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    cryera mata yei, sei mata sratra j laghi cale, sei ta asra

    The order of the spiritual master is the activeprinciple in spiritual life. Anyone who disobeysthe order of the spiritual master immediatelybecomes useless. (Cc. di 12.10)

    Similarly, it is stated in the Raghu-vaa:sa uruvn mtari bhrgavea

    pitur niyogt prahta dviad-vat

    pratyaghd agraja-sana tadj gur hy avicray

    Being ordered by his father, Parasuram killedhis mother, Renuka, just as if she were anenemy. When Lakshman, the younger brotherof Lord Ramachandra, heard of this, Heimmediately engaged Himself in the service ofHis elder brother and accepted His orders. Theorder of the spiritual master must be obeyedwithout consideration. (verse 14.46, quoted inCc. madhya 10.145)

    Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode has described that

    there are two types of disciples, the antarmukha-iyas and the bahirmukha-iyas. Antarmukhaliterally means inward-facing. It refers tosomeone who is introspective. Bahirmukhaliterally means outward-facing, and refers tosomeone who is absorbed in external things.

    Antarmukha-iyas are desirous of bringingpleasure to their guru. Their focus is on followingthe gurus instructions. The antarmukha-iyas practice gopayed gurum tmana. Theykeep their guru and their relationship with

    him confidential. An antarmukha-iya is notinterested in advertising himself as a discipleof his guru, but prefers to follow the gurusinstructions. His meditation is to try tounderstand what will please his guru. Theantarmukha-iya is anartha-mukta-avasth, heis free from anarthas. His vision of guru isknown as sevya-darana. He sees that gurushould be served and pleased.

    InHari-bhakti-vilsa, verse 2.147, SrilaSanatan Goswami quotes Sammohana-tantra:

    gopayed devatm i gopayed gurum tmanagopayec ca nija mantra gopayen nija-mlikm

    One should hide ones ia-deva, one should hideones guru, one should hide ones mantra, andone should hide onesjapa-ml.

    Wise persons keep their valuables in aconfidential place. Similarly, an intelligent sdhakadoes not advertise his or her guru, nor do theybroadcast themselves as disciples of their guru.Considering themselves as low, fallen, and unfitto be considered disciples, sincere devotees donot want to advertise who their guru is.

    Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami hasillustrated the mood of a devotee and disciple:

    jagi mdhi haite mui se ppihapurera ka haite mui se laghiha

    I am more sinful than Jagai and Madhai and even

    lower than the worms in stool. (Cc. di 5.205)Similarly, Thakur Bhaktivinode has stated:

    garhita cre, rahilma maji,n karinu sdhu-saga

    laye sdhu-vea, ne upadei,e baa myra raga

    Remaining absorbed in abominable activities, Inever kept company with sadhus. Now I adopt thegarb of a sadhu and act out the role of instructingothers. This is mys big joke. (aragati 7.3)

    Although Thakur Bhaktivinode had so muchassociation with elevated vaiavas, includinghis ik-guru Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaja,he did not flaunt that. Rather, he consideredthat, n karinu sdhu-saga I have never hadassociation with sadhus.

    The essential principle in being a disciple isto follow the order of the guru. Srila KrishnadasKaviraj Goswami has described:

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    Excerpted from Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu issue 16

  • 8/14/2019 Hide Your Guru_2


    2 Hide Your GuruBahirmukha-iyas are disciples who practice

    the opposite of gopayed gurum tmana. Theyare absorbed in advertising their guru and inmaking a show of themselves as being big orintimate disciples. Such a disciple is also knownas guru-giri, or one who makes a business outof guru and ones relationship with guru.

    They are not absorbed in the inner intention ofguru. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur has describedpersons who act on such an external platform asdharmadhvajs (religion flag-wavers), meaningthose who make a hypocritical or pretentiousshow of religiosity.

    Following the logic of tmavan manyate jagat(everyone thinks like I do), the bahirmukha-iyasconsider that their guru thinks like they do.Because they are motivated by the desires forfame and adoration they think that their guru

    also wants such things. The bahirmukha-iyasare anartha-yukta-avasth, they have anarthas,material desires, in their hearts. Because of thoseanarthas they only see guru in terms of theirown pleasure. This vision is known as bhogya-darana. They think that making a big show ofdevotion will impress their guru and enablethem to come close to their guru. Their idea ofguru-bhakti is to loudly proclaim to the world,mr guru jagad-guru My guru is the best orthe only one and any other guru is lesser. They

    think that such publicizing will please theirguru. Neglecting or minimizing their gurusinstruction regarding the worship of Krishna,the bahirmukha-iyas place more emphasis onworshiping their spiritual master.

    In the histories of all the major religions ofthe world it is commonly seen that the followersprefer to worship the guru, prophet, or founderrather than follow the instructions of thatprophet to worship the Lord (who is unseen andunknown to them). Srila Prabhupada addressed

    this topic on a morning walk in Bombay on 29

    March 1974 when some devotees mentionedto him that some of the followers of SwamiNarayan were chanting the name of their guruinstead of Krishnas name:

    Devotee: In England they are chanting, SwamiNarayan, not Krishna.Prabhupada: Just see.

    Indian man (1): No, they are also ka-bhaktas.Devotee: How are they, if they are chantingSwami Narayans name?Indian man (1): They actually work for theKrishna only, and they...Prabhupada: No, no. Krishna recommendsstra, harer nma, harer nma, harer nmaivakevalam. So why they should chant SwamiNarayan? ... In the Bhagavad-gt it is said,satata krtayanto mm Krishna. Why shouldone chant any other name? Krishna says

    satata krtayanto mm. Hare Krishna. Not anyother name.... But they are chanting SwamiNarayan. Theyre saying Swami Narayan isbetter than Krishna. What kind of preaching isthis? ... This is nonsense. People will go to thetemple and the preacher will say that SwamiNarayans name should be chanted....Indian man (2): Swami is their guru andNarayan is God, so both, Prabhupadaand Krishna, Prabhupada and Krishna,Prabhupada Krishna...Prabhupada: But that does not mean they

    should chant [like that]. Just like, we arenot instructing our disciples to chant myname, Bhaktivedanta Swami, BhaktivedantaSwami. No. Theyre chanting Hare Krishna.hari-tvena samasta-strair ukta Guru isrespected as good as Krishna. But that doesnot mean I shall teach them to go and chant myname, Bhaktivedanta Swami, BhaktivedantaSwami, Bhaktivedanta Swami. What is this?We are teaching, Chant Hare Krishna.Harernma, harer nma... Srila Prabhupada morning walk, 29 March

    1974, Bombay.

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