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Post on 10-Mar-2016




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This is a hillary project


one bad mother

-Hillary Clinton 2016

head mother

-Hillary Clinton 2016

head mother Bad ass mother founder

-Hillary Clinton 2016

campaign Donate Support 2016


This homepage will have sayings and beliefs similar to the �rst ads that relate to Hillary Clinton

campaign Donate Support 2016



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campaign Donate Support 2016

Add your name and pledge to help put Hillary in the White House in 2016.

The next Presidential election may be a long time away but our actions today will help ensure that the right person is on the ballot. Hillary Clinton is the leader we need to keep our country moving forward.

Hillary has not had a formal political operation in four years. We are counting on your help to start building an extensive grassroots program that will help elect Hillary as our next President.

time to re-establish

campaign Donate Support 2016

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Come fly with hillary

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Hillary Clinton fuelled the mounting speculation over a possible US presidential run on Friday, telling an enthusias-tic audience at a conference on women's rights that she "looked forward to working with them in the days and years ahead".

Ending a week in which she has returned firmly to the public stage, the former secretary of state did nothing to damp down the almost-frenzied anticipation among some of her supporters during a speech to the Women in the World summit.

Earlier, fans organized a rally outside her speech at the Lincoln Center in New York, urging her to confirm her intentions for returning to the White House.

With more than three years to go until the next election, any public declaration to seek the Democratic nomination is highly unlikely any time soon, but Clinton has brushed aside much of the lingering uncertainty since a brief spell in hospital last December by making clear in recent days her desire to stay in the public spotlight.