history essay

Introduction to Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Designed by "Bernard the elder, a wonderful master", ‘The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela’ had stood more than 10 centuries in Galicia, a state in north-western Spain. Being a blend of Romanesque, Gothic & Baroque architecture styles, the building itself was named according to the name of the former bishop, where ‘Santiago’ represents his name, St. James, while ‘Compostela’ comes from a Latin word “Campus Stellae”; meaning ‘burial ground’ as a euphemism. The basilica was erected approximately 818 A.D. during the reign of Alfonso II, King of Asturias after the tomb of Apostle St. James was accidentally discovered by Bishop Teodomiro at a miraculous spot. St. James The Greater, one of the apostle of Jesus Christ. Being a religious man, he is the most sincere person among

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Page 1: History essay

Introduction to Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

Designed by "Bernard the elder, a wonderful master", ‘The Cathedral of Santiago de

Compostela’ had stood more than 10 centuries in Galicia, a state in north-western Spain.

Being a blend of Romanesque,

Gothic & Baroque architecture

styles, the building itself was

named according to the name of

the former bishop, where

‘Santiago’ represents his name,

St. James, while ‘Compostela’

comes from a Latin word

“Campus Stellae”; meaning

‘burial ground’ as a euphemism.

The basilica was erected

approximately 818 A.D. during

the reign of Alfonso II, King of

Asturias after the tomb of

Apostle St. James was

accidentally discovered by

Bishop Teodomiro at a

miraculous spot.

Form & Shape of Cathedral

As said by unknown, (2010), the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela was designed

to be in the shape of a Latin Cross, which is 97m long where the main purpose of its great

length is mainly to accommodate a large number of pilgrims at the same time as it is the end

of the pilgrimage routes in the world.

St. James The Greater, one of the apostle of Jesus Christ. Being a religious man, he is the most sincere person among the disciples of Jesus Christ.

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Materials & methods of Construction

Numerous portions of these structures were made of stone and concrete producing it

to be highly preserved. Asian Romans’ concrete consist of lime water, sand and pozzolana.

Pozzolana is made up of volcanic ash, water and stone. Romans used to put these

ingredients in wooden frames so when it get harden it will be bonded to a facing of stone or

brick. These materials are very resistant since there are still roman structures standing more

than 2000 years.

Significance, function & purpose of building

Not only functioning as a monument for St. James the Greater, Santiago de

Compostela also acts as a major pilgrimage route since early Middle Ages. According to

UNESCO (n.d.), the existence of this particular cathedral is relatively significant as the

exemplary nature of this city of Christian pilgrimage which is enriched by the ideological

connotations of the Reconquista is echoed by the great spiritual significance of one of the

few places that are so deeply imbued with faith as to become sacred for the tile of humanity.

Besides, The Galician tomb placed in the cathedral had also been the symbol of the

resistance of Spanish Christians against Islam over a millennium since it was destroyed by

the Muslims at the end of the 10th century. Thus, the existence of Cathedral de Compostela

not only influenced the cultural believes of Galician, but also contribute to the alteration of

Spain’s history.

Reflection & Influence of building style to spirit time & place

The Cathedral itself consists of 3 architectural styles, which are Romanesque, Gothic

& Baroque where each of the styles reflects different spirit of time and place.

The Romanesque style is an architectural style of Medieval Europe characterized by

semi-circular arches; for instance, ‘Portico de la Gloria’, functioned as the main entrance of

the cathedral was introduced during the 12th century when Romanesque was among the

most popular architecture style among the Galicians.

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During the 13th century, the altar of the Santiago Cathedral was designed where

large pieces of windows were set into walls, admitting light through vast expanses of stained

glass. As referred to The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed (2012), Gothic

construction is characterized by lightness where the spiritual and mysterious quality of light

‘The Jambs’ - sculptures of famous musicians during that era carved on the column of ‘Portico de la Gloria’

Main ‘altar’ designed in Gothic style - located in the nave, exactly above the crypt; where the tomb of St. James was placed

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contribute as an important element of the religious symbolism of Gothic cathedrals in the

medieval ages.

Finally in the 17th and 18th century, the architecture design was rather unique

compared to other styles; for instance, highly decorative details & ornaments can be found

on the Baroque extensions such as ‘the Holy Gate’ ("Puerta Santa") and the main facade of

the cathedral, ‘Façade del Obradoiro’. Furthermore, an abundancy of towers as well as

domes can be found on a Baroque building; taking the Santiago Cathedral as example, the

Bell Towers & ‘Tower de la Carraca’ were among the towers that were attached to the main

facade. From the design of the building in this era, we can see that the people were

becoming more attentive & thoughtful after so many centuries. The value of patience can be

seen not only in the designers, but also in the spirit of the Galicians.

Facade del Obradoiro- the main facade of Santiago Cathedral that is still standing in Galicia, Spain which was designed in the 17th century.

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As conclusion, Santiago de Compostela is one of the cathedral in the Medieval which

went through several reconstruction in different era; hence, it is a blend of 3 different

architecture styles. The existence of this building is not only meant to be the place of

memorial of St. James The Greater, an apostle of Jesus Christ but also as the final

destination for Christians to complete their pilgrim. At present, the cathedral is still standing

as a famous church and tourist attraction that compose of different characteristics.

(777 words)