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  • 7/30/2019 Heifferon Original Play


    Harbor Confidence


    James Tall, dark, and handsome at 23 years old. Plain and simple kind of fellow with a

    unique charm. A southern gentleman whose striking good looks are masked by hismodesty. Carries himself with a quiet confidence despite his lower social standing.

    Raised by two loving parents who taught him how to work hard and love those around

    him. Lost his younger brother to influenza seven years ago, but lives a life that speaks ofhope and security in God.

    Wayne Animated and witty, the personality makes up for the shorter stature of our main

    characters African American sidekick. A bit younger at 21 years of age, he ismischievous and sly. Slightly tattered clothing, short black trimmed hair always covered

    by a newsboy cap. Strong willed and loyal, he has always stood at James side. Not too

    concerned with the future or its consequences, he just lives it day by day.

    Charlotte Silver haired and slightly wrinkled, a woman of sophistication and elegance.

    Her southern drawl is very distinct. Warm and inviting, she is known around the town forher comforting motherly ways. She doesnt put up with immaturity, disrespect, or

    fussing. She isnt afraid to put people in their place. A woman of great faith, she is wise

    and pure. Great Aunt to Marilyn, though she likes to forget the Great part.

    Marilyn At 19 years young, she is the purest kind of beauty. Put together at all times,

    dignified, and always polite. Thin and fair skinned. Lighter strawberry blonde hair, often

    done in curls. Fairly wealthy after being left with her late parents inheritance. She has justmoved to the town after the sudden death of her adoring mother and father. She hides her

    hurt with her playful and kind spirit, though is suffering more than we know.

    Mr. Wilson Tall, dark, and handsome; an aged version of his son, James. Strong and

    confident, well respected around the town. After losing his other son, Charlie, he had a

    really tough time and lost it for the first (and only) time of his life. A brief lapse intonumbing his pain with alcohol ended when his son James confronted him about it. Mr.

    Wilson felt shame and guilt from falling apart and needing his son to pull him back

    together, but that shame turned into gratefulness and love for James. He is a sincere and

    kindhearted man who trusts in the Lord more than ever after all hes been through.

    Mrs. Wilson A woman whose joy and love for others radiates on the outside from

    within. She is shorter and average weight, but is a picture of beauty, especially when shesmiles. She has been known to gossip, but claims its because she just cares to know

    about other people. Her family is everything to hear and she would do anything for

    anyone she loves.


    Life is hard and we experience tough things, but we should never lose hope, especially in

    the people around us.

  • 7/30/2019 Heifferon Original Play



    A sunny crisp day in a small town in Georgia in the late fall of 1941. Main Street isbuzzing as usual as the locals of the town carry on their business like every other day.

    People coming in and out of shops, conversing with one another, while keeping up with

    the hustle and bustle of the day. A tall and handsome young man enters the scene,respectfully greeting everyone he sees, exchanging quick life updates, and captivating

    everyone with his smile. From behind, his young buddy runs to catch up with him.

    WAYNE: Hold up, there, James.

    (James rolls his eyes while smiling curiously)

    JAMES:Whats going on now, Wayne?

    WAYNE: Cant a friend just be excited to see you?

    JAMES: Yeah, maybe. But after all that Ive seen you pull over all these years, Ive cometo know a little better.

    WAYNE: Man, why ya gotta be like that?

    (James looks at Wayne, raising his eyebrows)

    WAYNE: Okay, fine. I wont tell you, then.

    JAMES: Great.

    (James turns and walks away, shaking his head)

    WAYNE: Yeah, whateva.

    (Wayne runs off with a smile of mishief)

    JAMES: Good morning, Ms. Charlotte.

    (James greets the lovely woman approaching)

    CHARLOTTE: Oh, James. Good to see you. How are your folks?

    JAMES: Doing just fine. What brings you in to town today?

    CHARLOTTE: Well, funny you should ask. My niece just arrived last night from

    Charleston. Shell be staying with me for a while and I was wondering if someone like

    you might be kind enough to show her around? Here she comes now.

    (Charlotte winks at James as he looks from her to the stunning young lady walking out of

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    the convenience store)

    CHARLOTTE: Marilyn, honey, Id like you to meet James.

    (James holds out his hand in silence, captured by her beauty, eyes never leaving hers. She

    reaches her hand to his)

    MARILYN: Hi there.

    JAMES: Hi.

    (Charlotte raises her eyebrows and quickly looks around to find a way to slip away from

    the two)

    CHARLOTTE: Mr. Phillips! Ive got a bone to pick with you.

    (Charlotte looks back at James and Marilyn with a smile)

    CHARLOTTE: Excuse me, wont you?

    (James nods politely at Charlotte but keeps his attention on Marilyn)

    JAMES: So I hear youll be in town for a while?

    MARILYN: Yes, you heard right. Aunty Char was kind enough to offer to take me in.

    JAMES: Well Ms. Charlotte is always looking out for everybody. Doesnt surprise me

    that shed be the same with family by blood.

    (Marilyn smiles slightly, caught off guard with the way James gazed at her and shifts as

    she looks around)

    MARILYN: So what do you in a town this small? Its nothing like Charleston.

    JAMES: Oh we get by. Why dont you come on back around here tomorrow night?

    MARILYN: Whats going on tomorrow night?

    JAMES: Just something we do every now and then. The whole town comes out.

    (Marilyn hesitates then shrugs her shoulders)

    MARILYN: Maybe.

    (James chuckles and looks up smiling)

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    JAMES: Alright then.

    MARILYN: Well, I better catch up to Aunty Char. But I guess Ill be seeing you around.

    JAMES: See you around.

    (James is left smiling as Marilyn walks away; he lets out a sigh as Wayne walks across

    the street and approaches him slowly with a grin across his face)

    WAYNE: And who was that?

    JAMES: Dont worry about it.

    WAYNE: Oh, Im not worrying about anything, J. Ive just never seen you smile so big.

    (Wayne mocks him with a huge cheesy grin on his face)

    JAMES: Come on. I didnt look like that.

    WAYNE: Pretty close. And you didnt wanna know what I had to tell you before.

    JAMES: What do you mean?

    WAYNE: I mean I had heard that Ms. Charlottes niece was coming in to town and after

    I caught a glimpse of her, I knew youd be in trouble.

    JAMES: I dont know what youre talking about, man.

    (Wayne rolls his eyes with a smirk)

    WAYNE: Oh, sure you dont.

    (James shakes his head at Wayne and pats his shoulder as they walk off)

    End of Scene


    Later that evening, James is finishing up dinner at the table with his mother and father.

    Mrs. Wilson is chatting about the local town gossip while Mr.Wilson attempts to listenintently and James is still stuck in a daze from his encounter earlier in the day.

    MRS WILSON: I just cant imagine what they were thinking.

    MR WILSON: Youre right, dear.

    MRS WILSON: Anyway, I heard Ms. Charlottes niece arrived in town last night.

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    (She shoots a quick grin at James as he comes out of his daze and carefully pays more

    attention to this topic of conversation)

    MR WILSON: Is that right?

    MRS WILSON: Yes. From the looks of it, shell be staying here quite a while. I cant

    imagine going from a place like Charleston to this little ol town.

    MR WILSON: No kidding.

    MRS WILSON: Poor thing. Thats just the smallest of things shell need adjusting to.

    (James finally leans in and joins the conversation)

    JAMES: What do you mean?

    (Mrs. Wilson looks surprisingly at James in his moment of sudden interest but carries on


    MRS WILSON: Well, I am afraid its an awful situation. The poor dear just lost both of

    her parents. Thats what brought her out here. Of course Ms. Charlotte would welcomeher into her home without hesitation. Wouldnt have it any other way.

    (James is taken aback but diminishes his feelings of shock and empathy apparent on his

    face, and forms a short response)

    JAMES: Thats terrible.

    MRS WILSON: Dont I know it. With all of that and leaving everything she knows, shes

    got to be having such a difficult time adjusting. Probably a wreck.

    JAMES: She seemed like shes doing all right to me.

    (Mr. and Mrs. Wilson look at James curiously)

    JAMES: Oh, I met her in town today.

    (Mrs. Wilson continues to look at him expectantly)

    JAMES: I was just thinking she hides it well. I would never have guessed.

    MRS WILSON: Well, you remember how it is. You put on your best face and take it day

    by day.

    (Mr. Wilson looks up to comfort his wife as she fights back a tear; Mrs. Wilson quickly

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    gets up to start clearing the table)

    MRS WILSON: I better start my cleaning. This kitchen is a mess.

    (Mr. Wilson turns to James still at the table)

    MR WILSON: Maybe you should look out for her, son.

    JAMES: Yeah?

    MR WILSON: You know what shes going through. Lord knows shes going to need

    people to be with her in this.

    JAMES: Sure.

    (James remains quiet looking at his folded hands)

    MR WILSON: Your mother and I are so proud of you. Just be there for her like you were

    for us. Its already in you.

    (James looks up at his father and smiles as a tear rolls down his face)

    End Scene


    Its the next evening as the whole town gathers together around Main Street. White lightsare hung all about, there is live music with an area of people dancing, and tables and

    tables laid out with potluck food. Everyone is chatting and having a good time. James is

    laughing as he stands with Wayne, who is scoping the scene out.

    (Wayne taps James on the chest and points in the direction of Marilyn strolling into the


    WAYNE: Oh my.

    JAMES: Yeah.

    (James eyes are once again locked onto Marilyn; she sees him and makes her way over)

    MARILYN: Hi.

    JAMES: Hi.

    (Wayne glances from one to the other, then puts out his hand)

    WAYNE: The name is Wayne.

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    (Marilyn puts her hand in his)

    MARILYN: Hi, Wayne. Im Marilyn.

    (Wayne kisses her hand; James rolls his eyes and laughs)

    JAMES: Youll have to excuse him.

    MARILYN: For what? Hes just being a gentleman.

    (Wayne looks at James)

    WAYNE: See? She gets it.

    (James chuckles; a young lady passes by Wayne and motions for him)

    WAYNE: It was a pleasure to meet you Marilyn, but I gotta Well, you know.

    (Wayne runs after the girl leaving Marilyn and James alone)

    JAMES: You learn to love him.

    MARILYN: I already do.

    (Marilyn winks at him then looks away and watches the people around them)

    JAMES: You look really great, by the way.

    MARILYN: Thanks.

    (She smiles with a hint of a blush, then fixes her eyes on the crowd of people dancing andenjoying themselves)

    MARILYN: So, arent you gonna ask me to dance?

    (James raises his eyebrows)

    JAMES: Me? (Laughs) Uh, no. I mean I would love to, I just

    MARILYN: You just what?

    JAMES: Uh, I dont dance.

    MARILYN: What do you mean you dont dance? Everyone dances.

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    JAMES: Well, not me.

    (Marilyn turns to him and mocks him)

    MARILYN: Uh, well, were just gonna have to change that.

    (Marilyn grabs his hand and brings him over to the crowd to dance to an upbeat song. She

    slowly shows him how to stand and where to place his hands, then teaches him basic

    steps. He steps on her toes)

    MARILYN: Ow.

    JAMES: Sorry, I warned you.

    MARILYN: Thats true, you did.

    (The song changes pace to a slow one; James and Marilyn slightly sway and move instep)

    MARILYN: There you go. Thats better.

    JAMES: Yeah, this isnt too bad.

    (Mr. and Mrs. Wilson appear from the crowd, dancing with each other, and slide up next

    to Marilyn and James)

    MR WILSON: Well, Ill be darned. This girls got him dancing, Maggie!

    MRS WILSON: Ooh, I like her already.

    (James smiles in embarrassment and introduces Marilyn to his parents)

    JAMES: Marilyn, this is my father, James, and my mother, Margaret Wilson.

    MARILYN: Its very nice to meet you both.

    MRS WILSON: You too, honey. Watch out for those toes, now. This boy will get ya.

    MARILYN: Thanks, Ill keep that in mind.

    (James motions at his parents for them to move along)

    MR WILSON: Alright, you kids have fun.

    (Mr. and Mrs. Wilson make their exit while twirling and dancing off)

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    JAMES: Sorry about that.

    MARILYN: What? I thought they were sweet. They remind me of

    (Marilyn trails off and looks away as the song comes to an end and they slowly stop

    dancing; James leans in and whispers in her ear)

    JAMES: Wanna get outta here?

    (Marilyn looks up at him and nods. James takes her hand and they make their way away

    from the crowd)

    End Scene


    With the music and noise of the crowd still soft in the distance, James and Marilyn are

    strolling down a dirt road. The sky is lit up with stars.

    MARILYN: I think Im starting to like it here.

    JAMES: Oh, yeah? It grows on ya, I guess.

    MARILYN: Yeah, I dont know, its different. Everybody is really nice. Everyone knows

    everyone. You all do things like that. (Motions in the direction of music and people) Its a

    special place.

    JAMES: I guess were pretty lucky. Its all Ive ever known, really.

    MARILYN: I bet its hard to have secrets, though. Everybody knows everybody, soeveryone knows everyones business?

    JAMES: (Chuckles) Yeah, everyones famous at one point or another down here. Its notso bad, though.

    MARILYN: I dont know. Seems a little invasive.

    JAMES: Nah, no one means any harm. I consider everyone in this town a part of my

    family. They know whats going on, and theyre there. We kinda go through everything


    MARILYN: Hmm.

    (A small moment of silence; James then takes Marilyns hand and leads them off the path

    into the trees)

    JAMES: Come on, I wanna show you something.

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    MARILYN: Where are we going?

    JAMES: Just come on. Youll see.

    (The trees open up to a small meadow area resting next to a wide stream. Fireflies lightup their surroundings and the sound of crickets chirping play alongside the flow of the

    water. There is a large oak tree standing on its own with a sturdy branch reaching out

    over the stream; a thick rope is tied to the branch. The area has a homey feel, like it hadbeen well used and a lot of memories had been shared there)

    MARILYN: What is this place?

    JAMES: This is where I spent a lot of my time growing up. I would work with Dad, help

    out Mom, then head out here. I tied up that rope when I was 11. We used to spend hours

    swinging out into the water. Wed have a catch out here in this open area. But mostly,

    just sit around and talkTalk about anything. Everything.

    MARILYN: Whose we?

    JAMES: Huh?

    MARILYN: You said we. Whose we?

    JAMES: Oh, my brother, Charlie and I.

    MARILYN: Sounds like you two are really close.

    JAMES: Yeah.

    (James nods his head and gets quiet; Marilyn realizes his sensitivity and makes her way

    into the small open grass to lie down and stare up at the stars; James does the same)

    JAMES: Amazing, huh?

    MARILYN: Yeah. (Deep sigh)

    JAMES: Makes you feel so small, yet so alive at the same time.

    MARILYN: Hmm.

    JAMES: Ma always says, Gods promises are like the stars, the darker the night thebrighter they shine.

    (Marilyn stays quiet)

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    JAMES: What are you thinking about?

    MARILYN: Oh, I dont know. Its just Daddy used to

    (Marilyn trails off, a little surprised with herself)

    MARILYN: Im sorry. I havent talked about him since

    (She trails off again, hesitant about going any further)

    JAMES: Its okay. You can talk about him. Your mom, too.

    MARILYN: You know?

    (James is slow to answer)

    JAMES: Uh, yeah. Small town, remember? Things get around fast.

    MARILYN: Yeah, well Guess I didnt expect it to be any different.

    (Marilyn raises to her feet, raising her guard; James gets up with her)

    JAMES: You can talk about it. Its okay to talk about it.

    (James takes a step toward her, but Marilyn takes a couple steps back)

    MARILYN: No, its not.

    JAMES: Why?

    MARILYN: Because then it makes it real. Saying it out loud, talking about them like

    theyre in my pastit means theyre gone. And theyre not coming back.

    JAMES: But

    MARILYN: No. I cant. Im sorry. I gotta get out here. I cant do this.

    (Marilyn rushes away back towards the town; James starts to go after her)

    JAMES: Marilyn, wait.

    (Marilyn shakes her head in tears and runs off, leaving James behind)

    End Scene


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    Charlotte is sitting on the front porch of her home, spending some thoughtful time alone

    after the night. She is surprised when Marilyn runs up with tears in her eyes headed

    straight for the door.

    CHARLOTTE: Hold up there, Marilyn. Whats wrong?

    (Marilyn stops at the door, keeping her eyes down)

    MARILYN: Oh nothing, Aunty Char. I just need to be alone.

    CHARLOTTE: Werent you just with James? What happened?

    (Marilyn looks a little confused, wondering how her aunt knew)

    MARILYN: Yes, I was. But Id rather not talk about it. I dont want to talk about any of

    it. I just want to be alone.

    (She starts to open the door but Charlotte is quick to her feet, rushes over, and rests her

    hand on Marilyns arm)

    CHARLOTTE: Now wait just a minute. I believe Ive done a good job of giving you

    your space, letting you be alone, and never pushing you. But you cant keep running fromthis. Come. Have a sit with me.

    (Charlotte puts her arm around Marilyn and walks her over to the porch swing)

    CHARLOTTE: I know youre hurting. But I know even more that youre trying to put

    that hurt away and not let it touch you. Honey, I get it.

    MARILYN: No, you dont. No one does.

    (Marilyn folds her arms and curls up to rest her head on her knees, turning away fromCharlotte)

    CHARLOTTE: Now I know you dont think youre the only one who lost somebody that

    day. They were my family, too. Im not saying it affects me as much as it affects you.Theyre your parents. You shouldnt have to lose them this early in your life. But you


    (Charlotte chokes up as she turns Marilyns head to look at her)

    CHARLOTTE: We all lose people that we love. It happens more than Id like to admit.Why, its been over twenty years since I lost my Ray. But we cant run every time it

    happens. We cant hide away and think that well never have to deal with the pain. It only

    makes it last longer, and makes it that much more harder to handle.

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    (Marilyn sniffs as she slowly nods her head)

    CHARLOTTE: Mar, I know this isnt gonna go away real quick. Its going to take sometime. You need to let yourself sort through it all. But dont push away or shut out the

    people that want to be with you in it. (Pauses) And I dont just mean me.

    (Marilyn looks up at Charlotte)

    CHARLOTTE: We all lose people that we love, Mar. That James is no exception.

    MARILYN: What are you talking about?

    CHARLOTTE: Seven years ago, tragedy struck here in this ol town. I remember alwaysseeing sweet James running around with his younger brother, Charlie. They were

    inseparable. Never I have ever seen such a brotherly bond, especially with the age

    difference. James took it as his responsibility to protect Charlie, teach him, care for him,

    and never leave his side. They used to wreak havoc wherever they want. (slight laugh,reminiscing followed by a pause) Well, things immediately changed when Charlie started

    to get sick. Instead of running around the town, James was constantly at Charliesbedside. He never wanted him to be alone. Then, Charlie passed on. It was really hard,

    especially on Mr. Wilson. He eventually found his way, but he had a mess with it that

    first year or two. But James James never wavered. Never I have I seen such incrediblefaith out of a young man his age. That boy, hes something else.

    (Marilyn formed a little smile)

    CHARLOTTE: You see, James didnt run. He never hid. He accepted the reality of it all

    and pressed on. Yes, he hurt. More than any one of us will ever know. But he turned to

    the One whose heart breaks when our tears fall. He found his comfort in Him who givesus peace, especially when we dont understand. He gained strength in each day, for

    himself and for his family, from the One whose power is complete in our weakness.

    (After a moment of silence, Marilyn wiped her eyes and spoke up)

    MARILYN: Thats lovely, Aunty Char. And so great that James could deal with his pain

    like that. But I cant. Im not even sure if I believe in any of that anymore.

    (Charlotte looks at Marilyn surprised)

    MARILYN: I know how great your faith is. I think its good that people can trust so

    much in that. But how can I trust in something or someone who lets this happen? I mean,

    if God is in control, why would he take my parents away from me?


    (Marilyn rises to her feet and looks down at her aunt)

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    MARILYN: Im sorry, Aunt Charlotte. I respect what you believe. I know youre just

    trying to help. But I cant believe something I simply just dont.

    (Marilyn walks away, into the house, leaving Charlotte sitting with her breath held and

    eyes closed)

    End Scene


    Weeks have passed by and the feel of winter has started to fill the town. Its another day

    on Main Street as James and Wayne take a break from the days work outside the

    convenience store to enjoy a cold drink and catch up on the latest.

    JAMES: You cant be serious.

    WAYNE: Well, I am. Believe me if you want, I dont care.

    JAMES: You are too much, man. I

    (James stops in conversation as Marilyn approaches, heading to walk straight into the

    convenience store)

    JAMES: Hey Marilyn.

    MARILYN: Oh, hi.

    JAMES: Its good to see you.

    MARILYN: Umm you, too.

    WAYNE: And its always good to see me, right?

    (A little laughter is followed by a pause of silence)

    MARILYN: Well, I better get going.

    JAMES: Oh, sure. See you around, then.

    MARILYN: Yeah, see you.

    (Marilyn rushes through the door into the store as James looks after her; Wayne raises hiseyebrows at James with a look of pity)

    WAYNE: Man, you have got to let it go.

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    JAMES: Let what go?

    WAYNE: Dont pull that on me. I know you still think about her all the time.

    JAMES: Yeah, well obviously its not there for her, so

    WAYNE: So, get over it!

    JAMES: I cant, man. You dont understand.

    WAYNE: Whats there not to understand? Youre in to her. Probably more in to her than

    anyone else Ive ever seen you around. But she clearly wants nothing to do with you.

    JAMES: See, I dont think that.

    WAYNE: Oh yes, youre right, Im sorry. She was so completely smitten by you, just

    now, and shes been completely avoiding you because she wants to be around you. Yep,youre right. That makes sense.

    JAMES: Its complicated.

    WAYNE: Complicated? Its nonexistent if you ask me. I know what you need to do. Mygirl Evelyns got this cousin

    (James starts to tune Wayne out as he spots Charlotte across the street; he puts his hand

    on Waynes shoulder)

    JAMES: That sounds great, but I gotta go.

    (James runs across the street to catch up with Charlotte)

    WAYNE: Man, what are you doing?

    (Wayne lets out a deep sigh, rolls his eyes, shrugs his shoulders, and walks away)

    JAMES: Ms. Charlotte.

    (He catches up to her and stops her along the street)

    CHARLOTTE: Oh, James. How are you, dear?

    JAMES: Well, thats actually what I wanted to talk to you about.

    (Charlotte raises her eyebrows and looks intently at James; he briefly pauses)

    JAMES: Hows Marilyn doing?

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    (Charlotte looks at James sympathetically)

    CHARLOTTE: Shes not talking to you, is she?

    JAMES: Hardly. I can barely get two sentences out of her.

    CHARLOTTE: Im sorry, dear. But its really not my place.

    (James looks at Charlotte desperately)

    JAMES: I just want to know how shes doing.

    (Charlotte hesitates but then leans in closer and speaks softly)

    CHARLOTTE: Alright, this is all Im going to tell you. Shes been having a hell of a

    time. Just when I think shes starting to lean in, starting to hope again, shell have anotherbreakdown and go right back to square one. She just misses them. And God knows she

    has the right to. But shes running from having faith. Shes resisting and I dont think sheeven knows why or how long shes going to keep running. She puts those walls up and

    wont let herself go there. But then theres you.

    (James raises his eyebrows and Charlotte continues)

    CHARLOTTE: Just when I think shes given up, your name is somehow brought up or

    she thinks about you, and her face lights up like Ive never seen. For a brief moment Illthink that shes going to give in to hope, gonna give in to (quick pause) love. Shes

    hiding herself from you because youre hope to her. Shes staying clear for now, but I

    dont think its going to last much longer. I dont want to put anything on you or makeyou think you have to play any part in this, but if youre gonna ask then you might as

    well know.

    (Charlotte looks at him once more and winks, then quickly walks away about her

    business; James turns to watch with her with a grateful smile)

    End Scene


    That night, James wanders off by himself to his secret place by the river, where he usedto spend his time with Charlie and where he had taken Marilyn the night after the town

    gathering. He stumbles through the weeds and pushes a branch to the side to view the

    open meadow area where he sees someone lying down looking at the stars.

    JAMES: Hello?

    (The shadowed figure quickly sits up but remains silent)

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    JAMES: Whos there?

    MARILYN: Um, hi. Its me.

    (James lets out a sigh of relief and excitement; he makes his way toward her)

    MARILYN: Im sorry. I shouldnt be here. Ill go.

    (She quickly rises off her feet, looking down and starts to rush off; James raises his arm

    to stop her)

    JAMES: Stay.

    (Marilyn looks at him conflicted; James takes a couple steps away looking up at the stars)

    JAMES: Why are you here?

    (Marilyn hesitates a little then responds)

    MARILYN: Ive actually been coming out here a lot lately.

    JAMES: How much is a lot?

    MARILYN: (Biting her lip) Pretty much every night.

    (James still stands with his back to her and smiles to himself; slowly he turns back around

    and looks at her)

    JAMES: Why?

    MARILYN: I dont know. I just feel a sense of comfort out here. I can get away and justbe. Im actually surprised this is the first time Ive bumped into you here. The way you

    talked about it seemed like this is a place you would always be.

    (James pauses to let her words sink in; he looks around and slowly shakes his head)

    JAMES: Nah, except for that night with you, I havent really come out here much, not


    MARILYN: Since Charlie?

    (James looks at her confused)

    MARILYN: My aunt told me.

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    (James smiles to himself then looks up at the night sky; Marilyn waits for him to talk)

    JAMES: He was my best friend, my whole world. We did everything together. When hestarted getting sick, I had a feeling of what was coming. I knew I wanted to spend every

    moment I could with him. People said I shouldnt, said Id probably get sick, too. But I

    didnt care. I just wanted to be with him. He was so tough through the whole thing,always laughing and joking around. He wasnt afraid to die. He was more worried about

    me, Mom and Dad. I know Im a big deal and everything, but this isnt the end of the

    world, he would say. The one thing he wanted out of all this was for me to trust that itwould all be okay. (Brief pause) I still feel him with me in everything I do. Coming out

    here just reminds me the most of him. I dont do it often. Just when I need it.

    (James looks at Marilyn to see a tear rolling down her cheek; he walks over and touchesher face to catch it)

    JAMES: Its okay to miss them. Its okay to want them back. But just like Charlie, I dont

    think they would want you to be this lost. The people who love us only want whats bestfor us. That desire carries on, long after theyre gone.

    MARILYN: I didnt get to say goodbye, you know? It was just all of a sudden, they were

    gone. I wont ever see their faces again. Rest in the embrace of my father. Have my

    mother play with my hair and look me in the eyes and tell me Im beautiful. All the littlethings. I wont ever get them back.

    (James looks at Marilyn with sincere sympathy)

    MARILYN: How am I supposed to go about my life like everythings normal? Anyone I

    get close to, anyone I (pause) love How am I to know theyre not gonna just disappear

    one day?

    JAMES: You wont know that. You cant know. But are you gonna let that fear control

    you the rest of your life?

    (Marilyn hesitates and shrugs)


    JAMES: If you go on from here never loving again, never letting your heart get involved

    in anything you do, sure, you wont have to deal with the pain of losing anyone everagain. But you wont get to feel any of the good things either an embrace, a look, a


    (James grabs Marilyns hand and puts it on his chest)

    JAMES: This right here. This feeling of being alive, of wanting something so bad and

    knowing how good it could be, how great it could be.

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    (Marilyn looks down in doubt, while James grasps her hand even tighter)

    JAMES: Im asking you to have just a little bit of faith. Believe in something bigger than

    you. Trust in that. Hope in the Good of this world, look to the Light amidst all the

    darkness. And let yourself love, no matter what the cost.

    (Marilyn finally looks up, locking her eyes with James, lifts her head up and leans in as

    they share a passionate kiss; Marilyn leans back with her hand still in James hand, givesit a tight squeeze with one last look, and walks off into the distance; James is left taken

    aback and overwhelmed as he looks up into the night sky)

    End Scene


    After a couple weeks, James and Marilyn are walking from the open meadow area after

    spending a peaceful, quiet day together. Theyve spent every spare moment theyve hadwith each other, which is communicated in their interactions and the way they look at

    each other. They are playful and lighthearted, with a lot of smiling and laughter. Theyare heading into town together in the late afternoon, hand in hand. They share a quick

    kiss, gaze into each others eyes, then turn to see the people of the town rushing around

    and chattering more than usual. James and Marilyn are confused, as James spots Wayne

    in the crowd.

    JAMES: Wayne!

    WAYNE: Oh, James. There you are, man. Ive been looking for you. The whole towns

    gone crazy.

    MARILYN: Whats going on?

    WAYNE: I dont know. From what I hear, something big has happened at that big navalbase out in Hawaii. Theyre saying its the Japs. People are saying were gonna be

    heading into war with the rest of em.

    (James looks at Marilyn, strong on the outside to comfort her worried face; he clings onto her hand even tighter and hurries over to his father)

    JAMES: Dad.

    MR WILSON: James.

    (Mr. Wilson looks carefully at James and puts his hand on James shoulder; he looks

    down at Marilyn and gives her a quick hug)

    JAMES: Dad, whats going on?

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    MR WILSON: Pearl Harbor has been hit. Theyve been under attack all morning. A fleet

    of Japanese fighters have been dropping bombs and torpedoes.

    JAMES: How bad is it?

    MR WILSON: We dont know yet, son.

    JAMES: Well what does this mean?

    (Mr. Wilson looks into the worried eyes of his son)

    JAMES: Are we going to war?

    MR WILSON: Im afraid so, son. I dont see anything else coming from this.

    (Mr. Wilson places his hand on James shoulder one last time, looks at Marilyn, thenwalks over to the other men of town to get more information)

    MARILYN: James.

    (James turns to Marilyn and wraps her in his embrace; the rest of the set and peopledarken as a light shines just on the two of them)

    JAMES: Its going to be okay, Marilyn. I promise you. Its going to be okay.

    End Scene

    SCENE NINEThe boys of the town, along with those all across the nation, have been drafted into the

    war. The whole town is gathered as the boys prepare to head out. Tears are being shared

    as well as long goodbye hugs. James has his bag on his shoulder and sharing his last fewmoments with his parents.

    MRS WILSON: Now, youve got everything, right? I packed a little extra something in

    your bag. I think I covered everything. You should be all set.

    JAMES: Mom, Im heading off to war. I dont think Ill be all too worried about what I

    do or dont have.

    MRS WILSON: Of course. But theres only so much I can do as your mother in this

    situation and I just

    (Mrs. Wilson trails off as she is overwhelmed with tears; James looks at his mother with

    loving eyes and enwraps her with a hug)

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    JAMES: Love you, Mom.

    MRS WILSON: I love you, my sweet son.

    (James releases his mother as Mr. Wilson takes her under his arm; James and Mr. Wilson

    meet each others eyes)

    MR WILSON: Im proud of you, son. Youve done more than youve ever been asked of

    by this family. Youve held us together. And thats something that wont ever fade.

    JAMES: Thank you, Dad.

    MR WILSON: Now, do your mother a favor and look out for yourself. You make sureyou get back to us safely, you hear?

    JAMES: Yes, sir.

    MR WILSON: Alright, then.

    (Mr. Wilson gets a little choked up then wraps his arms around his son tightly)

    MR WILSON: I love you, son.

    JAMES: Love you too, Dad.

    (James steps back to take one last look at his parents then turns to walk away; Waynecomes running up to him)

    WAYNE: Man, you ready? Lets do this thing.

    JAMES: Not quite

    (James looks around all the faces of the people until his eyes land on Marilyn

    approaching; Wayne smiles and nods at her then looks back at James)

    WAYNE: Alright, you do your thing. Ill catch up with you later.

    (James acknowledges Wayne with a nod, but his eyes never leave Marilyns as she comes

    in closer)

    JAMES: Hi.

    MARILYN: Hi.

    (James strokes her face with his hand then plays with her hair)

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    JAMES: You are beautiful.

    (Marilyn blushes then gives him a soft yet passionate kiss)

    JAMES: This doesnt change anything, okay? Ill be gone for a little while but then Ill

    be right back here with you. Count on it.

    MARILYN: I know. In the midst of all this, thats one thing that Ive never felt more sure


    (James wraps her in his embrace as they share a silent, heartfelt moment together)

    MARILYN: Promise youll write?

    JAMES: I already promised you. Every day I can.

    MARILYN: And youll think of me?

    JAMES: Every second of every day.

    (James releases his arms a bit to lean back and look into her eyes)

    JAMES: Nothing could ever take away what we have right here. This. No matter what

    happens, no matter where either of us end up, when my heart beats, it beats in tune with

    yours. Even long after were both gone. If anything else, have confidence in that.

    (Marilyn takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh of comfort as she leans into his chest one

    last time; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson slowly approach the two)

    MR WILSON: Son, its time for you to get going.

    (James presses his lips to Marilyns forehead with his eyes closed tight, gives her a tightsqueeze then steps away; Mrs. Wilson reaches her arm out to hold on to Marilyn; James

    looks at his family with Marilyn, nods his head and takes a breath, then turns to walk

    away; Wayne walks up along James side as they head to the bus)

    WAYNE: Alright, here we go man.

    JAMES: Wayne?

    (James looks at Wayne sincerely)

    WANYE: Yeah?

    JAMES: I consider you my brother, you know that?

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    WAYNE: Yeah, of course I do. But I gotta ask you something.

    JAMES: Whats that?

    WAYNE: Should I be expecting all sorts of mushy emotional things from you all day or

    can we just acknowledge the obvious and move on?

    (Wayne looks at James sarcastically and James shakes his head laughing)

    JAMES: Whatever you say, man.

    (Wayne runs up the steps of the bus to find a seat while James turns around one last time,

    capturing one last look of his family, his town, and all hes known his whole life. Hesmiles to himself then turns to board the bus)
