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Name:______________ The Fault in Our Stars : What’s in a name? “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose // By any other name would smell just as sweet” What’s in a name? This question (just like the title of The Fault in Our Stars) is a quote from Shakespeare, specifically, his play Romeo and Juliet. By now you have read up to chapter five of The Fault in Our Stars and have met many important characters along the way, each with an equally important name. All names carry some kind of meaning, and many have multiple meanings. So what is in a name? -This assignment has two steps, each to be completed by the days listed next to them- Step One- (Due Tomorrow) Do some research on your own name. You may use the resources at the bottom of the page, but are not limited to them. Using the information you find, fill out the first half of the chart on the next page. Be ready to share what you find next class! Be sure to list any interesting facts about the name. For example: Are there any famous people or characters that share a name with you? Why did your parents choose the name that they gave you? How common is your name? etc. Step Two- (Due Monday) Choose a character in The Fault in Our Stars that has been introduced at some point within the first five chapters of the novel. Research this character’s name in the same way that you researched your own in step one. Using the information you find, fill out the second half of the chart on the next page. After filling out the chart, write a short 250-500 word essay in which you try to make some predictions about the character based on their name, and the meanings behind it. How do you think the character fits into their name? What do

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The Fault in Our Stars : What’s in a name?

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose // By any other name would smell just as sweet”

What’s in a name? This question (just like the title of The Fault in Our Stars) is a quote from Shakespeare, specifically, his play Romeo and Juliet. By now you have read up to chapter five of The Fault in Our Stars and have met many important characters along the way, each with an equally important name. All names carry some kind of meaning, and many have multiple meanings. So what is in a name?

-This assignment has two steps, each to be completed by the days listed next to them-

Step One- (Due Tomorrow)

Do some research on your own name. You may use the resources at the bottom of the page, but are not limited to them.

Using the information you find, fill out the first half of the chart on the next page. Be ready to share what you find next class!

Be sure to list any interesting facts about the name. For example: Are there any famous people or characters that share a name with you? Why did your parents choose the name that they gave you? How common is your name? etc.

Step Two- (Due Monday)

Choose a character in The Fault in Our Stars that has been introduced at some point within the first five chapters of the novel. Research this character’s name in the same way that you researched your own in step one.

Using the information you find, fill out the second half of the chart on the next page. After filling out the chart, write a short 250-500 word essay in which you try to make

some predictions about the character based on their name, and the meanings behind it. How do you think the character fits into their name? What do you think will happen to this character as the novel progresses based on this information? Be sure to use the information in your research to back up your predictions

Suggested Resources-



Some of you have more unique names. In these cases, it may be more difficult to find the information you are looking for. I suggest using google to find some answers. It also helps to ask your parents about your name. Why they chose it, where it came from etc.

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Name Research: Part 1




Interesting Facts

Name Research: Part 2

Character Name



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Student Model

Name Research: Part 1




Interesting Facts

Name Research: Part 2

Character Name


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Student Model Part 2

Since finishing chapter five of The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green, we have been met

with many memorable characters, each with a unique and interesting name. One character that

really stuck out to me, at least in name, was Isaac, good friend to Augustus and Hazel. Ignoring

the potential pun that comes with a character that bears the name Isaac, while also having cancer

in his eye (Eye-Sick) there is much that can be predicted from such an expressive name.

According to the website BehindTheName.com Isaac is a masculine name that is derived

from the Hebrew name Vitzchaq, which meant “he laughs.” I feel that this actually fits the

character of Isaac very well. Even at the most depressing points of the day Isaac seems to take

everything as a joke in the making. He often makes light of his own predicaments, and teases

Augustus often.

As an example, during their time in the support group Augustus was asked to share his

fears. He responded with “I fear oblivion […] I fear it like the proverbial blind man who’s afraid

of the dark.” To which Isaac jokingly responds “Too soon” as he cracked a smile. (Fault in Our

Stars, 12) This is not a unique case, and in fact, Isaac can be seen very much as a “class clown”

type of character in the novel. Of course he has his darker scenes, such as the trophy breaking

scene in chapter four, but for the most part he’s a guy that looks at life in such a way that he can

always find room to laugh.

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Of course, there is also the obvious biblical reference. In the book of Genesis, Isaac is the

son of Abraham. While he is famous for the “Binding of Isaac” story, it is worthy to note that

Isaac does become blind later in life. This leads me to believe that the Isaac from The Fault in

Our Stars will indeed be required to go through surgery that will leave him completely blind.

The ordeal will obviously be very trying to Isaac, but I feel that, true to his name and character,

he will eventually be able to look back and laugh about it. And, if not, at the very least he will

find other reasons to laugh, just as he has led me to believe he can do so far.

One final thing that can be drawn from Isaac and his name is the fact that he shares his

title with the famous Sir Isaac Newton. The two actually share some interesting similarities.

Most notably, Isaac is a great friend to Augustus and Hazel. They come to him to have fun, and

talk about life. Through him, they are able to see the world through a different set of eyes. Just as

Isaac newton was able to look at the world in a different way, a way that allowed him to make

the discoveries that he did, Isaac allows or heroes to see the world from a different perspective.

What makes this even more interesting is that if my predictions are true, and Isaac does indeed

lose his eye sight, it can be said that in a way he merely passed his sight onto his friends. Instead

of losing his vision, he used the loss to gain a greater perspective, and then was able to pass this

perspective on to others. I am interested to see where this goes, and how Isaac may change the

course of the story.