history of kashmir shivaism

. - - ' Dr B. N Pandit

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Dr B. N Pandit

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The work ace the bac oig of S.vsm he pehc civlizaio of Indu aley, gdal eao ohe wok by Vedic Ay Comg

he cl hioy of i dlopme pee c fomO boSaa gama ad caly h Tk

Agmas eg he oce of Samim he i come o h yi

y of wok e Sivatra a pdai howi c lgh hiicce of  picpe of idc eh he coroecilpom of  hohip of Spd

Pocedg hogh h hoof  deeopme of he phiophcd of he jec hogh he mpoawos e a d apyhi pee h impoace of e

coio of Abhaagpa wadag of he jec o he clmax of igowh o boh he de of heory dpci heoogy la

o devoed ( he corbo f 

he ho f ody mpoae(2) phlophc yic poy ad 3) No

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Dr [ " PId



tpa) PublicationsMy, W Sg hm

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@ Dr. N Pi

F En: 990

ISN 81-521·017

i: n

All rights of riio resved h ho

Pblhd by Loh Ka for  Up io

Ri r nd prd at hraP  b otcm pser s,   Naveen Shhdar a. Dlhi-I032

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This wok 0 the SA1VIM OF KAHMR is meat tpreet hitoial evelopment of th ubjt he oiof Kahmi Sivim h been i i the etiloi ive befoe hape . he wok afe thats of cleve mai hpt i l he t hpe , i

o  f itty haae vig ju otle o dvopme of  ytem h e hape how ihto e pu woks tht ev a th os f KhmiSivm h hi oe e wh te oii hitolvopme of  Spanda-f/r , t oy pbm of  t

uhhp of  pnd Ktki th phosophi sif e p piple of Svim

Th phoophy f Sav mis ws ytemtze aexpe houh a lgcal mth he t tim by i i '( e fouth hpt of he oki ha i dtd t top. he t hpe thwht o he impote f Ivpl)'bhj o Utpleva pves iouo to s othe wk wl. he

fuams f hi phsoph hve lo b isebOy i it he h hpe l t eth wt t

cntributin of Abhvup o theoeti a pataspe f he phoophy of ahm Svim ht of pmt aut of eoy mpoth b iu fly the vnt hpte of th wo ihand.

Siv Nju a o bt impotat autoo Saiv oim a hi w hav ee boh to lit t igt hpt f peset wo It ith hpt

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f y a yg y nad hra aa and pn p dpctng t vatn f th th g at

y c ac azat. t a pc pn ft fdta pincp f ava m

t apt da da wth tcxprn f th ppc and thgca dct fa av cntad phphc hycpd y acnt tach ad athr f ahav h vnt chapt ng ght n nnwn

ava php f vy hg r and h fh vw ava phpy trd h s -avm

A fw appndc hav addd h nt f tdt.

D Bajnndan Shara a hpd n prparg pr cpy f t v and n prf radng dv y ha fr ch hp

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Table f Ces

CpT Pa

Introduction x to xivChapte I. The Svism of Khmi. 1

Chpte II riptl Woks 9hpte II pnd-Ssr o Bh Kl. 6

Chpte IV mnnd nd Hs vd 26

hpte V Jjvpybhi o Utplev 35

Chpe VI Abhivgp's Contbton toSivsm 47

pte VII. Auhos o econdy Impotne. 54 

hapte VIII v N gnhpte IX. A Fsh o el ReztonChape Sivsm in totChpte I Neovs o chya Ama



i Pomnent Aosii Imtnt Wos.i Fthe stocl Iomton) Aevition Wod Idex








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Plosophy n th Wst s hgr spt o hmnwsdom bsd o sond rgmts workd ot throghorrt rsonng nd prssd n logl styl d mthodId phosopy known s DJ s on t otr hd

sprhmn drt xpr o t trth, ttnd by grtyogs throgh tr nr ntton d\lopd by ms o prt Yog S n shns a syh stteh ls byod ll log rsong nd wsdom bse llsh mns to srh ot t trth r bsd on hm on-tos tblhd on nd xprns of  nt bgspbl to now nd to do st lttl ndr t rstrtons

o  t lws o tr h D o Ind yogs lsodsds to th lvl o wsdom bt dos so ly w sosh phlosophr hg lrdy xprd th trthtoh s ntuo, es o rm l d abot t do ts tr hrtr t hs ndrstndng. Rso-g bsd o ovtol log sres st s d n shndrstndg o th trt Logl rgmtto hs grtr s n mkng oths ndrstnd t trth by mnso ts xprsson Its stll grtr d mor rqt s ssn n rgmts nd dbts md t dtng smtgsts brgng tm n th rht pth o plosophkng d dopn corec beliefs n hm.

ogl rgmts nd dsssons sr ths oly s

ds t dlop orrt ndrstndgof 

t nttvely ds-ovrd phosoph trth nd to brng othrs o th l tthr mtl ll.

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( x )pilspy el it utually ppsit scls f tIt is s bcaus t itti f l t srs f rt ist f t se aa. rar aept irsas i t a sarpes typ f iiti wic illuas r i s ier-s a s apct as i petrasit ts st irir scrt; wil t itii f slwr typ f ygis s y ft rst at s blssflierary sp i t prcss f ts ert statf ig bissflss catces f t a y, felg

igly astful t e aa teir quisiti sarcfr irs aspc f t c atracti aspcsf e trt sie at er sps f sta f slpigaiai ee as SUlupt Bsis, eac a ery ygs t pssss a qualy sarp erstaig capacity wite resl a eac ygi ca fr a t sa typf eal ia abu rt. e cal capaility f

ir ygis a t cicy f tr rsecti lagag als pay great par i brigig abut as cs teir xprssis f trt

All at rsls i lp f ars yps fscls f gt bas Ygic eprieces f e rtavarg f yya-Vaia s, i accac wit its iti sc a stp i spig sate f aai a wic

a big tass t f a plete rs a s a al fl ay clati r prpesity wars ay sr fwig siig, ig c a/ya f te ya-ygais aer sp i slepig sa A g rsig at scsp i lef al by al l s xterir a irir sss argas a e lses fr t i beig all capaciis esir, w t aytig He aes prfct rst

a sa abs l elss call ava/ya. A a stil ersep f slpig state a Yg lss e eg ic ss fis iiial selfawaress wic bcs aly exica cseuly sc sa is t as Nlva f teBis tirs. sar f Aaia atis spat sc a er a igr sep fUlp fr w tycl a st a pp i t state f Tur y4, sa f

cct rlati a tale abu as furs f aiai. ey saw rut as a rally x-

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itnt innite onsiousnes sinng roug its own syilustr nd eeling itsel igy bssul in nure nd onse-

uenty tey dened s Saccidnand But ey dd notdsover te eii ntur o te tru be te ed u t su se o  SUlupt by tsulnss o t selblss. is on su ont t ty d o resort to yotil suosiion o t sen o n mure mentld My s n enty oe n ure Brhm or se o osi elntion o t enomnl estne.It s on su unt tt Svnd T sys tus bout su nes:

"hmy,. t m mok/e m /-ps4

(S O41)Hger yogins o suerior merit dovered te trut t

sever lower nd iger ste o  ry nd sw it troug

tei ntuition te nnit nd ure onsousns vngGodd s its own esseni nure nd ound t s onlybsi us o osm reion, dissoluton t. Sn teylso rested t mor n on iger nd ower stes o stte o inuitie revelion o te u som o tm ouldnot ske o o dd not li to s o, tir ersonlindiidlity n onsequently develoed a ts losoy

seeng ivrsity betwen od ol d mte. Sme Yogns sw ri uniy betwn tem nd niturs onsosness nd onsquny deeloed iloso-y o tsm mintinng unity in divrsiy. Sil getye o yogins disovered te st o ret uniy eyused eir individuy int oblivon nd diovred tm

slves s one unversl onsousness ing Goded sits ssnti nd bsi nture. rtsng su reeltion o t relity gi nd gn ey ttined su osition insiitul elon in wi ty s ere uniy uny ndrsiy nd eret diverity s mere mnesttions o  tsingl eernl innie nd u onsousnss, endowed witll diine owers o bsolte Godd ey sw God een

n U innim entiis s wel s in tings ten to b goodDd bd ur nd mur, dsirbl nd undsirbl t sPY te surme monsm delod nd ugt by te

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( xi )

ouwrd rectons of divn powrs of h bsolu,shnng whn h psychic lght of ts pu conscounss.Thy dscord vn Maya h roo cus of ll msry, s con of dvin powr of God nd dvd to sonly God s on's slf shinng n Hs boh h spcts of unvrsl mnfston nd rnscdntl poston for hpurpos of h prfc dscovery of h truth nd ccptdonly such wo-fold rlzon s th mns of th nl ndhghs gol of lf

As for h bsic prhsorc orgn of t monisicSvism i cn b dscovr n the r of the IdusVlly cvion whch prov byond doubt h $vsms rgon of hghly cvid nton wll rsd thrts of rding nd wrng hd tnd rmrkbldvopmn n s spcs of ritul nd hgh ology nnd n th thrd mllnnum B t pprs h th ndusVy ppl wr hghly dvncd n spirtul phosophys wll. Th rlizon of sc d monscbsolus of sprul pilosopy cnot b n oucom of mr mntl hnkng of ws nkrs cn b th rsult of ony n nuonl rlzon of h ruth dvopd ndtnd y t mns of prcc in such systm of yogh ds prcionr o psychic s h rnscndsvn h s of th hghs drmlss slp sinng n h

Nrk mdh of h yog of Ptj uch rlzonof h ruh shns ony n h r h st of nuonl rvlon uch rvlion cn b roud sly ndquckly by mns of  mbha ya of $vs nd th bustof  yogin n mbha mdr found Mohnodro provsh h yogns in ndus Vlly cvilzon sd o prctssuch r Thrfo i cn b gussd corrcly suchyogns us hv hd rlion of h slf s h nnnd pur oncousnss hvng nn dvn poncycld Godhd s ts ssnti nt Tht provs t snc of h phlosophy of  hstc bsolusm, h fundmnl prncpl of monsc $vsm in nd m bout3000 B. nc sch philosophc viws of  bsolu hscmonsm r bsn from h fmly boos of !gd ndsn h us of h word yog n h sns of yogc prc

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( XI

IS o fo aywh h V, ca b

cocy ha h pacc f yoa a h phloophy omo a hc abolum w o oaly kowo Vc p h poc cpo of abou mom Puu! k (RV-90) a ha f mo hm V4g�fy hym R.Vx-125, boh blo o hh Ma'9la of ha Va, pov ha Vc p aauho la h moc hloophy of hc abomfom h yo of h Iu Vly af« hav rmly l h a of h Iu b Th m of ha pAy cvlzao pov o hav b much mo avaca vlop h h f Vc Aya who v IuVally cou wh h hp of h fa movcvly Th Iu Vly cvlzao wa a hhly vop

cycvzao wh h v Aya b v ac of oma mov fom o o o alo whh o of hp, oa cow a ho. I hfoo wo ha v uch cou popl w hhly uc by h cul of h popl cou by hmP§upa avm of Tac charc pa hu oVc o co of wohp a o o focof u pro o Th Vc Aya pck powy y, h phloophy of hc mom, pacc yoa wohp of  P§upa va Mh o, o aphll u of Ja a yon u of Tac aam cfo h oral hba of Iu vally a uch mx-u of h wo culu appa Hum whch co

a uch m of boh h yp v owaa mom wa hu pck up by Vc pr fom

h yo of  Iu Vally opl I w pac aamla by hm cou f m wa xp by hmpocll om poo of va (X-90, 2 aalo dr co f Yajuva Vajxv) I appa

fwar a oc phoophy of Vc pa�auch phloophy cam u h uc of Buhm awa couy p accor o h hoy of 

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( iv )

day and disurban in t tradiions of aing andrning of gly tisti nd otely monii -ori and prais of Saia monim, m down from gnra-tion to gnration. fat GaQapda and Saryaad adopd Bdds mod of disssing pilosopi problm js for purpo of dfating t Buddi ogiansin dbs and disussin But ir folowrs did not s int and did not r o ta into onsidraion somantri wor li Saundrya lahri, Subhagodaa Prapaca-.ra Tantra t omposd by sam r<ligious ldr undny arnd for m t pit of  Prahanna Baudhaor Crpto Bddits Saivism f Kamir prsnd mumor adquat logial argumns to sin l Bdist orrypoBuddit in and tabsd a tisti typ of absolue monism It dvlopd su piosopy of suprmisti monism in bot its asps of tory and prai andsysmaizd it tology and ril aig no sn nurndin t ld of pritul pilospy and moin al dobtsabo t natr of xa rality of t it rondus.

T ool of Prdvaita piosopy arrid aad tradition of its aing and larning troug unron ainsof  prptr and disips for oads of yars t wasno writn down rly as a sool of pioopy s tosav it from falling into te ands of unworty pratiionrwo woud av mis it, as did Aa typ of ryans in oary pas Wn its ora tradii ns, draing gradualyin rng nd dimnion am neary to a o wit tadvanmnt of t "g of Kali, Lord Sva sn down trgr Yogins o is wrd for prpos t rorintation

o systm of Saivim Amarda ot of tm tagtSaivism rog a viw poin of disiy and Snt adopda viw of unity in dirsiy in i taing Trymbadiyatagt Saivism troug a viw point of abolt uniy Happard at Kailasa mounain and was initiatd in aivamonim by sag Durvas i sxnt dsndntagamditya visi Kasmir in ig ntury and

ld prmannly in Valy Kasmiris wr alradyigly avnd in larning tining and wriing n svral

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em e e k p m Sm pk f m u ee Trka Agamas f m Sm Vuupe Stvua � K!

a p f S mm ee ppu f wfu e f pu pw mpe pkk ppe f pnda. b Vuup eeSm e f e ee f ma, w e pp ee u e vdU!I S mm H p pae em u pp pf bw ee wk k va-pybhj, ddhyi .u u pp u Abuppp eu ue we eup que f u mze

e p f e S mm ewu a e Sa Y e ebeu f k m f S mm T4okTaa Prfkvv M1njy f S mm wee mme e mp wk f m Up. H w e epe fb e e p f Sm f Km w f w b f e mp w w mmee -bk f be Km A fw pp m Ve upe wk e pf p ee f eee p pe f e ubj

Ne m u f S mm f me pp f f u p -p m f Ia . Mu w pme f I k Radhma fu f e dh f fu . u ae w fpp w e pbms f

e m

p f ub eme uu m ub

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hadia e d hugh h be u ide he ed f phiphy. ey aepd Bhagavadgit4 as a auhriy

piiua phiphy bu did fee iereed i i piiaphiphy di hy ak ay uch es f auai hiry rd K. u a aiude wad if habe iisibe e f he ih phiphi f uddhi ad aii he head d ha f Idia pp.uh he kih aiud ward ie ha be e h pi ues f he dw-fa f Idia ad Hidu

ai ad i ha b h basi eed a he wrdy huiiyad iey a e hae bee beaig r he huadya We a a a ueed ebih Rmarja ih uy g a we d buid a s rei bwee ur piphi ideas ad praic prb f ifead siy. A suiabe piia ad diirai yi say edd f suh purp!e

Dursa h rgiar Saiva is appeard be a yug har f Vra i 199/20 d iiied hii h hige ype f Saivayga uh har aed Vaidyah h Vaka bae a wadrig i yug agad aied a ir raiai f he priipe ad dri Saia i hrugh his iuiia ei. Haigbe a pari ad a piia hikr r h i byhd he

ied bi he ipii d piiua pb f if wre e wrk Saa i ad piiaiee r a feh view-pi d hi iws be a a N Saii. Hi wks apprd i p uder is pa Aagbhva hya. Hi phiphi wr are

Ama-a VI"asa ad Sddhamhraha   ),aHi wrk piia iee are R/oa. Sanr 

Pacada ad Rasa}abhyaSai i a idced briy i prius

pag is aaiabe i is uy ved r i skri Bue pepe wig sri a grasp i esswihu haig a hugh ary ver he ehd f diaphiphi wiig M f h asri shr f diaphiphy a dig Saia is beau hirhigh ie i ad ep r he Advi Vda f a eid aia i ai uh ub

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hiking ad so a aalysis o ig asps of u ha oly som vy f suc shols of aski, homay o o o ad b pudid agais ay ovigoy a dos o ag ih h Velaa of kaaya ad o h oh had may b i a posiio o pui sui o in is sudy a b foud i h OyMonisi Sivism aid is pf volio by h squa of h vh uy bu mad mo o lss

sludd ad od o h vally of Kasmi did ospad in any oh big cs of ask aig likVas, Dabhg avadp Jaganhapu TiupaiP

Ao f abou Saiv moism is h bsoa

o h d ga by od Siva o a big nly su abig dvop s ad s i i o om Lod Svaboms gious hus says Abhiavagup bou suh fa

Kakkusumsuab bhhga va asiko a makk;hiavya-pa amdv ayca nKp ajyai ahaodia (.V.V -)

Rsah schoas in Idian pais ad h ouh avof a dlopd ins is sudy ad h oduda sch oks o i u y hv o o fa adt o m mmi by m sarch

hoas lik C. Chaj d D. KC. dy. i Nsgupa did o v o ayig o Saiv moism 0

h Noh. D Rdhkishna dd o sudy h oks lk

faaajvmaJn ad n/oka Rsahshoas of h ps ag dpd mo o dfv oko i ad do o y o la i fom b oks uhdfiv ok s Payym of Kmaja. Af b ok o sa ih is Pmsa of Abhiavagupa. uh shoas do o vy f y o a o hong impssios imbibd fom Kmaja ad also fom h

pio sah scholas om of hm, ho y o sudyfan paj do so ih h lp of Bkar hy doo a all ah h msks ommid by hskaa kaa

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( xx

ny restrcton baed on ther cate, creed, sex etc An n-rejdced thrt for learnng the trth and devoton to the

Lord are the oly two condton for ntaton n avsm.Ther no d obt n th act that on certan onts thechool of avm agree wh the Uandc Vednta. Bthat n not rove ter Vedc or OT haractr bae alschools of srta hlosohy d o have some mtal agremnts on some onts and tocs avm agres wthBddhm on many onts. Hndm and am two mtaly

conctng relgons do hav an greement on many ontsSch mta agrement annot rve any mta denttyavm s therfore dentey an gamc hloohy whlthe sx of Brahmnc Hndsm are bscaly Vdcchoos of thoght

Wth the advance of th ag of Kal certan Tantrcracttoners started to ndge n mse of Tntc rt

throgh some ratce of bac magc that earned badname forTantrsm Sch bad am ofTantrsm s one detrentfator whch dos not allow Vd shlr of S�t todeveo nterest n a thorog stdy of ava mons. Athorogh tdy of Khmr avsm the hghet and the bestone mong all Tntrc ytem of hlosohy, cn wash schblemh ofTantrsm an can elevat t oton to the hgest

level n resct and honor. The works ntended o bblshed on te sbjct ar amed at ch roe as wel

Tese wl sely be f ot of e to scholar not knowngSanskrt and not qated wth the dan method ofhlsohc stds n nderstandng ava mnsm and ng th gt fTntrm

It no dobt a fat that va mom lke other

chols of ndan hlosohy ha not formally dscssed detal he obm f evl n th world Sch robem wasonce raed trongly by ord Bddh n he xth centry B.C.It s beng raed by cholars at esent a wel Somnandaraed he ont n / (IJJ 2) He exaned th evbrey a a mre reOectona how n the dvne nd blsfllay f extrovron of th Gdhead of the Abolte Why

dd God creat the evl at a ? Answer to c roblem can hs ew be fond n th ayflns of te natre of God

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ie he pheoel reo ply the prole eildo o rie l beue erythig i ir ply e

ide othig good r eil y ite It he thiig aboutit h gie i the olour o goode or ee . Whery thg i ee Si ee the piu el beob Thu y Uplde i hi tvsl

u}khyp ukhye ipyty ;Mokye ro ytr rg Skara.

(, 0)

Hd tere bee o eil i he pheoe ply o Godthere woul o he bee y good ee beue boh rethe reult o oprtie eluio d e bed o heee o their utul rltty ipod o the ite big dwelig y. Whe prt etr the e o 

Vdy ee the el beoe bliul or hi The pr plyedby ll i dr i ery ot oe ttrtie duig h th plyed by hero The iew o Sio doe o ee yhg oprely eil or goodbut ee eery hig perey ll blul Te Vedtd the uddit iew o ee ll good d l il le lkedre d oe ere ppret pheoe pperig o

the b o igore h ot ee epted by S thker beue uh ew do ot td the e o log dpyhology bed o the ituil experiee o yog

• ie l uh pheoe re he eeto o the powr o e iie oioue hee u he bolutely ree ee i uh ooue Th i the erio o S o

The work i hd del opeheely wih hehitorl deelope o he ubje y heeed o uh udet o eel d Uierite whotke up the ubje t he ee o MA. exiio iSkri or Idi phloophy The uhor ed o brigout oe ore work o he ubje The e work hoe ou udr he tle "pei Dorie o Khir

Si It wl l thow lgh uh pipl o diphloophy whih he eihe o bee ouhe o o

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( Il

whc ue jutce h not been done n oher coo of houghI The thrd work h deoed 1 e cortetud of Khr nd the furth one to t tcl

Khrn orgn nd crcer oe r orntchter of he reou work Aect of Khr 'hl he o be noroted n the work No3 n the groubecue th wok would ren ncoee wthout uch n-

coorton Thee fur work on Kh hlcoer ner eer ortn toc tht curou chowoud lke o know bo the hto n th hlooh of 

Kh A few chte n ee wok hll dcu the rctc ec of he thoog nd u of ther e but corehene work on ch ct of  on h ren et to be wrten n Egh euthor h n tenon o wre on ore book on oecrtc robe not dcued n te four book entonedboe Bu een fer t fu etled work 0 he

theoog d rtu of K ren o bewtten t hl be coo work dendng ucent tend lbor or lone know t wh wll be rtunte o wrte uc work nd wen wol t er n rnt

Mn wrog conceton e Oot b certn gretrerch cholr of he reent ge reqe edtecorrecton For ntnce J Ama pda nd Patbhj4

beng ten three ubcoo of Khr whch not correct Spa tht trnc hrcter of theboute ret the ef of eer be whch to be relzdb n nt b the en of  Ptabf or efrecognon t be brugt bou through ogc ractce recrbed ccodane wth m! tb rrl WOI k n erent et of tet dea wth he wt out teentn n

utu dgreeent0

n rnce or doctrne heere thu he eet nd ntegl eeent of one nd hee choo of hought

Kl Tk d Kama e beng correted whhe o cled three ub choo of Khr a Kand Tka re no doub wo derent te of rccerecrbd n bu nether of he cn be rctbound to n of uch ubchoo. for Kam no

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( xx

l y dpd sys f patal Sav, bt

gal p d pl f bh ka ad K yt I hd h f a a l h p fh Sdktopdya f h Trlka y (A IV 122 179 pp. 28 t 0 v K. f th Krm thd aldd v t pt f Sdmbhvopa a ys .A III 49 54 s hav b dsssd playg p th Dhnoga f h �oPda f th

t (.A V2 0 l th pat fCkraa (A. VII Krama, bg th a gal t fa yst b d a dpd yt ay f t sptl passag dlg h th tp d (AV vl pp 9 d P. V p 2).

( h y path f Kah Sv h pathf ikaog astd by bhakt ad dtdg It

s t th pth lal kdg s ddby y hlas Bg physal t ava f sss d ps f s IS n asha val Bha d ksh pth fpat

v pldva as h f ad h fat f Lkaagpa s bg dd by

/a. h dsp f h l s bd y trak krd a tal ht as dp th pf a

(v Kja a d p f Abhavagpa as

ps dt f agp hs v ntra-ahnk th f Abhava

gpv pbably f th ss f h ga

hv artJIkaaghuvtt t th f Abhavgp lt ha pd d abd g th j as s.

(v Ksh Sv s a Sav vay f AdvaVd, as blvd b s shlas ba:

(I) s p ga haa 2 I

fs th Varta hy f Adva Vda_ It aptM s th dve ad h s he fBha b I as H h/_ (4) h abe

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se o avie sdhna is no known o nkrie evenow. 5) Mos o he av ehers were huse hlder ndno onks (6) avis acces boh enjoen nd lberon as s rs nd s eseni i o lie 7 keuresson o eoions nd nsis s hru nd recoends n sed heir grdu subiaon (8) king rg view o lie vi doe no do n negvud owd wrld 9 k Adv Vda

or h e ver lose o uddhs nihil i. 10) orn urs o Kshir vis do neher reer o echers o Advi Vedn nor quoe ssges o rwork () krdlgvl}a, being ere oer bsed uchore or on hn on cs s no deendblekaalay Annnnd-giri i s ucien deendble(2) The coun o  nkr' Khir vs is hereorehghl doubul. 13) As uheniced b n anien grveinsriron he res da nkrr ele ringrdid no ber uch ne beore he Dogr rule in Khr.(14) There ws no re o he ann se o Sankrr in Kshir beoe he ue o Dogr king (1o o he n Kshrn Vednins dhered o Vi!�vi heis d no Vlvrlm o Sakarhr

(ix) Soe ehil er o  dvla Ved ndavlddhna re wrong bng used s snons o oerle ers o Kshr ivism reulng n onuson.

(x) Nevis o r vgbhav s no ll beng ken noie o b uh odern schrs

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The Saivism of Kashmir

Toug hsicly pre-Ary nd prVdc ts orgSavsm crp by ge o dc rgo d bmo of mos vl lms of Hidusm by g o Epcsd Pr�s.

oug Vdc ru of 31c Hdus of Ksmrd b prdomiy V!�vi crcr worspof Sv d Sk lso d becom vry populr ldrg from prisorc gs Tr v ow gooumbr of prsoric Sv r Ksmir, or iscArJr Vy1r H f M Hmuk c. vsm wy dvrywr b Sc crcr Tror rmy prsorc rs ddcd o UvrsMor Goddss mos mpor mog s r:rpursu Kugm Tsy g -m Trl; k rgr w R' drb pu Brml d so o

ppr c Ng ribs my v ibid brdrs of vly w ws lk Lr w iws clrd of wr by Kyp d ws colozd by Jdorys dr s ldsip ord o  P d Drbs blogg o som ss cvzd d pry brbrcAry oc vdd vly rom or ldrs mdd hw dory srs d sP vdrs d bo bs cm o rms d sdi vly. Tis is iorcl cocso c bdrw rom cco of c sir s gv i

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2 History of Kalh" Svm

Nm Pur. Tse N�g my ve ms rbbyee ivs by i er iece es seers iKsmir my v be e e cie cses e remice e wrsi iva i Ksmi i ems aci imes Te miag ulariy Siva ki cD ave bee imre acie Ksmir by Khhs Kisawar b w ms ve clize e vlley w c ve give i e me "Kmeru wicca ve ge i e wr Ksmir.

T igi ls  ' ms aci Sivism remsly mylgicl i crc. iva is e greaes allgs is be is suerir eve cll ivok ewver resies ag i is sse Prvai eils als e is res a al e scre aces eicae im a is lwys ray el s evees i ll resecs al lces e gras em bs r wry eveyaimes exrcises is grce em libere emrm ier igrace a cseqe rsmgri Welibere ey ge ccess s ivie be a ejy aeeral biss i is c viciiy Prv is is csacmai a s lwys wrsie wi im Bhrv G� re is ivie ssisas a re e wrsie ima eivls like rr e mes wrsar gry e sme as se ll er yes il

wri e ly mi ierece beig  e sacricialrig. Prri f bhng, me s ec, evewi re very e r es Rra smeimes Siva Pv als Beass ae mimes sacric em is anciet Sivism i Ksmir is erly sme s evle i all er ars i.

e Svi r wc Kasmir is scily ams is esic Saiv ilsy e rymb scl ilsy is e ms alable cribi Ksmir I clre. ilsy a bsicly rigie ise rs-imalay area ear Kailsa i bu e 4.cy, A.D s v Kasmir k lace i e 8cry a i evele lly i e ex w ceries vy la.

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e allsm of Kasm

h m c ch f Svm upalsm wch

  f h bf h Id V p ad pd c f m 3S dcp f m d f Savamk h wh c h cr f hh a p c ch f hh bv ually disc ex iee f God, ol nd m. Itpacc c f v d v dc p v pbc cmp Kpkas v cm d

dvacd p f Pp. h dcp hw f Abvp f f pc

"�<fu 'i"

Da dmm (A 3727

ll a pp fh am Nad, cam

pc m ac ma "Nmuralwhch ccd ad w wawd p b hca d wh h a wh pd hmad h m pa wh h vd Ah dma ha m f Sva c bhd aMr Ke§ mp dv b m ach h f Amd d w vd fa h b a

h k amd d he prad e thSalln h hd d h m hc c fh ddha c m ava gama b h a c h ha a hfdam h f Savadda a d f dm ah p m. hh Ya d JM hav bccpd as he h m f ba m

mpc h b v ac pcc dvad ac wp f Sv t alla h p f Abh vap vbdd wh :

,�p g< I "

ddh Kambah A. 3727)

Ah c Savm whch

pp fh fm h rallm f hh pcap f qad m a a ad

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4 History 0/ Khmir Salvm

tem it they a Sdravda. Te et dveloped in tpeent m n the telth centuy ut the tdtn t

patice i ucietly ancient. It mut have eited a apea ytem diipine amng ome cent ode oava n It al ucently tuti in aacte init patce The Vednti avim o a peet teach a mntc theoy tanomton (Abheapar�-vda) hich mantD that the dvne poe Gd get tnmed int the phenmenal etene It

eemle vUva RmnuaKahmi vm a pilophy hich i ute dent inmany epect m al thee hl the $avm teSuth It adpt a pagmatic appach tad all theplem p ilophy n th t ide they andpatce.

t IS neithe gidy dealitic e the Advaita edna and

Buddhm n o ealitcs

the NyyaVae�a hyaThe univee acodng t t i neithe e a miage ne the child a n man. It i a elty o all pacticalpupe. Bt it nt an alute eaty, ecaue t i aceatn. t et n the a lute ealty in the m puelmitle and a contanng cncune. That coniunecalled Para-v, i a ay viating nadly and ut

ady y t aic natue and it vatve natue alledSna Spana i a t a ti conciune. Thephenomenal unvee hch eit n aa-va in the m pue concoune ppea y tage i it phenmenalapct n the manne a eectn appeang a m Am a the eectn utad et ut the m pue cncune ea the eectin it n pe

Siva pe t eate, t peeve and t a the univeeand al t conceal a ell a t eveal Hi natue aluteGdhead get maneted at Hi payul, ndependent andunetictile ill and tha ll the eence Hi GdheadHad He nt ped uch natue He ud nt have eenGd. He may have may nt have eted at all in thatcae ecaue H eitence culd neithe have een challengd

n etal hed y any ne Unvee nthng ut ectve manietatin o H dvne pe He i a ety

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ll f Klr

i poe ae Hi eece eefo H po aao eaity a o t mfetatio of toe poe eaity. H coit f ve-pu mte cocoue ic i f upto bim it Goy po oe ot ueo ay ca v e te activte ofceato etc i . T i Hi ttc apect ice i cae Sv. e apct of te mfttio of HiGoa i cae Hi Skti ot a meey to apecto e a te am aoute, a poefu a epeeteaty i itepttio f te Hiu moim i te etut cotibut to Iia Poopy by t Siva pioope of Kam l ca be teme Hiu patimtu it i muc iet fom ptem of te etea t Vaivit tke becau iv i t i a aboutea abtct aity at ta a poa Go c b

i i Hi iet apt a te pue potet cocioue tacei a peome of o a ubtecacte.

Kam Sivim ccept o tctio ba o catece tc Evy cuiou evout pt c veacc to t bot toticay a pacticay It ive moeimpotce to pctic ta to booi oee a oicicuio I it ey it come coe to t tem of

Bag a o o t im o Ngja Ipctice it oe ot pecib te pofeio of mok butav to ve te if of oueoe a t pacti i byi Sa va y fo te ake of efeaiato oe oavoct sa It poibit te ue of a ot ofaity ymbo e ite be, mtte i etcH avoi uppe o f oe emotio itct

avocate pt of i ubimatio. t o t ioet oy a vey m of ife coi of objeciveejoymet It ate avocate a pat aime at bot btleoymt) kl (beato), bot of c ca beuue i by It y mpai o evoti a tatmkes i patie i ptiab t , i tay qite pamatc i t ppoc toa t pctc o.

ee Siv pip i ot at a ty to tub tae o iio of t me. Tey avcate te pactic

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6 s1ry of shmr Sasm

of te the stbl ishd Bahmaic idism bsd 01 das,Sm1s ad traditio They aso dvoctd the practic ofiv woship i temps at saced placs ad i homes

additio to these otward aspcts of relio tey prechedthe actice of ivayo i ccordace wit the Trk adKa systems of atic prctice he Ku sysem advocteste s of ve mkrs prevat i th Ttric scts of telet had systms t ca be practised oly by som eroicpractitio cpble to kp thir mids costatly cocetrtd o te mystic fola ad also o the dity worshipd

by mes of sch oeris ad servcs swet to seses.Oe hs to keep is mid coetrted i mditatio

whie ejoi otwardly all sch eas of sse pesrdlece i l sch ses ctivities is ot to be lowd todistb the meditatio of a spirat itiatio i ths pthis threore rated oly to sch pesos who c sy dspotaeosly cotol thei mi d d sss Whe spi

rat c sccee thorohly i cotoli th ects o schpowerfl obects d mes of sese pleasre ad i kepihis mid immrsed i mditati whie ii i ther sehe c trwrds ttai sch a psycholoical state i whichhe c costtly oy te divi e bliss of his ity witrm-va eve while di ll te wrdly ctivities eshall ot the rqir ay fomal pactce i a secde placde ay special discipli for that prpoe aspiratet acess to te i mitess ad dvi self-blis throh hpath of woldy eoymt by te ms o h Ttrcpractice

Trk system has bc mc more prvlet m theaivas of Kashir The se of mkdra s eier sstilyprescribed or total prohibitd i that systm of pcticeWhe everythi is i fct the od iml wht t pscribe ad wha to pohibit? Oe my mk se of objctof sesc please o may ot s it t does ot make mchdierec to follow of Trk system f practic hsto carry o his wordly acivit is a d hs to prctis side byside a yoa whih d s b withdrw rm objtivactivitie o f l l idati d fo rmi of cocptio t i to eept absoltely still like th< ame o lmp a plce wre


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The Salvsm oj Kahmir 7

wnd does not bow Withdaw from al obetve actvites tturns towards te subject that is the rea self nd gts merged

into it by stges uch merger results i an ntuitve eiz-ton of te real sef whch is nothing ese but Parama-Him. hs i th mbhopy of Trk system nd isknown as Icch-yog. It should not owver be confusedeither wit Zyog of Jpnese Buddhsm o wth the yogof Mae yogn both f whch c n ead ony to dremessstte d cn not eve on's dne nure.

One who is not eient enough to practie ths yog hsto perform prctce n impessing on hi mi nd that he sin fct rm-va; every thng is he himsef; he s n everythg nd evey thing i in him tis s the manifestationof his ow powers nd o on This is the ktupya ofTrk system and s know as J�nog. Wen an srantucceeds n the practice o ths yoga e becomes t for theprcce of mbhaoga

An asprt, ot quite t for the d irect prctice of thiskyga, s to peform it practce wit the hepof cer obectiv elemens ike hi understdig sense, thefunctons of h ffoce his breh nd ts movemet hisphyc bdy wh its nervcentre, oUwrd objects cosst-ig o sounds and substaces nd so on. He hs to concen-te h s mnd on objecve eement d as to e i s thdvie Absoute wth th hep of a ctempatve medtation_Then he hs 10 <e unity etween te obect, the Absouteand hs own elf hrough uc prctice h ecomes megeto the boute eaity nd fs hmsef to be te Aboutefor the ime beig. ht is th A�vpy of the Trkasystm nd s own rydoga. en pctitioersucceed in its pctie h bmes t for tking up tekoga

The eemets of obectve medtto nd ment ctvityttn prominence i A�avyog. at Yog conssts ofobectve medtton an koga consits of bjectivecontmpton T eement of knowing beomes more pro-

mnent nkayoga

becuse t consist of practices i nimgnng nd fo rmng corect concepton of the exctreity. mbhvyog i free frm l imaginations con

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8 r f Kah Sas

cepn cnempin nd cncenin. B eeemen en dn nd nwn e pued ebcund in i pe nd e eemen w nein n p n n pm nn in . Wn uIcch-oa becme peect e p e deceeiin wiu ny pcce ee e exercn  i wi va c e i nwn Andaa nup·)'a i e Y w u y en T ie e e e vy e Ta yte  Sdh

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Scriptural Works

Mot o f te cool of Hn du piloopy e bed ontwofold fo nd t ion of logic reoning nd criptrl u t-ority Wile te i / of Bni dw ipi-ton fro Vedic criptue like Upni3d te ool f

ivi tke te f v g og cieniiitie in piloopic view e fnd betwee ee we o iptre yet er genel crcter otok on l ien d t proble well o n te dcipline n tlogy retly deen ir ivi proponding on;ticbt teitic bot t eentilly fundetl pincipleof ploopy coe very cloe to Upni�dic ni Bt

it i till eentilly ic rter n Vedic in t cr-cter nd otloo t cept te utoy of Ved in tecil pec of cety but prefer gic p fo e eof quick piitul poge t pecil pinciple nd doctrine o piloopy nd teology re eentilly bed on tetecing f iv g

iv g ve been nlyed n i ivi

into tree goup ledng pirt repctvey o te pitulplne of dl onodl nd pue oni wentyegt in g of vi e known in te S t e

e clied ino two gop of ten nd eigteen clled epec-tvelY' §v-g nd R-gs. e tee of vnt tke te vng been uttered epecvely by v in te f of vefced Svccndnt nd u n

int wo d ttined pefect puity nd d elied teelve connt cpion of o iv to i wor

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10 History f Khmir Salvlm

hip by n of cr (e) kr (for orhipyog edittn) n Jn (knoedge) Bu Km

v rcogni the cripture i i n t nd eding todu d on-dui tinbe n the t of Skand Suj rvey. he crptur in the ve ofKhi Svi r ed by Siv nd Rudr tonedrpivy t t pla of iU nd mooum.

Kh ir ivj� recogniz One re group of ghih per to b e goup entiond bove. t i

the goup of Bhrv AgJ Bv r dvine bengtond the pne of on iU. hy ee g nit vew pin dpt it t thi tehig ch gs e xy- in n ube re divded intoeiht gp eight ech Lit of uch g of eectgis e given i scrptural wrk nd $rk!hS1hi ht ork i no vibe no but t concerned

pg hve e preervd b Jyt by qo g e coetry n Trka f Abhinavgup cBhi rv g r vy l e kwn th outh, but nnt prc ito" orSa iv yg kn the Skrcryrfer to ixy·fu r r of Siv n Sadrahr.hr yt e group of Siv crp ue ic wrcgn zd e i erit vn e ixty four Bhalrva

Agm uh gm ere x in nuber nd e e re Sur,Brgak e e x ford to group of h reech nd he group n erit knon e goup ofTrka he triiy of vin I h bn eognzed te highet e in uthority n d erit Conting ehf f e x kw 4rd-ra l . Theaut iy f the Tik g, in both the theory nd the

pe v e hght n v iew of he onitiSv of K Mny of e praic doctrine ofKhr Svi hve bee drn nt ony fro Bhrv3 but f e f e e o group nd ·pge fro th hv ben quo Tanrk of Abhinv1gpt. uotes e ens en o thir techer in hi vadi hre Ihu no a ivin btn uch group of iv gAutho of Khir Siv hve occiony quoted oe

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Scrip/ur Woks 1 1

pag of Upan�ad. Bagavg d t uh ro-plosopc wks s we l at o t ra of thr

vs o. Th foow apd th cpta v ofall otr shs o d ph oopby, ot xdv Bdds B v thn thy prolad t t pt h ik Am ld rt to

d tl y g ' u nt As fr th dtStr thy accpt tm a ng corrct p o n vs pta a n havg clly bcn sprd by Sv

H islfhe Aam of t T co of t pmot

rptur a eo y ay rath h ' commary oTanok a (i) ddh-Tl (2) NmkaTnt (3)M;Tnr. h wre of t l s a n of so o may v VmTntr d th ltr'a n wo may a crpt to t r om crl

mta c n v mutly sd rd rpt. Be, w Vksvm w pply ko v pto t tmc o yrataand S� A at y arat Vmk Nm)dalt w kow f Sa va o, dd ws vo o t pratcl d f t jct MTr dsd ot Avagupt tcs t

h s po t Mn Tntr nd gs hhght o n h grup of h .

M Tr mt v ha w p h prvoo d t l o A prnt w hv oy th on MnVjyotra h word U ss tt r u v pt s w Avptcon zs e tr pto of Mn Tnt g

th prmot atorty o ptc of Svam m MnVotr s hgly myt n prt gg t of may tort1 ad prcl d-s of Kar vm altly rf d h g lymytc ty.

Is opl ts rdly b unrsoo rrtly wouth hlp Tatoka t dls vry ry t hght

D vy fnd ma prcpl f plphy doct-r f mb d ka Yog v dd n t

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1 Hior of amr Slvlm

ery bry. Tog t pctcs of �ava Yo hav bendscusd dl y ty of sc dcso s so mystc

tt ordry rede c ot mke ot yg from ti Agm do t , y sto trd t d ofTrkan B l t c be drsood wt t Epof To commey o by Jyr woqots e�t psgs fom t e cocrd COtxt bgpt rfrs to o of s works md PraPk. It fet t uc wo my e be wrtt o

t pr or pos porto of Mn Tanra w sb ost. T s MUn! ljya rka by bgup pl det e doctrs del wt bry dmytcy Ml T He rfrs to c wor Mnokark. t gy wodef wor oSYm b rqres commty o t st som foootes fr of c co topc e p d

d xprsdom oer scpr wo r so Vb o e sub

jct d toe re sd bow:I SccnTnr: t te oy cmprs d

ee cp w of g mpotce o KsmrSm t s be ow It b commtryby Kmj d s b prt s oms It

fy wi my of t pctcs of bct mdttod wor ot bo em It t oy scrptr txt wc ow sce g my topc of t f Ksm sm Mc o sc m"tr s bdrw by bgp rom t we composg tcptrs o rt prccs of m Sasm sT yr goes o qog psg from t

w e w g commty o m cptr wordr t m Svcca s b coed-mog styfor rs I probb tt my b t sm ts ScnTnr wc torou of fomio grig h detis of  h wondru  rituals of Trika 


2. NraTnr o brs commety by m

I mpotce s grer t ed of t prcpsof ology h i thoe of ritual and philosophy.

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Scriptural Works

VI}da-bharav, o so s �/vopanf smlr or lg m l t o ur tl

sorc prctcs og Suc prctcs f grpcorrctl prcts rgu rl rsut uc roof t ct tur of t r slf ss t ros gto som rts of ktopdya to tosuc o ur tl prccs gt tro b t o t ur oft bsc mpscl tru s r bgg s r orfu t bs tl commtr b op

ot b som B A jdnabharaas s to b cptr o olumous RuraYmala clso s b out t ls f Barva Ag

4 Pardtr!kd s s s t b cpr ofRuradmaa Scolrs of t prst g o tt or b m Parr"Jkd toug Abgupt s crsuc po bo oubt s ts commtr m

araa o r ss clr trms t t m oft or s Trk ot Trmkd ss furtr tt s cll Trak s l but c ot b l Tr'k l vaaa of Abgupt o t xt ofrtr rss ts or to r of t formost mport ors o t r sstm of g. lgugof t coupts of Tr s r smpl but t tlogcl

cott xprss b tm s r profou tur mstrous crcr araa of Abguptpls ts scrts troug orful tcu of r subt plosopc g. Vr f scolrs c grspts rl puport cult grspg t s ugmt bfcts ts tg ts tt s rog t m plcs puctuto s trm cpt t rqur bl

corrct tg c s o b o b rof Gurtoo basc or s o s nutara Stra s ll commt 1 t scusss t g m profouprcpls of posop s ll s som g str mstruos octrs of prct �mbhava)oga. Itros suct gt o toogc bcgrou of og pctcs M4tk Ml tps of mbhavoa

sc t cots xts scussos o msubt topcs of plosop tolog of mosm

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History of Kahmr Slvlm

g row o bm i i is igly mkal Onlysome su scholrs paciiors ca gasp corrcly exc sgicac of e ner pis of philosopy anheology pli y Ahiavagpa in ba Vlvr! as arigy pro i pbiosopbic inkig a pracice i SavaYga H say imself oy som rar pss mog asof peope my e al make s eos rif y nrsaing a pra isig e ocris xplie y im i i

B�is, eWiTn

agais ceif eacs, preing smss of sec miseig simp popl nd makigus of hem ike ass ry beir bvy es n osrve bem Who brcly, a baving alray enrppem y meas f false propagaa

tr: I is ike Mlnviaya a sripura work ofe iges mpoae hog mp d

follow b cn iqe e syl of oher gams wbib realengy iscorss ewn Siv an aki win i vsyl, mosy i Anuubh, wbi Sivasra is a if wrk ira frm. is vial i re chprs T rs aperrow l g on e mepysics of Kasmir Savism Sm-havaYog" a e spnanos selfeaizaion aime a ysucb yoga a wl as b pricipes of onage n leraio

Tbe sco capr sows as o ow h esus of kpdhv a spoaos ris i a yogi wen he pracie inmbvopy oms prf. om of sucb rsuls bavn es�rie n i aper of vtr als wih owr yp f res f ba 0ga, known 3S Vlbhtl. orSlhl a sris leg he posiio of Jaman aspir wo s a sl of bs succss n SmayogaJcomes r v wie livg i a moral frm Tha ishow Dbaa Bbkar has ipee Sivasura i b is riko i. Tbe haings of be bee baprs, as gven i scommery are respcively Clrkvarup Shj-lya a Vlbhlp Tese agree wh he beaings ofhe hr bprs of paakrik as giv i is ief ommey y Bba I\ Kala\ bimslf e nams hem sSvpap Shjvay a Vlbhn Tbe vr. ofBba Bbsar is as sri on b raiinal i erpre

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Scrlpura Wos

tcr t Vsugut, h dcoe of Sivasulr.

Bha!a Kaaa was dcipl f Vauupta d bogd t ti f g Ara to wc t blogdRmaka as hy u t hav b tu youg c-tep "s of Va J" aa s that va-trawas avad t Vugupta by Lod va wo uttd t t i a d d at colctd th incp f Spnd fi Ra)a ay t ssnc o th Spandpicip w trasttd t Vaugupta by o Sdd o sspch' Sddhda i gry of tw ds So slddhappas bo ro ad tll lh ig r h apprsin a da and ipas wdg Irug spch.Th vsin d Siva ith in a wkig stat r i a dams also cond as visin a Siddha. rr Iacings f va at such ccasins a al akn as Siddh-

dea. is trf a c a ivasta was vd byva Vagpa n da A ma accut a bgivn by Maarada w rgad 10 s cposigMahhamanJal' uc Sddd do happn wih dvs and pco yga Vaugpt must hav bn aivygin bogg to t col yamaka bld ar by Sadtya in h gt ctury Hur Gupt ca tat y hav a ppd Ih

ay ancsrs 0 Abhavagupa w as had std Kashir in h ighh cntuy caus that is th nyfaiy as a colr w ud t urGupta Vaugupta is accptd M!hlkgu hyabas scho of aiv is anspld by ga- Kahm Mlku w such tachs fIh sc o rynb to w divn scptus wr

ral by Lod iva�rja a dscip Abavgpla appard in

vnt cury tt is au afr w undd yas t dicvy ist by Vaugupt H lats atry about wc ay a Vaugupta w trucd b

p r 4

2 SP v,

M ·9

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6 Hr 0/ Kahr a

L v i em t vtu ig the t Mhdv uti y the e uh f hi hd d pyivt id i ide lig p with he gud

He tted puhig up uh d l e f the uedup eet wh t m ide fg Vugupt. He fud thipti pid thm u d t m dw g it pviu piti.4 Ld iv le w if uh ty ith ul hiy f Svt h vlpd h f the gti f me devee f he iv philphyuh thg hv eve ee um wth d devee

hee i ev w Drpah whh dhearpa anapa Gd w whehe uh eeged t the igh f th 9th e tuy w leive it y vte the i f  th ty eted yK�mj N et wte h id ythig u uhty f anp vara e hee ig mi d ef e h e:

auaVa f Bh Bh.2. araVr f ej. araVra f Vd The ief mmey i ra whih

pp e gt f e' VaJ5 iv Vt f Bht Bh i

he Vi it wh give thee i the ff  Oe u i uietly helpfu i udeig he f Siv wel th Vt f Bh

The wie f the lie l ppe mmey Sivt ud th itle SivVivi t mped

it well i Hd It gig e pulhedvy . A Eglh tlti f iv wih exply e e i l e pepd i he futu y udt f th uth f  V

Sp B 1-

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Spandasastra of Bhatta Kallat

Bhaa Kla is the mst rmnent al l h earlyuthrs f Kshmr aiis. Kalha raises him s greaslh

descended t the wrld fr h ulif f leTlk-gms, the scrur wrks f h Siism f Tryambaka's sh wer reealed t ts stl l erlier eahersSivt, a brief wrk in stic sy s ls untedamng gm. t ws reeled t Vasuguta, thr f hschl f Trymbka wh may hae rbby belnged t thefamily f Atrigut N thr wrk frm hs n as s far

be sed Tditin ibs t him the uthh V mmentary n Bhagadg A manusri in fragments nder the tte V was rured fw yes back aSrigar by th Reserch Deartmen f ammu and KashmrSte. t is nw the rerty f Kshmir Unirsy Thewritr ese lines has sen the mnuscrit, hgh nhrughy It agrees n many int with the Rmh's

mmetary n the G But i nns h ex f thG qit in acrdanc wh th suhrn recentin andnt the nrhern recensin whh was reaent a ha timein Kashmir The suthern reensin, whih has nw bemeth sdard tex f he G hrughu the whle wrd,wa imred ashmir by Kshmiran Pads wh, hng

\reisly ed frm the aley were later recalled nd rehabil itaed there by highly generus ruer nmed Znubdin the lter r o the feenth etury. heree

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18 HDry of ahir a

ateiciy of e macrip i ye o be eablied.t eqire a earc orieed orog tdy wic a o

bee doe o far f it may be e ealVa

e e textof  e G mt e be added o it by ome copyi ade origial mcip may ae coaied e commearyaloe wrie caperwie; oterwie it ca be a forgedVa ad may e bee bilt by ome aer Padi o ebai of Rmakaa commetary. Vagpta wa doblely a grea yogi He may ae bee o iteey iereedi e practice of te blifl experiece of elf-realizaiotrog Sbhaa yoga at e may o e cred o do ayremarkable academic ciiy. He a ee accepted a eoigiao of  padaSra A oed by aa allaai is e wo collected e ectar of pada pioopy of Saiim wic wa lyig idde i e ocea of  re tem pada i aaiable eier i e mai gama of e ika yem or i Saa I a bee ed for e

r ime i c ee i PrJabhuahlaa by ageDa ad afterwad i te padark of aaalla Te erm pada wa adoped by Vagpa ad tep iloopic priciple deoted by wa alo brog o ligfo e r ime by im He agt at priciple dec erm o i dicple ad aa ala amog embil a padara i padakrk eplaied i i

i l called padaaraa ad aayed i fre i iote work wic e o come dow o Te wordpada dbdha ed by m i padaaraare meat o ay tat e pda pilopy wa collecedad ki ogeter by Vagpta e roo dbh meagraha a i, o bid togee o to i togeerI doe o mea to wite, a a bee aid by Dr Padey A

book i called a grah becae i leae are bod togeeaa alaa, aig become ery promie i teime of Aaiarma oied i te i cey AD

He wa a eder coemporary of pilooper lie aPradyma, omada, paladea ad Rmaaa l owom oried i e ime of e ame rer of  amir

2 SS cnudg r DO

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SdJt of Bhaa K 1

Vpt v ben b wn ve ldr B Kll. T pd pincipl ppred rl

in 82

nd dvlpd pndtr in r pndkik nr bt 850 AD T krk w cpdb B Kll n d nt b Vp il idwrnl b K�r in lvnt cnr. T tntic nd rlibl vinc b c c i Rk w l bnd t i Avnivrn .Wil plinin cnd cplt pndkrik enin Vpt t pcptr f tr wrk in nd nd n i tr T tr p t vbl cin i prcp tr cpltnd Rk pln t wd gurubhlm e vrbltcin iprd b t prcptr Vp. writ:

�u"§l > ' i

Grr Vpbidn brt Vc ti.(p. vi p 16)

H ntdc t plt tr wrd ivnblw:

!f;r -Nij+ · rvt v n d v . (Ibid)

T cpt cnend i prt nd prcl pnd-krik n bn cpd b t tr Krikil I t bn ddd t i b n cnOtr ctr lik Up Vi�v nd vn K�rjil ccp i pl Kik il. T

tr Krik i t dicip Vp ndn Vp l nd c dicipl i B Kll.

Ant rlibl vinc c c t BBkr w w t vn tc i n l in Vpt nd w d ce dwn t knwld b pincipl pndr nd i i r nn lin prpr b Bk

n bn ntind b Abinvp n

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20 Hory o ir

hs eaches e my have heefe ene he eaiepa f  he enh ceny e says in ceae ems ha Bh\aKaaa expane h s hee chapes f Sivasa huhhs pdsra an scusse s fuh pa huh hsTrhi� Many cupes f panai aemene vey fen as pan-sa Even Kmaaamenns hem ie ha

he h eiae eviece s ha pa Vai)avawhse cmmenay n pai is h ms schay nee as pecee Ahinavapa Bein a ea schanwn many §a qu psae n y fmSava ws s fm Prr ahl an manyhe ra an sppyin infmain n may he pinsie sme he ws f Bhaa Ka a w y ihanha an s n he wu neve hav misse a ea auhe Ahinavapa if h ha succeee hm. e says in sicae ems ha Bhaa Kaa expaine e phsphy f 

pana huh his u!ubh cpes mein (una y he fy hi cpe i he ex fwe yhm says cay ha i was Bhaa Kaaa wh vesie hemysic phisphy f pna afte hn en fm hspp Vup wh a e iecy By hew vesie aymsa i is mean say ha Bha\aKa cmpse he veses f pai_ paa

mnns he ame f Bha\\a Kaaa ess han eh imes_I appeas f he views f Up Vaiava ha hews a Vaiavie ha espec f Svism Pssaes qpfusey y hm fm he Prr exs have iven himh name Vi)ava I is s ieeniae him fm heea Upaaeva ha scha have e he w Viava his ame_ s vy emey pssie ha he hav een

an en Vaave may have afwas swiche ve Svsm y mans f he efmance f Save dlkf sssey he ie ca Lgdhr whch s a ms n sch ases asp escie n Trs p 170) Trok chape 22

3_ SSV p 3. S P, p. 1

S Po l pac

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pnr of B! K 21

as h tays hs stan fath n rtra systand appars to tryng hs st to vat t to th lvl of

spanda Karja apparng n th vnth try and longng to th ln of th dsps of onanda appars tohav n hghy pjdd agnst Bhaa Kalaa ho ntons n sngr nr and hs vs h rtssno nd thn sots thot nang h thogh Ahnavagpta nons hs n th grt rspt as Srat

allaath. t s Kaja ho asrd th athorshpof pandakk to Vsgpta n ordr to pt ght to hsopnon  h xpland th ord grhrt s th grat h an lnaton s hghly ar fthd nharatr.

appas that a ontrovrsy aot th athorshp ofpnkl had al rady rsn so t f Kara

startd to rt t os proaly on th ass of aadjalosy tn th atr dspls n th lns of BhaaKala and onanda. s on sch aont hat th opt No 53 as addd n to drnt vrsons o th Karkn of th rsns prlas Bhaa Kaa!a as th vrsrf h srs of th phlosophy of panda anng y thaths athosp of th Kk h vrson of th oplt has

n aptd nd pand y tpala Vai ! ! .,"v h othrvrson nats vagy that th Krk as rttn yVasgpa slf h vsn of t nds s p n thtxt xpnd y Karja Bt h opl No 53 dosnthr s n th pandsarvsva of Bhaa Kalaa nor nt pand-vt of ha ht pv t torg.

Karja as vry ntllgnt and snty l rad.n h as th only on aong th dspls of Ahnavgpta ho took snt ntrst n aad prsts hhad o a t ovr onsos aot hs a ty. H asfond of onsng sl prnpls of phosophy y akngth oplx throgh hs sh prsso and as kn to nd

6 S Ni p. 547 TA, 29-123

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22 HI.tory fKc Salvl.m

ou fsh ptatios of ait ts lik iasta,Spandkrk . Abhnavaupta may hv snsd suh

dnis i hm and hat may hav bn th aus on aoutof whh his m wa not mntiond anywh by thgat ah who mntions by nams my of his favouidsipls mo tha on f his wok, splly hisTank Bsids his aount of h vtin of �/vctaoms s to mythology han o hstoy Thfo his vwson h authoship of Spdakik ano b takn as ot

and th viws of h bov mnond h auhos annotb jtd as io Th vid of Rmkaha aish havist wight baus h, bloging to th im ofAvativaman mus av had funt psoal otas wBhaa Kallaa ad oths.

Spada as disovd by Vasugupta d as bough toligt by Baa Kallaa is t blisfu and spiitul onav

st oft absolut and divin onsiousss ad s vibtoy n ts aat Vibation in physis s zigzag outwdmovmnt of wvs of som physial lmts liklgh, sound t But Spnd s dobl dgd sti, thobbngoutwadly and inwady at on ad th sm momn. I spuy a spiitu si and not ay pysial movmnt omtal stssnss a b paid s t xtovtivad intovv divi volition of God Had H no t posss-sd suh a vibaoy natu H alo would hav istd fov; th would o hav bn y atin, ay dissolutionany phomnal maifstatio d aythig ht ould avmafsd His Godad. Th divi dmti show of aon and dissolution, bondg ad libto t. s maifstd by Him in wondfuy dit ways hugh t xtovtv ad iovtiv thobbig of His Spad Thogh thnnmost iwad spt of suh thobbig, H shis ast absolut and pu onsiousss lon His aultndncy  towads b  outward mn ifstation  of His divie pows of Godd is th sult of it outwad obbing.God anot b tkn o b quit idtia wih Spada wibas a re d a fll i  Him. It s not quit idntica with His akti whih h basi sou of its ostn s ad fall. is hus th impotant u d sult of t aki of

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Spastr / Bh K! 23

Go Snce aki o Goea e eenia naue o GoHe anno be viual ze beng evoi o Sana bu canbe ealze a e eec emboimen o ana in i wo

aec o exoveion an noveion euling in e manieion o ceaion an ioluion.Since Go ne Himel n e om o eac an evey

oul, evey living beng Sana a eenil naue.Eveyone i ay awae o own el a "I Ta ue o e inwa vbon o Sana in m. ac vngbeg alwy rone knw an o o omeing an a

e eu o e ouwa ue o Sna n i ueiual ac i can be eaiy exeience by a being i eu n acon i ne n aene aenon an e ocove oug i e inne ouce o all ycc ayical aciviie all o wic ae enomena manieaiono Sana wc ne n em bu i no genelly eaelike a Suc an eoion o e ne aue o Sana

become eaily oble on e occaion o a ge co n emoion like oy, eo ange aonimen ecTe ue an e vne aec o Sana ine o amoen in uc iuion bu i uaon i o o one cnno cac o o Ou owe o aeniveawene i no geeal ly o quck a o c i ca beone eay by yogin cng e ai va yoga o e ikayem. Suc yogin alone can eac e way o cacng i No logical inkng an eaoning can be o any aval in ucme Snakik o Baa Kaaa can eeoe bemuc moe ueu o n ae cione o av yoga no an acaemcian o a ogcl inke on accoun ouc myc caace o Sana-a a all wok oen e Kik (alongw a ew commeae ave beelo Only e nme e known om eeence o emin e wok o lae auo One o uc wok v/!va"hltdwc aea o be ve commenay o Sanakaika(S P. . 41) . Pge om ome wok o e amecace ve been quoe n Srlkd, 30 an42. 

8 SK ; S H o J

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24 HIlory of Kashmir Svm

Tllvvera' was a work by Bha Kaaa whih hasben os a is known ony rogh a eree i Spandprdpk o paa Vai!ava who rers o he ttvlhac/nlma o Bhaa Kaaa an qos nghy passago ha wok has bn nio by Bha Bhskaraas we He says ha Sivasra oain or haps, ho whh were xpaie by Bhra aa hogh his pasra (ha is panakrik) an h orh o hrogh hsTllvrth-c/nma�/.12 bhavagpa says ha BhaaKaa opose Mdhuvhn an vrlhacl/" s

wo conaries on vasra Kaja qoes soephosc passags ro Tavrhainan I appeaso h wrer o hs ins ha sh passages ay hav bhe origina lr ona in he oh chape o vlr. sh works o Bhaa Kaaa s hav a wh soevry esoeric ocrnes o ava yoga a s hav bnhighy ysic in sy a ha ay have been h as o

hi oss bcase vey ew aep aspiras o ay havbecome nterested in  thm.  qoaio o so work oBhaa aaa esribs he qais o dut/, a aasssan who hps a peepor o Kai in h ansissioo h kowege o he absoe hisic onis o ivaphiosophy o hs iscips ha sows Baa aaa ohave b a precpo o h Ka sys an an aho o

soe work on as we ch hings sggs rher hesoeic chaace o hs works His oh works enioean qo by paa Vaava ar i) vasvabhvasabohana p Pr pp. 7 8), a (ii) so wok i Kshiraapabhraqta  language  (Ibid,  p 23). 

pana an raybhij ae beig one as woeren schoos o Saivis, b n ac er s o a

agren bwen hir picipes an ocries, he oyrnce being in h opics scss Prayabh i sio

9 S Pr, pp 9 8 SSV p 13.  V.V Vol II p

A .


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Spandara of Bhala Kaa! 2

als manly wt t lgca rs f asm n tSana sctn aks raccal yga an ts slts as

sjct mattr t alt wt naagta qsrfsy frm Sanakrk w xanng t Agamdhkra vrapat)'abhj t t wa Sr . attrw cmmtt sc mak f cntng tm as tw rnscs f asmr asm an sclrs ar st ll flwngm n sc matrs rn w attan slfrcgntn pratyabhj, crs Spada as s ac natr.

gma t rc f t Sana an Pratyasctns f asmr asm cas f tm tr ctrns frm gamas AgamaIatra s ts casctn f t ltrar n amr am

t Patabh-ra n Agamasra can gnrt rnc f Sana cas t str f Sana s t mtfnamnta rncl f ractal asm t s n f t

ms mrtan rncls f t try as wl n t tfr ts larzatn gs t ata alla w t an tagt t t s cls n ma f ts ascts st t r f t Spanda-ra.

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Somananda and His Sivadrsti

vey be o Ksh hs bee cvsos sees o he vey ce es. The ece s eos so esbshe by eKko eeos he be o he eh cey A

pove ee c o y es o schos woce se hee eey h oe e o hs ws os pobby peo whe y e o ceso o o, vse he veywhe o pe e hs coy hs peehoe.

y ws cco he see o o he seeh es ece o he osc schooo Sv hsohy esbshe by Tybky ech cpe o he os Sv se Dvss He vepevosy cve soewhee e he Ks o e sHy es o e . h scooo osc Svs, kow s e schoo o ybkws sccessvey ese ove by oee ss who ve

eve cebe e o who boe e se eTyk y. he ee ybky howeveche he o o eo cebcy e Bh cco o Bc es s, os es he ve bh o y wo becee he seeh es pcpo o he schoo o Ty-bk who ws Bhn bo by bh eco

The scoo ce o be kow s Tamba he ce

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Somnnd nd hi d 27

m gug. W c m v opro t t o "Trmb tr um

Sgmty ucc by o Vty

tu by o Auty ftr prcptrof . Som t o t c cpl f bcm, o tu t ttt pgtc t . ccout of ctry bgv by Som mlf t lt cpt of id

Sm t utor of t t ploopc tt ot mtc vm of rym b lv t t cturyAD yougr cotmpy of B!! ll olv mr t g of g Avtvm bcu fr to t v of B! yum cou of tlt cf cpl tplv o commto d#1 tg v ot o o vci ut t vlopmt f t ltu of colGt ploopr Abvgupt pp t t

l o cpot g o t ctty bout t xct plc

r Som lv t vlly but mot probbly mgt v b rt of Sg propr mot of t lr ploopr o t cool lv t uto blogg t o t ftt ctury, y tt blog to t fmly of m Som o grt t

cpbl to c bot gc o l v tmp t mo mp. f tt Som t tob Som t t plc o f c c tlyb t mpur. t r tu to Som commty o t 4/dn of g B!

fc t Rt bout t Somv vg b tb by Som t

outrt of t cty Mt of t v pl oop of m l ct Vc ouol ollogBmc l Som lo ouo l v mmt forft cvmt t pctc of v yog of t r ul ytm mm

SD V 0 0 2

2 SD / 9

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28 itoy of Khmir Sm

sely grat, as e s bn vy hghly pased on tat aountby get plosopers lke Abhinvgpta.

Mny esotec pples of toy d pce of temonst Svsm wee evealed to mny tees of te shooo Tymb afler t go establshd Ksmi osepples wre wtten dow by tem te om of Savagmas ke -Vj, Sddh Nt. hJkh et.ese gams, lke al l ohe nt spes ae dlogeson ghe pncpes regd g te og, e nte and the

ms o m e ad also te mens to aheve tose amsDaloge s ft a dloge ad s not etse Whenpeple tak tey do not geeay tl sttly o on nd hsm top d ot fen deal systemataly wt topstaked Ove ey do not sttly folow the tenqe addown by logcs fo te se of posopc wtngs ot s bt ntl tt pples of p losopy le sateed

n sptues a hpzad mnne, st s peous ebsle sateed ad hdden n a foest fll of unontbl typesof vegto A uos peson hs to t n a p osopnsght by mens of ge elgous patces nd has todve deep t t oe f scpes to d o the exatpcples of plosopy en e hs to develop a cotad et metal udestandg of tem nd lso a gh

poeny n the at of expesson of sbe altes enand ten alone e beome an eat ad eent teheo ato of a posophy

ymb's scoo of Svsm was fotnate enogh toget a an of s stly and sholy posopes of geatmet possessg hghly advaned vements n te pate of elgon nd plosophy, on te o nd nd o fglydevloped

fltes f d and ht th ot d s sool of thogt devloped a nd pogessed egl lyafte ts tanplantaton n the val ley of ahm h valley,wh was alwys r te beates of ate, showed oneagn tat ts sol was so fetl fo te gwt of a beatflposopy. y ll the mpotnt dve sptues dposop ttses s w ll as the manls of pt ofte shoo of ymbka we omposed n the valley ofasm and an unbroken tdton of tehng and eanng

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Somnand nd his vdH!1 9

of the phosophy of th chool ot we stablshed   ths very land. It s fo tbese  reasons that  tbis sbool hs ome

to be known as the soo of  Kashmr Saivsm. Geatautbors of phlosophc  woks started to ppea n Kshmr 

from the nnth enuy A.D  and  the  foemost ones mong hem were Bha� Ka' d omad he aho ofpadakka d vdrfl, e ae be he dedphooph eae ompoed o he be of KahmrSvm a oga ye

vadti dvded o eve her haperdea wh he mephy ad ooogy o Khmr Svm derbe he eea re of Pv he eerayexe aboe reay The rce he og of hewhoe pheomeo ha mae rey ao debeh proe of he reao of he vere, ao wh mpora eeme o of h fdamea eay The

heory of VvI mere apperae baed o goae) aa he phoopy of mk grammar by hoa kehha ha bee oroghy red ogay adpyhoogaly he eod haper of vd. Thebd Bhma he P/pn a P ype of peech aoave be dd we ha hper The begee ad he expcby of Avdy, he b gorae

o whh baed he hoy of Vv have ao bee cr·ed here The whoe rm of e VvI heory of herammaa a hod o d a a rm of he Vvheory of he Veda of Sakara a we

The  thd  chapte begins  with the ritism  of the approah o he mae reay a adopd by ome, o aedSka ad eabhe a dey ad a y bewee Sakm

ad Savm A p e objeo ha a be raed byro reader aga he prpe of Sva mom havebee ded dea ad hve he bee red adrefed oe by oe hroh od oI rme heme haper The aboey mo ad eer exeeof he ba reay o he oe had ad he oa owof h pheomea dvery a a omo o h oher had

have ao bee de by de epaed ad reoed we he ame haper The oey of he mo y of he

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30 HD Kuhm Sllm

rd in a te ay divine activitie a been trgydiced t gicaly nd argment in te rt

cpter Sd. Te t caper ti rk i devtedt te retatin al gica deect tat cld be pintedt by antagnt like Vijnadi, it repect t teprincipe 5aia mnim Te eact nate tat mnim,temed by ater teacer a Pardvait wic dier rmtat te Advaita Vdnt, a al been decribed twardte ce tat capter Te ndamental principe

ter c and bc ndian pip avebeen diced exmined and criticied in te ixt capterTe een cater dea wit te practical de Kamir5aivm Seeral type medtatin tat ca ead t teacievement rdy and pirita aim man le, aeben decribed in tat capter wic ce wit te naratin te try te rigin and te tram iin Kamr

5aivm and ide by ide wit a brie try te amily te atr.vdrt! ber a bre cmmetay by tpaladeva. Bt

rtnately t commentary rm te midde te rtcapter a ben lt and te wr beynd tat pit aceenty, bece mre r e ninteigibe. Abi-navagpta ocana n Sdt a al bee t

Smnndaad cmped a mmentary n PJ

Tntric tet deaing wit me te iget tpe pacti in 5aiva yga. Ta cmmntary i nt avaiabeat preent bt a been qted t eeral pace by Abinavagpta n n cmmentary n tat wrk

Sid eea tat Smnanda mt ae ad cienteperience n te drect ealiatin te iget and te netate te ltimate realty Smnnda etemel arptelgence, wnde pwer minte tikig dexact ndertaning cct trt, i igy deepedcapacty t epe in cear term even te nexpreibeecret ptal prncipe pipy te natr w i exprei ad i cmpete matery er Saktangage and ndian lgc a reveaed in Svdrt re r�trnqe in many rpect t ge igy t is cedit at

be eting d citiciig a tgitc tgt

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Somnand d hi dH

rs nrstn xcy an as t k arsnrsan larly t xact sgn cnc f tg ans caacty gras fly t xact rr f l raln

scs f lsy s nrfl . alys rfs try y ans f st an sn lgc sss y sycgcal sans. s xn t st l lns f trs f n lss n trn n scsn sral sscls f Inan lsy an as ftt y ns f sn argns

lsy f Snn s n an an

slty nstc n an t t a glytstc Te grt Sakarrya cl n rcnclns s an xln tr t l ft rncl f gnnngless gnnc. Snanarlz sc natr f t n s astlynscnntal ny Al t cacts n n atsf r an t l nn l n n an s

ltly cnns f st s l t lnts f a ant l n n s A s s n cltly nnnt anrfr as n s fgn lnts l k ars c fr t ftan f s caacs t r s slty nnnt n all rscts an nfss s n rs trg s nnnt l S l nrs n f Snana s ng t

t fsi f r Ga f tasl rlty. a ccrng t U s a ltlss anslf n cnscsnss c s r lssfl an layfy ts n natr s alays rtng n fr yr f t n str f cnscsnss c s s ssnt ntr T ratn sl nt akn s any yscl n lk at f sn lgt r s t nr

s t any tal ls k sr gr sgst tct s sng lk sr f ng f a nncncsnss r a nlk actty f cnscslnsty c s lys nlss n c s knn srmJv t trnl st an asc rly It s knnas Sd n t lsy rs asct fSnd c ccrg t du ral z fr a n

gs c f s t lk asr n

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32 Hiory f Khmlr Slvlsm 

nger etc provdd person is sucently super vgnt insl inrospecion. 80mnnd does not however use the term

or i but cls it unmukhyBy vire of such stir of conscousnss, he etnl bss

of he Lord ppers in th m o wl to mnest nd hwill ke the  orm of  knowing nd doing. Consciousns,biss will knowing nd dog re the ve primry owers o he Lord nd re known s His aktls. These akls ve consnt rise nd n the Lord jus s wves hve n n

ocn he sir o conscousness mkes ths powers hrobto nd ro nd tht esults n mnifestos o ve divinectivies o the ord he objective exstence lying merged n the innie consciousness pprs in its obective orm inhe mnner of rction But h reecon does not requiny outwrd object o cst it here t is mnested by theunresticbc will of te Lord. Th ve powers o te Lord

grow forh tin grossness n bring orth cretion prser-vion nd dissolution of th un iverse. The Lord whilmnfesting these hre dvine ctvties goes on cocelinghis rel ntur of pure consciouness nd ppers in the ormo the numrous typs o derent imitd subects nd objects.He movs down nd down into thickr pnes o ignoncetroug he species of nims d plnts Then, exercsing Hissupreme grce on some li mite beings, He rvels to hemH dIvne nture nd such beings rlze hemselves to be teLord nd oe ese. These are e ourh nd the t dvnectves of obuton nd rvlion of the Lord o Godby viru of Hs ntul stir o consciousness, mnifes theseve dvine ctvites While dong so, H ppers in t  ormo  mny type o souls in hevens, els nd mortl words on One d nd so in te orm of this objective peno

menon u o mmense dversty on he oter hnd n heview o Somnd every beng d t ng is God d Godlone A person my rel ze h Godhed or my not do sohe is God nd God alone in bo the cses ne my recognz god s gold or my no recogn it l ike h; gold isgold in bot the css But h drenc ies in on wyWhile conzed s god it gives gr joy to i posss

sor nd becoms o ret ue to im. n h sme wy on's

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Somnand and his I.adr/l 33

Godhed whe reazed d recozed thorohy by a peoae h t oce b l d c be artly exerced adcoeqetly relhed by h. hrefore a w ero hod

reze d reco h bc de atre ad t for thatrpoe that Somda compoed IadflSomad doe ot cometely aree wth the rc

of he Vedatc o be ccord to Vdata theGdhead of th rd ad the mafetato of the pheomeoar e earace bed o he eect of Ady 'Wherefrom dd Ad oraly eer Smda h

rcpl of be ee ad epcablty of Addoe ot apal hm o h t ort of eca Ha tre the pcle of the aboey depedet wof the Lord d ay tht H w ll ow o retrto oobtrcto. H appear a He wl ad do o becoea t were l the lemet of whch the peomeo cotSo o the o had He the abolte ealty cted ofol a ltd a cot elf rdt ad abotey

pre coco ad o the other had whateer ppear te ere He ad H ao Ee a aateobect relty ch God s God H trcedetect

A for the pcple o v d k he y ht thwhole ay of th efld de ctty of the od H ak whch H Godhead d H ery eece k

therefor er dret from a Jt a cpact tohe to br e wrmth to coo ad o o re eerdrt frm e o he l the power f the ord acpete detty wth H Bt o fr the am to be to the ltat relty cocered he are that thword ak, ccrd t t rmatcl formt dote ttrbte whch mt he oe btce a t port

to ad po ad coclde that for th r the aboteeaty hold be clled iva rther th kt H cometator eto th ocalld ka 'vjha that pero bo to thr ow r th ra ofaa Soatm accord to vdl ot deret from am

Somad doe ot fly aree wth th epro ofth er of Vdc pad H qot from may of them

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34 HI.tory f Kshmir SaMm

and hos ho th xpssions sd a not f fo dfctWhi doing so h point out that th Upni!3dic choasa dpnding on th f-iagnd pincipl of Av aDdthat pov hi ctcs as bing aid at uch ancintVdntins ho nt ptd Upanad ih th hlp of ththo of Vvra

H gn al das inspiatio fo th Saiva Agamsand ass th pncps of his phiooph on th Hiphoph , on that account, a ntic on and ot a Vdicon though at lacs, h accpts th authoit of th Vdicscipus ao. H nith ags th th gos ali ofNa-VJelka sts, no ith th subtl als of41kha-Yg sst on on hand, ad, 0 th oth hand,h do Dot appov of th dai of th Vdanta o that ofth Vjndvda of t Buddt h uavaaauna ao do not appl h. H futs th aipincpls of a ths school of thught

H ags ith th idalist in intainng  that tphnonon i a appaanc But, in hs v th ootcau f this appaanc is in th atu of th aboutGodhad of Siva Who appa a H l. Thfo thho univs, in h opinion i Siva appaing in dntfos at dint stags aDd subtags in th pocs of Hisv plafu activitis of Godhad His philooph cn btakn ith a ontic ths a thitic onis ndsinc s t bsic alit a th About an d s thho phnonon as th nifsttion of that bout, itcan b td as a thistic absoutis as ll

onanda, though not so uch knon though hngth and badth of Inda an though til ls knonaboad, n fact, on of th gatst think and siddha ofIndia and has ad on of th ost vauab contibutions toIndian cutu. t s hov a att fo satisfaction tatchoas n thi count and abad hav at statd tota ntt in h and his tachiDg.


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e v plsp Km s een nmed asPrlybhj4-dJa n e Savdrimsangrha dvc pl becuse the name of te mot  impor-tn plpc w n e uject 1vprlbh4

nd p ecue e dcne prlabh4, el-ecgnn en gven be ums mptac n w Upaadev. Abnvagup ne be p ms mpnt ne Inda wble mnng te mpnce taw l s " m psse a pesn dvedeep nt metbng muc me eu n b upugngwes g ued cen mde dedu tb 8mes ne e nmed Vv ndled mmnse ceu gles m wnds a e me e cmc dsun l sd exence nt t l pssle ne m e deps e p opb expesedn !vpY wc nne te n v Hmsel caple t d' IP.. vl. II1 p 4

Utpaadeva te ub e w enged accdngt be temen Rma s dscp t R4}k

aml Kaman Bmn ab ccd ng bs wn stemen wa Udaka. e d sn namedmkaa Pt dbusudan Kul akng uggetn mtese tw mes ne ta e gnal nme tpldevam bave een Upak. jut psse bt s dscples nd assctes ma bave added ut pec e wd'deva"  to i nme nd in order  o  shorn it, my ve 

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36 stry 0/ hm Sm

drppd the wrd kar frm t l melf mplUpl e d nt gie u n mre fmtn rgrd

ng h pern ht Abhngup whle mmntngn th Vv!t f tplade n h wvaaprayhj4 th Utpald w Brhmn brn Vgr ndh fthr 'Lda b rgn Vgr thu thame of  hi mother.  Ls  wer the  acin popl  of

uart The ner f Upde d thu mgtdfrm Gujrt t Khmr m prbbl dug the rg f

Lltd It ppr rm h wd f Abhguptht Upalde had hml gn uch nmtn n hVvt n he wrd-"dynun f h Ivraprayahd But ne he Vt h nt fr bme blh pn nnt be ful eludd.

Smnd the tweneh predng hr hh Tmbk nd he uhr f 'lvad, th rphlph trete wrten n he ubet, w the preptr Upde mgupt nd Abhnp wrerepel h mmdt uer n the n drdpl Rmh ntmprr f Atrmn,w l ne h prment dpl Pdmnnd w hl me Rmkh mmenre n Spndklka ndBhagavag r lb n prn. It w he wh lltednd mple he peta wrk f Utpde

Upld ute rm Sakrkd f Bh Klnd l frm TatvagahaSOra f B Prdumn dple nd un f the frmer Bha Kl, wh w peret beng (sldd), d n Khmr durng the rgn Antrmn nd h bn mennd lke ht b Khn h aa/aaln hch mentn Mu urtpe f th rul Rmh tht h w ungerbrher f Mukt Therfre ll thee ther phlpher nd pet belng t e lter pr f the nnh entur.Th re hu elder nd unger ntmpr, BhKl nd Bh Prdumn th eldr ne Smnndnd Utpld the unger ne nd Lk�mgupt nd

Rmkh tl unger n.Abhngupt blngd he lr prt he 0hentur nd th rler rt f he leenth enur h

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Jivarapratyab Ual�va 7

dae given by h i m in three of h wor correspond especvely with AD. 990, 992 and 04 A D. whle wrng hisVfn on the VvTtI of Utpaladeva on h ow n va

paabhj, he (Abhnavgupta ay that he wa enruedby he author o hs discipe asaJagupta fo the purpoeof intiaon in he mnitc aiva pilosohy a discusedin hat wor This prove two things : Firstly it shows haUtpaladeva was living n t world upto the tie when A bhinvgupt was u a young by who could not be ye taughthe prfund principle of philosophy dicused in ara

payabh econdly t prves tht Abhinavgupta waborn  in ha early pt f he tenth centuy  when Upladevaws  still living  in  moral form. Bth Upaladeva nd Abhnavagup mut have hu lived long lives the rst onebeginning it in he nnth enuy AD nd th secnd

eacng leat he t qurer of the elevenh entury ndboh lving ogether n the midde of the tenh

Neiher Utpaldeva no any one ele h ever id nyhing bout the exct pac of his residence i howeverprobable hat he was residen of rnagr prope wheeot of the author of imorant wr on Kashir aivismlved hee a trditon prevalent aong ome od panditof ri nagar which ay ht his exac place of reidence waGoapora ancien Gupapur si uaed soewhere in he

northern par of e ld city toward Verng.Utpaladeva wa rt cor He was a mase ofall he subecs studied b cholars in his ge Hi Vvon i aaaabhjd ust ave been ver burdened bydiscuions fro e view points of other scool of houghlie Mi Saba-Brahmava, Vava ec ishng s proved by the Vn witen on it by Abhnavagupta He had surely de a thorogh study of te wor

of Buddist logician whe views he refues now and then bymeans of ound aguments

he paths of sannsa aa and forced repesionof ind and senses poplarly pevalen amng he annd phloophers of many other parts of nda ad neverbecome uc popular wih the Hindu adepts of KahrMo of te Hidu philoopher of hat land lived houe

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38  Histor ofKhmir Mm

holder' l i f i n ccordnce with Brhmnic ide id downi n Stl nd come down in rditon . Five of the immeditencestors

of Somnnd were householder. BhKll

w househoder nd so w Upaldeva Somnnd lo w probbly househoder. They followed Brhmnimnd prcised S iv Yog, sde by sd. Their w n ineg-l pth of ction, devoion mdttion nd knowledge.

Utpldev s e uthor of sveral vluble wor oniv pilosophy n the mo importnt one mong hem

i 1arprtyabhlj. his work deals with nearly l l theimportnt topics of the theoy of iva philoophy nd mkehem ucently cer to cuious studn iadi of Somnn on ccount of its etremey minue de bsoluteubteness of it logicl method nd i tense conciseness of sstyl f expression dd not low it o ecome so much populwith uent n gene s did ler Ivrapaybhl of

Utpldev h chief disciple Thi work epresses in mor inteigibe nd n eser style ll te min princpleof te teory of iv phi losophy disussed in iadi ndh been corrctly decribed by Ahinavagpt bengcle reectins of the philoophy of Somnanda

(I Pr V. vol. II p 2)araprtybhl consists of fou sections r books

clled AdhkrD fanl (kwng nd rly (dong) haeben ccepted as two min pec o f conscousness nd thert two books of the work de wh the manifestions ofhe two power of th Absute God Book I, nmedJnhlkr, refutes the Buddit octine of the noneistenc of a knowing ubject and esblishe it eernl eisencei n dion to the consant w of ment mntl id

It pove tht the al "J is tt pure nd permnent cncione which me l recollectos posible, serve se ecessary connectng link btween ny two deas nd withte psychic light of whic do the ment phenomen shnend ppe as eistent entitie t thows light on te mnnerin which limited subjec nd objecs of perception cognitiony ecollcton s wel the limitation itself e mifeted

by od through Hi divine power It proves pemnennne nd pure conciousnes to be the only base of l

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ivpybhjM of Upev 39

conion clcio c bli by n ofd u bou Godood of t u nd n concioun ni l-coi, ni

d bolu Iociou.Book II of vpybhn dvod to dci

io of tu of Kiy, wy d of fion of v, lvy, i c nd of liv kowd T vi toy of cuto lo b d wi i dtil i t book. Ti nd cv b ovd o b coco of bjc

nd d o b bd o wo y of liviy wic o b kn concto bd o d dlutc vw of nit ubjct T co of livn of ndn knowld bn dcd i dilnd t utit Tut b blid n bolxinc in ou i ow ycic lu of u concioun d lyi byond co of l wodly

of kown.Book II dcb volon of iy-x v

out of Abolu I ly wo noo odin lt d dcib di of ivolutio n ccodc w doctn of v·T docin id o clicion of known ubjc io vn coi of ivi n I tow

i o f i coiv iy d uity wl l Suc clio o bn wokd ou in ccodc w t docn of iv nd i book ,on uc ccount bn d Agmh I owli on n of fo of iion coiof wk din li d fou o Bdit dcib c o t v function of ion

c d p p sd ud d vd T vfcton of tion d i fou cold w v ys of lii bis ou n l oco y of lyi of bjci onoT ook i dvod o i io oicc oii d n of u�s lld byo cn oic of Sivyo nd i i di

ul. Towd clo of wok b dcud

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40 Htor of hmr Sm

th impotanc of lf contion o rtybh and thwhol wo ha aftwad n concdd wit a nc o

t nam of t atho nd i fathAnoth piloophic wo of tpaadva i Sddhriwhich conit of th mal dint wo t i mant topplmnt ]Jvrrbhj Ctn topic which wdalt with vy iy in that ok w 3fwad dicdin dtail in Sddhr. t of th Sddh iA4prm-dd in which t aho pov that no da

in of nowin o doin wold hv com poi wthotth contant xitnc of a ctiv lmnt hinin n thfom of tat p -concon wich an tna ntityand di nt fom mnd and mnta tat h thoy ofnon-xtntim of th Vjd of Mhn Bddhima th n fly ftd h cond txt namd 1Iddh aim a t th ftion of t athit h of

tanfomaton pr�md, advoctd in th khyaytm h atho a that th caton of ti nvcontin of nmo jct and oct poinwodflly di nt nat and capa of yidin wondfly dint aim cod not hav com poil hd thnot n an al-nowin concio mnt ind i movmnt dictin tm in accodanc with om law and

aimin thm at dint ind of ppo of ndividalin t i fth ad that no ol od av attaindK had th concio rk (oo tanc) nndpndnty activ in tanfomin itf of it own accod,ca n {nanimat n nat it Qd nv hav diciminatd any n ihtnd ol fom oth who a yt ndan. thd xt namd Smbnd-ddh dvotd

to th xpanation o t nat, oiin and maniftation oflativity whch ha n xpand to a m conptionof th nt in rrybhcom coplt withSddhtr which v it a n addndm

tpaadva had wttn om mo wo on phoophyhnavapta qot paa fom thm withot mntionn th nam ha n aid to hav compod a woamd Prpnc on th ivayoa of th hiht typ.A v ha n qotd om it n va oth wok and

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/vrrblj of Udev 41

te name of te work a s been mentioned by mtnand i nis Yognhdydpk. Bu t te erse conce ed i s not

found in te printed tet of te work is utorsp wtrespect to tat work is terefore doubtful

omananda bu i t te eoeical aspec of asmiraiism in is SIVdWI, tpaldea rened it in is p i osopic works mentioned aboe and bingupta crried i t tocomplete perfecion by giing e nal inteprtation o itsdoctrines and principles troug is commenries 01 te

aboe menioned works nd by systematising nd naY$ingits practicl aspect og is works ike Ttok andTrr tpaldea composed in addition brief comentaries caled l ld!l rbl nd ddhlry wic r party i be Te oss o f is l on telast alf of d!l is n irreparable oss wic pinces testudents and scolrs ofiism becuse tat pr of te work

remains uninteligible to gret eten paldes detiledcommentry clled Vvt or Tk, wrtten by im on is wnJrrb as so ben lost and e detiedcommenary written on t ll by bingupt doesnot yied sucient res t s on ta t account f te V1l couldbecome aible te colosa l work of binagupt woudbecome ery useu

tpaladea was not ony a pilosoper of deep insigt butalso a poet of great meri e composd a fw beuif ymnsin prise of ord ia n addit ion e wrot considerbenmbe of single erses dierent occasional ou tb ursts ofspiritul ecstacy caused by igly motional feeings of unionwi t nd sepration from od uc erses were fterwardscolected compiled and cl assied into poems by disciples in

te line Te colect io w named isor t is aail-able wit a Snskrit cmmentry by semr. l ttpoetry of tpalade cn be classed wi te be religiouslyrics of ndia. is poetry is suggestie of certin profoundprincipes f is pilosopy wc nds mre eectieepression in poetry tan in ogica compositin

All the importan posBuddhist schools of Hindu  phlo-

sophy have critcised the Buddhist principles  of teim ndon-existntialism. Bu, since  that reigion  depended  more 

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42 Hir of Ki

o ele a reoig o i rpural aoiy i iker aie iger uiy i uble logi wiwi ey ou be Hiu iker in ebe e Sapilooper o Ki ook Bu e e aago bo o palae eoe igi pr o eir iery eo o e reuao oe aei argue o Bu logii. ey ilenee ubl ogi rgue o Vjnd w e elp oequay ble logi ie by pyoog ig eo pra il expeie el o perpo oepo u i ey oul u uee oiige uio eeke ru bou e aly o e aVjnd o Bu a bou e orree o eeii bolu Abigp oplee i oo preeeor.

A or i priple e pil oopy o pal-e e ee e eory o erial rea aoae byd ol o Bui riiie by e V4d o e e religio H gree wi iea i aepi g e prple e woe peoeo eeppe wiou y uba p o au apower o e pyi luioy o pure Ioioue. Hriii o e rlda ol goo a " o eHiu oo o erl rei e g yya Viek,

ky e Vndn ol e ew l e objeie ie i e u iere ae ere reeo or ereouw proeio o o ow o oey elie are ue by e ge ol ipreo (aowig ow i e urre o u oey ie TeVdn agreeig prly wi e aiai a al pheoe r e reeio o e iagi ie will o uieral

bi e !, W alog wi e wole peooi Hiel ere ppeare be on e bai igoaelle AdY wi eir iew i begiigle niexplible. plea oe o gree wi eier o eeeorie o n i ieali He reor o ou logiargue ie by pyologil ig e ee u b erly exie kowg ubje a-

o o e o u o oery iea He aii

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Ifvarprat)'ubhjn o Upld� 4

tat pu ptnt nd actve cncoun dnitl teenta for of uc ubject He arue furte tat anundane dalin of knowin rcolecin don, tc. can

bcoe pible onl wen uc a conciou and poent ubjct eve te connctin lnk btwn a eie of ntal or pica acton He a tat no uc eri of known r doin can v becoe pble witot t elp f tepcic luinit of a pranent tet ubect conitd of tt pue -cncoun wi tancnd ind andtal id nd wic erve a te bae on ic teie He ccept u a ubject a te rel <f of ev livinbein nd aintain tat it i alw prne to know nd tod b t n bic ntur and not on accout of an tenal adjunc ke A/dy or . real lf of everben i in te viw of tpad, tat pur -conciuwic i ablutel ndpenden, divine potent and contan

tl plafu b it own bic natur uc nture of te efa been ccepted b i a te baic cue of it ppearina relativ God a nite oul ad a bjctie itence

A for te wole penena exitence e a tat itin and work ucceful inid t pcic luinoit ofte ure cncioune and de not at al appear o itouide it He iner on uc account at it i in ealit,

te ure cncoune ief wic ine n te for of alpenoena Ainvaupta pain it a te rection ofte powr of te pure and potent concine inin int own pcic utre on account f it own divine and pafulnature eind abov tpladeva tak tu potionuit dirnt fro toe ten b bo te ideit and teait uc poition cannot b countd teor of

deal becaue penoena ave not been accptd in it abin baical te rection of an ind or a an entadea f a nite or innite bein ee ave been accepted a t aerialiatin of te dvne wll f te innite andpure ubject brout about inde t uinoit of i pureconcioun b i own plau nature dal involveidea and toe require ental apparatu wic alo a itelf

ben accepted rcton of te dv ne wll o ucblut ubject tpaladeva do nt aree wit te nn

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44 r f Kmr vm

fx nal m workd o by Adva a Vdna w h gad toth phnomnon, buse he ay in cla rm ha al

phnomn do n h Abolut n h om o pueoncon.

Th plyl na o h Abol hne n h om o wl l o ojcvey "h he who phnome-non whh lwy lyng he n h o p I t

he j l boncl leen gong o o edad o do ldy ex n h B d an o eqh hl o na l n l ou and wah o he pupoe o h a n eo n he om o pan

80w e and wh n thy appa n uh om they o n h ognal om o ed and ol BtGod nd H Ghd do no at all u t p o anyowd mn appeang n h om o h phnomnon

Bd appng h who pnona enc hydo no c o h n h ognal o o pu onou·n nd dv ne poncy oh o whch a n aty onyon nl nty gvn wo dn nme o the ondndng

T w l o h Aboe bl and heoe

al by ag n d he n v conng o d en

yp o n u o n ubc and obet appa ndhe pyh lum no y o h pe conoun wthou e

hlp o any xn ln k d I ged wh ny ouwd obct o c h Oeon o h lum noy J on o dn hcnno c h py o yl o o no h Oectono dvy obvy o d t y c a puy o

h pon Abolu whch do no hu ndgo anyhng wh ppng a l phnona Th man aon

o h nv n m how a m appanc an dnot any hn g o modcao n o chaac Thn v no a a o n o a baen woman but tunv ppa havng a nd a a l no a h Abolu A phnona h Abol n h

om o p oon nd pp n h phenonaom hough h plyu and dvne w l o he Aboue

l h h h d h

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Ifvarprtybhljd o Utpaev 45

Goded o God Godhed s s e s God nd heeoehe penomenn lso is el in s oiinl nd bsic spec Godhed s phnoenl ppene loe hs bee eped

s ceio Such posiion, ken by pldev wihrespect to th naure phenomenal xistece cn b trme

as spiritua realism. Sne Godhead has been shown to  be the

very essntia nature of the monistic Absolute, the  philosophy

o pdev c b emed s heisic bsoluismpldev cceps he bsou e el y o ony oe enynmed Priv, he Ge Bhmn d eues he

exisenc nyhin ohe hn h, sei s n exendunc updhi o he pupose o h ppece o hephenomon His monism cn heee be ken s heheisic nd he bsolue monsm is on such ccoun hAbhinvup coins nw em o i nd cls i Prvao Pramv so s o dieenie i om he Vednicmonism which ks he see o he pincipe o vd o

e pupose o he explnion o he phenomen exisencee el sel o evey bi is ccodn o Updv,

he bsoue God wos wondeuly pon wi ll i His Godhed God bein lwys ced wh suc will pecs ou e eecions o His dvin powes whic ppe s llphenomen He suins em n d dissolves hem in opue consciousness While doin so he concls His dvine

nue nd pps s i m id soul on oe hnd, nd s h sobecve un ivee on he oh nd . God, ppyin Hi sh on some souls, pushes hm down ino dpe deepe dkss o inoce nd h is Hi s civiy oobscuion emed s phd o rhn, o va on/grh. He pplyin His nl ihenin ce on some soulevs o him e woe uh bou Hs die u nd

such bin eisin h i msel o be non ohe h Godses evey obecive eiy s his own sel. h is he eveive cviy o God Godhed consiss hus o ve divineciviies An dep pciione hs, in he view o Updev,us o eise nd econise his l divine nue h is,is nul Godhed, by mens o e exc undesndin ohe posopy dscussed in raprabh nd s o

cully ee his divne nue by pcisn iv yo

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6 , m m

alluded to by hm towads the close o that wo. Suchealsato by a asat the hhest am o wbch

hj was comoed by te autho.i o taladea eels hm to be a eat

oet ossess a sotaeou ow o hly beautu oetyleaess o eesso de o emoto aoateesso techque choce o aate metes ad euecy ou laboued ues o seec oud vastorval ase

the autho to the o m s aoach towadsGod s ot tat o we ad svly but o ese lo adamlaty e eato bewee hm ad hs od s ottht o a sudde deout seat ad a deadu mhtymaste but e that o a codet chld ad hs aectoateaet. ladea s ey oe qute ee wth h Lod adeoaches m mldy may a tme o ot be sucetly

acous to hm, jus a oe woud eoch a eso veyea ad extemely dea to hm he oet becomes at tmesmad wth loe o od ad eesses a emotoallo o costat uo wth m. he devoo ad thewosh metoed may a tme by t oet s acttat dec easato o t tuth whch a deoeebecomes oe wh Gd ad sees m each ad eveyobject h eeo ad eo seses wi s thus he ctcl demostao o the theoy ohlosohy dcussed hj ad sees as eectve sulemet to tht uque wo o stua hloohy shot the cobuto o adeva to dascultu acheemet s uue ad he s o o e eatest

stul hosohes o the wold thouh he s ot owmuch ousde the sml comuty o the adts o Kashm.ahs hs mot aluabe wo o hlosohyad tme may come whe the studets o the subject thouhout th whole cvl d wold my eoy mmese ecstacy suc the eca o dve owlede om t. What seeded that ed s the wt ad ublsh o ucd

ad scholaly commetaes o t lsh ad dSuch commees shoud cota the exact essce o teS t i t b Abh t h h th h

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Abhinavagupas Conribuion

o Saivsm

Abinagpa one o e mos prminen ars oKsmir aiism was a desedan o Aiga a grasor of Knnj, wom ing adiya inied o ie iKami in e ig enry A. rgpa was

J, a snm wod sgges, b was a Brami f ig ra as s ben menioned by Abinagp as apg-j' n admiisai or gorning onndred i ags, was desigaed i nien ims as a gprom g om asor of Arigpa was s pomin gop a is miy was sbseqeny nwn by ssnam Vigpa gre aya and Bramagpa

e gra sronomer were b Bmins aing s srame. T word 'gp, in s n i j dioedfm word 'gpt Mny gr soars and eaersppad in Kasmir in e famiy o Arigpa Vasgpa, d isorr of iasr, and Lmaagpa a eaer ofAbinaagpa may a rsen frm e sam amiy as noor Kasmirian amiy o soars ndr s nme as so

ar ome o ig. Narasinagpa and Vargpa bogrea soars and sins, were rspiey e aer and grandfaer of Abinagpa His moe Vima, wasa ygin Mgpa ws i g boe and afaori disipe His oer promin disipes were KaraMndra Vsi and Amb me er disips mnind by im in is n/k ide is e sins md

P T Y, p 8 vee ll

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48 Hory of Khmr Slvlsm

K�mgu, g Aigu 11 Cgd dmgu Bu oe mog uc oie dici-e o e ge ece ece Ai, e o oTdi wo o mio imoce, ued eme cdmic ciiie o wiig oo ocommie Hi dicie wo owed uci i-ee ii i c cii w K�mj wo diee om K�mg d wo m e oged o mi o wic g c ie Bij did ec u i i wode K�emj me o e meioed ge ec i o i i-e wo i oi K�em cod o ewo e o o i eceo o cco o i eig oe-cociou o e ueioi o i ie igece wic me moed o egoim o ecie i e ce o coi Ag d m ece deceo om wom e iced m ece o dies/l Te gee i ceo w m oKg wom e ee e wewo ime i iTo d o wom e eee e gee egd iee im o o ioo d eoog Aigu eoged o e e o e e d eeie o e eee ce AD Te e o como

iio, gi im i ee o i wo, coeod wi, d 4 AD eecieAig woe jec ie dmg

ie ci ic im ogic ec, i ddiio o iim o wice i e oi i o e eo d cice Heieeed coec d ce e ioic icied eogic docie o Km ii og i

comeie d ideed wo i i c e wooied Kmi iim wi ig deied d ecidie commeie o e w o omd d Ude3 A co meo d ieee e did o ee Oe ed i ed o e ioo o imoim Beide e i e o o wo ged, emid d ieeed e ig eoeic d mi doc

2 Kr. 51 Bh ; aDd Po V V

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Abhgu' Cribin Slm 49

tiJes of Saiva eoogy ying caered i he vas scriptualiteaure of Saiva Agms. In addition to hee two dicul

and cooss aks, he mde e Saiva philosopy easy to beundetood even by beginnes tough some smal and big buteasy wors hat cn even now seve as tex-books a e M.(amk.) eve In ddiion o it he composed seveal easyreligiophilosophic lyis dedied o Siva and Sa uclyrics row a wonderl igh on some igy myseriouspoin of piitual pilosopy

His mos impotant commentaries and independenwos :

I 1r-rbhd of Upaladeva i e mo impoant wok on e piosopy of Kasmi Saivismc a wok would no ave become fuy ineligibead could no have attined so much popaity if

hinavagupta ad not eplained te pincipes contained in i toug is detailed commentary namedVmri No schola othe an im could have donesu dcut ask so eciently as e did i

2. Upaadeva ad written imself a bief but schoarycommentay on is bhlD wa knowneie as Tik o as V Te scoarly discusions

on many opic conained in it wee of a vey ighstandad of earning Bu ufounately none of ismanuscips as become avaiable so fa. inavagupa woe a voluminous commenay in te fom ofdealed noes epaining e scolarly piosophicideas of Upaladeva epesed in tat V'rtl Thatcommenay has bee pbised by the ae Govern

ment in ree big voumes but cannot be of sucientus to scola fo wat of e oiginal ext of teVI.rtl wbich  i  elucidates.  Te commenary is knowas 1Jbh4n

3 bhiavagupa woe commentaries on tee smallerworks of Utpaladeva. Tose commeaies have unortunaely been los wo of em ave been quoed

3 I. V nt vers No 5

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5 Hls/ory 0 Khmr Svl

y Mvd h Mahd"ha-majailma.'u s e s () Aja

/ a mbhsh.4 A high aene s s e dppn f s

oey med Aoca vUi ma

da ' ey fw shr e Svaf!_ d oca f Ahivgupa e av i , Svaw ve m s u ppu wih soas sIJvarapa/abh4

5. A e ss s o Krak�, smen"'y n Kamaora da degwih a suprir y 01 T yog ed as KaQr Kraaa

6. Pr4ta4 s s spua wo da g wsme hghy ese ds o pe o e Tsysm Avgup ai mmay d

Vlaraa ows g my of su esoripa es epessed ve oe ug e eth fyss s u o o s oawoks o heogy he k syse f Svs

7 Te s impra origia wk of Aavagups Tardoa s e esse a hsripura works f mon s Sv Eso d

ris Trla Yog yg sd e Trlaspus ad expresed e oug gy ysmh were oe mpie, ged i pr-p de syszed phisphyay d ssdn ui sye y Avagup i vuuswrk A e ev pips f psopy veso een disussed re sd y s y ra

au Besdes wok es w a h impor rua f he Tk sym hrugh a pisophio and s us a e hoga stuy swe s i hs way a uqu w o e psde of spu pisphy d ws imse igh

4 MMP 33 2 P Tr Y p 16

6. () bd 236OJ) A vl t9

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Abhnvagupt'$ Conibun o Sk 1

e d op o e 4dhanu poop ed d e

8  Tnrsnra o Aup u u o Tnr410 ud poe e. ee pe d e e u e de e ue.

9. e o po d ded o oAp M4I/-vjyvr de e o de e d p

p o o epeed eMnjay nr o du d ppe d doeo pod Su po oud e e pd oe o e e o e dp o Ap. e oou o de e o

oe ue popu o u eude oe. Ke oud e ed pe o u o ed e pe pue e eehand d Nr

0. Ap d pod oe o oe peou p po o M/.Hn o apac e d e e oeu Pe, eeed o p Bu o e e e o

! d d e poop o d P"rm4rh4 e e S V d pd Ved d o e deped d epe oo o poop Aup d e o due epeo H ed u dd o ppoe

o Ve e So e ed e d peeed o ed oode o o o ueu ee. ee ee o ood oo o K e ee o MA S d MAoop

2. Se oe e d e e oo d

pop po Aup e

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$ Ir Khr av

sak o bgnnrs3ar :

() Bdhaadak daing wth th very fundamcnta prnpls o th pi sophy of KshmirSavism.

() raaar a wk tht an srv asn aid n the Jdk o th Tra Yog f thhighst typ

i Anuar a sa wor o t sam haratr

as aove(v Aubhaa·nedna-sO a phosophi ri

dsribng t Yog xprins attanal throughth prat o som sotr ud

v Bharaoa, autifu rigiophiosoph yrixpssng t viw of a prft ygin towards li dath, misry t

(v hshdevatkra-sra xpanng an mportat emn of monisti t worshp of thLord

vi Kraaora dssng n deta th msti dotrnes of K/yga as prvaent among th adhrntsof Kshmir Savsm.

In addtn h wrot many m n r wors on Savismwhih hav n ost and omposd svra mportant workso om othr sujts k dramaturgy itrary rtiimgi and so Oil.

Abhnavagupt alon oud xpa orrty th worksof omnanda and Utpaadva s h ws quay advand nyog attainmnts and shoarship H aon oud writ

wos k atroka M-ja4ka and arakV4 bas as a saint-shoar h pssssd th highyauab mrts std bow

( H hd th dpst drt razation of t prinps o th monsti Saiv philosophy o Kashmir

(i H had suint xpri n th prati o th

hghst mthods o yoga o oth th ra andth Kul systm

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Ahna.aguta' Conruon o Sa" 'lm 5

He possessed a very sharp nel gence cpabe oform coec concepu undersandng f heruh experenced hrough non-concepua rec

realzaon.(v) He had complee command over lnguge nd

could expess rghly and clearly whaever e expenced nd nderod

v) He ws mse of logc and mmf' and couldherefoe dcuss opcs of hl osophy greaeency

(v He knew he secres f he heores of heschools of hough nd succeeded n examnnghem crclly n a convncng manner

v) He lved long fe resuln g n hgh mu ryn expnce hough nd expresson n couldrende n mmensely valuble servce o Qre hanone prevlen subjecs of sudy.

s a py h l ecep one of hs dsp!e� ereneresed ony n he seful expeences of efreannd dd no conseqeny develop any remarkable cenees n cdemc pursus wh he resu h ny ofh very mpo rks mned uneplaned d neucded Even Kmja who s prud of hs beng edscple f hnavgup dd no uch any of hs works.

He roe commenes on Svasr pand4sr smenc wors and some phosophc pems, b dd po\ keup he sk of explng he woks of greaer mprncewren by hs mser. The duy of commenng upon rlok fl down upon Jyrah hunded yers fr Ksera ]aapyhj/rn ws expned by hskark'h by he close of he egheh cenuy om ohermporan works of h grea auhor of Kashm Savm aresll lyng unexplned. Sva aone knows a o who w be frunae s o we noes on hem.

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Authors of Secondary Importance

. ,


A pc ty f $k wa dcvd y ddanamd vndn n gt cnury t m Utp�lh, ntducd t v pn m

ug dcp and gnd dcp t nwn y Kn Kil t nam gvn tdvn pw f Au Gd wc ng au mnatn f t tnty knwng ujct knw jcad mn ctn f nwng md n Indnppy a Pm P_ya nd Pam A t

'pt f ang f pnmn nc p

ug dvn actv K n catn pvnnd dun t pn pct unty, uny n dvty nd cmp dvty d t c d n t cnanng tncndnta act K K pp uas " cnductng dvn cvt t pnmnn n 3 X4= 1) twv pc and uc apct t Gdad Gd nd wv f d a t wv Kis

wc cm t tagt f cntmpn n t pc K-ny vnandaAn pnt t vu t ymc m

Kil ad a t cntmpt n t c ad t dnty twt wn t f tt w pw cn-ductg t dvn ctvy cncd, tmd a a pa typ kn mattn t twv K t

cmpd upn n y n n a gu d ucc

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Auh of So"dary Importance

on so ha the hesc Dare f n aspian bcoms fecyi mpressed on h m through sch conemplative pracce cdcted regully. Tat s he essence of he Yoga condced

ough th mto f Kly.Kram s the Snkri wrd ht denotes success

Si nce contemplative pctce of Knaya is o b codced iacordnce with a dnte Krama o the welve aspecs oKl in such pct ie of subjective yoga i is popu laly kDown?s ra-og It bcme vey mch popuar by the ime ofJayarh ( 1 2th Centuy) s much so tha he recognzes Trk

l nd rama as three sepate d idepende systems ofpactice i n iv yoga bhinvagpa incorpores Kry in ktop) as i s he ame when eamned phiosphicaly It is 0 suh xaminatin that he akes Kua sysemas dncl wit the Tri sysem sayng that V ndDkJ sysems becme one in Trka ad e caled s K

Ekr mlt i rrdhk·ne (TA3 26. Bu t f bth re examined horoughly in he aspc ofer prctic these per s wo disinct sysems Sengtem hrough sch view he sys ha Tika s supeior o Kla'Tat •tr arotttvam strebhyopydhk , pa rkam roam (P V, p. 29). Tht s the res f aming he hng phiopicaly as wll as prcticlly.

We do no ve at presen any work cmposd by

ivnnda- bu tw verses fm his pen hve be p_seved n quion in te commentay on ntrk (Vol p 97) by yraha and tha pros him o hve b< anauho s well. He imprted the mehod of Klnaya hstree femle dsciples nmed Keyrv Mdank andKalyik Keyrv mparted o Govindarja oinitiated Somnd in i It rched Jyaah rugh a l ne

of teache n d tugh Mdnik n i aed Cakrabhn knowns Bhnuk as wl ad h eaching reacd Abhinavagpathrh Udbh!a th disciple of Ujjat Ts Udbh shouldt be confsed wih the uth of Udbha!l;r who wah chrmn f the council of King Jayp� 800 A )Abhnavgup menions he nme of Udbh n anrokmng his taces Apbhr pssges oed

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S6 e"'Dr, Df KuhmJr S/Ism

y Ap i is Tlrasr d Prdrkvara�amy ee ke m e iis y e eme dsips Sd. eme eesmy di e d, ped e mm pepe s, e ye ded ss sey s se.

T�h" o Km4 ,stm

m e e Ks e eisd cggn-cnrk ey d ei pspy y sm psp pe med Ss as e sms me pe s y ke ded y s ed e y s Kds d s s ei e s Kids y Pds, s des ss pe m sy s s K e De Me d sys ems pm s mpsd y Ss' H ms pii Km sysm Ae s pisp p is dd He s s ym de e Krtr d Ap e mmeymed Krak1 i. B e e s s y s pesed ee ess Kms d

e ps Kramk1 s qs e y m ismmy Ttrok. Ap e imse Kttr i e . Nms seeks sysem ae e meied i sm mme�s sm mp s Ksm Ssm Kr-bhv Krmaha Kakrmay Kraitr

A s med y me Ksm mK d sd py e ime dy8 ey M s e s desedes em meme e ssi f s d

e e Am 9 Cey) A ye Mk s Rm s disip Upa

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uho of So mpo 57

dva Tw impn ws m his pn e vaill apeent One them is Spnvr whih explainspQkk4 ha Kala i dane wih he ie

Vi wien y the uth hme His Vivti peent hdiinal intepeti i. It ppeas m hisw that hews nt ny sha get ility u was als meitius pitne aiva Yg he Ti systmAnhe wk y him i s his mmnay n hgavadgtnamd Svhad Tw th min haateitis ie qie emae Fisly it explis the x Gt wih

he hep Gi ie iepes the nveia tems philsphy and hegy uing in hgavdgt i dae wih he se id y hm i the G ise Thai h methd dped iginaly y Y in inpeingduul nd dit wd in Vea-mas. Sendly themmntay eed is n ve udd with he piiples dien hl philsphy n de it y way

a ade y means eenes t nd quin m he side ne me speil hateii thmmeny i the et hgvadgt Rmh llwsis Kashmiian tt whih was pvlent t t im n hnhen ensin Mhhta The Suth x hagavdg w impted Khmi in he p h th entuy t wa ugh in the vley y thse

Pndits Kshmi wh hving ed he Vlley duing theule Sianda wee ehailied thee y ZinuaadiA li mment hagvd-ha l wdh nthe hgvadg nd s did Ahinvgupin he tenth euy The intepein Rmh displs many dus ha ise n un me ppenntaditins i hgavdgt g itiim Ved i I45 46; staing yg highe -46 LdKishna aing euge in the ee sme dey th thnhim XV ime deth esutin in iein nd ndgeVI-23 25) nd n Th time Ra is helte p he ninh entuy

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58 H/oy oj amr lm

Bhlla Bkaa

he os acent coenary available at resen oSivasra is the la-lk of Bhaa Bhskara Hebeoned o he seventh uer ste in he line of he echrsof Sivs sartin fro Vasuu. His in terreatio ofSvasra i he trdtional one coe down to hi throuh anunbrokn line of eachers He saes o have bee the so ofBhaa Divkra d ht ets schors o thin k ha heay

havc ben BhaaDivakaravas whose Viveknand Kkysotra have been quoted by bhnavaua andYoaja. But snce a vere fro Kystotr has been quotedb Rakaa i h is Spnavll, Bhaa Divkaravasaust hve been n ncien hilosoher oe belon o heerlie ar of the 9th entury n the other hand BhaaBhskra ay have beloned o fr er e as the fourth

schor i the line of his eachers w Bha radyuna whowas older tan nand h century) Bh Bhsraay have thus eoned to the iddle f he tenth centuryD bhiavaua whle yin resec to hs teachers inhis Tnoka, akes eon of soe Bhskar aonhe a i is hihly babe tha such eacher of he reathiosoher ay hae been h s auho of iartka

Bhaa Bhskara ives a bif introducton to he subjecatter of each stra before rovdn its inerretio inverses called k. He aone has iven soe ites ofarticuar nfoaion about Sivastra Firstly he says ththe work Sivstra conained four arts while t resent allthe recesions of the work hve ol y hree arts. bhiava-ua quotes in is aapaabhl}vllmln (vo I

3) a sta o Siva wch i no found n any of eavailable texts of the wok t s t herefore ossibe tha etra concened y have bee taken fo its fourth arwhich i no ilable now Kera lso qoues soetas of Sva which can have beloned to tha fourth art ofthe wok , 25) Bha Bhskara says furher haBhaa Kaa coosed Spanda! to exlain the atter

connd in the rs th ree ats of Sivstra ad wrote acoentary naed atr/acn/ma�1 on te fourth art o

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Auho 0/ ondry Impr 59

wk. Qats fm vrhlnm� a ilabln ws f K nd Upl Vi, bt wksf s bn lst Abgpta als mtis nmf t impt cmmy n Sst. Bsids mnns cmmny i by Baa Kallaa nd am f sc cmy ws n is wds dhuvhn

Km a bngg lt cyid nd w tpis t as f Si ad pndkrlk bt Bskaa big igy dd acings f is pcps, dd \ ditinl in

pta cm dwn m g an nbk l i fpps Hs Vtik s t f imms impcg i s nt s f bcm ppl f wt f ddcmmty T Vik s is y bf t my plcs.B if sl dis dp i t gy f KasmiSiism wil nd t ipi by Bskaa s mcm pppt ta t by K�m. Bska apps

a bn a igly >csfl pcttin f Si ygaig d c ititil xpic f picpls f ty d dctis f pacic f mi Saiism ascntand i Si fw min iis n f Sista s fl lwd by Ba Bk andKma

U vpdkik f Ba Klla bs sa cmm

s d ms sclaly amng tm is t pndprdplk f Upla V�a H s clld ia nacn f i ig d fit i Pt Vaaismand als t dincit im fm t g pld t

t f aapty As as sid in isPrdplk

ws s f iikm ling Naysta tmd N l f t Vlly. H was glywll ad scl d is cmmny ndklk is as f stc infm ab my nnwn ndcnsl pis F istnc :

l H sys in cl ms tt pndaki ws cm

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60 HI/ory Khmr SMlm

posed n about ty coupts by Dhaa Kaa,athough secret doctns of Spanda were ant by

hm om hs precepto Vasugupta.2. He aone provdes noraton egadn som

te woks by Bhaa Kala g vand VQbh4-smbdu

3 He ane gvs nomat on about Sddntha ahavng been author o bh�d4'thkrk4 aw

As as been aady sad above ts Utpaa was baicya Va!va o the Pcata sect H qutes pousey ommany scptues o that schoo and ts hs utmost to stash that the carta systm o Va!avsm was n no wayneo n met to te Trka system o avsm He quotVa!ava cptus just to prove paasm betwn thm

and Spadakk He ted thus to ase the espct o thcptues o hs ath n te eys o schos by tryng tobrng them p t smarty wth the amous wok o BhaaKaa whose mpotanc as a ddh (a pect bng) nd aschoar ws thoougy estabshed n the Vaey. Someschoas ee that th tpaa may av swtced ove toavsm wth te hp a speca rt caed ngddhr

but a hoough study o hs Spanda-padpk evs ceaythat he was dentey a staunch dhent o PcVasavsm ut beng a gt schoa was hgy mpressedby pnJ4sr o Bhaa Kaaa Tr:ng hs utmost toevat the Pctra systm (0 th poston equa to thteoyed by Spand-§sta he emnds a rader but hremarks made by Abhnavgupta n hs Tnr41k TA .

x 620) aganst such adheent oowes o owe systo phsophy who ty to mI up avsm wth ny owsystem o pactce specay tht o theooy

tp Va'av beng a hghy e ead schoa o th subjects o tudy prevaent n hs tme woud n no cshave gnoed the woks o Abhnvagupt but woudhav mmensey quoted rom thm had appeaed ar

hm. Toe he s have to be paced ome tme beott g tho But vng mtoned Sddhan

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Ahorlo codr' Imporne 6 1

cn n b psd ny f Dcin g bcs s cddby Pvd in s Bhuvevo idd nd$bn w w ns f n nd s siddw y v, s pbbly bn g pcp fAbingp Uplv cn s b pcd bwnSbn nd Abngp. Ts sys Pvd

S ddn n SbD;S Sbn K� iddn (. . 40" fl�;' ; �',m q �", fi "0 q!T 0 0

w f Up Vi\ s s f ig ipDcg i ds n cnib Dyng Dw Tisys f Ks Siis.

Abhnvp I

Abnvgp nDs D f s f is dis-cpls in Tnl nd is D AbDa s nng sc dscipls s pbbly Abinv ww rdhk wic s gs f ns fAbvgp . s n wk f fs Angp bcs sly is gDl cc d n sggs i

b is w scndly i ds n in wds ubdhcu nd idly cpns i i nin s Abhngupve Bds cpsin sn s sclly n s ic s b w f gAbnvgp pns cl ln f sys f d s gvn n r

J s Gg g Dw n sy f ndnlgic f splciy wds cpliy nd f clywds bsciy s di d K d wi KsiSsAbDgp d ldy cd i cl f clin d d n lf ny pn sn nnd n

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62 HI!lory oJ Khmr Savsm

feld f t they and pate, s much tt K"jadd t od y p t mp aby shor Dd

w ter t gt padt f te age Bedes, a ted>p Abavgupt were mu teeted ttgt w xperee f el ezt that tey did tdvg m u u t dvt temeve t ademtvte. N amg them my ave bthed t bem d h ma wa tu te y e mgtm w ud b pud bg a wte

Fdg t dut t gt hme etabed a metuwte by me f makg tg ea he he t mktem mpex d ute gbe Sm p y wa adptedby Bbv t Id pety te Kds d crred t tt max f evut

Bed K!e pper t hve bee jeau bepputy Bh aa wbose adme mut t avppeed w mpe dem tvty Abv-gupt w pfud ptu weeve mBbn Ka bt K!aj fe t m depetu y gu umb ad wtut y eptet hwg et Smetm ee t m 'Kt 0 ut u eouy�maja ed o oerhdow Bbn a by e

Ddg ut w tepetat t 3ut aDd pdkik.He t y ut vm wh peed u tde twd et tee ke Bhna Kl Hmmety pndkik ta ddta upetw pvde t twd te uthp f Vugptw ept t k ad ay er tm tt tKk w wtteD by Vugupt mef: Tht jut t

depve Bhn a t edt u utp Suddom upet de t et t text etbr pandat by Ka pnd- by Rmaka a yugetempy t ut f th i. t pp hAbDgupta w we f u tedee mjDd d t ppv tm t w pp u uth dd t met t m f K�e yw

w mg dpe eve wk k tkm pud f vg bee gd dp f

Abgupt t ud tf ve bee duty t

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uho of Secondy Imrnc

we udtve mmJtCes s mp Hedd d w e su Mlnl'avrlk d

Tnr ev w e y mmy rlk4lr s e d y ms es d tss t wt deed mmy Tanrokamed ped t e w tuy w yed su p sed Kem wte y mmetes ws m mpe d mpsd dpedet ws mpe d uee sye sw

s ud ssp d s y s wdeu we_Avupt ms e me e s ussmpy s Ksm us wd Gup e s ednd mpud up et ve m s Kemp4bhla ckak-dma-gup. Sm ss epese e dey s Ksmup w K�mj A eve em ve Gup s e sume we K�mj

dd t ve . He d my eedees w d dy pdued ss j,Hej du Adtyj e d ws qude pes m Kmup Kem mpsedt ws sed ew

Prybhlhdy w st sy pdy e mes ded mmty des

wt ew udme ppes v msmm ps tey wt tse p u wy s w e mds edes w e s smme d myseus d pud e

Spndndoh s e w dus eSpd ppe vsm s epessd Spnd

lk4__ SpndlQya IS ded mmy

Spd v sme w nepts me ts ups d e dvs s pes dey_

4 a4prveJk s sm d esy w m vsm d sv s vey useu e


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4 History of Khmlr Sam

5 The mt mprat wr rm h pe SlvtaVmar!inf. hat wr al etray the ame

tendcy gg reh nterpretat ad d-ageg wth preu cmmetatr. Kmrjame the three chpter Sara a Smbhav,Sk ad A�v upd)C, whch t re ut ytheir conts Vte Skt ad �va Up4y,a dcued y Ahagupt re nt t l ctaned n the 2n ad th 3rd chapter Str.

he headg ge t them y Bhaa Bh equte apprprate Kmarj de t te agret pa t epl th prund dctr ctaed n the tra a he tke t hw h a lrund charhp y qutg paage m mythe pblphc wr. t th Vra Vrdarja whch mae t cer t wht Kem-j tended y thrugh h Vmln wtrepet t my tra Sa'. Th Vt Bhaa Bhar much me appealg th thVmlni emara wth epe geut a wel the terpetat may ut whch tbe der

6 & 7. Cmmete ccha d Net ra8 t 10 Cmmetare ttr wr e ) Svtotv

Utpalde ( tvcndm Bha Nr-y d ( dmb-Pckd and the cmmety Vjha y ew page whch reale He wte me ttra whch e tale.

Vdra} (th Centuy)

dhuja wa tha dcple Ahagupt whg cme m uch a a away ld Kerla tyed h ch eeral yr ad deced th he chl dthe mate Ky tyle h Gth-pmJ H Vadarja al came t Kahm d lert KhmrSm m Kmaj. He cmped the Yk Gr whch ede help udetdg he Vm

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Autho of Scony Impoance 6S

i o Kmaja Vaaaa ollo raly i eacKma i i geeal oloo Sr o i a

i eir irpeio bo o ic ae ir rom oo Baa Bara

Yogardj (lh Cntr)

Prdh,Wi o Abiagpa i ry goo exboo o Kamir iim dpvkd oce

amel priciple o a pioopy b mrthasr o lig o mo o il opic. ogrj aiciple o Kmara, ro a a commeary o Ta commeary i coarly i carac a lp a lo grapig may piloopc prcipe o Kamir aiism


Sral coar a ri oes o Tn/ok ae mo promi oe amog suc rie a Sbaa,o ag Taloa o bo Jayara a eacKalya o a, mo probbly e m poe as Kalae mo aor o Rjrg/� aya as gcolar aig o al ro sy o e bec bgie is m. Bie as a praciir o iayga

a ell r i e pracice o Tria Ka a Kramsym. O c cc o i macle colarip all oe pracic i Tric .hnd e oo corag ore eail commeay o c a colol or o eTi yem o piosopy eology a a a eTarloa o Abiaagp Hi commry o aimpora or am /k er ee o a

mo eseal ai e y o Tntrok og i so qie clea abo eral po a opics. Some oeicopic o pracic, i n a o be lly xplaii i beca c a polcy o eaces o Tarimrig om i sar

ao o beg a gi o e sy o Tarlo, Viea by ayaraa i a oroe o iorical omao grig Kamir im Te ioy o

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66 HIor 01 Ka,hmr Salv,m

ere d ed K-ua Krmy ee rvded u ly mmery Jyr

r. Kramak� Avg e l everl ge ve ee reerved y Jyr lg My rr d l wr ye ur re w ly rg mmery Jyr Q ue leg ry Sv gm ve ee gv my eMy r d mr wr Sv mm wd

v remd w d Jyr rved rm m. Mu l de mSv wld ve remed qe ure mery y yr wud ve urvved e grederu r l erure mr e r r e ee ery der e rle l dr

Vamke!ata r wr y Jy, delg

w me y Tdnc re, l vlle Be er Jydr wre jly Pur wr01 Sv rl w ree eg rd ede e Svm wr aracatainml.Tey lved VYer e mder Bejer ewel ery He e mr Avgu ur mr Svm

A emmylgl w m Sv ymed Vrpkpacak red me sha medVr I del w er very mr dred rl Sv mm d r mmery

y me lr w gve me )cakraar d e e me of Gvdd r e ve ee e le erred y Gvddr e er Vjdr dgrder ydr j w w e r e gre r e rr� well

mer y ve l ved e Gje ne

u e 12 ery AD Te el eque Vr� dg e Sv

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AutT of Secondary Imporc 67

i y hi n. Thgh h n l h ph h v in h g y h n h

v n pinip n in iv mm n


h mpn nin hmi Savmi Sivphyy h i n hy mmn·y Vlj4alava, Tni x ng ih m

n my pi i iyg Khmi$im iv in h ghnh ny n ngh jvn gvnn Khmi n hPhn Kb Hi. mmny n ljnbhlrav vy hp nning mny in $vyghgh hi xnin m pi n q i-y vy pminn h n pp

hi g n h in h ip i gng n inKhmi. m k n by him Sviy hhbng bo ynh h mni Svim n hpniai V I i in mnip m

Kau uhors

m n h Km nying pp

iy i h Siv Kahmi vn n n h mnp hi k n ing n g nmb hli n mng h i Sih bngng h hin ny ing Tni x nmikaa h mp k nam Mhnaapra-ka in Kmiin Apbhm gg pn h byh mmn mn in g i mmny

n nki. Thk i g n ngi

hn n phphy. Th m mpn namng h Kl h p $iv mnim iphiphy i hvnn C y n h He mp k nm ah4rhamjar n!a Apbhm n a i mmnynm P n n nki An big in

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68 lor 0/ hmlr asm

of Mht rrlJ nyd popuaty n amand was pub sed at nag_ T mpete Pamaa sppua amng pans ougou da Mvanandaws a geat yogn d a mar f te au syst pata Svm Hs Pamaa s so stuse nfomatn gadg may ws and autos of TaSasm Aodng to te do o e Pama Masvad bongd to e foutet ntury

vatantndanta s anote aa auor wo woMatrlcara He pped mpete .trandepden o s a o wrtng a r nd omposedt abve wo ute n adane w s w ndpndntue ad mtod mng up pnpes f posopywt dv vss rousd by e pate f Tatoga Te ma subjet dat wt n s wo s t wosp of t dvne owes of God vsua zed as des stanedn Sar t ymb o te woe mp pnomea

stne Many subte das abut t posop pps of Sava monsm av be pessd n t roug awondfu ab ty n dt T w ba a ommntaybu ufounaty t mmenat appns t be dat d no T Sva Terefoe etan potsv be msd and et ae bn ofusd wtvatad t vaatnanda ata may ave probaby

b Mata T manuspts f s wo ave tbn found m

PUynada s oe aua auo f Savm Hwrot "Jl to pan t symbo sganeof ar T wosp o Sara was prevan amngSaas fm te most anet ags ag uvss dsussedte tog esse< of rlara toug e mdum of

amng poety n s lttaaranam Amada, adspe of PUyd wrote ommntary o 4maal Ete e o s tea Pynada w a awor on posop o Sava monsm undr t ttel Amnadas ommenty named D OD

Yogl a Tnt tt aot steous of f-s nd uottos d s tfoe ve vaub fom

ta pot of vw tt s ao s ut

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Authr< of Sondary lmprnce 69

o rote ml or nme V/!nh-Sr. It cnnotbe si i certinty to ic contry i c belong. ome o tem ve been poplr it te Svs o

Km n eir or in mancipt rom ve been onn goo nmbers t ring ,J4rhsy o Bsy o te r o is lo c or on Stic no Saiva mon Kmir proce vy impotan lator in te time o iaa He as ib Knnnt o ome i n n in plne r ing te eign oArgaeb n taye or a conieable time at op i n

te cort o Jsvnt ing He is remembere even n by t opr His Deinv long peticor prie te oter Goess in one toan eeseac vere eogiing Her in one o Her toan nmes Itstyle i lie tt o mny oter er nrit poems cently bore n rtcal n e vere re reclt to n ersn. ny o s oter or re lyingtil npblie

Reen We

Br K col o rngr, roe commentry nme B! n rer to explain e m§i o Abinvgpt on te vaaprtybi o Uppaleva. It elp a lo i n nerstnig te esence te

iloopicl iscsions it epect to contoveies beten Bm n Sivim n explins te igly logclrgmens o Abinvgp on mny points pi losopyBt inspite i eciency n e ty o Sivim Bara i not grp e ect ene o te iscsons rgment t everl plce ere e me amenmenso te ext o rn or e se o is convenience etext o Vmin s pble in Bar! reqires mny

orrcti"ns n ligt o te ty o Vr Ttext o as pbie in K smir erie o ea tie i comptivey corect tog i l conins some mistae bsicly commite by cribes o rncrite ncint mnscript B K ppeeors te coe o e Mgal rle in Kmi

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70 Hstory of Ka!hml vsm

His grandson, Mnsrm, populy known a Mnrzdn, ttained prominence during th Pn ue. Beindisgustd with their tyranic dminitration h eft Kshirand etted ny at Kiadr in Wazird rea of Punjnd ttined gret fme in th country s a Sint schorHis ram an d tmp at Kiadr ar t i mintained oc Muims s its Hindu prit d mngs hd to avth pac in 194 wh Pkitn ws tihed prtecountry Manram composed a freh wor on aivsundr th tite SV4an,ppik in tr ty nd ddd Snskrit commentry o it t bs no en puisbed

ny puihr so fr ut is vie in manucript form Thetrdition of writing of commentari and fresh work onivism continue ti in hmir vaa freh wor in coupets in th Ay metr ong with xpnatory notes in Snsrit, compoed y the author of the worki n hnd h een recnty pu ihed y Rnir Vidypethof th Centra Govrnment of India t Jmmu Its Engihdition is so going to puihd in the ner future But

th pid nd drstic socio-conomic chnge rought outy quick democy hve now hakn the ma communityof the Pandit of Kahmir hrfoe the trdition oftaching and erning s aso of ctivitis in ome meningfuresrch on ivism are now fsty coming to a cose in theey Th ham of Swm Lkmn ee i now tbre tbeony cntr of propgation of th suct which is t i doing

som uefu evice in its own wy Some Snkrit intiution t ome centes of Sankrit arning ike ra houdnow encourge and ptroni Khmir ivism so that hetdition of the weet nd divine ight of its tchng ndeaning i sad from tot extintion

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Saiva Nagarjuna

Seea gea sns nde he nae Ngjnaaeaed n ny The s en ne angh s he fs eahe f he Mdhamla shl fdhs wh ed n he Sh and saed n Kash fse yas a h e f he f Bdhs nfeene

anged hee an s n sh an ha Kha h s bodltl elngng o Kash andl a a<hadn he den an.

Nex fs Njna s he ase f ndan ednl hes whse seeal wks n he sje aknwn. The hd fas Ngjna s an pan eahe fVajrydn sh f Tn Bddhs ah alas Rha

hada was ddh k f he Vlj.ida howh ean Tan h4 f Kaa sse f eTan eahe n he e f Mahandana f Assa. esed well nd aned sen sss n s aeAfe ha he esened as s shl f ddhse ga e n e nang w fnden ne f Ka nd hse a he nle f

hes and he ne f he esen f an s aeanen esng nlle f he x f enand Besdes he ansaed al he ehn es fKals n ddhs enlg and pesened TanKas n sh a way ha eaed s a sh fBddhs. Sh es f a wee fewds aken y onk n he l ne f hs d les nd he nae f

ha n as as Ngna wh fhe he V4

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72 Hltor� of Kuhml Sal.lm

o Srh an rre it to lim of eveopment. Holower are ti living n great umer n Tiet nMngola n ther Vjryn Buhim i known t preent

Lmm.Khmrn folkore h oe more Ngrjun, hero

elonging to ome Nag trie who fe l n ove with ny mel nme m!. Thi Ngrun populryknown Ngry A Khmirin poet e the nmeNgrzu for hm e oe not hve any importne in theel o phoophy or theoogy ut i popu in folk ore

n poetryThe gretet in mert i one more Ngrn who i even

now kown very ltte to holr an totly unknown topuli e Svhry Ngrun. f the hymkaNgrj i highly vne i utle log an if tbeVaryi Ngrun b etenive work to b ret thforgotte Sv Ngrna muh more eite aout tbe

ture of be ultimte relty ree retly y hm tbrougbthe highet type of yog experiene. Botb tbe BubitNgrjua teah tbe trutb a reveale to tbem in he tteof spl, an etremey reame eep, n thi Svpbioopher epre it it bin in tbe fourth tte ofimtion known Ty the tate of ntutive elf-revetion. Hi work revel hm to e S v pboopber elonging to te bool of moiti Sivim of Kbmr Twoeutful pbloophi yri from b pen re avile tpreet an tboe re Pacana-tlJk clttant·trl"l

Tbere w a trton mong S v·Skt pbioopher epr phiophy thrugh te im otry. bree

hymn o uh type re ttriute to ge Durva n thoere (i) Par/mbh·hl·st (i Llttvrtn, (iii Trprmhimtotr. Cldgagndlk ofSrvat l Kaa, n Kramstta hnthl Sambnth, re two more ub work bhagdayof p n ndaaahi of ankrhya a well Pt.1 of Dhrmhry bow tha these phioopher

o bee to Siv/Skt trto in their prctie.ome very promient teaher f Khmir Sivm

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l Ngruna

pred ubte nd proound poopi pipe trougn ppen tnque o poe du. Te mot impotnt work o u type re : Savaclntma1 o BaaNrya, avarbra o Bapradyumna adatotai o tpade. baagupta ompoedeer beautu work o u typ ad te iportant onemog tem are : Anbavan�na·3ra, AnurBalraotr Det·�vcara3ora d Kramravjva· f ib Kaua i note ery mportntyi o u type. Te boe mentond two yr o aNgrun o re tw gy eutiu poet work o ttry type Te re gy weter ta any oter u work

No qutaton rom ete o te two yr o Ngr·un re aibe i ny work o any aint Kiutor o Te oy quotaton tat a o ar bentaed by te wite o tre ine i re rom Parmrcantrll nd ben quotd by Marda in Parlmaa o own aramjr nd t quotationi


q ; ) ' . q,;f£T«

Bkraittr putrkKanen ad8 tadranamtr myti an a rampajadi·yam§ra. (P Tr )


Te dito o tt wok a trd to pro tatMa§rnd ourd i t ourtet ntury ADT tme o NgruJ may ae bn te trtenntury d t be t earier e woud e ben ury

quoted by Utp Vaa te tent ntury or y yt in te twet Notig n owr be ad dnteyo u pint t pent

A or te doe o aa Nru oepop tink tat e d Kamr beaue : ( te mnupt o i pom were ond t rnagr nd i pioopi ida agr wt toe o Ka r But

Pcsv o army i popu i Kair toug

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74 HI.tory of Kashmir Salvlm

e bege Ker Mahrhaja f Masvraagree rns K Svs e ve Ca ry Ts Ngarj s s ey

e eve Ks A e f s ree e ene e rer f ese es n rese Tee sa sare e f rs er e ee f Sr J K s n as e e   iddh-NgrjuKng a a ra ere SvS eang ans s ner e a 'Uandhra pha e efor ere Ss A gr s f a

Tra syses f Savs ve a Jn e nry as e grea er Sb s e grees vng ary n ese syse  ra Savs Abnvga refer s ary e ees f Trs n s Tnra ess a gvg es s nrver He s be reerre as e a ses e

n e e f  Trika Ssra "TrlkrhmbhodhlcdramIt s gy rbab e Sav Ngn s a eaer e ne f e se f Sb an ve Kg Pee o K, vng fge ev e nae  s a gre ser s Sb anyg s Sva Ngrjn b e e f s, er e, sggess bey ob a eracse Sva yg a e rerabe ses sre a e sre e erne

Te yns f Nrj, beg f f ebeay a be se e be reg-s yrs.Te gag f yns s baf, se see.Te e ee e vry eeve a raean e s ee s a ss n s rne E y ns ry sas an aae nes ra en e ef e e o Te nes b e as MahmheJvara Ara Ng,ja

Paramrnatlmlk s e sr f ees SvaS e f re f e e by e e n rg e e. an b re e rpj e Ka sys f S n e n n a

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a Ngjun 75

e gest e od of oga of te r ss of KsrSs on the oher hd hs f srgthese e nferene ed t prong hs fh n he prl nd thereaspes of Kashr Ss, bese bth Kla nd sses of pae wr poplar wth he Sas of Kashrrgh fro the te o Bh Kl he ers nd hewoderfl ess o ta spree worp (prarne be dsrbd d d rs ad he at these e en opared wh seless nd ortng pres n !hog nd Bhn penance

h op

sons re hghl poet n ther epress o he poe soposed he tre naed Rhoddha po the wennnh s he hreh s ak ere ndthe ondng oe s n Anu(!ubh

Canrmk s oposed n naak4 tsthreh staza s a� etre nd the onldng e s An!b. e h onans pt desrpton f the

sae fjvmk atd hrogh th prfe d reral ton f the r hrer f the self opres nros ws the blssflness of tha sate wth the seresof he preos se of bodage d he oparsons dwnre phosopll qte re nd ptl ghleee d rte he poe ddreses the erses ofhe hn o hs ow nd d ogratlaes t of on

s ng tned bo l petons wh ws eallwoth to be andThere s o dobt n the f that he ahor Ngrja,

beoged the ne of the eahes of he os sho ofSs ow s h Ardhrmk sh sred brmbkd J hrogh h s dghter sete he rdor the 4h entr A d poplarzed hghl b Sbh

th h ndhra-p!h (Kga n the th etr s on sh o a boh of s pos agee w thepples nd dotrnes of he r shool o Saa osPallels n be fod bewee the nzs f hes wohs of Ngrj, oe ad nd pasges fro soeer port wors o Kashr Ss o he ohr hnor ste le s eae Prmcmk4.

Vre No 2, depg the eto of bsolte

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76 HItory 0/ Kashmr Slvlm

wnde eeinced Pr-pujd, cn e cmd wiltraJ 1 2 nd wh pnklk- e

he vee N. I S, deictin the eeence f the te ien, even whie ne nde n wdy en ctv-te, cn e fnd in Mllnf-laya-Vrtlk-i O-9. eeN. 4 uetin the ntheitc utk f the thee with h Parata nce exeed Baplkd-4 f hnvu he wentyehth nzdecin the itude f Svyn t the hihe te f

dmayog ee with the w nz Auttarlkd f the me th he wentyxth tz ntwd he aklpa ncie f Khmi Svim xeed n Mdlnf-lay-rlk 697 9 he ehth vedeictn the we f Sivyn t ww evn the Gdf deh h e n Brtr, f hnv-ut nd n -ak5 f h K

i mi eement wih w Khmi Sivim ce fud n Cltatoatlmlk we. F intnce :t f nd fh vee dcin the vew f n dvncedSivyin with eec e f enu enymen eewith Mlnf-layalka- 19 efeed ve heih ne en cicm n me tun ndtee cice f mnk d ygl cn e cmed

with oal-!- f tdev he vee N ,dectin viewn thh which yn e h nt fne een n me nf mundne exenceee wih the vew f tdev eeed y him n eme wXX he m cn e ved w eec th vee N 24 he ve N 26 hin twd ycctce f he ytem ef Sivy nd h a

n e f rrlk qued n Mayprkd-. is.N tce f ny ncie dcine f ny ch f

Buddhm cn e fnd nywhee n ny f thee tw hymnf h Sv Nun me eeced he fm bem iven ew tenten h ein tunch Sivin

( Svnv (P 3;( Svcnm (Id30)

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gjun 7

bhbhjm (b 0; Pa-aa ma (.. . 4;

( cch-S-a b2

h oc o l m a h a hwo om o h Ngj o h ag hh a co cc o owh h om c mo o Sddh h obj gwo o V o

o w og ci o h Ngj g lw ho o m a Kla mlo o o ha gm h V o h o c l

Sch c gh h h h h hoo o blg o h Khm chool o a momb h ch o h chool o ol h

Kl m o Sh.

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A Flash of Sef Raization

everl syss f dh spriul diple veee eged i Sivs ps edig slreliz.T rk d Ku syses er ppury prel g

e e ee f sir Sivs. Aur i Ai-vgup d d l er er r d u yes Te les prs iri se f ul s i d l ivd i e ie f e d Aurgze.Hs s er se Ygdb rl r ie iiii y se uperr el e ug i a peu

reve e elf i pr d divie sWe i l s jus y e s essed y

e rd y dde d pes s f e direrz i s se Gdd g YgdkHvg s rized dd i s sluey divie Gdd e red e i pe i g eri ded exprss i divie eli rug e du

dull y i pe i sri gge. Hisr vese u rus :

T<o �R' Nm

�uf" _f

a fI'�t.

m I,i)Ul>: IevivirsviuNvri r e y

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A o Reazaion 7

Ate vmi tyte yea htv

SohaShbalmaambh Shb , ali Shbma, am ht bl fl

mb (Lo he Abote G Who iib thege of the whole ee o the wl of hi ow elf Whomae it woefl by mea of vao he with a eoteateto a wh ly pefom te Tava e aftebobig it ito H ow elf

Reolleig hi pei poiio of liig beig phy fom he poe th

: � , � : ",1 'uT! : ;

/ vi ehl} ay ha va ehoe eeaiva bo a bhaSoh" ambh v Ao goht atil aai amo me

What he boy, whee oe t a a to whom oei belog (Whe ee go boy alo i the L Himelf

A ol beg bo by boy ot eally bo beaethee o boy bt the Lo Himef appeag ie tha Ao e am myef mbh V, Sgo G,Bahmi a (ev Am ighty Go Himelf. Let al poatob heefo o me

ptg h pee ooo o he fto of hpyhophyl t p e poe h

" � ;, !f

" � *g F

> '!

Nha e aiva ve a e·Myvbhva yaeyo a ymi;

Jae ke veha va" paa va"hva" bha bhvabho ao e

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80 Histoy o Khi aMlm

t kow o do o d ayt t am o a as a ob of ay ss w a

mslvs obets. B by vt of my ow ddwll I ow ad do my ow sf d ow ad do vyo a m s my ow slf. ostatos to myslf vy se o f a stt y

la allvsv bst ososs a al te td ts

ni " H'l �r,i 'rm \I

ni s <> "Sf 4

aty svay dasy"Say y dbt ymy" tasm ayaSavsma m savabs mo§t.

s sdtal ay stad byod v at ososss of t fot st of vao wo o th th tt wkg, d

ad sl ostaos to mys wo s vyad to wos lst vyt ssSb Kala b yt boy of t yeas a

ad o av doe y d ats of yog dd o t ossss sty so vosytm abl o oa ad ba a ood of dvyowfl sta fo be sddy ed by m

s sddly aosd as of lfalzao H flt ys bdy s fl to ba ad osqlyolas d s avy s Hs ato o tappeb of th cd d m ft vs

!">l.t -

. 1!i ; ;r<n �

�rsi <,a "< 0I1

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A F R%n 8

M m mbm mM va So' m mvB b mm amo m.

D a o ol wo blv o bo o l o m wo l b al ol o o v b. A o m lv ooo bo a a mo m al bv o m ow Poo o m l, bob o (v o o a

Hv v v loo o a om ba o a w o v mo v. m w mb m aja-daJaam v v o vb o voo o

om b o ow voo. lv v ow ao w bo a wr l o o

v v v b b o v om b o vaoo v mom o om b o o. D omo o o



'1" ' I"

- '": i: � "< �

C 3 & .

Ymm vbYo bhmv bm ;o o m-bhv� m\ v a v

w o ow wol A g b o m o b ow oo o b o ow W b

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2 Hity 0/ Kh a

s det o peop wo do no fee a te ea ty of teb Wee s y det fo suc peope been seen o

ed Note ng s beng sd to be esen on y w

t s nown e one s beset w d wo s undegone bt n possessng coe nowedge o ebs ntue o de and bt doe n e e ke tbu sees te s no events n e poess o e dvnepy of God eefoe ee s no dt fo

e nex ese ows oe g on te se top ofdeh :

\ lI >"- 1 ,m T�: I

\, � 'mai i< I 7

Ce syogo dejo nbsdedo ty yev vd syue yte sbndausjn o v

oweve te eo egdng deat s put fo ke s : "Unon o so w a body s b nd s sepon s de en te nswe s W osonfo pesue o pn n tee be fo wse pesons possessngg nowedge on te vsts nd depue of e ne ndde

o eue desty nd to estbs boute unyte posope poe ueed te egt vese of e yn

IS� "T� lTro 'of

«I «� \T� s<

fqi Tf/ 'Tq i ' t•

f,q f,f iqls.: 8

o' oJ1 yd tJ1s So so tvds pos;

Sysv t t y!Svt snys §e�o'bameka l,l

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A h 0/ / Raz 83

I was ll long tt v abslt ral v wl was tng ratdl d ns vl as o "Wo aI 1" 

I am  nd can be  only te  suprme. Pushig al herlatv concons o s, lav ss wo t nto oblvon alo ra tr sf own sl as t on ndnabl n

Dscrbng aarnt dvrs as afstaono t fl wll o t ost slf s ot t ntvrs


, ,


' !a: 9 Matto bna naaaaa aMatta caat svra bt

Bn bn bnac bnoQ b rabdabva\

T aaranc o dvr for of rsf ndslf s anstd b s rstl ag o wt rsct to a l noa s also astd b. Paka t scc lgt of coscosnss s bot

r Nlrlkpa) and xd (Svlkapa) nowldg and as snng ntarl n al l d vrst

Anotr sns carrd rd l Ang ofso tng s Pkd and no aarng s aso Pakabas t aso sn n str of consosnss.

Dsrbg awarnss s t ssnc of al onsoss trd t tnt vr

" � R; " ,

� m �

I�","i1• fl i " qT

Bna ct sn nrvra a a a

ladrGpa tar bdo n ra

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84 HIoy Khmi $alYlsm

Br pyh a vim ar mayJvyma me amo v ivya

If Paka he psyhic light of oiouD weredevoid of Vlmarf (awareDe) cold ot have bePaka. Whe awaree i ape i eal aurethe te appare phnomel divriy reduced o ohige. Potrao to me, havig Pada a my form adV a my aure d appaig myf the a oul or

a God IT ex vr hi the ciumace i whic thet v ad e la ve of he abov vre of h poemwer tered by he philooph poet H y :

� >� 1Rt'"''iI '"r< «' I

, .

i�.,I"1 m <Pl

nr, Jf" (<f) : 1 1 1 1

ehe yte mykalpm avastQPaa§o eacit aQmyam ;Paa-o prpya aj krtyShkmavahea bya

W th phyc form of e poet had racd a aelke that of d th ve vee wer aroud by omeODe (ha by Lord iva i i memory. The othe vof them were compoed by Shbrm Kul afer comigback aga o hi oml ealh.

Note : Sce the r ve ver wee pired byiv ad the la ve wee compoed by te poet wo wa awoldly beig he pom w giv h le a "vavakam

Te coudg ere decrib he philooph adtheologial mr of the ym li h

1" ,T 'O 'il : �I,ql l.£ .

0": ! « �f).jrl .nfr r, < % 1 2 1 1

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A Fh 0 Se Raizain 85

P-o vBo avma vma ;v v vmom m v

A (l o, avg la ll ov ka om xc co vg mlcomla o m aga a g ca ll commg o a a ll l o o coco vg a lalzo

coq lao (o og

U q w



Saja daJaka com S Kal g xal c o avm coml.

S Havaa a T a c o SKl gav m a c o om 1947 go l H alao magz o om

govm cog Km m o gl l lao oco Eg T o o comoo, a 1 1 t h v o m a l m om S Hav T a ll

l alzao, om ygi a o o Sm cl xml o

Pha na a c al ca oarkaT o o vl o o avm. T o

moa o mog m Klava alooc o l o oc o. lg l l mc om

T ol o om c gogl lco DenOv/ lo om

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86 HsOY o Khm Sam

ibing h myhoog oy ying bhin h ompoio of hn-hma Tan hymn ia

o Moh go Hi aaam app on in og mgzn H wo phoophi wok nclnnanal Hi mcam 1Q Kahmngg i o yng n manip fom. H m anngion of h hii abom of h am ofKhmi h h hoy o h Upi Vna nong o p h hoy of a by h of tnwh npng h phoophy. Mny wonfo bo h yog an T pow a bng h ing n om oh pa n h Vy H h mo impon Ka aho of Kahm phongh bo hm o h Sa phoophy o h Taym

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Saivism in Stotrs

A  aiion  o  expe  btre  and myeou philoo-phic  pncpe  togh  a  wee meium of poety ha bee pevalen  in Inda fom the elet g  of ou civilizaio.  It coninued  hroughou  ou  log  history.  Accordingly  sag Dva,  th  tditional  ogno  of  the  docnes of th 

pofund phiophy  of  Siva mnism,  mod  three  uch poems which r ilbe evn now d thse a :

I Prafmbhu-mnstv

I s a long yric' poem witte i hirteen smal sc-tions. Twelve  mong  hem  are devoted o the expsso of 

deen eological heme a th last one cocud hwole poem Al te t twelve ecton ave een comodi Saghad mee nd be la on in vera mete. Tt ecton of e oem an intodtoy capte of wol wok Te n four (2nd to 5tb) are devoed to tpai of be Aout God a te mae for of His i-mry dv powes ld Prdf, Ichdf Jdnfak

ad Kryd and decr Him n Hi dieent pc oft ouwd manifetion of e divin powe Te ixtbecon paie Him te mte of Kun4lni bdivine powe ta maiain Hi peme Godead, ru bniveal comolog nae nite eig o conduc berfuncton of animtin and lead tbem al to elfealza-tio boug t upwad ad downwad movmet fom t

we cene of mtin to tbe ibet on itatd d

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8 Hor 0 Kr s

the spna cod The seventh scton s dvotd to the depcton of some pofound and mysteous doctnes egadng th

pactce n the pocess of he dct ealaton of God thoughthe esotc system of Mog of up ofKshm avsm The eghth secton of the pom hntstowads the secets of some sx typs of latons caledv wth gad to th myto docns of asmThe topc of the scton dos not howve ecome qtecea The nnth secton pases God though the mythologcal

accounts of the explotes of Lod va who s to e medtatedupo n such aspect The tenth scon pases Hm as themaste of many o dvne altes to ceate wondesThe eevnth on hnts towads the ssnce of some scetdoctnes of ntenal mnta woshp temed as nrogThe twelfth one suggsts som scts of the symosm wthegad to such woshp of va though whch an aspant

attans the poston of that nnt and pue conscousnesswhch can e compad to the motonessnss of a buge ocan.

Ths lengtby stota of one hunded nd fotyon vesesdoes not ea any commentay and s thfoe sucntydcut to undestand Bsdes, the anguag of the hymn svey od typ of anst usng occasonally such wods as aenot genealy pvalnt n classcal anst and com

ntgle only wth tbe help of ancnt anst dctonaesand gammatcal wos. The phlosophc temology usd nth hymn appas to e so ancnt tbat t do not ecomesucently clea n the lgbt of th late dvelopment of Indanphlosophy afte the spead of Buddhsm It s n fct, thshymn whch was ognally paed as "Mahmno prstut \ uch pase was at appled y people to tbe stota

of th same na composed y Pu�padanta whch s populalynown thoughout Inda whle th ognal hymn und suchnae s vey ltte nown ven to schoas not to say ofcommon pople. That bym is no gnly own vn oanststs

2 Anothe poetc wo y sag Duv;sas s such hymn to the Mothe oddess and s named as pr


or t eas a anst commentay y an ancent Tantcpcttone namd tynandantha. t has appeaed seveal

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am In ora 89

lmes n prin i ransaios n ami and Hindi s I s kon o mos of ad Ska prans a man

pa and s sng in prais of Goddss Tripr diinpor of Amig God gornig r doains ofn dirsi and drsn rmd n Saism as pns of a M and rspi as bnomposd in ra-vri mr po fri sanzaand in dirn mrs from for-rs o fsi Af sanzas r ommon bn i and abo mniond

m o Para-Smb mn o Godds ros ig on Hr orsp i p of r bjmanr namddgav Kmr and aba I ads o man mordons of Sa ia Ska d s a sm rimporan piosopi prinips of Saia monism

. ird mn sag Drs i is La$aa·aa dsribs dn por of Amg

God n is smbo for of ra Tanr dagrmrprnng o isn in form of nridrings nd irs p iosopr po ds ibs Srikrasmboa s monin a of gods mrpraa srrondd b sr rns and poon as man pans ing inbn and bng gornd bdirn di of igr nd or sa o

p osop and oog ing bind orsp ofr1aa as bn prssd in mn ro mdimof baif and arming por n abo O ndrdrs in Ar'a mr oards os of mn sg piosopr rns no a gra po apab ra ai armng and i por, sdding ba on asids rog bo sond and sns Ta poron of

pom s dod o ondrf baif dsripion ofAmig God as Lord ra and His diin por ofabso Godad sd in His ap as La proniio of a ndrnss an b bo sad on a baf dorad din o Fi sprgods Bam VRa a and a join ogr o ak form ofs o aid isid a paa md of cnmn js b

in a gardn of aam on a din in f po sons rrondd b • s of na mn is a

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90 His 0 Km alvm

maab cmn o h hghy devod ahc nIndan hoogy.

h decon o mny oh de edng hehoy d en an o h va henomenaened by a a n no ay e n h ahcbay hogh b n om. Fo anc, h decono h ma d o ean accomand by he emaecona V� he goeo o h od, T, hdy nchage cayng an o he oh ban o h

ocan o h hnomena enc yg h h aanh a ye n a b bo a ng a ond onca, nd o Oil, a mmeny bea boh n he eeand ond n o ge o ech add o hcham o om Itstvta o h ag oe hbe he ee om h vn o oc bay

Th hymn gv a y daed and hghy comehen

v c o h ho on he dvn h eachy onc and Vdc de o dee a dg heahoy de ev heomn eec adn hogh he dgh medm o b oeyTh hogc nc yg behd h oh o becme amcay ce hogh ho anyng xon o ban

h ooh oe bong o he ay od o eag o h voaon o Kahm Svm bece h h bed by bhnavaga a a pg H o Sa

cln a commend on by Rmaha ho ved h mdd o 9 ceny and hom h m hav cedd. Kemja y a coe o h commenay onStvclnm�1 ha he aho a he eche h cheo bhnga d h ca ho b ced he nncny. H oca o Stvalnm�, hoohceogy oed o Lod Sva h abo God. I ho gh

on vea hohc nce o Sva monm ecay01 h hc and monc abom hch a aedeveod hoohcay by mand Uadeva and

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avm Sttra 1

Abhivgp i vr from Staa-ctma(z hv bqo horiy by lr hor who him,

pilly by Abhivgph pom br il ommry by Km

whih hrow ligh o h philoophi priipl oipr i i h rlir ommry wri o i byRmkh h b l o b p lr hh rlir pr of ih ry A h m hvb om Mahkguru o h hoo of ymbk whih

w rpl i Khmir by Sgmiy i h ighhy A


w oi iipl o B Kl bohof hm my b of ql g h hv

bog o h lr pr o ih ry wmh mor vo o h ki p o h bo ho i i p hrfor hi philooph pom mTgarbha-stotr og i oh Go k i ih b rib h hym pil o ki o hv b Si r h hym o vilbl pr I h b lo b om of i v h b

prrv i qoio gi by vr lr hor oivim om ri ii om m of Bh Pymwho mioig hr hi m or h o hi Stra.

Uplv whil ommig o m boh hwork Tatagarbh i hor Bh rym qo r rom h work Rmk�h lo qo om ohm i hi Saa h qoio pro him o hv

b goo po ogh logiig ki givig grrmpo o r, h o i h w obly ivh b plv o him Sath hi hor of hi ow li h li of h BiBh Bhkr mio him h iip of BKl who, hg l h priipl o Sp rom himmi i o om Prr, h hr i l i

h Tattgrbha rib h mo of h rio ott rih from i o rh by ki h Goh fGo

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92 Hltory of Kshmir §avls

dscibs such tata as d nifstatins fdint aspcts f akti th abslut Gdhad f Gd.


h st iptant ah and th gtt f philsph pts n th ld f Kashi aii s Utpaldath uth f §ltotrl. Th k is a clltin fndful bautiful tnt hns ulgising ia, th nl

abut it haing di in ptenc and spntnustendnc tds plful actiitie f Gdhd as it bsicand ssntial nau I t expess thugh suggtin aniptant philphic pincips f aia nis Thphilsph dicusd thugh lgicl gunts n rpratbh is ctd bautifull in it nd hns hthugh chaing lt ithut ting ne's had.

Abhinagupa uts its ss ccsinll just t cl ifhis phisphic idas expessd thugh subtl lgc 7rapratybhj ts th hd f Upde and §ltor4-l epsts his ht psss in aptyb4th tuh tat he is at thugh th clcutins f hisind nd his S/oTal xpesss it as h fels and lishsit b ans f dict xpinc attaind thugh hi hat and

such pssin f th tuth is ten fa ectiand se t

Utpaada t just f hns lik ngrahastotr,Bhktlstot nd JastT. n additin t h, h uttdcainall ingl ss in ctain tinl tats hiche ttn dn and std tgth uch singl ss aftad clctd and cas d his t disciplesaah and itja Ths thn takn up ffuth stud b Viaa, th fath f pt Mkh, haangd th ll cassied th nd psntd th in thf f ten dint hns th hadings gin t thb hi n th bis f his n igintin Kajt a gd cnta n th t as publishd b

hukhab anskit i V in1902

aka tnstd th int indi in h Gps stand th k a n agan publihd an ith uh

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as n tor6 93

tnslion by he sme  gency. Sivastotrdval  is even  ow ung by devotee of S i  mny  vi lages  nd  l owns  inKsbmir  and  tht proves ts  hgh  populrty  mong  the pndis of lnd. I reels very  frequnly he  nense devoton tht Utpde hd fo Lord  Sv. Devoton foe Lo s bee en e posn n e eooo s ii s ebe b Upe n s -totrda 8 As ens o e ies s eoon s been en poson e een o o on pe noee (x6 no o s o spps see ispne os e eoon th sag s peeion s been ee n s e es spe onoee e speo e in Yo XVI9eoon s ns p bi os p S s IX9. e ies pe o eoon s esibe bUpe is o i pe in s n expeene o nes boe ni Go n ini peson beoes epne n es e oo nies oniosness enoi ess poeso Goe (V7 I is ee in is s aabhakt i s ie e nneo eoio oVs o ee e ies ra! o Vb sooe pes o obeie ses o e e

e ees o ee e dabhat ep in oes e S oon es Janukbeon ie one es in o o s is ieiees s nnne b Upe n s o (-2)Soe o s ees XVI ie o s eoo ie pe n een o o ibeo n eies pii oee bo o i e been en

s seess en ope o s i o e b ssneso abhak iso is n so e n oe in pee neon o e esspe o p osop noee n e speos pi eion o e ex bo bo b eso ene pe o eoion ie b p o neoe oee e bsoe esi onis

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94 History f Kashmir Salvlsm


Pthdh a pctito o tic holog pah pecepto ud two vz, iddhata ad Sabhutha i hi Bhuvanevarlotr.

S! ddtha Kk SbuthS Sbhthe Kark iddhath (h . 40

hi hid a a be oe o diet

o tht at o Srmaa who uccdd Saka-cha i A 8 4 H a uthe about hi lk thi

iddhth iti Ko'p uge ctutheibbha Kaual ;Sabhuitabhidha a may paaaeakra skalmckra vti bd7

He to a that S Sabhutha bg thegeaet at o ll gmr appeed ud uch at o plac kow a Vaa th out ao adbig kow t at o iddha, h bca kidlaciou towd the auho".

eig a a o a gaa ad ot havi be ra-

d a o Veda phlooph, he ha b aautho dit o he dicipl o akachaa ad ahav boged o the eth ctu A..

iddth i well kow a the utho o a wodul bautu h med Kar, ug i pie ohe i Mothe Kl, th aboue Godhead o God Thh ulogie Kl i accodace wth he theologcal

doctie o Kaa tatd b SdathaSabhutha w he pdi teche o th Adhatabaka hool o Saia oi eablhed at ndh-hth hi o Vajrevar tutd at Kag H wa thagatt th o Abhgupta who od al o hidoub d upicio with egad o ctai teoupoble o th theolog ad philooph o h Tka ad

Kula t eig a lddh o ih it he ahav bcoe kow aog people as iddhDtha as wl

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lsm n o 95

id sys Sdd ws bo i gioo Re V sm e i So d Km

dio ee e s bo m Fisy e mefom So di ; sody ws dii of Smi begg o So di dy, e d fmd mee d oy ws gesdd d y e w kow de my mesbg sys, s eioed boe ws ee mse o bo ik d K syems S

os bo m id Sdd ws e smmb wo g bee dsie o Smid ig om o e o bme ms of d ws wo died dobs of bg wi gd o myeos ie f imoim is mb is Sdd woKmo eog K d y f Km sysem

e d eseiy i symbo fm of weeKs e em i o ow b y edfoe eses of qis wie dssg e sysemof Kwo s sei y o koy i iommey o Tnok of bg S be ses o im o b oe o o g mebg d wi ommy md Kmkl


b i bee os Oy fw ges om i b eed s og qoio i e ommyo J o nok V


Cldggn-dlk is og om i fo s is igy wod oe wok ows g o myso d myso dos d is of iyg of mo sm o dsibes boemod wee Ks o Km ysem woeoem i omosed hodh m bsed C edig s igy defeie, oig my sb misks d dbo edigs defe i i edig e igs owds o of e

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96 History of Khm /vlm

fourt ym rom te se o 126· Two e of teerse N 126 oerned appear to ae een lot ad te

edtor wtout suet poden on te ee arred yte ere tat folow onne two es of e preousere wt te two les of te flow oe ad tat reatemu onfuso n udetand te otent of u eresIt eond edton eas a detaed anrt ommntary utunotuntey te ommentator appeed to e a lan otnow te teoloal dotrne of su Tatr ytem

nd on u aout as not at l l trown any lt on tspeal ntt of te ymn. t a woder tat toue a reat ar olar of Vras a not en aleto d out te aoe mentoed reat defet ts edtntowrd te e of te fourt ym. Te poet tes msef a da or eat of l ut ay ear term tatte

poem wa omposed y rata V-) wwas rea ad poper nam ut te edtor of t rstedton dd not o oud not uderstand u fat adanoued tat e autor of te poem wa ome ldaAl t la a sne te te poem as wrtten yda. t s a wonder tat te edtor of te seondedto ao ommtted su mstae tou te poet as sad

leary as fllows :

Slvas ldadhe sa u"

Te mtae may ae raly een ommtted ysome re wl opy t olopone t alo s possletat te poet may ae melf metoed s own sef a

a dasa of n te oopoe Ay way s pope nmes ata wtout ay dut Cldgaganaandl s ot apoem and a wo o ta tooy of mont sm Aa poem t ey eautfu armn and eete and as wo o tely t of mmee aue ut tere are treedrawas ts tudy. Te rt one s te defete dtn

metoed aoe Te ed one s t ase of proper lis number the pnted text 30S. a umg ot gveD

to ese chate w Jt stat wth the st chte ad

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$ll tO< 97

orro o sb mse my ps h hrddr" bk s he w of a good ommery by show vrsed k heoogy v phosoph


Som o h phsoh hms of Abhvgp hvQe os m o hm re s vb hes sd bow :

J H s Bl'ra s very mh popr wh h

devoees of

v hmr suggess sv vry mpor prp o shm vs2 uh·edat deps hs perso xpe

re o he spes o rede d mme o hbsoe ry h e s of h d very beg

3 msor o y Oy wo we verss of hs very e I

kal4hcO r ow vb oo

hs rsg


Sh s bee reerred o by er wrer vSe was a m saint dvoed o od v d s h spoe who omposed poey sm guge Se spo

h bk ver or poe pos H rry r sow s Vs or sgs Sh ws vyog who omposd om poery s we Som of hr sygs hword wsdom some desrb hr pr dh4 dsome xpress h phosoph rh exprd by her hYog se pr sed d phd w mosy dhgakow p4ga. H sgs r popury sg shmr by bo Hd d Musms Sh pprd 14th century when Kashmir had  gone undr Mli r. H sog ug pg of spro rom v r hghyv

Bhskrk\h gheeh ury wrr o vsmrsd vy o h sygs o S verss ogrrso s s rsrh hor who o d d

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98 Hory o Kasr aMs

pl id mo o h ayig i Rma caac Maydiio o hm appad pi ic h i Pria

vaga Roma ad w Kahmii cip ad arac wor o Lalla ao cam o dig h pa wdcad

Foowes o Laa

h wa oowd i hr a y h ad dicipl

i rdd, aia d i who poy i a mixo aiim ad m ad i g poplay i KamiMay ai appad i i i wich i il coiig i Valy o Hid ad Mlim apira o oh xoi ch od o hrmi Owardly y appa o a mad i raiy y ar i May a imy ir piial pow o gi rli o pop iovd

i wordly calamiiMia a ai o la igh cry aocompod c ayig H alo go ipiraio rom Lalawo i aid o ha appard or im i a o arKoag H pcid ajapyoga aaid lraiaioad d io a po wo compod poic pro adrigiopiloophic vr i Kahmii ad wro i dow i Pria crip Mc o i l irar ha o, aci qaiy o i i il availal i macip omH wa or a ca o ha Plwama ad pmc o i ag a Hgagd whr h d o i moralorm

Oter iesarm o Haaadal wa aor c ai wo

compod Vs i Kahmiri Ragh a hrmi i ili, pid m alog wih a Hidi alaio y wrir o pag collcio icld om Vrom p o hi dicpl oa wo wa om P-

wma h V o Mza ad iarm adhr o pioophic pricipl o Kami aivim c V wcompod y a ma ai o La ara a w i

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Neo-Saivism ofAcbarya mrtavagbava

A great pero appare t Aaaa Mrtria a aiy o tratioa Skri coa o

Va 13 AD e wa ct o wo w ogr. we e w te o ota tiei Sakt e a to ce g pro i caccaer o accot o wc took ge t e oTr vort Tar y r prp gac ep A a t o i t a aret ppoc o a vio o ag Dva wo ee i wt

gace a ipart to t eto o te igt type ombhapa A a re o i ait pctic avayog ot oy ov t cocre proeeor i t y y a cer a iec eazoo te ea pioopic prcip o Ka vAr a w yer copo 'aaa-soa weworkig rerc coa te Saavat va iy

o te te Qee Coege o Skrt T e wakw Vy Varke t tae o occaoy i pa AaVgv I et i a ert art ig o

eri a practig rgay te v oga tagy ag Drva. A aote e o e pacice o cyog e ay vi io o evea e vi

peo pciy t acre pc o c eie e e ti irc epice o t e te o

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of alvlsm

t sl as wl w oamn out ond sad paes ompotan. Dun pod o s le e omposd

sal wos on t plosopy nd teoloy o monsm s we as on eln polts and lteatue unds pen-nam mta-a ost o s mpotant wosa now alal n pnt ut some o tm ae stl l yn sanuscpts s wos on lv mOim psnt tn nwdeas nd ae n omposd n accdanc wt a nw

poc to t polms o sptual plosopy nd toloy tou e dos not dee om te undamntlpncples o te toy o plosopy and t dotns ot pat o teoloy o a monsm doeed anddlopd y ts ncent utos Te wod No-sm sconed to denot s su plosopy w s patly nentad paty new ust le t neo-Vednta o Vennda

Te man ponts o oty wc e ound t ae dscussed elow :

Te ey plosopc appoa o y mtaaa to uman nd ts ms s qute ew ll ouannt plosopes we manly onnd only wt tesptua polms o l and swed lst ntest n tssol econom o poll poms. t te most teysowed a ttle ntest te mtts o lon aus tlped n te sptul uplt o peopl ut ymta ws enly neested n pols t ws sston le tt sptua upt o peopl could no wod out sucessully oe t pnn woldy plems we not soled satatoly e ute tat

pope socoeonomc set up pal to elee people omwoldly polems could not e estalsed n a soety wtout estlsn ood eect d ust dmnsttmacney w s opnon ws dpndent on a tpoltcal system Teeoe used to sy nd wte tat wesould st l l aee pt poltcal ndepedne andten stals n ent ete and ust dmntat

systm tou t polts n ou county nd te tat wesould popate l oplosopc ways o sptual

t d t l t ll d l

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NeoS of Aar Aaagbaa 101

no e e wys of ou poicl worers especily afere passn wy of Srdar Pael d ey ofe prediced hed resuls o e rou ou y heir wron and disoespolices

Perfec spiriual indepndence ws cosidered y himas e n oa of l ife nd e reie ierion from inds of dependence caud y wody polems was aeny im s an e senil aid d means for he amen offec lieraion of spiriua arcer e composed woery impora wors in is youful e nd ese re

maa nd Rroa one discussin e pure spiriupi osophy and e oer rowi a rlin ih on ispolicl piosopy. is im o ime ciicsm on he woi of nd in democrcy d aso o e crcer of smsers id in e darness o ei odies nd mids uderheir whie cloes" used o cme ou in he ssues of Sr yya a indi ournl in eauifu sirical erses in

Snsri Some of suc erses were fwds includedy hm i is Ampa pulised 73 Sucincusio of sociopoiic sudes in ndin pilosopy s hemos impoa eemen of is ou on accoun of wichi is ein nmed as ne·ism. e criued mny oherew ideas rerdn sudis i spiriu pi losopy ofism nd ese re ein noed low

2. e asoue God ccod o aiism is oh iaad ai in s wo aspecs of rnscendence nd immnenceIn fc is ow nure of Gode< is ermed s i yrue o wic e s God erefore e deoees of i s sucdiine nure cl im as P Am e supreme oheGoddess Al cms of Goded ie su aspec of Godi wc e is caed prar e auy a shines

e ree panes o uniy diersy and d ierse uniy ; dL, ll ederess snin n e woe exsence Ohernmes ien o im in suc spec re Kamvar Rjrjar Pamr ec. f God ia wee deid of suc ahood e woud no e any carm fo us ad would eee a cuum lie eny e e pe space. is aioodis hus is spec of e imporce. u e wod in is rmmicl aspc denoes a ey depen

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10  Hito o Khml Sm

dent on some otber entty tbat blds t or o esses it as eingSktm. ts simlarity witb deedet deas like tl, l,ptl, tl etc comes into oe's bead on bearg t. Theword iva on the other band does not deote cleary ayhing ike ower or owerfuless whch s tbe most imortatessece of tbe asolute reality. oder to avoid such onesded denotatio of the tt hryai coied theword S4 from tbe root�k wth tbe su gha and usedsch tem or tbe solute nd sic realty the oly mta

bysca truth acceted n a iva mosm. The term can eexlained thus : "akanam=ka meanig one comactwhole of al divie owers he word akti eing famniein gender, creates at once a dea of a fmale deity in themnd of a lstener ut sch a thig does not haen onbearng tbe word ka whch is mascu ie i geder Theterm S has een used rofusely y tbe cbrya i bis

iddhmh4hm and bas ee elained tbere at lengtbin accordance wtb many sects of be Godhead of theAolute The term suggests tbat tbeism is tbe essental natureof tbe Asolute accordance wth the ontoogy of avamonism.

. Anotber new nd ey imortant cotriuton to

he metbod oftbe eresson of tbe fundametal cbaracter oftbe Asolute y tbe bya s bs met bod of bilosobicaexlanaton of some mutually cotroversia benomena witbtbe bel of tbe two ricles of asoutsm and reativty.ucb a way of exlaatio of the truth disels certai cotradctions i tbe statemets of divine scritures as well. becbrya asserts tbat tbe Asolute s eing thought over

understood ad exressed througb two view onts of asoltm ad relaitvity Accodigly tbe mafestatios ofreative tt4 (existence) and 4 (non-eistence) bve tbeirroots in htt4" (the asoute exstence of tbe Asoluteand are manifested y tbe Asolute througb ts divie lay_fulness as two relatve ideas sokn f scritures Simlaris tbe cs witb tbe relative ideas of tbe airs of ldy(correct knowledge) and ld icorrect knowledge (2svtantrya ndedece) ad p4ty (deedence, (

l ( d l ) 4) K ( i

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Neo·v Acr) Ab' 3

nss nd rtv (inctivnss) t, of hich ar

pctivly to typs of ids gding th phnon dtiv aifsttions of I hvidy, (solt

odg) () r� vdtanlr' (pfct slf·dpndn(3) pr� r/y (pfct pity 4 rrv (pfcctivnss tc. of h sot lity ndstood d tldot i tiv ts t th pln of tivity Al this sn plind s th vM of th Aot God Schthod of xpinig so ids o spiitl phiosopynd so scipl xpssions ot th bs dvopd y chy ji in his v d hs n

sotd to in nly l of its chpts4 h is s confsion in tb picip of bud

s tght in sv schoos of Indi phiosophy. O ohnd t is cld lv nd is ccptd s th soc ofll th nivs osic lnts igh fo go h)to solid xistnc (pbv) nd o th oth hd, it is tas th ndstnding sns of individ ings t bs ths

to tly ontdictoy chct of ing ivslntity on o hnd nd n individ cpcity on th othhnd. chy i folloing th tdtion tchings of hiscstos, nd ying on th bnticiy of his psonyogic pincs, ts ltv nd BddvG to dit ls nd, ccoodting C (of Vdntd s (of Shy) spctivy in th ovs sch

contdiction coding to hi, is ht isncintspldo hich gos ot of rl nd ing th nivsl ction of th ho pbonl istc ndgosot votion ssing th fos of l th tntytooth instntl nd ojtiv nts od ot i thShy pbilosopby He ts Bddbi as th ndstndingcpcity of n individ ing ht i ccodnc ithhis vis gos into to nt non s An (go)

nd Bddhi (ndstnding) cb of hicb pps in ospcts on fcig PUf nd th oth looig todsojctiv phnon Aha in its octiv ol isnon s citt nd Bddhi i sch l is alld ns. nshot, ths fo nts asic ly ony to, go ndind. Sch n id disps t contdiction ithot in-

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4 Hior of Khmir llm

ren the numbe of uch ttv.S. As  for the  fou  stes of  animion,  Achry ji

explais their chaacer n  que a new  way. He says n his

Sd hahrahy :rt the wkn te the e of mtl or totl

elf oblvon ; pn he dreamn ae h of ti ecolecto ptl he leepn e h of ubhlht the tte ht folow pure exence nu +bhtnd ur4, the e of elfrevelon th of bhtl o pue

tee Th elf hne hrouh t own pychc lure fpure conoune n ury h fol lowed by uupt nwhch ben eperenc h pure ndvdul concounefreed fro ll mery n demn e peron feel pce to know nd do a unfeered by the law ofcuon and ercton a reult of fnt wkenn of

he p preon of h bc dvne nure nd hence h been dned mtl In he wakn ae peron cnno t l evve h peon of dvny or pury bu tkthe unconcou phyl for h elf Tht new deonrbued by h to vm

vn ben uden o Snkrt rmmr for few ye of h youhful e he workd ou feh phloo

phcton of cern eemn of Sankrt amr not ouchedn uch conext by hrhr or Ne§ Such elemen arehtu rtlpdlka Utam-puru ec dcued phoophly by hm n Siddhamhraha

7. Wth epect o deren prncp of comoonyeblhed n deen chol of ndn phloophy he y

tht he heore of rmbh prlm ndir

re correctt the owe leve of creon nd are ent for uch aprt who re yet chlde n hhe prul phloophy.S4tatrSlddhta, te rncple of he free porve wlof God n vew he cent p cent corect prncple ofooony nd men for he pran of hher ertOhe chol of houht y th t only ther own prnc

pe whch correc whle other prcp e ncorreche chy tke uch boder vew on uch pont edehe cuhe down he rume of Adv Vedntn pu

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Ne- 0 Achy Argb'

ut g rgut st t ts I4_ rt try ry rt

s y t utrs s ut s st t rs wy rguts s ts s trut

8 Vt ts t Ast trut s s uty srs st c (susss nn ssus ut t ryrsss t s tr tt rt us ut w ts trsts t Ast rty s H ttr ccnn t cc4nnp t sut

H s t w r tsut w s t t us st ts uts Tug su r utG ry sr y t utrs s yt t wr us r t ty G s w tg trut y t y

Ts r t w s s rytg My r su r r u s wrs rr s sy sg tr s Ns

H s tr ys ugg r M Skt w tw n s

s s ss wrg tr rr wrs g rty wt s Ns. Atrut t su s s g r rgy :


t s s rst rtt wr t w wtt y 6 w ws g yt w t Vr w wrkg t SrtB rry tt s Ssrt Cg ur t rs MM G Krj t ym ugsg tgty G rg t rs trtys s t s sutusy ryr swrk trwg gt tu rr t

trtys t s us rty wth

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106 Htor 0/ Khr v

dealed Hd cmmar he auhr f he wrk had Ms f hs lhed wrk r he raslas

cmmeare he same cmmear hugh us fewhe ee cmeed u her dcle f he chr well


he m eauful e amg ll h sra cm

ed chra j ad ha ee wr drmere I w wre hm 929 we hag reuredfrm h lgrage rd. ele he rher mua rage f Khmr lle he saed fr sme me aaraul he shre pr There he had he f de he whch reuled h relzaf h ueral asec f h self ad arued hm a s

aeus w f swee ad chrmg er SakrCequel he aed wrg he erss f a eulg Mher Gddess Such rses ued w u h echwhu er h ar d u a few da he wru ee f hem He eded wre au weres re us er he Mhe h wrh herder xee f erce kw as IO¢opr-pad cclude he hm afer he dcr f he lasem u Dek fred f he auhr came frmSdhy ad eruaded h m s h lce Hgreed d we here The aurl w f ered he d here d dd cme ag fr dacdes ws 92 wh e wrer f e wrk had uged

hm cclude he hm where h w f er hadd ad exresed bs ere raslag HdHe agreed ad wre he ccludg er ad he ralarrslaed er Shr R Sharm Tred eded ad ulhed 979 a Delh I w ulhed aga w elarged cmer Sh Rad Shr 98 adhur

The em s full f ec eu erched ealrars gures f <ch rer elec f ule wrdexresss f ee de ad hghl deled c

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N$alvlsm of Ach Amaghbh 7

mato. t exprsses plosop prcple of aamosm tro a swt mdm of et potry adtrows scet l t o t secrts of t worsp of toter Goddess odted wt t lp of tr bjamansof Tatr sm. emory of Ku·smbhv of ldaad Sndaya/ahi of arcrya s rosd a radrwl os trou te rss dotd to t dscrpto oft aty of t lm of t oter Goddess. As sad Mnvljy a yo, a lssd y Godtrou t towal of s forefl ra trs to a pot

apal to mpos atfl potry. c t appedwt rya at t sr of l·pUtT wl omposad-rttotra T pom s trest fom twpots of potry rlo toloy ad plosopy adpros t crya to a reat pot.

ml wlh SdrJ

t s wor o pr plosopy ad s wrtt 4styl srt. It ws compsd y t crya wlstay asmr a la amed wl Plwmdstrt t year 0 for t s of a local padt amdaa aa. t trows lt o sral as osopcalprpls of asmr asm l tsm asolsm

mosm tc. ad elops t wly md prcpl of or sport xrosss of t asolt relty. tdals wt t mtapycal prolms of msm wt tlp of t prples of asoltsm ad rlatty rsortd to dsssos o t ad xprssos of t Troot al lt captrs of t s wor, t ator rtcss t Vdttory of Vvr as satfatory ad stss t prc

p of or sport Goded t otas may scw plospc das for w t term oasm s od to dote t plosopy of crya Amtaaa

T tor delrd a fw ltrs d to sPaa dscpls order to xpla to tm t asrtl o mavl 9 ad o of tm amdLarma of a otd dow t letrs ad s axplato of tmalsa was med as Sndai mavla

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108 H8 Khr Sm

wt sc ua ws bsed t Amts n 96 [ Pee esc sc sbsd b

c n 972 b s secd dn wh sm es nd ded ss cnc tms n 1982

4 Mah1h ak ra

s be mn wc decs ssence t em dn ws Gd nd ess tm s smbc

d me ddsses. cn be ts cssed w btn nd ws cmd n 95 nd wsb sd nk cmmn d Hnd nstn n 195

5 Vaam

t s sm wk h me n scnnn sme mens Nm ws cmed n 951 t ske M Gd mnd ws bed n 959 wt w cmns knd ne n Hnd. m sbt nc Nesm bn dcssed n t b

6 . haMahraham

t s n tnse wk n t ct wen nnsk K nd bes be cmmn nd cmmt ddd m ce kha ddndm n sm st T Ska nc Nsm ds ded ss n ts sc wk ts cs s dtd se cces n T mb Y s t t t b sss s been exs n n t ce Tes chte t wk descbs n de mt dnens nd sme smdin dscses wc t d den cs s t ests s cc nmbY. T K c s decbs ne scsn wk ws md n 1963 nd bsedt ncme m M.M. Gn K

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Neo·Salvlsm of Acarya Aahh'

a Vras. s sc alg w H rsla ts wa bls by r 8.Hs w rg atrs a ls bw

7. AoSaah

T cry wl g Harwr ar P.as'r Vally g ar HP wrt srlstrs lgsg Lr r Gs Lr Ra Ha a s lcs A llc sc ys ws by r R.Agrawl cllc alg w trsat t H ws bls 8 D by V Varal r K r as r Ast-sgra.

8 Pu4so

A y lgsg Parr ws cs by tAry ccas Parrajaya ataa Mrta< r sr. T rsts tKt.ra rr a PurJcaa� t stra a ty b rwrs tat ws c rrac wc sat I r t acs strbcs sga rgz by s cl blc lrs Aatg sr lwg t

cT w H

rla by t r ar r r s sc. T las ws bls 5


csss ly rs lkhaT�1 r a wscs a Nlg A wrtg w

ar tgt c wr ddhdws crrc. Bg a jct ja)a sla b '4da-badhkram b at wl . c a s crct t sgs r ws lac t wg c w. B10 ! W s s cl s

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l l O H Kahm am

evening pae n tht y 1 ivne beg, lkig ke a

age appeae bee hi i te a phibiting anychange i n the the vee, aete tht the vee ant icect the ave etne cp he avie t take it a aveb eplie it ti ay "Baaa aa amn ka ah aha a O a the ath elt aticti abt it the iiebeing iappeae. Te ath entin thi epie in

ih-ah«haya a ell a in a eitin te payehich a pbihe eveal te ince the a the atet tat it cptin a the elt e ive ipiati n tk it t be a ivine man

1 0 paPHaam

It i a al k i kit e thig igt nthe igicace the ite appa i Hin aageIt a cpe in 3 an a phe eqenty atBhaatp. It ec eiti a pble ith ankitcntay n a Hii tanatn i 62 at that veyplace It caie at egth the gicace each te e ech the even tep i accance it the

Ghar It can be cveiety e at aiage ceenie the benet the cple t be aie

he cya cpe eveal k ecibig ivi an ice ith e ivie a eiiviebeng a thee t h k have appeae i pint aepaate bket, hile e the ch k aleize ae cle hi hamahraham e theebkle ae


I a cpe at Kga n Kh hie the atha tyi thee ith the t te k in a

e te n�2.

It a pble ith a talatin ini t Bhatp i 63. It ecbe the accnt thepilgiage the ath t aara the Bea Valey

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NS�sm f r mltghbh' I

hill e on he bank of Bea and ai are ey beauifuland inereing e yed a Maikaa for a few day andwa augh by maaia feer ha aed o aak him afe

eey hd day e ued o ake e for wo day and walkak oward he plane fo wo day hu he reahed apae known a Sulnpu n Ku l here he fee aakedhim ey eeey igh fom eay morning. o whahappened ? Whie he wa lying aone on a ma i a dhmh hee diine beig wih beauifu form, deed wen dine ohe, puig on beauifu hoe and holding mal

ane a in hei han ped i n he ouh o n hi efde and a ainly looking dine being holdng a rden anda waer-po in h han apaed in he norh on h ighide he la ga hi m ome nealk wae o dink andimpaed o him a diine mtr ha onquer deah heauho onin ed repeain g he mana wihou any beak upo he duk Al l he fur diine being oninued o and byfo he whoe day h paie looked a eah oher bu dd

no hae any oneaon A he ime of duk boh hepaie ipd way lwly in hei epeie direion wiho unng abou ad 10 ! he hya fel himelf a freedfom h king high fee

he auho naaed uh aoun o he wrie of heeline and on hi reque noed i down in bauiful Sankere unde he ile -drm i a beauifu


12 Dk Drm

i anoher uh poem whi wa ompoed y heauho n 962 at Kulgam n Khmi. deribe he onof age Du a whi he auho hd a hi aneal homea Vra in 1920 when he wa een plu n age n uh

meeing w he age he go iaion from him i n hehighe ype of bhaa-Yoga he deipie poemappeared in pin in 1983 aong wih e new ediion ofddhmhrh boh he bookle beng bound ogehea one oume

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1 2 Ht f

1. SddaD

A siddh in humn form met Sri chryjl i 193 the owe opoun f the shine of Mothe Sarik t ring nd hd disouse wih hm on the vese of Pa stig wth tbe wods 'My-Kundin e Tesiddh, med SivI d s Kshmiri P"i nd spekgin Kshmii tone eme desious o use hyjth ext signie f he vese oeed. F suh pu

pose he ed im to ouse i te interio poton of teod ity d dised him o me thee ext dy hyimed he huse nd te sm ne d me et dywith e hep of suh mking nd hd ong meetig withSivj who stng ed gze on h im though itudeof giousess oused the K�a/ln powe: hm ndough out n him he isfu eperiee of ts movementsoh upwds nd dowds tu y tur though he sivit eve etes nsde he sp od t otiued fo ong ime d me o se oy he ivi movedis gz fom �yi

n he view f the wite of these ies ws kd ofVddd whih Svi onduted with espet hy

j Ae few dys te y me o se Sivj gnnoked te oute doo of te ompoud nd ed fo Sivgin nd gin in oud voe ut hee ws espsefom witi the house The eghous me u d dhyi th e house hd emied uned fote st seve yes d O ivji ved thee udo d ny ue o tt Sivi o hs wheuts ywe

n the iy d did no see hm gn The poem desingsuh epsode ws oposed y the utho 963 d ippeed da-, he mgine of te L Bhduhs ski Vidype\h Deh in 1978

1. mt-StPk

ri hyi epessed nkrit ers his vs mey topis t die osos d thes wee pushdy hm i di t issu s f i vdhyy qu t y

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Neoa o Ahaa ahbhaa 3

Hii joal li Shaaa ah im a Soa Hhl d i ve

c om hm i 195 a l ih a P i97 alog ih a Sakri omma h imakPack4 om ci ma hg oligio hilooica ocal a oliical haa ciicim o h val oliical m o Iia oai i i i mra.

Sri chaj como vl o o olcalci a om oical ok a ll. iocioo m alo giv lo


S Rr40k

Si caji o o o h igh oco o o acoi o hi ial v o iI 9 h o a mall highl vall o Sa

ri Kik il loka I a lh 9, lih ih Hii aaio 97 ai i 98. h mall o ma o oi o oh io a o a ki o aioa o igih h o ai iio ia v ol i ol ao i h g o a cholog. I al ih v i o oli a amiia

io om h vi oi o ligio a oo.16 R!a Sia Bh4Ym

I i a ail Sai comma h chhiml o i o R!rok a o o h mo mo a vala ok. I gal oirial hiloo a aal olii aim a

a i i Bhagavag i h ohch ac o olm o i I v mci om a i o aa la Hii i ma coloal a

7. Sk aada

om i lrical a cig h

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14 HI!ry of Kshmir �alv

rater of t right nd desirbl  soci-politicl revoluto ac io o pope aime o e

o im o e I i i ac cmig pece o poe I copo 6 pubihe ihee poe io o Hii i 70

8 Vrk-C

hi ci opoe eh o i Kv e

o e hio o hi aceo, e eive ecee ec u e i lC. I g i mip om I pub , o poveuc iomao egg m i cho oe p oe e h peo io o i ao pa o hi pom

19. Ote Wk

o o poem o opc i ee o g i, mege o o o i eio im a o o H o oi poviig oe omao o e ve o ei i ppe ie

iue 0 Sr h ecpio o me o i oepece c a e e a hi i oppe i vha o i hi ace o ighepoop hc pp v e o he magi he heaig -hii i Beie h oe e p/uS ve o e i ooo MM Gopib Kv o e occaio o i bi

hg emb amog em I io eo gz i u io o om P veo v e og vav bo e e Qu a oge, Be ev o ie TpR

c mvgv c o boe o i 8 a e boa e cig o i mo

pee oe e :

Sf! Pe aa oh o

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Ne·Qv of AchryQ AlQQghbQVQ 1 5

ng pe a Jamm.2. Vva-aklaK¥aDm a

b Del

3. Ama-vgv a-ab, Amapa, JaaY, ap.

e nn name yyasa esalhea Sln, w ae f Bp wee wa wongwell p 9.

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Prominent Auhors

Gup A

ag uvaas

2a\hikguus. euy)

3. Vasuupa :h ceuy

Ga M of h bjc :

He gav he ahig of h subjea fesh s som ime abou hed o h ceuy A. His avaiab wos :

aaambhumaimasava2. pu·mahima-sam3. Lai-sava-aam

hey w he ahes of he shoosd by yamabadiya hedisipe of uvas he diviesipues of he ia sysm wevad o hem he eahamong hm who sed i ashmiWIS ow as gamdiya who

aspad h shoo in he Vaeyescedes ad discipes i hisi a ow as hikguava

ivaa was disoveed adpopaad by him discovedpanda Picipe of Saivism. He

was a gea siddha ad a ahigu

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4 h Kl (9h eny)

5 Somnn(9h eny

6 Upev(9h cny)

om utho 7

H wok() SpnKk n(2) Spnv. H wok h hve

een lo : () Tvv 2)Mhvh, Tvhcnm� n (4) Svhvmohn. He w moddh me o Kl kym, hol n he howho Spn-.

He woe v he phooph wok o Km mH v on Pk h eenlo. A me o Kl an kyem he h pe ho ovell he coo o Inn hog,

ome o hem no known peenHe o w slddh

He evelope he phlooph eo Khm vm. He h pee mey on he eoely n heologcl pcce o

Tk n Kl yem w ng pcl knowlego . H vle wok= ()vpy- (2 Ajpm-h vh() Smnh, 5 vovt an V on 6) v n Samn-H ply vlle wok V on (8) v (9) vpy- H wok hve een lo e ( ) vpyhjn-vv n V oAj-pam He w goo poe well

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1 8 Hio Khmir aim

7 Abhnup(10h n 1 hnus 925 o025Appom y)


H h hs uhoy n bohh hory n pr o hmrsm; s h nrp o hrybh phophy n bur o h k ysm o p m H susu yon hn p msryor h sysm o u n rk(nun rm) n sho

r hn h or kno h ub o suy pen m H s h uhryon npn o h oro mr m n s rksysm o pr oy Hson ork n h r

() nrok; () nsr n3 ny rk ; 4rk-r n mprnommny on ru okHs ommnr on Pybhsn ; (5) rprybmr!n; n (6 pry

b--mrn. H rymprn orks h bnos r ) yon 2o 4) m! n h hr sho p 5 mk nrmo o hn n6 Pr-pk on nr Hs k Cu obns r Bhp!k ) Pmhc 3Anuk n (4 Pmrhr Hs mpon sor=1)rmsr, (2) Bhrr3 hh--ksorn AubhnsorH uhory n rmury

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8 ambt0t t)

Group B

Bhaa Na9th t)

2. Bhatta ma9th t)

Poml" Auhors 9

a Aakata a amo o s o qot b mtot amg tm hav b

ot. H atoa s a qok o toog oga to o

a t mat o th AaTambaa soo at aaapa g ag ptmat ov th t ots

o posop, tog a tao th T d sstm opata am t a h omov a th obs that Abaagpta a t ga tomstos pps a sotots o am a pat

avaab o tht a b asb to m s amstota qot th ommta o TatoaH s ko a ata a.

utor of Secody mpoe :

A gata o Abhaagpta.H ot tvatm a posop m to a.

A sp o ha aa. Aava aspat vod to th t

apt o t Abot H attvagaba-stota s pt aaab qotto H kta vs avb t b maa hsa.

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1 0 Ho of Khm $m

3 a =1) pd•'vrl ada 9 e) obhd ea

4 advaa-Vaa Ea10 r)

agavad·g eao Sava·aa a bee o

O e qua o Vvea ad Kara aavab

aaar re Svaav prvdga 10 e) rado epea o

vaa a oe o eaer o Abavagp

Vadar O e ao r

r 0 ur) avpraare

avaab ao a a eae Abav-gupa

7. Upa Vaava )

8 Kaj eur)

9 AbavgpV§ea )

padapadp avabe a baa er pa ye Va�av

: (I) Prabjda(2) Papv pada·ada 4 paday (S)Svvr (6 va-daddo 7 eraa-dda d T o 8 Sva-

v 9) vaa ad10) bapa Vabaavadda va-ab rage

a pbab a oAbavagpa a eo Abav T-oa e Tava-d f

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0 Vj( h )

Ygrj( . cr


I ( 2. )


1h r)

Pol hor 1

W -k h

h Kmj

cm m Kr

H ch mm h Phr Abg

( ) H m

m Vk te rk Abhg lbl 1lum. () H h rk Vkm- HrrcDm.

H h h m h

bg 0 g . Hrk Vk!ck b Vkr,blg K lbl.

14 Ngj ()(3/. r)

H lg JQkh P bg Ihe

bh. H r= P ()!-m§k (bh h h-c)


IS. '( 18h r)

6. Bhkkh(1h )

Gop C


()mr Vjb() () rb4) m Bhgrbh 5 ( ) Bkr mmr b m

N and Kau Aho

Arkk m rk h m

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22 isoy f Khml allm

2 v Nh(8th r


b r

Orgt th t K Kh vr h h b r br h t

vt r bh Pbb h b h hhgh t

h ) Kv

Ah ) Ct&r Kv (2) Cv.


6 Mhv14th. tr)

7 Vt-

8 Crh

9 h

Mt - v v.

v C r hr Mhrth h S hMrh-P

Wt Vtth-tr

Wr vr hh gy I b tr b Rv

A K th, h h-r.

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0 ShbK

Gu D

y Avbv 1903 to98

2 nntPndt

Pml uh 3

A Get ho h ( Devnmvs, (2) vvd, 3

Scdnndnd (4) Klvpnd et t hs edt

Ah of Nllm

( ) t-vs 2) Vtst•3) Sddhhhsy 4

Pv-stot, (5) Mnnt-stot, nd (6) Mhnbhvt-stv

J Svtnty-dp th coment n Snst 2 Kshvdn n nd nd sevlos n Engsh 3 Commenton nd nstons o te os bhya Atvbv

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� JImportant Works

Sen Scptua

• gam k Km Yg A c. n n

nm r•

2. Rdra gm k V Smhv Kr cgh nmr.

Bh gm k Scchd Rdr-ma c n r.

4 a gaa ;

Sdh Tn O an rm .

) Vmk Tn N n a nm

d Na, r nccn cn n c.

Tn n r n nm aTnr h mn c m

h hgc cn hTk m rcc mnm

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5. Vibhivw coe


6 Pi wiViv byAbivgup


8 iv

m 15

A cpu e caig e obe p of Ry ea

g wi e yog of e Ti ye ie e eizo

ao ci o be cpe oRuy A epe byAbivgup e w ube eoeic ocie o

bvyog ec iue eepe ece o pblosopby eoogy o v. is1wongly

ce P

A o coey o e e oPi by o bee o.

w evee o Vugup woexce o e eoy epcce egig e pcipe oSnda ipe o iicpe

Section B-Pholophc Tratl.e :

iv bySon

e pioopic eiewe o Ki iv icy poopc ye oug ypc poopic eo e wi poopy eoogy

ioy o Ki ivi e ep eue e eoieo a oo o ougow uow pee iio po ou obecio c be ie by oe cooo oug g v o

iie e oe by oeoug ogic gu

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12 HIor o Km m


. voc Avg

vhj Ulv

hj-V Uv

I ho h o hol o iv

vhl g h gm o o o hl o h lo m gl 01 m o o ch co

w l omm ov h v o lo

h mo mo wo oh hlooh o Khm m.I h o-lm o

h Bh lh hl xc o o jcv oco llv ow. hloc w mhc ologcomogo omoog molog co . o Kmvm c co gg h om o o h Ao. I o o l h o hol homo o go o ocv jv

lm g o vgm ll o o h ogoo cl o o'l c h g m o l ll

I o col vj l lo

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6 vpyVvt y


7 !vptyhjVm

y Angpt

8 vptyhjvt

Vm§ yAnvgpt

9. to I heS y


2 to 14. ee

Vtt on they Utplv

mpo WukJ 27

I n elve ommentyon h vt entone ov n

vey goo holly epng n v the pnpe of ot oo of Inn poopy,t o ee ot

It n eltve ommeny plng t opt of v

ptyj n < thto to te poton of the getmpone n te o pooptete of v monm

olmno o expnngthe holly o me v

ptyhjvt of Utpv t ne the vt h een ot,t oe not yel t t t mnt to ye

I Ajm ftngte non-extenm of th

t n etng the etenextne of Atmn u tne tothe xof momenty mn

2. vh, ftng te tmof Shy tlng texte of Go thogh oggment

Smn, th nthe mfetton of tvty on epe e onept of tme,pe, geelty et

e pove pp of t

opt of the te Sh Vtton Ajpmt

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28  Hs f Kshmr asm


: t 7. hm n td thSddh bAbhngt

8 Pmh.'l b


9. Bdhacd- bAbhngut

20. Paa-cc bAbhngut

2 1 . P-Prb K!j

22 Pab-hd mj

23 t-ttv

Sndh bnndR

t, bt th th t bP. bhtt t t h

t n N\

n t b n butnc t t thm ndn Mahrhmjari-Parlm Mavaa t hghbb tht th thd Sddh

b uch Vmt u tt cn tt b bgnnI t b chcmmnt bgj dc K!aj

A b xng thndmnt th hh hm m

A t m ntngark mnm

A m mnt t txt b a bgnn J

A m th bg chcmmnt b h uth It nt t txt b

bgnn bt ct gn cnn h n ccn gt h th hgh chhnd ntgnc th th udn t

Bc tn Sbg

bhgd Amtn cmmntd n n ndndnt

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ptn Wb 129

cn Cpnd $

I . Sanakkb Ba�aaa

2 Sanavi bBaa alaa

3. Sanasa

4_ Sanassvb Ba ala�a

5 Sana-v Rmakaa

6. Sana-nab kemar

7 Snasanob ema


b al-Vaiava

A ok in k se ongg on a ec meo o eaieSna, e vn si o concosness an also on e esls o sceaiaon as el as sincon beeen Sana an e nlsic aDqll o Up

A rase o e coles oana-kk

Anoe name o anakk

Saakrik along v I.

knon b c name

A eaile commnar o Sanakk comos in accoance iSnaviAnoe ee commenar oak ren b CmaaaD o Decesai ooing


A sml ork ong lig on sgicance o e Sana Dco ami aivism

s scolal commenar on

Snaik en b a Vaiavaa o res is bes o eevaePcaa ssem o osioDo Sana-sa b oiDg osel om Vaiava gamas

H ovs isoica inomaionabo some aos D oks o


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130 H f Kh

to DWo o T Th% gy

lnvijaa-vika bAbinaagpa

2_ inlkavika

3. anla b


4 Tanlkavka bJaaaa

5 Tanaa Abnavagupa

an exenive wk winglg n eveal meu pic pp an elg a expee in h pa ainTana pn a epe un Tika m bu e n beaan cmma ne wc ie v bal.

Ane name livijaavka.

i e m mpan wk n e

elg an iual e Trkm paccal av mnman w a blan lg n epncpl e a ell. a n paalel in wk n gn e wle wl.

a clal an a ealecmmena n Tanlka publ-e n welve vlume. veelpul n uing Tanlka an a eu nman -gang man wk n Saivman ma

a gi Tanlka wen nmple pe. Apaba§a ua-n givn i n ma ae beenaken m e wk ogik Keava an aank wlean Knaa m Sivnana-na an anm i iciple.

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6 -adhik Ahiaapavise�a 

7 P- Sm d

8 P-§aaa Ahiap

9 P§ik


10. Pai§kppi

L Paii

2 p�apk ipaha

mran Wr 3

J  s  a  gis  of Tanrar  witen,most probably  by 

Abhinava,   h a Ahaapamd am him h.

m h k impc ha l

dad cmma hamc x hi lih rd Mni ad l mi d ic pacicldci Khmi iim

cmma m

l Padi d cd Ahip mak i ppl

A i cmm Pai a mmp

A cmma La�mam i mi impa

a k dai ih h philph d hl Sa a mim

hh a plia mhd Sddh. a cmm

m idcki

cn Ehh m

e Ah

Pamh- Da



A lh pm hi

i mapicipl ad di

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2 or f Khml m

2 Trp Drvmim-o.

3 Lliv- Drv


4 Smb Smbpci

5. Sv-n m NrY

piloopy n eology. emo nent o epeng

e Span priniple

A ym Goe Tripggeg orie o ivpiloopy.

A ym Divie Moe

elig i rcrU p

A elogy oble mening ie in prie o boSngo Almgy Gon ibe Smb o o Lor K.

A ymn iv ggengpoopi piple

6 ivorvi plev A colleo oigy bel piloopi eloge 0iv

7 Kmor Si A prly vble ymnelogzg telve Kl o eKm yem o iv yogo e T

8 Kmor Abinvgp

9 ivo o-

0 Cggn vn

An elogy elg i eme opi o Tik eoogy

A piloop ymn iv i gly popl inKm

A ymn o Moe Goeggetig ern metho oTn n lng

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. Prrc t Ngju

12. C-so- rk

Imprtnt Worb 1 33

Krsp f te Krmsysem I s bee rgy

ttbe t Ks.I es t eg tePrp f te rc tegy f msm.

I escbes e pyccppc f yg t

rs l peme ters g tte elelzt j-mk.

13_ jkm

SbKl I escrbes se spte s f sefrelzt.

4 Prm Acrystr Am

5 Mstrm

16 Mbksr



s egy t AlmgyG pperg tefrm f tysx ts.

A plspcMter gss

krn mee

y t

A ym elgzg e eprmy pers fe r.

S�ctlon For on Neo$a/vlsm

I . tm ryAmgb

2 Amls


A ee k f ss te ly e tesc prcpe msm re Krk sye t crcse eV f Vet

A etle explt

fe cplets f tml

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34 Hoy 0 Khm m

3 ava- Banha A dd San Convan Pda y on Ava o

phd vy oo.

4 Vqka


A f wok on o fndana pnp of Noav.

5 Va o Baaha A dad oy aove Pn Sn on V!


6. Pak O Raghh A dad oy h a Cada San o Vak

7 Pd oh a

8 Sddhaahahy

Rnnd A Hd coy onTw Vaahy A wok xpng vaA pp of N-av n

vgva d and dng o o hvaygaphd wh fowd yM M Gopnh ava

9 Sddhh- Bh A Hd nOJ whhy Pda h p oHnd Sdh-hahaya

10 Sddha-ahahya






A dad San oy o Sddhhhayo y phd

A ogn wo n Hndon h No·av, phd ong wh Paaavaoa y h a Uho

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12 Svtantyadapa�a

13 Svtantrydarpana

Impont Wors 135

alainntha t prsents the bai detaiedandita prnciples f Kashmi ai

vism in ardance with the views f the anient geatmasters the subjet andintegates the prinips fNe-aivism with them

alinnha t is a shrt Sanskrit mandit mentary in the rm f ntes

he upets f Svtantryaapaa

14 A mirr d t is an nglish translatinwith ntes Svtantyadarpa�a whih is ging t epublished very sn.


Secn Go b K nd Nhs

. Anuttaprkaa

nh t s n mptnt w nava mnism written bysme siddha t shuld havebrne a mmentary t

mentins the ter spada

2 M-cakra Svaantr t is a wnderful wk mViveka nanda-Nha psd by me siddha in his

wn indepedet way Itdals with kra Mtksystem dive pwes f the

Abslute pue tattvas andthe such imptant tpisf ivism disussed thughan independent methd Itbears a detailed cmmentayby an acint auth whbeing a Vdti mnk

has missed cetain vey im

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136 Ho 0/ m $m

3. Mhrhmr

4 MhhmrP m_

5 Km_vs

6 Kmvls

7 Cdvs



pon pons o rcphosophy d hoogyprssd h

ss n h wo

s _ wo on h phosophynd hoogy o Sv.mon sm wrn y Ksddh n dlc o Mr p

I s scholrly commry ns wr by hho o n hs own Mhr copls mnodbov s sorous onormo rgrdg hhsoy o KshmrSvsm

I prsns Sv mosmom h vw o Ku

Pynnd dls wh h hologcNh docns connco wh

h Up o c

Amnnd s nsr commnyNh on h bo mnond woro Pynnd Nh

do s sml wo dlng whh ndmnl pncps oS mosm.

8 V_l_h Vlnh A sml wo on Sr monsm composd by K


9 Vnh- Ans-

s commry onhnsr

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10. Mnp

Impra Wks 1 37

iik� A wor on Ku orn in ccornc wiVv Tntr. cplt r n KrnAp lngug n ontr n i

vopr kp�N

I i n uog o v luing poop prncipo iv on

2 op R conr on Vir vopr


Kul I ng po onvnrnn Tntrc n o oGo, n wrn Kul wo w .

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Further Historical Information

J Dus

rdg Hd h Drss s h s sg r d h s ld s H s g s j rs lg lg lg gs. rd s s s s h rga shl lsh h s s Ksh ssds, h s rs h h h rsh hg h sl a sd. P s g a h s hl g s rl s lg ad r s a dal al. hr gha g s hd s Drss 1 D. hs

asral h a a h sg gh h har hghs ha g g hh h d dr r h rls d d a s rsd s hlshrs l als Vasr d ahhaa-sra (S s Da da d Sddahas-44 4 hlgl srs ds

g rh Dss sl sd g a as lg r r r ahs Sh srs d as lKld ad aha s V!s r sa s sd d ss Lrd r hs lrar r s hs lrad g d l h g

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urthr Hitoic fomti 13

Agorparo mro Mhm pr sui" perais fc, o such hym by Duviss and no o t by Pu�pa-

dnta Besids, h ym by Pu�padna is myhologicl in 

character.  The phlosophic erm  Spanda fds is erlis use

n wo verses of Pr!ambhu-aim·stv.  (c VI4 nd5).


As has aread been sd, Vsugupa e d soere ofitr, w Malkuu lin of rambdtae c mos probbly, hav belonged to t fmily of Ari-

gup wo was Brhm of he hghes rk bor i hegota of Agt (See A XXXV-38) e should otherefor be tae as a Vi4 o accout of i suramGup

Vsugupa eihr led o practsd 8n someplce uder t foot of Mahde mouin, situd to thes of Sringar d t sras of i wer re led o hmin a er mutainous r e disoered i n them heessece of he picipl f Spd s well s te hologicamethod of its cul rlizo hrough ogc prcice ofdectg oes atet to he cost spirtu tr of hsiermo t self-wreess mifesting self ouwrdl i heform of the r funcos of aimtio Such uer of slfwreess s o as Spaa. Regular prctic i hiuitinl relin of Spd rsus i drc alzo

of h act ur h rel sl of bing d practior discrs himslf o be o oh th h Am ightGod mnifesti ouwrd the who phoml i eceog wth al ts fuction brought abo b im throughe dii sir of s supior piriul ibro wch coss of a cost uter of im ile s bs�fulnes Such basicharcter of oe mos cosiousns was ermed b

im as Spada e taugh he philosophi si gnic ofSpnd d  he thogi':a metbd of lizio to his dscips d B mong hem bu i t th Spad-4sra brough his works like Spdkri, Spda-srvsvac,  as ardy iscussed. Such prctic becm very popular th Kshmiri das

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40 Hr Kmir Sasm

A a alrad aid Baa Kalaa idVagpa a ar prpr w gard ad igr Dda ar f Spada (pada

f a f iara ad dripi f Vagpaa lr f pripl f Spada rad adp ipri i id f f ai arr d lar f Kair ii Aiaagpa Vapa a ar f padari Sdiai i aid i i Viiiai (PV_V 1p1) S ig d app r f rApaarga Kaiala Nira ad Braaira d if d dir p f fi f aiai iSpi lpig a a r i acpdd d a aig lirai g ar dd dir i rpi fpip a i d a r f ai ad igra Siiar a a« wi arip f Spdari

Ba aaa

Baa Kal wa a gra idda w ad aaid f i Kir a Kala ld igr iwil wiig a f l rr f a adalg wi ir i-piial aiii Kalla a

drid i fr ag dw a dw ar fr pif f aid a waaplid drig rig f ig Aaiara (V6 idig Braaa f Kir wr w Ba Big a Ba lgd idigfil f Braa f Kair li r Baag Ma Kaiaa laa da Haig aai

Apvrgstyiga·moklyob. KivaSine sy "(Med Koa)meg sout ck of opnsty towd ng, ko nddong a popound n Nyya·jka

2 vay bha Kaayam, meag aboe oe e o hehya yog coceo o beao

3 Eco of aya vji ooe by he Buh4 Mege o Bahma a tugh by AaaVe5a

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Further Hltorlca nfrtln 4

d poc drg t rg of Aatara a b

placd t ddl of t t ctry A D. s soa Ml t Abhldhvtl-mk, " ll wo cldd Alarasta

Kalla bor sdda, lart fro asgptat plosopcal d tlogcal sgcac of t doctrof Spada as wll s tat tod of t practcal practc ofts drct ralzto wc bca ow afrwards asSpaatattaktl(K21) dlopd pal systof t procss of ts practc as wl as t prcpls ofp losopy rlatd to t wors Spadar,Spadasarasa tc

aa saa (t c pss a t ator ofSpaa stra d Tatt4thaclt4ma�l wc stats toa spcty t cotas o t rst tr adt fort sctos of $Iatra Abaagpt tossc two cotars dr t tts MuhnJ adTttrtacta Po2p3) t of tswors Spdasta s jst aot a of SpadarT coplts of t wor bg ry brf t fo adpssg sly wast das a b t ad frd as stas by sal atos as s t cas wt topt of arapraybhlj of Upalada Karja

rfs to t Krs as Spadastras ps p 382) Notg or s ow abot Mad t ay a tb st aotr a of padr or ay a bso otr cotary o asra wc s ost. Passagsfo atttacnta b qotd by latr atosl Abaagpta Utpaaaa ad Kar Soof sc paags oo l srs ad so as plaatos

It appas tat t fot scto of astra, aog wt tcotary y aa Kala was cobdly ow aogscolas ad ators as Tatttacta� ad o dstcto wa sow by t btw two, as as b tcas wt ypadya ad ts cotay S TA 62IP ol II p 349, TA o I p 38 SS p69SS p 22)

A Sta of ot by Abaapta as sc s taro arapatyab s ot fod ay

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2 His/o) of Kahm Svlsm

h h th f f th h dt fat g th ta Bha B

Kaa ad d S IP . 3) a h ta f th t t f tat td Bha Bha

Ba Pd th atal l Bh Kal h h d. hgh a tdt h a h dtd t th tt th lt tl thgh a

t agl f d h h aad at atd Sda th d ht f h ad.

4. mdn

S d tht at th a h hag hd \' f Ld a d a

ttd h t th t hh dthugh th g thd d t d tl hh tat t f uh Ctlh d th l h ad dt atf a f th ga aagd th t hl tat ttd r!1 thghth lgal thd ad tl d f th

th th f Nta Bd h dtd atal td all th alt hl f thght thgt thd ad t ad td ut t aa fd th H t a ta P·ukd, tat d at Tt t hat dag th th hght t f tat hag td a Mt ad M.

hat ta t la t a aag t ha td hagt h Va that Sh tat h ada a a t t Kula da l h th at ad

b ath t ha a fat at tha t f th thgal at f aa .h dla h ft at t Ida thd

ga x Sat gaa d th ta tf t lh atat f Id th Bd

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Frhr Hiorca T/oro 3

i reel hi comrehcni owledge of he exc igicce of ll he mi relen chool of nd hogh,no l h ee mer

o o e Brhmnic hiner o ndi ed o cri icize e loicl rgen of he Ynda chool ofBddhim wiho ryig o g flly heir exc igicce.B omd lid emhi on e imorce of he excnderdg o he iw o n angoi ere rigo criice hm Sch commendle rdi io lid ySomnd w erecly ollowed y lde n d

Ahing eecilly n heir wrs like comreo idi d Vii o rry j ell Vimr§in on . h y Ahing o he oi (Somnndn hi d! li

Svapk prak4caNIQa na vda aSvay4 aay4mbhd haNja4a kaham (o. P Tv 7

A re of i c rod iew Somnnd deoeo les hn fye cole o he criicim o he ogicliew f nvd dse cie egh he ewo Svda d he heory o C,vkas whie deong j few coe o ec o l he oher cool o dn

hogh i he ixh cher o hi id.ii>, he wrier of Ba-bdhnna, commen

ry on wor o Sskri grmmr y here i he w decenden o om Som who I ed Pdmr nd whow cle o ecercie oh diine grce d wr. SchSom owerl siddh oen c diine ower mymo oly, he ee one oer h Somnd. H

my cordingly, he een reiden of Pmore lceo een mile o he oh e of SringrDr. S.N. Tiku well red Snkri cholr o Khmr

relyig on ome wring y rhri in i R4anghaQ!uy h Somnd lied Simhr h mder Semore illg er Pmoe. Sch meion y Nrhr i yeo e exmied y he wrier of he lin.

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144 Hoy of K<hmr avm

o o lr dcd o aily o o·da d o J Pu d duru yr

c ri o

ic uli rur d idr Bu§i· i r o cury d o idw Bai o o r o w ayd o Vlly wr r illd or covrd o a ouc cou Kira ail udr ra ry" oud vr pc Vlya uli o Hdu udr uc y a owoud ywr Bu uc ul il do v ow joy uc oca rpc

5 Utde

o por wor o piloopc ory oir Siv Jaa·patbh d uor pldv i o pro o o c r o

uc H wa c dcpl o od duccdd i a prid cr o cool ory Hi avill wor o Siv oi vrady ld ppdi Bu d wr or wor or wor w, cu vr uoior i wor iv y Avaup aouVmarn on Jvararayabh, co rcd y o

avial wor. Aivaupa quo wriy uor o §vraprayj u do o or cua ourc

6 Bha!!a Bhara

Hav word Ba a ur alo lod

o o dou ay o Kir Bra H w v pridi cr li o dcp oVuupa H prcpor w B S

B Bar oud Sivr dpc aly i yp o Svpy coducd rou 3 orculw powr prd radyao rv ·5 uc uya c prc drc o

uv rlizo o r aur o l o

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Fu ltorla ormtl 145

Suc nutna sl knwldg s bn nad by Bka Cltprka lgt pu cnscusnss It s spr pycc lg slwanss bng S s pay rsults bn dcrbd n tbe rt cp

asOra scnd cptr as nrprd y Bkas dtd dpcn of he sllmnus bllnc t psycc lgt suc srltn ng spntanusrs t t ll ntllc sdak. I s su atnnt mu ry n t pac t b mnd 'dyma Suc spntnus cct ntlctul nwldg t ral nu o ns nrst

sl s bn rmd by Ba Bskar s a}alyodaaSal suprr ul uc r pnanu lknwldg s wl as many supr nturl pw ngtrug s prcc a n dpctd ccrdng t Bsks npn n t d cpt r Sucpwrs ygn a bn d s Vlbtl sddsat r us in sm mun dn cts. Bskra gssub and pprprt dng t suc crs su

n ccrdnc w s nrprn s dcuss bSuc r ng r (1) lpanla9m (2) aaIdod·'pam n 3 btd s grw dngs gn by B Klla t tr capr SpandK xplnd by u ms

Ba Bkra tks s stas n al l traprs asOra s dpctng m cs d ntrprts

tm n prsnt n r La kra nng uc andsuc tngs d ppn s a rs u ur y n pctc 'Udym sm w d b dpd by BaaKaa n s Spnd nd Vt n r ws t trdn n cm dwn m Vugupa trug nunbrkn ln pcp nd dscpls

7 ad 8. Ba Blj ad Bdj

Bng knwn s Bs ty ls blngd ndgnu amly Ksran Brs. Ba Bja wa pc sdd w ad ttd Nrsagupt t bngupta w l cuns m Jng s

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146 Hor" 0/ Khr Sal m

hr ng t nr ivt Bhra a n B Btij t rt n

h rt Abhnvgt b tahighm Bhgvg Hrj wh wt ntry nyya w nh n Ba Btrja. K mtn m n a nr t na Hrj h h vmn Prtvvi , wc t bm vb hi t it t y w H w W n B Btj tr

h? Bt th chr v bg thr r h n nty AD

. Samhunh

Abhinvg y ribt vr tchr rwh r nt bjt n Bt t

ni a b mnt

h nt t hy rt bt K an ri ytm nr, y h gh rb t mbth th r h Ardhar"amak miiivim t by Trybity trg i gtrS h ivm h t h t t t hrin Vajrer Kg wih w knwn 1andharp!haAbhinvgt y tibt h n r thn n iwr n h atiy on some yt thry n r in hi ntr nt ntwty t in t n ctr H h bn rr wt it gdddhl(ama� b tmat w wr Trlkrhmhodhlcndrm(h n rg t i n th Tia yt vm) bav" va i vib r) n

n ab hi rm t St v itn n h t tn vm rm Smtha, wh rih n h St, wh v t i nr Lr n mb mv Nth bm vry m ma th rdhar"ka ht th bv mn ndharpha

yh t rc n yg h $mbnt

vg v in rm Smv w

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Furer Htra oro 147

dsciple f motntha, bece Abhavagpta refers t h mmre than nce as a drect de of Sm. or instanche say :

tet pramoprpa ya yarpatr ambuto m tU! ml r maprbu�

(TA V-)

I r uml-pr}adrkpa-4m.ar bu ab grd4d yrpayt


Pthvdhra the athr f Buvaar.or, refert hm by tw name mbhtha d ddhanthHavng bee a ddha f a hghest ank he my hv becmefam as ddatha as wl dhakas, havng a hh

devt twards ther techers dd nt very en tter theexact nme f a preceptr Jyarat peks bt Keyvau'an ncet teacher f Kya pctsd by hm as Kakrdev! Frtee beatf stanz f Krmtor, cmped bytat dantha as mbhtha have been preserved yayarta by qtg them n hs cmmentry antrachap IV the ne f the dscpe f ths mbhntha

apeared ava Ngrjna the thrteth centry Achapter ha ready been devted t hm

0 agupta

He wa a dscpe f Utpaadeva ad the techer fAbnavagpta n te Pratyabhj phsphy t appear

frm a hstrca frmatn gven by Ahnavagpta n Vma nYvarapratyabhvvt that hs edtn th ytem f Pratyabhj ph sphy wa entrsted byUtpaadeva hmsef t hs dscpe Lk�maagpta, perho cct of bh mr age f cdh N wrkfrm the pe akmaagpa avaabe at peent, th mst have wrtten me wrk the bject ccerd

bcae the vew epressed by hm, n a tpc f dhve bee recded ad wrd ed by hm hve be td

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18  Hl/oy of Khmi alsm

by y n cony on nrlo o Abnvut (A.V vol. 1 18). H cn conolocly bc n rlr o t n cntury n t ltr o n

. bhlngupt

Abnvu bn I nl utry n non o t orcl rncl n rctc co Kr I o n tr o

ubjc t norton bou cotrbuton o Iubj cn b oun n I vy volu It b bn lry cu It vn r n ly o Arut no 2 Vy but Pga B o t rn (P. r V 283 born n I o Ay H ln ny/ n b c o Ioy n cc o ny

clrn o y bu n orcly nrlo H rnut Cuu, u r rr loc, occ H n Pybjtr ro Lut o nu o uc uro by Utv -l non by Abnnvu n Vvvrnbun o ln o rt

c ocrn o Atry cool o on I r rcto o t r utor oov ub n t bout bt y n rctc o v on. Bn rct o bo n Ku yt nl tAbn vu n l l I ny robl o rcc n tn o Io t n rov l oubrn o rou oc o tr ory lV n Burj ntt n no vt n vv y o v tr byAr n n cvy Btrj n ·v, to ly vnc t o vrcr ocrn bou t rul c o I yt on vl o c o o l

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Fu HI'oc 1n/olon 9

secets of seval  §sras.  Abhinavagupta dd o have  any wife or chilren  ( P.VV. vol. I, p.  45).  He  had  lost hs mother  whe  he  was   'child  and  a  bought up by his ft. He di d not bcome a sannyasin and did no gve upBramnic symbol h scd hd

Though Atgupt h nceso o Abhvagupa hadsuld t Srigr o the bnk of YI/tla at ome place whch d the $1I4nJu tcpl of iva y it ppeas tha hdscdnts my hv tr shd to a r ituad to henot o e Srik il. ht ae i sti know s Go-po r Guptpur t i jus possib th thse Gua, ealy Abhivagup, may hve ha some closecotcts with ps like Guptga6g d Guprth (btp Gpit siutd o he easn bk of he Oll No peop und h surname Gupta ae know pt ing or lswre th Vy Abhinav

gup l min v lyc i hs wold in te fm ofth of hs monumal woks nmynloka HyarptybVim§i d Abhinvbh (o ts

Te try bou Abhavagupta' eney to he Bheuacv a he � o s moral ife, cctd by Dr KCPdy s ctul :,trcl c, appes the wer ofthse lines as a ccis ccount se ao by some devotes

of ncien uos of Svsm h basis of ir owndvotion magnon No w evdce fvou of hecorectns of such accoun s avlb nywh Bsidessuh ghpveJ is not eommended n te pctc ofKshmr Sivim vel c ctici soie hve been o dirnt tims by diere devots o inc( I ) gcl discuss betwen Abhivgupt d S

chry 2)cosqunt auhoshp ofth fom with espec oPst ( mcy 3) debt bwe Snkcy d Abhinvgu in Am (4) val dbtblepsod rgrdg t f hoy o h gt Vdtc eachecotied i Sndgviy Mdhaa h cenuy)bt not orrobrtd by th Sankaiy f Atn-gii (Ih nty d so on uch ngs ae o u-

cmmo i d Gdh J had o ute such ccouspvlig bou im d hvig b !t .dat hy eop

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O Htry f Kahmlr Mm

devoed  10  him, during  his  mpisonment. Ahnavagupa 

lso  alludes 10 such Ibng bavng en prevlen in  hs me

One  bing really pole in Ibi egd. Abnavagup may

bave pformd a  cakray4ga of Ihe Kaula yem in  Ib  cave wbch s suciently  specous from wihin. Such  yga i 

pefomed very secrely in ome clod door compamen. 

The  nero of  Ibe cave contans many small idol a ome 

xed spot The oa  tadion  no hus toally baless nd 

he  cave can  hve ome real rlaion  wih  Ahnavgupa,

Ihough Ihe oy of guh4pra.eJa  is o corct (S Paik-

vvclsing ve

2_ Kem4

K§mj b pomnent discple o Abinvgup,cn ve longed to mily o min col inwc ppeed ece nd o lie Bij elj

nduj ogj ec e ws igly inelligen ndwly wld sco nd ws goticlly concious ouis suc mi Beide, e pps 0 bve en eenlydeous me ow o upeio nllgence nd wstcdemic ecency. Suc endncy in im uld in a oo cmpleiy nd oscuy in xpeson Bu, since noo dicple o Ainvgup oo ny conidele neet n cdmic civiis Kemj ecm popul te e dicple o Ie ge ece c s one ouy Ibe m o conmpoy ubo Mdbuj d ylte os e ivopdyy se uunpmp nd Vjnbvoddyo, p 143. A deiled inomion ou w coniution Kmi ivim sledy een given in n ndex in Ibe wo in nd ecompoed b commny on acln4ma� Vijyevmoden vejio na Annbng nd my ve polyinid vey own

emj most impon w i s VlrJln commeny on lvr6r is colly wo n deed U vyoten i do no ollow t tdiionl inpion, comedown om Vsugup e nd new intton i nd plces o pndk4rlk4 s well Te edings givn y im

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Purhe Historicl In/ormon 5 1

o e ee aer o va o no ui eir oneHe ee u ree ae iuing e ee Upa. o

e ika ye o an u a i no oe. Teeleen o u Uya o a ly overa in a e eeae T ae oe no iu ery uoan o o �mbhavopya a Mk4 ye an eye o M' no oe i iu e ory o eeonTe eon ae o no ou u ioran een o4kop4a Bh4a4 Vkp-k4ra, o vreie ke

Yo H • Yga Snn Vra e. Te ir aeroe o o lg o ny o e on vie lkeDh Ua Kra Dhan n h4kpa oAp4a er eai o e u in eene o Yh, enoe y a ve n iiv oo o aKa e va" e. T i no l re euell e u e er i rowng ig on e

Ybh. o Sh o �mbhaaoga an e en o y u n o n uoai y a eu o ue e yog.

3 Jaha

He eng o a iy o aiona or vn

Vjyev on Veo Soar neee in Tr a l ean ine o o eve on ouno e g own y on roug Yka oen on e Tanok o Ainavgua. Tnok i eonly io n oeve work wi iue ine e Tn ye o ego riu ie nrng ao ove negron ewen e ilooi

oy an ologal n o e ge an ner Tn a o oul no ave eoe ley el ge n ya o eta Yk enay on ie aya oe uey o Tnr wi eno l ave een Soe o u oinnn e Sh4ar T!robhva, Ram44 en aio e onay rous o isoi in

oaon ou Tn an eaer o Tai Eveoug i i o ue er on any on n i no uie

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1 52 HIO) of Kahmr SMm

crrc o pl poc co l gord

14 .·15 dhurja nd Jardrj

wo wr wr fr ad Ty blogd d c Kr rc of owld ofc Mdrja dd cool of Abagp fr r yar d wr dcp of gr c d ra dr raprr drj d K n ofja dd f d copod rlk on ra accrdc w w fj prd lva-,ril r wc c da Krj prd obcy ar d rfor n a aid o ddg og r of w wor ollow

dol rprn of co dow fgp ro bro of dc

16 Adnha

r fw l of a folowg oy f pacc or A aor of c

a f c w a cy lar o o of o of r y d w Anrprpck ll og w y coy d w opc T M, py c crdc w prcpl ad doc ofr o r f l of orkc d a rgor of cool f po

opy d logy B wo do c ycg Hahog poplrly pr cf ra T r pd d c occr w cpl o 49 d 5 rpr yoy f r pda l fod r pc copl No 4 d 7 No dpdablc b oy f dn bl I c

rfor b d wc ad plc did blog of cpl fro wor b qod by M

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F olc foo 1 53

ananda in h founh cuy n hs M

p. N ain au mond o uotd him unm Nh ndias hs laton w sm of Kaula sym s pay h may a ongd mdaal ag

17 lvopd

C>niuin of iopdhyy Kashm iim haalady n dpd sidd a inaga. s idans who li a alahm was dwnd a inhs yung ag laing hnd is yung wf and an fantoy who was daf, dum and cippl fm hi ih hn,af om im th po widow uld no nd anyhg nh hm fal ak upn vn f day to day ncsii f

lf h m dwn

naga alng wh nlid hildand fug in th u of a ga san shola namdi K Jo liig kadal was ths an whmgoddss Mah disosd h psn pla f wsip aulamula whh had maind sumgd und wa ighfom h yania u of ng ianda uhian h sintwcmd ady and h sad liv li a mm

f famiy anding

dmtic aii and gng thncee of fAf a w yas P K�a] was n dy mvd y

much by compasi on he daed  blY and thrugh  he  x-ere of hs prit ural pwers he cured the yung boy f al l  he three diease f deafnes, dumbnes and rippledm. Theboy named Gagdhara Updhyya, was then educaed bySrI K!a Jo and n urse of time became a shlar. Bedes,be deelped n ntense devotin towards  Mother godde and  spn muh of his  me in wrShiping  her  a everal im-ptan lae of her wrhp. Hs son Prakja  Updhyya, beer kn'n as Ghi-nnaore, ued o  ram  abu barefotd in  he mpl hrne ddcd  o he  Unveraother.  Through he grace of !be MOlher,  he gt a son who possessed suh a sharp iel igene  and s ne  a meIa pa-

cy a grsp he exc signane  of  Ihe  as of hg sandard een  while he wa a young by beow  hs een;  s 

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1 I 0/ Kml $M.m

muc so even s eacers developed jeousy owrdim nd d d no oere m becomng geer scolr.

erefore ey avoded o mpr educon o m Ten sfaer ook m o umul nd pproced rdenly eMoer godde Mar for e benevoen grace A eded o f n g e dy ppered n e form of young grl, ke by w w lp, ucd eye w rnds and besed m in uc wy e rd redg8 ook under e lg f mp used n e worip of edeiy e oy wen on rdng, e girl d ppered ndPrk-Updyy cme bck frm medon o norme e bo old m bu e gi n e w gven I kind f elp book nd commenrs w e ep ofwc e becme renwd scolr roug sefudy, wou e ep of ny ecer Tu ecme fmou rougou Vley Svopdyy e mo brlln clr ofs age H bul bg lbrry is ome nd mny dens

received bo educion nd n on rom m e odemnuscrip of e wok lke Rjrgn, nkvrprybijVm! r Yogv cbecme er v ble o e reserc colrs of e eenage from e prve lre f decenden of Svopdyy

Mny good cors ppered mng s descendens

n d e s oe mong suc scors ws nnd Pndpdyya He ws scor nd sn nd used impr nion n Svdy o my discles e radero f ee lns my or my n blee, bu s fc Srnnd Pnd d frequn cocs w Svopd)'y ws<d o come o m, un a cd nd dscus roug pec severl mars of muu neres w e Pndi e

Pandi could qute psage frm   pec work comped bySvopdhyya and  dealng with  the  hsorc  accoun  f hs 

ncetors nd h wn s wel s  hose of he dscovey f the 

reent day place of the worhp  of S  Mahrj  a  Tula-

mua by Sr K  Pnd!. The  ove menoned  hstrc 

nformaion was rceved by he wrter from S Annda

Pand . ho had  promed  to  serh  ut he  manucript  of 

ha poetic wor by Sivopdyy,  or   leas  to  write down 

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Fr HIrc n/rGn 1 55

i prpr rdr uch h M a cd clary

rcllct; bt that dd t app til pd awy ad iddha i 966D ad t v thitrical r cpd by Sipdhya bca tcta with h phycal r whch wa dy cratd atriaar

18 taga Cr

appard i 03 AD i Mahaatr Brahaaily wch had htd t th th atarl Hi acr d arrat BgtaP ad hat wa thr a i M thwr rt chlar but did t ay ric i athrS Ka araal al srd at val pt hi

ic ad h a pasdaway i y

a wh th chy w A ha ti wa tdt ait ti charhip tartd di pr adi b publihd b pbl ata h ltt l c rd by w hpd h di hi t ad hi yr brth Rachadr raal MM r pth Kair t Picipal th Q arit apptd h a rarchchar i th brary h aa wh wa latr twt ad d abt thrh ut h N Idia t 982 wh h pad away at Dlit abd ddha H had ay wdrul pica th rut hi "asn th ha bdcbd h th lt chaptr i Sra

19 Pt Rr ]a

w a art chl r�a wh haiitd Khr t pt i tdid w li atrlok  and, collting  the docrins of he Trka ystem  fomthm, composd  a  frh  wok on  the subjct in th style of

Samkit Krikls under tbe  itle-Pjr�dprayQbh; which 

is vailable  n print with a  trnslaton  in  Hindi .  

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Adaparivd 14Adrkik60AnavagptX 2 27,

2 6 7 4 7 4, , 6 7, 8 9, 60 673 76, 92 2 26 2728 30 3 , 32 40 4 42 43 44 4 4647 4 149, O 2

Aiavgp II 48,Aiavagpvia xxiii

6 28Ao44 0Aot monim45Aotm02dit3 2di1diya48 63 9 0Advaitvdnta44 04gamxigam 142


ami pioopyxv

Agastyagora-48Abk103Aj" < ap m s idd h i40Aapram If' s d d i

vimar§nl 1

Aapyog97oeana on Svd30Amadakxiv, xixAmfand6

mtaot sagraa09_Amuk ipacik- I01 .

2 , 1 3

Amtagava (crya)xvi xvi i99, 10, 007, 14 ·

nanda27anda PndJ 5andrka28Anntnandagrixxv 49Anndas'kti-{36�avapyxxiii 7Vog7Anandhaeaty6 Anavidansotr



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52, 3.Apaa55 67Apg9mb104Adm146Au�d27

-c86l 03 107133 138

m d 133. Vm'3Ap139 148 149.Ai·an8 19 36

56, 1 0 Ai29 33 34 42 43 4495. 


Blod27, 143

BlodN143Bln 123 133 134

35 B�aa1 38Bdg 57 46BBigm 10, 124Bo52 73 7 n

32B-o92Bhn5Bg'h27, 28Bri29

Bh 8 145

Word-Index 57

Bhr-�h53 59Bha69

Bh69Bh-140 145BhaBh859 64

65 14 142.BBhQij 48BhD58

B ia-58B Kl5 1 7, 1819 20 2 1 22 24 2 2735 38 57 58 59 6, 678 129 139 140 14 42145

Bh �132

Bh Pdm 18 27 35 3 9BhSrik�Pa-I 44. Bh46BBhop37Bophi37

Bh5 14B4663Bho6 94

47Bija-mntra89, 107 





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158  HI. Kmr Sllm


CrCgore o rg39Cao39Ciggr7 9

1 3Ci8 13.Ci103

Ci a ri ix7 75 7 133

Cpr15Ci-rpirpm5Cgo38 Coemple meiio7Comogo0CrpoBix


Di m77Dr

Da i De eacr or

5 73.Dikm Dm l9a6,

1 37Doio9]Drmcr73 19DhDh151Dhog85Dh5Dhog 85

D ll

38 85

Drai 8 87 991 3 3 38 39.


ew pxxiii


Fe aiie o Go3Fi ei power3Fco o mio39


Gaghara-ph 153Gorge Grro97G (Khmir ex57Gohe5Goph Kair05 0


Gopor37 19Gorah15GoCarGro reaim3G prea1Ga (hre 39.Gpgag9Gppr9Grhaprma




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Hy75, 8 5Hy76

Hlrj63 16, 15H151


yo7Id3Idr8 3 15dlyir


J151J ddi7

Jycd66Jy55Jyr5 55 6 65

66, 5, 13, 16, 151Jy Jii 1, 2J1OJ8 527

rtyb25 35 K

6 8, 3, 5, 6 ,5, 5 2 26 11 1, Ky, 1 .

Kd17rrybj K 5 K6

rrtyb Kl 5 , 5 27 1 1 7, 15. Kl { 5

rtybt Klid55, 56, 6 138 , 27 Kly55 55 17

bj i Kl5Vi37 1 . 58, Kl661 7 Kl 1

tybi , Kl rbd56 K65

idd, Ky55dd 1 7 KK68 136

dd 1 28 KKil16K8J K

]ddr 710Jldr 7 75

5 16, 18



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160 Hlor) f 3mr Salvm.

Ksmiin Vdn-xx

Kasda-142Kaassm77 78

Kyr-S, 147Ka§-2aam2id70mx, xxi 55 65Km50, 56, 9Sm·ay54, 55

Kmaaasya56KmsdbS6amasxx, 50 52, 56

72 94 95, 97 1 147Kms56massm-56 66 94y O 9yya7 5Kj 1 53m 63m63 xxiiKem-xxii 21,41, 48,

5 58 59 62 63 64 659, 1 19 14 1 142 IS152.

Kaxx 6, 27, 55 56 146148

KKmdy-56mamb-I07K<in-2 -'ak87




-89 101 dity3656aisaa68

728990 1 1 6 132-97



Mdn55Mdv19Md ja64 1501 52.Md-2441.Mab5774Mde139My§-6776

1 7 Mnbas


74mrI mjan-Pa m


M\102a-I03iy I 03


7 1 36 52Mn-1 142 S I M -i 1 0M-y28

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Ml-vjy-vr 5 1 52,373

M-vyota- 17

Ma3Madkr Sot


Mtr-5Mo c t-34Mt y2Maaa7Ma rd-7Moa gpt 47Mkgr5 1 ,


135Mk yog88My 8Mz-k8



Naguv 717375. 


Naagupt-47,1448.Nya-5Noav-O1 1 1O



Wodndx 1


Ngr45Nyad88Na2Nv 14Noc 4 44N d8Nyy1?



Pctv-1214.Pc-57273Pc t ra a 2Pack5Pdmd-3Pate-57Ptc ouook-7

Pdva- 457Pmdvaya45Pa acatrk

773747533Prcrc 52Parrt51,5Pv-42345.

Prvor15133Pv-OPpck4Prpvk35 28Pp747Pbuava


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162 Ho 0/ Kash"r l "

PpbaiI 09Parmoa.

Pva-02Pimki13 5PiiI3, 3 3 , 1 25

142,50Paitkilgbuvt 3

xxPitk prypi

3 1 Paitivvaa xv 13, 53 125

PHivvt- 125 13 1 Pai vcvi 2PimI4.Pimvida-40.Pitvva-46Pi! ta vm77Pp ()xPiupam3P!yaU29Pdbinktya-45P!a-IPotcablosohy IOIPctcvsm-40Pr -401 03Pigya mi8Paiauidbyiya 153 54Pmia-54.Prami1-S4,Pameya54Paat93.Praji85Pitadk-104Pryabji253S xiPryabr/35Pybby3PrayahS

Pmypws3_PbVd-6 1 5 146,

147.Pa6816Pk PnmPiy103Puu3Pu� Pv guu9Ppki I .



RgbCd-134Ridmaxv.Rijangb143i aORitg-154ma 'ba18 19,,3656,

57,58,92iminn Tw-134Ramyadeva-13Rtmii51Riioka-113jna13nk15Recolect38l o-43Reatvty-40102l3Rotustance-40Roaba-8uAm2urymla3

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sbdbrn 29. cid n dnd-0.Secdnad-kand1 i86

dd tr- 0Sahib-ul.6073 7985, I 33 


Sl-putr 106,107.icy Nrjn-602

7377633.Siv-Agmas2834,49. i ni 0100iiddt390$ii3idydy-1 02nl02kt-2969ky7i22338910 I 2k ib89i76.k3233.tyxi ii 2 ry-93.b .b132

bn d idd ibc§ik 61 32.bygxii 77699.

12bdrx 99by-7 38899

01 7

Word-n 63

bn867 7

9678xxiii.diy-2628 1 16 .ttr92.rr3119.rdiy-19rjy-19xxi.'r-16

'rncd113nny-3y y Oddy-1 0rd106d 3tidn-tbad-57$ittnd-

1 28dyr-72107c Tyb26 _rcn t i n-0. dd-98.idd0iddd idd y- 1 3SiddbaInuv-daanam  1 2. 



ddtntr 1 128 5 .

dditry0 xidtryirini 128dd itri 27.ind §iknindr (ltn66Sta§muli-149. 

itk-2767 73 78 7

1 37 3

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164 r) Kashmr lvlsm

va5, 3 33 34v93924

vd2,29303,33361 25, 42, 1 43 x

vd�loc 0, 26vdvt 41 26vvdak6vada5455.vktv bv to

-97.vtotr val 4 1 ,46,64, 3


152v 14 6 22 24 53

58 59 62 64 125, 4

1 42 44, 45, 151 , 152,x.

vrVt kka 58 152.



52vrVvt 16vraVt40vopd69 152 54vopd3.odapr2Sod18 2 1 26 2

30 3 , 32 3, 4 36, 38 4 42 48, 52 5 58 890 25 26 1 3 , 42 43 v.

S15Spc9Spd18 22234 1 39 140

152 xx

Spadkrk18, 9, 22,2 2, 36, 9 60

62 63 6 29 39 40,45 50

Spdara63129.Spadapradpk29Spddo 61Spadrvv 39

4 1

Spdtr62 29Sprtul a45rpa04rckra68rka40.rk Pdt54rka Vrkl55

xv .k6.Svd0 1 12 4Vat Kld 562,32vd6 154·9,90Soda2

Sud65.Sull34.Sukv6vda34rckr68 S o ato64.Svac64909


S�ptx 04.

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Sta of -39Sccadtha98Sachdat-x, 125

424Sachduddoa120dhda-3Sap-04Sdh 8






TTtloka-, 22 4 47

50, 5 52 53 55 0 2,3 5, 85 95 30 14

48 54.tlkaek- O

5 1 .Tta- 451,5,1

3130.Thk 81 t


Ttc Bddhs71Ttc scptu-xTt xX, 5 1 Ttt33752Tatha o 9 1 Tatha·258


Tca24, 0

.. Wndu 15

Ta-7Theolu34Thec o34 4k-98Te39Todha-45Tfoato40Tk-x 23, 7 55

5, 4 15Tk0 \7Tkdha1Tkcp e-50Tktx 55, 77 78

48Tkaoga50Tp-99 , h

Tpuhaot - 72,32

Tpauda- 0 1Toh- 5 Tk-x 3 144Tdx, 2 75,

1, 39, 1

Tll154Tu 104TaxTwe K-9

t ' U

Ua1 5 Udkaa35


Udhaa55 r

Udhl k-5Uda45Ujaa55Updh-45

Upd Vdt 7


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16 HI• " 0/ hml $Mm

Utpa60Upavv xli 18, 27,

30, 35 36, 37, 38, , 4243 45, 48 49 52 73 76,90 92 126, 1 27 132, 14 1,143 144, 147

Upaara35UlpaVai�av20 59, 29

1 4 1

Utlpur!. 1Utrapha54


Vgbva-89Vgambyat x i ii


jryan nNrjuna72Varvar-94,6Vypdya141, 146VJb93Vm-SVaAga- ImTar-I 24

Vmae§vmal6 67mnta14Vmaytem77Vadrj64 65 1 52Vaadarartia-64Varapta47Varaaavacram - 1 4


Vrti (of Bara) 14Van42 43 44sv 17 8VtutitipkM134Vapta-x, " 1 8 19 20

2 , 47, 60 62 1 6 139140 144 145 152

t-47Vatha68 136Vtanthalr-69 36Vtan atak -1 36Vdnta29, 34Vedn tavd x i Vedntic moism-33

Vedntc iim-4Vdnins42edak112ibht-8 145, 146Vbl-spnda145ibrmar35bralin-33

Vidy89Vidycakart 66Vijaycn-66 nbv 3, 64 67,

125Vn ab irauddyot a


Vijv34. 40 42 an30 4sapinc03, 05

107Vay45Vak47im.n o IP) 14

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Vimarin (on S 64

VislkJa- 34, 8

Viqaik�taPki 34

Viak IPd in1-


Val Vain


Vpkanth 3




Viva n Plk4

VivaIa x 9 34 04 07Vivva68


Wod' 6





Yga6 5

gaj6S 0



gipk4 68


VvkjaaS8 ZVivtv in6 40 4

48 e-g7

(OD vapybij)

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7/28/2019 History of Kashmir Shivaism

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by Chd Ku


y R.K Xoul -