holiday homework - · research more...


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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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(2015 - 16)



1. Read the book ‘Little Women’ by the author Louisa May Alcott or any other book on ‘Women’

a. Prepare a Book Club Weekly magazine (5-6 pages) that includes the following:

i) Write its book review (Critics corner) in 200 words.

ii) Write an interview of the main character of the story in 200 words.

iii) As a newspaper reporter, interview women in your locality and write about their

life and struggles.

iv) Make an advertisement for a play based on this book to be staged in your school.


Give a title to your weekly magazine

Design an illustrative cover

Include a column for the President of the Book Club through which he/she can address

the readers and declare your chosen book as the book of the week.

Make a table of contents. You may add some fun activities like crosswords, sudoku,

jumbled words, etc.

The book review must be able to persuade the reader of the weekly to read the book.

b. Which of the character of the story appeals you the most with and why? Write his/her character

sketch in about 250 words.

c. Value Based Activity:

In the novel, March sisters decide that instead of buying presents for themselves on

Christmas, they will buy presents for their mother. When was the last time you bought a gift

for your parents? What was it and why did you select it? Express in about 100 words.


1. Watch the English movie ‘Pearl Harbour’ or any other movie based on ‘War’.

a. Make a power point presentation on the following heads-

i. Theme of the movie

ii. Reviews of the movie

iii. Star Cast (Did the cast justify their roles? If not the mention the stars that could have

been used in the movie)

iv. Technical aspects

v. The situation of the people in those times

b. Research more about the real life servicemen who actually are the heroes of Pearl

Harbor. Write a report in about 250 words on the exceptional work of courage displayed by

any one of them.

c. Write a plot for the sequel of the movie in about 150 words.

d. Value Based Activity:

History shows us that intolerance only causes harm. Violence and hate are never solutions to

anger. India and Pakistan are forever on the brink of war. Suggest ways to promote trust,

brotherhood and peace between the two nations. Explain in about 200 words why peace is more

valuable than victory in war?

Time Required: ½ Hrs. x 5 days


1. Cricket World Cup 2015 had been the latest craze among everyone for the past 3-4 months.

Research on the same and do the following activity:

(a) Draw bar graphs, comparing the runs scored by different players of at least three teams.

(b) Draw pie charts to represent number of top scorers from different countries.

(c) Draw histogram to represent the runs scored by each team in the final match in different overs,

taking class intervals as 0 – 2, 2 – 4, on x – axis and run scored on y – axis.

2. You plan to set up a Sports Academy and need to purchase sports kits for the same. Set your

budget for the same.

a. Make a list of items you need to purchase for the kit (Example: The sports kit for Badminton

should include rackets, shuttle cork, wristbands etc.).

b. Visit at least three stores from where you can purchase the things you need. Make a note of

their costs, discounts offered, taxes you have to pay etc. and represent it in the tabular form

given below:


of the



of the


Cost of



Discount Sale


Quantity Sub






Select any two sports from the following:



Table Tennis


3. Value Based Activity:

A sport is a fusion of body and soul. What are the values which sports and games inculcate in

us and how are they useful for students? Express in about 250 words.

Time Required: ½ Hrs. x 5 days


1. Water conservation is the need of the hour and is critical if we hope to thrive as a civilization.

a. Conduct a survey on the amount of water consumed and water filtration techniques used

in ten houses in your locality. Based on the survey, fill the data in the given format.



No of







amount per


Per head consumption=Billing

amount per month/No of members

b. Analyse the data and conduct research work to suggest the various techniques of water

conservation. Prepare a report in about 250 words on the same highlighting water

conservation methods for:

The Household

Agriculture (Irrigation)


c. Address a formal typed letter on A4 size sheet to each household giving a list of suggestions

through which they can save water. Paste a copy of the letter in the survey report.


1. Ecology is the science of the relationships between organisms and their environments.

Sometimes it is also called, the economy of nature.

a. A single tree can provide food and shelter to many living organisms including birds,

insects and other plants. Conduct an ecological study of a tree.


i.Select any flowering tree in your area. Record all the living species found within 10m

of the tree in every direction.

ii.Observe the inter-relationship between the tree and the living organisms on it. Is the

living organism dependent on the tree and vice-versa?

iii.What will happen to the animals and plants that are dependent on the tree if .l the tree

is cut down?

Tabulate your observations in the following manner.











MICROHABITAT Holes in the tree






ADAPTATIONS Strong beak,

Frugivore diet

SEASON Spring, Summer

FOOD Fruits

NESTING Holes in trees

ROLE OF TREE Food, Shelter



MICROHABITAT Tree branches


ADAPTATIONS Acute sense of smell, Patagia membrane from body to limb that forms a wing like extension, use echolocation to navigate

SEASON Fruiting

FOOD Fruits

ROLE OF TREE in the cycle of animal

Food and roosting site

b. Biodiversity is the cornerstone of our existence on Earth. Biodiversity conservation is

about saving life on Earth in all its forms and keeping natural ecosystems functioning and


Prepare an informative science journal (5-6 pages) titled ‘The Ecological Times’

highlighting the objectives, need, ways etc. to conserve biodiversity. Supplement it with

pictures of birds, plants etc. found in your locality. Write about the status of parks in your

area and how do they support biodiversity. Illustrate it with picture and cartoons.

2. Value Based Activity:

Write any one instance when you had taken measures to conserve a resource? Express in 200


Time Required: ½ Hrs. x 6days


1. Since its beginning the cinema has remained the most powerful media for mass communication in

India. Cinema has the ability to combine entertainment with communication of ideas. It has the

potential appeal for its audience. Cinema presents an image of the society in which it is born and the

hopes, aspirations, frustration and contradictions present in any given social order.

View at least 2 feature films of different periods in Hindi or regional languages.

a. Prepare a power point presentation on “Trends in Cinema in 20th /21th Century in India”

highlighting the following points:

The change in the depiction of various parental characters over the years in the films.

Give two examples of the changing values that the films reflect.

An overview of the good and not so good effect of cinema on society.

b. Make posters of both the movies to bring about a contrast on their characters.

c. Write lyrics of your favorite song from the movie giving reasons why you like it so much.

Present your project in a neat folder with a collage of images from the movie as book cover.

The project report should be of 10-15 pages.

2. Value Based Activity:

Which is your favourite movie? What moral value did the movie inculcate in you? Express in

about 200 words


1. India is the home to large number of indigenous people, who are still untouched by the

lifestyle of the modern world. With more than 84.4 million, India has the largest population

of the tribal people in the world. These tribal people also known as the adivasi's are the

poorest in the country, who are still dependent on hunting, agriculture and fishing.

a. The tribal people have their own culture, tradition, language and lifestyle. Some of

the major tribal groups in India include Gonds, Santhals, Khasis, Angamis, Bhils, Bhutias

and Great Andamanese Make a project file in about 250 words on the life of any three tribes

focusing on the following points:

i. Their customs.

ii.Their lifestyle.

iii. Their means of livelihood and interaction with neighbouring places.

iv.Steps taken by the government to improve their condition.

v. Interesting facts about them.

Supplement your project report with pictures.

2. Value Based Activity:

Every child in this world is not lucky to enjoy the privileges and comfort that you do. This

year on Diwali how would you like to contribute to the smile of one such underprivileged

child? Express in about 200 words.

Time Required: ½ Hrs. x 5 days


1. Write a letter on an A4 size coloured sheet in French to your French friend who lives in France,

telling him/her about any one French story that you have read recently.

a) Make a cross word puzzle in French related to the vocabulary that you have read in that story.

b) Write a dialogue in French between you and your friend about the book you have read. Write

the conversation having 5 dialogues of each person.

Links for the French stories:,,,


1. On A3 coloured sheet make a colourful newspaper in French “LA REVUE des lectures”. Write

news and article in French related to the following:

a) Create a story with illustrations.

Create an original piece of writing like:



cartoon strip

b) word game/ quiz to enhance vocabulary skills

c) Support the news and articles with colourful pictures.

2. Value Based Activity:

What did you enjoy the most while performing your activity? What did you learn from it? How

has it made you a better person? Express in 200 words.

Time Required: ½ Hrs. x 5 days


1. A design project that focuses on interior designing can be both fun as well as challenging. Choose an area for makeover, such as a school reception or multipurpose hall. Draw plans and pictures to illustrate the plans you have for the space, or create these plans with design software programs on the computer. Choose furniture and wall colors for the space as well as any accessories or decor items. Use Google sketchup, photoshop, paint or coreldraw software for your assignment.

NOTE: Submit the printouts in a folder.