history power point aos#1

20 th Century History Year 11, 2014 Lesson Focus: To gain an overview of Unit 1 History; the content and expectations. Success Criteria: I understand what the course entails and what is expected of me. I gained an introduction to Area of Study #1

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  • 1. 20th Century History Year 11, 2014 Lesson Focus: To gain an overview of Unit 1 History; the content and expectations. Success Criteria: I understand what the course entails and what is expected of me. I gained an introduction to Area of Study #1

2. What you will need: writing book plastic display folder laptop pens 3. Unit 1 Outline Area of Study #1: Crisis and Conflict We will be looking at the world before WW1, the events that lead to war and the course of the war itself. We will look at the Nazi party and the role of Hitler. -Major powers in the world -Alliances -Causes of World War I -Treaty of Versailles -Rise of the Nazis -Adolf Hitler -Joseph Stalin 4. Unit 1 Outline Area of Study #2: Social Life We will observe the massive changes to daily life that occurred after the Great War, as well as the ideologies and new societies that appeared. -Life under Nazi rule for Germans and Jews -Organisations established -Discrimination towards Jews -The Holocaust 5. Unit 1 Outline Area of Study #3: Cultural Expression We will examine the different cultural forms and expressions that appeared with the changing societies and their influences. We will also examine how Hitler and the Nazis use propaganda as a key tool to persuade people. -Different influences on culture art, music, architecture & film -Triumph of the Wil -Charlie Chaplin 6. Area of Study #1: Crisis and Conflict Year 11, 2014 7. What do you already know about the time period 1900 1945? 8. Define the following key terms: Alliance Democracy Fascism Communism Nationalism Imperialism Empire Militarism 9. Pre-WorldWar 1 Lesson focus: Can you label a pre World War I map of Europe? Make sure you include the following major empires: Britain France Germany Russia Italy Ottoman Empire Austrian-Hungarian Empire 10. The Great Powers 1900 Read through the The Great Powers Before 1914 and answer the questions in your booklet. Class Activity: Can you stop the Great War? 11. Causes ofWorldWar 1 Lesson focus: to investigate the causes of World War 1 and gain an understanding of the alliances formed. Video The Causes of The Great War Pre WW1 Alliances Analysis of cartoon The Chain of Friendship 12. Friday 1st February Review: AOS#1 Outline Quick revision test #1 Can you stop The Great War? - What did you find out about each of your countries? - Write a 100 word paragraph to explain to the rest of the class. Task: The Beginning of World War 1 poster 13. Tuesday 4th February Learning Focus: to gain an understanding of post WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles. Success Criteria: I can review the alliances of World War 1 I understand what happened at the end of WW1 I know the 5Ws of The Treaty of Versailles 14. Quick Revision: The Chain of Friendship July 1914 This cartoon A Chain of Friendship appeared in the American newspaper the Brooklyn Eagle in July in 1914. The cartoon read: If Austria attacks Serbia, Russia will fall upon Austria, Germany upon Russia, and France and England upon Germany. 15. Tasks: Worksheet: The End of World War 1 16. TheTreaty ofVersailles Who? What? Where? When? Why? 17. TheTreaty ofVersailles 18. TheTreaty ofVersailles The Treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement signed after World War One had ended in 1918 . The treaty was signed at the Versailles Palace near Paris - hence its title - between Germany and the Allies. The three most important politicians there were David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson. Many wanted Germany, now led by Friedrich Ebert, smashed - others, like Lloyd George, were privately more cautious. 19. Friday 7th February Learning focus: reviewing what has been learnt so far gaining an understanding of the political unrest in Germany after WW1 Success criteria: I can review my knowledge I can read and comprehend 20. Review: Using your knowledge of The Treaty of Versailles answer the following: a) Identify 2 symbols shown in the image. a) Who are the 4 male figures? a) What is the point/opinion being expressed in this cartoon? 21. TASKS: 1.Revision sheet 2.Political Unrest 1918 homework if not finished in class! 22. Tuesday 11th February Lesson focus: To gain an understanding of the political unrest in Germany during the inter-war years. Success Criteria: I can read aloud. I can comprehend pieces of texts. I can write a summary. I can work with other students. 23. Video #1 Cause ofWW1 24. Video #2WW1Trenches and Food 25. Video #3TheWeimar Period 26. Video #4TheWeimar Period cont. 27. Summarising Task: Write a 100 word summary under the following title: Political unrest after World War 1 After World War 1 had ended in 1918 and the Treaty of Versailles signed in 1919, Germany was a country of great political unrest. There were new emerging political parties. 28. Tuesday 18th February Lesson focus: To gain an understanding of how the political unrest of the Weimar period paved the way for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party to gain much support. Success criteria: I can work with others. I can watch a video and take notes. 29. Weimar Period 1919-1933 Germany had been a federation of eighteen states until 1918, with Prussia containing well over half the German population, and upholding a strong military tradition. States such as Prussia, Bavaria and Saxony had long traditions of being independent. This was severely disrupted by post-war settlements after Germany had lost the war. A democratic republic unfamiliar to Germany replaced a proud, active and strong monarchy. It was decided that, given the amount of political unrest in Germanys main cities after World War I, the Constitution would be drafted in the quiet university town of Weimar. 30. Weimar Constitution: some clauses and articles Activity: Each student is given a slip of paper. One has a clause or article and the other has the correct term. Students are to try and find their partner with the correct answer. 31. Adolf Hitler Biography Assignment #1: Biography of Adolf Hitler Watch the video The Rise of Hitler and: 1) Take notes 2) Complete a timeline of events in Hitlers life. 32. Review In this class I am good at In this class I am enjoying In this class I still need to work on In this class I am not enjoying 33. Friday 21st February Lesson focus: To gain an understanding of Adolf Hitler and his rise to Nazi leader. Success criteria: I can watch a video and take notes. 34. Friday 25th February Lesson focus: To gain an understanding of Adolf Hitler and his rise to Nazi leader. Success criteria: I can watch a video and take notes. 35. Friday 28th February Lesson focus: To gain an understanding of Adolf Hitler and his rise to Nazi leader. Success criteria: I can watch a video and take notes. 36. Tuesday 4th March Lesson focus: To gain an understanding of Adolf Hitler and his rise to Nazi leader. Success criteria: I can watch submit my assignment I can revise for SAC#1 37. Friday 7th March Lesson focus: To review and revise AOS#1 for SAC#1. Success criteria: I can create a timeline I can revise for SAC#1 practice SAC 38. Tuesday 11th March Lesson focus: Testing of knowledge and understanding - SAC#1 Success criteria: I can complete SAC#1