himalaya - valley of flower - nanda devi - uttaranchal - fix

Valley of flower Letaknya terletak di lembah pegunungan Himalaya di daerah India. Taman nasional di Uttarakhand disebelah barat dan ditimurnya taman nasional nanda devi national park. Terletak di ketinggian 6.729 mdpl seluas 78km 2 . Ketinggiannya kira kira 3600m. Letaknya di west Himalaya. Dulu wilayah ini hilang sama sekali dari peta. Dikelilingi gunung dan bebukitan, akses lembah ini tampak hanya diketahui beberapa fauna liar seperti Asiatic Black Bear, Snow Leopard, Brown Bear, dan Blue Sheep. Hingga akhirnya pada 1931 silam, seorang pendaki Inggris Frank S. Smythe menemukan lembah ini setelah sukses mencium puncak Gunung Kamet, salah satu bagian Pegunungan Himalaya. Terdapat jurang dengan tebing tebing yang tajam. Ahli botani pernah terperosok masuk ke dalam jurang saat mengamati valley of flowers Lembah ini menebarkan pesona terbaiknya antara bulan Juni dan Oktober. Di bulan-bulan itu, tak ada satu pun lahan di yang luput dari tumbuhnya bunga. Beberapa bunga endemik seperti Brahmakamal, Blue Poppy, dan Cobra LilyLembah ini menebarkan pesona terbaiknya antara bulan Juni dan Oktober. Di bulan-bulan itu, tak ada satu pun lahan di yang luput dari tumbuhnya bunga. Beberapa bunga endemik seperti Brahmakamal, Blue Poppy, dan Cobra Lily Terdapat juga banyak bunga alpine Sejauh mata memandang, yang tampak hanya lahan hijau penuh gradasi warna-warni: kuning, merah, oranye, jingga. Bunga-bunga ini tampak nyaman saja dihembus oleh dinginnya angin lembah Himalaya yang menusuk kulit. Sementara di atasnya, langit biru muda khas musim panas hanya tergubris putihnya awan. Tak ada suara apa pun selain gemerisik dedaunan. Selain musim panas, lembah ini sama sekali tertutup aksesnya. Salju tebal seakan menutupi jalurnya dari pandangan. Kalaupun Anda tiba di lembah ini, tak akan ada secuil pun bunga mekar. Di saat-saat inilah Valley of Flowers menunjukkan wajah ganasnya.

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Valley of flower

Letaknya terletak di lembah pegunungan Himalaya di daerah India. Taman nasional di Uttarakhand disebelah barat dan ditimurnya taman nasional nanda devi national park. Terletak di ketinggian 6.729 mdpl seluas 78km2. Ketinggiannya kira kira 3600m. Letaknya di west Himalaya.

Dulu wilayah ini hilang sama sekali dari peta. Dikelilingi gunung dan bebukitan, akses lembah ini tampak hanya diketahui beberapa fauna liar seperti Asiatic Black Bear, Snow Leopard, Brown Bear, dan Blue Sheep. Hingga akhirnya pada 1931 silam, seorang pendaki Inggris Frank S. Smythe menemukan lembah ini setelah sukses mencium puncak Gunung Kamet, salah satu bagian Pegunungan Himalaya.

Terdapat jurang dengan tebing tebing yang tajam. Ahli botani pernah terperosok masuk ke dalam jurang saat mengamati valley of flowers

Lembah ini menebarkan pesona terbaiknya antara bulan Juni dan Oktober. Di bulan-bulan itu, tak ada satu pun lahan di yang luput dari tumbuhnya bunga. Beberapa bunga endemik seperti Brahmakamal, Blue Poppy, dan Cobra LilyLembah ini menebarkan pesona terbaiknya antara bulan Juni dan Oktober. Di bulan-bulan itu, tak ada satu pun lahan di yang luput dari tumbuhnya bunga. Beberapa bunga endemik seperti Brahmakamal, Blue Poppy, dan Cobra Lily

Terdapat juga banyak bunga alpine

Sejauh mata memandang, yang tampak hanya lahan hijau penuh gradasi warna-warni: kuning, merah, oranye, jingga. Bunga-bunga ini tampak nyaman saja dihembus oleh dinginnya angin lembah Himalaya yang menusuk kulit. Sementara di atasnya, langit biru muda khas musim panas hanya tergubris putihnya awan. Tak ada suara apa pun selain gemerisik dedaunan.

Selain musim panas, lembah ini sama sekali tertutup aksesnya. Salju tebal seakan menutupi jalurnya dari pandangan. Kalaupun Anda tiba di lembah ini, tak akan ada secuil pun bunga mekar. Di saat-saat inilah Valley of Flowers menunjukkan wajah ganasnya.

Butuh perjuangan yang tak sedikit untuk mencapai tempat ini. Bandara terdekat adalah Dehradun yang terletak di Jolly Grant, 295 kilometer jauhnya. Dari Jolly Grant, Anda harus berkendara selama 11 jam menuju Joshimath, lalu 1 jam lagi menuju kota kecil Gobindghat. Sampai di Gobindghat, Anda harus melakukan trekking sepanjang 17 kilometer dengan jalur yang cukup terjal. Butuh waktu 4-8 jam untuk akhirnya tiba di Valley of Flowers.

Tapi jika sampai di sana, bersyukurlah, karena tak semua orang pernah melihat keindahan bak surga yang terhampar di depan mata.

Hamparan yang lembut, padang rumput di selingi bunga-bungaan warna warni, sangat indah dan nyaris menyesakkan nafas memandangnya. Lembah bunga yang indah semakin lengkap dengan adanya background gunung dan hutan. Lembah bunga ini dinyatakan taman nasional (Nanda Devi National Park) pada 1982. Masyarakat setempat mengetahui keberadaan lembah bunga ini, mereka meyakini bahwa tempat itu dihuni oleh kawanan peri.

Lembah Bunga Taman Nasional adalah sebuah taman nasional India, Nestled tinggi di Himalaya Barat, yang terkenal dengan padang bunga alpine endemik dan keindahan alam yang luar biasa. Lembah Bunga ini dinyatakan sebagai taman nasional pada tahun 1982 dan bagian dari Uttarakhand, di hulu Garhwal. Daerah ini terletak pada kisaran Zanskar dari Himalaya dengan titik tertinggi di taman nasional Gauri Parbat pada 6.719 m di atas permukaan laut.

India adalah sebuah negeri yang sama tuanya dengan waktu, indah dan eksotis. Di daerah Garhwal Himalaya di negara bagian Uttaranchal, India, bau wangi berbagai jenis bunga yang tumbuh di pegunungan yang tinggi itu seolah olah membawa kita ke dunia lain. Sungai-sungai dengan airnya yang jernih yang mengalir di dasar lembah dan kicauan burung-burung menambah asyiknya suasana yang surgawi itu.

Inilah Lembah Bunga sebagaimana dikenal oleh masyarakat setempat selarna ratusan tahun — tetapi baru diperkenalkan kepada dunia pada tahun 1931 oleh Frank Smyth, seorang warga negara lnggris dalam bukunya “The Valley of Flowers”. Terbitnya buku tersebut pada pada tahun 1937 telah membuat daerah tersebut sangat terkenal. Bahkan daerah yang bernama Lembah Bhyndar, tempat bermainnya para bidadari, juga dirubah namanya menjadi Lembah Bunga (Valley of Flowers). Valley of Flowers terletak antara puncak-puncak gunung dan sebagian diantaranya tertutup salju. Beberapa buah air terjun dan mata-mata air menjadi batas pemisah antara bunga-bunga yang terdiri dari berbagai jenis dan warna tersebut.... kuning, pink, merah dan putih. Flora di lembah ini juga terdiri dari beragam jenis tanaman, termasuk tanaman obat.

Lembah Bunga tidak selamanya berbunga. Pada musim dingin (Nopember-Mei), selimut salju yang tebal dan putih bersih menutupi seluruh lanskapnya. Dan dengan datangnya musim semi, Lembah Bunga memperoleh nafas baru. Bunga-bunganya bermacam-macam dan tak terhitung banyaknya. Pada musim hujan (Juni) lembah ini pun diguyur hujan lebat dimana warna merah dan pink mendorninasi suasana, tetapi tanpa mcngurangi keindahan warna-warna lain seperti kuning, jingga dan putih. Pada bulan-bulan Juli sampai Agustus leinbah ini benar-benar penuh dengan bunga dari berbagai jenis dan warna. Pada bulan September Valley of Flowers berubah warna menjadi coklat dcngan suasana yang tenang dan damai.

Sementara lembah ini sangat disenangi oleh para pencinta alam, Departemen Kehutanan Negara Bagian Uttarankhand telah mengidentifikasi dua lembah lainnya yang tak kalah indahnya yang juga tcrletak di Himalaya. Kedua lembah ini kaya dengan flora dan fauna liar... menunggu untuk dijelajahi. Kedua lembah “baru” tersebut adalah Lembah Chenew dan Lembah Kheero — yang berdekatan dengan Lembab Bunga. Keduanya terletak di kaki puncak gunung Neelkanth yang terkenal itu dan termasuk kedalam wilayah Hutan Lindung dari Nanda Devi Forest Division.


Valley of Flowers in the Himalayas. Valley of Flowers is a valley at an altitude of Himalayas at an altitude of 3,600 meters above sea-level, protected by snowy mountains. Valley of Flowers National Park is an Indian national park, located at a height in West Himalaya. The park stretches over an expanse of 87.50 km². Both parks are encompassed in the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (223,674 ha) which is further surrounded by a buffer zone (5,148.57 km²). This Reserve is in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves since 2004.

Has been there since more than a century, even in Hindu mythology, the depiction of the existence of this valley has been there since time immemorial. Cover is soft, meadows interspersed colorful flowers, very beautiful and looked almost oppressive. Beautiful flower valley complete with the background mountains and forests. Valley of Flowers was declared

a national park (Nanda Devi National Park) in 1982. Local people know the existence of the valley flowers, they believed that the place was inhabited by a herd of fairies.

India’s Valley of Flowers National Park is renowned for its meadows of endemic alpine flowers and outstanding natural beauty. This richly diverse area is also home to rare and endangered animals, including the Asiatic black bear, snow leopard, brown bear and blue sheep. It is located in Uttarakhand state. The gentle landscape of the Valley of Flowers National Park complements the rugged mountain wilderness of Nanda Devi National Park. Together they encompass a unique transition zone between the mountain ranges of the Zanskar and Great Himalaya, praised by mountaineers and botanists for over a century and in Hindu mythology for much longer.

The Valley was introduced to the world as the Valley of Flowers by Frank S, Smith – mountaineer, explorer, botanist who camped here for several weeks in the monsoon of 1937 and did valuable exploratory work. He authored a book called “The Valley of Flowers” which unveiled the beauty and floral splendours of the valley and thus threw open the doors of this verdant jewel to nature-enthusiasts all over the world.

Yet, to see the flowers you need to time the trek right. In July and August when the monsoon is active is the best time to do the trek. There would be a day or two of rains on the trek but the sight of the flowers make up for any discomfort.

The trip starts by reaching Rishikesh from Delhi. For logistic reasons everybody seems to pass through Delhi. It is followed by an 11 hrs bus journey from Rishikesh to Joshimath. Then, 1 hr bus ride from Joshimath to Govindghat. Then comes the 14 km trek from Govindghat to Ghangria, along the river Lakshman Ganga. This is the most difficult, but also an enjoyable part of the trip. From the base camp Ghangria, the Valley of Flowers is a 3 km climb, where one has to go daily and come back the same day. The satellite picture above can give a reasonable idea about the location and the route.

Valley of Flowers Tour Package

Day 1 – Delhi – RishikeshArrive and meet our representative at Delhi airport. From here you will be taken to Rishikesh which is at a distance of 225 kms. Check in at your hotel upon arrival. Relax and stay overnight in Rishikesh.

Day 2 – Rishikesh – JoshimathToday, you will undertake another long distance drive to Joshimath – the winter abode of Lord Vishnu. The distance between the two destination is 290 kms and enroute you will also pay a visit to Karnprayag and Rudra Prayag.

Karnprayag is the confluence point of river Pindari and Alaknanda. Rudra Prayag, on the other hand is the confluence point of river Mandakini and Alaknanda.

Check in at the hotel in Joshimath where you will spend your night.

Day 3- Joshimath - Ghangaria Leave Joshimath for Ghangaria, but your first stop would be Govindghat which is the place from where you will begin your trek to the Valley of flowers. From here, a 14 km trek will take you to Ghangaria, your base camp.

Overnight at camp in Ghangaria

Day 4 - Ghangaria - Valley Of Flowers - Ghangria From Ghangaria, the Valley of Flowers is just 3km away so today you will trek to the Valley of Flowers to see its brilliant landscape and blooming flowers. The snow capped peak all

around adds to the beauty of valley.

In the evening, after your visit to the Valley of Flowers, return to your base camp at Ghangaria. Dinner and night stay at Ghangaria.

Day 5 : Ghangaria – Hemkund Sahib - Ghangaria While at Ghangaria, we just cannot miss out a trip to the holy Hemkund Sahib. This pilgrimage destination for the Sikh community in India is the same place where, as per Guru Gobind Singh he meditated in his previous life.

So today, undertake a 6 km trek from Ghangaria to Hemkund Sahib. Visit the lake and the Gurudwara and later return to Ghangaria. Dinner and overnight stay at Ghangaria.

Day 6 : Ghangaria - Joshimath Have your breakfast and then trek back to Govindghat. From there you will be driven to Joshimath. Reach Joshimath where you can check in at the hotel and relax. Dinner and overnight stay at hotel inJoshimath.

Day 7 : Joshimath - Haridwar Today, we leave Joshimath for Haridwar. Stop enroute to spend some time at Devprayag and Rishikesh. Upon arrival in Haridwar, check into your hotel. Stay overnight in Haridwar.

Day 8: Haridwar - Delhi Today, you will explore the various attractions of Haridwar like Har ki pauri and Chandi Devi. Post lunch, proceed on your journey back to Delhi. The Valley of Flower tour package ends here.

To Book this tour package, click here - Book Valley of Flowers Tour Package

Posted by India Travel at 3:42 AM

Labels: Package for Valley of Flowers, Trip to Valley of Flowers, valley of flowers,Valley of Flowers tour package

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011

Valley of Flowers - A Spectacular Himalayan Range

Think of a place in the panoramic Himalayan hills surrounded by the lush green meadows, dotted with numerous colorful flowers. How magical would that site be!

Do you wish to visit such place in real?

Plan Tour to Valley of Flowers – scenic destination located in the lap of Himalaya

Location of Valley of Flowers:

Visit Valley of Flowers National Park, which is the destination nestled in the lap of West Himalaya.

Situated in the Indian state of Uttarakhand this place is blessed with the endemic alpine flowers and serene natural beauty. It is located at Chamoli district nearby Joshimath town of Garhwal region in the upper expanses of ''Bhyundar Ganga''. This is why the old name of this magnificent valley was Bhyundar valley.


There are several legends behind Valley of flowers, but the most famous amongst them is from holy Hindu epic Ramayana. According to which when Laxman ji (younger brother of Lord Rama) got injured by Meghnada (the son of Ravana) then to cure him this is the place where Hanumana found Sanjivani booti.


Due to the inaccessibility this place was disappeared from the tourist map, but once a British mountaineer Frank S Smythe lost his way while returning from the expedition to Mt. Kamet and he got to this valley. He was so much fascinated with the beauty of this flowery place that he named it as 'Valley of Flowers'. He also wrote a book named Valley of Flowers that revealed the secrets of this splendid place and opened the door of this verdant destination to all the nature lovers.

Valley of Flowers Trekking:

It is about 17 km trek to the Valley of flowers and the nearest town from here is Joshimath in Garhwal region. Joshimath is well connected via road through Haridwar and Dehradun.

The main trek starts from Govindghat which is a small place nearby Joshimath at an hour distance. From Govindghat after covering a path of 14 km the trekkers reach to Ghangaria which is just 3 km from the valley. The magical valley starts at a gorge over the Pushpawati river. Apart from trekking mountaineering at Valley of Flowers is a must do activity.

Flora and Fauna:

On your Eco tour to Valley of Flowers explore the exotic flora fauna found at its best. The park at valley is full of several varieties of flowers such as orchids, marigold, daisies, poppies and anemones etc. Besides the valley of flowers is enriched with more than 520 species of higher plants, 498 flowering plants and over hundreds of medicinal plants.

The place provides shelter to several endangered and rare species of animals like brown bear, Asiatic black bear, snow leopard, blue sheep, musk deer, red fox, langur, thar etc. The important birds you may encounter here are Himalayan golden eagle, Himalayan snow cock, sparrow hawk, snow pigeon, snow partridge etc.

So plan Himalaya toursto explore this magical gift of God – Valley of flowers and make your holidays the most mesmerizing ever. After your travel to valley of flowers you may move for Kullu Manali which is not so far from here, where you may enjoy the thrilling Manali-Rohtang pass.

Valley Of Flowers Trek - Himalayas [4th to 9th August 2013] - Registration is ON

About the place:Valley of Flowers National Park is an Indian National Park, located at a height in West Himalaya. It is renowned for its meadows of endemic alpine flowers and the variety of flora found there. It is located in Uttarakhand state. This richly diverse area is also home to rare and endangered animals, including the Asiatic black bear, snow leopard, brown bear and blue sheep. The gentle landscape of the Valley of Flowers National Park complements the rugged mountain wilderness of Nanda Devi National Park to the east. Together they encompass a unique transition zone between the mountain ranges of the Zanskar and Great Himalaya. The park stretches over an expanse of 87.50 km². Both parks are encompassed in the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (223,674 ha) which is further surrounded by a buffer zone (5,148.57 km²). This Reserve is in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves since 2004. The Valley of Flowers is a high-altitude Himalayan valley that has been acknowledged by renowned mountaineers and botanists in literature for over a century.

Trip Details:

Type High Altitude Trekking

Gradient Moderate

Weather 5 - 10 Degree Celsius. Cold during nights

Meeting pointLaxman Jhoola, Rishikesh between 7:00 & 7:30 AM on 4th August 2013

End of the trip

8th August 2013 at Rishikesh at around 09:00PM

Tentative Schedule:

4th August 2013: Reporting at Rishikesh (Laxman Jhula area) at 07:00AM & proceed to Govind Ghat (10hrs. drive)We all will meet up at Laxaman Jhoola by 7:00 – 7:30 am in the morning. We will hire a cab to drive to Govind Ghat (We will share the cost of the vehicle among all the participants at actual). The drive will take around 10 hours form Rishikesh. Over night stay at hotel in Govind Ghat

5th August 2013: Govind Ghat - Ghangria [Duration: 3 - 4 hours]Early in the morning after breakfast from Govind Ghat, it is a gradual ascent along a well maintained trail to Ghangria. Spend the rest of the day exploring the surroundings. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel in Ghangria will follow.

6th August 2013: Ghangria - Valley of Flowers - Ghangria [Duration: 4 – 5 hours]This day’s trip will take us into the Valley of Flowers. Explore the valley and return back to the hotel for the night stay at a hotel in Ghangria.

7th August 2013: Ghangria - Hemkund Sahib - Ghangria [Duration: 4 - 5 hours] A steep hike to the lake of Hemkund Sahib (a holy place for the Sikhs) is scheduled for the day. Return back to the hotel for the night stay in Ghangria.

8th August 2013: Ghangria - Govind Ghat [Duration: 3 - 4 hours] - Proceed to RishikeshTrek back to Govind Ghat. We start early in the morning from Ghangria and reach Govind Ghat by 11:00 AM. We will hire a cab to drive to Rishikesh (We will share the cost of the vehicle among all the participants at actual). The drive will take around 10 hours form Govind Ghat & Reach Rishikesh at around 09:00 PM. Stay at a hotel in Rishikesh (Hotel cost is not included)

9th August 2013: Rishikesh - Delhi - DepartureAccording to your Bus or train timing, depart from Rishikesh on your own.

Participation fees: Rs.8500/- per person

Cost Includes:1. Nutritious, high calorie vegetarian food will be served (Food cycle starts with Dinner on 4th August and ends with Breakfast on 8th August 2013) 2. Guides for the trek who will meet the group at Rishikesh and be there with the group throughout the trek. 3. Porters/Horses to carry the load enroute. 4. Cook and camp helpers. 5. Hotel Accommodations: 1 night in Govind Ghat & 3 nights in Ghangria 6. All Permits.

Cost Excludes:1. Any expenses of personal nature like phone call, bottled water, detour etc.2. Food apart from mentioned above in "Cost Includes" section.3. Transport between Delhi & Rishikesh and Rishikesh & Govind Ghat. 4. Any air/train/bus ticket to reach Delhi or to come back from Delhi.5. Insurance.6. Camera fees (if any)7. Hotel cost at Rishikesh.8. Any thing not mentioned above.

Thing to carry

Backpack 50 Liters (this will go on the horse. If you want to carry it on your back your welcome)

Small Day pack 20 Liters (you can use this on the trail to carry your trail food, camera, water and trail layers.)

Hiking pants/trousers and shirts

Good walking/hiking shoes

Flash light with extra batteries

Sunglasses (optional)

Suntan lotion and toiletries

Camera (optional)

Water bottle

Warm jacket/pullover

Warm gloves

Warm socks


Prescribed medication (if any)

The Terms and conditions mentioned below shall apply for the event:

1. Maximum efforts are made to ensure the safety of the participant. However, BMC & their management or employees will not be responsible for injuries of any nature, mental or physical, whether caused directly or indirectly due to any adventure sports or their allied activities.

2. Every participant is required to fill a registration form and indemnity bond prior to the commencement of the trip.

3. Refund and cancellation:- If you cancel 20 days before the trip begins, BMC will retain 20% of the trip cost.- If you cancel 15 days before the trip begins, BMC will retain 50 % of the trip cost.- If you cancel less than 14 days before the trip begins, or, are not present when the trip begins, there will be no refund.

4. BMC will take every care to ensure that itineraries are followed to the letter but circumstances beyond control may necessitate changes. In case of changes in routes and properties, BMC will accept no liability but make arrangements for substitution of equal.

5. BMC will accept no liability for any damage, losses and expenses suffered by any client as a result of sickness, quarantine, weather conditions, war, strikes, riots or any other cause outside our control.

6. Any damage, other than that attributable to fair wear and tear, to the equipments by the participants will be billed to you. Our decision on all such matters will be final and binding.

Anyone who tried to conquer the peaks of the Himalayas definitely surprised to see a valley full of flowers that stretched indefinitely. For these intrepid climbers, Valley of Flowers is like heaven. Spans 87 square kilometers with the highest point 6719 meters above sea level, the valley has become an oasis in the middle of the climb tired.

Valley of Flowers is a national park located in the province of Uttarakhand, India. Immediately adjacent to his brother, Nanda Devi National Park in its eastern part. Two national parks are incorporated in the World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2004.

The valley is spread the charm of its best between June and October. In those months, none of the land in the escape of growing interest. Some endemic flowers like Brahmakamal, Blue Poppy, and Cobra Lily scattered in many places. The flowers were often used in some Hindu religious ceremonies.

As far as the eye could see, that looks just shades of green land full of colors: yellow, red, orange, orange. These flowers seem comfortable just blown by a wind chill of the Himalayan valleys that pierce the skin. While on it, blue sky typical summer tergubris only white clouds. There was no sound anything other than the rustling of leaves.

In addition to the summer, the valley is completely covered access. Thick snow cover its tracks as if out of sight. If you arrive in the valley, there would be no shred of blooming flowers. At this time shows face the Valley of Flowers ferociously.

Once the winter starts and the heavy snow fall occurs, the valley is closed for the tourists. There is no arrangement for staying at this valley of flowers. The tourists can at the most hire the suitable tents for their stay, which are provided at the rate of Rs.1000 ($25) per night per person. However, the tourists can stay at the rest house at the village of Dhandharia, which is around 3 miles away from this valley. However, you need to book your room in this rest house, well in advance as there is a very heavy rush here during the peak season of September/October. The tourists visiting this valley of flowers must take some precautions to remain fit and healthy in severe cold weather.

If you get there, be thankful, because not everyone had seen beauty like a paradise that lay ahead.

Tanaman Penyelamat di Kejamnya Lingkungan Pegunungan

Tanaman bantal membuat lingkungan pelindung di tempat-tempat yang paling sulit dihuni para tanaman lain di seluruh dunia

Ilustrasi alpine di pegunungan. (Thinkstockphoto)

Tanaman bantal Alpine membantu tanaman lain untuk bertahan hidup di lingkungan pegunungan yang berat. Ini ditunjukkan oleh studi terbaru yang melibatkan peneliti dari University of Gothenburg, Swedia dan hasilnya dipublikasikan di jurnal Ecology Letters.

Banyak ditemukan di kawasan lingkungan serupa Arktik, tanaman ini memiliki karakteristik yang istimewa, bulat, dan berbentuk seperti bantal. Studi yang baru digelar menegaskan kuatnya interaksi antara tanaman bantal dengan tanaman lain di lingkungan pegunungan bercuaca ekstrem.

“Tanaman bantal memungkinkan hadirnya lingkungan tempat tinggal bagi spesies lain, untuk itu ia merupakan spesies penting karena mampu menyediakan kondisi dasar yang dibutuhkan oleh sebagian besar keanekaragaman hayati di kawasan ekstrem Alpine,” kata Robert Bjork, peneliti dari Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Swedia.

Dari studi, terungkap bahwa tanaman bantal ini membuat lingkungan pelindung di tempat-tempat yang paling sulit dihuni para tanaman lain di seluruh dunia, khususnya bagi tanaman yang kurang mampu menoleransi tekanan.

“Kami yakin telah menujukkan bahwa semakin ekstrem kondisi lingkungan, semakin banyak pula pohon bantal hadir untuk mengantisipasi penurunan keanekaragaman filogenetik. Hubungan ini tidak akan diketahui jika kita tidak mampu secara cerdas memantau interaksi antar pepohonan,” sebut Bjork.

Dalam studi tersebut, para peneliti mengamati 77 komunitas tanaman Alpine di lima benua. Tanaman berbentuk bantal ini telah berkembang lebih dari 50 kali di sejarah evolusi

tanaman di dataran tinggi. Kini kita bisa menemukan tanman ini di seluruh kawasan utama Alpine, kawasan sub Antartika, dan Arktika di seluruh dunia.

“Jika Anda membandingkan hubungan antara spesies dari seluruh spesies global yang pernah diteliti, semakin berat kondisi lingkungan, semakin unik pula komunitas tanaman itu dibandingkan dengan komunitas tanaman sama yang ditemukan di lahan terbuka yang berdampingan,” ucap Bjork.(Abiyu Pradipa. Sumber: Phys.Org)

Olahraga ekstrem


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Bungee Jumping




Jungle Safari



We offer high quality Paragliding services. Uttaranchal Himalayas has the major chunk of Indian Himalayas. Remained under development for a long time the area is still in its primitive form and has vast area of pure wilderness and other sports also as like:


Bungee Jumping




Jungle Safari



We offer high quality of Trekking services. Uttaranchal Himalayas has the major chunk of Indian Himalayas. Remained under development for a long time the area is still in its primitive form and has vast area of pure wilderness and other sports also as like:


Bungee Jumping




Jungle Safari



We offer high quality of kayaking services. Uttaranchal Himalayas has the major chunk of Indian Himalayas. Remained under development for a long time the area is still in its primitive form and has vast area of pure wilderness and other sports also as like:


Bungee Jumping




Jungle Safari


Jungle Safari

We offer high quality of jungle safari services. Uttaranchal Himalayas has the major chunk of Indian Himalayas. Remained under development for a long time the area is still in its primitive form and has vast area of pure wilderness and other sports also as like:


Bungee Jumping




Jungle Safari


Jungle Safari


We offer high quality services in camping. Uttaranchal Himalayas has the major chunk of Indian Himalayas. Remained under development for a long time the area is still in its primitive form and has vast area of pure wilderness and other sports also as like:

* Rafting * Bungee Jumping * Paragliding * Trekking * Kayaking * Jungle Safari * Camping


The bharal or Himalayan blue sheep or naur (Pseudois nayaur) is a caprid found in the

high Himalayas of Nepal, Tibet, China, India, Pakistan, and Bhutan. Its native names

include bharal, barhal, bharar and bharut in Hindi, na or sna in Ladakh, nabo inSpitian, naur i

n Nepali and na or gnao in Bhutan.[1]

The bharal was also the focus of George Schaller's and Peter Matthiessen's expedition to

Nepal in 1973. Their personal experiences are well documented by Matthiessen in his

book, The Snow Leopard. The bharal is a major food of the snow leopard.

Although called blue sheep, bharal resemble goats rather than sheep. The Bharal is afairly large mountain ungulate with a head-body length of 115-165, a shoulder height of 75-90 cm, a tail length of 10-20 cm, and a body weight of 35-75 kg. Males are considerably larger

than females. Both sexes have horns, which are ridged on the upper surface. In males, they are considerably larger than in females, growing upwards, then turning sideways and curving backwards, and reaching a length of 80 cm. In females, the horns are much shorter and straighter, growing only up to 20 cm long.

The coat is of greyish-brown to slate-blue colour, hence the common name blue sheep. The hair is short and dense, and there is no beard. There is a black stripe that separates the upper parts of the back from the white flank and a black strip running from the front to the nose tip. The backs of the legs – and the sides of the digits - are white, the fronts black.

Bharal are solitary or live in groups of usually less than 20 animals which for most of the year are either female or male groups. They are active throughout the day, alternating between feeding and resting. Due to their excellent camouflage and the absence of cover in their alpine environment, bharal remain motionless when approached. Main predators are snow leoaprds and leopard, lambs may be taken by foxes and tawny eagles.

Sexual maturity is reached at the age of 1.5 years. Mating occurs between October and January. After a gestation period of 160 days, the female gives birth to usually one lamb, which is weaned after 6 months. The life span may be 12-15 years.

Bharal feed on grasses, lichens, hardy herbaceous plants, and mosses.