hmns10085 mod7

Issues in Human Services (HMNS 10085) Module 7: Issues Pertaining to People With Disabilities

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Issues in Human Services (HMNS 10085)

Module 7: Issues Pertaining to People With Disabilities

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Defining Disability

• “Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”

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Definition in Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA):

• “any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation, or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect, or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness, or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance of device;

• a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability;• a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes

involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language;• a mental disorder; or• an injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under

the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.

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Defining Barriers:

• Anything that would prevent a person with a disability from participating fully in all aspects of society because of his or her disability.

• Types:– Physical/architectural– Informational or communication– Attitudinal– Technological– Systemic (policy or practice)

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Result of Barriers

• Discrimination: “…any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of disability, which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or any other field. …in includes denial of reasonable accommodation.”1

• Social exclusion – limited opportunities to participate in the social, economic and cultural activities of society2

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• The result of a belief in the inherent superiority of people without disabilities over people who have disabilities.

• 2 models of disability:– Medical model– Social oppression model

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Some Historical Influences

• Damaging policies have cast people with disabilities as;– An eternal child– Deviant– Objects of ridicule– Devalued – not valued by society as those who don’t

have disabilities.• Policies of segregation• Focus on diagnosis and labels• Lowered expectations of learning

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Legislative & Policy Frameworks

• Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA)– Accessibility standards to promote barrier free province– Implemented and enforced – 2025

• Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1981; Canadian Human Rights Code– Also, the Human Rights Codes of the provinces– court challenges

• UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities

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Nature of Disabilities in Canada

• 16.6% of Canadians ages 15 yrs + have a disability

• 15.5% of Ontario residents 15 yrs+ have a disability

• 18.4% of people report having 1 disability• 27.9% report have 3+ disabilities

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Nature of Disabilities

• Disability related to pain- 11.7%– 27.9% have cyclical/recurring pain– 72.1% have constant pain

• Disability related to mobility – 11.5%• Disability related to agility – 11.1%• Disability related to hearing – 5%• Disability related to sight – 1.9%• Developmental disability - .5%• Disability related to psychological/emotional problems

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Nature of Disabilities

• Very severe limitations – 13.5%• Severe limitations – 24.8%• Mild limitations – 35.4%• Affects women more than men

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Impact of Barriers

• Poverty: related to workforce participation– 48% of people with disabilities are not in the

labour force• Labour force participation rate depends on the

severity, duration & type of disability• Severe or very severe activity limitations –

38.6% participation rate• Moderate activity limitation – 56.6%

participation rate

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Impact of Barriers

• Poverty: Related to income:• People with disabilities, when working, earn

only ~86% of the incomes people without disabilities earn

• Men with long term disabilities – 8 X more at risk for low income

• Women with log-term disabilities – 4 X more at risk

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Impact of Barriers

• Workplace barriers:• Need for workplace accommodations:– Job modifications – personal help• job redesign – eg. Hours of work

– Workplace modifications – changes to environment• Ramps• Parking spots

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Persistence of Workplace Barriers• Discrimination – 5 X more likely to report experiencing discrimination• People who plan physical workspaces don’t take the time to consider all

the possible needs in order to consider how to include everyone in the workplace.

• Lack of will of individual employers• Costs- seen as more costly to support varying needs• Not seen as the responsibility of an individual employer• Lack of awareness of barriers created by a workplace• Lack of consultation with those experiencing disabilities• Harassment may discourage people from seeking to ensure their legal,

human rights are upheld• Employers may be more vigilant for “proof” that the employee with a

disability cannot do the job.

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Impact of Barriers

• Poverty: Related to disability income: 1. Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPPD)– Severe and prolonged– Labour force income for 4 of last 6 years– Under 65 years– Contributing to Canada Pension Plan– $775 per month– 50% below the poverty line (LICO)– No drug benefit plan

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Impact of Barriers:

• Poverty: Related to disability income2. Ontario Disability Support Plan– 2 components: Income assistance – basic needs

& shelter Employment supports –

prepare for work or start a business

– Drug benefits, eyeglasses, dental care, some assistive devices

3. Other programs – Employment Insurance (temporary), Worker’s Safety & Insurance Board, Ontario Works (while waiting for ODSP, or if temporary disability)

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Impact of Barriers

• Additional Economic Disadvantage: Costs:– Necessity for equipment– Only 62.3% of people had the equipment they needed– 28.9% used some equipment but needed more– 9.9% had none of the equipment they required– 41.3% of severely disabled had equipment they

needed– 70% of people with communication disabilities did not

have the equipment they needed– Costs – purchase and maintenance of equipment

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Impact of Barriers

• Diminished opportunities for friendship & intimate relationships– Symptoms• Fatigue• Mobility difficulties

– Social skill impairment– Social service structure

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Impact of Barriers

• Unequal opportunities for recreation• Women with disabilities more likely to be

abused than other women– Greater than 50% for some women

• Lower self-esteem

> Denial of basic human rights

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Special issues for People With Intellectual Disabilities:

• Independent living – in their community– Variety of residential options

• Individualization – services based on individual strengths, needs and wishes

• Abuse – almost 11 X more likely to be sexually assaulted

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Special Issues for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders:

• Challenges unique to the disorder:– Experiencing difficulty to articulate thoughts– Managing with change– Managing anxiety– Being able to participate in group activities– Tendency to fixate on a topic of interest

• Services for adults are grouped in services for people with Intellectual Disabilities

• Planning for adulthood• Need for specialized mental health services

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• Hutchison, P. & McGill, J. (1996). Leisure, Integration and Community. Toronto: Leisurability Publications, Inc. Ch. 2.