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November 2014 Digital Disruption #modernIT @Aurecon Sean Elwick Global Head of IS @ElwickSean

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November 2014

Digital Disruption#modernIT @Aurecon

Sean ElwickGlobal Head of IS


1. @Aurecon and our disruption challenges

2. Aurecon IS – our #modernIT response

3. “… precious commodity”?

“The question for us is, what needs to be true for us to stay relevant in the business?”

Fillippo PasseriniConfessions of a Successful CIO – Dan Roberts/Brian Watson

@Aurecon’s changing world

Aurecon – our operations

Economic disruption….

• Resources boom is over

• Government austerity measures

• Wealth moving west to east and north to south leads to increased global competition

• Pressure on margins creates a change in engineering design practices… and market consolidation

• Sustainability – affordability of ongoing infrastructure maintenance

BIM, quicker, cheaper improved sustainability,… and mandated!

“ ”

The Internet of Things

“The network of physical

objects that contain embedded

technology to communicate

and interact with their internal

states or the external environment”Source: Gartner

The good old days…

Aurecon IS journey to #modernIT

What is ‘digital’?

(Of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values ….


1. Relating to using, or storing data or information in the form of digital signals: digital TV eg. a digital recording

2. Involving or relating to the use of computer technology eg. the digital revolution

Source: Oxford Dictionary

Growing the ‘skills’ of a #modernIT team

• Implemented SFIA for all roles

• Restructured for focus on ‘customer segment’

• Focus on ‘soft skills’

• Clear, honest discussions on #modernIT

Old WAN, regionally based and fragmented

Asian offices

NZ offices

Australian offices

African offices

Hello Orange’s global VPN

Enabling global engineering outcomes

• 150 staff• Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Thailand,

USA, South Africa, UAE• 45,500 published documents• 1088 published models• 70 MB average model size

“..this complex, one of a kind, project  can be delivered across Aurecon’s

Global Network - across multiple ANZ offices, Middle East, South Africa,

Vietnam, Thailand and even in Los Angeles…”

“… precious commodity”

Derek Zoolander

#modernIT - questions

“If the rate of change externally is greater than

the rate of change internally then the end is near.”

Jack Welsh