history of cumbri

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  • 8/10/2019 History of Cumbri


    The Marquessate of Cumbri is situated in the south east of Carcassonne covering the old Dukedom

    of Glanborielle. In the year of the Lady 1444 during the great Errantry war against Orcdom the land

    of Carcassonne was greatly beset by rapine and pillage, the local Knights were hard pressed to keep

    the important passes and Loren Highway open which were vital for ensuring that supplies and

    reinforcements reached the crusade in the Badlands.

    During this time Duke Hugo the staunch decided to appoint a noble Knight to rule the area and

    ensure the safety of the mountain passes and the Loren highway. He decided to appoint his

    youngest brother Harold to the position of Marquis of the Marches of Cumbri (a corruption of the

    old Glanborielle term for Goblin infested lands, itself a corruption of the Dwarven name for the

    Greenskins). Harold took a retinue of Loyal Knights of the realm with him to establish his court.

    Over the next 20 yrs Harold and his Knights fought numerous battles and ensured that the passes

    remained open, he also reorganised the land into baronies and counties. Each Barony would consist

    of 15 Parishes and would be ruled by a Baron who owed a feudal duty to his Count. Each county was

    formed of 4 Baronies and ruled by a Count or Viscount. The Marches encompass 6 counties all of

    whom owe a feudal duty to the Marquis. The Marquis retains the 25th

    Barony as his personal fief.

    Each Parish is ruled over by a Knight of the realm and consists of a village, the Knights fortified

    manor or castellated house and enough acres of farmland to sustain the local populace. A typical

    village will house some 400 or so peasants; there will normally be a small chapel for worship, a

    blacksmiths or farriers workshop and often a small wind or watermill for making flour. Some of the

    larger villages may even include a tavern! Although this is most common in the villages nearest to

    the main trading routes.

    In 1466 Harold Marchand 1st

    Marquis de Cumbri was felled in battle by a foul, dishonourable andcowardly act. Having lost his helm cutting down a vile Orc Warlord in noble combat, the cowardly

    Greenskins fired an arrow striking our noble Marquis in the eye. As he fell from his charger a horde

    of despicable Goblins set about our stricken Lord before his noble Knights could reach him. His loyal

    companions set about the foe hewing them limb from scrawny limb sending the Goblins fleeing for

    their lives into the Vaults. With the foe vanquished the last few remaining companions that had set

    out with Harold some 22yrs earlier carried their Lords body back to his Castle at Summersfall where

    he was laid to rest in the Grail chapel.

    With the passing of Harold his son Luel assumed the mantle as 2nd

    Marquis de Cumbri. Having

    recently returned from the Grail Quest Luel was the first Marquis to hold the honour of being aLiving Saint. Following in his noble fathers footsteps Luel recognised a weakness in the marches

    military organisation. There was need of a strong and flexible body of indomitable Knights who

    could respond quickly and decisively to any threat. To this end he reorganised the Grail Knights of

    the March into a noble order who forsook their personal heraldry and duties and took up residence

    in the Priory of Lanercost. These Living Saints wear the virtuous colours of white and blue with their

    Caparisons picked out with golden thread woven to tell the tales of Gilles le Bretons 14 legendary

    battles. This order consists of 20 noble Knights even to this day.

    Luel also decided that in order to effectively control the Marches and protect the trade routes a new

    Castle was required. Luel chose a position to the south of the town of Marguilles at the joining oftwo mountain routes where they crossed the river Eden His new castle was a large structure of local

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    red Sandstone. There was an inner and an outer bailey with fortified gatehouses between the two.

    The inner bailey contained the main Keep, the banqueting hall and the Marquis private quarters as

    well as his wifes Tower. It also contained stables for the Marquis most prized warhorses and a

    small barracks for the Marquis Huscarls. The outer bailey contained the main barracks for the Men

    at Arms and the feasting Hall for the Marquis Knights Errant.

    The Gatehouse to the outer bailey was a heavily fortified structure almost a castle in its own right!

    This was held by Sir Edward Ladieman, Viscomte Carleton, the Marquis personal Standard bearer.

    The Castle was protected on two sides by the converging rivers of the Eden and Petteril and on the

    open side the walls were built thick and high. As the Castle progressed, more and more peasants

    flocked to the area establishing a small but rapidly growing village. This fortress and its

    accompanying village were known as Luels Castle, or Caerluel, in the ancient tongue of Glanborielle.

    With the end of the Errantry war large numbers of Knights and Men at arms returned to their

    devastated lands. Full of righteous indignation at the ruin of their domains they set about ridding

    the Marches of all remaining enemies and restoring their villages and castles to their former Glory.

    There followed a golden period of expansion and regeneration within the entire Dukedom of

    Carcassonne with many Errant Knights returning with their spurs and carving out new domains and

    parishes. Many of these were absorbed into the existing baronies and counties of the Marches but

    some were declared to be separate entities answering directly to the Marquis. This was especially

    true of those new lands in the foothills of the Vaults and in the edges of the Greenwoods of Loren.

    As the enemies of Bretonnia were crushed or chased from the land the new security brought

    increased prosperity and trade. The small village that had grown up around Caerluel had steadily

    expanded until it was by now a small and prosperous town.

    Luel Marchand 2nd

    Marquis de Cumbri and Lord of Caerluel having finally brought peace and

    prosperity to the Marches of Cumbri ruled until 1524 when he rode off one fine morning on his best

    charger, Gloire never to return. With his disappearance his Grandson Phillipe Marchand became

    Lord Caerluel 3rd

    Marquis de Cumbri.

    Shortly after assuming the mantle Phillipe found himself becoming increasingly embroiled in petty

    border disputes with both the fey folk of Loren and the sturdy dwarfs of the vaults. It would seem

    that the rapid and enthusiastic expansion that had taken place during his Grandfathers rule had

    aggravated the Elves of Loren and the Dwarfs of the Vaults. Although his counts were mostly able

    to deal with the raids from the fey folk, the Dwarven question became far more problematic.

    The Dwarfs of the Vaults had used the Errantry wars to slowly reclaim lands and mines lost eons ago

    before the Bretonni had settled within the land. With the return of so many Knights and with so

    many Knights errant being rewarded with full Knighthood many of the border domains had been

    reclaimed. These Knights then continued to push the boundaries of the Marches steadily southward

    creating new lands for their sons and grandsons to rule. This expansion from both realms inevitably

    led to tension and often outright violence.

    The 3rd

    Marquis tried to make the stubborn dwarfs understand their transgression in reclaiming

    Bretonnian lands but the haughty dwarfs with their isolationist attitude would not see reason and

    continued to pursue their unlawful and provocative border insertions. Eventually in 1530 this border

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    tension spilled into outright war between the Marches and the Dwarven holds of Clan Skrat.

    Numerous skirmishes were fought with both sides taking many casualties. There were only three

    major Battles during this short conflict, all in the mountains. The first was a minor dwarven victory

    although their King, Grimli Lunnsson was laid low by the Heroic Comte de Brienne. The second was a

    glorious and comprehensive Bretonnian victory with the Marquis sweeping all before him. The final

    battle of this conflict took place in summer 1544 and was another Dwarven victory. Although the

    new Dwarf King Algrim Grimlisson was again laid low, the vile and low tactics of the gold loving

    midgets led to the fall of the noble Lord Caerluel. He was finally brought low when three entire

    dwarf regiments swamped the Marquis and his noble Knights and through sheer force of numbers

    cut them although, not before the brave Knights had sent many Dwarfs to their graves.

    With the death of both rulers a short and uneasy truce came to pass. During this time Charles

    Marchand returned from his Grail Quest and took up the mantle as Lord Caerluel 4th

    Marquis de

    Cumbri. The peace however was short lived as both the new Marquis and the new Dwarf king were

    eager to seek revenge for their predecessorsdeaths.

    The tension finally spilled over in autumn 1545 with a large Dwarven invasion of the Marches. The

    noble Marquis rode out and met the dwarfs at Kirkwood Pass. Although the battle was a Dwarven

    victory The Bretonnian host had succeeded in causing sufficient casualties to force the Dwarf army

    to retire.

    Since then the internecine border wars have continued and it is certain that another reckoning will

    not be long in coming.

    Notable Lords and Heroes of the Marches.

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    Charles Marchand Lord Caerluel and 4th

    Marquis de Cumbri. At 29 Charles is one of the youngest

    Knights ever to have supped from the Grail. Although tempered by his ascension to the rank of

    living saint he is still beset by the impetuosity of youth. Since assuming the mantle of Marquis de

    Cumbri he has vowed to drive the Dwarfs from the lands of Bretonnia and to make them pay for

    their trespasses. In Battle He wields Aeco Soeri (Augmenter of pain), the sword gifted to him

    by his Father on the day of his birth. His fair head is encased a helm of finest Gromril, a

    present to his distant ancestors from the noble Dwarfs of old. He is encased in a full suite of

    the finest armour available and rides his loyal destrier Recenne (Swift Terror)

    Charles Marchand is married to Eleanor Marchand, Lady Caerluel, Marquessa de Cumbri. Eleanor is

    the third daughter of Duke Cassyon of Parravon. She is accompanied by her loyal body guard of

    Pegasi Knights led by Sir Edward Brackenthwaite. Eleanor married Charles when she was but 17 and

    he 20. The day after their wedding Charles declared his intention to quest for the Grail and left that

    very night. It was eight years before Eleanor and her child Phillipe would see Charles again. Eleanor

    now uses her skills and knowledge as a Damsel of the Lady to help protect her husband from harm.She does not agree with his intended war of vengeance against the Dwarfs as she feels there is a

    greater threat to Bretonnia that has still to show its hand.

    Lady Anne Marchand, Dowager Marquessa de Cumbri,is Charles Marchands mother. A powerful

    Prophetess of the Lady, she uses her power and influence over her son to encourage his war of

    revenge. A Driven woman she has been blinded to everything but revenge at the loss of her beloved

    husband. She has determined to force the Dwarfs from the borders of Bretonnia and ensure they

    never again threaten her family.

    Sir Tristan Ireby, 3rd

    Comte de Brienne , is a powerful Lord and lauded hero of Bretonnia. Cousin to

    the late Marquis, he was the young Charles Marchands tutor, until Charles won his spurs. Since the

    death of the 3rd

    Marquis the Comte de Brienne has been trying to ensure the rash new Marquis

    doesnt throw away over 100 years of Family effort in a futile personal vendetta. As the senior Grail

    Knight within the Marches he is also the Prior of the Chevaliers du Graal (the noble order established

    by Luel Marchand) and is the only Grail Knight in the Marches other than the Marquis to hold

    temporal duties as well as spiritual ones. He is the Lord of the county of Brienne the heart of which

    is the priory of Lanercost.

    Sir Edward Ladieman, Viscomte Carleton, is Charles Marchands maternal grandfather. Although he

    is now past his prime he is still a formidable warrior. Having carried Phillipes standard into battle

    for a number of years he was immensely proud to be asked to carry his grandsons standard into

    battle. A veteran of numerous conflicts and many of the border skirmishes with the Dwarfs he

    shares his Daughters hatred of the stunties. He acts as Charles Marchands main advisor and

    chancellor of his exchequer.

    Sir John Fitzgibbon, 5th

    Comte De Allerdale, Sir John is a steadfast and noble Warrior renowned for

    being both fair and just. He is a celebrated champion of the joust having won many prizes

    throughout the land. He is married to La Belle Isoulde and often carriers her favour into battle and

    at tournaments. As Comte de Allerdale he protects the North Eastern borders with Quenelles and

    the Forest of the Fey. He fought alongside Tancred duc du Quenelles against the Lichemaster and

    has a lasting hatred of those who would disturb the natural order of things.

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    Isabella La Belle Isoulde, Comtessa de Allerdale, is married to the noble John Fitzgibbon. A

    dedicated damsel of the Lady Isabella fell in love with the dashing champion of a tilt over 20yrs ago.

    After a brief courtship they married in a secret grail chapel and eloped to the Marches de cumbri.

    Her enraged father followed and challenged Sir John to a duel. Sir John accepted and promptly

    defeated his evil Father in law. Since this time Isabella has barely grown a day older the power of

    the Lady radiating from her glowing skin. A determined practitioner of Beast magic she will do

    anything to support her Husband as he battles the enemies of Bretonnia.

    Sir Edmund Johnstone, 7th

    Comte de Furness, an aged and poor Lord Sir Edmund lost most of his

    estates and possessions during the recent Border war with the Dwarfs. Although he has now

    returned to his lands they are sorely ravaged and depleted with vile and depraved foes taking

    advantage of the confusion and destruction wrought during the recent conflict. Sir Edmund now

    struggles to restore order to his county and to rebuild his family home and possessions. He fights on

    foot alongside his loyal Huscarls wielding Unmannmece (Ogre Blade), to rid his lands of the trolls

    ogres and wicked monsters that now roam freely among his lands.

    Sir Robert Chartre, Sir Robert abdicated from his duties as Comte de Dyrham some fifteen years ago.

    Since then he has been Questing for the Grail. He currently leads a band of fifteen knights who have

    joined together to help Sir Edmund rid his County of the evil monsters that now reside there.

    Sir Edward Brackenthwaite, Lord Penraeth, came to Carcassonne with Eleanor Marchand. He leads

    her personal retinue consisting of 6 Pegasi Knights. His second in command Sir Thomas Moore acts

    as the units Gallant whilst Sir Edward seeks out the main threats to the Lady Eleanor and tackles

    them in personal combat.

    Lady Anne Bickleigh, Baroness Bromfield, Lady Anne is the daughter of Sir Edward Ladieman. Shemarried Sir Phillipe Bickleigh, Baron Bromfiled twenty years ago and went with him to his Barony of

    Bromfield in the county of Brienne. A skilled Damsel of the Lady she spends most of her time

    ministering to the sick and infirm and helping to protect the Knights and lands of the Barony.

    Other notable nobles in the Land

    Sir Phillipe Bickleigh, Baron Bromfield, Is a strong and proud warrior. A dedicated family man he

    does everything within his power to ensure his family have the best life possible. He is also known

    to be a fair and just ruler although considered to be too easy on his Peasants by some. Sir Phillipe

    allows his peasants to keep a considerable portion of their produce and even pays his men at arms a

    decent wage without taking expenses from them!! His dedication to his Knightly vows means he is a

    pious and considerate lord well loved by his people. In battle sir Phillipe rides at the head of the

    Chevaliers de Bickleigh.

    Sir John Rudd, Baron Kirkbride, A short pugnacious Knight, Sir John will determinedly plow on until

    he has achieved his aims. His lands are some of the most industrious in the Marches producing large

    quantities of goods for market. His barony of Kirkbride lies close to the Fortress of Caerluel and he

    comes under the county of Allerdale. In battle he leads the Chevaliers de Rudd.

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