here we go again…...2020 st. barnabas episcopal church newsletter 2201 sw vermont st. portland, or...

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Newsletter 2020 2201 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR 97219 503-246-1949 A Believe Outloud Parish WWW. SAINTBARNABASPDX . ORG STBARNABAS @HOTMAIL . COM WWW. FACEBOOK. COM/STBARNABAS PDX Here We Go Again… Regarding COVID-19, it looked, for a few days, like things were trending in the right direction. Hmmm, not so fast! Many of us are still mostly staying at home, we have put the St. Barnabas in-person 8:00 AM service on hiatus, and Melissa has barely moved she has moved though (she is also a year older… can you tell? )The brutal truth of our worsening situation regarding the pandemic may be overwhelming for some of us. I know that it is weighing on me. I wonder how we are going to keep our church community relationally healthy. I worry about our people, and their families, getting sick. I am concerned about the long-term consequences this pandemic will have on the social, economic, and mental well-being of our world. Yet, I am comforted by St. Paul’s assurance that very little can separate us from the love of Christ. According to Paul, neither hardship, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, nor death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. A pandemic is certainly implied in all those words. So, I am confident that if we are faith-filled in our response to this current trial, we will persevere. If St. Barnabas is missing a way to assist your perseverance, please speak up. In an effort to help us stay connected, I am in the process of seeking permission from the Diocese of Oregon to offer Communion in the church parking lot following the 10:00 AM Zoom service. If this plan is approved (another congregation has already received approval for a similar plan), hermetically sealed containers holding consecrated wine and a wafer will be distributed by a clergy member, wearing a mask and gloves, to parishioners who remain in their cars. I hope to have more information on this program soon. Stay tuned. We also continue to come to terms with the questions about race and equality in America. We have created a small group to examine questions of diversity at St. Barnabas. If you would like to join the group, please see the link in the Buzz for the group titled “A Conversation about Congregation & Culture.” One last note, my sons, John and Jack, are headed to college in August. As Jack will be a freshman, we look forward to getting him settled at the University of Iowa. So, we have to travel again. Therefore, I will have to self-quarantine for another 14 days. I am sorry not to be directly involved in the Zoom service for a couple of weeks, but the pandemic is making the rules and I want to keep our worship team safe. Happy August to All, Sean

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Page 1: Here We Go Again…...2020 St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Newsletter 2201 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR 97219 503-246-1949 A Believe Outloud Parish WWW STBARNABAS@HOTMAIL. Celebrating

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Newsletter


2201 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR 97219 503-246-1949

A Believe Outloud




Here We Go Again…

Regarding COVID-19, it looked, for a few days, like things were trending in the right direction. Hmmm, not so fast! Many of us are still mostly staying at home, we have put the St. Barnabas in-person 8:00 AM service on hiatus, and Melissa has barely moved – she has moved though (she is also a year older… can you tell? )The brutal truth of our worsening situation regarding the pandemic may be overwhelming for some of us. I know that it is weighing on me. I wonder how we are going to keep our church community relationally healthy. I worry about our people, and their families, getting sick. I am concerned about the long-term consequences this pandemic will have on the social, economic, and mental well-being of our world. Yet, I am comforted by St. Paul’s assurance that very little can separate us from the love of Christ. According to Paul, neither hardship, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, nor death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. A pandemic is certainly implied in all those words. So, I am confident that if we are faith-filled in our response to this current trial, we will persevere. If St. Barnabas is missing a way to assist your perseverance, please speak up.

In an effort to help us stay connected, I am in the process of seeking permission from the Diocese of Oregon to offer Communion in the church parking lot following the 10:00 AM Zoom service. If this plan is approved (another congregation has already received approval for a similar plan), hermetically sealed containers holding consecrated wine and a wafer will be distributed by a clergy member, wearing a mask and gloves, to parishioners who remain in their cars. I hope to have more information on this program soon. Stay tuned.

We also continue to come to terms with the questions about race and equality in America. We have created a small group to examine questions of diversity at St. Barnabas. If you would like to join the group, please see the link in the Buzz for the group titled “A Conversation about Congregation & Culture.”

One last note, my sons, John and Jack, are headed to college in August. As Jack will be a freshman, we look forward to getting him settled at the University of Iowa. So, we have to travel again. Therefore, I will have to self-quarantine for another 14 days. I am sorry not to be directly involved in the Zoom service for a couple of weeks, but the pandemic is making the rules and I want to keep our worship team safe.

Happy August to All, Sean

Page 2: Here We Go Again…...2020 St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Newsletter 2201 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR 97219 503-246-1949 A Believe Outloud Parish WWW STBARNABAS@HOTMAIL. Celebrating

For many people, the coronavirus pandemic has been a test of patience — or worse. Medically vulnerable people continue to face an anxious time of hypervigilance. Furloughed workers wait on hold or in lines for assistance. So many special events have been canceled or rescheduled. These past 4 months have been trying times, even for those not impacted directly. School at home. Work at home. Church at home. And it has been challenging to hold on to our sense of belonging, especially when we have often been reduced to squares on a screen. Being present to our families and others, has indeed tried our patience.

Recently, I read that scientist Sir Isaac Newton did some of his best work in isolation, during the bubonic plague epidemic that battered the English people in 1666. Much like today, the universities closed, confining Cambridge University students like Newton, to their homes for months. Without Netflix, YouTube TV and Instagram, he had to find something to do. Being the inquisitive fellow that he was, he used the time to invent calculus and developed groundbreaking theories of gravity and optics. He said later of his time in confinement, it was his year of wonders and he reportedly observed, “If I have made any valuable discoveries, it [owes] more to patient attention than to any other talent.”

I do not see any groundbreaking discoveries coming from me – certainly not in the scientific realm. But I have discovered the joy of Morning Prayer. I have also been reminded of how nice it is to get mail, other than bills or ads (thanks to all who have continued to send cards). I have discovered the joy of connecting one-on-one, even over the phone or zoom, and being part of the worship team who gather each Sunday. These “discoveries” have been a blessing and a gift, as has the knowledge that many of you gather in new and different ways as well. Plus, you are sharing our abundance with our neighbors each Saturday, hosting blood drives, and delivering food to a shelter. It all says to me that our connection and support of one another continues to thrive.

I wonder, what you have discovered during the Covid-19 crisis? What appreciations have you developed for aspects of life you may have previously taken for granted? I invite you to share your experiences – both the challenges and the discoveries - and I welcome the opportunity to meet with you (socially distanced and masked, of course) or connect via Zoom. This year has been a time of waiting and it requires patience. But while we wait for a return to in-person worship and gathering, I believe there are discoveries awaiting us as well. As Psalm 130:4 says, “I wait for the LORD; my soul waits for him; in his word is my hope.”

Blessings and peace,


From the Associate Rector……

Page 3: Here We Go Again…...2020 St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Newsletter 2201 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR 97219 503-246-1949 A Believe Outloud Parish WWW STBARNABAS@HOTMAIL. Celebrating

Celebrating the ministry of Bishop Michael and Marla Hanley

Dear People of God,

You are cordially invited to celebrate the ministry of Bishop Michael and Marla Hanley! Please mark your calendar for the place, date and one-hour time slot most convenient for you, then contact Terri Hoffmann ([email protected] or 503-982-4825) to reserve your spot at the party! Reservations for each time slot will be limited to 25-40 people (depending on space and distance restrictions) and accepted in the order received. You will receive confirmation by return email and your name(s) will be on a list at the party entrance.

July 19, Emmanuel, Coos Bay, 2pm-4pm August 22, St. Matthew, Eugene, 1pm-4pm

Sept. 6, St. Francis of Assisi, Wilsonville, 1pm-4pm Sept. 13, St. Mark, Medford, 2pm-5pm

Sept. 17, The Bishop’s Close, Lake Oswego, 3pm-7pm

If you would like to contribute funds to the Bishop’s Purse or wine or other beverage to the Hanley’s’ new wine cooler, you can do that at a party (above), through the Diocesan Office, or your congregation.

Visit the 11th Bishop of Oregon Search and Transition website

Page 4: Here We Go Again…...2020 St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Newsletter 2201 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR 97219 503-246-1949 A Believe Outloud Parish WWW STBARNABAS@HOTMAIL. Celebrating

Worship Services and Study

Sunday Services We will continue to offer a Eucharistic service on Sundays at 10:00 AM on Zoom.

Daily Compline Offered Online by Fr. Jeff, every evening at 7:00 PM Monday - Saturday

Morning Prayer Offered Monday-Friday Online by Rev. Bonnie, at 9:30 AM.

Zoom Bible Study Offered Tuesdays at 11:30 AM

Thursday (July 30) Zoom Conversation about Congregation & Culture 6:00 PM

You will find a link on our website or in the weekly Buzz for all services.

Our Biblical Garden

The St. Barnabas Biblical Garden is unofficially finished!! That is, the planning and lists are completed; the garden is stuffed full of plants and a few more need to be squeezed in, as the seasons permit. I have ordered Autumn Crocus for our saffron and I am trying again with the anemones because the Pasques’ passed away (sorry). I am cultivating a Rose of Sharon which will go in next year. New additions are Moses in the Cradle and Lily of the Nile and monkshood. Don't eat the monkshood please, in case you were thinking of testing to see if it's poisonous or not. I have been searching for a passion vine but there seems to have been a run on vines and Portland Nursery had nary a clematis or such to be seen last week. I will try again in the Autumn; it is not easy to grow.

So, I believe its okay to "go to church" to sit the required distance apart on our new chairs; extra chairs can be set on the concrete pad, or a wheelchair. One can have a cup of coffee or tea, sit in the shade, enjoy the jasmine and most of all, visit with friends!

Many thanks to Nancy Draper and her interest in this project, inspirationally and financially. Also, to Carolyn Nelson for finding the Lady of the Labels, and to Dan Stoneman, who valiantly finished working on our beautiful glass labels following the loss of his wife, Mary Stoneman, early this year. And, of course, to Glenn, with his strong back and arms, and willingness to help with shovel, saw and secateurs. Please enjoy the garden! Sally

Moses in the Cradle (example found online)

Page 5: Here We Go Again…...2020 St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Newsletter 2201 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR 97219 503-246-1949 A Believe Outloud Parish WWW STBARNABAS@HOTMAIL. Celebrating


You are invited to submit notes of love, thanksgiving, longing, or sadness, and news about your life

for inclusion in the weekly Sunday worship booklet. Please limit your submissions to a couple of

sentences and email them to Fr. Sean ([email protected]) no later than noon every


The blood drive hosted by St. Barnabas on June 30th went great! Thank you to Cathie and Kianne Dainton Piacente for volunteering to manage the check-in process. The drive was so successful that the American Red Cross has asked us to host a third blood drive on September 29. If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Fr. Sean. You can sign-up to donate on the American Red Cross website.


Our St. Barnabas food bag program has the opportunity to hand out USDA dairy boxes along with our food bags. This would save us about $100 per week, as well as provide more dairy products than we can afford on our own. In order to obtain these dairy boxes, we need drivers with large (SUV, van or truck) vehicles, every Saturday around noon, to drive to East Portland, collect the boxes from the Sunshine Division warehouse, and then stack them under an insulation blanket back at St. Barnabas. We think it will take 2 vehicles each time, so are looking for at least 4-6 drivers so that no one has to work every weekend. We’d also love to have someone volunteer to coordinate and lead this operation. Please contact Jennie Armstrong at [email protected] if you wish to help.

St. Barnabas Food Bags…

St. Barnabas has been handing out food bags to our neighbors in need, for 4 months now. We’ve been amazed by the compassion and generosity of our congregation and our neighbors. Almost every time we are scratching our heads for affordable resources, the resources come in. So, we thought you’d like to hear a little more about where your donations are going. Let us introduce you to some of our customers… A___ is a single mother of 2 young girls (about 8 and 10). For the last 2 years she has been our connection to Stephen’s Creek Crossing, taking left over dinners, and then food bags, to her neighbors who did not have vehicles of their own. Then disaster

struck. She called us in a panic from the hospital as she was going in for emergency surgery. She was so worried about all her neighbors not getting their food bags that day. As she went into surgery, we quickly cobbled together a plan to get food to everyone. We ended up handing out food from the back of our cars. We now have access to the community center and can serve those families in a more organized fashion. And, of course, we still deliver bags to A___, carefully selected so her young daughters can cook without using a hot stovetop or sharp knives. Even though A___ is still recovering from multiple surgeries and is likely to need yet another one, she is still trying to help her neighbors. If we give her anything she cannot use, she places it on a shelf outside her door, for others to come pick up, should they need a little extra.

Page 6: Here We Go Again…...2020 St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Newsletter 2201 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR 97219 503-246-1949 A Believe Outloud Parish WWW STBARNABAS@HOTMAIL. Celebrating

L___ is only about 8. She is responsible for getting the food bag each week for her family. Her family is Muslim, so cannot eat our meat. She takes our vegetarian bags, with a couple of cans of tuna, since fish meets the Halal requirements. On rare occasions, Albertsons sends us fresh fish and that is a real treat for her and her family. L___ is tiny – if you stacked the 2 bags, we give out on top of each other, she could hide behind them. She will sometimes accept help carrying the bags, but always keeps the heaviest one to carry herself. She can barely lift it! But her family is fed and she's proud of the fact that she is helping to providing for them. Our newest neighbor in need, was walking her dog past St. Barnabas last week when she saw our sign. It was 6 pm, and we were closing up after a busy day. She recently became unemployed and considered herself to be lucky because she had actually received her first unemployment check. BUT she’s been unpaid for weeks already so that quickly disappeared. Like many, she is very worried about making ends meet as the government stimulus programs end. Like many, she was thrilled to find us. She’s vegetarian – we’d had more vegetarians than ever this week and were out of tofu, hummus and quinoa. All I could give her was canned beans. She did not care; she was so happy to have anything at all and was thrilled with the fresh vegetables and cleaning products we included. She’ll be back next week. So, what are we giving these families each week? Albertsons donates meat, bread and cookies, the rest we purchase from a variety of places to get the lowest possible prices, spending about $10 per family. Here is what we hand out in a “typical” week…

2 packs meat

1 pack Lunch meat or bacon or sausage

1-quart fresh milk

1 dozen eggs

Fresh vegetable bag (Ex. 1 lettuce, 3 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 onion)

Fresh fruit bag (Ex. 3 bananas 3 apples)

1 bag rice OR pasta

1 box cereal OR oatmeal

1 loaf bread

1 bag bread buns or bagels

1 packet cookies or similar sweet item

1 jar peanut butter

1 can tomatoes

1 can protein beans

2 rolls toilet paper

1 bar soap

2 trash bags

1 other cleaning or personal hygiene item

Other donated “gems” like dressing or granola bars

If you’d like to help, our biggest need is cash so we can continue to buy fresh produce, toilet paper and peanut butter at wholesale prices. If you prefer to donate actual items, please consider dropping off personal hygiene products, face masks, cleaning supplies, pasta, rice, canned tomatoes, canned beans, crackers and vegetarian proteins like tofu or hummus. Also, we will gladly share any extra produce you grow in your gardens. We also love having new volunteers to work on site. Some come in during the week to package dry goods in safe isolation, others don masks and gloves to fill bags on Saturdays, others work on outreach and finding new food sources from the safety of their home – it all makes a difference. We hear 2 words over and over – THANK YOU!

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Shepherd’s Door Outreach Ministry – 2.0

By Eva Calcagno

On July 8th, a St. Barnabas Team returned to Shepherd’s Door to cook and serve dinner to the residents. This is the first time we have been able to do this in person since March, when Covid restrictions went into place. What fun to be back on-site and to be active, with other people! Lisa Begley, Jan Creighton, Fletcher Calcagno and I prepared a taco salad bar meal with watermelon and dessert. Mae Orendorff prepared individual craft activity bags that we delivered to the staff for use with the children in-residence. The cost for the food was provided by a generous discount from Albertson’s, plus cash donations from parish members Nancy Draper and Jean Dilworth.

Under the new rules for serving, we can have 4-5 people in the kitchen plus someone to do a craft in the dining room, if we want to do that. All food must be prepared and cooked on-site (no more home baked dessert, for example) and all volunteers must wear masks, wear gloves and wash hands frequently, and try to keep socially distanced. We met the challenge!

If you are interested in volunteering, please talk to one of us. Our next scheduled date is Wednesday, September 3rd. We leave the church about 3pm and return by 7pm. Another team including Cathie and Hayden Price will rotate with us. We plan the meals, shop, cook and serve the food for 45-50 adults and about a dozen children. We also offer a craft activity for kids and moms in the dining room. The current team members have been covering the costs of the food and crafts, but we also appreciate the donations of other parish members and support from the Women of St. Barnabas, so it does not need to be a financial commitment to participate.

I was also able to deliver a trunk load of deli pizzas and other donations from Albertson’s on July 14th, much to the delight of the residents.

Does this sound like something you would like to do? It is rewarding to support the women residents on their journey to clean and sober paths, gaining education and work experience. The women appreciate the support and encouragement of “outsiders” who treat them with love and respect.

Call me if you are interested! Eva Calcagno 503-452-8360

P.S. In case you aren’t familiar with its mission, Shepherd’s Door is managed by Portland Rescue Mission and is a year+ long residential, Christian-based, program for women who have experienced homelessness, substance abuse, and/or domestic violence. They live at the facility while taking classes, receiving counseling, and getting their lives in order. If they have custody of their children, the children can reside at the facility with them. It is in outer NE Portland.

Photos: Lisa Begley chopping lettuce with Eva Calcagno on a step ladder in the back stirring refried beans. Jan Creighton

washing dishes. Fletcher Calcagno slicing watermelon.

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Photo Gallery

Sally Willson and Carolyn Nelson social distancing after gardening at St. B’s.

Stump the Priest COVID-19 Version

Q: What would Jesus say about the current world climate? What advice would he have for us?

A: Well, I have a two, disparate, thoughts about this question. First, no matter how I answer it,

someone will be disappointed. Second, it could be answered in the form of book, or in a few

sentences. As I am not smart enough to write a book, I’ll aim for a few sentences.

I have no doubt that Jesus would be disappointed in the current state of affairs in the world. However,

I’m not convinced that his disappointment would be limited to just one element of society. His

expectations are high and most of us fail to meet them. Yet, in the Gospel of Matthew (17:20), Jesus

said, for truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain,

“Move from here to there”, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.’

There is suffering in the world today and Jesus was no stranger to suffering. But he did not see

suffering as an excuse to shirk away or scapegoat others. In today’s volatile environment, he would

encourage us to love God and to love all of our fellow humans (even if we don’t like them: look up

agape love). Even in a time of pandemic and racial strife, Jesus expects us to feed the hungry, give

drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the imprisoned

(Matthew 25:35-36). That is a lot to do, but it’s what Jesus expects us to do. Now, if we can just find

faith the size of a mustard seed, none of it will be impossible.

You may submit questions for Fr. Sean to answer in the Stump the Priest section of our Newsletters!

Questions may be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected], or just drop him a

written note.

Page 9: Here We Go Again…...2020 St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Newsletter 2201 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR 97219 503-246-1949 A Believe Outloud Parish WWW STBARNABAS@HOTMAIL. Celebrating

St. Barnabas Vocation Statement: As followers of Jesus Christ, the people of St. Barnabas

Episcopal Church are called to learn, serve, welcome, and celebrate.

Believe Out Loud Welcoming Statement: At St. Barnabas Episcopal Church we believe

there is a place for everyone around God’s table. With love and respect, we welcome all people

into our community. Whatever your beliefs or background, your sexual orientation or gender

identity, your race or ethnicity, your age or family structure, abilities or disabilities; wherever you

are on life’s journey, your presence is a blessing. We cherish the diversity you bring to us.

Mark Your Calendars

Zoom Bible Study: Offered Tuesdays at 11:30 AM

Thursday (July 30) Zoom Conversation about Congregation & Culture 6:00 PM

Worship Services: See article above, sign up for the weekly Buzz and check our website for information about our services on Zoom. Newsletter Deadlines: each 3rd Sunday/Monday. Send articles to Sandy Hunnicutt at [email protected]. (August 16th & September 20th)

Church Office Hours

Parish Administrator, Cathie Dainton Piacente’s Hours: Mon-Thurs, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Rector, Father Sean’s Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Please call for an appointment.

Father Sean is available by phone for emergencies

Contact Information Fr. Sean Wall [email protected] 503-679-0634 Rev. Bonnie Stewart [email protected] Rev. Jeff Frost, Strategic Planning [email protected] Rev. Dcn. Barbara Jo Finch [email protected] Music Director: Stephen R. Galván [email protected] Organist: David Wills-Ehlers Parish Admin.: Cathie Dainton Piacente [email protected] 503-246-1949

The St. Barnabas’ Vestry members are, Vicki Church, John Engle, Anita Galloway, Gary Gipson, Kay

Martin, and Cathie Price.

If you have questions, issues, or comments, all of us are willing to talk. Vestry meetings occur the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Meetings are held in Fr. Sean’s office. Visitors are always welcome. Our phone numbers are listed in each newsletter and in every bulletin. Emails are in the church directory and at the church office.

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Senior Warden & Outreach, Cathie Price 503-318-0057 503-318-0057 Junior Warden, Buildings & Grounds: John Engle 503-292-1139 503-292-1139 Christian Education: Anita Galloway 503-807-8047 Parish Life: Vicki Church 503-422-0280 Pastoral Care: Kay Martin 503-756-9282 Finance: Gary Gipson 503-747-5631 Worship: Rev. Sean Wall 503-246-1949 Communications: The Rev. Bonnie Stewart [email protected] Treasurer: Vicki Church (non-voting position) 503-422-0280 Other group’s contacts: Altar Guild President: Jackie Alexander 503-332-3242 Men’s Group: Keith Enos 503-244-6195 Women of St. Barnabas (WoSB): Lisa Begley 503-245-2378 Children’s Fellowship Coordinator: Robbie Jessen 503-246-4035

Newsletter Submissions: Sandy Hunnicutt [email protected] Do you use Facebook? Our page: St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Portland, OR

Do you OECN? Oregon Episcopal Church News is available online. Keep up with Diocesan events and issues, at About this newsletter: Got news? Submit items (electronically is best, but we also accept paper or even phone calls) to Cathie in the church office for inclusion in the next month’s Newsletter. Or send them directly to Sandy Hunnicutt at [email protected]