hepatitis viruses dr zamberi sekawi bsc (med), md (ukm), mpath (microbiol), am (m’sia) clinical...

Hepatitis viruses http://zamberi.tripod.com/index Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences University Putra Malaysia

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Page 1: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Hepatitis viruses http://zamberi.tripod.com/index

Dr Zamberi SekawiBSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia)

Clinical MicrobiologistFaculty of Medicine & Health Sciences

University Putra Malaysia

Page 2: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Hepatitis A virusHepatitis B virusHepatitis C virusHepatitis D virusHepatitis E virusHepatitis G virus

Future:? Hepatitis H virus? Hepatitis I virus? Hepatitis J virusEtc…

Page 3: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


PicornaviridaeHepatovirusNon-envelope, single-

stranded RNA, positive sense.

Only one serotype.

Page 4: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Incubation period: 2 – 6 weeks

Transmission:• faecal-oral• food/water• blood product

Associated with poor personal hygiene and overcrowding.

More symptomatic in adults.

Page 5: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Constitutional symptoms of anorexia, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, malaise, arthralgias, myalgias, headache, photophobia, pharyngitis, cough, and coryza may precede the onset of jaundice by 1 to 2 weeks.

Nausea, vomiting, and anorexia are frequently associated with alterations in olfaction and taste.

Dark urine and clay-coloured stools may be present.Tender hepatomegaly.

Page 6: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Fulminant hepatitis occurs in elderly and patients with underlying liver disease.

Presentation: Severe jaundice, neurological changes, coagulopathy, renal failure, cardiopulmonary failure.

High mortality rate.

Page 7: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Lab diagnosis


IgM positive: recent hepatitis A

IgG positive:past hepatitis A

Page 8: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Passive immunisation Anti-HAV preparation. Used in post-exposure prophylaxis.

Active immunisationFormalin-inactivated vaccine.Approved for use in those > 2 years old.Recommended to selected groups of people, e.g.

travellers, food handlers, laboratory workers, etc. Adults: 0, 6 - 12 monthsChildren: 0, 1, 6 – 12 months

Page 9: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Hepadnavirus double-stranded DNA

HBsAg -- Anti-HBsHBeAg -- Anti-HBeHBcAg -- Anti-HBc

Page 10: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

350 million chronic carriers world-wide.Malaysia: 5%Prevalence is highest in China, Africa (Sub-Sahara), South

East Asia and among Eskimos.

Transmission:1. Blood product2. Vertical transmission (predominant in endemic areas)3. Sexual transmission4. Intravenous drug abuse

Page 11: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Acute Hepatitis B( 25% )

S ubcl in ica l in fection( 65% )

C hron ic carriers( 10% )

O utcom e in adu lt

Acute H epatitis B andS ubcl in ica l in fection

( 10% )

C hron ic carriers( 90% )

O utcom e in neonates

Page 12: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Subclinical infection




Chronic Carrier



Hepatocellular CarcinomaDeath

Lifelong Immunity

Fulminant Hepatitis


Page 13: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Acute hepatitis B

(1) Incubation period: 1 – 6 months.HBsAg and HBeAg start to increase during this period. Patient is infectious.

(2) Acute symptoms:Jaundice, fever, nausea, right hypochondriac pain.ALT reaches high level. 

Page 14: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

(3) The appearance of anti-HBe and anti-HBc antibodies. HBeAg disappears. Symptoms resolving.

(4) Window period‘Window period’= period between disappearance of detectable HBsAg and appearance of detectable anti-HBs by standard laboratory test.

Page 15: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

(5) Patient in convalescent state. Anti-HBs, the protective antibody becomes detectable.

(6) Years later. IgM anti-HBc disappears in 3 – 12 months. IgG anti-HBc and persist for life.

Page 16: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Acute Hepatitis B

Page 17: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Chronic Hepatitis B

The presence of HBsAg in serum for 6 months or longer after initial detection.High risk groups:1. Neonates2. immunocompromised host

Majority is asymptomatic. Minority experiences only mild and intermittent fatigue.

Page 18: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Chronic Hepatitis B

(1) Immune-tolerant phase High viral replication. The host is able to tolerate the presence of the virus.


Page 19: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

(2) Immune-clearance phase.

Low viral replication.Patient will enter this phase when tolerance to HBV break down (about 15 – 35 years later).Host actively tries to eradicate virus. Therefore, ALT are raised.There were increasing production of anti-HBe.Most of liver damage happens during this time, leading to cirrhosis.The longer the duration of this phase, the greater the liver damage. Hence the risk of liver cancer is high.


Page 20: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

(3) Latent infection phase

Patient enters this phase once HBV-infected cells are destroyed by the immune system.Active replication cease and HBeAg disappear.ALT normal. Anti-HBe positive. HBsAg is still present. ‘Healthy carrier’.Anti-HBs is never produced.

Page 21: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Chronic hepatitis B model

Page 22: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Patient will have cirrhosis and eventually die of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

Risk of acquiring HCC from chronic hepatitis B is 98 times of the normal population.

Page 23: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Lab investigations


1. HBsAg:Presence of virus (acute or chronic)2. HBeAg: Active replication of HBV.3. Anti-HBs: Immunity to HBV either by natural

infection or vaccination.4. Anti-HBe: Low viral replication.5. Anti-HBc: Ongoing or previous HBV infection

depending on IgM or IgG.

Page 24: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Acute Conva Chr Post-vacHBsAg + - + -HBeAg + - +/- -Anti-HBe - + -/+ -Anti-HBc IgM + - - -Anti-HBc IgG + + + -Anti-HBs - + - +

Page 25: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Acute hepatitisSupportive.

Chronic hepatitisAim: to help the body to eradicate the virus. (during the second


Recommended for patients with:• persistent levels of ALT in serum• detectable levels of HBsAg, HBeAg and HBV DNA in serum• liver biopsy suggesting chronic hepatitis and compensated

liver disease.

Page 26: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Presence of anti-HBe and normal ALT (third phase) will indicate the treatment is effective.

1. interferon 2. Pegylated interferon 3. Lamivudine 4. Adefovir5. Entecavir

Page 27: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Three main strategies:1. behaviour modification 2. active immunoprophylaxis3. passive immunoprophylaxis

Active immunisation has been very successful. Standard regimen: 0, 1 and 6 monthsHighly efficacious (85 to 95% seroconversion).

Immunocompromised patients respond poorly to the vaccine.

Page 28: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Passive immunoprophylaxis is used in:1. neonates born to HBsAg-positive mothers.

Anti-HBs immunoglobulins should be given immediately after delivery together with the recombinant HBV vaccine. (90% protected)

2. after needlestick exposure.3. after sexual exposure. 4. after liver transplantations in patients who are HBsAg-

positive pretransplantation.

Page 29: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Flavivirussingle-stranded RNA, positive sense6 genotypes (1 through 6).

Page 30: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Hepatitis C virus mutates very rapidly. Therefore, the production of protective antibody is short-lived.

Vaccine production is very difficult.Worldwide incidence: 1 – 2%Higher rates in Eastern Europe and Africa (especially Egypt).

Genotypes 1a:North and South America, Australia1b:North America, Europe, Japan2 :North America, West and Southern Europe3 :Australia, Southern Asia4 :Egypt, Central Africa6 :Asia


Page 31: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Transmission:1. Blood borne (especially blood transfusion)2. Injection-drug abuse3. Vertical transmission (uncommon)4. Multiple sexual partners

Incubation period: 2 weeks

Associated with extrahepatic manifestation. E.g. mixed cryoglobulinaemia and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.

Page 32: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Primary Hepatitis C


Hepatocellular carcinomaDEATH


5 – 20%

Persistance infection (Chronic

Hepatitis C)

80 - 95%

20 years

Page 33: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Laboratory diagnosis

1. Screening: Serology. e.g. ELISA.

2. Confirmation: Immunoblot assay e.g. RIBA, LIAGenome detection. e.g. PCR.

Page 34: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Treatment and prevention

Treatment:a) IFN monotherapy

Sustained response rate for:6-month therapy = 10 – 20%12 – 18-month therapy = 15 – 30%

b) Combination IFN and ribavirin Sustained response rate: 40%

(Sustained response: normal ALT undetectable HCV RNA 6 months after completion of therapy)

Page 35: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Interferon therapy is indicated in patients who are at the greatest risk for progression to cirrhosis:

1. Persistently elevated ALT > 6 months. 2. Detectable serum HCV RNA by a qualitative or

quantitative assay. 3. Liver biopsy = grade 2 or 3 fibrosis. 4. Moderate degrees of liver inflammation and necrosis.

No vaccine is available.

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a.k.a. delta hepatitis agent.

Defective RNA virus, requires HBV for its replication.

Page 37: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty

Worldwide distribution with endemicity in the Mediterranean countries.

HDV can either: infect a person simultaneously with HBV (coinfection) or superinfect a person already infected with HBV


Duration of HDV infection is determined by duration of HBV infection.

SerologyNo specific treatment.Prevention by giving HBV vaccine.

Page 38: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Non-envelope, single-stranded RNA, positive sense.World wide distribution.Causes acute hepatitis. High mortality among pregnant


Page 39: Hepatitis viruses  Dr Zamberi Sekawi BSc (Med), MD (UKM), MPath (Microbiol), AM (M’sia) Clinical Microbiologist Faculty


Also known as GBV-C. Genome: single-stranded RNA, positive sense.25% similar to hepatitis C. Transmission:1.      Blood transfusion2.      Injecting drug users Hepatic damage appears to be mild or absent.Role as a causative agent is still questionable.

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03 – 8946 [email protected]@yahoo.com
