high-speed intercity passenger rail program

High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program March 14, 2011 Federal Railroad Administration

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Federal Railroad Administration. High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program. March 14, 2011. A bold vision for passenger rail . Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80 percent of Americans access to high-speed rail. –President Barack Obama, January 25, 2011. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program

March 14, 2011

Federal Railroad Administration

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A bold vision for passenger rail

Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80 percent of Americans access to high-speed rail.

–President Barack Obama, January 25, 2011

We cannot compromise. The rest of the world is not compromising… [high-speed rail] means America laying track for a better future.

–Vice President Joe Biden, February 8, 2011

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Key changes to passenger rail programs

• Strong focus on developing “world-class” high-speed rail (125-250+ mph)

• Opportunities for private sector participation and greater competition

• Investment in Northeast Corridor and in rail station accessibility by bringing all stations into ADA compliance

• Upfront investment in replacing aging equipment that will increase reliability, boost domestic manufacturing and create jobs

• Better and more comprehensive administration by consolidation and integration of previously-disconnected passenger rail programs

• Realigns Amtrak budget according to business lines (State corridors, Northeast Corridor, long-distance routes), thus increasing the transparency of Amtrak’s federal funding

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6-year program investment relatively modest versus our competitors

*Average annual Federal/national expenditures or proposed expenditures for the given program years.** Percent of GDP based on average annual Federal/national investment compared to that country’s annual GDP in first year of the period shown. GDP figures used are: 2012 projected U.S. GDP, as estimated by the Congressional Budget Office (U.S. HSR System), 1963 U.S. GDP (U.S. Interstate System), 2009 Spain GDP (Spain HSR), and 2010 China official exchange rate GDP (China HSR).

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FY 2012 budget proposal for passenger rail programs – Crosswalk from FY10

Category FY 2010 Enacted ($M)

FY 2012 Request ($M) Mission

Network Development $2,500 $4,000

Develop infrastructure, stations, and equipment for new or upgraded corridors; build institutional capacity; provide transitional operating support

High-Speed Corridor Development 2,418 3,137

Station Development 0 240

U.S. Rail Equipment Development 2 245

Capacity-Building & Transition Assistance 80 378

System Preservation & Renewal $1,565 $4,046

Maintain publicly-owned assets; work towards eliminating SGR/ADA backlog; provide support for national service priorities (e.g. long-distance trains)

Amtrak Operating & Capital 1,280 0*

Public Asset Backlog Retirement 285 2,982

National Network Service 0 914

State of Good Repair & Recapitalization 0 150

TOTAL $4,065 $8,046

*Activities previously funded under this line item are now included in other Network Development and System Preservation & Renewal account activities.

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FY 2012 budget – summary of investments by activity

Northeast Corridor State-of-Good Repair$834M | 10%

Equipment Overhaul& Replacement$1,208M | 15%

National Network Service (e.g., congestion grants, long-distance capital and operations)

$785M | 10%

High-Speed Rail Infrastructure & Stations

$3,377M | 42%

ADA$1,184M | 15%

Other Activities(e.g., capacity-building, Amtrak legacy debt)

$658M | 8%

Total FY12Investment:


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What passenger rail programs are proposed?

Category FY 2010 Enacted ($M)

FY 2012 Request ($M) Mission

Network Development $2,500 $4,000

Develop infrastructure, stations, and equipment for new or upgraded corridors; build institutional capacity; provide transitional operating support

High-Speed Corridor Development 2,418 3,137

Station Development 0 240

U.S. Rail Equipment Development 2 245

Capacity-Building & Transition Assistance 80 378

System Preservation & Renewal $1,565 $4,046 Maintain publicly-owned assets; work towards eliminating SGR/ADA backlog; provide support for national service priorities (e.g. long-distance trains)

Amtrak Operating & Capital 1,280 0*

Public Asset Backlog Retirement 285 2,982

National Network Service 0 914

State of Good Repair & Recapitalization 0 150

TOTAL $4,065 $8,046

*Activities previously funded under this line item are now included in other Network Development and System Preservation & Renewal account activities.

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Core Express – Connect large urban areas up to 500 miles apart within 2-3 hours on electrified, dedicated track (125-250+ mph)

Regional – Connect mid-sized urban areas up to 500 miles apart with service on dedicated and shared track (90-125mph)

Emerging – Connect smaller communities with service on shared track (up to 90mph)

High-Speed Corridor Development – $3,137M & Station Development –$240M

Station Development – Connect the passenger rail system to communities by building intermodal stations linked to transit and other modes

OBJECTIVE: To build a three-tiered national network of passenger rail corridors and link the system to communities by building modern intermodal stations connected to transit and other modes .

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U.S. Rail Equipment Development – $245M

1. Lower costs of passenger rail rolling stock by achieving economies of scale

2. Encourage the domestic rail manufacturing industry by increasing confidence to invest and expand

3. Facilitate standardization and interoperability by developing design standards and prototypes

4. Encourage a robust secondary market by maintaining standardized equipment in a state of good repair

5. Increase responsiveness to demand fluctuations by enabling equipment leases






OBJECTIVE: To make a substantial and coordinated investment in passenger rail rolling stock to lower costs, promote interoperability, stimulate manufacturing, and compete globally

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Capacity-Building and Transition Assistance – $378M

Capacity-Building Transition Assistance

• OBJECTIVE: To help build professional expertise and institutional capacity in the field of rail transportation

• Capital assistance for:

• Technical assistance and training programs

• R&D to speed innovation

• Available to government and private entities

• OBJECTIVE: To encourage the success of existing State-supported passenger rail operations and new corridor operations

• Operating assistance for:

• Implementing PRIIA §209, State-supported routes

• Start-up phase of new corridors

• Available to States and service operators

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What passenger rail programs are proposed?

Category FY 2010 Enacted ($M)

FY 2012 Request ($M) Mission

Network Development $2,500 $4,000

Develop infrastructure, stations, and equipment for new or upgraded corridors; build institutional capacity; provide transitional operating support

High-Speed Corridor Development 2,418 3,137

Station Development 0 240

U.S. Rail Equipment Development 2 245

Capacity-Building & Transition Assistance 80 378

System Preservation & Renewal $1,565 $4,046 Maintain publicly-owned assets; work towards eliminating SGR/ADA backlog; provide support for national service priorities (e.g. long-distance trains)

Amtrak Operating & Capital 1,280 0*

Public Asset Backlog Retirement 285 2,982

National Network Service 0 914

State of Good Repair & Recapitalization 0 150

TOTAL $4,065 $8,046

*Activities previously funded under this line item are now included in other Network Development and System Preservation & Renewal account activities.

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Public Asset Backlog Retirement – $2,982M

Backlog retirement – Corrects years of underinvestment by accelerating the reduction of backlog projects on the Northeast Corridor.

ADA compliance – Completes rail station accessibility projects by 2015.

OBJECTIVE: To work towards eliminating the backlog of deferred maintenance on the Northeast Corridor and other publicly owned rail assets; to complete ADA accessibility to passenger rail stations; and to replace passenger rail rolling stock

Rolling stock replacement – Supports major, multi-year investment in replacement of state corridor service train equipment.

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National Network Service – $914M

Capital and operating – Support for Amtrak’s network of long-distance routes.

National “backbone” assets – Supports capital assets such as reservations, security, training, maintenance and mechanical systems and facilities.

OBJECTIVE: To provide operating and capital financial assistance to Amtrak to support national-priority long-distance route service, and to support national backbone passenger rail systems

Realigns Amtrak funding – Increases budget transparency by separating long-distance route business line from state corridors and Northeast Corridor business lines.

Rail congestion grants – Funds removal of key bottlenecks from priority locations on privately owned rail corridors.

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State of Good Repair & Recapitalization – $150M

State of Good Repair – “A condition in which the existing physical assets… are functioning as designed within their useful lives and are sustained through regular maintenance and replacement programs.”

Life-cycle costs – Funding is allocated as an annual share of the total cost over the infrastructure or fleet’s entire useful life.

Expanding role over time – Assets from completed Network Development projects will become eligible for SGR&R funding once entering revenue service.

OBJECTIVE: To ensure public assets function as designed to provide safe and reliable passenger rail service and replacing those assets at the end of their useful life

Illustrative shifts in investment levels over 25-year program

Public Asset Backlog RetirementState of Good Repair & Recapitalization





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Amtrak funding in the FY 2012 proposal

Long-distance routes – Provides direct operating and capital grants to continue national network services.

State corridors – Proposes temporary operating assistance to States to facilitate PRIIA Sec. 209 implementation, which allocates the costs of these corridors to States.

Northeast Corridor – NEC operating surpluses are reinvested in NEC capital needs.

Budget Alignment Along Business Lines

Amtrak’s legacy capital and debt service activities will continue to be direct grants to Amtrak in FY 2012.

The operating grant will be split into a $459M direct grant to Amtrak for long-distance routes, and a $200M grant directed to States to support PRIIA Sec. 209 transition.

This proposal fully funds the services Amtrak currently provides through direct grant funding, while also positioning Amtrak to play a vital role in the implementation of the National High Performance Rail System.

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Crosswalk from FY 2010 Passenger Rail Programs to FY 2012Crosswalk from FY 2010 Passenger Rail Grants to National High Performance Rail System


FY 2010 ACTUAL ($ millions)


FY 2012 REQUEST ($ millions)

PROGRAM AREA Network Development (N);

System Preservation and Renewal (S)


D = Direct; C = Competitive

Amtrak Operating Grants $563 $659 $459 National Network Service (S) D $200 Capacity Building & Transition Assistance to States (N) D

Amtrak Capital / Debt Service Grants $1,002 $3,742

General Capital

National long-distance network


$445 National Network Service (S) D Northeast Corridor state of good

repair backlog $684 † Public Asset Backlog Retirement (S) D *

Northeast Corridor state of good repair annual $150 State of Good Repair & Recapitalization (S) D *

State corridor, Northeast Corridor equipment overhauls $155 U.S. Rail Equipment Development (N) D *

State corridor, Northeast Corridor equipment replacement -- $834 † Public Asset Backlog Retirement (S) D *

Americans with Disabilities Act compliance $144 $1,184 † Public Asset Backlog Retirement (S) D

Debt Service $264 $280 Public Asset Backlog Retirement (S) D Federal Oversight $10 $10 National Network Service (S) FRA

Capital Assistance for High-Speed Rail Corridors and Intercity Passenger Rail

$2,500 $3,645

$3,137 † High-Speed Corridor Development (N) C

$240 Station Development (N) C $90 U.S. Rail Equipment Development (N) C

$178 † Capacity Building and Technical Assistance (N) C and FRA

$4,066 $8,046 Total † Includes part of DOT’s $50 billion upfront investment--$2.5 billion for ADA compliance, corridor equipment replacement, and state of good repair backlog reduction; $3 billion for high-speed corridor development and capacity building and transition assistance. * Competitive financial assistance in future.

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AmtrakNational High Performance Rail System


Capacity Maintenance




A comprehensive approach to winning the future

We need to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world.

–President Barack Obama, January 25, 2011