches, instincts - are the products of the Moon. Modes of expression that

you feel are truly your deepest self belong to the Moon: art, letters, creative work of any

kind; sometimes love; sometimes business. Whatever you feel is most deeply yourself,

whether or not you are able to do anything about it in the outer world, is the product of

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your Moon and of the sign your Moon occupies at birth.

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Moon in Libra

This is a Cinderella position, for no matter what humble hearth you may slave over,

the vision of yourself as you see it is one of elegance, grace and refinement. So strong is

this vision, so eager are you to make it a reality, and so genuine is the aristocracy of your

spirit that more likely than not the fairy godmother (who is no more than the angel of

your own graces) actually appears to carry you to the heights you dream of. You are one

of nature's gentlefolk, and the privileged picture of yourself that you carry in your heart

finds its expression in courtesy, graciousness and kindness to everyone. You should never

forget your best dream of yourself, or allow the true kindliness and gentleness of your

nature to be balked by a blustering exterior. Dare to be true should be your motto. Your

courage should be the courage of sympathy and understanding, which you have in such

great abundance. Be no more and no less than your heart tells you to be: your instincts are

sound, especially in the realm of human relations, and since your special genius lies in

this realm, you should follow your instincts unfalteringly. This position gives a peculiar

elusive sweetness to the nature, a curious charm to the speech and manner, and allows the

best of the inner self to shine before the world, which is brightened and made happier by

it. It strengthens the chart of a woman by giving elegance to the expression of the

feminine graces; and, in a man, adds depth, strength and character to his masculinity if he

is not ashamed to admit to the gentler qualities he possesses.

Your personality is charming, magnetic; you are clear-thinking, but you lack inner

concentration drive and force.

Moon Trine Mercury Orb: 00°12'

This is a good aspect for sound common sense, strengthening the sanity of the mind

and giving you the power to absorb knowledge readily and quickly. You are inquisitive,

eager, intelligent, an apt student, and a good conversationalist, witty and apt in

expression, logical and reasonable. You have some adaptability for business, especially

salesmanship. You can succeed in one of the "vocal" occupations, such as speaking or

radio announcing. You have manual aptitude and can do things with your hands, although

you'd rather use your mind. Through cleverness you can generally succeed in life without

too much hard work for you're a good talker and can sell yourself as well as your product,

which eases the road for you.

Moon Trine Mars Orb: 07°32'

You have a vigorous mind - sharp, quick, and satiric - and a clipped manner of

speech. You have an aggressive spirit which may or may not be manifest in your actions,

but which causes your plans to soar and your ideas to expand. You have good control

over your passions, which are strong; and use your anger to good purpose. You are a

dangerous enemy because your fires are leashed and directed to go to the mark. You have

a very brilliant mind. In a man's horoscope this gives an aggressive wife, possibly a

shrew, who none the less is good for him, stimulating him to action at the same time that

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she makes him mad.

Moon Trine Saturn Orb: 02°53'

Character is your strong point: you have a keen sense of right and wrong. Your ideas

run along conventional lines; you belong to the conservative, right-wing, pillar-of-society

group, believing in noblesse oblige rather than in socialism. You incline to be serious,

sober, a trifle proud and reserved, and maybe a little forbidding. Life is real and life is

earnest to you, and you take yourself rather seriously. You inherit your mental traits

directly from your mother, resembling her and her side of the family in your internal

make-up if not in your appearance. Duty is important to you; you will never shirk a job

and are capable of considerable self-sacrifice if you think your duty requires it. You are

able to achieve this without self-pity, taking certain obligations for granted as your lot in

life and approaching them with sobriety and philosophy. Concentrative powers are not

strongly marked, and you have some tendency merely to accept what comes in the way of

duty, without going out and creating opportunities for yourself. You lack aggression and

that eternal tension that pushes men and women to the heights. Relaxation and

contentment are your two worst enemies, for although they keep you from the blows of

the world and allow you to maintain inner poise and calm, they also keep you from

getting too far ahead. If you aren't contented you are likely to go on being discontented

for a long time without doing anything about it. Control the restlessness of your body and

put some restlessness into your mind, your spirit. What you need to do is work up steam

in the boiler so that the engine can get places.


Mercury is the sense-impression antennae of your horoscope. His position by sign

indicates your reactions to sights, sounds, odors, tastes and touch impressions, affording a

key to the attitude you have toward the physical world around you. Mercury is the

messenger through which your physical body and brain (the Sun) and your inner nature

(the Moon) are kept in contact with the outer world, which will appear to you according

to the index of Mercury's position by sign in the horoscope.

Mercury in Aquarius

All your senses are keen, alert, strong and sensitive. There is a robustness about your

contemplation of the real world that is not injured by a very keen sense of beauty. Your

great ability is to see beauty in things without finding it necessary to deny their reality.

Conversely, you make all useful things as beautiful as possible and thus believe in the

utility of art and the art of utility. Nothing real is likely to be offensive to you if it has a

use; you will smell the odors of a pigsty less than others because you are thinking of

bacon rather than of filth. But on the other hand, the beauty of an army will leave you

cold because you will shudder at the slaughter. Your sense reactions are conditioned by a

rugged and realistic approach to experience that causes you to regard everything you see,

hear and touch in the light of your appraisal of its utilitarian and artistic merits, and little

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reaches you through the senses without passing through this nicely balanced court of


Mercury Conjunct Mars Orb: 07°44'

You have a quick, brilliant mind, a sharp penetrating insight and grasp of

mathematical and scientific intricacies. You also have an abrupt manner of speech, not

marked by diplomacy. Facts interest you, not speculations; you speak your mind and can

make trouble for yourself by this quality. You are contentious, loving a good argument.

Ease of perception and quickness of grasp open the doors of knowledge to you readily.

Your mind develops fluently and with much promise.

Confusion and erratic actions disintegrate the early promise. Serious errors of

judgment will crack in a minute the foundations of your progress, and you have to guard

every move you make and every decision you arrive at with the most careful of judgment.

Mercury Conjunct Saturn Orb: 02°40'

You have a deep, precise, and above all serious mental outlook, ranging from the

profound to the melancholy but never frivolous or light. Knowledge is sacred to you. The

Law is the Law. You stick by the Code as you understand it. You have a mystic bent,

intuitive, inspirational, and with flashes of deep wisdom, perhaps in science, religion, or

philosophy. With your Mercury square Neptune the sobriety of this aspect is preserved;

you are still profound and deep-running enough but the depth may turn to trickery in

mental processes and the moral sense be somewhat upset. There is danger of

melancholia. You are an impressive speaker and logician, whether you're fighting on the

side of the angels or against them. A certain power and authority, amounting almost to

pompousness, attaches to your manner of speech. You don't merely say things, you state

them; and this has its effect on your listeners, who will have to have strong wills not to

fall in line with your subtle reasoning. You can outguess most people, and, being

suspicious, are rarely fooled. You have it in you to bamboozle the world. Nobody is ever

going to sell you any gold bricks or phony oil stock.

Mercury Square Neptune Orb: 04°58'

You are a daydreamer. You think abstract and impractical thoughts which you weave

into a web of reality but can't put into practice. You love beauty, music, and art and

should try to master the creative technique of one of these to put your inspirational

faculties to work. You have difficulty concentrating. You are easily distracted, not so

much by things or people around you as by the wandering tendencies of your own mind.

Even when you are shut up alone in a quiet room, little is likely to be accomplished.


Venus is the emotional antenna of your horoscope. Through Venus, impressions

come to you from the outer world because of which you feel and react emotionally. The

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position of Venus by sign at the time of your birth gives the key to your attitude toward

these emotional experiences. As Mercury is the messenger linking sense impressions

(sight, smell, etc.) to the basic nature of your Sun and Moon, so Venus is the messenger

linking emotional impressions. Venus is in the same sign with your Sun; emotions gain

importance in your life, having a direct bearing on your actions and generally causing

you to put your best foot forward.

Venus in Pisces

Your response to emotional stimuli is a good deal deeper than you are able to get

across to those you love. What you feel is difficult for you to express, and frequently you

are misunderstood and imposed on because of this. Your muscles react to emotional

stimuli - your impulse is to do something for the loved one, to run errands, give presents;

and you get genuine joy from the giving. Your judgment of people isn't too good; this is

because your deepest interest is in your emotions for their own sake, and secondarily in

the person on whom they are fixed. As a result they frequently fix on someone not

especially interested in you, and you may lavish a lot of emotion and attention before you

find out that your love is not reciprocated. Your own responses are true and fine; you

expect the same of others-and must learn to estimate others better in order to get back

from the world some fair return for all the devotion you give to it.

Venus Trine Neptune Orb: 03°25'

You are romantic, charming, alluring - and impressionable. You are idealistic, always

looking for perfection in your sweethearts and in the world and blissfully certain that

even though it may elude you, it's there and will be found eventually. You are more

trusting than erring mankind deserves. You can be fooled by one person and, in the

twinkling of an eye, trust someone else who may be even less trustworthy. You are

attracted to out-of-the-way people - waifs and strays, down-and-outers, and can get

yourself into a lot of trouble by believing in crooks, frauds, sensationalists, adventurers,

and out-right seducers. Unless you lead a pretty sheltered life you will be taken in and

shaken down at some time or other. Much deception and treachery occurs with respect to

love matters. This is one of the supporting factors for material luck in life. You may

enjoy great wealth.

Venus Opposite Pluto Orb: 01°04'

You are more aware of love's burdens than its bliss. You do want a permanent,

growing love relationship, but you seem to attract the type of people who aren't willing to

give as much as you need. With time you will learn the positive meanings of love, which

will be all the more precious to you because you already know the pains. One of the

things you may become more aware of as you experience love is that your relationships

reflect your own inner turmoil; as soon as you start respecting yourself as you are now,

you will find that you attract a giving, loving person more easily. Marriage could occur

out of a strong need for financial and emotional security. Some of your love affairs could

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be secret ones, possibly with married persons. An intense love affair for which you are

forced to give your all could bring about a transformation.


Mars is the energy principle in the horoscope. His position by sign indicates the

channels into which energy will naturally flow, and the uses to which energy will most

easily be directed. It is the planet through which the activities of the Sun and the desires

of the Moon express in action - through which your body and your mind react to the

sense impressions of Mercury and the emotional impressions of Venus.

Mars in Aquarius

Your energies flow into social channels which may be quite idealistic or quite

personal. The more idealistic you can make them, the more you can prevent the social

urges from becoming centered in yourself, the greater will be your success and happiness.

There is a constant struggle within you between self and others; you are a pretty high-

strung person. To translate your energies away from nerves and into channels of material

and social progress is to achieve the best that this position has to offer. You have

constantly to fight a curious trend toward introversion, for as indicated by all the

positions of Mars in the fixed signs, you may become set in your ways and your desires,

and must therefore see to it that your desires reside primarily outside yourself, in the

world of material affairs. If you run into difficulties with the world - and you often do,

one way or another - you will tend to feel sorry for yourself, and perhaps to console

yourself in ways that block your progress. Genuine humanitarianism is your best role;

whether you are in business, a profession or the arts, gear your energies to thoughts of

others, and rest assured that the benefits of your efforts will thus come back to you, like

bread cast on the waters.

Mars Conjunct Jupiter Orb: 06°37'

You have energy, dash, fire, enthusiasm, and magnetism. The creative urge is

powerful in you. You have the sort of personality that less fortunate mortals pray for, and

even if you don't do anything but sit on the side lines of life you give the impression that

you could play the game with the best of them if you wanted to. You have mentality and

ability of an extraordinary order.

This is a condition of luck in life. If you aren't making money through your own

efforts then it's being left to you, or in some way put into your hands - through which it

speedily flows out again.

Mars Square Neptune Orb: 02°46'

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This aspect accompanies spiritual thought and spiritual leadership and is found in the

executives of the Church and of spiritual and occult organizations as well as occasionally

among great military leaders who have an unusually magnetic personal hold over their

men. It gives you a spiritual insight into the affairs of earth, and a practical viewpoint

about ideas of heaven. You are conscious of the two worlds which are not separate

entities to you but related and integrated parts of the same whole. Thus, in strong

executive horoscopes, this spiritual-practical approach gives your personality the ring of

authenticity and divine right. You speak "not as the Scribes and Pharisees, but as one

having authority," and you somewhat overawe those who come in contact with you.

Whatever possibilities your horoscope shows, this will lend subtle but powerful force to it

and give you a grip on the minds and hearts of men that is invaluable.


Jupiter is the feeler you have out in the world for opportunity. Through it the chances

of a lifetime are passed along for consideration according to the basic nature of Sun and

Moon. Jupiter's sign position indicates the places in which you will look for opportunity,

the uses to which you wish to put it, and the capacity you have to react to and profit by it.

Jupiter is ordinarily, and erroneously, called the Planet of Luck. It is "luck" in so far as it

is the index of opportunity; but your luck depends less on what comes to you (Jupiter)

than on what you do with it (the total personality). Opportunity appeals to you along lines

laid down by your Jupiter. Jupiter is in the same sign with Mercury, sense impressions

are interpreted opportunistically - what you see and hear is grist to your mill; this also

makes for considerable stubbornness and hardheadedness. Jupiter is in the same sign with

Mars, you follow opportunity with energy, dash, enthusiasm and courage, take long

chances and play your cards wide open.

Jupiter in Aquarius

This position causes you to see opportunity in very broad social, artistic, political

matters. If your aim gets broader than your capacities - and it may! - you can be a drifter

with high principles and little to show for them. If your abilities are up to your aims, you

go far, for then you will see opportunity in all manner of big public things, and the free

flow of your energies in these directions will lead effortlessly to success. Nothing is too

big for you to envision, and even if it's too big for you to tackle or master, you dare to

think about it. Air castles can be your downfall; you have to strive continuously to find

the practical if rough methods by which they may be constructed into houses of earth.

You are capable of passing up financial chances if they interfere with your larger aims.

You have to learn the value of security because this position doesn't give it to you. Your

tendency is to see life through the wrong end of the opera glasses; realities recede in

favor of other things, and a liberal dose of the earth is necessary somewhere else in the

chart if this position is to contribute to success.

Jupiter Opposite Uranus Orb: 05°25'

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You are expansive in your imagination and plans, thinking up huge business

structures and schemes which may or may not have practical merit to them. As often as

not they are visionary, radically advanced, and out of step with business as it really is.

Your organization of material, men, or business is likely to be brilliant but unsound. You

are a visionary and must continuously hold yourself down to reality. If other indications

in the horoscope show a strong practical bent, this will add zest and flair to it, but if there

are romantic, adventurous, or flighty tendencies, you will be going off on unfeasible

tangents that are costly in money as well as energy. Sudden losses due to this

unsoundness are likely to fall on you and, in both schemes and financial matters, you

should stay away from the long-shot gambles that are so tempting to you.

Jupiter Square Neptune Orb: 09°24'

You are a good deal of a visionary, idealistic in matters of philosophy and religion,

with a kind of nebulous and unsound approach to abstract matters. You are capable of

believing in things that never were on land or sea. A strata of mysticism underlies your

thinking, a mist of unreality gets between your eyes and the outer world. Concrete

evidence should be your constant aim, and you should forget the Pauline definition of

faith as "the evidence of things unseen," for you are all too prone to believe and must

cultivate skepticism. In material and personal matters this makes you pretty gullible, and,

unless other indications show a marked degree of suspicion and shrewdness, this will get

you into trouble and cause losses. Even with the most practical of indications you will

have periodic fits of playing hunches or inspirations that will be costly. Stay away from

seances, spiritualism, abstract philosophy, and religion, and pin your thinking, your

emotions, and your business strictly down to earth.


Saturn indicates the direction that will be taken in life by the self-preservative

principle which, in its highest manifestation, ceases to be purely defensive and becomes

ambitious and aspirational. Your defense, or attack, against the world is shown by the

sign position of Saturn in the horoscope of birth. Saturn is in the same sign with your

Mercury, you have profound and serious reaction to sense impressions; this position

generally accompanies a deep and efficient mind. Saturn is in the same sign with your

Mars, confusion between defensive and aggressive urges can make an indecisive person -

or, if Sun and Moon are strong, and total personality well developed, a balanced, peaceful

and calm individual of sober judgment and moderate actions. Saturn is in the same sign

with your Jupiter, reaction to opportunity is sober and balanced.

Saturn in Aquarius

You seek self-justification and acclaim and material success very much as Saturn in

Capricorn, but aren't likely to be so hard boiled about it. Saturn in Aquarius wants fame,

recognition and power, but is more concerned with keeping the good opinion of other

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people in getting it and will rarely if ever hurt them. This position adds gentleness and

strength to any chart: the ego requires the approval of society for its own justification -

requires the good opinion of men more than their obedience, and is willing to trade

respect for love. The social urge in this way is strong, and Saturn in Aquarius will spend

a lot of time justifying its transgressions (which may be numerous) and making

explanations and excuses for shortcomings. Since society is important to you, you tend to

assume that you are important to society, and if your whole chart is very passive, you

may come to think that it owes you a living and that your existence is best justified when

you are collecting unearned increment. This is an inversion of the urge to serve society

which is the best Saturn-in-Aquarius type of self-vindication. If this goes into reverse,

you're vindicated when you enable society to demonstrate its goodness with you as the

recipient. To cultivate the social urges on their positive side, to seek the approval of men

for progressive and constructive works, to accept responsibility to society as your true

means of self-justification, is to live up to the best of this idealistic position of Saturn.

Saturn Square Neptune Orb: 07°38'

Ambition has a way of going to sleep on you. A sense of your own power works

subtly inward giving you a peculiar brand of good opinion of yourself, which likely as

not you don't get around to doing anything about. A sort of mystic faith in your own

worth pervades your thinking - you know you could do it if you wanted to, but you have

to fight to want to. This will prop self-confidence if other things show aggression, but it

will forestall accomplishment if you do not integrate your purposes and translate them by

will power and a set goal, into action.


Uranus in a general way relates to the neuro-mentality, creative originality or

individuality, and his position by sign in the horoscope tells the direction along which

you will seek to express your most characteristic self in creative and original effort.

Uranus in Leo

This position represents an extraordinary confidence in the dramatization of the total

personality. Because of Uranus' position in the self-conscious and dramatic Leo, you are

impressionable to the prowess of great people. A kind of hero worship is natural to you;

and the individualistic creative expression which will suit you best is the sort which will

allow you to stand in the limelight and hear applause for your originality, your daring,

your cleverness, your genius. The aim of your mental, creative originality is recognition,

acclaim, applause, and you exert your deepest originality in its most characteristic form

and to its best advantage when this goal is in sight.


Neptune relates to the deepest wells of the subconscious, inherited mentality and

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spirituality, indicating what you take deeply for granted in life.

Neptune in Scorpio

The people and nations of the world are aware of the awesome, death-dealing

possibilities of nuclear war. Atomic-powered submarines in the depths of the seas play

their role in the struggle for power. Those born under this influence want to plumb the

secrets of the Universe. The mystery of life and death is theirs to fathom. They are

enthralled by occult studies, chemistry, invention. Neptune in this position intensifies the

emotional nature. There is a tendency to be secretive and mystical. Gain through

inheritance is possible, as well as financial ties with others; partnership, and marriage.

There is a great possibility of possessing marked extra-sensory perception. Caution must

be exercised regarding drugs and strong beverages, and dabbling in spiritualism. The sex

instincts must be channeled in the right direction since the craving for sensation is very

strong. You have recuperative powers and a desire for reforms.

Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb: 04°29'

The ideas that were instilled in you by your parents, church and society will undergo

changes throughout your life until your religious and philosophical views are distinctly

your own. This type of creative adaptability makes you able to forgo selfish concerns and

direct your efforts toward the betterment of all. Artistic and/or psychic talents are



Pluto relates to the ability to let go of things, to get rid of irrelevant prejudices and

outdated habit patterns. It relates to subconscious feelings, inner urges and repressed

emotions. A strong Pluto gives the ability to see the hidden side of life, and thus bestows

power on the native - power which can be used for good or ill.

Pluto in Virgo

Your ability to bring order out of chaos is your strongest talent, and it allows you to

find ultimate meaning in conditions and ideas which others consider hopeless. Your

approach is initially intellectual - your curiosity spurs you on to gain as much knowledge

as possible - but your main concern is the application of this knowledge. Ideas have value

only insofar as they can be used to improve the quality of life. Your forte is the

development of a concept, its practical application and its assimilation into everyday


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Current Transits

The current transits are calculated exactly for the date shown. Lewi wrote text only for

the aspects that he considered to be the most significant and only those are shown in this

report. The dates shown only represent the times when the aspect is exact; its influence is

felt for weeks, months, and sometimes even years around this time. A planet will often

make the same aspect several times in one year before it leaves that area of the zodiac

and moves on. This is due to the planet appearing to go backward or retrograde for a

period of time and crossing and recrossing the aspect point. When this happens the effect

of the aspect can be spread out over a considerable time and in this report the aspect and

text will be printed for each time it becomes exact, although this series of aspects

represents only one pass through this phase of its cycle. Remember that each transiting

aspect is part of its over-all cycle and indicates a change of direction as well as an event.

The cycle for a planet is the time it takes that planet to travel the entire 360° of the

zodiac, beginning at the point where the planet is found at birth (the conjunction point),

moving to the 90° point which Lewi calls the "lower square", then moving to the

opposition or 180° point. Then it begins to move back towards the starting point, at the

270° point, or 90° away from the starting point, the planet is at its "upper square", and

then it returns to the conjunction point where a new cycle is begun. Lewi will

occasionally refer to these points in his text by name. In general all transits, whether of a

planet to its own place or of one planet to another, mark cycles of growth beginning at

the conjunction point, growing through the first square, fully grown at the opposition

point, beginning to recede at the second or upper square, and finally starting a new cycle

as it reaches the conjunction point again.

How long any aspect will be in effect is determined by the speed of the planet making

the aspect (the first planet , i.e. Mars in Mars Opposite Sun). One Mars cycle is about two

or two and one-half years and so a Mars aspect will last about 20 to 30 days. Jupiter takes

about 12 years for its cycle and so its aspects could last around 4 months, while Saturn

with a 29 year cycle will last 9 months or even more if it turns retrograde. Uranus,

Neptune, and Pluto are all long range aspects and usually represent a time of 2 or more

years. While Saturn and the outer planets indicate long range influences in your life, Mars

aspects will identify important months and Jupiter will identify important years. Not

every occurrence of these will be of striking importance. But within a larger Saturn cycle

or Uranus period of great importance, these briefer influences will be found to act as the

second or minute hand of the clock of destiny, as Saturn, or Uranus, or both, act as the

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hour hand.

Aug 5, 2006 - Mars Conjunct Pluto

This transit represents a strong alliance of similar energies. A sense of mystery

pervades otherwise mundane events. Aggressiveness peaks. Care should be taken to

secure your holding, protect your possessions and yourself, for this transit includes some

vulnerability to the principle of redistribution. You might be knocked off your throne for

no apparent reason. You could emerge from this period thinking the universe is a

quixotic, capricious place, or you could take events as keynotes of respect for structure

and self-care.

Sexual energy will be high. You could find yourself surrounded by irresistible people,

and the tendency is to think that the veil between you and them is much thinner than it

really is. Take time to treat people respectfully. Take this opportunity to de-objectify your

world view and adopt a more service-oriented demeanor. Depending on how successfully

you have mastered life's trials, this could be a time of "icing on the cake". Just make sure

the recipients of your "death blows" are the nasty loitering ghosts in your own psyche,

not the people on the street whom these ghosts resemble.

Aug 7, 2006 - Mars Opposite Venus

Heightened emotions make romance, which is favored if you keep it within the

bounds of reason and convention. Impulsive acts, with or without a future, are frequently

found in these recurrent periods. Glamour surrounds your approach to life; you are

susceptible to the opposite sex and they to you. This transit frequently indicates the time

of marriage within the period of a longer transit that favors it. If the era of romance is

past, this indicates an active and on the whole satisfactory social period; business

progress; extravagance with money; a sudden urge to go places and do things - and

perhaps a chafing at the marital bit which should not be taken too seriously. Energies

work through emotions and passions, which in turn work overtime and should be gently

disciplined though not entirely submerged. Often, for obvious reasons, this transit

indicates the conception of children, especially if it occurs while Mars is conjunct your

sun or conjunct your Mars.

Aug 18, 2006 - Saturn Opposite Mars

Individualism and energy run into obstacles, events conspire to increase

responsibility, which you will at first take as a personal affront and rebel against. This

won't do you any good unless you are utterly conscienceless and willing to throw

obligations to the wind. A revision of attitudes is required: you have to bring your

personal urges into line with realities, and can do it in a variety of ways. Any of these will

be all right, so long as it doesn't create a rebellious spirit in you. Temperament must be

forced into the pattern of life as it is and the more you have to force it, the more you can

be sure that it needs to be forced.

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Sep 1, 2006 - Jupiter Conjunct Neptune

Deep self-assurance causes you to believe in your emotions, your intuitions, your

hunches. They're probably right, but that is no reason for you to go to extremes about

them. Best result of this is a creative period; externalize your ideals, find the way to

express the things you take for granted, in terms that the world will admire. In your

determination to be yourself, remember that you have several selves and choose to be the

one that will best serve your long-range purposes. Exorcise the demons of your

subconscious; and at the same time call on your subconscious to support your highest

aims, your most idealistic dreams. This can be a period of self-pity, spiritual debauchery

and self-indulgence - or it can be a high and shining crusade for the truest vision you

have ever experienced.