hitler's germany lesson 1 weimar republic 1

Hitler’s Germany Focus: The Weimar Government

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Focus: The Weimar Government
  2. 2. - What was the result of WWI as far as Germany was concerned? - What happened to Germany at the end of WWI?
  3. 3. - Was the Weimar Government too weak for Germany?
  4. 4. Rise of Hitler (1) Favourable Circumstances WR was a coalition government Opposition from left and right wings WR made bad decisions Lost a capable leader/ Great Depression (2) Hitlers own abilities Excellent speaker & charismatic leader Reorganized the Nazi Party Used propaganda Made deals with politicians
  5. 5. German soldiers suffered This source shows German solders in WW1. What can you infer from this source?
  6. 6. German people faced shortages food, jobs, basic necessities
  7. 7. Unfair terms of the TOV
  8. 8. Decisions made at the Paris Peace Conference 1919 1. Punishment for Germany Military cuts Territorial cuts 2. War Guilt Clause: GR to accept total blame for WW1 and pay compensation to devastated countries
  9. 9. Towards the end of WW1 No more German emperor The Weimar Republic was formed Reasons for the Rise of Hitler Weakness of the Weimar Republic
  10. 10. Do you think such a government would be strong? Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic
  11. 11. Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic Weakness of the Weimar Republic: (a) It was a coalition government One Party Rule Bi-party Rule Multiple Party Rule Coalition Government What do you think are some of the weaknesses of a coalition government?
  12. 12. National Party: 15 Seats Social Democratic Party: 20 Seats Communist party: 17 Seats Centre Party: 12 Seats DNV party: 8 Seats BV party: 3 Seats REICHSTAG: 100 seats total Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic
  13. 13. Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic Weakness of the Weimar Republic: (a) It was a coalition government Allowed many parties to gain seats No single party could gain dominance Governments did not last long Parties spent more time forming coalitions instead of governing country
  14. 14. Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic Weakness of the Weimar Republic: (b) Faced opposition from other political groups Opposed by the left Opposed by the right Lost support of middle class
  15. 15. Ultra nationalistic (Right Wing) Being excessively proud of your country Socialism/communism (Left Wing) Ownership of all things in a country should be public. Moderates (Middle) Elements of socialism in democratic countries
  16. 16. Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic Weakness of the Weimar Republic: (b) Faced opposition from other political groups Opposed by the left Communists wanted to turn Germany into a communist country and thus opposed the WR. SPARTACISTS
  17. 17. Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic Weakness of the Weimar Republic: (b) Faced opposition from other political groups Opposed by the right Upset that WR signed the TOV Thought that army could have fought on FREIKORPS (Free Corps)
  18. 18. Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic 1920 Kapp Putsch 1919 Spartacist Rebellion The WR faced opposition from Left and Right Wing Groups and it was hardly able to maintain law & order
  19. 19. Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic 1919 Communist Revolt Spartacists (communists) took part in revolutions in Berlin, Munich and Kiel Opposed by the Freikorps Brought rebellion to an end
  20. 20. Rosa Luxemburg Karl Liebknecht
  21. 21. Reasons for the Rise of Nazis Weakness of the Weimar Republic 1920 Kapp Putsch Freikorps (anti-communists) tried to overthrow the government by marching into Berlin Failed because workers in Berlin called a general strike
  22. 22. The civil service, judiciary and even big businesses were mostly under the influence of advisors who had worked for the Kaiser and wished for his return Effect on Weimar Governments support?