hmmm, let me think summer at university park, or3!(4 4 05 what a great way to meet new friends, and...

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Page 1: Hmmm, let me think summer at University Park, or3!(4 4 05 What a great way to meet new friends, and get to know UP! What are the benefi ts of LEAP? There are many, including: Small





Hmmm, let me think ... summer at University Park, or ...

Page 2: Hmmm, let me think summer at University Park, or3!(4 4 05 What a great way to meet new friends, and get to know UP! What are the benefi ts of LEAP? There are many, including: Small

LEAP (Learning Edge Academic Program)

What is LEAP?

LEAP is an opportunity for new students to start their Penn State career in a small-college at-mosphere within the larger University. LEAP is only for fi rst-year students offered admission to the University Park campus and is available only during the summer session. Students offered admission for the fall semester can change their admission to the summer session to participate in LEAP if they’d like. Entry to LEAP is limited. Students are admitted on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis.

How does LEAP work?

Each student selects one of the academic “prides” described in this brochure. A pride con-sists of two 3- or 4-credit courses with the same students in both. One course is usually either English composition or speech communication, both required for all students. The other course is from a specifi c academic area. A student reg-istered for LEAP 097 is automatically registered for both courses. If the student originally was admitted for fall semester, his or her admission must be changed to summer.

(See the LEAP registration instructions on page 10 of this brochure for information on how to change your admission from fall to summer.)

0:05.'.0,5& about 1,700 Penn State fi rst-year students

begin their college careers by enrolling during the summer session at the University

Park campus.

More than half of these students will choose to take advantage of the special

opportunities available through LEAP, a unique learning experience sponsored by

the Offi ce of Undergraduate Education.

Now in its fi fteenth year, LEAP gives students a head start in their Penn State

experience. Research shows that LEAP students are more successful academically

and socially.

LEAP is the starter that can make you smarter!


LEAP guarantees me a head start for the

fall semester!

Page 3: Hmmm, let me think summer at University Park, or3!(4 4 05 What a great way to meet new friends, and get to know UP! What are the benefi ts of LEAP? There are many, including: Small




What a great way to meet new friends, and get

to know UP!

What are the benefi ts of LEAP?

There are many, including:

Small classes—Each section is limited in size, most no larger than twenty-four students, allowing greater interaction with faculty. A few classes combine larger lecture sections and discussion groups.Integrated courses—Your compositions or speeches in one course are based on the material you’re learning in the other course, and vice versa.A mentor for each pride—An upper-level mentor is there to show you the way with study-skills sessions, library and computer help, social activities, and tips about college life.Library and computer training sessions—A subject librarian and a library mentor help you develop research skills and learn how to fi nd and use the Libraries’ print and electronic resources.The LEAP residence halls—All LEAP students are housed in residences with or near other LEAP students. Students registering late in spring or requesting a non-LEAP roommate may be assigned to a LEAP overfl ow area with non-LEAP students on their fl oor. Mentors live in the residence halls and will be available in all areas with LEAP students.

What if there is no pride for my major, or it is fi lled?

Don’t worry! Remember, almost a third of your course work will be outside your major, in-cluding General Education courses in the arts, humanities, social and behavioral sciences, communication, quantifi cation, and natural sciences, intended to broaden your education. Most of the prides offer courses that fulfi ll General Education requirements and are ap-propriate for a student in any major.

If I am offered summer admission, am I automatically registered for LEAP?

No. To participate in LEAP, students must register for one of the LEAP 097 sections described in this brochure.

Which students should choose LEAP?

LEAP is for fi rst-year students who want a smooth transition into life at a large campus. The program is open only to fi rst-year students already admitted to Penn State’s Univer-sity Park campus for the summer or fall semester, and is offered only in the summer six-week session.

How much does LEAP cost?

There is no extra charge for LEAP. A student’s total fees are based on the number of credits taken (usually 6 or 7) and the summer room and meal plan. Estimated costs are listed on page 9 of this brochure. Visit and for the latest information.

What if I don’t want to participate in LEAP?

Students who choose not to participate in LEAP will select from the standard schedule of courses when they meet with their adviser in May or June during the First-Year Testing, Consulting, and Advising Program (FTCAP). See to search the courses offered in the summer.


Page 4: Hmmm, let me think summer at University Park, or3!(4 4 05 What a great way to meet new friends, and get to know UP! What are the benefi ts of LEAP? There are many, including: Small

* Letters in brackets ([GA], [GH], [GWA], or [GWS]) indicate courses that fulfi ll General Education requirements. An “S” in a course number indicates a course that meets a fi rst-year seminar requirement. For details go to and look under General Education.

Start your Penn State education in this supportive and innovative learning atmo-

sphere, in courses directly supervised by professional faculty. Choose from

twenty-six sets of course offerings, or prides. (A pride is a group of lions—in

this case, Penn State Nittany Lions.) Although the courses vary, each pride

allows you to complete one of Penn State’s required communication or writing

courses while focusing on an academic area of interest to you.

Admission to LEAP is limited and popular prides fi ll up quickly. Act early to ensure

a space in this exciting approach to undergraduate studies. To enroll in any

of the LEAP programs described in this brochure, follow the instructions at or on page 10 of this brochure. Registration begins Tuesday,

March 16, 2010, at 5:00 p.m.

The LEAP Prides

Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Ethics and Issues

In this pride, you will be introduced to contempo-rary issues, ethical theories, and the application of critical thinking and communication skills related to topics in agriculture, renewable natural resources, and the environment. Special empha-sis will be placed on issues, opportunities, and challenges facing Pennsylvania and the United States within the context of the global community. Through the communications component of this pride, you will learn to better understand and critically evaluate issues, and to formulate and communicate your personal views through oral and written communication. Guest speakers, fi eld trips, and interactive activities will supplement the course materials and enrich the educational experience. In addition, you will be exposed to numerous career and networking opportunities with our internationally acclaimed faculty and staff, current students, and alumni. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.201 Schedule # 497266

Introduction to Ethics and Issues in Agriculture (AG 160.201, [GH] 3 cr, TWR 9:35 a.m.–12:25 p.m., location TBA)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.218 [GWS], 3 cr, M 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., MTRF 2:20–3:35 p.m., 151 Willard)

American Life through Language, Literature and Film

What does it mean to be an American? Students in this pride will discuss what being “American” means, in the broadest sense. Literature from the United States, Spanish America, Canada, the Ca-ribbean, and Brazil, along with contemporary U.S, Latin American, and Canadian fi lms, will be the basis for exploring a variety of cultural traditions in North and South America. How do literature and fi lm create a sense of place and culture? How do we understand the issues of language, race, ethnicity, class, and religion in relationship to “American-ness”? These are the critical issues students will explore in this LEAP pride. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.202 Schedule # 497269

The Literatures of the Americas (CMLIT 005.201 [GH; US; IL], 3 cr, MTWR 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 011 Ferguson, plus one meeting per week to view fi lms)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.237 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 234 Arts)

American National Government

Citizenship and learning are lifelong processes. Developing the skills to recognize patterns in politics and communicate preferences enables students to be effective citizens. This pride will empower students with the concepts and skills that will allow them to extract meaning from their political environment. Throughout the course, politics is presented as a metaphor of a game that

involves a play of power among various strategic actors. Outcomes in this game are infl uenced by rules, resources, and strategies employed by vari-ous actors. Students will engage in collaborative learning exercises—active role-playing simula-tions to engage the theory of what students learn with everyday political applications. Students will take on the roles of U.S. House representatives and sit on a House committee that must consider legislation. They will be introduced to House pro-cedural rules and the current issues and debates in the particular policy area. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.203 Schedule # 497275

Introduction to American National Government (PL SC 001.201 [GS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 167 Willard)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.213 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 268 Willard)


This pride will consider ethical issues relating to modern research that impacts human life. Stu-dents will examine questions of ethics in relation to biotechnology research and implementation, genetic engineering, medicine, and animal and human rights. Important philosophical approaches to ethics will form the foundation of these critical discussions. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.204 Schedule # 497278

First-Year Seminar: Introduction to Bioethics (PHIL 083S.201 [GH, FYS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 169 Willard)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.225 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 308 Willard)


LEAP enrollment is limited and DOES fi ll up quickly!

Page 5: Hmmm, let me think summer at University Park, or3!(4 4 05 What a great way to meet new friends, and get to know UP! What are the benefi ts of LEAP? There are many, including: Small

Business Ethics and Society

Public credibility and communication skills are crucial to business success. This pride will help you focus on these essential issues from the very start. In Social and Ethical Environment of Business, you will learn about principles and practices of business ethics, including personal and corporate responsibilities to the consuming public. Effective Speech (a required General Edu-cation course) will reinforce the principles identi-fi ed in personal ethics, and give you opportunities to practice and develop your communication and leadership skills. The integrated subject matter in this pride will help you learn to work constructive-ly with others in both academic and professional life. (Open to all fi rst-year students. PSU 006 meets the fi rst-year seminar requirement)

Leap 097.205 Schedule # 497281

Social and Ethical Environment of Business (B A 242.201, 2 cr, TR 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 110 Business; M 9:35–10:50 a.m., 08 Business)

Business Administration First-Year Seminar (PSU 006.201, 1 cr, WF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 08 Business)

Effective Speech (CAS 100B.201 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF, 12:45–2:00 p.m., 223 Thomas)

Leap 097.206 Schedule # 497284

Social and Ethical Environment of Business (B A 242.202, 2 cr, TR 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 110 Business; M 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 08 Business)

Business Administration First-Year Seminar (PSU 006.203, 1 cr, WF 12:45–2:00 p.m., 08 Business)

Effective Speech (CAS 100B.208 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 2:20–3:35 p.m., 121 Thomas)

Leap 097.207 Schedule # 497287

Social and Ethical Environment of Business (B A 242.203, 2 cr, TR 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 110 Business; M 12:10–2:00 p.m., 08 Business)

Business Administration First-Year Seminar (PSU 006.202, 1 cr, WF 11:45 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 08 Business)

Effective Speech (CAS 100B.209 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 365 Willard)

Leap 097.208 Schedule # 497974

Social and Ethical Environment of Business (B A 242.204, 2 cr, TR 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 110 Business; M 2:20–3:35 p.m., 105 Business)

Business Administration First-Year Seminar (PSU 006.204, 1 cr, WF 2:20–3:35 p.m., 08 Business)

Effective Speech (CAS 100B.233 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 219 Thomas)

Business Information Systems

Information systems applications are essential to the success of every modern business organiza-tion. This pride will help you focus on how this technology affects business performance. In Busi-ness Information Systems (MIS 204), you will learn about principles of information technology, de-velop some new skills, and learn how these tech-nologies are transforming the practice of business

in the U.S. and globally. CAS 100B (a required General Education course) will reinforce the principles of effective communication, and give you opportunities to practice these principles with assignments that are often linked to your MIS and fi rst-year seminar courses. The PSU 006 First Year Seminar will help you learn about the different majors in business, and help you make important decisions to successfully begin your Penn State education. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.209 Schedule # 497977

Introduction to Business Information Systems (MIS 204.201, 3 cr, MWF 9:35–10:50 a.m., and by appt., 09 Business)

Business Administration First-Year Seminar (PSU 006.205, 1 cr, TR 9:35–10:50 a.m., 09 Business)

Effective Speech (CAS 100B.202 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 217 Thomas)

Leap 097.210 Schedule # 497980

Introduction to Business Information Systems (MIS 204.202, 3 cr, MWF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., and by appt., 09 Business)

Business Administration First-Year Seminar (PSU 006.206, 1 cr, TR 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 09 Business)

Effective Speech (CAS 100B.211 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 217 Thomas)

Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

We are immersed in a world of materials ev-erywhere we go—home, work, school—yet frequently we are unaware of how they impact our lives. Materials science and engineering have enabled technological advances in areas such as data storage, telecommunications, biomedical implants, power production and fl ight. This pride will study the people and civilizations that dra-matically altered our relationship with materials. As students explore materials science, they will also examine rhetoric and composition in a more general scientifi c context. Controversies over global climate change, genetically modifi ed foods, meeting future energy needs, biodiversity, life cycle assessment, and many other arguments are rooted in science and characterized by bitter par-tisan disputes. How do we wade through complex and numerous dissenting viewpoints? (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.211 Schedule # 497983

Materials in Today’s World (MATSE 081.201 [GN; IL], 3 cr, WEB plus weekly fi eld trip)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.243 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 025 Deike)


This pride will allow students to learn about careers in education, identify and utilize campus and com-munity resources, develop strategies to facilitate the learning process, and apply those strategies for academic success. Classroom, support services, and administrative career possibilities for students will be introduced. Additionally, students in this

pride will discuss and write about current topics in education, and learn about effective teaching strategies and what makes a good teacher. The pride will utilize different teaching strategies (small and large group discussion, lecture, technology, and peer teaching). Enrolling in this pride will fulfi ll the fi rst-year seminar requirement and assist students in successfully developing an academic, social, and personal foundation at Penn State. (This pride is limited to students enrolling in the College of Education or the Division of Undergraduate Studies. Education 100S meets the fi rst-year seminar requirement.)

Leap 097.212 Schedule # 497986

Education First-Year Seminar (EDUC 100S.201, 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50, 115 Music)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.235 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 113A Chambers)

Leap 097.213 Schedule # 497989

Education First-Year Seminar (EDUC 100S.202, 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 106 Chambers)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.234 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 319 Willard)

Energy, Materials, and the Environment

Energy is the lifeblood of society. Extraction of energy sources, the development and deployment of new energy production technologies, the materials sci-ence and engineering that enable those technolo-gies, and the impact of energy production on the environment are all issues which will affect the quality of life of future generations. An understanding of the basic concepts of energy production and use is necessary to appreciate the position of policy makers, scientists, engineers, industry, and business on the interrelationships with global warming and sustainability of the quality of life in the world today and in the future. Students will discuss these issues in small groups and present position papers on their relevance to future energy patterns and concepts.Principles from class will be reinforced by weekly fi eld trips to sites concerned with energy production, harvesting, use, and reclamation. Courses in this pride offer each student an opportunity to complete a 3-credit General Education requirement (EGEE 101) as well as a 3-credit fi rst-year seminar (EM SC 100S). Because of the writing and presenta-tion-intensive character of EM SC 100S, this course may also be used to fulfi ll the CAS 100 or ENGL 202C requirement in all undergraduate ma-jors in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.

Leap 097.214 Schedule # 497992

Earth and Mineral Sciences First-Year Seminar (EM SC 100S.201 [GWS; FYS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 004 Deike)

Energy and the Environment (EGEE 101.203 [GN], 3 cr, WEB plus weekly fi eld trip)


This combination of courses allows new engineer-ing students to complete an important design course and satisfy the General Education speech requirement. The two courses are a natural


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combination. Engineering Design requires the pre-sentations of design principles in class. Effective Speech emphasizes the principles of presenting problems, solutions, and processes. Students will apply and integrate what they learn in both cours-es through activities such as developing speeches about their design projects. (For students in the College of Engineering only. Engineering Design and Graphics 100 is not required of students who intend to major in Architectural Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science. We suggest that students interested in the Engineer-ing pride be eligible for Math 140, Calculus with Analytic Geometry.)

Leap 097.215 Schedule # 497995

Introduction to Engineering Design (EDSGN 100.201, 3 cr, M 8:00–10:50 a.m., 307 Hammond; TR 8:00–10:50 a.m., 315 Hammond; WF 8:00–10:50, 312 Hammond)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.209 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 12:45–2:00 p.m., 209 Thomas)

Leap 097.216 Schedule # 497998

Introduction to Engineering Design (EDSGN 100.203, 3 cr, M 12:45–3:35 p.m., 307 Hammond; TR 12:45–3:35 p.m., 315 Hammond; WF 12:45–3:35 p.m., 312 Hammond)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.202 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 209 Thomas)

Leap 097.217 Schedule # 498001

Introduction to Engineering Design (EDSGN 100.204, 3 cr, MR 12:45–3:35 p.m., 312 Hammond; T 12:45–3:35 p.m., 307 Hammond; MF 12:45–3:35 p.m., 315 Hammond)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.223 [GWS], 3 cr, MWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 370 Willard; T 9:35–10:50 a.m., 270 Willard)

Fitness for Student Lifestyles

Fitness Theory and Practice is a pride in which students will learn about the science of fi t-ness. This theoretical knowledge will then be put to use in a laboratory setting as students fi rst evaluate their present fi tness levels and then cre-ate and implement a personal fi tness program. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.218 Schedule # 498004

Fitness Theory and Practice (KINES 061S.201 [GHA], 3 cr, MWF 12:45–2:00 p.m., IM Building; TR 12:45–2:00 p.m., location TBA)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.219 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 269 Willard)

Human Development in Childhood

Children change dramatically as they interact with the world. These changes occur as a result of a complex interplay between a child’s nature (genet-ics) and nurture (environment). This course will present information on all facets of development to show how a child’s development is rooted in natural selection pressures for survival and adap-

tation. From this class, you will learn not only the basic fundamentals of infant and child develop-ment, but also how to apply this information to real life. Students will refl ect on childhood experiences that infl uenced the adults they became. This pride will be valuable for students with interests in education, psychology, and human development. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.219 Schedule # 498007

Infant and Child Development (HDFS [GS] 229.201, 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 205 Henderson South)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.224 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 371 Willard)

Information Sciences and Technology

The Information Age in which we live demands in-formed problem solvers with a passion to change the world using inspired solutions and humanized technologies. In addition to excellent communica-tion skills and a strong interdisciplinary back-ground, today’s leaders in business, government, health care, education, law enforcement, the arts, etc., must possess a working knowledge of com-puter hardware and software, networks, databas-es, telecommunications systems, wireless tech-nology, and the Web. The courses in this pride will show you how to assess your current knowledge in these areas and will introduce you to the re-sources needed to move your skills to the next lev-el. In addition, IST 110 is a General Education So-cial and Behavioral Sciences (GS) selection and CAS 100B is a General Education Writing/Speaking (GWS) selection. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.220 Schedule # 498010

Information Sciences and Technology (IST 110.202 [GS], 3 cr, MTWRF 12:45–2:00 p.m., 203 IST Building)

Effective Speech (CAS 100B.210 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 173 Willard)

Leap 097.221 Schedule # 498013

Information Sciences and Technology (IST 110.203 [GS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 203 IST Building)

Effective Speech (CAS100B.212 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 370 Willard)

Leisure and Human Behavior

Americans will spend 156,000 hours or 17 years of their lives in free-time activity if they live to age 75. What you do in your free time, or leisure, may determine your happiness, development, health, and contribution to the world. Free time, and how you use it, is as vital as what you do during your work or obligated time. Yet, many students think that the only subjects to study in college are ones that prepare them for a job. This LEAP pride will provide students with an introduction to leisure, play, and recreation. We will examine how these concepts relate to personal health, personal identity, the economy, work, religion, and sexual-ity. We will discuss questions like: When am I happier, free time or work time? Why do people challenge themselves in their free time? Is leisure

different for men and women? Are there cultural differences in the use of free time? Does leisure contribute to my health? Students will examine their own leisure using a one-week time diary that includes wearing a pedometer to record physical activity. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.222 Schedule # 498016

Leisure and Human Behavior (RPTM 120.201 [GS; US; IL], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35 –10:50 a.m., location TBA)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.212 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 230 Arts)

Life Sciences

This pride will tackle the basic concepts common to all organisms, including the chemical reactions required for life to exist, the universal code of inheritance, and how this encoded genetic infor-mation is transmitted between generations. It includes a hands-on lab experience. Effective Speech will assist in an exploration of the vast diversity of organisms, from bacteria through vertebrates. Students will prepare oral presenta-tions on the characteristics and diversity of one of the kingdoms of life. This program allows students who are interested in majoring in the life sciences (including some majors in agriculture and health and human development) to complete the required introductory biology course and fulfi ll the General Education speech and fi rst-year seminar require-ments. Additional activities may include meetings with faculty members in the life sciences; a tour of the Penn State Electron Microscope facility; and an off-campus trip to Stone Valley Recreation Area. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.223 Schedule # 498019

Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity (BIOL 110S.201 [GN], 4 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 222 Thomas; MW 2:20–3:35 p.m., 102 Pond; TR 2:20–5:10 p.m., 108 Mueller)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.220 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 121 Thomas)

Mass Media

Mass Media and Society is an overview of the interaction between the two. By drawing from se-lected topics, the course pays particular attention to the social infl uences (e.g., diversity, economics, politics, technology, law, and culture) that shape media messages. One special theme is the impact of social networking and user-generated content (UGC) on mass media and society. The course examines the nature of media controllers as well as the character of “users” and “consumers” of media products. Students are informed about the overall structure and scope of the mass media and led to understand the power and infl uences associated with media messages and practices. For Summer 2010, Section 224 will have a focus on issues related to diversity and Section 225 will have a focus related to social networking. Some discussion will be based on fi lm. This LEAP pride will satisfy General Education Social and Behav-ioral Sciences (GS) and fi rst-year seminar require-ments. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)


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Leap 097.224 Schedule # 498022

Mass Media and Society (COMM 100S.201 [GS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 112 Thomas)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.207 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 2:20–3:35 p.m., 111 Thomas)

Leap 097.225 Schedule # 498025

Mass Media and Society (COMM 100S.202 [GS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 209 Thomas)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.225 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 2:20–3:35 p.m., 369 Willard)

Music of Film

This pride examines the role of music in narrative fi lm, the premier art form of the twentieth century. The popularity, signifi cance, and value of fi lm art would not be what it is today if music had not become an integral—indeed, indispensable—part of motion pictures from the outset. Preliminary ob-jectives will include basic musical information (the fundamental elements of music; the broad stylistic eras of western music and their associated char-acteristics; the culturally encoded language of tonal music and associated musical meaning) and the main techniques of narrative fi lm. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.226 Schedule # 498028

Film Music (MUSIC 004.201 [GA], 3 cr, MWF 11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m., 117 Borland; additional Web-based work will be required.)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.220 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35 a.m.–10:50 a.m., 11 Ferguson)

Philosophy and Speech

This pride will critically explore issues that lie at the very foundation of all fi elds of study—the humanities, sciences and mathematics, social sci-ences, and professions. These issues are not only central in thought, but also central in life, no mat-ter what one’s career: What makes life meaning-ful? How should I live? What is a good life? What is reality, and how can competing views of the place of human beings in nature be compared and assessed? What are knowledge and truth? What does it mean to think logically? This pride teaches students how to think carefully about these un-avoidable issues. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.227 Schedule # 498031

Moral Values and the Good Life (PHIL 003.201 [GH], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 116 E E West)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.210 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 369 Willard)

Philosophy, Art and Film

This pride will critically consider the nature of arts, aesthetic experience, and art criticism through an examination of fi lm. What makes something a work of art? What makes a fi lm great? Is beauty merely in the eye of the beholder? How does aesthetic experience differ from ordinary daily life, and why is it important? What does aesthetic experience teach us about ourselves and our

world? How does fi lm differ from other media, and how does fi lm as art differ from fi lm as advertise-ment or fi lm as nightly news? What is the social, political, and economic signifi cance of fi lm? We are awash in fi lm and video. How and what do they do to us? We live in a culture of images. This pride provides students an opportunity to under-stand that fact and critically assess it.

Leap 097.228 Schedule # 498034

Philosophy, Art, and Film (PHIL 005.201 [GH], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 174 Willard)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.216 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 318 Willard)

Philosophy and Media Ethics

This pride examines basic ethical and method-ological issues in the media—from investigative journalism to television talk shows, from music videos to corporate reports, and from network news to Web sites. What is objectivity? What is bias? Is the news found or made? Does advertis-ing inform or manipulate? Is there an obligation to provide truth or only to entertain? What are the limits, if any, of a public’s right to know, the con-fi dentiality of a source, or techniques of persua-sion? Is the private ownership of modes of infor-mation a danger or strength? This pride explores these issues that lie at the heart of all public com-munication. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.229 Schedule # 498037

Introduction to Ethics in Media and Journalism (PHIL 123.201 [GH], 3 cr, MTWRF 2:20–3:35 p.m., 222 Thomas)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.211 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 103 Pond)

Photography and Writing

This pride helps students develop appreciation for art and photography while cultivating essential writing skills and fulfi lling two General Educa-tion requirements. Introduction to Photography explores the aesthetics of photography, emphasiz-ing twentieth century photographic vision and applications. In English 015, you will apply the aesthetic concepts you’re learning in a series of papers, including defi nition, narrative, evaluation, and proposal. Students may bring their own digital cameras for PHOTO 100 if they so desire, but it is not required. Resolution of 2- to 3-megapixelresolution is recommended. Students who do not bring a digital camera may borrow one from Media Services as needed throughout the summer. Traditional fi lm cameras will not be used for PHOTO 100. Tripods will be available for students to use during assignments. (Open to all fi rst-year students. Meets a major requirement for Visual Arts majors.)

Leap 097.230 Schedule # 498040

Intro to Photography (PHOTO 100.201 [GA], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 304 Patterson)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.226 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 2:20–3:35 p.m., 125 Thomas)

Security and Risk Analysis

Corporations, government agencies, and other twenty-fi rst-century organizations need educated workers who have the knowledge, skills, and expertise to assure information confi dentiality and integrity while assessing and mitigating risk. Pro-fessionals in the area of security and risk analysis use a foundation in information technology and social, economic, and policy issues coupled with creative problem solving techniques to address such issues as transnational terrorism, cyber-crime, fi nancial fraud, risk mitigation, and security and crisis management. The courses in the pride will provide a basic introduction to these topics. In addition, SRA 111 is a General Education Social and Behavioral Sciences (GS) selection and CAS 100B is a General Education Writing/Speaking (GWS) selection. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.231 Schedule # 498043

Introduction to Security and Risk Analysis (SRA 111.201 [GS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 208 IST)

Effective Speech (CAS 100B.213 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 219 Thomas)

Social Media and Cyberspace

What do we mean by “community”? How do we encourage, discuss, analyze, understand, design, and participate in healthy communities in the age of many-to-many media? With the advent of virtual communities, smart mobs, and online social networks, old questions about the meaning of human social behavior have taken on renewed signifi cance. This course will include the use and discussion of many social media practices: mailing lists, Web forums, blogs, wikis, chat, instant mes-saging, and virtual worlds. Students will develop personal multimedia learning journals, and small groups will use social media to produce and pres-ent projects at the end of the summer session. Much of the class discussion will take place in a variety of virtual world environments during and between face-to-face class meetings. (Open to all fi rst-year students. Meets a fi rst-year seminar requirement.)

Leap 097.232 Schedule # 498046

Social Computing and Communication (CAS 083S.201, 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 222 Thomas)

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.226 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 268 Willard)

Speech and Writing

Solid communication skills are essential for suc-cess in all fi elds—that is why Penn State has three required courses in writing and speaking. This pride enables you to complete two of those courses in a single unifi ed experience. Both courses will explore topics that encourage criti-cal thinking, speaking, and writing. You will study the basic rhetorical principles of argumentation, invention, arrangement, and style. You will experi-ence the differences between spoken and written presentations. Activities will include collaborative projects and group presentations. You will apply


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library and computer technology for communica-tion and research. This combination allows you to develop a solid grounding in the writing, speaking, thinking, and research skills essential for your success at Penn State and in your career. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.233 Schedule # 498049

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.212 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 124 Thomas)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.230 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF, 9:35–10:50 a.m., 203 Sackett)

Leap 097.234 Schedule # 498052

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.213 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 207 Thomas)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.233 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 320 Willard)

Leap 097.235 Schedule # 498055

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.214 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 112 Thomas)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.221 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 12:45–2:00 p.m., 124 Thomas)

Leap 097.236 Schedule # 498058

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.215 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 121 Thomas)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.215 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 2:20–3:35 p.m., 110 Thomas)

Leap 097.237 Schedule # 498061

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.216 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 269 Willard)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.227 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 071 Willard)

Leap 097.238 Schedule # 498064

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.217 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 271 Willard)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.217 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 2:20–3:35 p.m., 320 Willard)

Leap 097.239 Schedule # 498067

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.222 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 125 Thomas)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.218 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 270 Willard)

Leap 097.240 Schedule # 498070

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.228 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 120 Thomas)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.244 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.– 12:25 p.m., 210 Ferguson)

Leap 097.241 Schedule # 498073

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.227 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 174 Willard)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.245 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 219 Willard)


Aside from the joys of exploring a particular art form, acting often provides students with oppor-tunities to explore self-expression and to prac-tice other methods of behavior than those they employ habitually. “Living truthfully in imaginary circumstances” can help develop empathy and understanding and increase one’s abilities to deal effectively and responsively in stressful situations by increasing one’s powers of observation—par-ticularly seeing and listening. Finally, acting can help students conquer their fear of public presen-tation. (Open to all fi rst-year students.)

Leap 097.242 Schedule # 498076

Fundamentals of Acting (THEA 102.202 [GA], 3 cr, MTWRF 11:10 a.m.–12:25 p.m., 06 Arts)

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 015.211 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF 9:35–10:50 a.m., 122 Pond)

iLEAP—New International Student Program

(For fi rst-year international students who are non-native English speakers)

iLEAP —Technology in Contemporary Society

These two linked courses will explore roles that engineers and scientists play both within their professions and within American society by look-ing at popular culture representations of technical professionals. Students will also investigate so-cietal status in terms of professionalization, legal and governmental activities, and as the image of genius-inventor vs. corporate team-member. Stu-dents will become familiar with the various stages in the process of writing and develop strategies


* Letters in brackets ([GA], [GH], [GWA], or [GWS]) indicate courses that fulfi ll General Education requirements. An “S” in a course number indicates a course that meets a fi rst-year seminar requirement. For details go to and look under General Education.

for reading and writing various models of Ameri-can academic and professional discourse. The course is appropriate for intermediate/advanced-level nonnative speakers of English. (Open to all international fi rst-year students. Upon request, students in the colleges of Engineering, Science, and Earth and Mineral Sciences will be approved to use STS 242 to meet a Social and Behavioral Science [GS] requirement.)

Leap 097.243 Schedule # 497926

History and Culture of American Professionals In Technology and Science (STS 297, 3 cr, MTWRF, 75-minute class)

Composition for American Academic Communication II(ESL 015.201 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF, 75-minute period)

iLEAP - Speech and Writing for Nonnative English Speakers

These iLEAP courses are designed to introduce intermediate to advanced nonnative speakers of English to American academic oral communica-tion and written composition. The courses will take students through a series of writing and speaking assignments designed to help them develop strategies and skills for communicating in oral and written modes during their academic experience at Penn State and beyond. Overall, students will be able to use what they have learned in this course to successfully participate in academic reading and writing tasks throughout their university experience in the United States. (This LEAP pride is open to all international fi rst-year students at University Park campus. Both CAS 100A and ESL 015 will meet requirements in General Writing and Speaking [GWS] for gradua-tion from Penn State.)

Leap 097.244 Schedule # 497929

Effective Speech (CAS 100A.244, 3 cr, MTWRF, 12:25–2:00 p.m., 174 Willard)

Composition for American Academic Communication II(ESL 015.202 [GWS], 3 cr, MTWRF, 75-minute period)

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Key to abbreviations

Cr—credits MTWRF—Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Course names AG—AgricultureB A—Business AdministrationBIOL—BiologyCAS—Communication Arts and

SciencesCMLIT—Comparative LiteratureCOMM—CommunicationsEDUC—EducationEDSGN—Engineering DesignEGEE—Energy and Geo-Environmental

EngineeringEM SC—Earth and Mineral SciencesENGL—EnglishESL—English as a Second LanguageHD FS—Human Development and

Family StudiesIST—Information Sciences and

TechnologyKINES—KinesiologyMATSE—Materials Science and

EngineeringMIS—Management Information

SystemsMUSIC—MusicPHIL—PhilosophyPHOTO—PhotographyPL SC—Political SciencePSU—Penn State First-Year SeminarRPTM—Recreation, Park, and Tourism

ManagementS T S—Science, Technology, and

SocietySOC—SociologySRA—Security and Risk AnalysisTHEA —Theatre

Building names Arts—Arts BuildingBusiness—Business BuildingChambers—Chambers BuildingDeike—Deike BuildingE E West—Electrical Engineering

West BuildingFerguson—Ferguson BuildingHammond—Hammond BuildingHenderson S—Henderson SouthIM Building—Intramural BuildingIST—Information Sciences and

Technology BuildingLife Sci—Life Sciences BuildingMueller—Mueller LaboratoryMusic I—Music Building IOsmond—Osmond LaboratoryPatterson—Patterson BuildingPond—Pond LaboratoryRackley—Rackley BuildingSackett—Sackett BuildingThomas—Thomas BuildingWillard—Willard Building

General Information

Student Financial Aid

If you decide to start your Penn State career in the summer and want to be considered for stu-dent fi nancial aid during the summer session, you will need to complete an additional Free Applica-tion for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by midnight June 30, 2010. You must use the 2009–10 FAFSA form to be considered for summer session aid. This application determines your eligibility for summer 2010 only. Summer student aid is based on the prior year’s FAFSA.

You should also complete a 2010–11 FAFSA, pref-erably by February 15, 2010, for aid consideration during the 2010–11 academic year. You must fi le both the 2009–10 and the 2010–11 FAFSA if you wish to be considered for aid during summer as well as fall, spring, and summer 2010–11.

FAFSA forms are available from your high schoolguidance counselor, Penn State’s Offi ce of Student Aid (814-865-6301), or at on the Web.

Summer Housing

If your offer of admission was for fall semester and you decide to attend during the summer, con-tact the Undergraduate Admissions Offi ce to make the change. Admissions will notify the Housing As-signment Offi ce, and you will be offered a summer housing contract through, usually in three business days. For problems or questions, contact assignmentoffi [email protected], 814-865-7501.

Estimated Costs

Tuition (LEAP Sections are usually 6–7 credits)

2010 Pennsylvania residents: $567 per credit2010 Nonresidents: $1,047 per credit

Room and Board*

2009 6-week session: $1,740*Rates for 2010 unavailable at press time. Rates assume a double room. Costs vary for other types of accommoda-tions.For latest information check and

Need More Information? No Problem!

Contact: LEAP Programs

Phone: 814-863-4174 E-mail: [email protected] For the most up-to-date information on LEAP programs, check out our Web site:


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1. You must be admitted to University Park for summer 2010. This includes offi -cial receipt of your acceptance and fees. If you have not accepted your offer and paid your fees, you will not be able to register. Entry to LEAP is limited. Students are admitted on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis.

2. If you are admitted to University Park for the fall semester, but would like to attend in the summer to participate in the LEAP program, please contact the Admissions Offi ce at 814-865-5471 to change your admission to summer. If you are not a summer or fall admit, you will not be allowed to register for the LEAP program.

3. Review the LEAP prides offered for the summer 2010 session. Select two prides in case your fi rst choice is not available. Please note any enrollment limitations—some prides are available only to students in a particular col-lege or program.

4. Note the six-digit schedule number for your fi rst- and second-choice prides in the blanks provided. You will use these to select the courses on our Web site. A short list of the schedule numbers is on the left.

a. First choice ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

b. Second choice ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

5. Go to From the “LogIn” menu on the left side, select the Stu-dents option. The next page will be the Penn State User Authentication page.

6. If you applied to Penn State over the Web using your MyPennState account, enter your user ID and password. (This is your Friends of Penn State ID.) You may get a screen asking you to provide missing information. Please provide any information requested. (If you do not, you will not be allowed to register.) Then proceed to step 8 below.

7. If you did not establish a MyPennState account, click on Create Your Friends of Penn State (FPS) Account at the bottom of the page. Fill in all required information on the form. (Note: Passwords must be at least six characters in length and contain both alpha and numeric characters.) Click Submit at the bottom. You may get a screen asking you to verify four pieces of information. If the information is correct, click OK and you will proceed to the confi rma-tion screen. The screen will give you your user ID. Return to the eLion Web page ( and select the Students option from the “LogIn” menu. On the authentication page, enter your new ID and password.

8. On the next page select Registration from the menu on the left.

9. Select Summer 2010 from the semester box, and click Submit.

10. Enter the six-digit schedule number from the pride you want. Press Continue.

11. If the pride is available, the next screen will confi rm your registration. You may print a copy of the screen for your records or e-mail the schedule to the e-mail address used to set up your account. (Your Penn State e-mail will not function until you arrive on campus this summer, so you can’t send a copy of your schedule to your Penn State account.) Proceed to step 13.

12. If the pride is not available (the screen will tell you this), enter the six-digit schedule number of another pride and click Submit. Continue making selec-tions until your registration in a LEAP 097 section is confi rmed. Remember to print a copy of the screen for your records.

13. Registration for a LEAP 097 section will automatically place you on the list for LEAP housing and reserve a place for you in the courses for that pride. (If you have any questions about using the registration application, please se-lect the Help option from the top of the Web page for detailed instructions.)

14. If you encounter diffi culties, please call the LEAP offi ce at 814-863-4174, or e-mail [email protected]. We will contact you as soon as possible to assist you with the registration process.

15. Please see the “Steps for Checking a Schedule” (left). Do not use the regis-tration procedure above to check your schedule as you may inadvertently delete the schedule.

Steps for LEAP Registration (Beginning Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.)

Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Systems

Leap 097.201 Schedule # 497266

American Life Through Language, Literature, and Film

Leap 097.202 Schedule # 497269

American National Government

Leap 097.203 Schedule # 497275


Leap 097.204 Schedule # 497278

Business Ethics and Society

Leap 097.205 Schedule # 497281 Leap 097.206 Schedule # 497284 Leap 097.207 Schedule # 497287Leap 097.208 Schedule # 497974

Business Information Systems

Leap 097.209 Schedule # 497977 Leap 097.210 Schedule # 497980

Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

Leap 097.211 Schedule # 497983


Leap 097.212 Schedule # 497986 Leap 097.213 Schedule # 497989

Energy, Materials, and the Environment

Leap 097.214 Schedule # 497992


Leap 097.215 Schedule # 497995Leap 097.216 Schedule # 497998Leap 097.217 Schedule # 498001

Fitness for Student Lifestyles

Leap 097.218 Schedule # 498004

Human Development in Childhood

Leap 097.219 Schedule # 498007

Information Sciences and Technology

Leap 097.220 Schedule # 498010Leap 097.221 Schedule # 498013

Leisure and Human Behavior

Leap 097.222 Schedule # 498016

Life Sciences

Leap 097.223 Schedule # 498019

Mass Media

Leap 097.224 Schedule # 498022 Leap 097.225 Schedule # 498025

Music of Film

Leap 097.226 Schedule # 498028

Philosophy and Speech

Leap 097.227 Schedule # 498031

Philosophy, Art, and Film

Leap 097.228 Schedule # 498034

Philosophy and Media Ethics

Leap 097.229 Schedule # 498037

Photography and Writing

Leap 097.230 Schedule # 498040

Security and Risk Analysis

Leap 097.231 Schedule # 498043

Social Media and Cyberspace

Leap 097.232 Schedule # 498046

Speech and Writing

Leap 097.233 Schedule # 498049 Leap 097.234 Schedule # 498052 Leap 097.235 Schedule # 498055 Leap 097.236 Schedule # 498058 Leap 097.237 Schedule # 498061 Leap 097.238 Schedule # 498064 Leap 097.239 Schedule # 498067


Leap 097.240 Schedule # 498070 Leap 097.241 Schedule # 498073 Leap 097.242 Schedule # 498076

iLEAP—Technology in Contemporary Society

Leap 097.243 Schedule # 497926

iLEAP—Speech and Writing for Non-native English Speakers

Leap 097.244 Schedule # 497929

Spend Your Summer at Penn State

Steps for Checking a Schedule

1. Follow the steps in no. 5 (“Steps for LEAP Registration”) to enter eLion.2. Select Student Schedule from the menu on the left.3. Select “Summer 2010” from the semester box and choose either the “Course detail”

or “Weekly calendar” format. “Course detail” shows each course along with the number of credits and the meeting day, time, and location. “Weekly calendar” shows each course on a weekly grid with its meeting time and location.

4. Click Display schedule.5. When the “Course detail’ schedule is displayed, you can either print a copy of the

screen or have your schedule sent to the e-mail address you used when you set up your Penn State account. To e-mail your schedule, click E-mail your schedule.

6. When the “Weekly calendar” schedule is displayed, you can print a copy of your schedule by clicking Print schedule.

7. To view your schedule in a different format, click Select another semester or format.


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This publication is available in alternative media on request. The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifi cations as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. It is the policy of the University to maintain an academic and work environment free of discrimina-tion, including harassment. The Pennsylvania State University prohibits discrimination and harassment against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status. Discrimination or harassment against faculty, staff, or students will not be tolerated at The Pennsylvania State University. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affi rmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University, 328 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802-5901; Tel 814-865-4700/V, 814-863-1150/TTY. Produced by the Penn State Department of University Publications. U.Ed. EMA 10-106 02-25M

Summer Session 2009 Fall Semester 2010 Spring Semester 2011Six-week session

Arrival Day June 27 August 20–21 January 8

Classes Begin June 30 August 23 January 10

Independence Day Holiday July 5

Labor Day Holiday September 6

Martin Luther King Day January 17

Spring Break March 7–11

Thanksgiving Holiday November 22–28

Classes End August 11 December 10 April 29

Final Exams August 13 December 13–17 May 2–6

Summer Session 2010 Six-week session

High school’s over and I’m LEAPing with joy!

", % 0 2 1,5


I didn’t want to be timid about college, so I decided to LEAP into it!

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My summer plans just aren’t cutting it!