higher school certificate (hsc) assessment booklet€¦ · preliminary units and six hsc units from...

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Page 1: Higher School Certificate (HSC) Assessment Booklet€¦ · Preliminary units and six HSC units from courses in science. Students must study a minimum of 12 units at Preliminary Course

Dungog High School Page | 1 Stage 6 Assessment Booklet – HSC 2019/2020

Dungog High School

Stage 6

Higher School Certificate (HSC) Assessment Booklet


Page 2: Higher School Certificate (HSC) Assessment Booklet€¦ · Preliminary units and six HSC units from courses in science. Students must study a minimum of 12 units at Preliminary Course

Dungog High School Page | 2 Stage 6 Assessment Booklet – HSC 2019/2020

Table of Contents Section 1: Eligibility requirements for the Award of a Higher School Certificate ............................................... 3 Section 2: Assessment in Stage 6.......................................................................................................................... 4 Section 3: Assessment in VET courses ................................................................................................................. 9 Section 4: Non-Assessment Tasks ...................................................................................................................... 10 Section 5: Supporting students with outstanding tasks (Year 12) ...................................................................... 10 Section 6: Application for extended leave form - travel ..................................................................................... 11 Section 7: Appeals Process ................................................................................................................................. 11 Section 8: RoSA, Preliminary and HSC Assessment Flow Chart ...................................................................... 12 Section 9: Appeals Process (VET Courses only) ................................................................................................ 13 Section 10: Assessment and Examination Rules for Senior Students ................................................................ 13 Section 11: Glossary of Key Words.................................................................................................................... 14 Section 12: Web Addresses ................................................................................................................................ 16 Section 13: Procedure for Evaluating HSC Course Assessment Policies ........................................................... 16 Section 14: Teachers with Family Members and/or Close Friends in Stage 6 at Dungog High School ............ 16 Appendix 1: Illness / Misadventure Form .......................................................................................................... 17 Appendix 2: Official Warning Letter: Non-completion of HSC course ............................................................. 18 Appendix 3: Assessment Task template ............................................................................................................. 20 HSC Assessment Schedule Overview 2020 ....................................................................................................... 22

CAPA - Music 1.............................................................................................................................................. 23 English - Advanced ......................................................................................................................................... 25 English – Extension 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 27 English - Standard ........................................................................................................................................... 29 English - Studies ............................................................................................................................................. 31 HSIE – Ancient History .................................................................................................................................. 33 HSIE – Business Studies ................................................................................................................................. 35 HSIE - Geography........................................................................................................................................... 37 HSIE – Legal Studies ...................................................................................................................................... 39 HSIE – Modern History .................................................................................................................................. 41 Maths – Extension 1........................................................................................................................................ 43 Maths - Standard 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 45 Maths – Standard 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 47 Maths – Mathematics Advanced ..................................................................................................................... 49 PDHPE – Community & Family Studies (CAFS) .......................................................................................... 51 PDHPE - PDHPE ............................................................................................................................................ 53 PDHPE – Sport, Lifestyle & Recreation (SLR) 2unit .................................................................................... 55 Science - Biology ............................................................................................................................................ 57 Science - Chemistry ........................................................................................................................................ 59 Science - Physics............................................................................................................................................. 61 TAS – Construction Pathways ........................................................................................................................ 63 TAS – Industrial Technology: Timber (ITT) .................................................................................................. 64 TAS – Metals & Engineering ......................................................................................................................... 66 TAS – Primary Industries ............................................................................................................................... 67

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Section 1: Eligibility requirements for the Award of a Higher School Certificate

1.1. To be eligible for the award of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) you must have: 1.1.1. gained the School Certificate or such other qualifications as the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

considers satisfactory; 1.1.2. attended a government school, an accredited non-government school, an institute of TAFE or a school outside

NSW recognised by the NESA; 1.1.3. satisfactorily completed courses that comprise the pattern of study required by the NESA for the Award of the

Higher School Certificate; 1.1.4. sat for and made a serious attempt at the required Higher School Certificate examination(s) and courses; 1.1.5. completed Preliminary Higher School Certificate.

1.2. Pattern Of Study

To qualify for the Higher School Certificate you must satisfactorily complete a Preliminary pattern of study comprising at least 12 units and an HSC pattern of study comprising at least 10 units. We recommend that students study 12 Units in the Higher school certificate year. Both patterns must include: 1.2.1. at least 6 units from NESA-developed courses; 1.2.2. at least two units of a NESA-developed course in English; 1.2.3. at least three courses of two units value or greater (either NESA-developed or NESA-endorsed courses); 1.2.4. at least four subjects.

To satisfy the pattern of study requirements for the Higher School Certificate you may count a maximum of six Preliminary units and six HSC units from courses in science. Students must study a minimum of 12 units at Preliminary Course Level and a minimum of 10 units at HSC Course Level. Students may accumulate HSC courses towards the Higher School Certificate over up to 5 years.

1.3. Satisfactory Completion Of A Course / Course Completion Criteria

Students must satisfactorily complete the Preliminary course before commencing the corresponding Higher School

Certificate Course. The following course completion criteria refers to both Preliminary and Higher School Certificate

courses. Course completion criteria

A student will be considered to have satisfactorily completed a course if in the Principal's view, there is sufficient

evidence that the student has:

1.3.1. followed the course developed or endorsed by the NESA; and

1.3.2. applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by

the school;

1.3.3. achieved the outcomes of each course to a degree acceptable by the school.

1.4. Attendance

Principals may determine an appropriate attendance pattern which will enable students to achieve the outcomes of each

course studied. That is, Principals may determine that as a result of absences, the course(s) completion criteria has not

been met. Satisfactory participation in school sport is also part of this requirement. Students who organise alternative

activities on sport afternoons may jeopardise their Preliminary Certificate

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Students will be warned of the consequences of cumulative absences. Students whose attendance is called into question

will be required to prove to the Principal's satisfaction, following a review of their performance, that they are meeting

the course completion criteria.

1.5. Change Of Subjects / Courses

1.5.1. Year 11

Year 11 changes of subjects must be completed by Week 4 of Term 1. Under exceptional circumstances, changes

of courses recommended by the Principal, Head Teachers of Science and Mathematics may take place for a short

period of time after the deadline. This is at the Principal’s discretion and must not be assumed as a right by


1.5.2. Year 12

Students may drop a 1 unit or 2 unit subject at the beginning of Term 4 if they pick up an extension course which

may be offered in: English, Mathematics, History, Music, some languages and VET courses.

All other students cannot drop a course until after the final Preliminary HSC reports have been received and

“Year 11 Dropping a Subject Form” (obtained from Head Teacher Administration) has been completed and


1.5.3. Pathways

Students may change from a full-time pattern of study to a part-time (Pathways) pattern with the Principal’s

approval. Other course changes will not be permitted.

Section 2: Assessment in Stage 6

2.1. Starting Time

2.1.1. Year 11 – Tasks may commence at any stage in Term 1 of the Preliminary year.

2.1.2. Year 12 - Tasks may commence in Term 4 of the Preliminary year.

2.2. The Assessment "Calendar" as published in Assessment Booklets

The Assessment "Calendar" indicates the date which the tasks in various subjects take place. It is aimed for students

managing their time and providing warning well in advance for students, that tasks will fall due. This is developed and

published at the commencement of the course.

Students should note that the assessment calendar is a guideline. It can be subject to alteration for a specific reasons eg.

teacher absence, widespread student illness etc. Under such circumstances a later date would be established as

approved by the Principal, and students notified in writing of the variation to timing and or content. Students will be

required to sign to acknowledge the change of assessment details.

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2.3. Protected Learning Time

In order to help students achieve their personal best, the following conditions will be in place during the two (2) weeks

prior to formal examination periods:

2.3.1. No assessment task will be held or fall due.

2.3.2. No Variation to Routine will be permitted to be undertaken by Stage 6 students unless prior approval is sought from

Senior Executive, who will assess the relevance of the variation to the senior students.

2.4. Time Management

The solution to time management at the HSC is not to concentrate on any one area of senior courses at the expense of

another. Students should organise and plan their study time in advance so that both assessment and non-assessment

tasks receive adequate attention. Time off school should not be taken for anything but legitimate reasons, such as


Students are advised that their attendance will be closely monitored. Particular attention will be given to days just prior

to Assessment Task submission in all subject areas. This should allow any undesirable patterns of non-attendance to be

detected, and parents informed of this.

Students studying courses that require the submission of a major project / performance need to be aware that the

Higher School Certificate Examination dates for these tasks are set by the NESA. The school has no control over these

dates. This may cause crowding of tasks near or during the Trial Higher School Certificate Examinations.

2.5. Assessment Notification, Submission and Feedback

2.5.1. Students will receive an Assessment Notification at least two weeks prior to the due date for a task. The slip will

provide information on: when the task will be assessed (date of the week); what will be assessed; how it will be assessed; the relative value of the task; course outcomes assessed.

2.5.2. Students will be required to sign to acknowledge the following: Assessment Notification – to be signed on the day the student receives the Assessment Notification Assessment Submission – to be signed on the day the student submits their task Assessment Returned – to be signed when the student receives their submitted task back

2.6. Value

The composition of the assessment tasks varies for each subject and is detailed in the subject information which will be

distributed by your course / subject teachers. These are formulated according to the NESA guidelines.

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2.7. Assessment Tasks

Assessment Tasks, which include Formal Examinations, are an ongoing process which takes place in Year 12. Component

marks for various tasks accumulate to provide a final mark (per subject).

2.7.1. Composition of the Mark While assessment tasks provide a substantial element, there are many other aspects taken into

account which cannot be readily measured in either internal examinations or a single external

examination. These vary from subject to subject and include: Aural (listening) skills; Communication skills; Understanding of concepts; Research skills; Practical skills etc.

2.7.2. Marks awarded for assessment tasks

These are provided and allow students to determine their relative ranking for each task.

2.8. Feedback

2.8.1. Teacher feedback about student learning is essential for students and integral to teaching, learning and

assessment. Stage 6 feedback can clarify for students: how their knowledge, understanding and skills are developing in relation to the syllabus outcomes and

content being addressed; and how to improve their learning.

2.8.2. While it is not a requirement for teachers to provide informal feedback to students during the development of

student work for a formal assessment task, it may be a valuable way for teachers to monitor student progress and

the authorship of student work. Marks or grades are not to be attributed to informal feedback. Faculties and Head

Teachers will make decisions regarding the provision of informal feedback ensuring equal opportunity for all

students to receive feedback from teachers.

2.8.3. Feedback enables students to recognise strengths as well as areas for improvement, and to identify and plan with

their teacher the next steps in their learning. Students should be provided with feedback that: is timely, specific and related to the learning and assessment intention; is constructive and provides meaningful information to students about their learning in a variety of forms; focuses on the outcomes of the task and corrects misunderstandings; identifies and reinforces students’ strengths; provides information about how they can improve; facilitates the development of and provides opportunities for self-assessment and reflection during the

learning process; and informs future teaching and learning opportunities.

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2.8.4. Feedback can occur at any point in the teaching, learning and assessment cycle. It may: include regular teacher-student dialogue to guide student learning focus on particular knowledge, understanding and skills related to outcomes and content, and/or processes

applied to the task.

2.8.5. Students may benefit from opportunities to self-assess, self-monitor and make judgements about their work in

relation to standards and should be provided with regular opportunities to reflect on their learning.

The various forms, policies and descriptions which follow are common to all faculties and the subject taught by them in this


2.9. Ranking

Ranking is a student's standing or rating relative to other students undertaking the same course. Ranking for individual

assessment tasks is given to students, and a cumulative ranking is provided on the following reports:

2.9.1. Half Year – for both Year 11 and Year 12

2.9.2. Final End of Course – for both Year 11 and Year 12

Reports also give students feedback on their level of achievement of their course outcomes.

2.10. Request for Extension of Time

These applications are to be submitted to the class teacher on a Misadventure/Illness appeal form prior to the day of

the assessment. They will be judged by the Head Teacher in conjunction with the class teacher. Students must not

assume that application for extension of time will be automatically accepted and therefore should submit such

applications as early as possible. (NB Failure of computer hardware or software will not normally be considered as valid

reason for extension of time to be granted).

2.11. Factors Influencing the Quality of Tasks Submitted

In the marking of Assessment Tasks schools are not permitted to compensate for factors such as extended illness,

misadventure or domestic problems etc. which may have affected a student's performance, unless a student has applied

for consideration of illness or misadventure. Teachers will award a mark or grade for what is actually submitted. We do

not make allowances for conditions or potential in the marking scheme.

2.12. Student Sick on Day of Assessment Task

If a student is sick on the day of an Assessment Task they should::

2.12.1. notify school via phone

2.12.2. obtain a medical certificate.

2.12.3. provide a reason if no medical certificate is provided. It is at the Principal’s discretion whether this reason is

acceptable and if the appeal will be considered.

2.12.4. Complete an Illness/Misadventure Appeal Forms available on the school website. The Appeal form must be

presented to the Head Teacher with supporting material within 48 hours of return to school.

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2.13. Collusion / Plagiarism

Where it is evident that students have colluded to prepare a submitted task i.e. two or more students have together

prepared and shared a submission for an assessment task, or the student has copied the material presented as the

assessment task from another source, a reduced award will be given as determined by the Head Teacher and Principal.

The Head Teacher, with approval of the Principal, may recommend either of the following options:

2.13.1. a zero award for all students involved;

2.13.2. students re-submit the task with a mark penalty applied.

2.14. Special Provisions

Special provisions may be provided to assist students with assessment tasks and examinations if the student has a special

need which would prevent him or her from:

2.14.1. reading and interpreting school-based assessments including tests.

2.14.2. communicating their responses

Special provisions are granted so that specific syllabus outcomes may be assessed accurately without students with

special needs being disadvantaged.

Students who wish to apply for special provisions should see Ms H Dibley or the School Counsellor.

2.15. Students Transferring to Dungog High School

The previous school is to provide assessment marks for HSC Courses for students who transfer after 30th June in the year

of the HSC examination. The marks will be developed from assessment information collected during the student’s period

at the school. For the purpose of moderation these students will be regarded by the NESA as being members of the

previous school.

Where a student transfers to a school where a course being studied is not available, the course being studied may be

continued through distance education, OTEN, an outside tutor, at another school or Institute of TAFE. If none of these

options is available to the student, the Principal may permit the student to change subjects/courses/ units within the

regulations outlined in section 11.11.2 of the ACE manual. These circumstances will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

2.16. Invalid tasks/parts of tasks or non-discriminating tasks.

If the class teacher has a concern that an assessment task has not functioned as required, or there are problems in the

task’s administration, they are to notify their Head Teacher immediately. The Head Teacher, with approval of the

Principal, will determine a suitable resolution in consultation with all involved. In extreme cases, an invalid task may

need to be discarded completely, or a replacement task may be organised. Students will be notified of the

determination and given two school days to appeal the decision in writing to the Principal, before the determination is


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Section 3: Assessment in VET courses

3.1. Assessment is ongoing and competency based. An integrated (holistic) approach is used - a number of elements of

competency or several units of competency are assessed together. Assessment may be through written tasks, practical

tasks and / or teacher observation. Students are notified of the competencies being assessed.

3.2. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

A student may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). RPL allows students to achieve competencies as a result of

formal and informal training regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. Students must apply to class

teacher using the Application for RPL. (See Appendix)

3.3. Unit Assessment

Assessment may be conducted for individual units of competency or for groups of units of competency. All performance

criteria needs to be met to demonstrate the achievement of an element of competency and all elements of competency

must be achieved in order to demonstrate the achievement of a unit of competency. Skill assessment is assessed as

Competent / Not Competent.

Teachers will usually organise a number of chances for students to demonstrate competency. Students may seek further

opportunities to demonstrate those competencies, but these need to occur without disruption to the work of fellow


Should a student require additional attempts to achieve competence, students must negotiate with their teacher,

providing sufficient time for additional assessment opportunities to be completed, prior to NESA entries.

3.4. Hospitality Practical Tasks

In cases of student absence from practical assessment or need for reassessment involving food items, if not feasible to

reassess in an alternate class practical task students will be required to supply their own ingredients for reassessment.

Assessment in all outcomes covered to date in class to be completed by end of each term.

3.5. Work Placement

3.5.1. Work placement is compulsory for all students in all Vocational Education subjects to achieve mandatory course

requirements. Students are required to notify all of their class teachers when they will be attending Work

Placement so that an alternate date for assessments can be set (if necessary).

3.5.2. Should Work Placement be set during a time when students are required to submit an assessment task or sit an

examination, they must complete an Illness/Misadventure Form requesting a new date for the task.

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Section 4: Non-Assessment Tasks

4.1. Non-assessment tasks, as set by the classroom teacher, need to be completed by the specified time. Students unable to

complete the task by the specified date should ask the teacher for an extension at least two school days before the task

is due. These tasks ensure that a student has adequately studied a course, and this cannot be achieved through

Assessment alone. Extensions will not automatically be granted and only one extension will be given if it is appropriate.

4.2. Non-assessable task should be completed on time because:

4.2.1. The teacher needs all the class work so that all tasks can be marked at the same time. This will ensure fair


4.2.2. Your workload has been organised in such a way that you gain the maximum amount of benefit from tasks.

4.2.3. The teacher needs to know the areas of course work where you are having difficulty. Problem areas can be

identified and remedied as soon as possible.

4.2.4. These tasks should be seen as being revision for examinations and assessment tasks.

4.3. Failure To Complete Non Assessment Tasks

Failure to complete non-assessment tasks can result in any or all of the following:

4.3.1. The matter will be recorded by the teacher and reported to the Head Teacher and the Year Coordinator;

4.3.2. An unsatisfactory comment may be made on the student's report;

4.3.3. A letter to parents or an interview with parents informing them of unsatisfactory progress;

4.3.4. Students may be detained to complete the task under the supervision of the teacher;

4.3.5. Students can be deemed as not having satisfied the course requirements and issue of the HSC in that subject could

be in question.

4.4. Concern Regarding Application In Higher School Certificate Course

A warning letter will be issued to a student if the Principal has sufficient evidence that the student has not:

4.4.1. followed the course developed or endorsed by the NESA; and

4.4.2. applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by

the school;

4.4.3. achieved the outcomes of each course to a degree acceptable by the school.

Section 5: Supporting students with outstanding tasks (Year 12)

If a student has more than one (1) outstanding task in a subject area they will report to the Library during sport time. A staff

member will be assigned to the Library each week to support HSC students. If a student fails to utilise the support structures

provided during this selected time, this will result in disciplinary actions.

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Section 6: Application for extended leave form - travel

Students need to complete this form signed by the principal if they are away for an extended period (over 1 week) of time and it

affects assessment tasks.

Section 7: Appeals Process

7.1. Refer to the following flowchart for information on grounds for appeal, how to lodge an appeal and the appeals process.

7.2. The provision of the appeals process does not cover:

7.2.1. long term illness such as glandular fever, asthma and epilepsy unless there is a flare-up during the examination.

(Chronic sickness is not in itself an acceptable basis for appeal)

7.2.2. matters that could have been avoided by the student. eg forgetting to hand in a task misreading a timetable excursion or extra curricula event that prevents the student sitting the task on the set/due date - if HT or

teacher not informed before hand

7.2.3. matters relating to the loss of time towards the end of tasks preparation period

7.2.4. alleged inadequacies of teaching

7.2.5. long term family situations

7.2.6. matters relating to failure to perform at usual standard in assessment tasks other than exams

7.2.7. computer failure or malfunction generally will not be grounds for appeal.

7.3. Appeals Time-frame

Misadventure/Illness appeals must be submitted:

7.3.1. prior to the due date for requests for extension of time

7.3.2. prior or on the due date for “failure to submit task” or “failure to sit for school set exam”

7.3.3. if appeal is based on illness, appeal must be presented within 48 hours of return to school.

7.4. Students are advised that appeals for late submission, misadventure or illness will be strengthened if they contact the

school by phone, on or before the due date, and submit medical certificates if applicable.

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Section 8: RoSA, Preliminary and HSC Assessment Flow Chart

If a student knows beforehand that they are going to be absent on the day that an assessment task is due, or is to be conducted, the student must notify their class teacher beforehand. Leave approval may need to be sought.

NOTE: There are no grounds for an appeal in regard to the mark awarded to a completed assessment task. If a candidate becomes ill during the course of an assessment and/or examination an Illness/Misadventure Appeal must be lodged as per policy.

Assessment task due

Hand in completed task on time

Hand in incomplete task on time

Absent or ill on the day task is due OR task not handed in on

due date

Task marked

Mark recorded

Zero marks awarded

Illness/Misadventure form completed and handed to the

faculty Head Teacher (within 48 hours of return to school)

Zero mark stands. N warning letter issued

to redeem task

Appeal considered by Head Teacher and outcome

implemented. Student advised. If decision of Head Teacher

is disputed

Review Committee convened. Decision of panel implemented. Student informed of

Appeal outcome.

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Section 9: Appeals Process (VET Courses only)

Students have access to an appeals process if they feel in any way dissatisfied with the assessment process. Difficulties over assessment should be approached informally at first with a view to resolving them through discussion between student and assessor(s). If not resolved by discussion, between teacher and student, the teacher's direct supervisor will convene and mediate a further informal meeting. However, if the informal approach fails to resolve the concerns, a formal appeals process should be initiated. Formal appeals need to be based on identified problems with the assessment process rather than an unsuccessful assessment result. The student lodges a formal appeal in writing to the Principal clearly stating their grounds for appeal (see the Principal). The school must record all appeal submissions. At the request of the school an appeals panel is convened to review the assessment process and to decide whether or not there are justifiable grounds for appeal. The panel may call for the student and the assessor to present their views in person before reaching a decision. The panel will comprise of a qualified VET teacher from another school a RTO representative and a community representative. If the student's appeal is upheld, the RTO arranges a re-assessment process with the student. The student should have the right to request that different assessor(s) be involved in the alternative assessment to avoid any fears of recrimination. If the appeal is rejected, the student has the right to lodge a further appeal with Maitland Office. When this next course of action is taken, all assessment records and details of the appeal process need to be made available to the training authority to assist their deliberations.

Section 10: Assessment and Examination Rules for Senior Students

9.1. As senior examinations are an important component of the final assessment mark, the importance of adhering to the examination rules cannot be stressed too highly. These rules are:

9.1.1. No student will leave the school grounds during the period of examination unless prior arrangements have been made with the Year Co-ordinator. At the completion of the examination students may leave the school grounds.

9.1.2. Only authorised equipment or material shall be used by students during examinations or assessment tasks. The subject department responsible for the paper/task will specify authorised equipment etc.

9.1.3. No borrowing of equipment will be permitted during the examination. 9.1.4. Writing paper is issued by the school. No other paper is to be in a student's possession. 9.1.5. Students' bags, folders etc. are to be left outside in area designated by exam supervisor. 9.1.6. It is each student's responsibility to ensure: That your name or examination number is placed on each page. that all pages are handed in at the conclusion of the examination. Any work inadvertently taken from

the room will not be accepted for marking. that all pages handed in are securely fastened together.

9.1.7. Leaving the examination room early is not permitted. 9.1.8. Late arrivals will be treated in the same manner as in the HSC. That is, generally no additional time will be

allowed except in major emergencies affecting a number of candidates, eg. floods, transport strikes, etc.

9.2. Malpractice occurs if a student is in possession of unauthorised information during a test, examination or assessment task. Malpractice can result in the award of zero for the examination or task. Students should note that the following factors are not relevant in instances of malpractice:

9.2.1. the quantity or quality of the information

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9.2.2. the motives or intent of the student 9.2.3. establishing that the information was used by the student 9.2.4. It is therefore extremely important that all students should check to see that they have not inadvertently taken

information into the examination room eg. notes used for study. Such notes would constitute malpractice unless given to the supervisor before the examination commences.

9.3. Students will sit in places determined by the supervisor. 9.4. Students are to wear school uniform. 9.5. No eating of foodstuffs in the examination room. An exception may be made for medicinal substances, such as throat

lozenges, but permission must be obtained from the examination supervisors. Bottles of water are permitted. 9.6. Students will remain seated at the end of the examination until all examination material is collected and then will leave

the room under the directions of the supervisors. 9.7. Students will only be allowed to visit the toilet after obtaining permission from the supervisor and will be accompanied

by a supervisor to the toilet area. 9.8. No talking is permitted in the examination room once the exam has commenced and until all papers are collected. 9.9. Students must NOT bring any of the following into the examination room:

9.9.1. Mobile phone or smartwatch 9.9.2. Any electronic device (except a calculator where permitted). This includes communication devices, organisers,

tablets (eg iPads, etc), music players or electronic dictionaries 9.9.3. Paper or any printed or written material (including your examination timetable) 9.9.4. Dictionaries, except where permitted in Languages examinations 9.9.5. Correction fluid or correction tape

9.10. Students who become sick during the course of the examination and are unable to continue are to notify the supervisor and then report to the front office. Students who leave the exam room sick cannot reenter and recommence this exam.

Section 11: Glossary of Key Words

Syllabus outcomes, objectives, performance bands and examination questions have key words that state what students are expected to be able to do. A glossary of key words has been developed to help provide a common language and consistent meaning in the Higher School Certificate documents. Using the glossary will help you understand what is expected in responses to examinations and assessment tasks.

Account Account for: state reasons for, report on. Give an account of : narrate a series of events or transactions

Analyse Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications Apply Use, utilise, employ in a particular situation Appreciate Make a judgement about the value of Assess Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size Calculate Ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information Clarify Make clear or plain Classify Arrange or include in classes/categories Compare Show how things are similar or different Construct Make; build; put together items or arguments Contrast Show how things are different or opposite Critically (analyse / evaluate)

Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, (analyse/reflection and quality to (analysis/evaluation)

Deduce Draw conclusions

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Define State meaning and identify essential qualities Demonstrate Show by example Describe Provide characteristics and Discuss Identify issues and provide points for and/or against Distinguish Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note differences between Evaluate Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of Examine Inquire into Explain Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how Extract Choose relevant and/or appropriate details Extrapolate Infer from what is known Identify Recognise and name Interpret Draw meaning from Investigate Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about Justify Support an argument or conclusion Outline Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information Propose Put forward (for example a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion) for consideration or action Recall Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences Recommend Provide reasons in favour Recount Retell a series of events Summarise Express, concisely, the relevant details Synthesise Putting together various elements to make a whole

It is important to note that exam questions for the Higher School Certificate will also continue to use self-explanatory terms such as 'how', or 'why' or 'to what extent'. While key words have a purpose, they will not set limits on legitimate subject-based questions in exam papers. Key Words and Levels of Response Along with the mark value and space provided in exam booklets, the key words can help you to judge how much an answer needs to cover. The table below provides a general guide to the kind of response required by each of the key words. The table is not intended to be prescriptive, and you will notice that some key words appear in more than one row.

Groupings of Syllabus knowledge, skills and understandings

Groupings of key words

Skills in analysis and critical thinking. Analyse, distinguish, examine, explain, extract, investigate

Skills in application and performance Demonstrate, discuss, apply, calculate, construct

Knowledge, recall and understanding Define, describe, explain, give an account, identify, outline, recall, recount

Skills in evaluation Appreciate, assess, discuss, evaluate, justify, predict, account for

Skills in problem solving Apply, calculate, clarify, compare, contrast, construct, deduce, demonstrate, investigate, predict, propose, recommend

Skills in synthesis and creative thinking Classify, extrapolate, interpret, summarise, synthesise

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The left-hand column in the table is a grouping of the knowledge, skills and understanding typically found in Stage 6 syllabuses. The key words from the glossary are grouped in the right-hand column alongside the groupings of knowledge, skills and understanding. The terms in the right-hand column such as 'describe', 'identify' and 'outline' are typically used in questions requiring recall of knowledge. Questions using these terms generally require less depth and are worth fewer marks than questions using terms such as 'assess', 'evaluate' and 'justify' which call for higher-order thinking. The latter generally require an answer of greater depth and usually attract higher marks. Other terms such as 'explain' and 'discuss' can vary considerably in the mark value and depth of response required.

Section 12: Web Addresses

NSW Department of Education https://education.nsw.gov.au/ NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) http://www.educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/home NESA Students Online https://studentsonline.nesa.nsw.edu.au/ Universities Admission Centre https://www.uac.edu.au/ TAFE New South Wales https://www.tafensw.edu.au/

Section 13: Procedure for Evaluating HSC Course Assessment Policies

In term 3 each year a current copy of the school’s “HSC Course Assessment Policies” is seen by each member of the school executive for evaluation/ review, suggested changes and additions. The Deputy Principal collates the following year’s document and checks that it contains all the information suggested by the NESA. Parents or students with suggestions for future policy documents should discuss or give them in writing to a member of the school executive staff. Please note that this document is to be used in conjunction with NESA “Rules and Procedures for the HSC” that each candidate receives and signs for at the beginning of their HSC course.

Section 14: Teachers with Family Members and/or Close Friends in Stage 6 at

Dungog High School

Wherever practical, teachers will avoid teaching or being involved in educational decisions involving family members or close friends. Where it is not practical to avoid such situations completely, another member of staff will make any significant decisions relating to the student’s assessments and have those endorsed by a supervisor. The management processes and systems in these circumstances will be approved by the Principal prior to the commencement of the course and monitored through existing line management support.

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Appendix 1: Illness / Misadventure Form


Student Notified: Date: ______ / _____ / _____ Time: _________________ Copy of decision given: Y N

Parent Notified (phone) : Date: ______ / _____ / _____ Time: _________________

Teacher signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______ / _____ / _____


Student Name: _________________________________________ Year: _____ Subject: _________________

Task: _________________________________________________ Date of Task: _______________________

Reason extension / estimate / new date (please circle) is required: (documentary evidence from parent/doctor must

be provided if you are claiming illness – in line with NESA requirements)





I hereby request an extension of time / new date / forward date to complete the task

Student signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______ / _____ / _____

Parent signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______ / _____ / _____

HEAD TEACHER SECTION After consultation with the classroom teacher I have / have not granted the student:





Classroom Teacher signature: _______________________________ Date: ______ / _____ / _____

Head Teacher signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______ / _____ / _____

REVIEW COMMITTEE SECTION (only completed if Head Teacher decision is appealed) Based on the above recommendation I have / have not granted the student:




Principal / Deputy signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______ / _____ / _____

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Appendix 2: Official Warning Letter: Non-completion of HSC course

DUNGOG HIGH SCHOOL Eloiza Street, Dungog 2420 (PO Box 147) Tel: (02) 49 923022 Fax: (02) 49 923125

Date: __________________________ Dear ____________________________ Re: OFFICIAL WARNING - Non-completion of a Higher School Certificate Course I am writing to advise that ____________________________________ is in danger of not meeting the Course

(Name) Completion Criteria for the Higher School Certificate Course, _____________________________________.

(Course) The NESA requires schools to issue students with official warnings in order to give them the opportunity to redeem themselves. Please regard this letter as the 1st, 2nd (Circle) official warning we have issued concerning ____________________________________________________ . (Course name) A minimum of two course-specific warnings must be issued prior to a final ‘N’ determination being made for a course. Course Completion Criteria In Year 12, students must make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks that contribute in excess of 50% of available marks. Completion of tasks worth exactly 50% is not sufficient; tasks worth in excess of 50% must be completed. To date, your child has not satisfactorily met section _________ of the Course Completion Criteria*.

(Indicate a), b) or c) *Course Completion Criteria The satisfactory completion of a course requires principals to have sufficient evidence that the student has: a) followed the course developed or endorsed by the NESA; and b) applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by

the school; and c) achieved some or all of the course outcomes. - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - Please detach this section and ask your child to give it to the Head Teacher the next time they attend school. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF A HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE COURSE < I have received the letter dated ______________ indicating that _______________________ is in danger of not

(Student full name) having satisfactorily completed __________________________________________

(course name) < I am aware that this course may not appear on his/her Higher School Certificate Record of Achievement. < I am also aware that the ‘N’ determination may make him/her ineligible for the award of the Higher School Certificate Parent/Guardian’s signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______________ Student’s signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________

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The following table lists those tasks, requirements or outcomes not yet completed or achieved, and/or for which a genuine attempt has not been made. In order for your child to satisfy the Course Completion Criteria, the following tasks, requirements or outcomes need to be satisfactorily completed:

Task Name/Course Requirement/Course


Date Task Initially

Due (if


Action Required by student Date to be completed

by (if


Please contact the school if further information or clarification is needed. Yours sincerely _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ Class Teacher Head Teacher Principal - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - - - - Note for student If the Deputy Principal has not met with you regarding this warning letter please arrange for a meeting time. The focus of this meeting will be: $ clarification of the requirements for the award of a HSC $ how to avoid receiving warning letters and ‘N’ awards $ planning and organising school work $ improvement programs $ general support.

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Appendix 3: Assessment Task template









Teacher’s signature:______________________ Head Teacher’s signature ____________________

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Stage 6 – HSC Subjects

Scopes & Sequences

Assessment Schedules

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HSC Assessment Schedule Overview 2020

Wk Assessments Scheduled

Term 4, 2019

1 SLR (weeks 1-9) 2 3 4 5 6 7 ITT; PHY; ME 8 PE; BIO; CHEM; GEO (Fieldwork) 9 MUS; EA; AH; BST; GEO; MH; CAFS; CON 10 ES; EST; LST; MX1; MX2; MS1; MS2; MA; PI

Term 1, 2020

1 2 EX2 3 4 ME 5 EX1 6 CAFS; PE; SLR 7 MUS; PHY 8 MUS; EST; MS1; CHEM; ITT 9 AH; GEO; MS2; BIO 10 EX2; BST; LST; MH; CON 11 EA; MA; MX1; MX2; PI

Term 2, 2020

1 ES 2 EX1; PHY 3 4 5 EST; GEO; SLR 6 MUS 7 MUS; PE; CAFS; BIO 8 AH; MH; CHEM; ITT; GEO (Fieldwork) 9 10 EX2; BST; LST; MX1; MX2; MS1; MS2; MA; ME; PI

Term 3, 2020

1 2 EA; ES; SLR 3

Protected Learning Time 4 5

HSC Trial Exams – All subjects 6 7 8 ME 9 CON 10 PI

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CAPA - Music 1

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Topic 1 Rock Music

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020


Topic 2 Music for Radio, Film, Television and Multimedia

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Topic 3 Individual choices from Topics available for study

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 2 3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Topic 3 Individual choices from Topics available for study

8 9 10

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Music 1 (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting Rock Music

Music for Radio, Film, Television and Multimedia

Individual Topic choices

All topics Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Performance Core

Composition Core

Musicology Core Viva Voce, Elective 1

Electives 2 and 3, Aural Core

Performance Core

Electives 1,2,3 Aural Core

Term 4 Week 9

Term 1 Week 7-8

Term 2 Week 6-7

Term 3 Week 5-6

Outcome: H1,H2,H3,H5,H7, H8,H9,H10,H11

Outcome: H1-H11

Outcome: H1-H11

Outcome: H1-H11

Performance Core 5 5 10

Composition Core 10 10

Musicology Core 10 10

Aural Core 5 10 10 25

Elective 1 10 5 15

Elective 2 10 5 15

Elective 3 10 5 15

TOTAL 15 25 30 30 100

HSC Outcomes –Through activities in performance, composition, musicology and aural, a student:

H1 performs stylistically, music that is characteristic of topics studied, both as a soloist and as a member of an ensemble

H2 reads, interprets, discusses and analyses simple musical scores that are characteristic of the topics studied

H3 improvises and composes music using the range of concepts for familiar sound sources reflecting the cultural and historical contexts studied

H4 articulates an aural understanding of musical concepts and their relationships in a wide variety of musical styles

H5 critically evaluates and discusses performances and compositions

H6 critically evaluates and discusses the use of the concepts of music in works representative of the topics studied and through wide listening

H7 understands the capabilities of performing media, incorporates technologies into composition and performance as appropriate to the topics studied

H8 identifies, recognises, experiments with, and discusses the use and effects of technology in music

H9 performs as a means of self-expression and communication

H10 demonstrates a willingness to participate in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities

H11 demonstrates a willingness to accept and use constructive criticism

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English - Advanced

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Common Module Texts and Human Experiences

“The Crucible” Arthur Miller

Module C The Craft of Writing

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020


Module B Critical Study of Literature

Poetry of Eliot

Module C The Craft of Writing

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Module A Textual Conversations

“The Tempest” William Shakespeare & “Hag Seed” Margaret Atwood

Module C The Craft of Writing

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Revision 2 3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Revision 8 9 10

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Advanced English (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Texts and Human


Critical Study and the Craft

of Writing (10%)

Textual Conversations and The Craft

of Writing (10%)

Texts and Human

Experiences, Critical Study,

Textual Conversations and The Craft

of Writing (5%)

Multimodal Presentation

Critical and Reflection

Writing Portfolio and


Formal Exam (Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 9

Term 1 Week 11

Term 3 Week 2

Term 3 Week 5-6

EA12-1 EA12-2 EA12-6 EA12-7 EA12-8

EA12-1 EA12-5 EA12-7 EA12-8 EA12-9

EA12-1 EA12-3 EA12-4 EA12-6

EA12-1 to EA12-9

Knowledge and understanding of course content

10 10 20 10 50

Skills in responding to texts and communication of ideas appropriate to audience, purpose and context across all modes

10 10 10 20 50

Total 20 20 30 30 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

EA12-1 Independently responds to, composes and evaluates a range of complex texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure

EA12-2 Uses, evaluates and justifies processes, skills and knowledge required to effectively respond to and compose texts in different modes, media and technologies.

EA12-3 Critically analyses and uses language forms, features and structures of texts justifying appropriateness for specific purposes, audiences and contexts and evaluates their effects on meaning

EA12-4 Strategically adapts and applies knowledge, skills and understanding of language concepts and literary devices in new and different contexts

EA12-5 Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively, critically and discerningly to respond to, evaluate and compose texts that synthesise complex information, ideas and arguments

EA12-6 Investigates and evaluates the relationships between texts

EA12-7 Evaluates the diverse ways texts can represent personal and public worlds and recognizes how they are valued

EA12-8 Explains and evaluates nuanced cultural assumptions and values in texts and their effects on meaning

EA12-9 Reflects on, evaluates and monitors own learning and refines individual and collaborative processes as an independent learner

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English – Extension 1

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019

1 Elective: Literary Homelands Common Module:

Literary Worlds

2 3 4 5 6

Elective 3: Reimagined Worlds:

“The Left Hand of Darkness”

7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020

1 2 3 4 5

Elective 3: Reimagined Worlds:

“If On a Winter’s Night A Traveller”

6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020

1 2

Elective 3: Reimagined Worlds: “Gulliver’s Travels”

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Revision 2 3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Revision 8 9 10

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English Extension 1 (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Weighting

Literary Worlds: Literary


Literary Worlds: Literary

Reimagined Worlds

All topics

Creative Response and


Critical Response

Formal Exam (Trial HSC)

Term 1 Week 5

Term 2 Week 2

Term 3 Week 5-6

EE12-1 EE12-2 EE12-5

EE12-1 EE12-2 EE12-3 EE12-4

EE12-1 EE12-2 EE12-3 EE12-4 EE12-5

Knowledge and understanding of complex texts and how and why they are valued

15 20 15 50

Skills in complex analysis, sustained composition and independent investigation

15 20 15 50

Total 30 40 30 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

EE12-1 demonstrates and applies insightful understanding of the dynamic, often subtle, relationship between text, purpose, audience and context, across a range of modes, media and technologies

EE12-2 analyses and experiments with language forms, features and structures of complex texts, discerningly evaluating their effects on meaning for different purposes, audiences and contexts

EE12-3 independently investigates, interprets and synthesises critical and creative texts to analyse and evaluate different ways of valuing texts in order to inform and refine response to and composition of sophisticated texts

EE12-4 critically evaluates how perspectives, including the cultural assumptions and values that underpin those perspectives, are represented in texts

EE12-5 reflects on and evaluates the development of their conceptual understanding and the independent and collaborative writing and creative processes

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English - Standard

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Common Module Texts and Human Experiences

Poetry of Kenneth Slessor

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Module C Craft of Writing

“Dreamers” & “Dear Mrs Dunkley” Helen Garner

9 10

Term 1, 2020

1 2 3 4 Module A

Language, Identity and Culture “The Castle” Film

Module C

Craft of Writing “The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of the Imagination” J.K. Rowling

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Module B Close Study of Literature

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime”

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 2 3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Revision 8 9 10

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Standard English (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Texts and Human


Language, Identity and Culture and

Craft of Writing (10%)

Close Study of Literature and Craft of

Writing (10%)

Craft of Writing (5%), Texts and

Human Experiences, Close Study, Language,

identity and Culture

Multimodal Presentation

Analytical response

with Reflection

Writing Portfolio and


Formal Exam (Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 10

Term 2 Week 1

Term 3 Week 2

Term 3 Week 5-6

EN12-1 EN12-2 EN12-6 EN12-7 EN12-8

EN12-1 EN12-5 EN12-7 EN12-9

EN12-1 EN12-3 EN12-4 EN12-5

EN12-1 to EN12-9

Knowledge and understanding of course content 10 10 20 10 50

Skills in responding to texts and communication of ideas appropriate to audience, purpose and context across all modes

10 10 10 20 50

Total 20 20 30 30 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

EN12-1 Independently responds to and composes complex texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure

EN12-2 Uses, evaluates and justifies processes, skills and knowledge required to effectively respond to and compose texts in different modes, media and technologies

EN12-3 Analyses and uses language forms, features and structures of texts and justifies their appropriateness for purpose, audience and context and explains effects of meaning

EN12-4 Adapts and applies knowledge, skills and understanding of language concepts and literary devices into new and different contexts

EN12-5 Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively, analytically and discerningly to respond to and compose texts that include considered and detailed information, ideas and arguments

EN12-6 Investigates and explains the relationships between texts

EN12-7 Explains and evaluates the diverse ways texts can represent personal and public worlds

EN12-8 Explains and assesses cultural assumptions in texts and their effects on meaning

EN12-9 Reflects on, assesses and monitors own learning and refines individual and collaborative processes as an independent learner

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English - Studies

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Common Module Texts and Human Experiences

Poetry of Kenneth Slessor

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020


Module D Digital Worlds: English and The Web

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Module E Playing the Game: English and Sport

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Module L Who Do You Think I Am: English and the Future Self 2

3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Module L Who Do You Think I Am: English and the Future Self

8 9 10

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English Studies (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Texts and Human


Digital Worlds: English and the


Texts and Human

Experiences, Digital Worlds

and Playing the Game

All Modules

Multimodal Presentation

Visual Representation and Oral Task

Collection of classwork

Formal Exam (Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 10

Term 1 Week 8

Term 2 Week 5

Term 3 Week 5-6

ES12-2 ES12-3 ES12-6 ES12-9


ES12-1 ES12-3 ES12-5 ES12-6 ES12-7 ES12-9


ES12-1 ES12-2

ES12-4 ES12-6 ES12-10

ES12-1 to ES12-10

Knowledge and understanding of course content

15 10 15 10 50

Skills in comprehending texts, communicating ideas and using language accurately, appropriately and effectively

10 15 15 10 50

Total 25 25 30 20 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

ES12-1 comprehends and responds analytically and imaginatively to a range of texts, including short and extended texts, literary texts and texts from academic, community, workplace and social contexts for a variety of purposes

ES12-2 identifies, uses and assesses strategies to comprehend increasingly complex and sustained written, spoken, visual, multimodal and digital texts that have been composed for different purposes and contexts

ES12-3 accesses, comprehends and uses information to communicate in a variety of ways

ES12-4 composes proficient texts in different forms

ES12-5 develops knowledge, understanding and appreciation of how language is used, identifying and explaining specific language forms and features in texts that convey meaning to different audiences

ES12-6 uses appropriate strategies to compose texts for different modes, media, audiences, contexts and purposes

ES12-7 represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts

ES12-8 understands and explains the relationships between texts

ES12-9 identifies and explores ideas, values, points of view and attitudes expressed in texts, and explains ways in which texts may influence, engage and persuade different audiences

ES12-10 monitors and reflects on own learning and adjusts individual and collaborative processes to develop as a more independent learner

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HSIE – Ancient History

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Part 1: Core Topic

Cities of Vesuvius – Pompeii and Herculaneum

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020


Part IV: Historical Periods

Option H: Fall of the Roman Republic Rome: 78 – 31 BC

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Part III: Personalities in Their Times

Option I: Julius Caesar

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Part II: Ancient Societies Option G: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC 2

3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Part II: Ancient Societies Option G: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC

8 9 10

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Ancient History (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019 / 2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Core - Cities of Vesuvius

Ancient Societies - Fall of the

Roman Republic 78

– 31BC

Personalities in their times - Julius Caesar

All Topics

Source based research

Historical Analysis -


Research - Annotated Timeline

Formal Exam (Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 9

Term 1 Week 9

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 5-6

AH12-6 AH12-7 AH12-8

AH12-1 AH12-4 AH12-6 AH12-7 AH12-9

AH12-1 AH12-3 AH12-5

All outcomes

Knowledge and understanding of course content 5 10 10 15 40

Historical skills in the analysis and evaluation of sources and interpretations

5 5 5 5 20

Historical inquiry and research 10 5 5 20

Communication of historical understanding in appropriate forms

5 5 10 20

Total 25 25 20 30 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

AH12-1 accounts for the nature of continuity and change in the ancient world

AH12-2 proposes arguments about the varying causes and effects of events and developments

AH12-3 evaluates the role of historical features, individuals, groups and ideas in shaping the past

AH12-4 analyses the different perspectives of individuals and groups in their historical context

AH12-5 assesses the significance of historical features, people, ideas, movements, events and developments of the ancient world

AH12-6 analyses and interprets different types of sources for evidence to support an historical account or argument

AH12-7 discusses and evaluates differing interpretations and representations of the past

AH12-8 plans and conducts historical investigations and presents reasoned conclusions, using relevant evidence from a range of sources

AH12-9 communicates historical understanding, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms, in appropriate and well-structured forms

AH12-10 analyses issues relating to the ownership, custodianship and conservation of the ancient past

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HSIE – Business Studies

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Topic 1


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020


Topic 2


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Topic 4

Human Resources

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Topic 3 Finance 2

3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Topic 3 Finance

8 9 10

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Business Studies (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019 / 2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Operations Marketing Human Resources All Topics

Research Task

Extended Response Case Study Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 9

Term 1 Week 10

Term 2 Week 10

Term 3 Week 5-6

H1, H2, H4, H5, H9

H3, H5, H7, H9

H5, H7, H8, H9 H1 to H10

Knowledge and understanding of course content

5 10 10 15 40

Stimulus based skills 5 10 5 20

Inquiry and research 10 10 20

Communication of business information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms

5 5 10 20

Total 15 30 25 30 100

HSC outcomes – The student:

H1 critically analyses the role of business in Australia and globally

H2 evaluates management strategies in response to changes in internal and external influences

H3 discusses the social and ethical responsibilities of management

H4 analyses business functions and processes in large and global businesses

H5 explains management strategies and their impact on businesses

H6 evaluates the effectiveness of management in the performance of businesses

H7 plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business issues

H8 organises and evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations

H9 communicates business information, issues and concepts in appropriate formats

H10 applies mathematical concepts appropriately in business situations

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HSIE - Geography

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Topic 1

Ecosystems at Risk

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020

1 2 3 4

Topic 2

Urban Places

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Topic 3

People and Economic Activity

8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 2 3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7 Topic 3

People and Economic Activity

8 9 10

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Geography (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019 / 2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting Ecosystems

at Risk Geographic

Skills Urban Places All topics

Research Extended

Response + Fieldwork

Skills Test

In class Extended

Response + Fieldwork

Formal Exam (Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 9

Term 1 Week 9

Term 2 Week 5

Term 3 Week 5-6

Fieldwork: Stockton

Sand Dunes (Compulsory)

Term 4, Week 8

Fieldwork: Newcastle

Urban (Compulsory)

Term 2, Week 8

H2, H8, H9, H10, H13 H10, H11,

H3, H5, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13

H1, H4, H6, H7, H12, H13

Knowledge and understanding of course content 10 10 10 10 40

Geographical tools and skills 5 5 10 20

Geographical inquiry and research, including fieldwork 10 5 5 20

Communication of geographical information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms

5 5 10 20

Total 25 20 25 30 100

HSC Course Outcomes – The student: H1 explains the changing nature, spatial patterns and interaction of ecosystems, urban places and economic activity H2 explains the factors which place ecosystems at risk and the reasons for their protection H3 analyses contemporary urban dynamics and applies them in specific contexts H4 analyses the changing spatial and ecological dimensions of an economic activity H5 evaluates environmental management strategies in terms of ecological sustainability H6 evaluates the impacts of, and responses of people to, environmental change H7 justifies geographical methods applicable and useful in the workplace and relevant to a changing world H8 plans geographical inquiries to analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources H9 evaluates geographical information and sources for usefulness, validity and reliability H10 applies maps, graphs and statistics, photographs and fieldwork to analyse and integrate data in geographical contexts H11 applies mathematical ideas and techniques to analyse geographical data H12 explains geographical patterns, processes and future trends through appropriate case studies and illustrative examples

H13 communicates complex geographical information, ideas and issues effectively, using appropriate written and/or oral, cartographic and graphic forms

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HSIE – Legal Studies

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Core Topic: Part II

Human Rights

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Core Topic: Part I



Term 1, 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Option Study 1

Option 1: Consumers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Option Study 2 Option 5: Shelter 2

3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Option Study 2 Option 5: Shelter

8 9 10

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Legal Studies (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019 / 2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Human Rights Crime Contemporary

Issue All topics

ICT submission Essay Research

Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 10

Term 1 Week 10

Term 2 Week 10

Term 3 Week 5-6

H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8,

H9, H10

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6,

H7, H9

H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9,

H10 H1 to H10

Knowledge and understanding of course content

10 10 10 20 40

Analysis and Evaluation 10 10 20

Inquiry and research 10 10 20

Communication of Legal information, issues and ideas in appropriate forms

10 10 20

Total 20 30 20 30 100

HSC course outcomes – A student:

H1 identifies and applies legal concepts and terminology

H2 describes and explains key features of and the relationship between Australian and international law

H3 analyses the operation of domestic and international legal systems

H4 evaluates the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing issues

H5 explains the role of law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict, as well as initiating and responding to change

H6 assesses the nature of the interrelationship between the legal system and society

H7 evaluates the effectiveness of the law in achieving justice

H8 locates, selects, organises, synthesises and analyses legal information from a variety of sources including legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents

H9 communicates legal information using well-structured and logical arguments

H10 analyses differing perspectives and interpretations of legal information and issues.

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HSIE – Modern History

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Core Study

Power and Authority in the Modern World 1919-1946

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020


National Study

Option E: Japan 1904-1937

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Peace and Conflict

Option C: Conflict in Europe 1935 – 1945

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Change in the Modern World Option C: Civil Rights in the USA 1945 – 1968 2

3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Change in the Modern World Option C: Civil Rights in the USA 1945 – 1968

8 9 10

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Modern History (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019 / 2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting Power &

Authority in the Modern World 1919-


National Studies – Japan

Peace & Conflict – Conflict in

Europe 1935-1945

All Topics

Source Analysis

Historical Analysis - Essay

Research and Presentation

Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 9

Term 1 Week 10

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 5-6

MH12-2 MH12-5 MH12-6

MH12-2 MH12-3 MH12-4 MH12-5 MH12-8 MH12-9

MH12-1 MH12-3 MH12-4 MH12-6 MH12-7 MH12-9

MH12-3 MH12-4 MH12-5 MH12-7 MH12-9

Knowledge and understanding of course content

5 5 15 15 40

Historical skills in the analysis and evaluation of sources and interpretations

10 5 5 20

Historical inquiry and research 5 10 5 20

Communication of historical understanding in appropriate forms

10 10 20

Total 20 20 30 30 100

HSC course outcomes – A student:

MH12-1 accounts for the nature of continuity and change in the modern world

MH12-2 proposes arguments about the varying causes and effects of events and developments

MH12-3 evaluates the role of historical features, individuals, groups and ideas in shaping the past

MH12-4 analyses the different perspectives of individuals and groups in their historical context

MH12-5 assesses the significance of historical features, people, ideas, movements, events and developments of the modern world

MH12-6 analyses and interprets different types of sources for evidence to support an historical account or argument

MH12-7 discusses and evaluates differing interpretations and representations of the past

MH12-8 plans and conducts historical investigations and presents reasoned conclusions, using relevant evidence from a range of sources

MH12-9 communicates historical understanding, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms, in appropriate and well-structured forms

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Maths – Extension 1

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2018

1 Topic: Proof

Subtopic: ME-P1 Proof by Mathematical Induction 2 3 4 Topic: Vectors

Subtopic: ME-V1 Introduction to Vectors Content: V1.1

5 6 7

Topic: Vectors Subtopic: ME-V1 Introduction to Vectors

Content: V1.2

8 9 10

Term 1, 2019

1 Topic: Statistical Analysis Subtopic: ME-S1 The Binomial Distribution

Content: S1.1 2 3 4 Topic: Statistical Analysis

Subtopic: ME-S1 The Binomial Distribution Content: S1.2

5 6 7

Topic: Trigonometric Functions Subtopic: ME-T3 Trigonometric Equations

8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2019

1 Topic: Calculus Subtopic: ME-C3 Applications of Calculus

Content: C3.2 2 3 4

Topic: Calculus Subtopic: ME-C2 Further Calculus Skills

5 6 7 8 Topic: Calculus

Subtopic: ME-C3 Applications of Calculus Content: C3.1

9 10

Term 3, 2019

1 Topic: Vectors Subtopic: ME-V1 Introduction to Vectors

Content: V1.3 2

3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

HSC Revision 8 9 10

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Maths Extension 1 (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Proof, Vectors Statistics,

Trigonometric Functions

Calculus Vectors,

Recall of all topics

Limited Scope Test Assignment Limited Scope

Test Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 10

Term 1 Week 11

Term 2 Week 10

Term 3 Week 5-6

ME12-1 ME12-2 ME12-6 ME12-7

ME12-3 ME12-5 ME12-6 ME12-7

ME12-1 ME12-4 ME12-6 ME12-7


Understanding, fluency and

communication 12 11 12 15 50

Problem solving, reasoning and

justification 12 11 12 15 50

Total 24 22 24 30 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

ME12-1 applies techniques involving proof or calculus to model and solve problems

ME12-2 applies concepts and techniques involving vectors and projectiles to solve problems

ME12-3 applies advanced concepts and techniques in simplifying expressions involving compound angles and solving trigonometric equations

ME12-4 uses calculus in the solution of applied problems, including differential equations and volumes of solids of revolution

ME12-5 applies appropriate statistical processes to present, analyse and interpret data

ME12-6 chooses and uses appropriate technology to solve problems in a range of contexts

ME12-7 evaluates and justifies conclusions, communicating a position clearly in appropriate mathematical forms

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Maths - Standard 1

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019

1 Topic: Financial Mathematics (Year 11) Subtopic: MS-F1 Money Matters

Content: F1.3 2 3 4

Topic: Measurement Subtopic: MS-M5 Scale Drawings 5

6 7

Topic: Financial Mathematics Subtopic: MS-F2 Investment

8 9 10

Term 1, 2020

1 Topic: Financial Mathematics

Subtopic: MS-F3 Depreciation and Loans 2 3 4

Topic: Measurement Subtopic: MS-M3 Right-angled Triangles 5

6 7

Topic: Algebra Subtopic: MS-A3 Types of Relationships

Content: A3.1

8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020

1 Topic: Statistical Analysis Subtopic: MS-S3 Further Statistical Analysis

Content: S3.1 2 3 4 Topic: Statistical Analysis

Subtopic: MS-S3 Further Statistical Analysis Content: S3.2

5 6 7

Topic: Networks Subtopic: MS-N1 Networks and Paths

8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Topic: Measurement Subtopic: MS-M4 Rates 2

3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Topic: Algebra Subtopic: MS-A3 Types of Relationships

Content: A3.2

8 9 10

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Maths Standard 1 (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Budgeting and Household

Expenses, Scale Drawings,


Depreciation and Loans, Right Angled Triangles

Simultaneous Equations, Statistical

Investigation Process,

Bivariate Data Analysis,

Networks and Paths

Rates, Recall of all topics

Limited Scope Test Assignment Limited Scope

Test Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 10

Term 1 Week 8

Term 2 Week 10

Term 3 Week 5-6

MS11-2, MS11-5, MS11-6,

MS11-9, MS11-10, MS1-12-3,

MS1-12-4, MS1-12-5, MS1-12-9,


MS1-12-3, MS1-12-4, MS1-12-5,

MS1-12-9, MS1-12-10

MS1-12-1, MS1-12-2, MS1-12-6, MS1-12-7, MS1-

12-8, MS1-12-9, MS1-



Understanding, fluency and

communication 13 8 17 12 50

Problem solving, reasoning and

justification 13 8 17 12 50

Total 26 16 34 24 100

HSC Outcomes – A student: MS1-12-1 uses algebraic and graphical techniques to evaluate and construct arguments in a range of familiar and

unfamiliar contexts MS1-12-2 analyses representations of data in order to make predictions and draw conclusions

MS1-12-3 interprets the results of measurements and calculations and makes judgements about their reasonableness

MS1-12-4 analyses simple two-dimensional and three-dimensional models to solve practical problems

MS1-12-5 makes informed decisions about financial situations likely to be encountered post-school

MS1-12-6 represents the relationships between changing quantities in algebraic and graphical forms

MS1-12-7 solves problems requiring statistical processes

MS1-12-8 applies network techniques to solve network problems

MS1-12-9 chooses and uses appropriate technology effectively and recognises appropriate times for such use

MS1-12-10 uses mathematical argument and reasoning to evaluate conclusions, communicating a position clearly to others

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Maths – Standard 2

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020 Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019

1 Topic: Financial Mathematics (Year 11) Subtopic: MS-F1 Money Matters

Content: F1.3 2 3 4

Topic: Measurement Subtopic: MS-M7 Rates and Ratios 5

6 7

Topic: Networks Subtopic: MS-N2 Network Concepts

Content: N2.1; N2.2

8 9 10

Term 1, 2020

1 Topic: Measurement

Subtopic: MS-M6 Non-right-angled Trigonometry 2 3 4 Topic: Financial Mathematics

Subtopic: MS-M4 Investments and Loans Content: F4.1


6 Topic: Financial Mathematics Subtopic: MS-M4 Investments and Loans

Content: F4.2 7

8 Topic: Algebra

Subtopic: MS-A4 Types of Relationships Content: A4.1

9 10 11

Term 2, 2020

1 Topic: Networks

Subtopic: MS-N3 Critical Path Analysis 2 3 4

Topic: Financial Mathematics Subtopic: MS-F5 Annuities 5

6 7

Topic: Algebra Subtopic: MS-A4 Types of Relationships

Content: A4.2

8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Topic: Statistical Analysis Subtopic: MS-S4 The Normal Distribution 2

3 Topic: Statistical Analysis Subtopic: MS-S4 Bivariate Data Analysis 4

5 Trial HSC Exams 6 7

Catch-up and HSC Revision 8 9 10

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Maths – Standard 2 (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Budgeting and Household Expenses, Rates and

Ratio, Introduction of



Trigonometry, Investments, Depreciation and Loans,

Simultaneous Linear

Equations, Critical Path

Analysis, Annuities, Non-Linear


The Normal Distribution,

Bivariate Data Analysis, Recall

of all topics

Limited Scope Test Assignment Limited Scope

Test Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 10

Term 1 Week 9

Term 2 Week 10

Term 3 Week 5-6

MS11-2 MS11-5 MS11-6 MS11-9

MS11-10 MS2-12-3 MS2-12-4 MS2-12-8 MS2-12-9


MS2-12-3 MS2-12-4 MS2-12-5 MS2-12-9


MS2-12-1 MS2-12-2 MS2-12-5 MS2-12-6 MS2-12-7 MS2-12-9



Understanding, fluency and communication 13 8 16 13 50

Problem solving, reasoning and justification 12 8 17 13 50

Total 25 16 33 26 100

HSC Outcomes – A student: MS2-12-1 uses detailed algebraic and graphical techniques to critically evaluate and construct arguments in a range of

familiar and unfamiliar contexts MS2-12-2 analyses representations of data in order to make inferences, predictions and draw conclusions


interprets the results of measurements and calculations and makes judgements about their reasonableness, including the degree of accuracy and the conversion of units where appropriate

MS2-12-4 analyses two-dimensional and three-dimensional models to solve practical problems

MS2-12-5 makes informed decisions about financial situations, including annuities and loan repayments

MS2-12-6 solves problems by representing the relationships between changing quantities in algebraic and graphical forms

MS2-12-7 solves problems requiring statistical processes, including the use of the normal distribution and the correlation of bivariate data

MS2-12-8 solves problems using networks to model decision-making in practical problems

MS2-12-9 chooses and uses appropriate technology effectively in a range of contexts, and applies critical thinking to recognise appropriate times and methods for such use

MS2-12-10 uses mathematical argument and reasoning to evaluate conclusions, communicating a position clearly to others and justifying a response

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Maths – Mathematics Advanced

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020 Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019

1 Topic: Financial Mathematics Subtopic: MA-M1 Modelling Financial Situations

Content: M1.2; M1.3 2 3 4 Topic: Functions

Subtopic: MA-F2 Graphing Techniques Topic: Trigonometric Functions

Subtopic: MA-T3 Trigonometric Functions and Graphs

5 6

7 Topic: Calculus Subtopic: MA-C3 Applications of Differentiation

Content: C3.1; C3.2 Topic: Calculus

Subtopic: MA-C4 – Integral Calculus Content: C4.1

8 9 10

Term 1, 2020

1 Topic: Calculus Subtopic: MA-C4 – Integral Calculus

Content: C4.1; C4.2 2 3 4

Topic: Calculus Subtopic: MA-C2 Differential Calculus

Content: C2.1; C2.2

5 6 7 8 Topic: Trigonometric Functions

Subtopic: MA-T3 Trigonometric Functions and Graphs Topic: Calculus

Subtopic: MA-C2; MA-C3; MA-C4 - Completion of the Subtopics

9 10 11

Term 2, 2020

1 Topic: Calculus

Subtopic: MA-C3; MA-C4 - Completion of the Subtopics 2 3 4 Topic: Financial Mathematics

Subtopic: MA-M1 Modelling Financial Situations Content: M1.1; M1.4

5 6 7

Topic: Statistical Analysis Subtopic: MA-S2 Descriptive Statistics and Bivariate Data Analysis

Content: S2.1; S2.2

8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Topic: Statistical Analysis Subtopic: MA-S3 Random Variables

Content: S3.1; S3.2 2

3 Protected learning time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

HSC Revision 8 9 10

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Mathematics Advanced (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting Financial

Mathematics, Functions/

Trigonometric Functions, Calculus

Calculus (Derivatives

and Integration)

Calculus, Financial

Mathematics, Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis,

Recall of all topics

Limited Scope Test

Limited Scope Test Assignment Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 10

Term 1 Week 11

Term 2 Week 10

Term 3 Week 5-6

MA12-1 MA12-2 MA12-3 MA12-4 MA12-5 MA12-6 MA12-7 MA12-9


MA12-1 MA12-3 MA12-5 MA12-6 MA12-7 MA12-9


MA12-2 MA12-3 MA12-4 MA12-6 MA12-7 MA12-8 MA12-9



Understanding, fluency and

communication 13 13 12 12 50

Problem solving, reasoning and

justification 13 13 12 12 50

Total 26 26 24 24 100

HSC Outcomes – A student: MA12-1 uses detailed algebraic and graphical techniques to critically construct, model and evaluate arguments in a range of

familiar and unfamiliar contexts MA12-2 models and solves problems and makes informed decisions about financial situations using mathematical reasoning

and techniques MA12-3 applies calculus techniques to model and solve problems

MA12-4 applies the concepts and techniques of arithmetic and geometric sequences and series in the solution of problems

MA12-5 applies the concepts and techniques of periodic functions in the solution of problems involving trigonometric graphs

MA12-6 applies appropriate differentiation methods to solve problems

MA12-7 applies the concepts and techniques of indefinite and definite integrals in the solution of problems

MA12-8 solves problems using appropriate statistical processes

MA12-9 chooses and uses appropriate technology effectively in a range of contexts, models and applies critical thinking to recognise appropriate times for such use

MA12-10 constructs arguments to prove and justify results and provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the context

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PDHPE – Community & Family Studies (CAFS)

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


HSC Core Research Methodology

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

HSC Core Groups in Context

Term 1, 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

HSC Core Parenting and Caring

10 11

Term 2, 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

HSC Option Individuals and Work

8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 2 3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Revision 8 9 10

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CAFS (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

IRP Groups in Context

Parenting & Caring Trial Exam

Independent Research Project

Research / Portfolio Scenarios Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 9

Term 1 Week 6

Term 2 Week 7

Term 3 Week 5-6

H4.1 H4.2

H2.2 H2.3 H3.1 H3.3

H1.1 H2.2 H3.2 H3.4

H1.1 to H6.2

Knowledge and understanding of course content 5 10 5 20 40

Skills in critical thinking, research methodology, analysing and communicating

15 15 20 10 60

Total 20 25 25 30 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

H1.1 analyses the effect of resource management on the wellbeing of individuals, groups, families and communities

H2.1 analyses different approaches to parenting and caring relationships

H2.2 evaluates strategies to contribute to positive relationships and the wellbeing of individuals, groups, families and communities

H2.3 critically examines how individual rights and responsibilities in various environments contribute to wellbeing

H3.1 analyses the sociocultural factors that lead to special needs of individuals in groups

H3.2 evaluates networks available to individuals, groups and families within communities

H3.3 critically analyses the role of policy and community structures in supporting diversity

H3.4 critically evaluates the impact of social, legal and technological change on individuals, groups, families and communities

H4.1 justifies and applies appropriate research methodologies

H4.2 communicates ideas, debates issues and justifies opinions

H5.1 proposes management strategies to enable individuals and groups to satisfy their specific needs and to ensure equitable access to resources

H5.2 develops strategies for managing multiple roles and demands of family, work and other environments

H6.1 analyses how the empowerment of women and men influences the way they function within society

H6.2 formulates strategic plans that preserve rights, promote responsibilities and establish roles leading to the creation of positive social environments

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Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4,



Core Topic 1

Health Priorities in Australia

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1,



Core Topic 2

Factors affecting Performance

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2,



Option Topic 1

Health of Young People

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Option Topic 2

Sports Medicine

9 10

Term 3,


1 2

3 Protected Learning Time 4

5 Trial HSC Exam period 6


HSC Course Revision

8 9 10

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PDHPE (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/ 2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting Health

Priorities in Australia

Factors Affecting

Performance Health of

Young People All Topics

Research & Analysis Evaluation Report

Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 8

Term 1 Week 6

Term 2 Week 7

Term 3 Week 5-6

H1, H2, H3, H4, H14, H15, H16

H7, H8, H16, H17 H2, H15 All

Knowledge and understanding of course content

10 10 5 15 40

Skills in critical thinking, research, analysis and communicating 20 15 15 10 60

Total 30 25 20 25 100

HSC Course Outcomes – A student: H1 describes the nature and justifies the choice of Australia’s health priorities H2 analyses and explains the health status of Australians in terms of current trends and groups most at risk H3 analyses the determinants of health and health inequities H4 argues the case for health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter

H5 explains the different roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities and governments in addressing Australia’s health priorities

H6 demonstrates a range of personal health skills that enables them to promote and maintain health (Option 1)

H7 explains the relationship between physiology and movement potential

H8 explains how a variety of training approaches and other interventions enhance performance and safety in physical activity

H9 explains how movement skill is acquired and appraised

H10 designs and implements training plans to improve performance

H11 designs psychological strategies and nutritional plans in response to individual performance needs

H12 analyses the influence of sociocultural factors on the way people participate in and value physical activity and sport (Option 2)

H13 selects and applies strategies for the management of injuries and the promotion of safety in sport and physical activity

(Option 3)

H14 argues the benefits of health-promoting actions and choices that promote social justice

H15 critically analyses key issues affecting the health of Australians and proposes ways of working towards better health for all

H16 devises methods of gathering, interpreting and communicating information about health and physical activity concepts

H17 selects appropriate options and formulates strategies based on a critical analysis of the factors that affect performance and safe participation

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PDHPE – Sport, Lifestyle & Recreation (SLR) 2unit

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Module 1


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Module 13

Social Perspectives of Games and Sports Term 1,


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Module 12

Resistance Training

8 9 10 11

Term 2 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6

Module 7

Games & Sport Application II

7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 2 3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Module 11 Outdoor Recreation

8 9 10

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Please note: highlighted outcomes are applicable to the topics we study

HSC Outcomes - A student:

1.1 applies the rules and conventions that relate to participation in a range of physical activities

1.2 explains the relationship between physical activity, fitness and healthy lifestyle

1.3 demonstrates ways to enhance safety in physical activity

1.4 investigates and interprets the patterns of participation in sport and physical activity in Australia

1.5 critically analyses the factors affecting lifestyle balance and their impact on health status

1.6 describes administrative procedures that support successful performance outcomes

2.1 explains the principles of skill development and training

2.2 analyses the fitness requirements of specific activities

2.3 selects and participates in physical activities that meet individual needs, interests and abilities

2.4 describes how societal influences impact on the nature of sport in Australia

2.5 describes the relationship between anatomy, physiology and performance

3.1 selects appropriate strategies and tactics for success in a range of movement contexts

3.2 designs programs that respond to performance needs

3.3 measures and evaluates physical performance capacity

3.4 composes, performs and appraises movement

3.5 analyses personal health practices

3.6 assesses and responds appropriately to emergency care situations

3.7 analyses the impact of professionalism in sport

4.1 plans strategies to achieve performance goal

4.2 demonstrates leadership skills and a capacity to work cooperatively in movement context

4.3 makes strategic plans to overcome the barriers to personal and community health

4.4 demonstrates competence and confidence in movement contexts

4.5 recognises the skills and abilities required to adopt roles that support health, safety and physical activity

SLR 2-unit (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019 / 2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting


Social Perspective of

Games & Sport

Resistance Training

Games & Sports

Application II

In class practical, Bronze module


Program Design

Video Analysis

Term 4 Weeks 1- 9

Term 1 Week 6

Term 2 Week 5

Term 3 Week 2

1.3, 3.1, 3.6, 4.4, 4.5

1.4, 2.4, 3.7, 4.5

2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 3.2

1.1, 1.3, 3.1, 4.1

Knowledge and understanding 10 15 15 10 50

Skills 15 10 10 15 50

Total 25 25 25 25 100

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Science - Biology

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020 Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Module 5


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020

1 2

Module 6

Genetic Change

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Module 7

Infectious Disease

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Module 8

Non-infectious Disease and Disorders

Term 3, 2020

1 2

3 Protected Learning Time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7 Module 8

Non-infectious Disease and Disorders

8 9 10

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Biology (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Heredity Genetic Change Infectious Disease All Modules

Modelling task Depth study Practical task Formal Exam (Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 8

Term 1 Week 9

Term 2 Week 7

Term 3 Week 5-6

BIO 12-3 BIO 12-4 BIO 12-6 BIO 12-7

BIO 12-12

BIO 12-1 BIO 12-2 BIO 12-3 BIO 12-4 BIO 12-5 BIO 12-6 BIO 12-7

BIO 12-13

BIO 12-1 BIO 12-2 BIO 12-3 BIO 12-4 BIO 12-5 BIO 12-7

BIO 12-14

BIO 12-1 BIO 12-2 BIO 12-3 BIO 12-4 BIO 12-5 BIO 12-6 BIO 12-7

BIO 12-12 BIO 12-13 BIO 12-14 BIO 12-15

Skills in Working Scientifically

15 20 15 10 60

Knowledge and understanding of course content

5 10 5 20 40

Total 20 30 20 30 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

BIO12-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation

BIO12-2 designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information

BIO12-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information

BIO 12-4 selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of appropriate media

BIO12-5 analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information

BIO12-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes

BIO12-7 communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or purpose

BIO12-12 explains the structures of DNA and analyses the mechanisms of inheritance and how processes of reproduction ensure continuity of species

BIO12-13 explains natural genetic change and the use of genetic technologies to induce genetic change

BIO12-14 analyses infectious disease in terms of cause, transmission, management and the organism’s response, including the human immune system

BIO12-15 explains non-infectious disease and disorders and a range of technologies and methods used to assist, control, prevent and treat non-infectious disease

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Science - Chemistry

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Module 5

Equilibrium and Acid Reactions

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Module 6

Acid/Base Reactions


Term 1, 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Module 7

Organic Chemistry

10 11

Term 2, 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Module 8

Applying Chemical Ideas


Term 3, 2020

1 2 3 Protected learning time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7 Module 8

Applying Chemical Ideas

8 9 10

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Chemistry (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 5,6,7,8

Research Task Practical Task Depth Study Formal Exam (Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 8

Term 1 Week 8

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 5-6

CH12-2 CH12-3 CH12-4 CH12-5 CH12-7


CH12-1 CH12-2 CH12-4 CH12-6 CH12-7


CH12-1 CH12-3 CH12-4 CH12-6 CH12-7


CH12-2 CH12-3 CH12-4 CH12-5 CH12-6 CH12-7

CH12-12 CH12-13 CH12-14 CH12-15

Skills in Working Scientifically 10 20 20 10 60

Knowledge and Understanding 10 5 5 20 40

Total 20 25 25 30 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

CH12-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation

CH12-2 designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information

CH12-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information

CH12-4 selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of appropriate media

CH12-5 analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information

CH12-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes

CH12-7 communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or purpose

CH12-12 explains the characteristics of equilibrium systems, and the factors that affect these systems

CH12-13 describes, explains and quantitatively analyses acids and bases using contemporary models

CH12-14 analyses the structure of, and predicts reactions involving, carbon compounds

CH12-15 describes and evaluates chemical systems used to design and analyse chemical processes

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Science - Physics

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Module 5

Advanced Mechanics

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Module 6



Term 1, 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Module 7

The Nature of Light

9 10 11

Term 2, 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6

Module 8

From the Universe to the Atom

7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 2 3 Protected learning time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7

Revision 8 9 10

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Physics (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019/2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting Advanced

Mechanics/ Modelling Appliances

Electromagnetism Nature of Light All topics

Practical Task

Depth Study

Research Task

Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 7

Term 1 Week 7

Term 2 Week 2

Term 3 Week 6

PH12-12 PH11/12-1 PH11/12-2 PH11/12-3 PH11/12-4 PH11/12-5 PH11/12-6

PH12-13 PH11/12-1 PH11/12-2 PH11/12-3 PH11/12-5 PH11/12-6 PH11/12-7

PH12-14 PH11/12-2 PH11/12-4 PH11/12-5 PH11/12-6 PH11/12-7

PH11/12-4 PH11/12-5 PH11/12-6 PH11/12-7 PH12-12 PH12-13 PH12-14 PH12-15

Knowledge and Understanding of course content

5 10 5 20 40

Skills in Working Scientifically 20 15 15 10 60

Total 25 25 20 30 100

HSC Outcomes – A student:

PH11/12-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation

PH11/12-2 designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information

PH11/12-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information

PH11/12-4 selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of appropriate media

PH11/12-5 analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information

PH11/12-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes

PH11/12-7 communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or purpose

PH12-12 describes and analyses qualitatively and quantitatively circular motion and motion in a gravitational field, in particular, the projectile motion of particles

PH12-13 explains and analyses the electric and magnetic interactions due to charged particles and currents and evaluates their effect both qualitatively and quantitatively

PH12-14 describes and analyses evidence for the properties of light and evaluates the implications of this evidence for modern theories of physics in the contemporary world

PH12-15 explains and analyses the evidence supporting the relationship between astronomical events and the nucleosynthesis of atoms and relates these to the development of the current model of the atom

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TAS – Construction Pathways

Student Competency Assessment Schedule 2019/2020 Note: This is correct as at 20/09/19 and is subject to change by the RTO.

Assessment Events for Certificate II in Construction Pathways CPC20211

Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Half Yearly

Examination* TBC

Work Placement


HSC Trial Examination

Concreting Basic

Levelling Construction Major project


Date: 27/3/20 Week: 9 Term 1

Date: 5/12/19 Week: 8 Term 4

Date: 19/9/20 Week: 9 Term: 3

Date: Week: Term:

Date: Week: Term: 1

Date: Week: Term:

Date: Week: 5-6 Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency

CPCCCM2006A Apply Basic Levelling Procedures X

CPCCC02013A Carry out concreting to simple forms



Use construction tools and equipment *Any additional units as determined by assessment Erect and dismantle form work for slabs on ground



Works effectively and sustainably Plan and organize work Carry out measurements and calculations Read and interpret plans and specifications Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures

CPCCCM1014A Conduct workplace communication X

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Certificate II in Construction Pathways CPC20211 or a Statement of Attainment towards a Certificate II in Construction Pathways CPC20211

The exam events will be confirmed by your teacher as they may be used for the assessment of competencies and /or NESA/ reporting requirements.

*Selected units only to be confirmed by your teacher.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have

gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet

competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. This means a course

mark is not allocated.

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TAS – Industrial Technology: Timber (ITT)

Scope & Sequence – 2019/2020

Week Topic Covered

Term 4, 2019


Major Project (incorporating Design, Management and Communication; and Production)

Industry related Manufacturing

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 1, 2020


Major Project (incorporating Design, Management and Communication; and Production)

Industry Study

Industry related Manufacturing

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Term 2, 2020


Major Project (incorporating Design, Management and Communication; and Production)

Industry related Manufacturing

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Term 3, 2020

1 Major Project; Industry Study; Industry related Manufacturing 2 3 Protected learning time 4 5 Trial HSC Exam period 6 7 Major Project (incorporating Design, Management and Communication; and Production)

Industry Study Industry related Manufacturing

8 9 10

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ITT (HSC) Assessment Schedule – 2019 / 2020


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Weighting

Major Project Industry Study

Major Project All Topics

Project proposal Report Project &


Formal Exam

(Trial HSC)

Term 4 Week 7

Term 1 Week 8

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 5-6

H3.1, H3.2, H4.2, H5.2

H1.1, H5.1, H7.1

H2.1, H3.3, H4.1, H4.2,


H1.2, H1.3, H3.1, H4.3, H6.1, H7.1,


Knowledge and understanding of course content 15 25 40

Knowledge and skills in the design, management, communication and production of a major project

20 40 60

Total 20 15 40 25 100

HSC Outcomes- A student:

H1.1 investigates industry through the study of businesses in one focus area

H1.2 identifies appropriate equipment, production and manufacturing techniques and describes the impact of new and developing technologies in industry

H1.3 identifies important historical developments in the focus area industry

H2.1 demonstrates proficiency in the use of safe working practices and workshop equipment maintenance techniques

H3.1 demonstrates skills in sketching, producing and interpreting drawings

H3.2 selects and applies appropriate research and problem-solving skills

H3.3 applies and justifies design principles through the production of a Major Project

H4.1 demonstrates competency in a range of practical skills appropriate to the Major Project

H4.2 explores the need to outsource appropriate expertise where necessary to complement personal practical skills

H4.3 critically applies knowledge and skills related to properties and characteristics of materials/components

H5.1 selects and uses communication and information processing skills

H5.2 examines and applies appropriate documentation techniques to project management

H6.1 evaluates the characteristics of quality manufactured products

H6.2 applies the principles of quality and quality control

H7.1 explains the impact of the focus area industry on the social and physical environment

H7.2 analyses the impact of existing, new and emerging technologies of the focus industry on society and the environment

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TAS – Metals & Engineering

Student Competency Assessment Schedule 2019/2020 Note: This is correct as at 20/09/19 and is subject to change by the RTO.

Assessment Events for Certificate I in Engineering MEM10105

Event 4 Event 5 Event 6 Event 7 Half Yearly

Examination* TBC

Work Placement


HSC Trial Examination*

TBC Technical Drawing

Work with


Manual Productio


Quality systems

and procedures

Date: 29/11/19 Week: 7 Term 4

Date: 17/2/20 Week: 4 Term 1

Date: 29/6/20 Week:10 Term: 2

Date: 11/9/20 Week:8 Term: 3

Date: Week: Term: 1

Date: Week: Term:

Date: Week: 5-6 Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency

MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing X


Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment


MEM03001B Perform manual production assembly X

MEM03003B Perform sheet and plate assembly X

MEM15024A Apply quality procedures X

MEM15002A Apply quality systems X

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Certificate I in Engineering MEM10105 or a Statement of Attainment towards a Certificate I in Engineering MEM10105

The exam events will be confirmed by your teacher as they may be used for the assessment of competencies and /or NESA/reporting requirements.

*Selected units only to be confirmed by your teacher.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have

gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet

competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. This means a course

mark is not allocated.

Page 67: Higher School Certificate (HSC) Assessment Booklet€¦ · Preliminary units and six HSC units from courses in science. Students must study a minimum of 12 units at Preliminary Course

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TAS – Primary Industries

Student Competency Assessment Schedule 2019/2020 Note: This is correct as at 20/09/19 and is subject to change by the RTO.

Assessment Events for Certificate II in Agriculture AHC20116

Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Event Event Cluster 9 Fencing

Cluster 2 Working in Industry

Cluster 4 Chemicals

Cluster 5 Livestock Cluster

Cluster 8 Feeding and Watering Livestock

Work Placement 2

Trial HSC Examination

Date: 19/12/19 Week:10 Term: 4

Date: 9/4/20 Week:11 Term: 1

Date: 2/7/20 Week:10 Term: 2

Date: 20/8/20 Week:5 Term: 3

Date: 21/9/20 Week:10 Term: 3

Date: Week: Term: TBC

Date: TBC Week:5/6 Term: 3

Cluster Code Unit of Competency

Cluster 9 Fencing


Install, maintain and repair farm fencing Carry out basic electric fencing


Cluster 2 Working in Industry


Work effectively in the industry Participate in workplace communications


Cluster 4 Chemicals


Apply chemicals under supervision Treat weeds


Cluster 5 Livestock Cluster


Care for health and welfare of animals Handle livestock using basic techniques


Cluster 8 Feeding and Watering Livestock


Provide feed for livestock Monitor water supplies X

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Certificate II in Agriculture (AHC20116) or a Statement of Attainment towards a Certificate II in Agriculture (AHC20116).

The exam event will be confirmed by your teacher as they may be used for the assessment of competencies and /or NESA reporting requirements.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have

gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet

competent” or “competent’. In some cases, other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. This means a course

mark is not allocated.