helpage network asia/pacific regional conference rapid ageing: a caring future

1 HelpAge Network Asia/Pacific Regional Conference Rapid Ageing: A Caring Future 7-11 May 2012 Yangon, Myanmar Mr. Donovan Storey Chief, Social Policy & Population Section Social Development Division, ESCAP Ms. Cai Cai Social Affairs Officer, SDD, ESCAP

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HelpAge Network Asia/Pacific Regional ConferenceRapid Ageing: A Caring Future

7-11 May 2012Yangon, Myanmar

Mr. Donovan StoreyChief, Social Policy & Population SectionSocial Development Division, ESCAP

Ms. Cai CaiSocial Affairs Officer, SDD, ESCAP

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1. ESCAP – regional arm of United Nations

2. Highlights of regional actions on ageing

3. Regional survey findings

4. MIPAA +10 review roadmap

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1. ESCAP – regional arm of UN for Asia-Pacific

Part of UN Secretariat

62 members and associate members

ESCAP region encompasses 60% of the world’s population

Members range from world’s largest to some of smallest and poorest countries

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2. ESCAP’s Regional Programme on Ageing

ESCAP serves as an intergovernmental platform to: o Develop a regional response to the demographic


o Share knowledge & good practices in addressing population ageing challenges

o Promote implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA), identify gaps & regional priorities through review & appraisal

ESCAP provides technical assistance to Governments to design & implement policies/programmes that empower & protect older persons

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Highlights of regional actions led by ESCAP

1998 - A Regional Meeting on a Plan of Action on Ageing for Asia and the Pacific: Macao Declaration and Plan of Action on Ageing for Asia and the Pacific

2002 – Seminar on Regional Follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing: Shanghai Implementation Strategy

2007 – High-level Meeting on the Regional Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing: Macao Outcome document

2009 – Subregional Seminar on Ageing Readiness in South-East Asia and South Asia (Jakarta)

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Highlights of regional actions (cont.)

2010 – Regional Seminar on Health Promotion and Active Ageing in Asia and the Pacific (co-organized with HelpAge)

2011 – Regional Forum on Elderly Care Services in Asia and the Pacific

2011 – Regional Preparatory Meeting for Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on the Second Regional Review & Appraisal of MIPAA

2012 – Capacity Building Workshop for National Policy Response (co-organized with UNDESA)

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3. Regional Survey on Ageing

Objectiveo Compile data on national actions taken to implement MIPAA

Backgroundo Integral part of the regional second review and appraisal of MIPAAo Questionnaire was sent to all ESCAP member States and associate

memberso Findings are based on responses received from 30 countries and areas

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Regional survey findings: National coordination, policy frameworks and MIPAA implementation

Most countries/areas have developed national plans and specific institutional arrangements Majority specified institutional arrangements including: specific ministries, inter-

ministerial, within specific departments, advisory bodies Over half have specific policies/plans on ageing & over one-third have overarching

specialized legislation for older persons

On budgetary allocation Training & Support for Caregivers followed by Research on Ageing and Developing and Strengthening of Geriatric Services

Challenges to MIPAA implementation: budgetary resources, capacity, and human resources dedicated to aging issues

Gender-specific policies yet to be reflected in many national priorities/ plans

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Regional survey findings: Older Persons and Development

More measures are in place to enable productive ageing and provision of social protection (incl. income support, health care)

Still, only one-third cited specific action plans/programs on older persons and development

Almost half had specific measures to involve older persons at different levels of policy-making or decision-making

Over half have increased employment opportunities (training, delaying retirement age or providing accessible work options)

A multi-pillar approach - family care/support alongside institutional care/support - is also evident in the region

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Regional survey findings: Advancing Health & Well-Being Into Old Age

Greater accessibility, affordability and availability of health care systems was evident. These vary in provision and financing

Most respondents have policies/plans on accessible and affordable health care and in addressing the 3As – accessibility, affordability and availability

More than half invested in geriatric and gerontologist care through diploma/degree programs, training and lifelong vocational training

Provisions for mental health needs of older persons remains a significant gap and need, including in developed economies

Need for health promotion on the prevention and maintenance of NCD and women’s health was indicated through responses as well as ‘active ageing’

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Ageing requires a person to constantly adapt to their environment in response to changing needs & personal circumstances

More accessible and affordable physical environments and care services – but gaps remain in enhancing perceptions of safety and well-being

To some level, most countries/areas:

o have recognized importance of provision of accessible housing

o have some mechanisms to monitor the quality of aged care services

o have developed training programs for formal (some informal) caregivers, with some examples of a continuum of care and services

The establishment of accreditation systems for care training is found in only a few countries and hinders portability

Regional survey findings: Ensuring enabling and supportive environments

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4. MIPAA +10 review roadmap

National level: national review of MIPAA (bottom-up participatory approach)

Regional level: analysis of progress, review meeting & regional outcomes

Global review: 51st session of the Commission for Social Development in 2013

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ESCAP resolution 67/5, 25 May 2011

“Full and effective implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in the

Asia-Pacific region”

Decides to convene the Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on the Second Regional Review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in 2012 to provide a regional input to the global review;

Encourages all members and associate members: to conduct a national review and appraisal of the Madrid Plan of Action, using, among other things, a bottom-up participatory approach;

Encourage the participation of all key stakeholders, including civil society organizations and the private sector, in the preparatory process for the second global review and appraisal of the Madrid Plan of Action.

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Highlights of regional actions on MIPAA review

Regional Preparatory Meeting for Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on the Second Regional Review & Appraisal of MIPAA, Beijing, November 2011

Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on the Second Regional Review & Appraisal of MIPAA, Bangkok, 10-12 September 2012

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National Report on MIPAA implementation

Reflect findings from national review and appraisal of MIPAA implementation, including progress made and gaps/challenges that remain

Cover the three pillars of MIPAA

Use quantitative and qualitative methods, based on a bottom-up participatory approach

Submitted to ESCAP in early August 2012 (which will be uploaded onto its website and shared with UNHQ)

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