history unit 1- germany 1918-39

History Germany from 1918-39

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This is a revision powerpoint of this area of history, for GCSE really


  • 1. HistoryGermany from 1918-39

2. ConstitutionProportional Representation There was a Large number of Parties so that meantno majority was met This lead to no decisions being madePresident Elected every 7 years Had the power of Article 48 3. Army Leaders of the army wanted to retain under theKaiserCivil servants and Judges Many senior judges and civil servants disagreed withthe liberal views of the Weimar government 4. Treaty of VersaillesTerritorial Losses Economical Financial Losses LossesAll colonies Only allowed 6600 ingiven to the allies 100,000 men and reparations to(especially 15,000 sailorsmake up for theAfrican)No tanks,warAlsace-Lorrainesubmarines or any Sheep andgiven to France Air Force Cattle given toPolish Corridor6 naval ShipsFrance andSaar under RhinelandBelgiumcontrol of thedemilitarised BuildLeague of Nations replacement shipsfor the Allies 5. Spartacist Uprising Lead by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg On the 6th of January 1919 tries to overthrow thegovernment and create a communist state They used the army and the Freikorps to put downthe rebellion The leader were found dead days later. In Marchmore communist uprisings happened It resulted in 1000 people dead 6. Kapp Putsch The leader of the Freikorps, Wolfgang Kapp, tried toseize Berlin on the 13th March 1920 The government asked people to strike against it,this left them easy to beat More communist uprising happened but defeated However 2 Weimar ministers were assassinated,??? 7. NSDAP In February 1920- 25 point programme They brought the Volkischer Beobatcher to spreadtheir message Hitler became their Leader in July 1921 They then adopt the Swastika In July 1920 = 1100 members In November 1922 = 55,000 members 8. Invasion of the Ruhr Reparations a 100 million a year. Couldnt pay soFrance invaded the Ruhr They confiscated raw material and manufacturedgoods. The workers went on passive resistance but itwas met with violence This disrupted the economy further 9. Hyperinflation They still couldnt pay so they printed more money They had 300 paper mills and 2000 printing shops Imports dried up and people lost their savings 1919- 1mark= 1 1923- 20 billion marks= 1 10. Plans and PactsNovember 1923- Rentenmark Based on gold reserves Led to stabilityAugust 1924- Dawes Plan Reparations to increase from 1 billion to 2.5 millionover 4 years USA loans of 800 million marks 11. 1925- Locarno Treaty Between Britain, France, Italy and Germany Agreed on the BordersSeptember 1926- League of Nations Permanent Seats Confirmed Germany having a power status 12. 1928- Kellogg-Briand Pact Germany and 64 other nations Said that armies were only for self defence1929- Young Plan Reduced payments from 6600 to 1850 They had to pay 2.05 billion for 59 years 13. Great Depression October 1929 the US stock market fell, they recalledtheir loans. This left the German government andcompanies poor So they sacked workers, this left them unemployed By January 1932 6million people were unemployed People were desperate and turnedtowards extremist parties 14. Economic Crisis In March 1930 elections there was no majority So Bruning relied on Hindenburg - Article 48 In September Nazi Party had 107 seats and werethe second most popular Bruning cut unemployment benefits because thegovernment had no money Bruning resigned in May 1932 15. Nazi party in 1924 Created branches around Germany called Guae Ernst Rohm became the leader of the SA They had 27,000 members in 1925 It exceeded 100,000 members in 1928 In the 1928 elections they won only 12 seats 16. Josef Goebbels He was the propaganda leader from 1929-33 The Nazi had: Mass rallies, posters, banners By 1930s Nazis owned 120 newspapers Radio- 70% of Germans owned a radio Planes to visit cities 17. Nazi party offered Strong government A united Germany Scrap Treaty of Versailles Blame Jews 18. Presidential Election Election 1932 In the first round Hindenburg failed to get over 50%of the vote In the second round he did However Hitler received 11,340,000 votes in the firstround 19. Financial support 1932, 600,000 copies of the Nazi programme wasproduced Funds from big business that was scared ofcommunism Used the SA to disrupt meetings In 1931 SA had increased from 100,000 to 170,000 20. Elections July 1932- 117 people killed - won 230 seats Largest party so Hitler demanded to be chancellorbut Hindenburg elected Von Papen Papen had no support so Von Schleicher waselected (possibly communist) 30 Jan 1933 Von Papen and Hitler joined forces andbecame Chancellor and Vice chancellor 21. Reichstag Fire 27th February 1933 Reichstag building set alight bythe Dutch communist, Marius van der Lubbe. Decree for the protection of People allowed Nazisto arrest communists and suspend peoples civilrights March 1933 won 288 seats but still need a coalitiongovernment 22. Effects of the Fire Enabling Bill was passed but by foul means on 24March 1933, and it was the end of the Weimarconstitution and democracy 14th July 1933, Law against the formation of Partieswhich left the NSDAP as the only party In November 1933 they won 95.2% of the votes but3 million were spoilt 23. Nazi regime Enabling Bill meant Nazis had control over all theLaws 2nd May 1933 trade unions were banned and theNazi Labour Front was set up They also made concentration camps They released 130 emergency decrees andcentralised the country 24. Night of the Long Knives SS had been a key part of Nazi growth However the Leader Ernst Rohm had too muchpower over SA and army On the 30th June 1934 four hundred people werekilled This included Rohm and Von Scheilcher SA was absorbed by the SS and army 25. Army They had previously had loyalty to Ernst Rohm In August 1934 Hindenburg Died The army swore a oath of Loyalty to Hitler 90% of Germany agreed with his actions 26. SS and Gestapo SS and Gestapo were run by Himmler By 1934 the SS had 55,000 members The Gestapo wore plain clothes and could arrest andimprison anyone they suspected to opposing thestate By 1939, 160,000 people were arrested for politicalcrimes 27. Legal system In October 1933 the German Lawyers Front was setup. It immediately had 10,000 members In 1934, the Peoples court was set up to try cases oftreason By the end of 1934 Hitler controlled the army and thelegal system 28. Concentration campsThe SA and SS ran them. The earliest was Dachau, near Munich. They arrested: Jews and Black people Professional Criminals Foreign Forced Labour groups Religious groups Sex offenders Political prisoners Work shy Disabled 29. Catholic Church Almost a third of Germans were Catholic Catholic had 1st allegiance to the Pope not Hitler.Also they had catholic schools and youth groups He signed the concordat in July 1933 protectingCatholic In a few months later he arrested priests, abolishedcatholic schools, closed youth movements andclosed monasteries 30. Protestant Church Leader was Reich-bishop Ludwig Muller, September1933 They praised Hitler and Mein Kampf However many protestants opposed Nazism Pastor Niemoller set up the Confessional Churchagainst Hitler. He was arrested in 1937 and theconfessional was banned 31. PropagandaRallies- An annual rally was held at Nuremburg to show the power of the Nazis. Local rallies were run by the SARadio- The Nazi mass produced cheap radios so the whole nations could hear Hitler speakPosters- They cleverly used posters to put across the Nazi message and ideologies especially targeted at the young 32. CensorshipNewspapers- All papers were owned by the Nazis and editors were told what they could printBooks- May 1933 20,000 books were burnt because they were Jewish or anti-NaziCinema- The Nazi produced 100 films a year, which in 1933 250 million people saw. All films started with Nazi messages 33. The ArtsMusic- banned jazz because it was too black. Encouraged German folk music and Bach or BeethovenTheatre- concentrated on German history and political dramas. The tickets were cheap to encourage people to watch themArt- all modern art was banned because it was backward and Jewish. Traditional only 34. Olympics The games were designed to impress the world,with the modern and well organised society However Hitler refused to give 9 athletes their goldmedals because they were black. This includedJesse Owens who won 4 gold medals and hadbroken 11 Olympic records 35. Controlling the Young- p86Teachers- swear an oath of loyalty and join the Naziteachers leagueTextbooks- Were rewritten to fit the Nazi view. MeinKampf was a regular textLessons- Began and ended with Heil Hitler.Curriculum- 15% was devoted to sport. Girls tookneedlework and cookery. They introduced racestudies 36. Hitler Youth Hitler youth for boys between 14-18. They wereprepared for the army by camping, athletics,marching and map reading From 1936 membership was compulsory By 1939 there were 7million members The League of German maidens did the same as theHY except they also did domestic skills andmotherhood 37. Youth Gang appeared that played their own music andboys and girls were free to be together. They grew their hair long and wore their choice ofclothes. They even beat up members of the HY The Edelweiss pirates listened to swing music andproduced anti-Nazi graffiti. They had membership of2000 in 1939 38. WomenChange Weimar Women Nazi WomenPoliticallyWomen over 20 had the vote. By Women were to have no 1933 10% of the Reichstag wasinterest in politics femaleEconomically Many had careers in teaching,Women would be medicine and in the civil service. mothers and Plus the civil servants earned the homemakers. If they did same as men. By 1933 100,000 work they earned women teachers and 3000 doctorsconsiderably less thanmenSocially Women went out unescorted. TheyWomen were always smoke and drank in public. Theyescorted. They would were slim and fashion conscious. never smoke, drink or They had short hair and wore make- diet. They would have up hair in a bun and wouldnot wear make up 39. Idyllic Nazi Womano Did not wear make-up oWas blonde, either in plait or bun. oWas athletic oDid not smoke 40. oWore flat shoes oWore a full skirtoDid all household duties, especially cooking 41. Women 1933 the Law for encouragement of Marriage meantloans were given to new couples Medal were given out on 2nd may In 1938 the divorce Law changed Lebenborn was set up and the Germans WomensEnterprise From 1937 onwards women were forced to work aduty year because of rearming 42. Reducing UnemploymentJob creation schemes- Spent 37 billion on it in 1938.They subsided the construction industry. Theyintroduced the building of the autobahnsInvisible unemployment- Jews taken from there jobs,unmarried men sent to the Labour service Corps,Women dismissed from jobs for homemaking andopponents of the Nazis held in concentration camps 43. Rearmament- introduced conscription in 1935, army had 1.4 million men in 1939. Heavy industry expanded. This meant coal and chemicals doubled in 1933-39. Billions was spent creating tanks, aircraft and ships. This gave people more jobs 44. Better off under the Nazis Strength through joy organisation to replace thetrade unions. It organised holidays and day trips forworkers. They were low cost so ordinary workerscould afford them Beauty of work- this improved working conditions i.e.by better lighting Volkswagen- scheme for people to save 5 marks aweek for a car Wages- average wage rose from 86marks in 1932 to109marks in 1938 45. Worse off under the Nazis Lack of freedom- trade unions were banned soworkers couldnt negotiate for better wages Strength through joy hardly any workers couldafford the holidays Volkswagen- By the time the war broke out not oneperson had a car, and their money wasnt refunded Cost of living- all groceries cost more in 1939compares to 33. This is because food was in shortsupply, the was to keep farmers benefits Hours of work- increases from 42.9% of the week to47% in 1939 46. Why persecute the Jews? Traditionally- they were different and blamed for theexecution of Christ. Also some Jews weremoneylenders and became wealthy. Peopleresented them for this Hitler- when he was homeless in Vienna (wherethere is a tradition of anti-Semitism) the despised thewealthy Jews Master Race- this did not include the 100,00 Jewsliving in Germany 47. Jewish persecutionApril 1933- Boycott of Jewish ShopsThe SA painted Jude on Jewish shops and urgedpeople not to enter1934- Ban on Public PlacesJews could not enter public parks, fields andswimming poolsMay 1935- No armyJewish people banned from the army 48. September 1935- Nuremburg LawsJews werent citizens, they could not vote and couldnot marry a German (Law for protection of Germanblood)1936- nothing because of the OlympicsMarch-October 1938Register possessions , carry identity cards, star ofDavid on their clothes, add Israel or Sarah to theirnames, stamped J on their passports 49. Kristallnacht 8th November 1938, a polish Jew kills a Nazi officialin the German embassy in Paris 9th-10th Jewish shops, homes and synagogues weresmashed up 91 Jews died and 20,000 sent to concentrationcamps They are fined 1 billion marks and are not allowed torun business or send their children to school 50. Other groupsSterilisation Law- Passes in July 1933 allowed theNazis the sterilise alcoholics and disabled peopleConcentration Camps- was were the locked upprostitutes, homosexuals, juvenile delinquents,gypsies, tramps and beggarsEuthanasia campaign- in 1939 the Nazis secretlybegan to kill mentally ill people. Around 6,000disabled babies, children and teenagers weremurdered by starvation or lethal injection