highly energy-efficient synchronous circulators · 2009. 9. 18. · askoll aims at improving...

Highly energy-efficient synchronous circulators

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  • Highly energy-efficient synchronous circulators

  • 12345


    All for one and one for allAskoll aims at improving quality of life considerably through the creation of increasingly inno-vative products that respect the environment and provide significant energy savings in addi-tion to better performance.Innovation applied to the heating field has resulted in a unique product and a true turningpoint in circulation pumps for domestic and residential use: T R O N I C

    T R O N I C provides formidable advantages:

    A universal product

    Energy savings

    Ideal performance


    Ease of installation and regulation

  • 3

    1 A universal product: one for all

    Askoll introduces a new standard for circulation pumps: T R O N I C , one circulator to coverthe entire operating field from 1 m to 6 m total head.

    ● Maximum easiness in identifying the most suitable circulator for each individual installation

    ● No possibility to commit installation errors

    ● No subsequent lost time for the installer

    One for all! T R O N I C is characterized by an “infinite”number of operating curves to satisfy everyinstallation need (from a simple monotube to more modern and sophisticated systems) alwaysproviding optimal performance: a single pump replaces entire ranges of traditional circulators.

  • 44

    2 Energy savings: up to 80% less

    T R O N I C CLASSE A for energy consumption!

    3 Ideal performance

    Energy consumption has never been this low:ggrreeaatt ppoowweerr iinn jjuusstt 66 WW..T R O N I C is a highly energy-efficient variable-speed pump: in fact, atequal hydraulic performance it absorbs less electricity up to peaks of80%, compared to both traditional three-speed pumps and moreadvanced electronic circulators.

    This translates into exceptional energy savings, oovveerr 225500 kkWWhh peryear: in fact, a circulation pump is estimated to operate for about6,000 hours a year. In addition to protecting the environment, thereare obvious economic advantages from using a T R O N I C pump.

    An infinite number of stable operating curves, with constant pressure in the working field


    T R O N I C is the ideal solution for every domestic and residential heating system.When a traditio-nal three-speed circulator is installed, it is not always possible to run the pump at the optimalsystem working point (the pump will run at either point P1 or point P2,depending on the regu-lation).

    EEnneerrggyy LLaabbeelllliinngg llooaadd pprrooffiillee T R O N I C

    Time (%) Flow rate (%) Flow rate (l/h) Total head (m) Pabsorbed (W)

    44.0% 25% 625 5.1 32

    35.0% 50% 1250 4.9 46

    15.0% 75% 1875 4.3 56

    6.0% 100% 2500 3.1 59

    AAnnnnuuaall aavveerraaggee ccoonnssuummppttiioonn iinn kkWWhh 225544 kkWWhh

    The calculation of annual average consumption of the pump refers to the load profile set by the commitment on energylabelling of circulation pumps considering a maximum flow rate of 2500 l/h and an operating period of 6000 hours.


    CCaallccuullaattiioonn ooff aannnnuuaall aavveerraaggee ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((kkWWhh)) ooff T R O N I C ppuummpp

  • 6














    0 10 20 30


    40 Q (l/min)

    Q (l/s)

    Q (m3/h)




    0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

    Q-H diagram: Curve according to operating conditions

    AskollEffect of an increase in water temperature

    Effect of an increase in mains voltage




    The others


    The advantage of an infinite operating curve is obvious:it is possible to select the exact workingpoint over the entire field of use, in every case.

    Moreover the performance of T R O N I C pump are very stable: the curve selected does not sufferany translation: it doesn't vary with the temperature of the liquid pumped or with changes inother operating conditions. It is possible to determine the optimal working point with certainty,confident that this will not vary until the system's pressure drops are changed.

  • 66

    4 Reliability

    5 Ease of installation and regulation


    T R O N I C integrates special techniques designed to limit pump locking problems:the patented “square chamber”eliminates the possibility of operation interruption since impuri-ties inside the rotor chamber find a preferential accumulation area in special cavities in thechamber itself;

    T R O N I C is equipped with a special cable gland: just connect the two conductors to the ter-minal board and connect this latter to the compartment provided on the connectioninterface box. TThhee mmaaxxiimmuumm ssppeeeedd aanndd ssiimmpplliicciittyy.. TThheerree iiss aabbssoolluutteellyy nnoo nneeeedd ttooooppeenn tthhee bbooxx iittsseellff..

    RREEAALL TTIIMMEE DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS:: it’s possible to easily and immediately control the cir-culator moment by moment. TThhee ooppeerraattiioonn iinnddiiccaattoorr ((LLEEDD)) ccoonnttiinnuuoouussllyyccoonnvveeyyss iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn tthhee ssttaattee ooff tthhee ppuummpp..

    Advanced electronic devices detect any rotation difficulty and, if neces-sary, repeatedly start the motor to always guarantee correct start-up.

    The performance curve is substantially flat for low flow rates, in addition: pprroobblleemmss ooff ssyysstteemmnnooiissee aarree sshhaarrppllyy rreedduucceedd.T R O N I C pumps – red curve – do not have the unacceptable increa-se in differential pressureof traditional pumps (thevalue of ΔH2 is more orless negligible comparedto ΔH1) with the advan-tage of a quieter system.

    GREEN LIGHT: the pump is running correctly

  • 7

    The pump works with minimum performance.The maximum head is about 0.6 m with a flow rate of 0 l/h while the totalhead is about 0.5 m with a flow rate of 1.000 l/h

    Pump performance are equivalent to the performance of a traditionalpump with a maximum head of 2 m.The total head is about 1 m with a flow rate of 1.000 l/h

    Pump performance are equivalent to the performance of a traditionalpump with a maximum head of 3 m.The total head is about 2 m with a flow rate of 1.000 l/h

    Pump performance are equivalent to the performance of a traditionalpump with a maximum head of 4 m.The total head is about 3 m with a flow rate of 1.000 l/h

    Pump performance are equivalent to the performance of a traditionalpump with a maximum head of 5 m.The total head is about 4 m with a flow rate of 1.000 l/h

    The pump works with maximum performance.Pump performance are equivalent to the performance of a traditionalpump with a maximum head of 6 m.The total head is about 5 m with a flow rate of 1.000 l/h

    Even the regulation of the pump is very simple and intuitive:the desired operating curve is selec-ted by turning the regulator with a screw driver.

    BLINKING GREEN LIGHT: after changing the pump setting, the indicatorblinks for few seconds. The LED shows an adjustment of the workingpoint.

    RED LIGHT: possible fault (e.g. pump jammed)

  • 88


    T R O N I C circulation pumps are innovative synchronous technology pumps designed andmanufactured for use in heating and circulation plants,in domestic and commercial buildings.

    Construction characteristics

    T R O N I C is a wet rotor pump driven by a synchronous motor controlled by an on-board INVER-TER.

    Liquids pumped

    T R O N I C circulation pumps have been designed to pump clean liquids that do not attack itsmaterials and are free of solid particles that could obstruct its moving parts.They must not beused to pump inflammable and/or explosive liquids.

    MOTOR technical dataPermanent Magnet synchronous motor controlled by an on-board INVERTER

    Mains voltage and frequency 1 X 230 V ( -10%; + 6%) - 50 Hz

    Insulation class H

    Enclosure class IP 44

    Appliance class II

    Overload protection Automatic protection with electronic rotor release

    Protection through thermal protector

    The pump does not require any external protection of the motor

    PUMP technical data

    Allowed temperature field from +2°C to +95°C

    Ambient temperature from +2°C to +40°C

    Max. operating pressure 6 bar

    Storage conditions from -20°C to +70°C with R.H.= 95% at 40°C

    Sound pressure level < 43 dB(A)

    Minimum suction pressure 0.5 bar with a temperature of +95°C

    Maximum glycol percentage 40%

    Constructed in accordance with directives EN 55014 - 1

    EN 61000 - 2 - 3

    EN 55014 - 2

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    The curves refer to a liquid temperature of 80 °C.The liquidused to measure them is water without air.The conversionfrom pressure head H [m] was made for water with a den-sity =1000 kg/m3.

    T R O N I C - Pump models T R O N I C 25 - 60 T R O N I C 32 - 60

    Explanation of the coding

    TYPE v Q


    A 230V Pabs

    W 25-60 max 32-60

    25-60 min 32-60




    6 m

    0,6 0,5

    1~50 Hz

    0,4 0,2 0 --- ---

    5,1 5 4,9 4,7 4,2 3,4 2,3

    0 8,3 16,6 25,0 33,3 41,6 50,0

    0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0



    TRONIC (C) (B) (A) 25 -60 /180 (F) (D)Example


    Hydraulic housing in COMPOSITE MATERIAL

    Hydraulic housing in BRONZE

    Hydraulic housing with air-vent

    Rated diameters [DN] of the intake and output openings

    Maximum head

    Center-to-center distance sizes

    Flanged pump

    Twin pump

  • 101010



    Component Pos. MaterialPump housing 1 Cast iron GJL 200 EN 1561Impeller 2 CompositeShaft 3 Stainless steelBearings 4 GraphiteThrust bearing 5 CeramicRotor 6 Hard ferrite (Permanent Magnet)Winding 7 Copper wireElectronic card 8 ---Plug 9 CompositeGasket --- EPDM

    Make sure that the pressure at the pump's intake is at least equal to the minimum value requi-red. It is recommended not to start the pump before having filled and drained the hydraulic cir-cuit. It is possible to drain the rotor by removing the drain plug on the motor. Possible connec-tions box positions:

    The special cable gland allows a fast electrical connection: connect the two (orange) conductors tothe terminal board and insert the connector in the compartment on the connection box.

    T R O N I C pumps have to be always installed with the motor shaft horizontal.

  • Unions


    Kit G1" 1/2 - G1"

    Kit G2" - G1" 1/4

    G1" 1/2


    G1" 0,41 x 2

    G1" 1/4 0,55 x 2

    DN DN1 kg




    T R O N I C pumps are not equipped with unions required for the connection to the hydraulic cir-cuit; a complete kit is supplied upon request.Unions kit are available in brass.

    TYPE A [DN] B [mm] Net weight [kg]T R O N I C 25 - 60 / 130 G 1” 1/2 130 2,16T R O N I C 25 - 60 / 180 G 1” 1/2 180 2,30T R O N I C 32 - 60 / 180 G 2 180 2,44

  • Askoll Sei S.r.l.Via Galileo Galilei, 89/91

    36066 Sandrigo (VI) ItalyTel. 0444/666800Fax 0444/666801

    www.askoll.ite-mail: [email protected]