hollywood assignment


Upload: amanda270696

Post on 23-Jun-2015




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  • 1. The Scene

2. Analysis of Scene Sure enough Wile E. Coyote never had any luck catching the Road Runner. Given his poor placement, you would think he would have moved to a safer distance. But even with these cartoon antics involved, it is a display of what bad physics looks like. 3. Diagram Rock being launched Oblivious coyote 4. Physics Concept From what was gathered in the scene, Wile E. had unfortunately experienced the concept of Projectile Motion at an angle. Although the comic-relief wasnt so kind to him, it can actually be calculated with the help of kinematics and the angle given to find whether Wile e Coyote would have caught a break in the real world! dy=V1y*t+1/2a*t^2 Vx=dx/t 5. Data collection The video was analyzed on Logger Pro from where the following data was collected: -Initial Velocity (tangent of the first two points) -Total time from launch to impact. -Height of the object in respective to the landing point (dy) Research showed the average length of a coyote was 0.34m, this was set as the scale of the video. 6. -Launching angle (estimate) *error percent was less than 1.2% 7. Calculations 8. When analyzing the video there were a few errors that made the outcome not 100% accurate: -Measurement errors: most of the measuring done was through Logger Pro, with the pixeling of the video and having to eyeball where exactly was a starting point or an ending one some digits might have been lost or gained. -Scale error: the scale set for this video was based on the average length of a coyote, however there is no guarantee that Wile E Coyote is accurately drawn to the average proportions. -Environment assumption: the analysis of the video is based on the assumption that there is no air resistance and that this is happening on planet earth. If the cartoons live in a different planet with a different force of gravity then the outcome might have been true. 9. SoooGood or ? Assuming there was no air resistance and the force of gravity was 9.81m/s/s, then Wile e Coyote would have had some luck. The horizontal range would not have been enough to reach him. Bad Physics