
Where do they live?

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Post on 21-May-2015




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Where do they live?

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By the end of the lesson you will be able to….

Highlight some of the reasons why Henry VIII decided to close the Monasteries down

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I talk to people when I need help.I can explain what needs doing and why.I know how to deal with problems.I can see what needs improving.I use different viewpoints to reach a shared solution. I can support other people in their views and beliefs.

I work well with others.I listen to others’ points of view.I change my behaviour to suit the situation.I respect other people’s differences.I take responsibility.I help others by giving them useful advice.

I can generate ideas and possibilities.I ask questions to find out more.I can see how ideas or pieces of information fit together.I challenge ideas and assumptions that I make or that others make.I test ideas.I change ideas when I need to.

I can see what has worked well and what hasn’t worked well.I know my targets and what I have to do to meet them.As I work, I can see how well I am doing.I listen to the advice of adults and people in my class.I learn from my mistakes.I let people know how I learn best.

I like a new challenge.I work to goals and commit myself to tasks.I get to lessons on time with the equipment I need.I take risks and deal with them sensibly.I plan my own time and work to deadlines.I am able to deal with change.

Effective Participator

Team worker

Creative thinkers



I can spot questions and problems that need answering and solving. I can plan and carry out a piece of research.I can look at things from different points of view.I can think about how important or relevant some information is.I can see how decisions or events are influenced by different points of view, beliefs or circumstances.I can back up points of view using arguments and evidence.



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Effective participatorI talk to people when I need help.I can explain what needs doing and why.I know how to deal with problems.I see what needs to be improved.I work with others to reach solutions.I can support other people in their views and beliefs.

Team workerI work well with others.I listen to others’ points of view.I know how to behave in formal and informal situations.I respect other people’s differences.I take responsibility for my role within the group.I help others by giving them useful advice.

Creative ThinkerI come up with ideas.I ask questions.I see how ideas or pieces of information fit together.I challenge ideas and assumptions that I make or that others make.I can and will test ideas.I change ideas when I need to.

Self-ManagerI like a new challenge.I work towards goals and commit myself to tasks.I get to lessons on time with the equipment I need.I am not afraid to have a go at new things.I plan my own time and work to deadlines.I am able to deal with change.

Independent EnquirerI can spot questions and problems that need answering and solving. I can plan and carry out a piece of research.I can look at things from different points of view.I can think about how important or relevant some information is.I can see how decisions or events are effected by different points of view, beliefs or circumstances.I can back up points of view.

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Source A – extract from a modern History bookMonks and Nuns were supposed to live like Jesus’ disciples. They should:• give all their possessions away and live in poverty• wear a basic robe and eat simple food• stay celibate• look after the poor, sick and travellers• behave in a Christian manner• worship and pray several times a day• copy passages from the bible

Source B – an extract from the report on Crossed Friars monastery in LondonFound the Prior at that time in bed with a woman, both naked, about 11 o’clock in the morning.

Source C – from a letter dated 1535 from Richard Beereley (a monk) to Thomas CromwellI will tell you...how little notice is taken of King Henry’s command that any mention of the Pope should be crossed out. The monks drink and play bowls after breakfast till ten o’clock. They come to morning service drunk. They do nothing for the love of God.

Source D – an extract from the report on St Edmund’s abbeyThe abbot delighted much at playing dice and spent a lot of money on it. Women frequently came into this monastery.

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Source E – extract from the report on St Edmund’s conventI could not find anything bad about the convent, no matter how hard I tried. I believe this was because everyone had gathered together...to keep the convent’s secrets.

Source F – adapted from A History of Britain, by Simon Schama, published in 2000Priories were offered at bargain prices, and loyalty to Henry as Head of the English Church was gained through bricks and mortar. And by filling the crown’s coffers with the proceeds, [it] gave Henry the means to stand up to the Catholic powers.

Source G – extract from a modern History bookBecause closing down the monasteries would be unpopular Henry and Thomas Cromwell needed a good excuse to close them down. So Cromwell sent Inspectors round the country. He chose inspectors who were not loyal Catholics.

Source H – extract from a modern History bookMany people rebelled against the closure of the Monasteries. Henry agreed to talk to the rebel leaders – but then arrested them!

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History Department

Source. Primary or Secondary?

Who wrote it? What does it say? Does it support Henry and Thomas’ view on Monasteries?









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Produce a report highlighting the goings-on at Queensbridge Friars Monastery

Page 13: Henrysmonasteries(2)

Write down all the things that you can see taking place in the image.

What does the image tell us about Monasteries?

What does the image show us about Inspectors closing down the Monasteries?

What doesn’t the image tell us about Henry closing down the Monasteries?

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Write down all the things that you can see taking place in the image.

What does the image tell us about Monasteries?

What does the image show us about Inspectors closing down the Monasteries

Want doesn’t the image tell us about Henry closing down the Monasteries.

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• Tesco list [Demi, Jahed]


• [Liam, George] Grid

• Miss out pages [Sheraine]

• Sheets in the back!

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• Primary, Secondary = never taught a group who were so good at picking it up!

• Work needs completing, not just going to Comment Wall

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Question wall

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Admin & Reflect


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History Department

Source. Primary or Secondary?

Who wrote it? What does it say? Does it support Henry and Thomas’ view on Monasteries?









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Highlight some of the reasons why Henry wanted to close down the Monasteries

Produce a report highlighting the goings-on at Queensbridge Friars Monastery

Learning outcome

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I talk to people when I need help.I can explain what needs doing and why.I know how to deal with problems.I can see what needs improving.I use different viewpoints to reach a shared solution. I can support other people in their views and beliefs.

I work well with others.I listen to others’ points of view.I change my behaviour to suit the situation.I respect other people’s differences.I take responsibility.I help others by giving them useful advice.

I can generate ideas and possibilities.I ask questions to find out more.I can see how ideas or pieces of information fit together.I challenge ideas and assumptions that I make or that others make.I test ideas.I change ideas when I need to.

I can see what has worked well and what hasn’t worked well.I know my targets and what I have to do to meet them.As I work, I can see how well I am doing.I listen to the advice of adults and people in my class.I learn from my mistakes.I let people know how I learn best.

I like a new challenge.I work to goals and commit myself to tasks.I get to lessons on time with the equipment I need.I take risks and deal with them sensibly.I plan my own time and work to deadlines.I am able to deal with change.

Effective Participator

Team worker

Creative thinkers



I can spot questions and problems that need answering and solving. I can plan and carry out a piece of research.I can look at things from different points of view.I can think about how important or relevant some information is.I can see how decisions or events are influenced by different points of view, beliefs or circumstances.I can back up points of view using arguments and evidence.



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Creative ThinkerI come up with ideas.I ask questions.I see how ideas or pieces of information fit together.I challenge ideas and assumptions that I make or that others make.I can and will test ideas.I change ideas when I need to.

Self-ManagerI like a new challenge.I work towards goals and commit myself to tasks.I get to lessons on time with the equipment I need.I am not afraid to have a go at new things.I plan my own time and work to deadlines.I am able to deal with change.

Independent EnquirerI can spot questions and problems that need answering and solving. I can plan and carry out a piece of research.I can look at things from different points of view.I can think about how important or relevant some information is.I can see how decisions or events are affected by different points of view, beliefs or circumstances.I can back up points of view.

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I can see what has worked well and what hasn’t worked well.I know my targets and what I have to do to meet them.As I work, I can see how well I am doing.I listen to the advice of adults and people in my class.I learn from my mistakes.I let people know how I learn best.


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History Department

Let’s review what Henry’s been up to!

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• You are an Inspector as part of Thomas Cromwell’s team.• You are neither sympathetic, nor against Catholicism• You are interested in the facts and evidence.• Your report must cover the following:- • (i) Background – why are these reports taking place?• (ii) Your findings from your visit to QB Friars Monastery –

what is going on, in detail (remember the sources we’ve looked at)

• (iii) Your recommendations – remember this is a confidential report, so you don’t have to “suck-up” to Cromwell unless you want to.

• You must date the report at the start, and address it to Cromwell.

• It must be at least 3 paragraphs in length.


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Mark scheme for QB Friars Level 4 –

Produces a piece of extended writing which uses factual knowledge (such as naming Thomas Cromwell as Chief Minister, and the year in which Henry decided to close the Monasteries down)Explains how Henry began to close Monasteries down, and gives reasons for this and what happened to all the land, money, wealth etc.

Level 5 –As per level 4 and in addition:- Produces a piece of extended writing showing greater factual knowledge. Shows how Henry fell out with the Pope around the time of wanting a male heir and desire for a divorce. Explains that this possibly influenced his desire to close Monasteries down. Begins to explain other factors (such as a good source of income)

Level 6 –As per level 5 and in addition:- Produces a piece of extended writing that comments on how good the evidence is before them. (i.e. can we trust the word of Henry’s Inspectors). Sound grammar , good spelling and punctuation throughout. Key words spelt correctly. Balanced report – looking at differing pieces of evidence from the sources.

NB – Any inappropriate language / use of real people will result in a L4

Mark scheme for QB Friars report

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

My target for this extended piece of writing is:......................[ insert the level you are aiming for ]

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

I don’t want this rushed: Quality rather than speed

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

The key to historical fiction : accuracy!

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

Base it on real events /

evidence you’ve researched

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

Real people from QB – but appropriate

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Queensbridge School

Triangle of authority

Has the most authority

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

Let’s model one together first....

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

12 mins.

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

Key words:-Thomas CromwellHenry VIIIMonasteryCelibacyGamblingDiceConventInspectorTudorBowlsWineReportDrunk

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Mark scheme for QB Friars

W.I.L.F. –You need to complete the report, but I want you to make sure that you complete an EXT activity sheet as well.

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Mark scheme for QB Friars



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I can see what has worked well and what hasn’t worked well.I know my targets and what I have to do to meet them.As I work, I can see how well I am doing.I listen to the advice of adults and people in my class.I learn from my mistakes.I let people know how I learn best.


Scanned image

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Report from the office of ………………………....

For the attention of HRH

King Henry VIII

Sir, Date

I write to tell you about the goings on at

HRH Henry VIII has ordered that all Monasteries are to be visited because

I was on the look-out for the following

I was totally shocked to find

Even worse was that I managed to secretly see

This clearly goes against the Monk oath because

I would recommend that you do the following:-

Yours faithfully

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Report from the office of ………………………....

For the attention of HRH

King Henry VIII

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Monastery address here

DateThe Office of Thomas Cromwell address

Main body

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BC :


Arial 14 B I U S S

start Document 1 - Mi Document 2 - Mi

You have new mail

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BC :


Arial 14 B I U S S

start Document 1 - Mi Document 2 - Mi

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H/W for Monday Which one of the three statements below do you think best sums up why Henry VIII wanted the Monasteries closed? Choose 3 by placing a tick next to them.

• Henry VIII was very greedy and needed more money for his extravagant lifestyle

• Henry VIII needed lots of money in case he was attacked by the Catholic countries of Europe

• Henry VIII needed to make sure the nobles of England supported him. The best way to do this was to give them land and money.

• Many Monks still obeyed the Pope’s commands rather than Henry’s and the King thought this was dangerous

• Many Monks were not following the ideas on which their monasteries had been found. They were not living holy lives.

Once you have chosen your three. Is one more important than the other two. Explain your answer in your blue books.

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H/W for Monday 1 = I

2 = II

3 = III

4 = IV

5 = V

6 = VI

7 = VII

8 = VIII

9 = IX

10 = X

11 = XI

12 = XII

13 = XIII

14 = XIV

15 = XV

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