
Name: Hollow Alias(es): Holly; birth name unknown Age: 20 Species: Ninja-Demon Height: 5'11" Weight: Unknown Build: Toned, but slender. C-cup breasts. Hair: Short and purple. Worn in a ponytail in civilian disguise. Eyes: Deep crimson, hawk-like. Inherited from her demonic bloodline. Skin: Pale Other physical traits: Her incisors are small, sharp fangs, which she makes an effort to keep hidden. Nationality: Unknown Currently lives: Ninja clan base Languages known: Many, though at varying levels of fluency. Profession: Shinobi Clothing: Her ninja outfit is almost entirely a dark purple (which blends into darkness exceedingly well), and is so baggy that her gender when wearing it is impossible to determine from her appearance. The legs are baggier than the rest of the outfit and, while fastened at the ankle, bear slits along the sides of each leg which reveal only darkess within, giving the impression that her outfit is actually empty. Her forearms are wrapped with black fabric, which also binds the bases of her black gloves, and her mask consists of separate top and bottom parts, so that she may expose her mouth to eat (it's not necessary for her to, but she prefers it), and has a silver band along her forehead. The outfit leaves her eyes in shadow by default, but she can make them glow at will. In her civilian disguise, which she assumes the majority of her free time, she tends to prefer non-hindering dresses, having exposed arms, and simple shoes. For these reasons, her favored job to apply for when attempting to get close to a target is that of a maid. Likes: Cute things, moderately sweet foods, fairness.

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Post on 19-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Hollow

Name: Hollow

Alias(es): Holly; birth name unknown

Age: 20

Species: Ninja-Demon

Height: 5'11"

Weight: Unknown

Build: Toned, but slender. C-cup breasts.

Hair: Short and purple. Worn in a ponytail in civilian disguise.

Eyes: Deep crimson, hawk-like. Inherited from her demonic bloodline.

Skin: Pale

Other physical traits: Her incisors are small, sharp fangs, which she makes an effort to keep hidden.

Nationality: Unknown

Currently lives: Ninja clan base

Languages known: Many, though at varying levels of fluency.

Profession: Shinobi

Clothing: Her ninja outfit is almost entirely a dark purple (which blends into darkness exceedingly well), and is so baggy that her gender when wearing it is impossible to determine from her appearance. The legs are baggier than the rest of the outfit and, while fastened at the ankle, bear slits along the sides of each leg which reveal only darkess within, giving the impression that her outfit is actually empty. Her forearms are wrapped with black fabric, which also binds the bases of her black gloves, and her mask consists of separate top and bottom parts, so that she may expose her mouth to eat (it's not necessary for her to, but she prefers it), and has a silver band along her forehead. The outfit leaves her eyes in shadow by default, but she can make them glow at will.

In her civilian disguise, which she assumes the majority of her free time, she tends to prefer non-hindering dresses, having exposed arms, and simple shoes. For these reasons, her favored job to apply for when attempting to get close to a target is that of a maid.

Likes: Cute things, moderately sweet foods, fairness.

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Dislikes: Cruelty, loss, bitter flavours.

Favorite colours: Purple and yellow

Favorite food/drink: Unknown Catchphrase(s): Silence

Personality: Hollow is extremely shy, compassionate and kind, which her fellow clan members consider weaknesses. Though her loyalty to the clan is great and she has never failed them or betrayed their customs, her will is very strong, and they dare not risk the loss of such a valuable asset by assigning her tasks she would disapprove of, such as assassinations. This reluctance is compounded by her great skill in finding loopholes in her instructions, which she would surely use to obey her orders without violating her own moral code were it necessecary.

Hollow desires someone with which she can form a close relationship, but due to her clan's strict policies, would need to form a contract with anyone outside of her clan to do so, making them her servant. Finding a person who would agree to this would be a difficult task on its own, but it is much harder for Hollow due to her difficulty approaching people and the common result of them fearing her when she does. Those inside her clan are familiar with one another, but are made to avoid any kinship.

When on a mission she has no objections to, Hollow is extremely focused and direct; handling the assignment as quickly as possible while still holding back whenever necessary. She does this so that she may leave the area before forming any attachments it would be painful to turn her back on, which she may with anything from a brief addresser to a stray dog. Despite her efforts, were she to encounter an innocent under attack, she would undoubtedly risk compromising herself to aid them, though no more than is necessary.

Despite this, her professionalism makes her a terror to encounter, as she will swiftly and apparently ruthlessly incapacitate anything that stands between her and her mission objectives. To an outsider, Hollow appears to be a remorseless hunter with no hesitation or weakness, merely a vague sense of honor.

Abilities: Due to her ninja training, Hollow is extremely fast, patient, and knowledgeable about natural and societal topics, as well as the arts of manipulation. She also has control of her functional weight, which she can reduce to the point where running on water is a simple task, and access to a wide variety of magic-invoking hand signs. While she has significant skill with many weapon types, both martial and improvised, she prefers to fight unarmed, both to minimize harm to her opponents and to not be reliant on concealed weapons or her environment. She is able to fight while remaining completely silent, with even her kiais being performed soundlessly.

The ninja of her particular clan hone an ability to sense and identify certain "wavelengths" given off by living things, which is a major component of the magic they use. With this ability, she is not only aware of the presence and location of any untrained individuals, but also, vaguely, their mentality and emotional state. She is also able to

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scribe any of the various contracts employed by her clan to form magical ties between people or objects, which often require some channelling of this ability to be used properly. Hollow's mastery of waves is exceptional among her peers, but far from absolute. Any living being or even machinery is capable of sensing the "waves" if they're intense enough, which is why Hollow's silent kiais, in addition to tensing her muscles properly, still startle opponents. She is able to concentrate, conceal, and expel her own presence in a sudden burst, which can also remove various afflictions on or near her body's surface, such as dusts or untriggered magical marks.

Hollow's specialties lie in evasion and efficiency. Through a combination of physical maneuvers, speed, agility, wave abilities and illusions, she is nigh-impossible to capture in any circumstance, save perhaps when she is submerged. Even when in her civilian disguise, she is able to make her presence outstandingly mundane, so as to avoid acknowledgement or even notice, even when in plain sight. When noticed, her secondary approach is intimidation, which she can amplify with a variety of abilities, including a jutsu of her own contrivance which gives her voice the sound of wind blowing through an empty suit.

Besides her trained abilities, her species affords her various unique intrinsic skills and affinities. Her species of demon has been closely affiliated with ninjitsu for such a long time that it has become incorporated into their evolution, and so all of the traits most beneficial to a ninja are enhanced in her to varying degrees. She is stronger, faster, much more flexible, more observant, and a faster learner of techniques and relevant information than a human of her size and age would be with the same training. She is also significantly more physically intimidating. She can make herself even more fearsome by manipulating the waves she gives off and acting the part, but she is incapable of coming off as completely harmless when focused upon. For this reason just as much as her shyness, she keeps attention off of herself wherever possible.

Her unique demonic abilities range from physical attributes, such as her fangs and ability to make her eyes glow, to various sensitivities and spells only she possesses. Her demonic skills are mostly undeveloped, so it is unknown if she would have more or stronger abilities were she formally trained to use them.

Weapon of Choice: Though she generally avoids using weapons, Hollow carries kunai as her only projectile weapon, though she could fit them with other items to enhance their effectiveness. Wherever possible, she opts to use them as tools, rather than to harm, and when using them as weapons, she applies a paralytic or sedative to them wherever possible in hopes of incapacitating foes before they must be harmed.

Other Tools: Hollow is able to keep many items within her suit, on the inside of her belt, and occasionally under her mask. Though she seldom needs to use them, smoke bombs are among these items, as are grenades, spell tags, any equipment she deems necessary, and a few raw items from which she can improvise new tools. On special occasions, she will carry a simple backpack the same colour as her outfit to bring along larger items, such as weapons or an object to be delivered.

Fighting capability: As a ninja, born and trained, Hollow is an extremely adept fighter; a trait she uses as little as possible. When forced to fight, she uses quick, debilitating strikes

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to incapacitate foes with minimal damage. She is an expert in grappling, but generally only uses this defensively, making her nigh-impossible to grab hold of against her will. She favors gripping opponents by the neck when the option presents itself to both intimidate and incapacitate while inflicting little actual harm.

Tactics: Hollow is extremely intelligent and resourceful regarding both conversation and combat, often preferring to deflect, redirect, and move between obstacles from either. Wherever possible, she avoids any direct confrontation, and she often works as quickly as possible without being hasty to this end.

Family: All biological relatives presumed dead. Allies: The ninja of her clan.

Enemies: None.

Biography: The circumstances of Hollow's birth and abandonment are a mystery yet to be unravelled, but she was discovered as an infant wrapped in a purple cloak, the signature garment of her lineage, by a highly respected jōnin in a tranquil, forested part of a mountain. Despite expectations, this jōnin developed no deep attachment to the child and simply brought her to their clan's leader, where it was decided that she would become one of them. The jōnin was offered the opportunity to retire from field work and serve as an instructor to many, including the young Hollow, but he declined. On his next major mission, he was reported to have died, though there was no confirmation.

The inside of Hollow's cloak was found to have several inscriptions on the inside, which revealed her to be from a demonic bloodline. Her name was taken from what little of the writing could be translated, and when she came of age, she used the cloak as the base for creating her own outfit. It comprises the chest, and in no encounter has it ever taken damage.

Like the other youths in the clan, Hollow had little social life and little past to associate herself with. The advantage to this was that her demonic heritage was given no opportunity to make her an outcast, but it still managed to make her feared. Despite their best efforts, countless classmates showed signs of fear when confronting her in combat and were punished for such emotion, the consequence of which was them resenting her in silence.

Despite the harshness of their day-to-day life, each ninja had irrevocable time to themselves. Surveiling all students at once was impossible, and there was little room for or history of unwanted consequences to this reflection time, so the clan allowed it. The majority of young ninja either took this opportunity to rest or train further in some form, but Hollow used it to familiarize herself with the emotions her training failed to iron out of her. Books, sometimes borrowed, but often covertly stolen from the clan's library, were her greatest companion during her adolescence, and paved the way to her deep mastery of evasion and espionage.

Hollow's actions were eventually discovered, but by that time even the most observant of jōnin had to confront the fact that a mere child had decieved them. No punishment would be able to undo the girl's triumphs over them, nor would it be likely to

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convince her to change her ways, so the clan sought an alternative solution. What they eventually concluded was that a rebellious spirit made an excellent motivator, and following an interrogation which doubled as Hollow's punishment, made the library as desirable as possible and lessened the penalties for being caught infiltrating it. The alteration was met with great improvement in the various stealth-related abilities of students.

On her 18th birthday, Hollow was issued her first major assignment, beginning her record of outstanding accomplishment.