hi-tide issue 1, october 2015

La Jolla High School • 750 Nautilus Street • La Jolla • 92037 OPINIONS: Syrian Refugee Crisis Issue 1-October 16, 2015 Volume XC FEATURES: New Faculty Members student FOCUS: Summer World Travel SPORTS: e Bolts “Bolt” A&E: Gatsby Comes to Civic OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF LA JOLLA HIGH SCHOOL • 1925-2015 • 9OTH ANNIVERSARY LOCKED DOWN A PAPAL VISIT: U.S. & CUBA Examining e Ponti and Politics By Viviana Bonomie News Editor On ursday, September 17, most students at La Jolla High were in their fourth period class, waiting for the lunchtime bell. Instead, they were surprised by a bell that announced that they were going into lockdown. e student reactions varied from those who were concerned about what was going on to those who laughed it o as a drill. It wasn’t until text messages started coming in from concerned par- ents that most people caught on to the fact that there was a threat. According to NBC San Diego, the anonymous man who called LJHS, also called nine other San Diego School District schools, some calls included threats of a gunman, while others only men- tioned possible devices on cam- pus. e schools from the dis- trict who were targeted included; Clairemont, Crawford, Kearny, Mira Mesa, Morse, La Jolla, Patrick Henry, Point Loma, San Diego, and Scripps Ranch. According to 10 News, all of the calls were made approximately within a 20-minute range, the rst being made to San Ysidro High at about 9:15 am where a man made a call stating that “something was going to happen.” Here at LJHS, the oce was a urry of movement before the phone call was even made. Since the San Ysidro call had been made so early in the day, the San Diego Police Department had already been alerted and several cops were already on campus in order to per- form a search for any sign of dan- gerous activity. At around 11:20 am a phone call was received which sparked the immediate lockdown. As the police department searched the campus, students and teachers were instructed to remain in their classrooms with the windows shut and the doors locked until the “all clear.” e lockdown ended at approxi- mately 1:20 pm, two hours later, which resulted in a 30-minute lunch and two, 15-minute class periods. During the two-hour lock- down, students and teachers alike had to endure the hunger that came from a lack of a lunch time and the problem faced with a number of people having to use the restroom, but not being able to due to the restriction on leaving classroms. Because of these issues, the school has now decided to take new precautionary methods that include portable toilets and extra food and water for each class- room, in case an event like this happens again. By Jimmy Irwin and Julia Walton Sta Writers Pope Francis planned an eight day trip to both Cuba and the United States from Septem- ber 19th to 27th. Catholic News Service stated his hope is to share with these two countries his “vi- sion of a Catholic’s approach to family life, economics, immigra- tion, and good governance” and to help people realize that even though there may be diering opinions in these areas between countries, the church stands rm in its values everywhere. e Pope visited three cities during his stay in Cuba, which began on September 19th. He visited the capital city Havana, along with Holguin, and Santi- ago. On his stop to Holguin, he held a Mass with over 150,000 people. According to NBC News, during the Mass he based his speech on the need “‘to slowly overcome our preconceptions and our reluctance to think that others, much less ourselves, can change.’” Visiting Holguin had some political background as it was the place that Cuba’s communist leaders Fidel and Raul Castro grew up. September 21, the day he was in Holguin, was also the date that he felt a calling from God when he was a teenager, which led to his current position in the church. Pope Francis has become world famous for his radical changes in the Catholic Church, many have hailed him as a 21st century pope, one that is ready to address the challenges fac- ing the world at this time. He is also famous for his compas- sion, humility, and progressive stance on many issues, such as his open-minded attitude towards gay marriage and abortion, and his adamant heedfulness about the dangers of climate change. His stance has polarized him from people on both the political le and right. It is for this rea- son that so many are interested in what the pope has had to say about America during his time here. He landed in Washington D.C. on September 21st where he made history twice; rst, by being the rst pope to address Congress where he talked about how important it is to make sure politics are always done for the good of the people. Second, he made Junipero Serra, the founder of the California mission system, a saint, which is the rst time a canonization has ever happened Pope Francis greets Presi- dent Barack Obama at the Vatican in spring 2014. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / White House Walking out of the oce aer being in a conference room over- owing with people, I was glad to nally be able to leave the small, tension-lled, room. As I walked toward the quad, I saw a mixture of concerned parents either wait- ing for their student or talking to police ocers, asking for more information. is was the rst time any of the students at LJHS were part of an actual lockdown, and the reac- tions from the students were very mixed and while everyone was glad to hear the threat was noth- ing but a hoax, many are dissap- pointed that the caller has yet to be identied. Calls being made as a type of prank in order to frighten or can- cel schools have been an ongoing problem in San Diego. Last year schools like La Jolla Country Day and Canyon Crest Academy also experienced similar events that resulted in lockdowns. Since the event, no news of fur- ther threats have been reported, but the eectiveness of lockdown drills has since been put into ques- tion. Mother of junior Soa Solte- ro, Maite Soltero, was picking up paperwork in the oce when the alarm rang out. She was therefore obligated to stay in the oce for the duration of the lockdown. When asked about her opinion on the procedure’s eectiveness she stated, “Yes I think the lock down is eective for the students protection [but] I still believe there is room for improvement. I feel the people that are inside the lockdown should have access to more information and updates.” Many students also feel that this procedure seems somewhat coun- terproductive, stating that locking us in the place where a threat is made will, in the end, not save anyone. on American soil. While in New York, he visited the United Nations General As- sembly, speaking on some of the issues that have been front-and- center in his papacy. He dwelled on the unjust treatment of the poor and how they have “sacred rights” to land, labor, and lodg- ing. He also strongly encouraged people to take better care of the planet, and stop harming it in the pursuit of money. In Philadelphia, he praised America’s ideals of religious free- dom, but also warned how injus- tice can destroy a nation. One of the most controversial topics he addressed was sexual abuse of children by the clergy. He condemned the priests who do this, saying they are supposed to be bringing children into God’s church, but instead squash their love of God. e pope’s visit to Cuba was signicant considering its high population of Catholics. And, while bringing along certain controversy to his visit in the U.S., it will certainly not be an event to soon be fogotten for the people who witnessed his coming. September threats lock down San Diego schools By Lucy Barton Sta Writer Saturday, September 12 marks the third time in a few weeks that a hammerhead shark has been spotted o the coast of La Jolla. La Jolla has seen more than its fair share of these animals ever since the rst one appeared a cou- ple miles from La Jolla Shores on August 29th, coming as a shock to the three kayakers who caught the event on video while shing. eir footage was featured all over the news that day, showing the 8-to-10-foot shark contin- uously circling their kayaks, its dorsal n protruding menacingly from the surface of the water. Despite the frightening sit- uation, these kayakers seem to show no alarm, laughing and joking about the shark, and even going so far as to try to provoke it. According to NBC, the shark showed “aggressive behavior” and even followed the kayakers as they paddled back to the beach, prompting the lifeguards at La Jolla Shores to close down the beach from Scripps Pier all the way to the Cove for the day. e next day, while the 24-hour shark advisory was still in eect, another hammerhead made an appearance o the coast of the Shores again. According to Fox 5, this shark followed a kayaker until he was able to make contact with a lifeguard boat. Both of these encounters were lmed, the rst one only of the shark above the water, but the sec- ond, being lmed underneath the surface of the water, gets such a high-quality close up of the shark that it doesn’t seem real. eories for the appearances of these sharks center around the shing practices of certain kay- akers in the area. Once the sh is caught, instead of keeping it on the line in the water until the kay- akers are ready to paddle back to shore, they gut the sh right there, dumping the blood into the water which then could possibly attract the sharks into the area. According to Fox 5, the kayakers drained the blood of the sh right o the side of the kayaks and into the surround- ing waters immediately in order to “keep it fresher.” ese sharks are then drawn to this blood, therefore bringing them into an area where they would not have necessarily come to on their own. As a result, these shers may inadvertently be the reason for the rare shark sight- ings in La Jolla. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons SHARK SIGHTINGS

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Hi-Tide Issue 1, October 2015


La Jolla High School • 750 Nautilus Street • La Jolla • 92037

OPINIONS:Syrian Refugee Crisis

Issue 1-October 16, 2015Volume XC

FEATURES:New FacultyMembers

student FOCUS:Summer WorldTravel

SPORTS:!e Bolts “Bolt”

A&E:Gatsby Comes to Civic



A PAPAL VISIT: U.S. & CUBAExamining !e Ponti" and Politics

By Viviana BonomieNews Editor On !ursday, September 17, most students at La Jolla High were in their fourth period class, waiting for the lunchtime bell. Instead, they were surprised by a bell that announced that they were going into lockdown. !e student reactions varied from those who were concerned about what was going on to those who laughed it o" as a drill. It wasn’t until text messages started coming in from concerned par-ents that most people caught on to the fact that there was a threat. According to NBC San Diego, the anonymous man who called LJHS, also called nine other San Diego School District schools, some calls included threats of a gunman, while others only men-tioned possible devices on cam-pus. !e schools from the dis-

trict who were targeted included; Clairemont, Crawford, Kearny, Mira Mesa, Morse, La Jolla, Patrick Henry, Point Loma, San Diego, and Scripps Ranch. According to 10 News, all of the calls were made approximately within a 20-minute range, the #rst being made to San Ysidro High at about 9:15 am where a man made a call stating that “something was going to happen.” Here at LJHS, the o$ce was a %urry of movement before the phone call was even made. Since the San Ysidro call had been made so early in the day, the San Diego Police Department had already been alerted and several cops were already on campus in order to per-form a search for any sign of dan-gerous activity. At around 11:20 am a phone call was received which sparked the immediate lockdown. As the police department

searched the campus, students and teachers were instructed to remain in their classrooms with the windows shut and the doors locked until the “all clear.” !e lockdown ended at approxi-mately 1:20 pm, two hours later, which resulted in a 30-minute lunch and two, 15-minute class periods. During the two-hour lock-down, students and teachers alike had to endure the hunger that came from a lack of a lunch time and the problem faced with a number of people having to use the restroom, but not being able to due to the restriction on leaving classroms. Because of these issues, the school has now decided to take new precautionary methods that include portable toilets and extra food and water for each class-room, in case an event like this happens again.

By Jimmy Irwin and Julia WaltonSta" Writers Pope Francis planned an eight day trip to both Cuba and the United States from Septem-ber 19th to 27th. Catholic News Service stated his hope is to share with these two countries his “vi-sion of a Catholic’s approach to family life, economics, immigra-tion, and good governance” and to help people realize that even though there may be di"ering opinions in these areas between countries, the church stands #rm in its values everywhere. !e Pope visited three cities during his stay in Cuba, which began on September 19th. He visited the capital city Havana, along with Holguin, and Santi-ago. On his stop to Holguin, he held a Mass with over 150,000 people. According to NBC News, during the Mass he based his speech on the need “‘to slowly overcome our preconceptions and our reluctance to think that others, much less ourselves, can change.’” Visiting Holguin had some political background as it was the place that Cuba’s communist leaders Fidel and Raul Castro grew up. September 21, the day he was in Holguin, was also the date that he felt a calling from God when he was a teenager, which led to his current position in the church.

Pope Francis has become world famous for his radical changes in the Catholic Church, many have hailed him as a 21st century pope, one that is ready to address the challenges fac-ing the world at this time. He is also famous for his compas-sion, humility, and progressive stance on many issues, such as his open-minded attitude towards gay marriage and abortion, and his adamant heedfulness about the dangers of climate change. His stance has polarized him from people on both the political le& and right. It is for this rea-son that so many are interested in what the pope has had to say about America during his time here. He landed in Washington D.C. on September 21st where he made history twice; #rst, by being the #rst pope to address Congress where he talked about how important it is to make sure politics are always done for the good of the people. Second, he made Junipero Serra, the founder of the California mission system, a saint, which is the #rst time a canonization has ever happened

Pope Francis greets Presi-dent Barack Obama at the Vatican in spring 2014.Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / White House

Walking out of the o$ce a&er being in a conference room over-%owing with people, I was glad to #nally be able to leave the small, tension-#lled, room. As I walked toward the quad, I saw a mixture of concerned parents either wait-ing for their student or talking to police o$cers, asking for more information. !is was the #rst time any of the students at LJHS were part of an actual lockdown, and the reac-tions from the students were very mixed and while everyone was glad to hear the threat was noth-ing but a hoax, many are dissap-pointed that the caller has yet to be identi#ed. Calls being made as a type of prank in order to frighten or can-cel schools have been an ongoing problem in San Diego. Last year schools like La Jolla Country Day and Canyon Crest Academy also experienced similar events that

resulted in lockdowns. Since the event, no news of fur-ther threats have been reported, but the e"ectiveness of lockdown drills has since been put into ques-tion. Mother of junior So#a Solte-ro, Maite Soltero, was picking up paperwork in the o$ce when the alarm rang out. She was therefore obligated to stay in the o$ce for the duration of the lockdown. When asked about her opinion on the procedure’s e"ectiveness she stated, “Yes I think the lock down is e"ective for the students protection [but] I still believe there is room for improvement. I feel the people that are inside the lockdown should have access to more information and updates.” Many students also feel that this procedure seems somewhat coun-terproductive, stating that locking us in the place where a threat is made will, in the end, not save anyone.

on American soil. While in New York, he visited the United Nations General As-sembly, speaking on some of the issues that have been front-and-center in his papacy. He dwelled on the unjust treatment of the poor and how they have “sacred rights” to land, labor, and lodg-ing. He also strongly encouraged people to take better care of the planet, and stop harming it in the pursuit of money. In Philadelphia, he praised America’s ideals of religious free-dom, but also warned how injus-tice can destroy a nation. One of the most controversial topics he addressed was sexual abuse of children by the clergy. He condemned the priests who do this, saying they are supposed to be bringing children into God’s church, but instead squash their love of God. !e pope’s visit to Cuba was signi#cant considering its high population of Catholics. And, while bringing along certain controversy to his visit in the U.S., it will certainly not be an event to soon be fogotten for the people who witnessed his coming.

September threats lock down San Diego schools

By Lucy BartonSta" Writer

Saturday, September 12 marks the third time in a few weeks that a hammerhead shark has been spotted o" the coast of La Jolla. La Jolla has seen more than its fair share of these animals ever since the #rst one appeared a cou-ple miles from La Jolla Shores on August 29th, coming as a shock to the three kayakers who caught the event on video while #shing. !eir footage was featured all over the news that day, showing the 8-to-10-foot shark contin-uously circling their kayaks, its dorsal #n protruding menacingly from the surface of the water. Despite the frightening sit-uation, these kayakers seem to show no alarm, laughing and joking about the shark, and even going so far as to try to provoke it. According to NBC, the shark showed “aggressive behavior” and even followed the kayakers as they paddled back to the beach, prompting the lifeguards at La Jolla Shores to close down the beach from Scripps Pier all the way to the Cove for the day. !e next day, while the 24-hour shark advisory was still in e"ect, another hammerhead made an

appearance o" the coast of the Shores again. According to Fox 5, this shark followed a kayaker until he was able to make contact with a lifeguard boat. Both of these encounters were #lmed, the #rst one only of the shark above the water, but the sec-ond, being #lmed underneath the surface of the water, gets such a high-quality close up of the shark that it doesn’t seem real. !eories for the appearances of these sharks center around the #shing practices of certain kay-akers in the area. Once the #sh is caught, instead of keeping it on the line in the water until the kay-akers are ready to paddle back to shore, they gut the #sh right there, dumping the blood into the water which then could possibly attract the sharks into the area. According to Fox 5, the kayakers drained the blood of the #sh right o" the side of the kayaks and into the surround-ing waters immediately in order to “keep it fresher.” !ese sharks are then drawn to this blood, therefore bringing them into an area where they would not have necessarily come to on their own. As a result, these #shers may inadvertently be the reason for the rare shark sight-ings in La Jolla.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


OPINIONS Hi-Tide October 16, 2015290 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

H!-T!"#$e La Jolla High School

Editors-in-ChiefSara Espinosa

Nessie NavarroNews Editors

Viviana BonomieRyan Robson

Opinions EditorAndrea Albanez

!e Hi-Tide, an open forum, is the o"cial student newspaper of La Jolla High School. Unless otherwise noted, opinions being voiced in the Hi-Tide belong to the individual author. !e Hi-Tide welcomes letters and opin-ions from students and sta# members. If you have a letter to the editor, please drop it o# in Room 514, or give it to any Hi-Tide editor. You may also email submissions to [email protected]. Submissions should be typed and cannot be anony-mous. !e Hi-Tide reserves the right to refuse any material. Ad-vertisements are measured per column inch. To advertise with the Hi-Tide or to to purchase a subscription, please email us or call (858) 454-3081, extension 4514. Issues are distributed ev-ery four weeks. No part of the Hi-Tide may be reproduced without written permission.

Features EditorBusiness Manager

Yenitzia LopezStudent Focus Editor

Sophia DorfsmanSports EditorCreekstar AllanA&E Editor

Sophia Ketring

Photo-Journalism EditorTristan Macelli

AdvisorRobert J. BoydSta! WritersAsha AlagiriLucy BartonNora Becker

Anthony CoanJenna Cunningham

Ariana Dennis Khalil Eley

Nikolai Gaenzle James Irwin

Austin IversonBrooke Kaufman

Alexa Kideys Samuel Kinsey

Shayna KobrinetzJillian Kopp

Zoe ScottGeorgie MorrisJade Moujaes Jillian MurrayJessica PennerRebecca RyanJulia Walton

International News Editor

Kieran Bauman

Omnibus EditorJillian Kopp

Another school year comes by and with it new sta% writ-ers and a new editorial sta% begin their journey at !e Hi-Tide. Despite the changes, our mission remains the same. As journalists, it is our job and duty to inform the student body about the issues hap-pening at our school and our community. Ranging from local news to arts and enter-tainment, we promise to de-liver the best and most honest articles we can write to make !e Hi-Tide one of the best high school newspapers in the country. To make reading our newspaper an enjoyable expe-rience to all of our readers, we will be adding four new sec-

tions that will feature interna-tional news, photojournalism, political cartoons, and an om-nibus page, where we will dis-play di%erent advertisements and announcements alike. We would like to invite the student body to submit their work, whether it is a political cartoon or an original pho-tograph, to room 514 if they would like to be considered. We do ask that the material remains courteous to others using appropriate language. !e Hi-Tide will be distributed every third Friday of almost every month during &'h peri-od. Be sure to grab your copy before you head out! Good luck and have fun.

Your Editors-in-Chief,

Sara Espinosa and Nessie Navarro

In 2011, following the Arab Spring protests, Bashar al- As-sad's regime began a malicious military crackdown, targeting members of the Free Syrian Army and civilians alike. Al-though many NATO and UN members provided supplies to these liberation groups, the death toll continues to rise -310,000 by April 2015- and a mass exodus of civilian ref-ugees set out with their sights set on Europe. $is trend of Syrian mass mi-gration is not new to the world, with over 3.7 million already relocated to Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. $is initial move began in 2012 as a result of the system-atic targeting of innocent civil-ians by Assad, rather than the resistance &ghters he was pre-viously targeting. With the majority of other Middle Eastern countries at full capacity, many European countries have begun to open immigration to these refugees. Of all European Union coun-tries, Germany, guided by the polices of Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Sweden have set examples which they hope the rest of Europe will follow; according to a BBC interview with Merkel, Germany is will-ing to accept 800,000 refugees this year alone. Despite the precedent that has been set forth by Germany and various other EU mem-bers, many seem hesitant to accept such large numbers ofmigrants. Over the past weeks, !e Guardian has released re-

To be “dress-coded” at some point during your middle or high school years could almost be considered a rite of passage: congratulations, you’re old enough to wear clothing that may be distracting to some-one! $e La Jolla High School handbook de&nes unaccept-able attire as, “bare midri%s, tube tops, spaghetti straps, exposed bra straps, o%-the-shoulder tops, backless tops, very short skirts or shorts… and any clothing featuring controlled substances, weap-ons, obscenities, vulgarities, hate language, sexual innu-endos, or gang a(liations.” It seems geared especially towards female students, al-though power to the boys who )aunt their bare midri%s and tube tops! Our student hand-book also states that a third violation of the dress code will result in a one-day suspen-sion. Isn’t the whole point of the dress code to keep an ac-ademic learning environment, not to kick students out of it? Sending students home caus-es them to miss out on the learning occurring, producing exactly the opposite result of what was intended. Our dress code is )awed in

ports stating that Danish po-lice have begun slowing the in-)ux of refugees by blocking o% sections of highway and inter-national railway tra(c, while Hungarian o(cials order that they begin closing borderscompletely. $e European countries have various reasons for their stances on the migration of these refugees. Germany and Sweden have a growing need for civilians in the workforce while the UK and Denmark re-strict the immigration because of the fear of ISIS in&ltrators. Although countries have their di%erences, it is becoming ever more apparent that countries shouldn't have to accept hun-dreds of thousands ofimmigrants, nor should other counties be turning them away. $e European Union needs to come to an agreement that will allow for these Syrian refugees to be evenly displaced through

By Nikolai Gaenzle Sta# Writer

more ways than one. Imagine this: it’s hot outside, it’s even hotter in the class-rooms. You’re a girl, wearing a shirt with spaghetti straps and a skirt. You walk into class, and instantly the boys cannot handle it. $e teacher cannot teach; no one can pay atten-tion because they are all too busy looking at your scandal-ous out&t. Basic human anatomy les-son #1: the shoulder is the place where your arm con-nects to your torso. Everyone has them! Basic human anato-my lesson #2: everyone has a stomach too! And backs, and even legs! Are you surprised to see that? Dear LJHS: the bigger issue here isn’t that you dress code a 15-year-old girl for being able to see her shoulders. It’s that by doing this, you’re im-plying that her shoulders are “sexy,” and that she is “sexy.” She’s a minor, and already she’s being sexualized and objec-ti&ed. If students can’t con-trol themselves around some body parts, that is a matter of self-discipline and respect, not clothing. To all the students at LJHS who are distracted by clothing someone may be wearing: It’s 8 am. You just woke up. Control yo-self.

By Nora Becker Sta# Writer

Editors’ NoteDear LJHS Students,

How Should Europe Respond to the Ever-Growing Problem of the Syrian Crisis?

its member nations. I believe that the EU mem-bers should willingly accept these refugees, many of whom are educated, and allow them to enter the workforce. Ifan individual is willing to travel thousands of miles on foot and ra', risking their own lives, and leave what they owned behind, then they will be willing to work wherever they end up.

$ese men and women are not necessarily looking for free handouts; they are looking for security. Many individuals view this in)ux as a problem, when we need to view this as a way for the West to lend their support. It is clear that these Syrians need our aid and we have a civic duty as human be-ings to provide help when they have come to us with no other options.

Syrian Refugees Cry for Help

A line of Syrian refguees crossing the border of Austria and Hungary on their way to Germany on Setember 8th, 2015. Photo Courtesy of Wikicommons

How Much Skin is Too Much Skin?

How LJHS Dress Code Standards Cover Up Too Much

OPINIONS Hi-TideOctober 16, 2015 3 90 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

When I !rst heard Donald Trump was running for presi-dent, I took it about as serious-ly as when I heard about Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa attempt-ing the same thing. Who ear-nestly believes a reality show star, multiple-time bankrupt entity would be a good !t for the President of the United States? But somehow, people think he is. "ough it is pretty early on in the election, throughout the country Trump leads the next most popular Republican nominee, Ben Carson, by 13 or more points. "ere is no way to tell if he will lose support moving closer to the Republi-can Party’s o#cial nomination, but for the time being, Donald Trump is the number one Re-publican candidate, and that should be concerning. "e !rst thing you hear about Trump, before anything about his governmental policies and beliefs, are his big ideas and comments. His ideas for America are extreme and ab-surd. One of his !rst major

It can’t be denied we live in a patriarchal country, as does most of the rest of the world. However, it can be argued that women have made a good amount of progress today. But is our societal mindset matching up with the achieve-ments of women? As the 2016 presidential can-didacy goes on, it’s clear to see the ratio of men and women running is disappointing to say the least but progress nev-ertheless. We judge candidates by their ideals and politics. However it seems that wom-en in o#ce still manage to be judged on something com-pletely irrelevant: appearance. Recent comments stated by Republican candidate Don-ald Trump about Republican candidate Carly Fiorina in a Rolling Stones interview are a clear example of this. He states, “Look at that face! Who would vote for that face?” Whether or not you agree with her politics or not, his comment was way out of line, inappropriate, and irrelevant. "is is not his !rst incident of making inappropriate and sex-ist comments towards women. On a number of occasions he

By Ariana Dennis Sta! Writer

By Ryan RobsonNews Editor

TurnItIn.com is supposedly the teacher’s best friend and the pla-giarizing student’s worst enemy. I hate to shat-ter the glorious myth of pro-education, anti-prof-it private enterprise, but the truth is this: TurnI-tIn’s parent company, iParadigms, LLC, has favored greed over… wait for it… academic integrity. Faced with mammoth class siz-es and the ever-present availabili-ty of copy-and-paste internet re-sources, many teachers have opted to use the so$ware developed by iParadigms to automatically scan essays and other student work for non-original material, a practice described as a “digital pat-down” by "e Chronicle of Higher Educa-tion. In order to obtain a license to use the TurnItIn service, schools or districts pay iParadigms a fee around $1600/campus/year to use its system.But iParadigms has a side busi-ness they don’t %aunt to the edu-cators that pay to use the TurnItIn service: WriteCheck.com. WriteCheck allows students to upload a paper and have it checked not only for grammatical errors, but also cross-checked us-ing the exact same TurnItIn pla-giarism algorithm.What this means is that students have the ability to upload a paper, view the content that will be high-lighted to their teacher as plagia-rized, and make edits until the similarity score is whittled down to their satisfaction. "is poses a big problem for ed-ucators: it’s a very viable way for students to completely sidestep a supposedly watertight TurnItIn plagiarism check. But here’s the rub: a report for one essay (up to 5000 words; 3 revisions) costs $7.95. Considering that 65% of stu-dents in the San Diego Uni!ed School District are classi!ed as socioeconomically-disadvan-taged, that fee has the potential to create a big achievement gap. "anks to iParadigms’ greed, most teachers using TurnItIn have now unknowingly given their higher-income students a very tempting advantage: for $7.95, they can waltz right around the fabled TurnItIn brick wall. In a USA Today column on this very subject, George Mason University professor Alex Tabar-rok argued, “I think professors in those universities [using Tur-nItIn] are going to be outraged when they realize what's going on … It's kind of like !nding out that the arms dealer is selling to the other side.” Other educators have expressed a similar sentiment, wondering why a company that o&ers - for a

handsome fee - plagiarism detec-tion to schools would turn around and sell the key to the kingdom for a measly $7.95. To add to the already sour taste

of the WriteCheck enterprise, it is dubiously promoted via the website Plagiarism.org. On close inspection, Plagiarism.org is not an independent non-pro!t as one might assume, but rather another iParadigms venture in disguise. While the site has detailed infor-mation on plagiarism and how it a&ects students, there’s a button resting at the top of every page reading, “Check For Plagiarism,” which leads to… you guessed it… the WriteCheck home page. "is certainly isn’t the !rst time iParadigms’ business practices have come under scrutiny. Many have criticized the company’s pol-icy of storing submitted papers in its database, saying it violates copyright law and steals students’ intellectual property (a class-ac-tion lawsuit was !led; iParadigms won.) Yet other parents have sug-gested that the use of a private processor may violate the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA. Luckily, however, there is a sim-ple !x to the WriteCheck dilemma for teachers: they must allow stu-dents to instantly view their simi-larity score and upload up to three revisions. While this is admittedly not ideal (it opens up TurnItIn to many of the same abuses as WriteCheck), it e&ectively evens the playing !eld and eliminates that dirty $7.95 advantage. Many teachers have even reported ad-vantages to this approach. Long-time educator Paulette Swartzfager, of the Rochester In-stitute of Technology, has done so, allowing students to view their TurnItIn report and submit revi-sions. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, “She wanted to teach, not police. [A] student ex-plained that Turnitin can be set to allow students to read its reports. "e lecturer gave it a try, and now all of her students screen their work as a default.” Said Swartzfager, “What's hap-pened as a result of this has just been wonderful … "ey use it as a tool. "ey keep resubmitting it and working on it until it gets ap-propriately in their own words, or in quotations, or cited.” "e students,” she concluded, are “not nearly so nervous.”

Got a burning question for the author? Email: [email protected]

SQUAREone is a new monthly column format from Hi-Tide

News Editor Ryan Robson, pondering the key issues that

face American youth - in education and life - today.ideas he proposed was to build a wall across the Mexican-Amer-ican Border to stop the %ow of illegal immigrants into the U.S. and making Mexico pay for it. He wants to cease all trade with China and Mexico. To combat ISIS, he claims he will “!nd the next General Patton or MacAr-thur.” If elected, Trump wants to put even less federal funds into education while upgrading our stockpile of nuclear weapons, of which we already have at least 2120 already active. "ere is no doubt in anyone’s mind that these are big, impact-ful ideas. What some people might not realize is how much he can actually do, especially while not destroying the United States’ long standing relation-ship with the over 33.7 million Mexican-Americans. How is it ok that the second most popular person in the running for the most powerful o#ce in the world is blatantly racist and dismissive of anyone, not to mention more than one sixth of the United States’ total population? I believe Trump is tolerated because people are tired of the

has been degrading towards females, including Rosie O’ Donnell. During the !rst GOP debate earlier this August, Me-gan Kelley asked Trump about his history of calling women he doesn’t like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals” but was quickly interrupted by him when he said, “Only Ros-ie O’ Donell,” as the audience cheered. It is a completely inappropri-ate way for someone to refer to anyone and the fact that the audience cheered in support is only more disappointing. Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders seems to recognize this trend of sexism in the candidacy according to an article by CNN and states “In fact, I can’t think of many personalities who have been attacked for more reasons than Hilary Clinton. And by the way, let me be frank and I’m running against her: Some of it is sexist,…I don’t know that a man would be treated the same way that Hillary is.” Even today, our country can’t seem to treat women equally. We need to judge and criticize candidates based on their opin-ions and motives, rather than their appearance. Besides inappropriately de-grading women already in of-

!ce, the number of women in o#ce is embarrassingly low. Despite the fact that women are the majority of the popu-lation, there are still less than 20 percent holding congres-sional seats. If that weren’t bad enough, America ranks ninety-eighth in the world for percentage of women in its national leg-islature. Only !ve states have women governors, and the percentage of women holding statewide and state legislative o#ces is less than 25 percent. For a country as advanced as ours, and supposedly one that is a symbol for equality, we aren’t doing so well in that respect. "e sad reality is that at our current glacial rate of prog-ress, “women won’t achieve fair representation for nearly 500 years” says Cynthia Ter-rell who is chair of the Fair-Votes “Representation 2020” project, which has a new project on women’s represen-tation. We need to realize sexism is still an issue and one that is very much a&ecting our ladies in o#ce. Let’s make a brighter future for America’s daughters and a better atmo-sphere for our women today.

scared, politically correct, hesitation politics seems to have become. Nowadays, the majority of politicians don’t have their own thoughts or opinions. Whatever they choose to say is !ltered in an attempt to remove all possi-bility of dissenting opinion, and to make what they say as “politically correct” as pos-sible. LJHS Senior Austin Iverson describes the half-hearted support of Trump well, explaining “Trump has the business experience the country needs. His stance on immigration and relentless attacking of opposing candi-dates are harsh and idiotic, but he is striking a nerve in this nation and getting us to discuss problems our country desperately needs solutions.” No matter what your stance is on Trump 2016, it seems the possibility is growing closer every day. I encourage any senior who will be able to vote in the upcoming 2016 presidential election should do so, so we, as Americans, can elect the best candiate.

By Anthony CoanSta! Writer TurnItIn.com:

Now Accepting Bribes


A sample WriteCheck report highlights plagarized materialScreenshot courtesy of Ryan Robson

Why is America Letting the Craziest American Lead in the Republican Presidental Election?

Why Women Aren’t Taken Seriously in Washington

Pumps, Push-Ups, and Purses:Female Politicians Are Ready for Business

FEATURES Hi-Tide October 16, 2015490 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

By Julia WaltonSta! Writer

The must-have !avor of the fall season is always and forev-er pumpkin. You can never get away from it. But this month instead of making cookies, brownies, or even blond-ies for a special treat, we can make pumpkies. It is a simple and fun way to get into the fall mood by incorporating the form of a brownie into a delicious pumpkin treat. Al-though they don’t have any brownie batter in them, they take the shape of a brownie and have the same so" and chewy texture. However, since chocolate can’t completely be taken out of the picture, I add-ed chocolate chips to the rec-ipe. Finally, to spice them up even more, a little bit of salted caramel drizzled on top real-ly made them perfect. Here’s how to make them.

Ingredients:Pumpkies:1/3 cup butter1 cup of sugar1 egg1/2 cup pumpkin puree1/2 cup all-purpose !our1 tsp cinnamon1/2 tsp ginger1/4 tsp nutmeg1/4 tsp salt1/2 cup chocolate chips

6 Minute Salted Caramel Glaze:2 tbsp butter1/2 cup brown sugar1/4 cup heavy cream1/4 tsp kosher saltdash of vanilla

Instructions:1) Preheat the oven to 350 de-grees and grease an 8x8 inch baking pan.2) Using an electric mixer, cream together butter and sugar.

Recipe of the Month:


3) Add the egg and pumpkin puree and mix.4) Mix together the !our, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and nut-meg and add them to the rest of the batter.5) Add in the chocolate chips.6) Spread the mixture into the

greased pan and bake for 35-40 minutes.7) For the salted caramel sauce, put the butter, brown sugar, cream, and salt into a small pan over medium heat.8) Bring to a boil then reduce heat and let it simmer for 5


minutes, frequently whisking. 9) Whisk in vanilla then re-move from the heat.10) Put the sauce into a glass measuring cup then a"er let-ting it cool, drizzle it over the pumpkies.11) Devour your creation.

By Brooke Kaufman, Jimmy Irwin, Zoe Mendel, and Joseph CarrollSta! Writers, Distribution Editor

As we open the school year, it is the student body’s job to welcome all of our new teachers. #is year we have many new additions in sta$, including Ms. Bonnell, Ms. Cao, Mr. Fearnow, Ms. LaBrucherie, and Ms. Santana. In the brief time that we’ve been in school, it has been our pleasure to speak to a few of the new teachers and their students regarding %rst impressions and expectations for the new year.

In the Science department, Mr. Fearnow takes on both Honors and regular Chemistry as well as sharing a classroom with Mr. Tenen-baum. With 14 years of teaching under his belt, he seems calm and collected, ready to take his %rst year at La Jolla High head on.

In the Math department, Ms. Cao has al-ready been named for her sense of humor and her ‘Viking Games,’ which reward each class period for good behavior. It was also noted that she was recognized for and won the ‘Teacher of the Year’ award at a past school as well as the Noyce Scholar award at UCSD in 2013.

Most of our new sta$ additions have taken place in the English department, with three new teachers. #e 12th grade British Litera-ture teacher, Ms. LaBrucherie, is known for being sweet. As a previous teacher at Kearny High School, she organized three-day college tour trips for both students and parents.

Ms. Bonnell teaches English classes for both sophomores and juniors. A former SDSU teacher for nine years, Bonnell has had expe-rience teaching middle school, high school, and even juvenile hall. In an interview, the SDSU alum said that despite her years of teaching gi"ed students, she did not have a favorite grade level to work with.

A"er working in the San Diego Uni%ed School District for the past fourteen years, and more recently departing from San Di-ego High School, Ms. Santana has joined the LJHS sta$. She graduated from our very own San Diego State University as an English ma-jor, and is now teaching one AP English class, as well as four Advanced English classes.

Along with our new teachers, we have also welcomed two new vice principals. Mrs. Ueck-ert previously worked as a support teacher for both La Jolla Elementary and Scripps Ranch High School. She says she enjoyed her job, but the traveling from school to school made her miss being a part of one education communi-ty. When asked what goals she would like to accomplish here at school, Mrs. Ueckert said, “I am excited to connect with the students here at La Jolla, and hope that I can help foster a school environment with respect, collabora-tion, and open communication.”

Mr. Meeks came to La Jolla High from Alba Community Day School, where he has been a science teacher, assistant dean, and interim principal. He said that he wants to create a vi-sion for students, sta$ and faculty members, empower others to take control of their own learning, and establish an environment that’s conducive to learning at LJHS. “[Students] should set high goals for themselves, always do their best, strive for greatness, and try to be-come lifelong learners,” said the VP.

Photo Courtesy of Sophia Dorfsman

All Photos Courtesy of Joseph Carroll and Ms. LaBrucherie

FEATURES Hi-TideOctober 16, 2015 5 90 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

By Alexa Kideys & Asha Alagiri Sta! Writers

Açai bowls have become very popular amongst the students of La Jolla. Whether it’s a quick breakfast at lunch or an a!er school snack, you can see them all over the place. "ey are a healthy and delicious snack that everyone can enjoy. Just like student body popula-tion has grown in liking of this nutrious snack, the number of places to purchase an Açai bowl have grown as well. Açai bowls are an açai based thick sorbet smoothie with as-sorted toppings; such as gra-nola and fruit. "e berries are originally from Brazil and spe-ci#cally found in the Amazon Rainforest. Açai berries grow on large trees similar to palm trees. Açai, the main ingredient in the bowl comes from the açai berry that grows o$ of trees in Central and South America.

La Jolla’s Best Açai Bowls "ese dark purple berries are a “superfood,” coming with an array of health bene#ts, such as being packed with #ber, antiox-idants, amino acids, and essen-tial fatty acids. "e berries are also known for their medicinal bene#ts, which improve the im-mune system and help improve overall health. "ere are many variations of the Açai bowl and each place that sells them has their own spin. When asking #!y stu-dents where the most popular açai places were located, these names came to mind; Brick & Bell Café, Juice Cra!ers, Juice Kaboose, Seaside Smoothie, and Trilogy Sanctuary. A!er surveying the students, it has been con#rmed that the two top places serving the açai bowls that were best liked by most students at our school, were those from Juice Kaboose and Seaside Smoothies with votes of 19 and 16 respectively. A!er being questioned for her choice, Chiani Rousseau, a ju-

nior at La Jolla High School responds enthusiastically, “Even if you are a person who dislikes açai bowls a lot, you would be surprised at how good they taste!” Everyone has their own preferences as well as their own variations to customize both %avors and tastes. Açai bowls are easily customizable and varied in the fruits they contain, as well as the way they are made. Some places appear to make them taste better than other places but trying them yourself can help #gure out what your own preferences are. Fruit and granola enhance the %avor of açai and give it a twist to please the sweet tooth. All in all, the verdict for the best açai bowl in town goes to Juice Kaboose. Junior Ash-ley Abbuhl says, “I like Juice Kaboose but I order it with absolutely no banana, with extra granola, and coconut shavings on top.”

By Jade Moujaes and Rebecca RyanSta! Writers

With every new school year comes a new set of trends. Old fashions come back into style and suddenly everyone is wearing the same brand of shoes. "is year, we have ob-served six key trends for both boys and girls that are custom-izable enough to be unique and yet up to date. First o$, there have been two major shoe re-

Trendy TimesSpooky Cinema

vivals that have occurred re-cently. "e #rst being Birkenstocks, originally made all the way back in 1774. "ese shoes are very comfortable and #t the beachy vibes of La Jolla. "e second, more athletic shoe is, Adidas, speci#cally the Super-star and Stan Smith vintage

models. Adidas shoes are ver-satile, so they can be worn as an everyday look at school or for a run around the block. Clothing wise, these next two are easy details that can change your look. One simple way to make your out#t a little more exciting is by wearing inter-esting socks. Socks with pat-

terns ranging from famous art pieces to random fruits can be a nice add-on to a simple out-#t. "e second apparel trend is cu$ed jeans or pants. Sewing a small patch of designed fab-ric to the inside of your pants adds a nice touch to the cu$ed look. Regardless of if you have fun fabric, cu&ng your pants pulls attention to your shoes, resulting in people checking you out from head to toe. "is next one we have no-ticed working on both guys

and girls is shaved hair. Boys that have been shaving the sides of their heads and taper-ing the middle section long for an edgy, attractive look. Girls with shorter hair have been shaving the underside of their heads so that they can eas-ily put their hair up in a bun and add a bit of spunk to their

look. Lastly, if you are wondering how to a$ord such a renovat-ed wardrobe, check out one of your nearby thri! stores. Apart from secondhand clothing, vintage items are easy to be found. You are always bound to #nd interesting, unique clothes at a$ordable prices.

By Austin IversonSta! Writer

With Halloween around the corner, it's time to break out the jack o’ lanterns and make ghost costumes with your bed sheets. It’s the time we enjoy pumpkin spice lattes, wear sweaters and act like we get fall weather, and voluntarily let decorations, haunted hous-es, and movies scare us. In the spirit of the season we asked various students around cam-pus to let us know what mov-ies they use to get them in the mood for dressing up and tak-ing candy from nearby strang-ers. Senior Nico Nave says his favorite horror movie is It Fol-lows. “I like it because the an-tagonist was always following you through the movie so you could never really relax and it was always suspenseful.” He also added that it’s the only movie that, “made me defecate myself and run to my mom-my.” Freshman Nyla Sammak says that she watches "e Exor-cist with her friends every year on Halloween. She says she likes it because, “It has a great plot, it’s beautifully entertain-ing, classic, and scary, and possessions are some of the only things that scare me.” Ju-nior Ian Brown said, “"e Lab-yrinth is frightening like noth-ing else. It will bring you to a new world of fear and you will come out of it scared for your

life.” When asked about why he likes scary movies Brown said, “Because they bring me to a dif-ferent place in my mind I infre-quently visit because of it’s dark and horri#c nature.” Why do we enjoy watching horror #lms? I think we let these #lms scare us because we know the images on the screen are fake, but the scares and adren-aline rushes are truly genuine. "rill seekers are out for that adrenaline rush they get in scary movies just like on roller coasters or driving fast cars. As far as my personal recommen-dations, there are always clas-sics like "e Shining or Dawn of the Dead, and modern movies like "e Conjuring and Insidi-ous. If you’re looking for some-thing fresh, try "e Cabin in the Woods, and if you’re feeling really adventurous, download and play the game Outlast (you may laugh at the idea of horror video games but the element of immersion only o$ered by the medium makes it in#nitely scarier). If scary movies aren’t your cup of tea but you don’t want to be le! out on the Halloween fun, try "e Silence of the Lambs. It is a crime drama that is creepier than most, featuring Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster, that doesn’t quite cross into scary movie territory but can still give you the chills. No matter what you choose to binge watch in order to get in the Halloween mood, have fun and don’t get too spooked.

All Illustrations Courtesy of Rebecca Ryan

Nico Nave

Nyla Sammak

Ian BrownAll Photos Courtesy of Austin Iverson

Adidas Athletic Shoe

Where to Find the Newest Trend Among Food Enthusiasts

A Monthly Column Featuring LJHS’ Latest Trends


A FOCUS ON CHAOSPhotojournalism is a new section of the Hi-Tide about the possibilities of storytelling inherent in the photographic medium.

Images - rather than words - will explore a speci!c theme each issue. "is month, Photojournalism explores the theme of “Chaos.”

Photos 1,3,6, & 7 courtesy of Kyle Jetter.Photos 2 & 4 courtesy of Parker ReppPhotos 5 & 9 courtesy of Max Davey

Photos 8, 10, & 11 courtesy of Tristan Macelli




3 5






OMNIBUS Hi-TideOctober 16, 2015 7 90 YEAR ANNIVERSARY


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Beginning with this year’s !rst issue, the Hi-Tide will be running two continuing series that will try to connect us all more closely with our school mascot, the Vikings. "e !rst series is being written and drawn by senior Natalie Miller and is called “Vali the Viking.” "is series ap-pears in the new comics/political cartoon section of the newspaper and details the new exploits of Vali, who is loosely based on the ancient Norse god."e second continuing series works more or less as a lesson in Viking history. It is called “Viking of the Month” and will explore the lives and stories of famous Vikings both past and present. Since

many of you are probably not familiar with who Vali is, we thought we would present him to you as our history lesson.

According to Norse mytholo-gy, Vali (pro nounced “valley” in English) was the son of the god Odin and the giant-ess Rindr. Vali is said to have been born as a baby in the morning and by the time night fell was a full grown god. Soon a#er reaching this accelerated adulthood, Vali slew another divine !gure, Hodr, who had earlier slain the god Baldr.Many scholars theorize that Vali’s only pur-pose in being born was to bring an end to Hodr’s life. Other scholars feel that Vali is

part of the younger generation of gods that will survive the destruction of the cosmos. Whatever the reason for Vali’s existence in Norse and Germanic mythology, it is clear that he was spawned to be an avenger. Vali was most commonly worshiped in Norway, speci!cally the region of Valiskioll. "e name of this region can be translated to describe the dwelling of the divine, alluding to the home of Vali. Although Vali is pictured in this issue using a traditional Viking axe, he is most o#en asso-ciated with the bow, the arrow, and deathly vengeance.


By Nikolai GaenzleSta! Writer


'HDU�'RQQD�LJHS is starting a new advice column!

If you have anything that is bother-ing you or would like a second opinion on any situation make sure to write in to “Dear

Donna.” You can send in a question three ways. "e !rst is mailing a letter to 750 Nautilus St, La Jolla, CA 92037 with the recipient’s name being “LJ HiTide.” "e second way is by emailing [email protected]. And, the third is dropping by room 514 and put-ting your question in the advice box that will

be near the door. "ese questions are completely anony-

mous so no need to put your name!

Best Regards,Donna

STUDENT FOCUS Hi-Tide October 16, 2015890 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Hi-Tide9 90 YEAR ANNIVERSARYOctober 16, 2015

Alexandra Backlund to Sweden

Duration: 2 Months

Yaam Gonen to IsraelDuration: 29 Days

Abby Ward to Africa: South Africa, Zambia, and Botswana

Duration: 2 Weeks

Victoria Wolf-Llop to Barcelona and Menorca

Duration: 5 Weeks Morgan Albers to Beijing, ChinaDuration: 9 Days

Jensine Beugelli

to Northern Europe (Denmark, England,

Iceland, Norway, and Scotland)

Duration: 2 weeks

“We went on this hike and in the mid-dle of the hike we took a right turn and we found a lake. !ere was a rock and then we jumped from the rock into the water. It was very fun.”

“Iceland was really beautiful and the waterfalls and everything was pretty.”

“Seeing beautiful beaches in Menorca.”

“Just being able to be out in like the wilderness camping, and then seeing a bunch of animals that I wouldn’t normally be able to see.”

Katya Strom to Mayanmar, Laos, Vietnam and !ailandDuration: In total, like 6 weeks

“Even though it sounds weird, it was really rainy there, and that was com-pletely di"erent from here, so it was so nice to have a cold rain.”

Elle Neceoechea to Peru

Duration: 11 Days

!e highlight of my trip was seeing

the #oating Uros islands in Lake


Kyle Jetter to Panama

Duration: 10 Days

“Going on the boats to go $lm

and going to exotic waves that

are really hard to $nd.”

Anna Zlokarnik to Germany

Duration: 3 Weeks

Natalie Coy to GreeceDuration: 14 Days

“I worked in a school in Thailand and taught third graders for half of the time,

and the other half was just travel. And we worked with Clean Water Initiative.”

“I got to meet a lot of people from di"erent parts of the world.”

“We went to these islands and [the boys] were really cute and the water was crystal clear. It was beautiful.”

“!e highlight was clubbing in Mykonos.”

















Cardenas and Ginevra

Francesconi to Italy







Wish You Were Here... By Jade Moujaes, Rebecca Ryan, Nora Becker, and Shayna Kobrinetz

Photo Courtesy of Each Participant

“Helping the kids out in basketball and then they would ask for your


Sta" Writers

Students Describe the Highlights of Their Summer Trips

CARTOONS Hi-Tide October 16, 20151090 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

!is comics/political cartoons page is one of the ways that we are trying to expand what we do here at !e Hi-Tide. Like all of the new areas of the newspaper, it is an experiment with big goals. It is an attempt to stretch ourselves, to test our abilities, to see what we can do, where we can go. !is page could prove to be an utter failure, but that is not going to stop us from trying. We’re swinging for the fences… So far, we have one continuing feature, “Vali the Viking,” and then a series of comics/po-litical cartoons based on recent events both here at our school and around the world. Our modus operandi is simple: we sit around the Journalism room and brainstorm, generating ideas and images until something good seems to have risen to the surface. !en, we get a student here on campus to draw the comic. You can see what comes from that brainstorming in the three di"erent ways we handled the issue of the LJHS dress code. In the end, though, we want this to be a newspaper that re#ects the whole school, and so if you have an idea for a comic or a continuing feature, stop by room 514 and make your pitch. I like to remember that Family Guy’s Seth McFarlane got his start in comics when as a teenager he created a continuing feature for a local newspaper. It was very rough, but one wonders where he might be today had that opportunity not been there for him. As a big fan of Family Guy, of every young artist who ever had a dream, please let me extend this same opportunity to all of you out there.-Journalism Advisor, Robert Boyd, Room 514

“Vali the Viking” by Natalie Miller

Courtesy of Natalie MillerCourtesy of Renee Yedidsion

Courtesy of Rebecca Ryan

Courtesy of Rebecca Ryan Courtesy of Renee Yedidsion

Courtesy of Rebecca Ryan

Courtesy of Rebecca Ryan


By Jimmy IrwinSta" Writer America and Cuba: !aw-ing Relations A$er a Cold 50 YearsFor the last 50 years, re-lations between America and Cuba have been icy to say the least. Ties between the nations have been severed since the Cold War, and have only just begun reconstruction due to President Obama reestablish-ing diplomatic ties with Cuba. !e changes have le$ many people wondering, “What’s next?” But to understand what’s happening currently, one must %rst understand a little of the history between the two na-tions. For the %rst half of the 20th century, Cuba was both a tropical getaway for wealthy Americans and a cash cow for American companies investing there. But, when Fidel Cas-tro and his forces overthrew the capitalist government of Fulgencio Bautista in 1959, the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba quickly soured. Castro, a Communist, built ties with the Soviet Union. !e U.S. was involved with the USSR

in the Cold War at the time, and tensions quickly escalat-ed with Cuba resulting in the Cuban Missile Crisis in Octo-ber of 1962, when Soviet ships brought nuclear weapons to install in Cuba. Many say this was the closest the U.S. and Soviet Union ever came to war. We interviewed LJHS His-tory teacher Mr. Atwell about those events. He recalled how real the possibility of war with Cuba seemed at the time. A friend of his was a sailor on one of the American ships sent to engage the Soviets in the waters between Florida and Cuba. Normally sailors had to report to base imme-diately, but since there was a very real possibility he would not return alive he was given eight hours to say goodbye to his wife of only two weeks. Luckily, things were negotiat-ed before any shots were %red or people killed. !e trade embargo between the U.S. and Cuba has been in place for the last 50 years, thus the communication and

America and Cuba: Thawing Relations After a Cold

50 Yearstrade between the two coun-tries a mere 94 miles apart has remained at almost zero. How-ever, in 2014 President Obama met with the current president of Cuba, Raul Castro. He re-stored diplomatic relations, and has lightened travel restric-tions. !e U.S. embassy also reopened in mid-August, and many predict that as barriers continue to be broken down, this once forbidden country will open back up to America.

Photo Courtesy of Sara Espinosa

By Samuel KinseySta" Writer It has recently come to light that there has been rampant sexual abuse of children by Afghan militia commanders. Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley has said that he could hear the boys being abused on the basebut was told he could not do anything about it. Cpl. Buckley was told by his superiors to ig-nore the abuse because, “It’s in their culture.” !e practice has been hap-pening for a long time in Af-ghanistan and it has adopted the name “bacha bazi,” literally translated to “boy play.” !e act is mainly practiced by local Afghan commanders that are in charge of the local militias. !e villagers are usually pow-erless to do anything, and have grown to accept the practice and simply deal with it. Dan Quinn, formerly in the Special Forces as a captain, waspulled from duty and le$ the army for beating up a local commander that was caught abusing children. !e US has taken a stance of looking the other way and people such as Col. Brian Tribus have said that the abuse is a matter of Af-ghan domestic law and should be le$ to the Afghans discre-tion. Some soldiers believe that it is alright to ignorethe abuse; they think that the bigger picture is %ghting the Taliban forces. U.S. policy is intended to keep the relations between the U.S. and Afghan forces as strong as possible to ensure better teamwork in %ghting the Taliban. !e abuse was originally brought up by sev-eral village elders to various Special Forces commanders such as Mr. Quinn. !e com-manders have done things such as taking militia wages to buy “dancing boys.” Several women have also been abused by the Afghanmilitia commanders, and the commanders have been let o" with little to no punishment. It is unknown if the U.S. will step up and take %rm action against the abuse by local com-manders, or simply look away.

US Soldiers

Told Not

to Report

Child Abuse

by Afghan


Photo Courtesy of Wikicommons

By Ariana DennisSta" Writer Today’s society o$en associ-ates Islam with terrorism. !e terrorist group ISIS is even la-beled as Islamic, but Muslims all around the world condemn them for their inhumane acts. More than 1000 Indian Mus-lim clerics signed fatwa, a rul-ing on a point of Islamic law, against Isis stating “!e acts of the Islamic State are inhumane and un-Islamic.” Mohammed Manzar Hasan Ashra% Mis-bahi, a leading Mumbai based cleric issued the edict, and it was signed by leaders of all the main mosques in India. Saudi Arabia’s highest reli-gious authority described the Islamic state as the “Number one enemy of Islam.” !e Mus-lim council of Great Britain claimed “Violence has no place in Religion.” !e association of CAIR (Council of Ameri-can-Islamic Relations) repeat-edly condemned the group as being “Un-Islamic and mor-ally repugnant.” !ey went on to say that barbaric killings committed by ISIS were clear violations of Islamic beliefs and even called on other Is-lamic leaders to also publically condemn them. Turkey’s top

Muslims Against Isiscleric also argues that the Is-lamic State’s threats are hugely damaging to the Muslim com-munity. !e Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 countries around the world states that the Islamic State “Has nothing to do with Islam” and has committed crimes “!at cannot be toler-

ated. “!e Islamic Society of North America and 100 Sunni and Shiite U.K. imams also did the same by condemning the terrorist group.” However, it should be clar-i%ed none of these are apolo-gizing for the crimes commit-ted by the terrorist group as it has nothing to do with them and they should not be held responsible. !ey are merely condemning the group like any other association would. Many believe they should not feel obliged compared to non-Muslims, to condemn

them. Maha Hilal, a 32 year old Muslim activist who serves as the Director of Outreach and Member Engagement at the Peace and Collaborative Development Network, says “When I am watching TV and I see pictures of ISIS %ghters, I don’t feel any relation to them, I don’t feel any connection to their theology,… I want Mus-lims to get to the point where we see an act of terror and don’t have to think, ‘How will I get blamed?’” Amanda Qureshi, a technical consultant and inter-faith activist agrees, and says “!ere’s a %ne line between apologizing for ISIS and proac-tively contradicting false narra-tives about Islam,…We are at a point in time where we have to bear the burden of wide-scale fear and misinformation about our faith and the cultures of many of the people who prac-tice it … I quite literally view it as our jihad.” Around the world Muslims continue to practice their faith of peace in these times of vio-lence and terror. Humans as a whole must continually con-demn the terrorist group until peace is restored, and Islam is perceived as the peaceful reli-gion that it is.


“...I quite literally view it as our jihad...”

By Zoe MendelSta" Writer When you hear the name Queen Elizabeth, you might think of the thirty corgis owned in her reign, or her perfectly matched accessories that always accompany her out%ts. !e 89 year old Queen is not only a beloved %gure in London, but also has now sur-passed her great-great-grand-mother Queen Victoria in the competition for the longest reign. Other long reigning rulers include Pepi II, a pha-raoh who ruled for 94 years, and Louis XIV, reigning for 72 years. !e beloved Queen now holds the sixth spot on that list, reigning as Queen of England for 63 years and 7 months. In an interview with Fox News, Prime Minister David Camer-on described her as “a constant rock of stability.” As a celebration, the Queen is opening the Scottish Border’s Railway for a scenic trip from Edinburgh to Tweedbank. Despite her humble e"orts to keep celebration to a mini-mum, Brits celebrated with a parade of boats on the !ames River and %reworks as well as street parties and phone calls made to Buckingham Palace. A spokesperson for the Queen stated that she would rather have celebrations for when she turns 90 next year. Born in 1926, Elizabeth gave her %rst public speech at the age of 13. She married the Prince of Denmark in 1947, and soon a$er gave birth to four kids: Charles, Anne, An-drew, and Edward. Her coro-nation took place a year a$er the death of her father, King George IV, and the ceremony was among the %rst major tele-vised events in Britain on June 2nd, 1953. !e only change in her routine over the past few years has been slightly less in-ternational travel and a slower working pace. Regardless, the Queen has kept calm and car-ried on.

Long Live

the Queen

Photo Courtesy of Wikicommons

SPORTS Hi-Tide October 16, 20151290 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

With discussions between the Chargers and the City of San Diego going from bad to nonexistent, and the deadline of September 11th for a new stadium deal passing without action, it seems there is only one plausible outcome for the City of San Diego, as well as the countless amount of Char-gers fans that inhabit it. !e Chargers are moving out of the old, worn out Qualcomm Stadium next year; competing with the Oakland Raiders and the St. Louis Rams for a stadi-um in Los Angeles with still no decision on the location. A"er trying and failing to #nd a suit-able location for a new stadium for 14 years, the team is #nally jumping ship and most likely making its way north to Los Angeles. !e Chargers pay $3 million in rent per year. Addi-tionally, just last year, the city spent $12 million on main-taining their current Chargers stadium. With all these repairs, where is the reasoning in mov-ing? Kevin Acee, the spokesper-son of mayor Falcouner said “September 11 is e$ectively the deadline for a January 12 elec-tion...San Diego is prepared to work toward a June or Novem-ber 2016 election if the Char-gers return to the negotiating table to work out a fair agree-ment.” But the Chargers have crit-icized the e$ectiveness of the government in #nishing this deal. “Unfortunately, the city of San Diego made the fateful decisions to waste the #rst #ve months of 2015 on another task force,” said Mark Fabiani, the Chargers’ main spokesman on the stadium issue. !ough we don’t know ex-actly how much losing the Chargers will a$ect the local economy, we do know how much they help it currently. !e Chargers support a mul-titude of local organizations, including San Diego Uni#ed Schools in #tness and athletics, the San Diego Blood Bank, Su-san G Komen, the Marines and Military, and the Make a Wish Foundation. We also stand to lose hun-dreds of millions of dollars in public funds raised. It seems now all we can do is wait, and hope for a miracle. !e #nal decision by the NFL is supposed to be made within the #rst few months of 2016. San Diegan’s are waiting with bated breath.

B% &' B% &

San Diego Looses Its Spark

By Tony CoanSta! Writer

Walking through La Jol-la High School, you wouldn’t know that sophomore Alex Kuo is a nationally ranked ten-nis player, or that she hasn’t lost a single match this season, or that she’s had the number one spot on the women’s varsi-ty tennis team since she started last year as a freshman. You also probably wouldn’t know that the San Diego Union Tribune named her a player to watch this fall, which she re-sponded to humbly and proud-ly, saying “It’s pretty cool… a lot of good players are on that list, so it’s de#nitely really awe-some to be there.” Needless to say, Alex Kuo isn’t the #rst person that you might think of when you think of a college bound athlete. “I started playing when I was about #ve years old… playing

with my parents...” Kuo start-ed out playing for fun, and fell in love with the sport and the challenge it brought at a very young age. Kuo plays be-cause she loves the sport, not for the fame or fortune that’s involved, or the letter on her jacket. “I just enjoy playing with my parents and my sister. I get to meet so many amaz-ing people, travel to di$erent places.” Kuo simply loves the experiences that come along with it. Kuo’s dedication goes be-yond high school practic-es. “…I love playing with my coach at home,” in addition to attending club and high school practices daily. Alex sprints for training, and par-ticipates in boxing, explaining that, “… it’s de#nitely really hard, but it helps you build up strength, and it helps you later on in your matches.” As for the future, Alex wants

to focus on improving as a player, and hopefully following in her older sister’s footsteps, playing collegiate tennis. For now, however, she’s hap-py with her improvement this year and strives to become even better. Kuo plans to play varsity ten-nis all four years at La Jolla, and hopefully keep her position as the number one singles player. Kuo enjoyed her #rst year on varsity, saying it was “…a really fun experience,” and she had the chance to play with older sister Chloe, a senior this year. Her advice to younger play-ers is, “… practice a lot, prac-tice with your friends, and en-joy it- don’t stress too much… if you enjoy it and you practice really hard you’ll get there.” Alex Kuo is certainly not your stereotypical student athlete, and her enthusiasm and dedi-cation to her sport are re(ected in her love for the game.

C%))*+* B%,-./-. B*0%-.

By Shayna KobrinetzSta! Writer

When the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT) an-nounced they would be return-ing to the World Cup Stadium in 2015, soccer fans began buzzing with anticipation, all wondering if it would come down to the U.S. and Japan in the #nal two once again. On July 1 it was announced that it would indeed come down to the two for the cup, fueling each team with an even stron-ger desire to win. For Japan, winning would mean they defended their world title and defeated their rivals, but for America a win would mean correcting history as they had lost 3-1 in penalty kicks 4 years prior in the 2011 Women’s World Cup in South Africa. Come game time on July 5, fans and players were waiting in anticipation of what the next 90 minutes of game time would entail. When the open-ing whistle blew, both tensions and anticipations grew; the Americans came out strong scoring 4 goals within the #rst 16 minutes of the match, with mid#elder Carli Lloyd scor-ing 3 of them. Lloyd not only scored 3 of the 5 goals that would lead America to a win, but she also made history twice as she took the title for “fastest goal scored in a World Cup #-nal” when she scored in the 3rd minute of the match and “#rst player to score o$ a hat trick in a World Cup #nal” which was her 16th minute goal. Other notable players included Lau-ren Holiday and Tobin Health, who were able to score in the 14th and 54th minutes of the game, and a couple Japanese players who were able to rally and score in the 27th minute and score again in the 52nd, due to an own goal by Amer-ican defender Julie Johnston. When the #nal whistle blew at the 90 minute mark, Amer-ica had won the match 5-2, ending the 16 year wait since America’s last World Cup win in 1999. !e win also brought a sense of pride to not only the country but female athletes everywhere as the USWNT was honored with a ticker tape parade at the Canyon of He-roes in New York City upon their arrival– a celebration that hadn't been used since the 1984 Olympics. !e U.S. win also marked the historic end of both Christie Rampone and Abby Wambach’s professional careers, giving the tournament a bittersweet end.

America Takes

the Gold!By Jenna CunninghamSta! Writer

US Womens National Soccer Team Struck Again vs Japan

W* S&1)) R,- LJSeptember 16th, 2015, LJ girls varsity volleyball team played a long awaited game against Bishops High School. La Jolla won in four grueling matches with a #nal score of 3-1, se-

curing a win at Bishops home court for the #rst time in ten years.

All Photos courtesy of Kyle Jetter

SPORTS Hi-TideOctober 16, 2015 13 90 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

Zach Seghal, a junior at La Jolla High School, is currently committed to play baseball at Stanford. He made his decision when he was just a sophomore. !e Hi-Tide took a couple min-utes to sit down and talk about this achievement with him. When asked if he was planning to pursue a career in the pros, he responded, “Yes. Without a doubt! It has always been my dream to become a professional baseball player. I always strive to be the best. Aside from that, it’s such a fun sport that I can’t imagine not playing. Becoming a pro-fessional baseball player would mean a lot to me and I’m go-ing to work extremely hard to reach my goal. Stanford will be an amazing experience for me.” When asked how long he has been playing baseball, Zach said, “Ever since I was about 6 or 7 years old I began to play. Haven’t stopped. I con-tinue to enjoy every second of

it! Hard work and dedication de!nitely pay o" in the end.” He plays shortstop, a !elder positioned in the in!eld be-tween second and third base. Looking at the records from www.perfectgame.org, Zach has a batting speed at an impact of 88.104 mph. When asked what his greatest baseball accom-plishment is, he said, “I’m going

to be playing for Stanford, which is so awesome. Aside from that, I was ranked one of the top 100 players in the country.” His role mod-el on the !eld is Alex Rodriguez

because of the fact that “he plays through his negative attention he gets from some people and always gives it his all.” On the other hand, o" the !eld, his role model is his dad-because of his supportiveness and dedication to his family’s happiness. With one more year ahead of him in high school, Stanford is right around the corner for Zach; perseverance prevails in the long run.

Ayy Batter Batter, Swing!By Jillian MurraySta" Writer

Yogi Berra, one of baseball's most noteworthy catchers, passed away on Tuesday, Sep-tember 22, 2015, in Montclair, NJ at the age of 90. Being the-backbone of ten Yankees title groups and an administrator, he drove both the Yankees and the Mets to the World Series.#e Yankees baseball team, Yogi Berra Museum, and the Learn-ing Center in Little Falls, N.J., announced his passing. He was an All-Star for !f-

teen consecutive seasons. His skills were o$en underesti-mated due too his size and endearing demeanor; but he will always be remembered as an outstanding player. Early in Berra’s Yankees career, his manager, Casey Stengel, addressed him in an interview sponsored and hosted by #e Sporting News, as a “very strange fellow of very remarkable abilities.” Berra was quite the jokester

on the teams he played for and he never failed to make a team-mate or his fans laugh. With his positive attitude and conta-gious smile, “there was never a bad game with Berra” Stengel stated. He was always able to create his own personal infa-mous quotes, or, “Yogi-isms” that appealed to everyday peo-ple. “When you come to a fork in the road, take it … you can observe a lot by just watching.

It ain't over till it's over,” is one of Yogi Berra’s most notable quotes carrying an inspira-tional outlook on life that is speci!cally for his fans and himself to live by. Despite his last game being on May 9th, 1965, 50 years ago, he will always be an inspi-rational player on and o" the !eld. His impeccable baseball skills will forever go down in history and his positive men-tality is sure to follow.

I% M&'()* (+Y(,- B&)).By Jillian MurraySta" Writer

Photo courtesy of Zach Seghal

#e soccer world is doing their part to aid the Syrian refugees. #e English Premier League football club, Arsenal, pledged to donate £1 for each ticket sold for their match against Stoke City to the Syrian refugee crisis. #e match took place on September 12, with a !nal score of Arsenal 2, Stoke City 0. Arsenal, based in the Lon-

don borough of Islington, was the !rst among the Premier League clubs to announce their decision to donate to the Syrian Children’s Fund at the interna-tional charity “Save the Chil-dren.” #e team is reported to have already donated £400,000 to the Syrian crisis since 2012. #e idea was born when Portuguese football club Porto wrote a letter to the teams of the

Union of European Football Associations, asking them all to donate a part of their reve-nue to the refugees. #e letter closed with, “Let’s play for the migrants!” Germany’s biggest foot-ball club, Bayern Munich, announced on their o/cial website to contribute to the e"ort. #ere are plans to set up training camps for refu-

gee youths. #ese camps will provide children with football equipment, food, and classes in German. #e club will also donate 01 million towards ref-ugee projects, generated from a friendly match. Before the match against FC Augsburg, each player of FC Bayern Mu-nich was escorted onto the !eld hand-in-hand with both a German child and a refugee

child “as a mark of support for the integration of refugees.” All clubs in the German professional football league Bundesliga will wear patch-es on their le$ sleeve read-ing , “#re f uge eswelcome.” Crowds at several di"erent Bundesliga matches have also displayed large banners dis-playing “REFUGEES WEL-COME” to show their support.

A DIFFERENT KIND OF GOALEuropean Soccer Teams Aid Syrian Refugees

By Nora Becker Sta" Writer

Photo courtesy of Wikicommons

#e athletic recruitment process is a critical part of every student- athlete’s ca-reer. #ere are many di"er-ent paths a student-athlete can take; di"erent divisions, scholarships, and coaches, to name a few. Also, the process of recruitment will vary for each sport and each individ-ual. Although the basics are the same, it is still a complex process for every athlete. For the average athlete, the person who has the largest role in their recruitment pro-cess is themselves. #ere are many things that an athlete can do in order to be seen and heard by college coaches. First, an athlete must narrow their search for schools, just like any other student looking to go to college. Next, the athlete should be sending their athletic and academic resumés to the colleges that seem to best !t their criteria. In the athletic resumé, be sure to include who you are, what number

you are, who you play for, and about a 15 minute video of highlights. Highlights should consist of clips showing o" your speed, skills, athleticism, game smarts and work rate. Aside from sim-ply submitting the basic sports and academic resumes, you should be reaching out to the coaches of the schools you are interested in. You should be sending constant emails talking about yourself and who you are, as well as your interest in the school. To really set yourself apart from the majority of athletes just like you, looking to play in college, you should call the coach that is in charge of the sport you are trying out for. Personal interaction can make a great !rst impression. But, many of the rules for college recruitment can limit what the coaches say and do, so don’t be discouraged if you are not getting the personal responses you may be looking for. Obviously you are not the

sole factor in getting recruited. Your club and or high school coach should also be helping you by not only also advertis-ing you and reaching out to the various coaches as well, but giving you an honest apprais-al of your skill and the level of play that they think you could be most successful in. #e rest is pretty much up to the college coach. If they are interested in you, they will come and watch you play, help arrange o/cial and uno/cial visits, and if possible let you, the athlete, know where they stand in the recruiting pro-cess. But, the role the college coaches can play is o$en lim-ited by NCAA rules. Which means, again, you should not be discouraged if you don’t see coaches chasing a$er you. Overall you need to be ac-tively involved in the process. If you are aggressively par-ticipating, you have a better chance of being able to pursue your athletic aspirations and dreams.

R!"#$%&'!(&, I&’) A** &+! R,-!

By Jessica PennerSta" Writer

Recruitment Process Narrowed DownWant to Play College Ball But Don’t Know How to Start?

2015 was an exciting year for horse racing fans. #is year, the winner of the Kentucky Derby, American Pharoah, also went on to win the American Triple Crown, a prestigious and di/-cult award to obtain.

American Pharoah was the 12th horse in history to win all three races of the American Triple Crown. #e !rst victory took place at Churchill Downs racecourse in Louisville, Ken-tucky on May 2, 2015 at the Kentucky Derby. #is summer’s race was the 141st Kentucky Derby and mul-tiple records were broken. #ere was a record-setting crowd of 170,513 people watching the race, along with roughly 16 mil-

lion people watching from their home televisions. #e record for amount of wagered money in one race was also broken surpassing the $137.9 million previously bet. It was an intense race that began with Dortmund, the second favorite as far as bet-ting on the winner was con-cerned, who was !rst out of the gate and trading o" the lead with Firing Line.#e two were closely trailed by the

leading pack that consisted of Carpe Diem and American Pharoah. American Pharoah and jock-ey Victor Espinoza took the last turn wide to get into the lead by one head. In the !nal stretch he simply continued to increase his lead, ending with an impressive time of 2:03.02. He !nished one length ahead of the second place horse, Fir-ing Line, and three lengths in front of the third place horse,

Dortmund. A$er winning the sec-ond race, Preakness by seven lengths and the !nal race, Bel-mont Stakes by !ve and a half lengths, American Pharoah became the !rst horse to win since the 1978 winner, Af-!rmed. A$er the victory, American Pharoah’s trainer, Ba"ert said, “#at little horse, he deserved it.” American Pharoah certainly deserves his place in Triple Crown History.

By Jessica PennerSta" Writer

At right:Madeline Gates, recruited forvolleyball to UCLA

Photo courtesy of Kyle Jetter

A Run for the Roses

Hi-Tide October 16, 2015NEWS1490 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

“Cool Clock, Ahmed”Texas police detain high school student with homemade clock

By Lucy BartonSta! Writer

When 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed arrived at school in Irving, Texas on Monday, September 14, ready to show his teacher his homemade clock, he expected praise and surprise at what he was able to do at such a young age. What

he did not expect was for the school to call the police on the grounds of a hoax bomb and to be led out of his own school in handcu!s that very same morning. “I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her,” Mohamed told CNN reporters. As an aspiring engineer, he was devastated when something he thought would be regarded as an in-credible feat for a freshman in high school was actually taken as a terrorist attack. Mohamed was taken to the station, but the charges were eventually dropped. Accord-ing to CNN, police said Mo-hamed should have made it more clear what the contents of his homemade project were, but Mohamed’s attorney de-fends the boy by saying that it was merely a child’s project and there was no need for that. Although Mohamed was

having a hard time back in Ir-ving, he received tons of sup-port for his case over social media, coming in the form of thousands of tweets from indi-viduals ranging from President Obama to Mark Zuckerberg. As reported by CNN, Goo-gle reserved him a spot at their science fair and MIT invited him to tour their campus. "e

hashtag #IStandWithAhmed also started trending world-wide; people all over the world heard about the incident and tweeted to show that their sup-port was with Ahmed during this incident. "e whole coun-try seemed to become aware of the injustice overnight. Mohamed was awed by all the support, and said it felt “out-standing,” according to Wash-ington Post. Mohamed plans on chang-ing schools a#er this incident. “I felt like I was a criminal,” the freshman said, “I felt like I was a terrorist.” Mohamed was aware that all these charges and threats were in some way related to his Muslim race. He talks about how in school he has always been called “bomb-maker” and “terrorist,” but he never expected the bullying to reach this level.

President Obama invites Ahmed to the White House via Twitter.Screenshot courtesy of Twitter

DEPT. OF ED: NEW COLLEGE DATABy Brooke KaufmanSta! Writer In early September, the Obama administration un-veiled its revamped college in-formation website. "e site is called collegescorecard.ed.gov, and for the $rst time, pro-spective college students can use it to discover important information such as how the process of paying back a feder-al loan works, and how much students who receive these loans tend to earn a#er they leave school. "e U.S. Department of Ed-ucation, or USDE, $rst cre-ated College Scorecard back in 2013 to help students and their families choose the best higher education for them. To use the site, students choose certain information about col-leges they might be interested in, such as what programs and degrees are o!ered, the loca-tion, the size, and the name of the school. "e site will then generate responses based on

what answers the student gives. For example, if a student were to type in that they wanted to receive a bachelor’s degree in biomedical sciences from a public school in California, College Scorecard would show options for all the schools that $t that description. Also, the site would further generate information about the schools such as how many undergrad-uates attend, the average an-nual costs, graduation rates, and salaries a#er attendance, in comparison to the national average. With the release of the new data, came new controversy. For example, the recently de-veloped information on stu-dent earnings is causing prob-lems for some users, because it only applies to a speci$c group of students who received a federal loan or grant to attend college. Furthermore, ques-tions over the quality of the data released have risen. Var-ious colleges, universities, and

the American Council on Ed-ucation have expressed their concerns that the Education Department compiled the data without any external re-view. However, both the pres-ident and the USDE maintain that, “‘all Americans will now have access to reliable data on every institution of higher ed-ucation.’” Overall, the public’s re-sponse to the new data was highly positive, and it even has some saying the American education system just took a very important step forward. Anthony P. Carnevale, di-rector of the Center on Edu-cation and the Workforce at Georgetown University, said that, “‘the administration’s release of the data they have represents a crucial down pay-ment on the data we need at the federal level…"e admin-istration’s data on earnings are imperfect. But the only substi-tute for imperfect data is bet-ter data. "e game goes on.’”

Settlement Reached inBaltimore Freddie Gray Case

By Lucy BartonSta! Writer "e city of Baltimore has become the $rst city to o!er a settlement to the family of an individual killed in a police brutality incident involving a black male since the death of Mike Brown in August 2014. Baltimore Mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, was one of the o%cials who approved the $6.4 million deal to the family of Freddie Gray on Tuesday, September 8, in the hopes that “this settlement will bring a level of closure for the family, for the police department and for our city.” Gray, 25, was arrested in April 2015 and was placed, while handcu!ed, into the back of a squad van without being belted in. Police then contin-ued to take an unnecessarily long route back to the station, making repeatedly harsh turns that resulted in a serious injury to Gray’s spinal chord, which ultimately resulted in his death a week later. Despite debate at the time as to whether the o%cers involved had intentionally worked to harm Gray, "e Baltimore Sun reports that they have all “been charged with crimes ranging

from murder to assault,” all the while pleading not guilty. All six o%cers are set to have separate trials in the months following. As reported by CNN, May-or Rawlings-Blake stated that part of the reason she approved the settlement was to “avoid years and years of protracted civil litigation.” Similarly, Gray family attorney Billy Murph is relieved with the decision, stating that the case could have taken up to three years had the settlement not been approved. On the other hand, some people believe that this set-tlement was not solely for the bene$t of the family of Freddie Gray, but instead as a peace of-fering to the people in order to prevent more riots. "is case may likely be the one that sets the precedent for police treatment of all citizens equally, but the question is what will that precedent be? As "e Baltimore Sun ex-plains, the question is whether all deaths at the hands of the police force will be dealt with a settlement as large as this one, or whether it all banks on the amount of attention by media and the protests of the people it acquires.

By Asha AlagiriSta! Writer "e upcoming El Niño has become one of the most pop-ular subjects regarding this winter. "is storm is caused by small changes in the environ-ment which cause a huge rain-storm. El Niños are known for the copious amounts of rain that can last for days or even weeks. "e next El Niño has a 95% chance of occuring here in Southern California. "e rainfall is predicted to help with the severe drought that California is currently facing, though there is some concern that the rainfall may not be lo-cated where it is needed most. An El Niño storm has not occured since 1998, when 18 inches of rain fell in San Diego alone in just a matter of days. "e mudslides and &ooding of the past El Niño led to whole

El Niño: SD Impacthillsides to collapse along with homes. It even caused land-slides which created $550 mil-lion worth of damages. Some o%cials say this may be the strongest El Niño since the 1950’s. Meteorologists approximate that this rainstorm will last about six months with on-and- o! storms. "ere will also be huge snowstorms, bringing in a good snowpack to Colorado. Although San Diego will be getting one of its biggest storms that it has had in a while, the worst of the rainfall will be in Northern California. Professionals recommend clearing drains and waterways from leaves and debris and keeping &ashlights, batteries, and several gallons of water handy during the storms to come. Also having some unre-frigerated provisions would be very bene$cial in the event of losing electricity.


By Viviana Bonomie & Mitchell Itkin News Editor & Sta! Writer Umpqua Community Col-lege in Roseburg, Oregon was struck by a tragic school shooting on "ursday, Octo-ber 1. "e suspect was iden-ti$ed as Christopher Harp-er-Mercer, 26, who killed nine students and then himself af-ter being wounded by police on the scene. "e shooting took place at around 10:46 am when the Oregon Police Department received a phone call report-ing the event. According to the New York Times, Mercer was o#en with-drawn while growing up, but was raised in a home where his father collected handguns and ri&es while o#en going to the gun range with his moth-er. Mercer’s father, Ian Mercer, apologized and sympathized with the families a!ected by this tragic event; "e elder Mercer didn’t claim to have a strong relationship with his son, implying that he did not know what he was going through psychologically. "is event has sparked gov-ernment interest and is now being analyzed in order to create legislation prohibiting the mentally unstable from having the opportunity to own guns. Many government o%cials are proposing that au-tomatic guns become illegal for citizens to purchase, while it is till debated if guns should be legal for families that have had a past criminal record.

El Niño’s Impact on LA: 1990s vs NowGraphic courtesy of LA Times GraphicsSource: NOAA Climate Prediction Center

A&E Hi-TideOctober 16, 2015 15 90 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

By Austin IversonSta! Writer !roughout the years the breakneck speeds, blaring guitars, and pounding drums have stayed the same, but what about the artists? Even if you hate heavy metal, you’ve heard of Iron Maiden, Motörhead, and Slayer. !e new wave of British heavy metal brought both Iron Maiden and Motör-head across the pond in 1975, and their sound shaped what we know metal to be today. A"er 40 years, Iron Maiden and Motörhead are still going strong, both releasing albums this year. Motör-head’s “Bad Mag-ic” released August 28th and Maiden’s “!e Book of Souls” dropped September 4th. Motörhead’s lead singer Lemmy Kilmister is turning 70 this December, and fans’ main concern about the album was how his voice would hold up. Lemmy is known for living the typical rock and roll lifestyle; he’s toured non-stop with the band since it started, smokes an impossible amount of ciga-rettes, and gets through a bot-tle of bourbon a day. He told "e Guardian that he, “Didn’t really want to be in the life-style without the music. And I didn’t want to be in the mu-sic without the lifestyle.” But how can a human body be put

Old Dogs, New Tricksthrough so much punishment and still manage to tour for a new album at seventy years old? Lemmy says, “Apparent-ly I am still indestructible.” Motörhead’s “Bad Magic” has the exact same muddy, thrash-ing rock and roll sound that they had in their late 20s. Iron Maiden’s “!e Book of Souls” is 92 minutes of three galloping guitars, operatic vo-cals, rock drums, and perfectly precise musicianship in typi-cal Maiden fashion. With six

members of an average age of 59, the musical #delity of the album is as impressive as their work in the 80’s on “Power-slave” and “!e Number of the Beast.” Clocking in at 18 min-utes and one second, the last song on the album “Empire of the Clouds,” is Maiden’s lon-gest song to date and a feat of musical ability worthy of being the last song they ever release. !ey haven’t con#rmed that this is indeed their last album, but lead singer Bruce Dickin-son is going through tongue cancer treatment making an-other e$ort extremely unlikely.

Slayer, one of the “big four” of thrash metal founded in 1981 released their new album “Re-pentless” in September as well. Bassist and lead singer of Slay-er, Tom Araya, has always been known for swinging his hair and over the top head banging while performing. As a result, the 54 year old recently devel-oped back problems on tour which required surgery. Now at concerts he is required to sit still in order to protect his spine. How far will these artists

go for their music? Most people would consider them insane for subjecting their bodies to this kind of treatment for over 40 years, but when you get paid to do what you love you do not stop. In my opinion, the recent trend of old bands getting back in the studio

is caused by a void in the cur-rent music industry. !e radio is #lled with pop and rap writ-ten by executives and processed to a pulp, and the metal scene has evolved to be too extreme for most. !ese bands coming back mean more modern mu-sic with a classic sound that has been lost in translation across generations. With these three legendary bands’ new albums and Metallica currently in the studio, there is only hope that future bands will be inspired to go back to their roots and move towards a more vintage sound.

By Zoe MendelSta! Writer You’ve read the book, you’ve watched the movie, but have you seen the ballet? Septime Webre’s “!e Great Gatsby” is coming to San Diego this Oc-tober. Performed by the Cali-fornia Ballet Company based in Kearny Mesa, this modern ballet is a mix of all styles in-cluding tap, jazz, and swing. Unlike other classical ballets, “!e Great Gatsby” features live singing arranged by Billy Novik, the musical producer. !e California Ballet Com-pany, directed by Maxine Mahon, was an extension of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, one of Russia’s oldest and most prestigious compa-nies. As one of the #rst ballet companies out west, Mahon’s reputation has been built up over 48 consecutive sea-sons. !e company has now grown to accommodate over 30 dancers, some of whom have come from places as far away as Japan. Popular shows performed by the California Ballet Company include “!e Nutcracker,” “Sleeping Beau-ty,” and “Dracula,” all in the lovely theatre they call home, the San Diego Civic !eatre. !is is the #rst season to fea-ture “!e Great Gatsby.” Although it is not a classi-cal production, “!e Great Gatsby” is based on the clas-sic story that takes place in New York’s West Egg in the 1920s. !e movement is ex-tremely styled, lacking almost any classic lines found in oth-er ballets. !e emphasis for

this production is not on how pristine or classical the moves look, but rather the emotion of the time period they convey. Kendra Wing#eld, a Califor-nia Ballet Company member, shares her experience as one of the younger twin girls at Gatsby’s parties. Her favorite scenes are the party scenes. “I really get to explore the acting side of my role,” she says, “I in-teract a lot with the principal dancers, so my acting is just as important as my dancing.” Ac-cording to Wing#eld, Webre’s choreography contains lots of intricate, fast footwork. Al-though the steps are challeng-ing, Wing#eld enjoys the “free-dom to explore movement as you want to interpret it.” When asked about Jared Nelson, who is teaching the ballet to the company and plays the role of Jay Gatsby, Wing#eld states, “Jared pushes you past your limits, in a good way. He has de#nitely inspired me to be at the top of my game, dancing harder than I ever have.” And, a"er months of hard work, the company and sta$ are re-warded with a full-length bal-let. “Naturally we all have our moments of stress and anxiety, but as we get closer to the show and see how well everything is coming together, we get more excited,” Wing#eld concludes. Not only is this show a great supplement for the AP Ameri-can Literature class, but a won-derful performance to take part in. Come to the Civic !eatre October 23-25th for a night of live music, high spir-its, and of course, great danc-ing.

G a t s b y C o m e s t o C i v i c

By Jade MoujaesSta! Writer Every year La Jolla High School’s theatre depart-ment puts on two shows, one straight play and one musical. !is year, the straight play is called “!ese Shining Lives” written by Melanie Marnich. !is play takes the audience back in time to the 1920s and early 1930s. !e script follows the char-acter of Catherine Donohue as she #nds herself working for the company Radium Dial that sells watches that are painted with radium so they can glow in the dark. !e four main characters of the show, Char-lotte, Francis, Pearl, and Cath-erine, eventually develop radi-um poisoning. !is story helps shed light on the lack of employee safe-ty in the 1920s. Although the

particular characters in the play are not real, the events that happened are. !is his-torically-based script teaches the bravery and courage of those who fought against un-fair working conditions in the face of adversity. !is tale is all encompassing as it deals with romance, friendship, letting go, and #ghting for what you believe in. !e audience follows the four women’s ups and downs as they deal with their ailments and get closer to their impend-ing death. Although the story is tragic, there is a greater mes-sage of hope and it exampli#es the human will to survive. Vlad Jebran, who plays Cath-rine’s husband Tom, says, “If you want to see really good actors, like [the] best actors in the school, just come to the play. It’s a very dramatic play, but the actors we have in it

can handle it and put out really good work”. !e director of the play herself, Mrs. Treger, says, “!is is kind of a feminist piece, but mostly it is a #ght against the man, the corporation piece. It was one of the #rst class action lawsuits and it’s a really beautiful play that blends science, history, law, and drama. It only has thirteen actors in it and we’re going to do it in a very small space and so it should be a really special and unique experience.” !e whole cast is excited to share their hard work with the student body. !e performance dates are November 13th at 6:30pm, November 14th at 6:30pm, November 18th (which is pay what you can day) at 2:30pm, November 19th at 6:30pm, and November 20th at 6:30pm. !e tickets can be pur-chased at the #nance o%ce or at the door.

“ T h e s e S h i n i n g L i v e s ” A L a J o l l a H i g h S c h o o l P r o d u c t i o n

Photo Courtesy of Ms. Treger

Photo Courtesy of Wikicommons

Photo Courtesy of Zoe Mendel

A&E Hi-TideOctober 16, 2015 16 90 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

the canvases, so that the !nal projects were as close to the original pieces as they could be. Finally, acrylic paint was used to complete the designs. "e overall !nishing of the murals took about four weeks, but work didn’t begin until af-ter students submitted their AP portfolios. As said by Ms. Shamrock, “It was fun but la-bor intensive!”

Local artist Jane Wheeler knew Ms. Shamrock from an art project they worked on to-gether several years ago in the same !ve hundred buildings. Mrs. Wheeler decided that she wanted to do another project before her daughter le# high school; so a#er she recieved approval from the PTA and Principal Podhorsky, Meet the Masters o!cially went un-der way. Mrs. Wheeler says she was inspired a#er visiting

By Brooke KaufmanSta! Writer

Looking around campus, students may notice a new art feature in the !ve hundred building. "at is because last school year, Ms. Shamrock and students from her AP Art Studio and Senior Art Studio classes decided to create an art project that would simul-taneously beautify the drab school walls, and educate the student body about phenom-enal art. "us “Meet the Masters” mural project was born, and with the help of local La Jolla art advocate Jane Wheeler, Ms. Shamrock and her students worked tire-lessly to create a col-lection of murals that not only brightened up the hallways, but also replicated famous pieces of art ranging in time from the Impression-ist to Modern era. Staging for the project in-cluded prepping the boards on which the artwork was to be displayed with gesso, an art supply commonly used to get canvases ready for paint-ing. "en, the students used projectors to transfer images of the original artwork onto

ARTS, or A Reason to Sur-vive, a program that provides art classes for underprivileged children. “"ey had a whole hallway of murals executed by students. "en, I took that concept and added the idea of Meet the Masters”. "e !ve hundred building was picked as the location for the murals, because in addition to being the place in which art classes

at the school are held, Mrs. Wheeler says she felt the building’s hall-ways were perfect in terms of transforming space and making it more visually appeal-ing. When asked what the murals’ futures at the school are, Ms. Shamrock replied that the plan is to make the installation per-

manent, but perhaps add to the art at various locations on campus. Her classes this year had hoped to complete addi-tional murals downstairs, but with the cancellation of AP Art for the 2015-2016 school year, this is sadly unlikely for now. Meanwhile, the Meet the Masters mural display adorns the hallways of the !ve hun-dred building, adding a pop of beauty and culture to our school.

Photo Courtesy of Brooke Kaufman

By Nikolai GaenzleSta! Writer Stephen Colbert, the satirical news mogul, was on a hiatus from television since Decem-ber of 2014. However, this past month he made his de-but as the host of the famous, “Late Show,” on CBS. Despite Colbert’s popularity on his original show, “"e Colbert Report,” which aired on Com-edy Central, his debut on CBS pulled only 6.6 million viewers the !rst episode. In compari-son, the host of other popular shows, such as Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon, manage to pull in almost 11 million viewers per episode. "is posed the question to many analysts, “Why are Colbert’s views so low?” One theory, proposed by Alex Furrier of the Daily Wild-cat, is centered around the lack of fresh jokes and gags that Colbert has not yet brought to the, “Late Show;” “"ey ap-pear drawn out, one-o$ hits that were unfortunately drawn out into full length segments,” Furrier wrote. Others, such as Alyssa Rosenberg of the Washington Post, believe that Colbert is not getting the ratings many were expecting because he is sim-ply not producing the caliber

of material that he did on, “"e Colbert Report.” “Colbert has yet to meet the standard he’d set for himself,” says Rosenberg, “We are used to a Colbert that is a bit more aggressive.” De-spite Colbert’s lack of quips and gag segments, he is still provid-ing the viewers with a plethora of guests; everyone from Emily Blunt to Jeb Bush have made appearances thus far. Howev-er, one staple of “"e Colbert Report” remains in the “Late Show” - Colbert’s discussion of permanent topics. “"e Colbert Report” was syn-onymous for bringing on many famous individuals and o#en times debating serious and oc-casionally, personal, issues. "is has been nowhere more appar-ent than the “Late Show’s” in-terview with Vice President Joe Biden. Not only did Colbert and Biden discuss the integrity of many members in Washing-ton, Colbert was able to have Biden open up about the trage-dy of his late son. "ese types of loaded ques-tions are what make Colbert a captivating host and interview-er; many other hosts would not dare ask about these touchy subjects. Whether you enjoy Colbert or not, he is a brilliant host and masterful interviewer that has the potential to take the “Late Show” to new heights.

T h e L o tL a J o l l a ’ s n e w m o v i e v i e w i n g e x p e r i e n c e

M e e t t h e M a s t e r s L a J o l l a H i g h S c h o o l ’ s n e w s c h o o l m u r a l s

C o l b e r t ’ s N e w E r a

By Asha Alagiri &Sophia Ketring Sta! Writer & A&E Editor

On September 30th, La Jolla’s new movie theater, "e Lot, opened its doors to the public. "e Lot o$ers people a unique movie going experience by combining a restaurant, bar and cafe in the front of the complex with seven movie viewing rooms in the back. "e atmosphere is very open and lively. It is hard to believe that less than two years ago this same building was home to Jonathan’s Market. "e structure of the building has completely changed. "e con-crete walls have been trans-formed into rows of windows

and doors that create an outside and indoor dining environment for the patrons. "e front of "e Lot is crowded with tables, but the feel is still an open one be-cause of the spacious outside setting. As you move further into the space you will !nd the area where you can purchase tickets to see a movie in one of the 7 viewing rooms. As you enter the rooms, you will !nd 75-90 leather chairs and a warm com-fortableatmosphere. "ere are also buttons that can be pressed if the patron would like to order any food or drinks. Unlike regular movie theaters, "e Lot has a large array of unique gourmet foods that can

be ordered inside of the the-ater, ranging from your av-erage movie theater popcorn to %atbreads. "e menu also includes a large selection of drinks and milkshakes. "e owner of this unique theater is Adolfo Fastlicht. Fastlicht is a movie theater mogul who has been a part of developing multiple luxu-ry movie theaters including, Cinepolis and Cinemex, a luxury chain in Mexico. It is apparent that his experience in developing those two em-pires has added up to create "e Lot, the epitome of luxu-ry movie theaters. "e Lot presents an extrav-agant movie going experi-ence that it is clearly skewed

towards older audiences with its smaller selection of movies and sky high prices. "e cost of one ticket for a movie rang-es from $22-$24 dollars de-pending on your age and what time the movie is playing. If you want food or a drink from the theater you cannot manage to escape without at least pay-

ing $7. Mr. Essex, a teacher at La Jolla High School says, “It’s ev-erything a movie going expe-rience should be. If it was a bit cheaper it would be perfect.” Overall, "e Lot is a unique place to kickback and relax with your friends on a special occasion.

C o n c e r t C a l e n d a r Janet Jackson,

Oct 17, House of Blues,


Madonna, Oct 29,Valley View

Casino Center, 8pm

Mac Miller, Nov 18,

House of Blues, 6pm

Seether, Oct 21,

House of Blues, 6:30

Twenty One Pilots, Oct 16,

SDSU Open Air Amphitheatre,


Photo Courtesy of Sophia Ketring