holiday assignment xii

Page 1 of 5 DPS – MIS, DOHA- QATAR Holiday Homework (2015 – 16) CLASS: XII General Instructions: SUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCE (i) The holiday homework contains chapter wise short answers questions and long answers questions. (ii) The students are required to attempt them in a separate notebook. __________________________________________________________________________ 1. What are default arguments? How are they useful? 2. What is scope of a variable? What types of scopes can be there in Python. What is the difference between the formal parameters and actual parameters? What are their alternative names? Also, give a suitable Python code to illustrate both. 3. How are nongraphic characters represented in Python? 4. What is Type casting? How is implicit type conversion different from explicit type conversion? 5. Write the corresponding python expressions for the following mathematical expressions: (i)√(a 2 +b 2 +c 2 ) (ii) 2-ye 2y +4y 6. What are mutable and immutable types? List immutable and mutable types of Python. 7. How do you add key: value pairs to an existing dictionary? 8. How are lists different from strings when both are sequences? 9. How are tuples different from lists when both are sequences? 10. How are dictionaries different from lists? 11. What is the length of the tuple shown below? t=((((‘a’,1), ‘b’, ‘c’), ‘d’,2), ‘e’, 3) 12. What is an object? What is a class? How is an object different from a class? 13. How are the terms abstraction and encapsulation related? 14. Why classes are called Abstract data type? 15. What is polymorphism? Give an example illustrating polymorphism.

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Holiday assignment


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Holiday Homework (2015 – 16)


General Instructions: SUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCE (i) The holiday homework contains chapter wise short answers questions and long answers questions.

(ii) The students are required to attempt them in a separate notebook. __________________________________________________________________________

1. What are default arguments? How are they useful?

2. What is scope of a variable? What types of scopes can be there in Python.

What is the difference between the formal parameters and actual parameters? What are their alternative names? Also, give a suitable Python code to illustrate both.

3. How are nongraphic characters represented in Python?

4. What is Type casting? How is implicit type conversion different from explicit type conversion?

5. Write the corresponding python expressions for the following mathematical expressions: (i)√(a2+b2+c2) (ii) 2-ye2y+4y

6. What are mutable and immutable types? List immutable and mutable types

of Python.

7. How do you add key: value pairs to an existing dictionary?

8. How are lists different from strings when both are sequences?

9. How are tuples different from lists when both are sequences?

10. How are dictionaries different from lists?

11. What is the length of the tuple shown below? t=((((‘a’,1), ‘b’, ‘c’), ‘d’,2), ‘e’, 3)

12. What is an object? What is a class? How is an object different from a class?

13. How are the terms abstraction and encapsulation related?

14. Why classes are called Abstract data type?

15. What is polymorphism? Give an example illustrating polymorphism.

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16. How are methods different from ordinary functions?

17. How private members are different from public members of a class?

18. What do you understand by operator overloading? Rewrite the expression by using built-in method for operating overloading:

(i) a**b (ii) a%b

19. What are instance variables? How are they different from class variables?

20. What are the differences between instance methods and static method?

21. What is the role of __del__( ) method in a class? Explain with the help of an example.

22. What is the role of __init__( ) method in a class? Explain with the help of an example.

23. What is self-reference? Why is it important?

24. What do you understand by static binding and dynamic binding?

25. Define inheritance. Explain the different type of inheritance with example code.

26. What is method overriding? What is its significance?

27. What is super() function? What is its significance?

28. Explain : (i) Linear search method and (ii) Binary search

29. What is circular queue?

30. What are infix expression? What are postfix expression?

31. Convert X: A+(B*C-(D/E↑F)*G)*H into postfix form showing stack status after every step in tabular form.

32. What is stack? What basic operation can be performed on them?

33. What is queue? What basic operation can be performed on them?

34. Write equivalent infix expression for : 10, 3, *, 7, 1, -, *, 23, +

35. What is the role of file object in data file handling?

36. Write statements to place the file pointer : (i) to beginning of file (ii) to 25th byte from the beginning (iii) to 10 bytes behind the current position of file –pointer

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(iv) to 15 bytes ahead of current position of file pointer

37. What is the difference between “w” and “a” modes?

38. What is an Exception? When is Exception Handling required?

39. What is the purpose of the finally clause of a try-catch-finally statement?

40. When do you need multiple except handlers –exception catching blocks?

41. Declare a class to represent fixed-deposit account of 5 customers, with the following data members: Name of the depositor, Account Number, Time Period (1 or 3 or 5 years), Amount. The class also contains following member functions:

(a) To initialize data members. (b) For withdrawal of money (after half of the time period has passed) (c) To display the data members.

42. Predict the output and justify your answer: class base: def __init__(self,arg): self.v1=arg class derived(base): def __init__(self,arg): self.v2=arg obj=derived(10) print obj.v1, obj.v2

The output is:

a. None None b. None 10- incorrect c. 10 None d. 10 10 e. Error is generated by program

43. Write a program to implement a stack for book-details (bookno, book name). That is now, each item node of the stack contains two types of information- bookno and name. Implement the above using push and display operation.

44. A file sports.dat contains information in following format: Event – Participant. Write a function that would read contents from file sports.dat and creates a file named Athletic. dat copying only those records from sports.dat where the event name is “Athletics”.

45. Imagine a ticket booth at a fair. People passing by are requested to purchase a ticket. A ticket is priced as Rs. 2.50/-. The booth keeps track of the number of people that have visited and of the total amount of money collected. Model this ticket selling booth with a class called ticbooth including following

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members: Data Members: Number of people visited

Total amount of money collected

Members Functions: To assign initial values (assign 0 to both data members)

To increment only people total in case ticket is not sold out

To increment people total as well as amount total if a ticket is sold out To display the two totals

To display the number of tickets sold out (a tricky one)

Include a program to test this class. 46. Define a class represent a book in a library. Include the following members:

Data Members: Book Number

Book Name




No. of copies

No. of copies issued

Members Functions: To assign initial values

To issue a book after checking for its availability (Increment No. of copies) To return a book (Decrement No. of copies)

To display book information 47. Define a class ITEMINFO in Python with the following description:

Data Members: ICode (Item Code)

Item (Item Name)

Price (Price of each item)

Qty (quantity in stock)

Discount (Discount percentage on the item)

Netprice (Final Price)

Members Functions: A member function FindDisc( ) to calculate discount as per the

following rule: If Qty<=10 Discount is 0 If Qty (11 to 20) Discount is 15 If Qty>=20 Discount is 20

A constructor( __init__ method) to assign the value with 0 for ICode, Price, Qty, Netprice and Discount and null for Item respectively.

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A function Buy( ) to allow user to enter values for ICode, Item, Price, Qty and call function FindDisc( ) to calculate the discount and Netprice(Price*Qty-Discount). A Function ShowAll( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members.

48. Declare the base class 'employee' with employee's number, name, designation, address, phone number. Define and declare the function getdata() and putdata() to get the employee's details and print employee's details. Declare the derived class salary with basic pay, DA, HRA, Gross pay, PF, Income tax and Net pay. Declare and define the function getdata1() to call getdata() and get the basic pay. Define the function calculate() to find the net pay. Define the function display() to call putdata() and display salary details . Create the derived class object. Read the number of employees. Call the function getdata1() and calculate() to each employees. Call the display() function.

49. Create a binary file with the name CUSTOMER.DAT having the record structure for class student:

Customer No. Numeric Customer Type Character (Preferred/not preferred) Name Record with in a record(first, last and middle name) Address string[50] Phone_no string [7] balance float Bill_date Record within a record (dd/mm/yy)

Print a "Customer Status Report" using the above file as input. Write a menu driven program to print - A report of all customers - A line only for those customers who have a balance greater than Rs. 10,000 while other customers are ignored along with the customer no., name, phone no. And balance due.

50. Create a binary file Student containing students records having their name, roll no., and marks in Computer science. Write procedures to perform the following: (i) Display all names along with their marks.

(ii) Insert a student record at the appropriate rollno. (iii) Delete a particular student.