here we are with more views, concepts, history and facts ...€¦ · another example is kiran...

VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2 – WOMAN EMPOWERMENT Here we are with more views, concepts, history and facts on the theme Woman Empowerment as a part of our February’s second issue. Enjoy your read!

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Here we are with more views, concepts, history and facts on the

theme Woman Empowerment as a part of our February’s second

issue. Enjoy your read!






Gone are the days when all a woman must do is stay

caged within the four walls of her house. This is a new

era, her era. Women have broken the shackles of the

society and left their mark on all walks of life. In the last

decade women have made huge leaps from not having

the right to vote and get education to contesting in

elections and taking a role in society to spread

knowledge. In recent times Women have embarked on

unconventional, high-spirited careers. In pre-modern

times when a woman wanted to take up a career of her

choice she was usually forbidden and in fact sometimes

she was not allowed to go for work and when a woman

would go for a job interview, it was never a liberating

experience for her it was rather a pretty daunting one.

This was because it was not normal and against the

morals that lay by the chauvinistic men of the society.

Fortunately the times when women were mere slaves to

their husbands have changed. Women no longer accept

to be chained to biased rules that prevailed in the


In current times, although the Tech industry is primarily

dominated by successful and iconic male entrepreneurs

like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, the

role of women and their contributions towards

technology does not definitely go unnoticed. As a matter

of fact, long before the pioneers in technology began to

set their mark, there were people writing computer

programs. Many of them were women. Ada Lovelace

born in 1815 was the first computer programmer. People

must be aware that Programming is not a boy’s only

club. People label women who program as an unusual

lot because it is not the orthodox thing a woman would



Whereas they must understand that women have an

extended history in mathematics, programming and

engineering. There has been a drastic change in the

acceptance that women are almost as capable as man in

every field. This welcomed changes that have paved the

way for women to come out of their shells and be

confident enough to head multimillion companies.

Susan Wojciki is the CEO of the most renowned video

sharing website, YouTube and the CEO of one of the

largest multinational technology company, Ginni


The number of women that complete their engineering

and get selected by technology programs has

significantly increased leading to many opportunities

for women to leave their footprints in the field of

technology. The number of women working in IT jobs

has increased many folds. Breaking the stereotypes, the

Indian women have etched their names in history by

successfully launching the Mars Orbiter Mission

(MOM) into space. The project director was a woman

and also the people working on it were women. These

incredible women scientists have inspired a large

number of young girls, that anything is possible

regardless of one's gender.

Another example is Kiran Mazumdar Shaw who is the

Chairman and Managing Director of Biocon Limited, a

biotechnology based company in Bangalore. She has

also insured a place in the 'Forbes list of the World's

Most Powerful Women'.

Let's not forget about Kalpana Chawla who is one of the

greatest women who had the nerve to go against the

customary careers a woman must choose to be the first

Indian woman to enter space. Her courage and

determination inspired many young girls to pursue their

dreams and careers.

In this 21st century one can find women in every sphere

of life. Nothing is not her cup of tea anymore. She is no

longer weak. Education given to women has made them

confident and empowered them to develop their skills to

innovate technology for a better tomorrow. The future

will definitely see women and men equally dominating

the Tech industry.







India is the youngest nation among all the other nations

stated by the United Nations Organization (UNO). India

is a diverse nation with a wide range of cultures,

languages spoken and a variety of flora and fauna. From

the advent of independence there has been a tremendous

change in fields like economy, standard of living and

also in research programs. But the sad part is that we are

still a developing nation. With a population of more than

1.2 billion, nothing is impossible. The main reason for

this is that the women are not given equal opportunities

as like men. The women in the past showed no

resistance towards their passion inspite of the

difficulties faced by them. But nowadays it is upside

down due to various factors which intrude the

empowerment of women. Our living world is made by

three distinct things and they are: the past – that is being

forgotten, the present – the moment we are living and

the future – that is awaiting us.

Something which has gotten past us does not mean that

it should be forgotten as the past holds the key for a

better future. As we know that a development is

permanent if and only if all the social components are

united and are benefited by it. The main and the most

important component in a better development and a

better future is “women empowerment.”


Women are not about just being “perfect.” It’s about

living the life with purpose, diligence, forgiveness, and

repentance. I am sure that most of the women are living

the lives that they are not interest in. There are various


delicate factors which hinder the passion of women. But

it is in the hands of them to be the “one” or to stand

among the crowd.

This is the century where the fingers speak what the

mouth should. It is due to the technological

developments and it’s undeniable. Here is where the

past comes into action. Before the independence the

participation of women in the freedom movement were

equal to that of men. But nowadays the indulgence of

women is drastically reduced. They are stressed out by

the society in various ways. They are criticized for their

attire, their way of being with the opposite gender etc. It

is time to remember the lost qualities of women in order

to bring out the real face rather than just the fake ones.

There are three basic qualities which will empower

women in every possible way. Always remember that

the past is the lesson which is going to shape the future.


Who is an architect? Does anyone know the true nature

of an architect? The architect is the one who builds

something which will inspire someone who sees it and

it makes a tremendous impact such that it will change

his\her life completely. This personality which I am

going to speak now is one who architected the whole

nation in which we are living now. She is called “THE


holds the honor of being the first Prime Minister of

India. She was a complex women whose leadership in

India continues to have repercussions to this day. When

she was 5 years old, India witnessed a bonfire of foreign

goods. At that age she burnt down her baby doll since it

was made in England. At the age of 12, she joined the

self-determination struggle with children. Despite all

the struggles faced by her since she was the only women

in the parliament she continued to show extreme

resistance and concentrated in building a better India.

This is an important quality that women must remember.

They have to pass through the hurdles in order to be the

architect of their own life which will drastically have an

impact on the society in turn. Every women is an “IRON

LADY” in my view. It’s just that they have to throw the

mask and show the real them. That is what our nation

wants from them.


Nothing in this world can stop a person who is truly

determined about something. Let it be even a simple

thing like passing an examination with flying colour to

being a successful personality. “A journey of thousand

miles begins with a single step” this is an apt saying to

describe this topic. The determination that you have

towards something keeps you in the right path, but a

brutal determination is needed to succeed. How many of

us know Bachendri Pal? She is the first women to climb

the Mount Everest. She was born in a village in the

Himalayas named Nakuri. She set a record for scaling a


13,123ft (3,999.9m) during a school picnic. She then

continued making several records by climbing many

hills such as Mt.Gangotri etc.

She faced tremendous pressure from her family for

being a girl and climbing mountains seemed like a weird

idea to her parents. But still she was brutally determined

that this was her passion and nothing can shackle this

away. She then aimed for the queen of hills. She had

explained her expedition was breath taking and she was

nearly killed with the temperature being around minus

30 to 40 degree Celsius and wind blowing at 100 km per

hour. She then made it on top finally setting the record

for the first Indian women to reach the top. She was 29

years old when she kissed the Everest. In today’s

century the passion and determination among many

women has vanished since they are suppressed by

everyone around them. Bring out the fiery face and burn

down the factors that stand in your way to achieve the

unimaginable. I tell this to every single women around

the world “Never compromise for any excuse that

hinders your passion, for which will make you the face

of the nation.”


Have you guys ever heard of a saying called “Need is

the mother of all inventions.”? This is a universal truth.

All that has been invented till now, “need” has been the

reason. Of all forces in nature, bond or love is the

strongest force that exists. Women is the only source of

all the love and peace that surrounds us. Love unites us

all and keeps us at peace and in harmony. There is a

personality who united nations with just the four lettered

word “LOVE”.

If love had any other name it would just be called as

“MOTHER TERESA.” She had no need to care for the

poor and needy but she had a view that all can be

achieved by love and compassion. She made a huge

difference in our nation for which she was awarded

“THE NOBEL PEACE PRICE.” She changed the view

of India amongst other countries. But nowadays due to

the development in science and technology, the need to

work has increased and thus this has reduced our time to

show compassion towards others. As I mentioned

earlier, “a development is permanent if and only if each

and every person in the nation are benefited by it.” By

this the stress that is caused by the society can be

averted. Your service to one can change the lives of



The above mentioned personalities had certain qualities

in them which helped them to achieve their passion. But

in those days too there were social and cultural

differences which affected their journey towards their

goal. In 21st century there are even more delicate and

complex factors which hinder a woman’s journey

towards success in every possible way and that’s why I

have mentioned the three forgotten qualities from the

past with three different Indian personalities in order to

make women empowerment effective. I am not

criticizing that the women in today’s world are without

determination, passion, and compassion. I want them to

understand that these qualities must be magnified into

an enormous amount such that each and every woman

can shape their own destiny rather than taking advices

and living an ordinary, simple life. A change in one can

improvise many others’ life. A nation is nothing without

the indulgence of its people. Thus if these three qualities

are inculcated in today’s life then there is nothing

stopping the women of our nation, which will be a

stimulant for its growth.







Cherishing her solitude, taking trains by herself to

places she has never been. Sleeping under the stars,

learning how to drive a stick shift. Going so far away

that she stops being afraid of not coming back. Putting

a NO whenever she did not want to do something.

Coming up with a YES when her instincts are strong,

even when millions around her disagree. She never

wanted to fit in, as she was born to STAND OUT!

Strength for tough times, Laughter through

tears, Merry in the minutest of things, Endless

Endeavors are held in her!


Clothed in strength and dignity, she framed

the ABC’s of Nature, carved quantum as an equation

with an unknown. She sorts the Hebrew word which is

written only with consonants to which reason has to add

the dots. Contributing to devise, the King of all Science.

Every Quantum device today, the camera,

laptop, TV, projectors, was devised on the basis of

Quantum Theory.

Probing the deepest mystery of the universe,

were many unsung heroines. The Harvard Computer

was once a maid in the castle of a physicist, who was

rented since she claimed fewer fares. Williamina

Heming, the morale maid, put forth the Catalogue of

stars, which is our knowledge of Universe today.

Held with high reverence is Hubble for the Big

Bang, but for the root was never but to the limelight.

Opening the door to the Universe, Reckoning the

distances between the galaxies, was the lavish lady,

Henrietta Swan Levitt.

They surpass all earthly things, with the King of

all Science. For these dames, flying is no magic, but


Raising us above ourselves, how small is her

body and how great is her mind, since her intelligence

can embrace the whole dazzling immensity, where her

body is only an obscure point, and enjoys the silent

harmony of Astronomy?

Chawla was one such phenomenal Genius, such a

dauntless dame she was! She belonged among the stars.

Her greatest accomplishments cannot be left obscure,

for she knew Destiny lied above her. The universe in her

bones, stars in her Soul, did she explore the ceaseless


Such were many dauntless dames who dared to put

their heart and soul to explore the boundless galaxies.

It goes without saying that Women are the greatest

achievers in the disciplines of Space and Physics. The

Advent of Astronomy, the pioneers of all physicists are

the wonder defined Women.

Her name, no longer mean the mere opposite of the

male , but something in itself, something that makes one

think not of any complement and limit, but only life and

reality: the phenomenal female.

Swimming the deepest oceans, climbing the highest

mountains, through the sugar and spice, through the

breakdowns and breakthroughs, Being the ladder below

every summit, Being the story behind every renowned


She is sculpted in the waters of adversities!

Such dauntless is the Dame! Such a Wizard is


Not a stunning creation of God, but the Creator

himself in veil!









Whenever, we think of women, we often indulge in the

habit of thinking pink everywhere. Was this colour,

fixed for women? Or are we stereotypically fitting

things where they shouldn’t be fit in. There are still

women who find it hard to proudly say that “they are

women”. Is pink actually a lusty colour?

No. It is definitely not. Over the years, we’ve created a

criteria based upon which we decide things and we’ve

never taken time to think twice which is another vice.

There was a time when Maricopa County Sheriff Joe

Arpaio made men inmates to wear pink underwear in

order to humiliate them. Now that is quite messed up.

Since when pink became a colour of humiliation? Or is

being effeminate a big insult on its own? It makes my

heart heavy as I’m an effeminate person myself and my

mind gets influenced when I’m forced to look upon

things in a biased way.



One of my gender fluidic friends wrote down recently,

how a girl or woman is perceived amongst her male

counterparts and her lines struck a chord in my heart.

She had written that, “Male children do not need

special training to develop the temperament of

harassing women in a patriarchal society. It comes

about spontaneously and naturally, as children

internalize the spirit of subjugating women at their

subconscious level by means of absorbing the

phenomenon which is so common around them,

unknowingly, right from a very young age.

A woman’s mind can prominently generate millions of

thoughts within seconds and her brain is undoubtedly

multi-tasking whilst a man’s brain can either focus on a

certain perspective in a complete basis or it can deviate

into a whole new topic without thinking about the

thought which was previously being processed.


This question has been raised multiple times and

women have always proven that they have better

functioning brains. Yet, a 2015 study at Tel Aviv University revealed that “Human brains do not belong

to a distinctive or specific gender category”.

Daniel Amen, MD, author of Unleash the Power of the

Female Brain, points out that there are not much

differences in the IQ levels of men and women although

the brains of men are found to be ten percent bigger than

the female brains.

The type of connections present in the nervous system of

human brain decides how they function. Men have highly

perceptional brains while women have brains with highly

concentrated amount of gray matter which enhances the

memory power and socialistic skills of women. This gives

them more edge towards comprehending the feelings of

other people and makes them highly emotional.

This is not applicable for every man and woman as brain

is a chameleon that adapts according to the

circumstances. Human brain cultivates a pattern based on

the needs and expectations that are imposed upon it. So

certainly women are not women if it wasn’t for the society.

Everybody deserves equals. “It should necessarily be the

rule applied everywhere. We are humans and we should

be judged based upon that criteria or let’s say that we

shouldn’t be judged at all for who we really are.”


Women have always wanted to be the ones who take

care of their family issues. In a society, that has

constantly forced women to take up independence in a

righteously wrong way has made women think in a

wrong perspective of feminism. A patriarchal society

will always exist or the vice versa if there is a sense of

superiority arising amongst the genders.


We as humans should have an outlook that is wider than

our own perspective. A woman’s mind is often

perceived to be very complex which itself is a

perception and not factual. Women go through various

phases in their life cycle and on the other hand men

undergo puberty and there are not many changes after

the major puberty change in them. Women are made to

endure pain and their minds are not put to placidity. Yet,

they handle it with ease.

When men are questioned about women, they often end

up saying that, “Women are marvelous creatures to

gaze upon but very complex to figure out”.

What men don’t realize is that women are

complex and that is exactly why they can

efficiently run a complex organization or rule

a country with very less troubles. Complexity

is a network of interlinked discrepancies and only

women can entangle it with high amount of

concentration. A society itself is a complex

structure which also includes many complex

families and many capable women who can

reduce the complexity of networks.

“I think complexity is the science for the 21st


As quoted by Stephen Hawking, Complexity

and the methodologies of solving them can be

effectively brought upon by empowered women.






A woman is the most underrated species this universe

has ever witnessed. She has been a creature of pity in

this misogynist society who constantly fights for a place

of deserved regard. She faces even the most trivial thing

as an imposter on her path. And god forbid the abuse she

encounters every day in this male chauvinistic society.

Now as all the clichéd statements about the way the

miseries of women are seen in the society is over, I shall

now get into my perception of viewing this issue.

Honestly the above written lines were the ones that

popped up in my head when I started to think on this

topic- Women Vs. The society and Environment. And

this has even become the hot topic of debate these days

on the internet due to its sensitivity and urgency. But

deep down I had always known that there was much

more to what the eye meets to this scenario. These are

the constant questions that keeps lingering on my mind

these days:

What is really wrong with the society and its way of

treating a woman?

Why is there so much violence and injustice to her?

Why is she always required to fight for a place that

seems obviously hers to own?

Have men become so insensitive and inhuman to her

rattles and agony?

Or have men lost their core human nature and are on a

path of self-destruction?

To answer these questions right, it’d be better if we

looked into the personality types of a man and a woman

in general.

Men and women have always been categorised into two.

The one who was aggressive and dominant was the

alpha male while the relatively submissive one was the

beta male. The same applies to women too. This was a

major reflection of their innate personalities.

Having that concept on hold, let us now consider this. A

man in general has always been the provider to the

family. He went into the wild to hunt down on animals

and brought them to his woman who was supposedly a

caretaker of the family. And this role they took on to

play would most probably have been due to their


physical strength. And there would have been a smooth

coordination between them both.

Until then the equilibrium and coordination was smooth

and there was no violence. Ok, if everything was so

perfect, when, where and how did this peace get


As it is evident man had that edge of physical strength

over a woman. He was stronger in body and was tough.

This in course of time would have given him a false high

making him feel superior in holistic ways than he

actually was. There started the problem, when the alpha

female retaliated against this newfound behaviour of the

man. So the false high that the man was under urged him

to suppress the female in the only way she could be

suppressed: Physically.

This was a great success as her body was fragile.

Though her spirits were high she could not fight back.

And as years passed by this physical suppression

transformed into one of emotional, sexual and

sentimental typo.

But in today’s time, alpha characteristics are not much

idolised and looked upon. The potential reason could be

due to civilisation and education that has forced man to

relax his spine and evolve into less aggressive

individuals. Another reason could be the sons who grew

up looking up to their fathers and despised them for their

arrogance and blunt dominance. So they carefully chose

not to become like them in the future. Still it was just a

wilful disguise in order to gain unperturbed access into

the society and the hearts of women.

Thus most alphas learn when they are still boys that their

career depends on ensuring that old people (other

alphas) do not feel threatened by them. So they

transformed into something more agreeable and


So how well does this theory justify my heading stand?

To answer this question let us consider this for instance:

there has been a sharp hike in the number of diabetes

patients all around the world. Doctors claim that this

could be an evolutionary mid-phase where the body is

creating new mechanisms to cope up with the lifestyle

of today. As our body has been accustomed to a different

lifestyle in the past centuries this sudden change would

initially cause ill effects like diabetes and the likely.

Later the upgraded version of us (humans) would be

better equipped to handle these changes and regain its

normal health.

But today the comeback of the alpha women who had

once been dominant has begun. She is all empowered

and knows what she is capable of. She equally competes

with her male counterpart and makes her mark in every

venture of hers. She is all powerful and skilled. Now this

poses a potential threat to the dormant alphas that are

disguised as betas in today’s world. They start to see her

as a threat to their masculine superiority and search for

ways to suppress her.


He feels threatened when a woman makes a decision on

her own and outsmarts him. He feels threatened when

her smartness overpowers his in a social community. He

fears the fall of his male superiority and significance.

His ego is so hurt that he refuses to take no for an

answer. And there come his aggressive nature to play

which culminates in such violence.

He simply uses violence as a defence mechanism to

retain his stature in the community. This gives him the

sense of high he had chosen to forgo long back in order

to gain access into the society. But little does he know

that this feeling of superiority is only momentary and

what remains after that is simply remorse and guilt.

This violent behaviour is simply a reflection of an old

soul popping out at times to prove its existence and

innate potential. It is not the men who voluntarily

indulge in these but their inability to have control over

their demons.

It is simply their inability and not their choice. And once

that failing moment passes over, they again retreat to

their old self seeking peace. But all that awaits him is

the disappointment of unattained satisfaction and guilt.

And just like diabetes, this is just the mid-phase where

the alphas are trying to outgrow their despised self into

one that is much more relevant and appropriate to these

days. And just like there is no permanent cure for

diabetes, there is no cure for this societal illness of men.

Control and awareness is the only key for peace.

I also don’t mean to say that women are supposed to be

all enduring while this transition of men happens. But

it’s about time women stopped lamenting over the

hardships that come put on their way and be radical in

dealing with this. It is about time women retreated to

their intellectual armour and not their emotional armour.

It is about time women stopped getting back to their

cocoons when the times are bad and die of self-pity. It

is about time they let their wits loose and bosses up the


The saying “Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman” is

no more relevant. “Hell hath no wit like a scorned

woman” is what the world needs today to handle these

helpless men.

So cheers to life and new beginnings!




Student Counsellor


As a counsellor I have had the chance to meet and

facilitate young girls and women with various issues

ranging from exam jitters to emotional and physical

abuse. I have always admired their grit and courage to

seek help and once the decision is made they bounce

back to life with great vigour and determination. I would

like to share some significant experiences which I found

to be truly inspirational. I am looking that in the

progressive steps of CURE.

Cure is a process of learning to exercise new choices.

The client who seeks help passes through a series of

stages of improvement, distinct in nature although the

boundaries might not be sharply recognizable.

From pain to power....

A college girl met me to process her fear and

helplessness to come out of a dependency. She was clear

that it was not a relationship. Her grades were dropping

and she was confused. She processed her feelings and

was ready to think and choose options. She became

aware of her pattern and the vicious cycle was



She chose to heal herself by intervening the cycle by

exercising her choices. She chose to avoid the invitation

of the other person. She was experiencing the social

control which is the first step of the healing process. She

was experiencing pain and difficulty.

During this time she processed her fear and belief about

the other gender. She identified that it is a copied

behaviour from her parental figure. She felt the relief in

her physical body also. When she was turning down the

invite she was now feeling the ease in her neck muscles.

This is the symptomatic relief which decreased her

frequency and intensity of fear.

By this time she is relieved and has created a bond with

the therapist whom she started to look as her new parent

and secure base. She started depending on the therapist

which is again a repetition of her childhood belief.

After follow up sessions and repeated processing she

decided to put her own show on the road with new self-

driving through the progressive path.

I was amazed by her consistent efforts to come out of

the pattern. While she meets me now I can see her as a

powerful young lady beaming with her victorious smile

and of course with her best academic scores back again!

Steps of cure:

Social control – Changed behaviour

Symptomatic relief – Observed in Physical body and


Transference cure – With the person involved and the


Script cure – Rewriting her painful story with a powerful


Inside every woman there is a smart, powerful, dynamic,

capable, self-confident, alert and fabulous super

woman. There are times when she stumbles – it may be

over a small stone or a rock that could hit her hard. This

is the time when her dependency, self-doubt, belief

system or cultural scripts change their path. She

becomes vulnerable and is under the control of the

society. This can be reverted. Girls and women brave

enough seek help to gain back their stronger self but a

few may founder as well. Once the woman reinvents her

strengths she is autonomous.

The world is waiting for such winners!


Rendering help

Cross up Emotional, physical abuse

Invitation for help





THE MARVEL UNRAVELED!This is an article created with an idea of helping people

know more about KCT, the various facilities on offer,

and is scripted in the article of a countdown just to help

a visitor out with some knowledge on exploring things

here. This form is solely created out of my own

thoughts, initiatives and interests and isn't featured to

hurt anyone. The pictures sported here are my own and

the viewers are requested to turn their mobile phones

anti-clock wise for a wholesome experience.



10. Prof. Arumugam Student’s Centre: True to its name, this has been one multi-utility

"student's" centre with indoor games facilities, class

rooms, laboratories, drawing halls, resulting in the

conduction of a variety of tournaments and competitions

here. In addition, it houses the Mahatma Gandhi study

centre and the Vivekananda centre, both of which

integrates virtues and spirit with the technical quest of

promising minds.

9. The Road that Leads to Four Corner: People say that KCT was once devoid of trees and

good greenery. To visualize or imagine such a

condition demands the help of a super power.

Thanks to the great effort and coordination

between the administration and students, and to

all those who were involved in this noble mission,

for they have left us with something that is truly

spectacular to live in!


8. The Twenty-Three Acre Ground:

KCT has "enabled" its students to hone and fine tune

their sportive minds with the help of various sports

facilities, coaches, other staffs and the twenty three acre

ground, which has been a host to a plenty of matches

and events from a variety of sports.

7. The KCT Tech Park:

A well-built IT park situated in one of the IT corridors

of the city consisting of a large share of IT businesses,

contains a robust and a failsafe infrastructure with

power, data connectivity and highly trained technical


6. Jyothi Nilayam:

In what is called a new addition to the sculptural

beauties of KCT, is a classical old-styled wonder with a

central spacious court yard, guest rooms, conference

room, guest lounge and dining hall, portraying Indian

culture, art and craft in its various stances.

5. Kraft @ KCT:

Being filled with international standards, Kraft serves as

a go-to place for weight lifters, body builders, and

fitness seekers with its latest of equipments,

sophisticatedly designed and scientifically laid with all

of its purpose in mind.


4. Seminar Hall Complex:

One has to stand there to taste that feeling. Such is the

magnificence of this four-hall complex that it inspires

one to perform and achieve great things and extracts the

best out of every individual present there. This place

serves as a meeting and a gathering point for many of

the lectures and events in this campus.

3. The Mahatma Gandhi Central Library:

How's this for a library! A collection of 104475 volumes

and 66559 titles with 178 journals, 48 magazines 9122

international journals for the use of students is only

going to get better with time and fetch both the users and

itself all the glory!

2. Ramanandha Adigalar Auditorium:

The air-conditioned auditorium with a capacity of 1800

seats acts as a great stage for various functions and

several other important happenings within the campus.

Very pleasant, but an ever-assuming architecture paves

its way to the second spot on this count down!

1. The KORE:

Majestic as ever, this place was soulfully designed with

an idea of serving as a symbolic centre and the meeting

point of students of various quarters. The core of KCT

is KORE!