high voltage-power surge april 13

April 13-April 19, 2014 Exodus 7:14-25 Exodus 8:1-32 Exodus 9:1-35 Exodus 10:1-29 Exodus 11:1-10 Exodus 12:1-5, 13, 23, 27 John 1:29 Our Passover Lamb Visit us @ Facebook.com/Powersourcekids or scan the code

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Page 1: High Voltage-Power Surge April 13

April 13-April 19, 2014

Exodus 7:14-25 Exodus 8:1-32

Exodus 9:1-35 Exodus 10:1-29

Exodus 11:1-10 Exodus 12:1-5, 13, 23, 27John 1:29

Our Passover Lamb

Visit us @ Facebook.com/Powersourcekids or scan the code

Page 2: High Voltage-Power Surge April 13

Review the central truth, the memory verse, prayer and confessions, and read the Bible Story with scripture references indicated under the power outlets. As this is done each day, let your child color in or put a sticker on the power outlet located on the back of the devotional. At the end of the week please sign as proof of completion and return to the teacher. Children who complete 3 weeks Power Cords in a month will have their picture posted in the foyer of Power Source and their name in the newsletter.

Just as Jews marked their home as believers of the one true God, we are marked in our hearts as believers when we believe on Jesus as the Lamb of God who was slain to free us from sin to live our lives to worship Him.

I Corinthians 5:7, “…Christ has been offered up for us. He is our Passover Lamb.”

Father God,

Thank you for loving me and taking care of me. Bless my church, Pastor Ron, and his family. Bless my teachers for teaching me Your Word. I believe your love is flowing through me to other people. Help me to obey my parents so things will go well with me and I will live a long life on the earth. I will tell how great you are and how much I love you. I thank You that by Jesus’ stripes I am healed.

In Jesus' name,Amen

For by grace I have been saved through faith and this is not my own doing. It is a gift of God; not a result of my works so that I may not boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but it is my glory to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2

I am faithful in that which is least and I am faithful also in much. Luke 16:10

Jewish people celebrate a day of Passover, to remember something special for them a long time ago. They had been slaves to Pharaoh of Egypt for 430 years when at last God made a way to free them. God told them to kill a perfect lamb and smear its blood on the doorpost of their homes as a sign that they belong to God. After repeated attempts to soften the heart of Pharaoh, this was the final warning. If Pharaoh did not let God’s people leave to find freedom to worship God, then the firstborn child in every Egyptian home would die on this night. The homes of God’s people that were marked with the blood of the lambs would not be touched by death; the Death Angel would pass over their homes because they were covered with the blood. In the same way as those lambs were slain for the Jews thousands of years ago, Jesus was slain for us. We celebrate because Jesus’ blood covers our hearts and cleanses us from sin. Jesus is our Passover Lamb.