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  • 8/12/2019 Help Hr Software


    Users GuideiHRiBenefitsiLeaveiFMLAInstant Self Serve

    Apex Business Software

    Swift. Simple. Se!ure.

    The "ower .


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    Apex Business Software Page 3

    #a$le of %ontents

    1. GETTING STARTED..............................................................................................................................................9

    &.&. S'S#(MR()UIR(M(*#S......................................................................................................................................+&.,. SI*GL(%-M"U#(RI*S#ALLA#I-*......................................................................................................................+

    &.. A//I#I-*AL%LI(*#I*S#ALLA#I-*...................................................................................................................+&.0. %LI(*#1S(R2(RI*S#ALLA#I-*.........................................................................................................................&3&.4. I*S#A*#S(LFS(R2(I*S#ALLA#I-*................................................................................................................&3&.5. M-2I*G#H(/A#ABAS(...................................................................................................................................&3

    2. COMPANY SETUP WIZARD..............................................................................................................................11

    3. EMPLOYEES..........................................................................................................................................................12

    .&. LIS#I*G6 -"(*I*GA*/A//I*G(M"L-'((S...................................................................................................&,.,. (*#(RI*G(M"L-'((I*F-RMA#I-*................................................................................................................&.. FIL(F-L/(RS....................................................................................................................................................&4.0. B(S#"RA%#I%(SF-RMA*AGI*G(M"L-'((I*F-RMA#I-*...........................................................................&4

    4. LEAVE.....................................................................................................................................................................17

    0.&. S(##I*GU"L(A2(...........................................................................................................................................&70.,. #'"(S-FL(A2(................................................................................................................................................&70.. L(A2(A%%RUAL"LA*S...................................................................................................................................&80.0. (*#(RI*GL(A2(..............................................................................................................................................,,0.4. L(A2( FA).......................................................................................................................................................,

    5. FMLA.......................................................................................................................................................................25

    4.&. S(##I*GU"L(A2(A%%RUAL"LA*SF-R FMLA............................................................................................,44.,. S%H(/ULI*G FMLA..........................................................................................................................................,74.. (/I#I*G1 (9#(*/I*GFAMIL'L(A2(..............................................................................................................,84.0. FMLA F-RMS...................................................................................................................................................,84.4. B(S#"RA%#I%(SF-RMA*AGI*G FMLA.........................................................................................................,+

    6. TIMECARDS AND PROJECTS...........................................................................................................................31

    7. POSITION CONTROL AND COMPENSATION..............................................................................................32

    . !ENEFITS...............................................................................................................................................................34

    8.&. A//I*GB(*(FI#S.............................................................................................................................................08.,. (M"L-'((B(*(FI#(*R-LLM(*#S(#U"........................................................................................................48.. (M"L-'((B(*(FI#(*R-LLM(*##AB...........................................................................................................78.0. %-BRA.............................................................................................................................................................88.4. B(*(FI#SR("-R#S............................................................................................................................................88.5. B(S#"RA%#I%(SF-RMA*AGI*GB(*(FI#S.....................................................................................................8

    9. !ENEFIT PREMIUMS" INVOICES# PAYMENTS AND STATEMENTS.....................................................4$

    +.&. I*2-I%(S............................................................................................................................................................0&

    +.,. "A'M(*#S.........................................................................................................................................................0,+.. S#A#(M(*#S......................................................................................................................................................0,

    1$. REPORTS..............................................................................................................................................................44

    11. MAIL MERGE......................................................................................................................................................49

    12. TAS%S AND REMINDERS................................................................................................................................51

    &,.&. #AS:S..............................................................................................................................................................4&&,.,. MA*AGI*G#AS:S...........................................................................................................................................4&

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    Apex Business Software Page 4

    &,.. AU#-MA#I%ALL';G(*(RA#(/R(MI*/(RS...................................................................................................4&&,.0. B(S#"RA%#I%(SF-RMA*AGI*G#AS:SA*/R(MI*/(RS............................................................................4

    13. IMPORTING LEAVE FROM PAYROLL........................................................................................................54

    &.&. %-*FIRMI*G#H(#'"(S-FL(A2(.................................................................................................................40&.,. USI*G'-UR"A'R-LLS-F#

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    Apex Business Software Page 5

    #a$le of Fi>ures

    FIGURE 1. COMPANY SETUP WIZARD.............................................................................................................11

    FIGURE 2. EMPLOYEE WINDOW........................................................................................................................12

    FIGURE 3. SETTING UP EMPLOYEE FOLDERS..............................................................................................15FIGURE 4. LEAVE SETUP WINDOW...................................................................................................................17

    FIGURE 5. TYPE OF LEAVE WINDOW...............................................................................................................17

    FIGURE 6. LEAVE ACCRUAL PLANS.................................................................................................................1

    FIGURE 7. LEAVE ACCRUAL PLAN '' 1$VAC(15)5YRS 2SIC......................................................................19

    FIGURE . E&AMPLE 1"LAP * 15VAC 2SIC.......................................................................................................19

    FIGURE 9. E&AMPLE 2"LAP * 1$VAC)6MOS 2PER.......................................................................................2$

    FIGURE 1$. E&AMPLE 3"LAP * .5PTO)3MOS................................................................................................2$

    FIGURE 11. E&AMPLE 4"LAP * 1$VAC)3MOS(1FLT.....................................................................................21

    FIGURE 12. LEAVE ACCRUAL FOR EMPLOYEE............................................................................................21

    FIGURE 13. ADVANCED ACCRUAL FOR ONE EMPLOYEE.........................................................................22

    FIGURE 14. ACCRUAL FOR E&TENDED LEAVE............ .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. ........ .22

    FIGURE 15. LEAVE OF A!SENCE........................................................................................................................22


    FIGURE 17. LEAVE ACCRUAL PLAN FOR CALIFORNIA LEAVE..............................................................26

    FIGURE 1. SC+EDULE LEAVE OF A!SENCE WINDOW FOR CFRA........................................................27

    FIGURE 19. !LOC% OUT LEAVE WINDOW......................................................................................................2

    FIGURE 2$. INSURANCE !ENEFIT......................................................................................................................34

    FIGURE 21. TDRP !ENEFIT...................................................................................................................................35

    FIGURE 22. INSURANCE ENROLLMENT MATRI&.........................................................................................35

    FIGURE 23. EMPLOYEE !ENEFIT SCREEN.....................................................................................................36

    FIGURE 24. TDRP ENROLLMENT MATRI&......................................................................................................36

    FIGURE 25. EMPLOYEE TDRP ENROLLMENT SCREEN..............................................................................37

    FIGURE 26. EMPLOYEE !ENEFIT ENROLLMENT TA!................................................................................37

    FIGURE 27 CO!RA..................................................................................................................................................3

    FIGURE 2. CREATE INVOICE WINDOW.........................................................................................................41

    FIGURE 29. INVOICING TA! ON EMPLOYEE WINDOW..............................................................................41

    FIGURE 3$. CREATE INVOICE WINDOW.........................................................................................................42

    FIGURE 31. SAVE(E'MAIL REPORT MENU ITEM...........................................................................................44

    FIGURE 32. MAIL MERGE TOOLS......................................................................................................................49

    FIGURE 33. INSERT MERGE FIELDS IN MS WORD.......................................................................................49

    FIGURE 34. TAS%.....................................................................................................................................................51

    FIGURE 35. IMPORTING LEAVE.........................................................................................................................55

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    FIGURE 36. E&PORT INTERFACES.....................................................................................................................5

    FIGURE 37. E&PORT INTERFACE.......................................................................................................................5

    FIGURE 3. PERMISSIONS FOR USERS# GROUPS AND ROLES..................................................................6$

    FIGURE 39. S,L ROLE MEM!ERS+IP...............................................................................................................62

    FIGURE 4$. PERMISSIONS ON LEAVE DATA ENTRY...................................................................................62FIGURE 41. RESTORING A DATA!ASE WIT+ ENTERPRISE MANAGER ...............................................67

    FIGURE 42. RESTORE DATA!ASE WINDOW...................................................................................................67

    FIGURE 43. RESTORE DATA!ASE OPTIONS...................................................................................................67

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    TA!LE 1. SYSTEM RE,UIREMENTS FOR SINGLE COMPUTER INSTALLATION..................................9

    TA!LE 2. W+AT MA%ES APE& SOFTWARE DIFFERENT-..........................................................................11

    TA!LE 3. INFORMATION ON EMPLOYEES GENERAL TA!......................................................................13TA!LE 4. EMPLOYEE TA!S..................................................................................................................................13

    TA!LE 5. LARGE PAY TA!LE..............................................................................................................................32

    TA!LE 6. SMALL PAY TA!LE..............................................................................................................................32

    TA!LE 7. INSURANCE !ENEFIT FIELDS..........................................................................................................34

    TA!LE . TDRP !ENEFIT FIELDS.......................................................................................................................35

    TA!LE 9. FIELDS FOR EMPLOYEE !ENEFIT ENROLLMENT....................................................................36

    TA!LE 1$ !ENEFITS REPORTS...........................................................................................................................3

    TA!LE 11. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS ON MAIN MENU.............................................44

    TA!LE 12. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/EMPLOYEE DETAIL..................................45

    TA!LE 13. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/COMPENSATION........................................45

    TA!LE 14. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/EMPLOYMENT............................................46

    TA!LE 15. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/!ENEFITS......................................................46


    TA!LE 17. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/LEAVE SUMMARIES..................................47

    TA!LE 1. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/LOST TIME ANALYSIS..............................47

    TA!LE 19. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/TIMECARDS.................................................47

    TA!LE 2$. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/PROJECTS.....................................................47

    TA!LE 21. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/CERTIFICATIONS.......................................47

    TA!LE 22. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/TRAINING.....................................................4

    TA!LE 23. REPORTS OPENED !Y CLIC%ING REPORTS/!IRT+DAYS..................................................4




    TA!LE 26. FIELDS IN A TAS%..............................................................................................................................51

    TA!LE 27. REMINDERS REGARDING !ENEFITS...........................................................................................52

    TA!LE 2. REMINDERS REGARDING LEAVE.................................................................................................52



    TA!LE 31. REMINDERS REGARDING LEAVE AND FMLA...........................................................................53

    TA!LE 32. REMINDERS REGARDING CO!RA................................................................................................53

    TA!LE 33. DEFAULT E&PORT INTERFACES...................................................................................................57

    TA!LE 34. SELECTED VIEWS..............................................................................................................................5

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    TA!LE 35. SECURITY TERMS..............................................................................................................................6$

    TA!LE 36. COMMON S,L ROLES.......................................................................................................................61

    TA!LE 37. !UILD'IN S,L ROLES........................................................................................................................61

    TA!LE 3. !UILT'IN S,L USERS.........................................................................................................................61

    TA!LE 39. EFFECTIVE PERMISSIONS E&AMPLE..........................................................................................62

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    Apex Business Software Page 9

    1. Getting Started#is do!u?ent is written for $ot end users and ad?inistrators. Ad?inistrators sould read tisse!tion to plan te installation. #o s!edule $a!@ups6 read Se!tion &5 on pa>e 54. (nd users6 read

    Se!tion ,on pa>e &&to $e>in te setup pro!ess.

    1.1. Sste! "e#uire!ents

    #e software in!ludes a data$ase and a !lient !o?ponent. Bot te data$ase and te !lient !an $einstalled on a sin>le !o?puter. Bot reuire

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    1.4. %$ient'Ser(er &nsta$$ation

    %lient1server installations involve installin> te data$ase on a server !o?puter and ten installin>!lient software on all te !o?puters tat need to a!!ess te data$ase. If our or>aniCation is notalread runnin> SQL Server 2000 or 200ten run te installer and !li!@ S;; IaniCation is runnin> SQL Serverten use E!terprise Ma!a"erto restore tedata$ase lo!ated in te setup folder at Database/iHR.bak.

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    Apex Business Software Page 11

    2. %o!pan Setup -iardUse te %ompa!) Set*p +i,ar-to set up our !o?pan.If te wiCard is not alread open ten !li!@

    C>@0@0ure &will open. Use te wiCardto set up ou !o?pan6 define tpes of leave6 set upa!!rual plans6 and enroll sa?ple e?ploees in toseplans.

    #e wiCard will as@ ou if ou want to delete all of tesa?ple e?ploees6 and it !an i?port our !urrente?ploees fro? a %S2 file.

    #o i?port e?ploees witout runnin> te %ompa!)Set*p +i,ar-6 !li!@ E@>/I@>; E@>.#o !an>e !o?pan settin>s after ou !o?plete tewiCard6 !li!@ C>@0@0

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    3. /!p$oees#is !apter explains ow to list6 open and add e?ploees. It also explains ?ost of te e?ploeeinfor?ation6 file folders and $est pra!ti!es. #is !apter does not explain leave6 $enefits6 reports

    or se!urit. (a! of tose topi!s ?erits its own !apter and !an $e found on pa>es &76 06 0and53.

    3.1. 0isting pening and Adding /!p$oees

    #e (eop#e Exp#orerlists e?ploees. #o open te (eop#e Exp#orer6 !li!@ V:H/P>@ E@>;;on te ?ain ?enu. Sele!t AB: E@>. #o open an e?ploee6 dou$le;!li!@ i?. Awindow si?ilar to Fi>ure ,will open.

    %*stom Ta*#ar Reports also list e?ploees. #ese views allow ou to enter infor?ation a$outseveral e?ploees at on!e. #o open a view6 !li!@ E@>/C> T00; R@>;.

    (eop#e Searc/sear!es for an e?ploee $ased on na?e6 date of $irt6 or so!ial se!urit nu?$er.#o use (eop#e Searc/6 !li!@ E@>/P>@ S0;B. /ou$le;!li!@ an e?ploee to openi?.

    #o add an e?ploee6 !li!@ E@>/A E@>. A window as@in> for te na?e of tee?ploee will open. -n!e ou !li!@ save6 te sste? will !reate te e?ploee and open awindow si?ilar to Fi>ure ,. 'ou !an ten edit te new e?ploees infor?ation.

    F:?; 2. E@> W:H

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    Apex Business Software Page 14

    repri?ands and !o??uni!ations re>ardin> an e?ploee.

    Leave #ra!@s detailed leave istor and su??ariCes usa>e J availa$ilit as of toda.

    "ersonal Info Sows an e?ploees date of $irt6 so!ial se!urit nu?$er6 ra!e6 ?arital status6 dependents6

    ealt status6 spouse6 !ildren6 i??i>ration6 ?ilitar experien!e and drivers li!enseinfor?ation. #a$le 3explains related re?inders.

    Benefits Sows individual enroll?ent in ea! $enefit and also tra!@s %-BRA. #o rena?e $enefitsor enter pre?iu? ta$les6 !li!@ !es. (a! entr tra!@s e?plo?ent status6 pa6 position status6 and $onusran>es. #is ta$ also !ontains new ire and exit !e!@lists.

    %o??uni!ations /isplas warnin>s6 repri?ands and !o??uni!ations re>ardin> an e?ploee.

    %onta!t Ho?e and wor@ !onta!t infor?ation.

    (uip?ent Lists te euip?ent an e?ploee as !e!@ed out. Allows ou to easil !e!@ iseuip?ent $a!@ in.

    *otes and More Use tis ta$ to !reate !usto? fields and enter narratives tat do not fall under!o??uni!ations or tas@s.

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    3.3. i$e o$ders

    #e sste? auto?ati!all !reates a folder for ea! e?ploee. elsetat ou !an save to dis@ or s!an in. #o !an>e te root folder6 !li!@ C>@0

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    es6 open te e?ploee and do!u?ent te !an>e in ere?plo?ent ta$. A new entr sould $e entered into te e?plo?ent ta$ wenever te e?ploeeis reired6 pro?oted or de?oted.

    Store !opies of reviews6 resu?es and oter written do!u?entation in te e?ploee folders. Read

    pa>e &to learn a$out e?ploee folders.

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    Apex Business Software Page 17

    4. 0ea(e#is !apter explains ow to set up leave. It ten explains tpes of leave6 leave a!!rual6 ow toenter used leave6 freuentl as@ed uestions6 and FMLA !onsiderations. Reports are des!ri$ed in

    #a$le &5 on pa>e 05.

    4.1. Setting p 0ea(e

    #e %o?pan Setup up leave6 and ou !an open it $ !li!@in> C>@0ure 0.%li!@ te M>U@and M> D>He te order tat te tpes are listed.

    F:?; 4. L0 S@ W:H F:?; 5. T@ >= L0 W:H

    #o open te window sown in Fi>ure 46 !li!@ te A$utton. #at window !ontains severalfields. #e A$$reviation field is sown in su??ar reports were spa!e is a pre?iu?. #e!lassifi!ation !ontrols weter te leave is treated as si?ple or advan!ed. (xa?ples of advan!edtpes of leave in!lude FMLA6 %FRA6

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    4.3. 0ea(e Arua$ P$ans

    Leave ccr*a# (#a!s define ow ?u! leave e?ploees a!!rue and ow often te a!!rue it. (a!plan answers four uestions for ea! tpe of a!!rued leave

    &. Hours. How ?an ours of leave sould parti!ipatin> e?ploees a!!rue,. Freuen!. ure

    5. After te plans are !reated6!li!@ te %/a!"e ccr*a#$uttonsand %#ick /erelin@s to enrolle?ploees in te plans.

    F:?; 6. L0 ABB;0 P0 e?ploees inte plans6 read Se!tion$elowon pa>e ,&.

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    4.3.1. 0ea(e Arua$ P$ans

    #o set an a!!rual rate6 !li!@ a !ell in te ta$leand ten enter te ours a!!rued and tefreuen!. In Fi>ure 76 te !ell tat reads6&5.33 rs Seniorit Anniversar III

    spe!ifies tat e?ploees wo are assi>ned totis plan a!!rue &5 rs of si!@ leave ea!ear. #e !ell tat reads6 &3.33 rs (verMont of Seniorit I2 spe!ifies tate?ploees wo are assi>ned to tis plan Nand wo ave $een e?ploed for 4 ears Na!!rue &3 rs of va!ation ever ?ont ofseniorit.

    freuen!6 ou !an !oosefro? seven options wee@l6 $iwee@l6

    se?i?ontl6 ?ontl6 $i?ontl6se?iannuall and annuall. (a! of tosefreuen!ies offer variations li@e SenioritAnniversar III and Seniorit AnniversarI2 tat deter?ine wen leave is first!redited.

    F:?; 7. L0 ABB;0 P0< '' 1$VAC(15)5; 2SIC

    .Fi>ure 8sows a plan tat a!!rues &5 rs ofsi!@ leave annuall and &3 rs of va!ation?ontl. In tis exa?ple6 si!@ leave is not

    li?ited and va!ation is li?ited to &,3 rs.

    F:?; . E0@ 1"LAP * 15VAC 2SIC

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    Fi>ure +sows a plan tat a!!rues notin>for te first 5 ?onts of e?plo?ent. After 5?onts6 it a!!rues &5 rs of personal leaveannuall and 5.57 rs of va!ation ?ontl.

    F:?; 9. E0@ 2"LAP * 1$VAC)6> 2PER

    Fi>ure &3sows a plan tat a!!rues notin>for te first ?onts of e?plo?ent. After ?onts6 it a!!rues , rs of "#- everFrida.

    F:?; 1$. E0@ 3"LAP * .5PTO)3>

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    Fi>ure &&sows a plan tat a!!rues &floatin> olida ea! ear. After ?onts6 ita!!rues 5.57 rs of va!ation on te first daof ea! ?ont.

    F:?; 11. E0@ 4"LAP * 1$VAC)3>(1FLT

    After ou !reate te Leave A!!rual "lans6 ou are read to enroll e?ploees in te plans.

    4.3.2. /nro$$ing /!p$oees in 0ea(e Arua$ P$ans

    #o start a!!ruin> leave for an e?ploee6 enroll i? in a Leave ccr*a# (#a!. #e softwareprovides two was to enroll e?ploees.

    (nroll an individual $ openin> i?6 !li!@in> is L0ta$6 and !li!@in> te C0

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    ure &. *ote tat a planta@es effe!t $etween Start $ateand Stop $ate.

    Also note tat onl one plan !an $e in effe!t atone ti?e. Fi>ure &sows an e?ploee woori>inall a!!rued &3 das of va!ation6 $ut6 on01,6 e $e>an a!!ruin> &4 das.

    F:?; 13. A0; O

    Fi>ure &0sows te enroll?ent for an e?ploeewo went on extended leave on ,1&1,33, andreturned 51&1,33,. Se will not a!!u?ulate leave$etween ,1&1,33, and 41&1,33,.

    F:?; 14. ABB;0 =>; Ele adust?ent or ite?iCed da;$;da. Use adust?ents to setinitial $alan!es and !o?p !redits. #o enter an adust?ent6 !li!@ L0/E= A

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    In Fi>ure &46 sele!t te departin> e?ploee. #o !e!@ availa$ilit and eli>i$ilit6 !li!@ te T>00B;ta$. -n!e ou deter?ine availa$ilit6 return to te Ge of das6 !li!@ te F;> T>$utton. #o run te leave !on!urrentl wit an advan!ed tpeli@e FMLA6 !e!@ te advan!ed tpes in te list la$eled A> B>e a for?letter6 !li!@ te W;: L;$utton.

    4.5. 0ea(e A


    How do I !e!@ ow ?u! leave is availa$le#o !e!@ availa$le leave for one e?ploee6 !li!@ L0/L0 =>; O.


    = A te last paroll%li!@ R@>;/U L0 S0;# E@> V T@ >= L0. Sele!t te parollperiod and run te report. #e report will su? ea! tpe of leave for ea! e?ploee.

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    ) How do I prevent an e?ploee fro? a!!u?ulatin> leave wile e is on FMLA or extendedleave

    A -pen te e?ploee and !li!@ is leave ta$. %li!@ te C0

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    5. )0Instant FMLA allows ou to ?ana>e extended leave6 and tra!@ tas@s and re?inders asso!iatedwit FMLA. It allows ou to ?ana>e plans tat var fro? state to state6 and >enerates letters and

    !o??uni!ations ui!@l trou> ?ail ?er>e.

    5.1. Setting p 0ea(e Arua$ P$ans for )0A

    Lo>in to te software and !oose L0/S U@ L0. A window li@e te one $elow willopen tat in!ludes tree #a$ options. #e T@ >= L0 T0opens $ default and in!ludes alist of all te tpes of leave tat our or>aniCation is tra!@in>. Use te Add1(dit $utton to?odif te list and ?a@e !ertain it is !o?plete.

    F:?; 16. L0 S@ W:H =>; C0:=>;e in .Be!ause leave is tra!@ed in ours6 it is i?portantto set up a different a!!rual plan for ea! F#( DFull #i?e (uivalen!E tat our or>aniCationoffers. %li!@ te Add6 (dit6 or /elete $uttons to ?odif te plans. Alternativel6 ou !an edit te

    plan $ dou$le;!li!@in> on te plan fro? te Leave A!!rual "lans list.

    It is i?portant to set up a different a!!rual plan for ea! F#( DFull #i?e (uivalen!E tat ouror>aniCation offers. %li!@ te Add6 (dit6 or /elete $utton to ?odif te plans. Alternativel6 itis possi$le to edit te plan $ dou$le !li!@in> on te plan fro? te Leave A!!rual "lans list. Awindow si?ilar to te one $elow will open on!e ou ave !osen a plan to ?odif.

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    F:?; 17. L0 ABB;0 P0< =>; C0:=>;ure &7allows ou to esta$lis te F#(6 write a des!ription of te plan6deter?ine if rates sould in!rease in relation to seniorit6 deter?ine te rate of a!!rual for?ultiple tpes of leave6 and assi>n li?its on unused leave. Use te ABB;0 R0s!roll $ar toview te rate at wi! e?ploees a!!rue leave over te last rollin> ear for ea! tpe of leave. In

    te exa?ple a$ove6 e?ploees will a!!rue 083 ours of %FRA6 083 ours of "/L6 and ,03 oursof "aid /FL. %li!@ on te desired !ell to ?odif its a!!rual rate. -n!e ou are satisfied witour !an>es6 !li!@ A@@.

    #o enter initial $alan!es for ea! e?ploee6 !li!@ te I

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    5.2. S*edu$ing )0A

    #o s!edule FMLA6 !li!@ L0/SB L0 >= Aure &8will open. Sele!t te departin> e?ploee. If ou !annot find i? ten !li!@ te $ino!ulars andadd i?.

    *ext spe!if te ualifin> event. %li!@ te F;> T>$utton. A window si?ilar to Fi>ure &+ onte next pa>e will open.

    F:?; 1. SB L0 >= A; CFRA

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    Sele!t te pri?ar tpe of leave li@e paid6unpaid6 "#-6 si!@ leave6 or va!ation. %e!@te !e!@$oxes next to all of te tpes offa?il leave tat appl. Use te L0

    A0:0 D0!olu?n to !onfir? availa$ilit.

    If an e?ploee will exaust er "/L $eforese exausts er %FRA ten enter te lastavaila$le da of "/L. 'ou will need to $rea@up te leave into two leaves of a$sen!e6 one for%FRA1"/L and anoter for ust te re?ainin>%FRA.

    %li!@ te A$utton and ou will return to tewindow sown in Fi>ure &8. In tat window6

    !li!@ te C;0 T0ta$ and !e!@ all of tetas@s tat appl. #o add a tas@6 !li!@ te $lueperlin@ at te $otto? of te windows. ReadSe!tion &,on pa>e 4&to learn ?ore a$outtas@s and re?inders.

    F:?; 19. !>B O L0 W:H

    #o save te leave of a$sen!e6 !li!@ te A@@$utton. Finall6 !li!@ te W;: L;$utton to?er>e tis leave of a$sen!e wit a for? letter. Read Se!tion &&on pa>e0+to learn ?ore a$out?ail ?er>e.

    5.3. /diting ' /xtending a!i$ 0ea(e

    -n!e FMLA as $een entered6 it !an $e a!!essed $ eiter openin> te e?ploee6 !li!@in>L0/L0 =>; O6 or !li!@in> L0/L0 M0;:.

    After ou find te leave of a$sen!e in te list and open it6 ou !an extend it $ !li!@in> te$uttons la$eledA and F;> T>. *ote tat te !e!@$oxes under te Also !ount tis leaveasK list appl to te entire leave of a$sen!e. If an e?ploee was on %FRA1"/L and is now uston %FRA ten ou would need !reate an entirel new leave of a$sen!e.

    'ou !an !ut te leave sort $ s!rollin> down to te da tat te e?ploee returned1will returnand deletin> it. #e software will ten as@ if ou want to delete evertin> tereafter. %li!@ es.

    5.4. )0A or!sApex provides five FMLA for?s Reuest for FMLA Leave6 Medi!al "rovider %ertifi!ation ofSerious Healt %ondition6 Medi!al "rovider Re!ertifi!ation of Serious Healt %ondition6Approval of Reuest for FMLA Leave6 /enial of Reuest for FMLA Leave6 and Medi!al"rovider %ertifi!ation of Fitness for /ut. %usto?iCe tese for?s to ?eet our needs or ta@eour existin> for?s and prepare te? for ?ail ?er>in>. #o ?er>e e?ploee infor?ation wit afor?6 !li!@ L0/M0: M;?on te ?ain ?enu. Read Mail Mer>e on pa>e 0+for ?oreinfor?ation.

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    5.5. Best Praties for )anaging )0A

    Apex re!o??ends te followin> $est pra!ti!es.

    A!!rue FMLA leave !ontinuousl instead of $ !alendar ear. Instant FMLA does not support

    a!!ruin> FMLA $ !alendar ear $e!ause doin> so dou$les our !o?pans exposure to a$useand ?isuse. Given tat an e?ploee is onl allowed &, wee@s annuall of FMLA leave6 if oua!!rue FMLA leave $ !alendar ear ten ou are allowin> e?ploees twi!e as ?u! leave as isreuired ou are allowin> &, wee@s for te last alf of last ear plus &, wee@s for te first alfof tis ear for a total of ,0 wee@s over te last !ontinuous ear.

    As soon as a ualified e?ploee reuests FMLA leave6 i??ediatel send two letters to tee?ploee6 one letter tat reuests ?edi!al !ertifi!ation and anoter letter tat approves te leave!ontin>ent on ?edi!al !ertifi!ation and explains is FMLA $enefits. #e e?ploer ?ust respondto an FMLA reuest witin two $usiness das oterwise te e?ploer !annot le>all den tereuest. #e e?ploee ?ust deliver te !ertifi!ation to te e?ploer witin &4 das of is re!eipt

    of te e?ploers reuest. If te e?ploee !an prove tat e ?ade a >ood fait effort to deliverte !ertifi!ation $ut was una$le to do so ten e ?a deliver it witin 3 das. If e fails todeliver te !ertifi!ation witin &4 or 3 das ten ou !an den or revo@e is FMLA reuest. Ife is alread on leave ten ou !an treat i? as a$sent witout leave6 reuire tat e retroa!tivelta@e paid leave6 or ter?inate is e?plo?ent.

    After te initial ?edi!al !ertifi!ation6 !onsider reuirin> ?edi!al re!ertifi!ation ever 3 das forpre>nan!6 !roni! !onditions6 or lon>;ter? !onditions. Altou> le>all te e?ploer ?ust pafor te re!ertifi!ation D%ode of Federal Re>ulations6 #itle 46 2olu?e &6 Se!tion 53.&,376"ara>rap E6 in pra!ti!e e?ploees usuall as@ teir provider to !o?plete te !ertifi!ationdurin> a s!eduled appoint?ent6 and few e?ploers offer to pa. For oter serious !onditions6

    in!ludin> inter?ittent !onditions6 te e?ploer ?a reuire re!ertifi!ation on a periodi! $asis6$ut not $efore te ?ini?u? duration of te period of in!apa!it. If te e?ploee as@s to extendFMLA leave or te e?ploer !an prove tat it re!eived infor?ation tat !asts dou$t on teori>inal reuest ten te e?ploer ?a reuire ?edi!al re!ertifi!ation as often as isreasona$le. D#irt das would li@el alwas $e !onsidered reasona$le.E (xer!isin> tis ri>t!an >reatl redu!e FMLA a$use. In te FMLA window6 if ou enter te Recertificatio! (erio-tente sste? will raise a re?inder.

    If ou uestion a ?edi!al providers !ertifi!ation ten dire!t te e?ploee or is fa?il ?e?$erto a provider of our !oi!e and pa for a se!ond opinion. As lon> as ou pa for te opinionand ou do not e?plo te provider6 federal law >ives ou te ri>t to reuire a se!ond opinion.

    If te se!ond opinion differs fro? te ori>inal !ertifi!ation ten ou !an pa for and o$tain atird opinion fro? a provider tat ou sele!t. #at tird opinion is $indin> for $ot ou and tee?ploee.

    %onsider reuirin> a psi!ians note wen an e?ploee exer!ises inter?ittent FMLA leave. Ifan e?ploee se!ures a ?edi!al !ertifi!ation for inter?ittent leave wit a >eneri! dia>nosis li@edepression6 ?i>raines6 or stress ten ou !an lessen FMLA a$use and ?isuse $ reuirin> tee?ploee to o$tain and su$?it a do!tors note ever ti?e e ta@es FMLA leave.

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    telast twelve ?onts ten e does not ualif for an additional leave.

    #rain HR personnel and ?ana>ers to re!o>niCe ualifin> events. Reuest a ?edi!al !ertifi!ationand send an approval letter even if te e?ploee does not reuest FMLA leave. Le>all6 it is tee?ploers responsi$ilit to >rant FMLA $enefits re>ardless of weter or not te e?ploeeas@s for te?. %onsider a ?ale e?ploee wo as@s is supervisor for ti?e off $e!ause is wife iss!eduled to deliver is !ild6 $ut te e?ploee does not @now to as@ for FMLA leave. If tee?ploees supervisor denies is reuest ten te e?ploer is open to fines $ te (?plo?entStandards Ad?inistration of te /epart?ent of La$or and !ivil a!tion $ te e?ploee. #esupervisor sould reuire tat te e?ploee fill out a reuest for FMLA leave6 reuest ?edi!al!ertifi!ation6 and send i? a letter tat for?all a!!epts te reuest6 !ontin>ent upon ?edi!al!ertifi!ation.

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    6. i!eards and Proets#i?e!ards are flexi$le. #e !an sow a variet of fields in!ludin> In #i?e1-ut #i?e or/ate1Hours. #e !an $e lo>>ed a>ainst proe!ts. #e !an $e i??ediatel a!!epted or ?ar@ed

    pendin> until te are reviewed and approved.

    'ou sould see a T:B0;entr on te ?ain ?enu. If ou do not see it ten !li!@C>@0@0

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    7. Position %ontro$ and%o!pensation

    "osition !ontrol allows ou to enter standard positions6 >roup te positions into !o??on pa>rades6 and assi>n pa steps to ea! pa >rade. All of te settin>s for pa >rades are under teP>::>;/C>@rades as rows and te pa steps as !olu?ns. #e pa ta$le in #a$le,5approxi?ates te Ar?s General S!edule. "ositions are assi>ned to one pa >rade. Forexa?ple6 a "rivate is a GS;& DGeneral S!edule6 &stpa >radeE. 'ou !an see fro? te ta$le tat a"rivate !an earn $etween T&54, and T,3043 dependin> on is pa step. A General is a GS;&4and !an earn $etween T+&437 and T&&8+47. *ote tat ?ore tan one position !an use te sa?e

    pa >rade. An Ad?iral ?i>t also $e a GS;&4.

    T0 5. L0;? P0 T0

    Grade Step&



    Step 0 Step 4 Step 5 Step 7 Step 8 Step + Step &3

    & &54, &58+8 &700, &7+8 &84,7 &8807 &+8 &++,4 &++07 ,3043

    , &884 &88,, &+0& &++07 ,3&5+ ,375, ,&44 ,&+08 ,,40& ,&0

    ,3353 ,37,+ ,&+8 ,,357 ,,75 ,034 ,0370 ,070 ,40&, ,538&

    0 ,,4&+ ,,73 ,03,& ,077, ,44, ,5,70 ,73,4 ,7775 ,84,7 ,+,78

    4 ,4&+4 ,534 ,5874 ,77&4 ,8444 ,++4 3,4 &374 &+&4 ,744

    5 ,8384 ,+3,& ,++47 38+ &8,+ ,754 73& 057 447 543+

    7 &,3+ ,,0+ ,8+ 0,+ 45+ 503+ 700+ 808+ +4,+ 0345+

    8 045 47&4 5857 83&+ +&7& 03, 0&074 0,5,7 077+ 00+&+ 8&74 +008 037,& 0&++0 0,57 00403 048& 07385 084+ 0+5,

    &3 0,303 000& 0080, 05,0 07500 0+304 43005 4&807 4,08 4050+

    && 05&8+ 077,+ 0+,5+ 4383+ 4,0+ 488+ 440,+ 45+5+ 4843+ 5330+

    &, 4453 47,34 4+343 538+4 5,703 50484 5503 58,74 73&,3 7&+54

    & 548, 583,5 73,,3 7,0&0 70538 7583, 78++5 8&&+3 880 84478

    &0 777+ 8385 8,+7+ 8447, 88&54 +3748 +4& +4+00 +847 &3&&3

    &4 +&437 +0447 +7537 &33547







    For lar>e or>aniCations6 pa ta$les si?plif salarne>otiations and pa in!reases. For oter or>aniCations6 pa

    is often ne>otiated on an individual $asis and salaries do notfall into a !learl defined ta$le. In tat !ase6 !reate a pa>rade for ea! position and !reate pa steps for ?ini?u?6tpi!al6 and ?axi?u? pa as sown in#a$le ,7.

    T0 6. S0 P0 T0

    Grade Min #pi!al Max

    %leri!al &54, &58+8 &700,Staff &884 &88,, &+0&

    Mana>er ,3353 ,37,+ ,&+8

    /ire!tor ,,4&+ ,,73 ,03,&

    "artner ,4&+4 ,534 ,5874

    -n!e ou define our pa ta$leDsE6 !reate positions and assi>n ea! position to te !orre!t pa>rade. a!tual pa for an individual6 ou are not restri!ted to pa ta$les. 'ou !an

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    loo@ up salar $ pa >rade1step6 or ou enter an unrelated a?ount. #o use te position and!o?pensation reports6 !li!@ R@>;/C>@

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    8. BenefitsInstant HR supports insuran!e $enefits and tax;deferred retire?ent plans D#/R"sE. Insuran!e$enefits in!lude ealt6 a!!idental deat6 and dental. #/R"s in!lude 03&D@Es and 03D$Es. For

    !o?panies wit ?ore tan twent e?ploees6 Instant HR also tra!@s %-BRA. #is !apterexplains ow to ?odif insuran!e $enefits6 !reate #/R"s6 tra!@ enroll?ent for ea! e?ploee6tra!@ %-BRA pa?ents6 and use $est pra!ti!es.

    #o i?port e?ploee $enefit enroll?ent6 !reate a !sv file for ea! $enefit and !li!@!; E@> !e6 e?ploee pre?iu?6 e?ploerpre?iu? and oter infor?ation to $e i?ported.

    8.1. Adding Benefits

    #o list6 edit6 or add $enefits6 !li!@ !

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    a #/R"6 a windowli@e Fi>ure ,&will open. #a$le 8explains te fields in a #/R". For!o?panies tat use >raduated

    ?at!in>6 enter !eilin>s and?at!in> rates in Emp#o)erMatc/i!".

    F:?; 21. TDRP !ardin> te #/R"

    (?ploer Mat!in> #e >raduated rate tat te e?ploer !ontri$utes to te e?ploees #/R" a!!ount as aper!ent of te e?ploees !ontri$ution

    Up to DVE and RateDVE #e (?ploer Mat!in> ta$le is a >raduated ta$le6 si?ilar to an in!o?e tax ta$le6 tatdefines te rate tat te e?ploer ?at!es an e?ploee !ontri$ution. InFi>ure ,&6 if ane?ploee would !ontri$ute &4V of is salar to is 03&D@E ten te e?ploer would?at! 43V of te first 4V D,.4VE6 ,4V of te next 4VD&.,4VE6 and none of te last 4VD3E. #e e?ploer would !ontri$ute .74V D,.4V W &.,4V W 3E of te e?ploees salar.

    8.2. /!p$oee Benefit /nro$$!ent Setup

    #o sele!t an Insuran!e Benefit and

    !an>e te enroll?ent for severale?ploees fro? one window6 !li!@!i$ilit and enroll?entdates tat appl.

    F:?; 22. I U@ P;:$utton toview ?at!in> pre?iu?s for all e?ploees wit si?iliar !overa>e.

    It is possi$le to override pre?iu?s $ dire!tl editin> te a?ounts. #o open a $enefit and eiterrena?e it or !an>e te pre?iu? s!edule for ever$od6 !li!@ te na?e of te $enefit in teupper left !orner of te window6 wi! is /ental inFi>ure ,on te next pa>e.

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    F:?; 23. E@> !; E@> !ardin> te $enefit

    Individual "oli!*u?$er

    (a! $enefit !an also ave a >roup poli! nu?$er.

    (li>i$le /ate te e?ploee is eli>i$le. *ot !e!@ed if not appli!a$le. Raises an Emp#o)eeE#i"i#e for 4e!efit re?inder. #o ena$le or disa$le a re?inder6 !li!@T0/E

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    rates6 !li!@ on te #/R"$enefit in te upper left !orner wi! is03&D@E in Fi>ure ,4.

    F:?; 25. E@> TDRP Ei$ilit and enroll?ent. /ou$le;!li!@ a $enefit to see an e?ploeesprovider6 plan6 and !overa>e ;; or loo@ uppre?iu?s infor?ation.

    F:?; 26. E@> !

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    8.4. %B"A

    -n!e an e?ploee is ter?inated it is possi$le to tra!@ %-BRA dates and pre?iu?s owed $ut notpa?ents. -pen te e?ploee and !li!@ te (?ploee Benefits ta$. %e!@ te T;0B C>;0$ox. Alternativel6 !li!@ on ! :< CO!RA on te ?ain ?enu. -r6wen ter?inatin> an e?ploee6 !e!@ te (nroll in %-BRA !e!@$ox. 'ou !an ten tra!@

    i?portant dates su! as eli>i$ilit6 enroll?ent6 notifi!ation6 and ter?ination.

    F:?; 27 CO!RA

    8.5. Benefits "eports

    %reate Benefit Reports $ !li!@in> R@>;/!i$ilit6 enroll?ent6 and !ontri$ution infor?ation for #/R"s.

    "re?iu? S!edule A list of s!edule $enefits for all te pre?iu?s.

    #otal "re?iu?s for (a!(?ploee

    Lists total pre?iu?s for ea! e?ploer plan so e?ploers and e?ploees @now ow?u! te owe providers ea! pa period.

    #otal "re?iu?s for (a!"rovider1"lan

    Lists a?ounts due to te provider ea! pa period for plan !overa>e.

    8.6. Best Praties for )anaging BenefitsApex re!o??ends te followin> pra!ti!esUse te %ompa!) Set*p +i,ar- to define our $enefits $efore ou add a sin>le e?ploee. #o opente wiCard6 !li!@ C>@0@0 !

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    9. Benefit Pre!iu!s: &n(oiesPa!ents and State!ents

    Before ou !reate an invoi!e6 first insure tat te 4e!efits I!voici!" feature is !e!@ed inS@/C>@0

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    9.1. &n(oies

    #o !reate a sin>le invoi!e6 !li!@RB:0/C;0 I:B. 'ouwill see a window si?ilar to Fi>ure,8. Sele!t te e?ploee and !li!@ te

    lin@ la$eled6 %li!@ ere to invoi!e!urrent pre?iu?s.

    Alternativel6 ou !an !reate a sin>leinvoi!e $ !li!@in>E@>/P>@ S0;B6 findin>te e?ploee6 >oin> to is I!s*ra!ce5 %4R ta$6 listin> is invoi!es6 and!li!@in> te %reate$utton ;; as sownin Fi>ure ,+.

    F:?; 2. C;0 I:B W:H

    F:?; 29. I:B:

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    After !reatin> invoi!es6 list and edit te? $ eiter openin> te e?ploee or !li!@in>RB:0/L:(E: I:B. #e list as a filter at te top tat allows ou to easil filterout all of te past due invoi!es. 'ou !an ten !li!@ te %/eck ##$utton and >enerate state?entsor print te invoi!es.

    invoi!es6 te laout is !ontrolled $ te rptInvoice.rptfile in te saredReportTemplatessu$folder. #e lo>o is ta@en fro? te invoiceLogo.pngfile in te sa?e

    su$folder. #o !an>e te laout or lo>o of te invoi!e6 edit or repla!e tose two files.

    9.2. Pa!ents

    #o re!ord a pa?ent6 !li!@RB:0/RB>; P0E@>/P>@ S0;B6 findin>te e?ploee6 >oin> to is I!s*ra!ce5 %4R ta$6 listin> is pa?ents6and !li!@in> te %reate$utton.

    F:?; 3$. C;0 I:B W:H

    9.3. State!ents

    A state?ent lists invoi!in> and pa?ent istor for one individual. #o !reate a separatestate?ent for ea! individual wo as a past due invoi!e6 !li!@ RB:0/P;:

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    state?ents6 te laout is !ontrolled $ te rptStatement.rptfile in te sared

    ReportTemplatessu$folder. #e lo>o is ta@en fro? te statementLogo.pngfile in te

    sa?e su$folder. #o !an>e te laout or lo>o of te state?ent6 edit or repla!e tose two files.

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    1. "eports#o list availa$le reports6 !li!@ R@>;on te ?ain ?enu. After ou run a report6 a ?enu ite?la$eled Save6E7mai# Reportwill appear as sown in Fi>ure &. #o save or e;?ail a report6 !li!@

    Save6E7mai# Report. #e sste? !an save te report in an of te followin> for?ats HTML6 Tiff6($F6 MS Exce#6 textand RTF.

    F:?; 31. S0(E'0: R@>; M;/C> T00; R@>;.#a$le && lists reports tat are dire!tl a!!essi$le $ !li!@in> R@>;on te ?ain ?enu. #a$lespro!eedin> #a$le &&list reports tat are a!!essed $ !li!@in> su$?enus under R@>;.

    #e windows tat filter ?an reports sow a perlin@ tat is la$eled6 Sow e?ploees wereStatusXA!tive. #o !an>e wi! e?ploees are in!luded on te report6 !li!@ te perlin@.

    %li!@ te A0

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    T0 12. R@>; O@

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    T0 14. R@>; O@

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    T0 17. R@>; O@

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    List of (?ploees wit Sele!ted %ertifi!ation Lists all e?ploees wo old te spe!ified !ertifi!ation.

    %ertifi!ations (xpired1*earl (xpired Lists e?ploees wit !ertifi!ations tat expired or will expire witintree ?onts.

    T0 22. R@>; O@

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    11. )ai$ )ergeUse Mai# Mer"eto >enerate >roup e;?ails6 letters and la$els. Mai# Mer"einvolves two steps.

    &. %reate a do!u?ent wit MS es fro? e?ploee to e?ploee. Fi>ure sows a te?platetat !ontains two mer"e fie#-s one for first na?e and one for last na?e.

    ,. Mer>e te do!u?ent wit te data$ase. Mer>in> will !reate one do!u?ent for ea!sele!ted e?ploee6 repla!in> mer"e fie#-swit a!tual e?ploee infor?ation.

    #o use Mai# Mer"e6 !li!@ E@>/M0: M;?. Menu options si?ilar to Fi>ure ,will open.%li!@ eiter C;0 NH M0: M;? D>BBE::

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    FMLA reuest tat ou want to ?er>e. It will ten !reate one do!u?ent for ea! sele!tede?ploee6 repla!in> mer"e fie#-swit a!tual e?ploee infor?ation.

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    12. as;s and "e!inders#as@s and re?inders e?power ou to sta or>aniCed and old e?ploees a!!ounta$le. 'ou!reate tas@s. #e sste? auto?ati!all !reates re?inders. #is !apter explains tas@s and

    re?inders6 ow to ?ana>e te?6 and $est pra!ti!es for usin> te?.

    12.1. as;s

    #o !reate a tas@6 !li!@ T0/Aon te ?ain ?enu.Fi>ure 0sows a sin>le tas@. #a$le ,5explains ea! field in Fi>ure 0. #o !reate a re!urrin> tas@6 !li!@ RB;;:

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    T0 27. R:

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    T0 31. R:

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    13. &!porting 0ea(e fro! Paro$$Auto?atin> te periodi! i?port of leave fro? our paroll software to Apex involves severalsteps wi! are all listed $elow.

    &. %onfir? tat te tpes of leave in Apex ?at! te tpes of leave tat are re!orded inparoll.

    ,. Use our paroll software to define an export definition file.. Run te paroll export.0. Use Apex to define an e?ploee i?port definition file.4. I?port te e?ploees fro? te paroll file.5. Use Apex to define an i?port ?appin>s file for all non;fa?il1?edi!al leave.7. I?port non;fa?il1?edi!al leave fro? te paroll file.8. Use Apex to define an i?port ?appin>s file for all fa?il1?edi!al leave.+. I?port fa?il1?edi!al leave fro? te paroll file.

    &3. %reate a s!ript tat exports paroll to a !sv file and i?ports it into Apex.&&. Use e &7to learn ow to add tpes to Apex. -n!e all of te tpes of leave are !orre!t6 ou sould$a!@ up our Apex data$ase6 restore it as a test data$ase6 and perfor? te rest of tis pro!edureon our test data$ase. After ou !o?plete tis entire i?port pro!edure su!!essfull6 ten ou !an!an>e our s!ript in te last step to update te produ!tion data$ase.

    13.2. sing =our Paro$$ Software to +efine an /xport +efinition


    'ou need to !oose weter ou want to !op ever leave entr fro? paroll to Apex6 orweter ou want to i?port te total leave used for ea! tpe durin> te last paroll period. Ifou plan to i?port ever leave entr ten !reate two export definition files one tat lists all ofour a!tive e?ploees and anoter tat lists ea! leave entr durin> te last paroll period.Alternativel6 if ou plan to i?port te total used leave for ea! tpe ten onl !reate one i?portdefinition file tat in!ludes all of te availa$le e?ploee !olu?ns Dtat ou need to i?port intoApexE and te used leave totals for ea! tpe durin> te last paroll. ;and;drop te !olu?ns fro? our exported paroll

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    file on te left to te Apex fields on te ri>t. %li!@ SA2( MA""I*GS and ten !li!@ IM"-R#.All of te e?ploees will ten $e i?ported into Apex.

    13.4. sing Apex to +efine 0ea(e &!port )appings i$e

    'ou tpi!all need to !reate two leave ?appin>s files one for fa?il1?edi!al leave and one for

    non;fa?il1?edi!al leave. If ou !oose to onl i?port fa?il1?edi!al leave ten ou onl needto !reate one i?port ?appin>s file. #o !reate a ?appin>s file6 open Apex and !li!@ Leave [I?port. Sele!t our exported paroll file. %li!@ trou> te ta$s and asso!iate te FML paroll!olu?ns wit te Apex fields. -n te last ta$ la$eled I?port -ptions tat is sown inFi>ure46 ou !an !ate>oriCe all of te i?ported leave as FMLA. %li!@ SA2( MA""I*GS and ten!li!@ IM"-R#. All of te fa?il1?edi!al leave fro? our paroll file will ten $e i?ported intoApex.

    F:?; 35. I@>;:

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    payrollExport f exportDefinition.txt! "" payrollExport.csv!apexImport I payrollExport.csv! E employee#iel$%appings.xml!apexImport I payrollExport.csv! L leave#%L.xml!apexImport I payrollExport.csv! L leave&on#%L.xml!

    Save our text file and use and lo>>in> pro$le?s. Run apexi?port N for a list ofall te availa$le !o??and;line swit!es.

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    14. /xporting &nfor!ation/ependin> on our fa?iliarit wit SQL6 te sste? offers tree was to export infor?ation

    &. Run a default (xport Interfa!e.,. %usto?iCe and run Export I!terfaces.. /ire!tl uer te SQL Serverdata$ase.

    14.1. +efau$t /xport &nterfaes

    Export I!terfacessave infor?ation fro? te data$ase to a deli?ited file. #o list te availa$leexport interfa!es6 !li!@ E@>/E@>;. #o exe!ute an interfa!e6 !li!@ it. #a$le des!ri$es te default Export I!terfaces.

    T0 33. D=0 E@>; I Emp#o)ee6 Emp#o)eeI$6Emp#o)ee:and SSN.

    (?ploees All e?ploees.

    Leave /etail6 %urrent "aroll Ite?iCed leave entries durin> !urrent paroll. %ontains te followin> fieldsEmp#o)eeI$6 Emp#o)ee:6 SSN6 Emp#o)ee6 $ate6 Hrs6 T)pe of Leave6 (ai-63se-.*ote tat (ai-is & for paid leave and 3 for unpaid leave. 3se-is & for used leaveand 3 for earned leave. Hrsis positive for used leave and ne>ative for earnedleave.

    Leave /etail6 Last "aroll Ite?iCed leave entries for last paroll.

    #i?e!ard /etail6 %urrent"aroll

    Ite?iCed ti?e!ard entries for !urrent paroll. %ontains te followin> fieldsEmp#o)eeI$6 Emp#o)ee:6 SSN6 Emp#o)ee6 %#ock I!6 %#ock *t6 Hrs.*ote tat %#ock I!and %#ock *tare date1ti?es. Hrsis te differen!e $etween%#ock I!and %#ock *t.

    #i?e!ard /etail6 Last "aroll Ite?iCed ti?e!ard entries for last paroll.

    #i?e!ard Su??ar6 %urrent"aroll

    #otal ours wor@ed6 su??ariCed $ e?ploee. -nl in!ludes !urrent paroll.%ontains te followin> fields Emp#o)eeI$6 Emp#o)ee:6 SSN6 Emp#o)ee6Re"*#ar Hrs6T Hrs6 Ho#i-a) Hrs6 +eeke!- Hrs6 Tota# Hrs; Re"*#ar Rate6T Rate6 Ho#i-a) Rate6 +eeke!- Rate6 (a).#o !an>e overti?e or !o?pensations settin>s for an e?ploee6 open tee?ploee and !li!@ is (a)ro##; 4e!efits; a!- %ompe!satio!ta$. #o !an>eolidas6 !li!@ C>@0:0.

    #i?e!ard Su??ar6 Last"aroll

    #otal ours wor@ed6 su??ariCed $ e?ploee. -nl in!ludes last paroll.

    Unpaid Used Leave Su??ar6%urrent "aroll

    #otal unpaid used leave6 su??ariCed $ e?ploee. -nl in!ludes !urrent paroll.%ontains te followin> fieldsEmp#o)eeI$6 Emp#o)ee:6 SSN6 Emp#o)ee6 Hrs

    Unpaid Used Leave Su??ar6Last "aroll

    #otal unpaid used leave6 su??ariCed $ e?ploee. -nl in!ludes last paroll.

    14.2. %usto!iing /xport &nterfaes

    If te default interfa!es do not ?eet our needs N and ou are fa?iliar wit Str*ct*re- Q*er)La!"*a"eDSQLE N ten ou !an ?odif te existin> interfa!es or !reate our own. #o ?odif or

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    !reate new interfa!es6 !li!@ E@>/E@>;/C>: E@>; Iure 5on te next pa>e will open.

    Fi>ure 7sows an Export I!terface. (a!interfa!e !ontains a SQL Stateme!t.

    ure 7spe!if weter te first row in te csvfilewill !ontain eaders and weter sin>lewords will $e surrounded wit uotes.

    If S/ow Fi#teris !e!@ed ten6 wen a user

    exports6 te sste? will as@ te user to sele!te?ploees. Sele!ted e?ploees are availa$lein 'Selecte$(eople.(eopleID

    #a$le 0 lists useful views tat !an $e oinedwit 'Selecte$(eople.

    F:?; 36. E@>; I; Ie te separator to ata$6 se?i!olon6 or an oter !ara!ter. After ou !reate a new Export I!terfaceand save it6 tesste? will add it to te C>@0;?enu.

    14.3. +iret$ uering t*e +ata,ase

    If ou are fa?iliar wit SQL Serverdata$ases ten ou !an dire!tl uer te data$ase instead ofusin> Export I!terfaces.#a$le 0lists useful views.

    T0 34. SB V:H

    2iew /es!ription

    vwBenefitStandard Sele!ts standard $enefits.

    vwBenefit#/R" Sele!ts #/R" $enefits.

    vw(?ploeeAll Sele!ts all fields for all e?ploees. Basis for All (?ploees and A!tive(?ploees (xport Interfa!e.

    vw(?ploee((- Sele!ts ((- related infor?ation.

    vw(?ploeeLeave Sele!ts denor?aliCed leave entries. Basis for leave;related (xport Interfa!es.

    vw(?ploee#i?e Sele!ts all ti?e!ard entries. Basis for ti?e!ard;related (xport Interfa!es.

    vw(?ploee%o?pensation Sele!ts denor?aliCed !o?pensation entries.

    vw(uip?ent Sele!ts euip?ent.

    vw"osition Sele!ts positions1o$s.

    te data$ase6 $e aware tat ea! e?ploee as one re!ord in tree ta$les(erson6 (erson)6 and Employee. (ersonand (erson)are oined $ (ersonID (erson)and

    Employeeare oined $ (ersonID1EmployeeID. v*Employee+lldenor?aliCes all te fields in

    all tree ta$les. #e data$ase !ontains several dia>ra?s tat ou !an use to fa?iliariCe ourself

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    Apex Business Software Page 59

    wit te data$ase s!e?a. #ri>>ers provide an ex!ellent ?e!anis? for sn!roniCin> datawitout avin> to periodi!all export antin>. Apex periodi!all releases pat!es tat ?a alterstored pro!edures6 views6 and existin> tri>>ers6 $ut ou !an safel add our own o$e!ts.

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    Apex Business Software Page 6

    15. SeuritBefore ou plan and i?ple?ent se!urit6 ou need to de!ide weter to use +i!-ows

    *t/e!ticatio!or SQL *t/e!ticatio!.

    +i!-ows *t/e!ticatio!. Ideall6 if ou and all te oter users run +i!-ows cco*!ts. #en ointose users and a!!ounts to SQL Ro#es. Finall set per?issions on ea! role. defines tesese!urit ter?s.

    T0 35. SB;: T;

    #er? /efinition

    "er?issions ure 8sows te window. %li!@ C>@0

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    15.2. /ffeti(e Per!issions

    6 it loo@s at all of te per?issionsfor ever role to wi! tat user $elon>s. If an of te roles !an do it ten so !an te user.(ffe!tive per?issions are te su? of all te per?issions for a user and te roles to wi! e$elon>s.

    For exa?ple6 suppose #i? is a ?e?$er of te Ma!a"ersand Leave $ata E!tr)roles as sown inFi>ure +6 andper?issions are set a!!ordin> to #a$le +.e so?eones leave a!!rual #a$le+sows tat even tou> te per?ission on #i?sa!!ount D1ti?E is set to none6 te per?ission on Leave$ata E!tr)is set to write. And6 $e!ause #i? is a ?e?$erof Leave $ata E!tr)6 #i? will $e a$le to !an>e anonesa!!rual. *ote tat #i?6 and ever oter autenti!ateduser6 inerits te per?issions tat are set on te spe!ial

    role6 p*#ic.

    F:?; 39. S,L R> M;:@

    T0 39. E==B: P;::>e an$ods leave a!!rual6 $ut e !an. Be!ause#i? is a ?e?$er of Leave $ata E!tr)6 and Leave $ataE!tr)as write per?ission on Emp#o)ee Leave ccr*a#DFi>ure 03E6 #i? also as write per?ission on leavea!!rual.

    F:?; 4$. P;::>< L0 D00 Eure 03will open. *oti!e te S/ow (ermissio!s o!

    sele!t $ox tat is set to 3ser 9iewi!" !) Emp#o)ee. #at sele!t $ox provides seven !oi!es

    Supportin> Infor?ation

    User 2iewin> An (?ploee

    User 2iewin> Self

    User 2iewin> a Su$ordinate

    User 2iewin> an (?ploee in User^s /ivision

    User 2iewin> an (?ploee in User^s /epart?ent

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    User 2iewin> an (?ploee at User^s Lo!ation

    All of te 3ser 9iewi!"!oi!es are s!opes. to view. If te e?ploee is te users su$ordinate6ten te sste? !onsiders all of te per?issions set for te 3ser 9iewi!" a S*or-i!ates!ope.Li@ewise6 if te e?ploee and te user are in te sa?e depart?ent6 ten te sste? !onsiders all

    of te per?issions for te 3ser 9iewi!" a! Emp#o)ee i! 3serrants a!!ess to evertin> ex!ept !o?pensation

    and $enefits. #o oin an assistant to tat role6 !li!@ C>@0 L0 E te assistant see sensitiveinfor?ationB default6 te L0 D00 Erants write per?ission for ever$ods leave. #ooin an assistant to tat role6 !li!@ C>@0ers a!!ess to teir su$ordinates infor?ationB default6 te Ma!a"ersrole >rants read per?issions for su$ordinates infor?ation6ex!ludin> !o?pensation and $enefits. #o oin a user to tat role6 !li!@ C>@0

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    a$le to a!!ess te .m$fand .l$fdata files. Li@ewise6 unautoriCed users sould not $e a$le to

    a!!ess data$ase $a!@up files.

    15.6. Best Praties for Seurit

    Apex re!o??ends te followin> pra!ti!es Se!ure our data$ase $ re?ovin> te roup6 Users6 fro? te d$]owner role.

    %an>e te sa password. B default6 te password is instant.

    /o not set per?issions on individual users. Instead6 !reate roles for ea! tpe of user6 set

    per?issions on tose roles6 and ten oin users to tose roles.

    #in@ twi!e $efore oinin> roles to oter roles. (ffe!tive per?issions !an $e tri!@.

    *ested roles ?a@e it next to i?possi$le to fi>ure out effe!tive per?issions.

    Reli>iousl update te su??ar for a user1a!!ount1role wenever ou !an>e

    per?issions. #e su??ar sould des!ri$e effe!tive per?issions.

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    16. Ba;ing p and "estoring#o $a!@ up our data$ase6 open te software and !li!@ C>@0e te lo>in a!!ount for SQL Server$ followin> tepro!edure $elow.

    &. Lo> on to te !o?puter tat osts SQL Server.,. Ri>t;!li!@ M C>@;.. %li!@ M0?>e te lo>on to an a!!ount tat as a!!ess to $ot te sared folder and te lo!al

    S)L Server m$f1l$ffiles wi! are usuall lo!ated in te folder6%&'(ro"ramFi#es'Microsoft SQL Server'MSSQL'$ata.

    16.1. >ow to Auto!atia$$ Ba; p t*e >" +ata,ase

    If ou run SQL Server 2000and ou want to auto?ati!all $a!@ up our data$ase ten Apexre!o??ends tat ou use SQL Server "e!tand SQL Server =o Sc/e-*#i!" +i,ar- !onsult ourSQL Serverdo!u?entation for details. -terwise6 if ou use te des@top version of SQL ServerDMS$EE tat !o?es wit I!sta!t HRten follow te instru!tions in te next se!tions.

    #o auto?ati!all $a!@ up our data$ase usin> MS$E6 !reate a s!eduled tas@ on te data$aseserver and !op1paste a S)L !o??and.

    &. %reate a s!eduled tas@. Fro? te servers des@top6 !li!@ S0;/A P;>?;0/ST>>/SB T0. D*ote tat te dire!tions are spe!ifi! to a standard e pwdto our a!tual sapassword. D*ote tat6 wit te se!ond !o??and6

    anone wit per?ission to read s!eduled tas@s on te server will $e a$le to see our sapassword.E %an>e C:\db.bakto a valid pat6 prefera$l on a different !o?puter.

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    . If ou see a R*! stext $ox ten tpe te na?e of a tere?ainin> ta$s and verif te settin>s. Finall save te s!eduled tas@.

    +i!-ows Sc/e-*#erwill overwrite te $a!@up file ever ti?e it runs. #o @eep ?ore tan one$a!@up6 s!edule ?ultiple tas@s tat run on different das witin te sa?e period. For exa?ple6ou !ould s!edule 4 tas@s tat run wee@l one on Monda6 one on #uesda6 one one te destination pat for ea!tas@ to $e so?etin> li@e 11back9p1InstantHRmon.bak6 11back9p1InstantHRt9e.bakK

    16.2. Seurit %onsiderations

    (verone wo !an a!!ess our $a!@up file !an !op te file and restore it on anoter !o?puter6tere$ >ainin> a!!ess to all our HR infor?ation. Avoid tis se!urit ole $ restri!tivelsettin> read per?ission on our $a!@up folder. If ou spe!if te sapassword in our s!eduledtas@ ten $e aware tat ?e?$ers of te lo!al-mi!istrators6 4ack*p perators6 and Server

    perators>roups will $e a$le to see te password and >ain unrestri!ted a!!ess. Avoid tisse!urit ole $ restri!tivel settin> >roup ?e?$ersip.

    16.3. "estoring a Ba;up

    If our or>aniCation runs SQL Server 2000ten s@ip to se!tion &5..,. -terwise6 !ontinuereadin> se!tion &5..&.

    16.3.1. "estoring a Ba;up wit* )S+/

    #o restore a $a!@up usin> MS$E6 lo> on to our data$ase server. -pen a !o??and window6usuall $ !li!@in> S0;/P;>?;0/ABB>;:/C>0@. #pe one of te

    followin> !o??andsS0L%D S.1IHR E 02REST6RE D+T+3+SE iHR #R6% DIS478C:\db.bak82

    S0L%D S.1IHR 5sa (pwd02REST6RE D+T+3+SE iHR #R6% DIS478C:\db.bak82

    Use te first !o??and if ou are lo>>ed on as an ad?inistrator to a !o?puter runnin> +i!-ows>(6 2000or NT. -terwise use te se!ond !o??and. If ou use te se!ond !o??and ten!an>e pwdto our a!tual sapassword. %an>e C:\db.bakto our a!tual $a!@up file.

    If our data$ase alread exists ten te a$ove !o??ands will overwrite it witout warnin>.

    If ou re!eive an error li@e s:lcm$ is not recogni;e$ ten SQL Server is not


    16.3.2. "estoring a +ata,ase wit* S0 Ser(er 2?s /nterprise )anager

    #o restore a data$ase usin> E!terprise Ma!a"ertat !o?es wit SQL Server 20006 lo> on to ourdata$ase server. %li!@ S0;/P;>?;0/M:B;>>= S,L S;;/Ee.

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    #o restore6 follow te pro!edure $elow.

    &. %li!@ te server node to open it.,. Ri>t;!li!@ D000.. %li!@ A T0.

    0. %li!@ R>; D000and awindow si?ilar to Fi>ure 0,willopen.

    4. In te R>; 0 000 =:tpeInstantHR

    5. %li!@ te radio $utton la$eled F;>:B

    7. %li!@ te $utton la$eled SBD:B

    8. Browse to te data$ase file. For anew setup6 te file will $e in te setup

    folder at Database/iHR.bak+. %li!@ O%to return to Fi>ure 0,.&3. %li!@ te ta$ la$eled O@:>i!al

    files as sown in Fi>ure 0. 2erifte pats in te !olu?n la$eled M>> @:B0 =: ure 0,.%li!@ O%to restore te data$ase.

    If ou re!eive an errors ten return to teO@:>ure 0and verifte file na?es. #e file na?es sould $eso?etin> li@e

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