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AD PO Box 3300 Adelaide 5067 Australia Mob: 61+401692057 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.adelaideinstitute.org ______________________________ Holo Two big historical lies DELAIDE INSTITUTE Online ISSN 1440-9828 October 2011 No 592 ______________________________________ ocaust-Shoah and 9/11: perverting the course of Un 1 _____________________ niversal Justice!

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Two big historical lies perverting the course of Universal


Adelaide 5067 Online

Australia ISSN 1440-9828

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October 2011 No 592


Holocaust-Shoah and 9/11:

Two big historical lies perverting the course of Universal



Two big historical lies perverting the course of Universal Justice!

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A recent repeat in Libya – saturation bombing to effect regime

change and liberate a people from a ruthless dictatorship through

freedom and democracy, thereby securing control over natural

resources n eeded b y countries operating under predatory


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A controlled global media set on creating the hedonistic-nihilistic consumer society where

predatory capitalism helps close down our human potential, where addiction to ‘feeling

good’ reigns supreme, where independent thinking is criminalised.

Anyone not liked and regarded by Jews as a threat to their base world-view defending is

defamed as a: hater, Holocaust denier, anti-Semite, racist, Nazi, xenophobe, terrorist.

Remember, those who use such labels to shut down a conversation are themselves prisoners

of a mindset that fears truth and any other transcendental civilising values, which would

require them to think things through and to give up huff-and-puff bully tactics or playing the

victim when the battle-of-the-wills is against them.

Anyone seeking to retain a civilized life-style where measures of autarky have been

achieved, and where liberation from things Jewish has occurred, will feel the blowtorch of

smear tactics and legal persecution.

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Refined and sophisticated discourse, though sold as an interest, is feared by Jews who

cannot help but always fall into the Freudian trap of base motives. Just watch the trash

coming out of Hollywood and you’ll realize that there is always some toilet-sexual scene that

reflects how fearful Jews are of transcendental quests for truth and beauty.

And still Töben reminds us: Don’t blame the Jews; blame those that bend to their pressure.

The delusional mindset that carries the Holocaust mythology is well-expressed by Abraham H. Foxman,

National Director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, New York, in ADL On the Frontline,

January 1994, page 2:

"The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of

genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God's chosen children and, thus, on

God Himself."


The Galileo syndromeTELL THE TRUTH AND GO TO JAIL! 14/08/2009

(Note for those who have an American public school

education: Galileo Galilei was an Italian polymath who

actually founded the scientific method. When he

became the first human to formally propose that the

Earth orbited the Sun, which was contrary to the fables

of the Catholic church that ruled the world in the late

1600s, he spent the rest of his life under house arrest.

Our beloved Holy Mother the Church apologized 400

years later.)

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Paul was persecuted by Jewish officials for telling the

truth to the Galileeans, just as those who declare

historical truth and warn of the Jewish plans for the

world conquest are persecuted today. In his letter he

asks the question: “Have I become your enemy

because I tell the truth?” (Luther Bible, 1912,

Galileeans 4:16)

— Revisionist Clarion, 2009

“For the nation that will not serve you shall perish, it

shall be utterly ruined.” (Isaiah 60:13) How foolish are

the non-Jews who do not take these threats seriously!

The powerful Jews, the global money lords, live by

these rules and follow them exactly. Once more it has

become unmistakably clear that they do not have a bad

conscience when they deceive and rob us… When they

commit robbery and murder, they are but following the

commandments of their god!

— Horst Mahler, 2009

How many people thrown in jail for trying to tell the

truth will it take 'til we know that too many people

passively accept the deliberate lies we’ve been

manipulated into believing?

Like rotting fruit hanging off a diseased tree, examples

are rife — 9/11. Iraq. Afghanistan. Gaza. Chemtrails

changing the physical composition of humans. Dead

microbiologists and the swine flu vaccine mass murder

caper. Fixed vote counting. Our food supply is

deliberately contaminated by known poisons. The

bailout a robbery to exceed all others, just like what

happened to Rome.

Mainstream media, tasked with numbing the minds of

all they mislead, pretend not to recognize that these

issues are all phony spin concealing ulterior purposes,

and by doing so, work to suffocate the consciousness of

everyone in the world.

All these wrenching public events are false stories

foisted on a gullible public for the purpose of, at best,

fleecing them. These are the lies that rule the world,

and kill people in real time. The New York Times is not

a newspaper; it is the dispenser of Jewish information,

designed to cripple and maim societies until they bleed

or starve to death. As such, it has done more harm to

ordinary people than any other publication in history.

(See its endorsement of Woodrow Wilson after the

Federal Reserve Act passed.)

But the number one example — the issue over which

more innocent, truth-telling people have been

imprisoned than any other — is the Holocaust, that

Jewish public relations gambit to get people to feel

sorry for the Jews by exploiting the suffering of their

own people, gaining control of political and legal

systems, and passing laws that command everyone to

feel sorry for the Jews. (Not to mention reaping billions

in reparations!) This effectively conceals or at least

deflects discussion about any information about crimes

committed by Jews.

That the Madoff ripoff of billions of dollars and the

kidney-selling rabbis of New Jersey got mainstream

media coverage is a clear indication that this Jewish

behavior was so horrible that not even the anti-

Semitism card could conceal it, although Ha’aretz, the

Israeli daily newspaper, did actually play it.

Our situation is much worse than the harsh futures

Orwell and Huxley contemplated. You will be told what

to believe or else. You will love the Jews, even as they

rob and kill you.

The new Holocaust religion is the thought-control

device that enables all the other lies to remain in place

amongst the dulled minds of the anesthetized populace.

The latest casualty of laws that criminalize speech

against the Jews is Fredrick Töben, the revisionist

professor, jailed in Australia for publicizing versions of

history that Jews find offensive — like, Hitler didn’t gas

anyone and no soap was made out of Jewish corpses.

People were not thrown into “lakes of fire,” as Nobel

prizewinner Elie Wiesel reported, so emblematic of the

fabricated Jewish hysteria so widely publicized by

Jewish-owned media.

Töben joins a long line of people of integrity merely

reporting their empirical findings of history, who were

summarily thrown into jail because their study of what

really happened revealed the mainstream Jewish

version of World War II to be as fictional as current

policies, practices and perspectives in U.S. media so

vividly demonstrate.

Ernst, Sylvia and Horst

Of all the unjust imprisonments, the sorry tale of Ernst

Zündel has to rank at the top. Kidnapped from his

home in Tennessee by federal agents, he has spent the

last eight years in one prison or another in one country

or another for publishing information that has since

been proven to be true. Although due for release next

year from Mannheim Prison, Zündel and his wife have

no country in which to feel secure, because the Jewish

octopus of kangaroo courts has wrapped its demonic

tentacles around virtually every so-called nation in the

world, and his wife Ingrid is charged with many of the

same crimes as Ernst supposedly committed, like

“defaming the memory of the dead.”

Zündel endured two show trials in Jewish-controlled

Canada back in the 1980s and was acquitted, but the

Jewish harassment against him never stopped. The

original offense he supposedly committed was

publishing “Did Six Million Really Die?” by a writer

named Richard Harwood. The plaque at Auschwitz has

recently been changed from 4 million to 1.4 million,

making the 6 million figure a mathematical

impossibility, and proving the truth of Harwood’s title.

But Zündel remains in jail, as do all those other

principled individuals who have by scholarship and

honesty fully debunked the shamefully twisted Jewish

version of World War II.

Even more ridiculous and sinister than Zündel’s

continuing punishment is the jail sentence being served

by his lawyer, Sylvia Stolz, who was convicted of

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uttering forbidden information in her attempt to defend


Stolz is known for telling the corrupt German Jewish

judge what she really felt:

“What about you — are you Germans? “German” stands

for honor and steadfastness! Think of Deutsche Treue!

Nobody can call what is going on in this court as

“honorable.” In this court, the only “justice” is inspired

by the Talmud!”

Sentenced to three years for merely defending her

client, Stolz told the court:

"If my actions bring a little more light into this dark

hour for Germany, then I will gladly go to prison! It

does not bother me that I am officially ridiculed and

insulted by this despicable court and atrocious

government... My high and mighty judges, you are

convicting yourselves, not me."

Imagine, in this world, a court that denies reason and

truth in favor of what it has prejudged to be the truth,

and nothing more may be discussed about it, on

penalty of the law. This is the new Jewish justice that

rules the world.

As heart rending as the long slow torture of Zundel and

Stolz has been, the jailing of Horst Mahler shows the

sheer cruelty of sadistic Jewish judges trying to

maintain their Talmudic mindlock on the world at large.

Mahler, 73, was given a six-year sentence. At his age,

likely a death sentence, capital punishment for trying to

tell the truth.

His initial statement to the court went like this:

I respond to the question of why I am doing this with

an observation by Prof. Robert Faurisson, the famous

French revisionist and expert on the subject of the

legends surrounding homicidal gas chambers.

These legends form the very heart of the “Holocaust”

cult or religion.

The following quotation appeared in the newspaper La

Montagne on 8 January 2009:

“The Zionist-American axis has bombed German

children with phosphorus, bombed the Japanese with

atomic bombs, bombed Vietnamese children with Agent

Orange and bombed Iraki children with depleted

uranium. It is high time that the defeated, humiliated

and slandered of the world strike back, and I have been

doing this for many years with the “atom bomb of the


That is Historical Revisionism.

Revisionism is a weapon that kills and disfigures no


It destroys nothing but lies, slanders defamation, and

the myth of “Shoa” along with its horrible “Shoa

Business” that is so dear to the likes of Bernard Madoff,

Elie Wiesel, all those “miraculously rescued” survivors

of “Holocaust” and the murderers of the children of




Mahler figured his jailing was just another case of

“individuals who choose historical correctness over

political correctness must be silenced through use of

the criminal laws.”

The Revisionist Clarion reported it this way.

Mahler has never suggested that ordinary individual

Jews are Germany’s enemies, however.

He is referring to Jewish law, especially the Old

Testament or Tora, which designates the whole non

Jewish world as its enemy.

Mahler emphasizes that since the Jewish ruling elite

consider us their enemy, we must take their hostile

views into consideration.

The Zionist controlled German media all agree on one

point: Mahler must not be allowed to express defense

arguments in court.

Can truth be made law?

The law is the law, but the truth is the truth.

How could it be that casting doubt of the Jewish version

of events in World War II — a twisted version of it that

was not even invented until the 1960s, while the war

took place in the 1940s — is a crime in all these

Jewish-controlled countries such as the United States,

Britain and Germany?

The answer is the brutal truth of human existence.

They control everything. The money, the media,

medicine, and especially the court system. Not a single

district attorney in America dared to convene a grand

jury to investigate the 9/11 coverup, despite the

overwhelming evidence that has been thoroughly

disseminated despite the mainstream media blackout.

Jewish kingpins planned and executed 9/11 and Bush

and Cheney went along for the ride. Not a peep of that

possibility in mainstream media, or at least not yet,

after eight years.

In the same vein, even mainstream media never wrote

about a “holocaust” until the 1960s, nothing by World

War II leaders Eisenhower, Churchill and Stalin (all of

whom, BTW, were Jewish) about “gassings,” and no

paperwork left by the meticulous Germans about plans

to exterminate anyone. The dead at the end of the war

were principally killed by starvation and typhus, caused

by American bombing of the German supply lines. Many

photos of emaciated victims and corpses displayed as

Jewish were actually of German dead with changed


There have never been greater crimes than the nuking

of two Japanese cities and the firebombing of innocent

war refugees in Dresden. Why is it that less than a

century later, all we can remember is so-called Jewish

descendants seeking to be paid for the suffering of their


What is there so special about Jews that we can’t talk

about them openly? Since the time of Cicero, we’ve had

to whisper about them for fear of them. Such

sentiments were also attributed to the character of


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The answer should be clear to anyone who has studied

the problem for any length of time.

It is because they are constantly and perpetually

robbing us, literally (more than you know) stealing us

blind. And as a result, we ARE blind. We can’t see

anything they do without seeking alternative sources,

because their control of the media is nearly total.

From school to TV to movies to magazines, the

message is: “Don’t believe. Screw your neighbor. Sell

yourself. You’re worth nothing unless you do this.” And

kids buy it. James Dean types. Kids have always bought

it. That’s how Bernays got the women to smoke.

The billions of dollars that have been sucked out of so

many countries for “Holocaust reparations” is all a con

game, and people’s lives are being ruined simply for

saying so. Jewish control of the court systems in all

these countries is so complete that Colin Powell’s

preposterous notion that anyone who speaks badly

about Israel is anti-Semitic means that treason rules in

the people who run our government. In fact, there is no

U.S. government anymore; it is now a subsection of the

Western Corporate Kibbutz of the Jewish terror state in

occupied Palestine.

Now, the latest Jewish invention coming to the United

States in the form of our latest hate crime law is an

exciting new board game called “Tell the truth and go

to jail.”

It’s something all you Hebrew wannabes out there

should teach your children, especially on one of your

many holy days that celebrates the slaughter of non-


(Apologies for not mentioning George Hansen, James

Traficante, Dick Simkanin, Irwin Schiff and Nancy and

Ed Brown, all vivid examples of the Galileo syndrome,

along with so many other honest people — especially all

the other Revisionists doing time in Jewish jails — who

have paid the unfair price exacted by our Jewish

masters for simply telling the truth.)




James Petras

Empire or Republic: from Joplin, Missouri to Kabul, Afghanistan


On May 29, 2011, President Obama visited Joplin,

Missouri, the site of a devastating tornado that killed

140 and pronounced it a terrible “tragedy”. But were

the deaths the inevitable result of ‘natural events’

beyond the human intervention?

Coincidentally the same week Afghan President Karzai

condemned the killing of a family of 14 by a NATO

fighter bomber, running the total to several hundred

civilians killed so far this year and thousands over the


The relation between the civilian deaths in Joplin and

Afghanistan raises fundamental questions about the

priorities, character and direction of the US Empire and

the future of the American republic.

Geography of Tornados

Every year at least 20 major violent tornadoes – with

winds exceeding 200 mph – hit “tornado alley” and

beyond, including central Texas, northern Iowa, central

Kansas, Nebraska, western Ohio, Missouri, Indiana,

Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. Each and every

year at least sixty are killed and several hundred are

maimed and injured. This year, through May 2011,

over 519 have been killed, 25% of whom were in

mobile homes, almost three times as many as those in

standard houses.

In other words, these tornado-related deaths are

predictable, annual, and region-specific and have a

higher incidence among low income households.

Government agencies and academics have compiled

data banks and time series information mapping the

route, frequency and impact of tornadoes.

Information about the nature of killer tornadoes is

plentiful. Nevertheless deaths mount from year to year.

Fear and insecurity stalks the region’s most susceptible

to the violent whirlwinds, even as the Congress and

White House have increased personnel and funding for

‘Homeland Security’ twenty fold over the decade .The

current budget is over $180 billion. If we add the

deaths caused by other ‘natural’ disasters like the

flooding of New Orleans, the numbers of deaths are

staggering. What explains this perverse relation

between huge public funding for ‘homeland security’

and the increased insecurity of vulnerable Americans in

clearly identified danger zones?

The reason is clear: ‘Homeland Security’ (HS) is an

Orwellian misnomer. The agency is not concerned with

domestic, civilian, American security. HS is part of a

military-police response to imagined overseas threats,

which have not materialized or at least have not

produced deaths comparable to tornadoes and floods in

the last 11 years.

HS spends billions and employs thousands to

investigate, spy and harass citizens engaged in legal-

constitutional activities. HS and the Pentagon spend

tens of billions on overseas infrastructures – buildings,

bases, camps -and over 900 billion in arms. HS and

the Defense Department forcefully intervene militarily

throughout the world via overt and clandestine


To be precise HS intervenes offensively overseas,

attacking civilian targets, while it fails to engage

domestically to protect American civilians who are left

defenseless in the face of predictable natural disasters.

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HS and the Pentagon’s sustained violent overseas

operations are rejected and regarded as a hostile

imperial intervention by the civilians in those countries

adversely affected. In contrast, defenseless citizens in

the US would welcome large-scale intervention in the

form of community shelters, which would provide

survival, security, life-saving protection and financial

aid for rebuilding their lives. Moreover, Pentagon and

HS spending on overseas infrastructure, bases and

bombs results in deficits, whereas investments in

tornado and flood shelters would stimulate jobs, growth

and investment in the US.

The current activity of HS destroys lives abroad and

neglects survival at home: It has nothing to do with

our “homeland” and even less with our “security”. Five

percent of HS budget would have prevented many of

Joplin’s ‘tragedy’ (and saved us from Obama’s gaseous

oratory!) and the other 400 deaths from this year’s

crop of tornadoes.

Systemic Bases of Perpetual Domestic Neglect

Death from ‘natural’ events raises a fundamental

POLITICAL question: Why is the budget of Homeland

Security and the Pentagon directed overseas, toward

destructive, offensive, military activity rather than to

domestic, constructive, defensive activity to protect

American lives and productive economic activity?

The problem is systemic not due to some personal flaw

or political idiosyncrasy of the moment. The structures

of the US economy and military institutions are oriented

‘outwardly’ to conquering foreign financial markets and

building a military empire. The ideology which informs

strategic policymakers is imperial-centered not

republican: They do not speak of developing and

deepening the economy and security of ‘middle


Every member of the political and corporate elite talks

of ‘world’ or ‘global’ leadership – a thinly veiled

euphemism for the drive to sustain world dominance.

Within the imperial framework the entire ‘security’

budget is directed toward maintaining offensive military


No wonder there is a steep decline in all spheres of

domestic security – natural, social, personal, health and

employment –a phenomenon that proceeds with little

public debate. The only exception is when threats to

security impinge most directly and forcefully on a

significant sector of the population. For example,

witness the storm of protest from those directly

affected when the politicians moved to privatize social

security and Medicare.

Nevertheless, the entire political spectrum, the two

parties, the Congress and the White House over the

past 30 years, have created an artificial consensus in

which overseas wars, foreign aid to patrons (Israel) and

clients (Pakistan and Egypt) absorbs the greatest

percentage of budgetary spending. No political or

economic leadership has stepped forward to articulate

the obvious connection between global expansion and

domestic decay; to forcefully state that the

deterioration of the republic is a direct product of the

vast resources channeled into military and economic

empire building. Who on New York City’s Wall Street or

Washington’s Pentagon is going to even look at or

consider a ‘security plan’ with regard to the geography

of catastrophes – tornado alley covering a dozen states

and the floods and deaths that overwhelm the lowlands

from Montana to Louisiana?

Listen America:

Their message is loud and clear:

Small towns and trailer parks do not count! You have

your 2nd amendment (the ‘right to bear arms’), you

have your ‘small government’, and you have your

flags: ‘Wav ‘em and weep’ as tornadoes blow down

your houses and your sons and daughters return

wrapped in flags to the Battle Hymn of the Empire!


One might argue that community storm shelters won’t

break the Treasury or reverse the empire. More to the

point, their absence, from the federal, state and local

political agenda, is emblematic of the total

subordination of domestic America to imperial

Washington. The ‘cost’ of building community shelters

at the strip malls and trailer parks in Joplin, Missouri is

less than a regional training outpost in Kandahar,

Afghanistan. It is not a question of money.

Conquering Afghanistan villages enhances the prestige

of the Generals, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and NATO

officials. Can saving 145 lives in Joplin, Missouri match

that in terms of world politics or the politics of imperial


For Afghanistan, Washington builds a thousand military

shelters and bomb proof bunkers .For the Americans

living in tornado alley and the flood plains of the

Mississippi people must make do.

When you hear the tornado warning, it’s up to you. As

a proud, free American you can find a rock to crawl

under and say your prayer: the Federal government

and Homeland Security have the Endless, World-wide

War against Terror to fight and cannot be bothered by a

Joplin, Missouri nursing home in the path of a tornado.

We exaggerate: Obama will jet in and speak before the

cameras in solemn terms of the ‘tragedy’ and ‘courage’

of the people of Joplin... But will any local politician

stand up and speak truth to power? Most of these

deaths and (many more to come) are avoidable; under

a democratic American republic, the government

‘intervenes’ to provide protection, health and

employment for its people.

In the meantime, as the empire continues to grow it

destroys its own people, just like the sow that devours

its offspring.


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Hitler ordered Hess to Scotland

The Scotsman, Edinburgh — Claire Gardner &

Allan Hall

For seven decades it remained one of the enduring

mysteries of the Second World War. Why did Hitler's

deputy Rudolf Hess embark on his disastrous "peace

making" mission to Scotland? ... Now, a document has

been discovered in a Russian archive which suggests

Hess was following the orders of his Führer.


“conscience of the Movement,” Rudolf Hess is

shown standing beside the Führer at a Nuremberg

rally. New evidence reveals that Hitler hoped

peace could be reached with Great Britain.

I was Hess's guard in Spandau and I can't

believe he flew to Scotland without his Führer's


The Scotsman, Edinburgh — Clive Fairweather

Ever since I guarded him at Spandau Prison, I have

retained a fascination with Rudolf Hess's peace

flight and the truth behind it. I was a captain when I

guarded him at Spandau in the 1970s and later the

commanding officer of the Kings Own Scottish

Borderers, and responsible for demolishing the prison in

1987 after his death. ... My thoughts are that I can't

believe that Hess was acting alone. I find it implausible

that he loaded a Messerschmit with two additional fuel

drop tanks then flew from the bottom end of Germany,

across German airspace unchallenged, then across the

North Sea, and into British airspace without any

challenges about what he was doing.




Should the British Have Sunk the Bismarck?

Daily Mail, London

.. .. The son of one of the British sailors who saw

Bismarck's end. 70 years ago today has come forward

to claim that the battle might have ended very

differently - because the German crew tried to

surrender at the height of the bombardment ... Royal

Navy officers were made aware of the signs but were

VARIOUS ITEMS OF INTEREST– about the usual suspect!

Claire Gardner &

For seven decades it remained one of the enduring

mysteries of the Second World War. Why did Hitler's

deputy Rudolf Hess embark on his disastrous "peace-

making" mission to Scotland? ... Now, a document has

covered in a Russian archive which suggests

Hess was following the orders of his Führer.

Known as the

Rudolf Hess is

at a Nuremberg

New evidence reveals that Hitler hoped

peace could be reached with Great Britain.

I was Hess's guard in Spandau and I can't

believe he flew to Scotland without his Führer's

Clive Fairweather

at Spandau Prison, I have

retained a fascination with Rudolf Hess's peace-making

flight and the truth behind it. I was a captain when I

guarded him at Spandau in the 1970s and later the

commanding officer of the Kings Own Scottish

e for demolishing the prison in

1987 after his death. ... My thoughts are that I can't

believe that Hess was acting alone. I find it implausible

that he loaded a Messerschmit with two additional fuel

drop tanks then flew from the bottom end of Germany,

oss German airspace unchallenged, then across the

North Sea, and into British airspace without any


Should the British Have Sunk the Bismarck?

.. .. The son of one of the British sailors who saw

70 years ago today has come forward

to claim that the battle might have ended very

because the German crew tried to

surrender at the height of the bombardment ... Royal

Navy officers were made aware of the signs but were

determined to follow Winston Churchill's order to “sink

the Bismarck.” The Prime Minister wanted to avenge

the Hood, on which all but three of its 1,418 crew had

died. Had the Bismarck been captured, the lives of

hundreds of Germans could have been saved. The ship

would also have been a prized catch, giving Navy

engineers an insight into the design of Bismarck's

mighty sister ship, Tirpitz.





***Should William Joyce have been hanged?

Daily Express, London

.. .. An 82-year-old widow, Heather Landolo, the

daughter of William Joyce, the man nicknamed Lord

Haw-Haw by the Daily Express, is making an appeal to

the British authorities to have her father's guilty verdict

for high treason, for which he was executed in 1946,

overturned. Aged just 17 at his death, she has just put

her name to an application to the Criminal Cases

Review Commission (CCRC) ... Even at the time of his

hanging at Wandsworth Prison on January 3, 1946,

Joyce's conviction was controversial, owing to the

serious doubts about his nationality.




Britain pledges £2.1m. for Auschwitz preservation

Jerusalem Post — Jonny Paul

The British government announced that it will

contribute £2.1 million ($3.4 million US) to the

preservation of the Auschwitz

help ensure the lessons of Auschwitz live on for

generations to come. ... Primarily funded by the Foreign

Office and Department for Communities and Local

Government, the money will be used to ensure the

long-term preservation and restoration of the

concentration camp, along with its place in educating

people of the horrors of the Holocaust. ... “Through our

Lessons from Auschwitz Project, the Holocaust

Educational Fund gives over 3,000 British students each

year the opportunity to visit Auschwitz

announcement will ensure that when young people visit

the camps,




'Rich Jews threaten Obama,' Norwegian headline

reads. Jerusalem Post —

The Oslo-based edition of Norway’s largest newspaper,

Aftenposten, ran a headline in its Saturday edition

stating “Rich Jews threaten Obama.” Only after reader

complaints about the anti-Jewish tone of the headline

did the newspaper edit the title on its website, writing


Winston Churchill's order to “sink

the Bismarck.” The Prime Minister wanted to avenge

the Hood, on which all but three of its 1,418 crew had

died. Had the Bismarck been captured, the lives of

hundreds of Germans could have been saved. The ship

have been a prized catch, giving Navy

engineers an insight into the design of Bismarck's




***Should William Joyce have been hanged?

old widow, Heather Landolo, the

daughter of William Joyce, the man nicknamed Lord

Haw by the Daily Express, is making an appeal to

the British authorities to have her father's guilty verdict

ich he was executed in 1946,

overturned. Aged just 17 at his death, she has just put

her name to an application to the Criminal Cases

Review Commission (CCRC) ... Even at the time of his

hanging at Wandsworth Prison on January 3, 1946,

as controversial, owing to the

serious doubts about his nationality.




Britain pledges £2.1m. for Auschwitz preservation

Jonny Paul

The British government announced that it will

contribute £2.1 million ($3.4 million US) to the

preservation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, to

lessons of Auschwitz live on for

generations to come. ... Primarily funded by the Foreign

Office and Department for Communities and Local

Government, the money will be used to ensure the

term preservation and restoration of the

ong with its place in educating

people of the horrors of the Holocaust. ... “Through our

Lessons from Auschwitz Project, the Holocaust

Educational Fund gives over 3,000 British students each

year the opportunity to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau. This

nt will ensure that when young people visit



'Rich Jews threaten Obama,' Norwegian headline

Benjamin Weinthal

based edition of Norway’s largest newspaper,

Aftenposten, ran a headline in its Saturday edition

stating “Rich Jews threaten Obama.” Only after reader

Jewish tone of the headline

newspaper edit the title on its website, writing

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“Jews threaten to withdraw Obama support.” ... The

article reported on “how segments of American Jewry,

78 percent of whom voted for Obama in 2008, find

Obama to be too critical of Israel and therefore are

considering pulling economic support.




Jewish donors warn Obama on Israel

The Wall Street Journal

Jewish donors and fund-raisers are warning the Obama

re-election campaign that the president is at risk of

losing financial support because of concerns about his

handling of Israel. The complaints began early in

President Barack Obama's term, centered on a

perception that Mr. Obama has been too tough on

Israel. Some Jewish donors say Mr. Obama has pushed

Israeli leaders too hard to halt construction of housing

settlements in disputed territory, a longstanding

element of U.S. policy. Some also worry that Mr.

Obama is putting more pressure on the Israelis than

the Palestinians to enter peace negotiations, and say

they are disappointed Mr. Obama has not visited Israel





Hitler 'honorary citizen' row grips Austria

BBC News — Bethany Bell

Several towns in Austria have been checking their

archives this week to see if Adolf Hitler is still an

honorary citizen of their communities. It follows an

announcement by the town of Amstetten that — after

more than 60 years — it was finally revoking Hitler's

honorary title. Hitler visited Amstetten -- west of

Vienna — in 1938, and was made an honorary citizen

the following year. The Green Party sponsored the

move to strike his name from the honours list. The

decision was passed by a large majority in the town

council ... The debate has unsettled Austria, which is

still grappling with the legacy of its Nazi past ...



Hitler and the Chinese Internet Generation

Asia Times — Richard Komaiko

... There is a growing trend in the Chinese blogosphere

to vocalize praises and expressions of support for Hitler

... As the rumor spreads throughout the Chinese social

web, admiration for Hitler is growing stronger and

stronger. Blog posts with titles like "Why I like Hitler"

are popping up every day, and an increasingly greater

share of young Chinese are choosing to express their

nationalism by voicing support for Hitler ... According to

several Beijing college students interviewed for this

article, the word "Hitler" does not evoke images of anti-

Semitism or genocide, but rather, strong leadership and

nationalism. They say that they admire Hitler for his

ability to unify his country and restore it to a position of

respect in the international arena.



Criticize Israel and lose your careerInterview with Alison Weir

By Kourosh Ziabari, 07 July 2011

If you've ever tried to search for reliable information and

analyses which expose the concealed and obscured side of the

Israeli – Palestinian conflict, you've surely come across to the

website "If Americans Knew." This website belongs to a non-

profit organization which focuses on the Israeli – Palestinian

conflict and the foreign policy of the United States toward the

Middle East.

"If Americans Knew" publishes commentaries and articles that

the American mainstream media pusillanimously shun and

reject because of their fear of the influential Zionist lobby

which predominantly rules the U.S. administration and

Congress. "If Americans Knew" releases statistical reports on

the history of Israeli – Palestinian conflict including the

number of Palestinian casualties, the number of children

murdered by the Israel Defense Forces, the number of

Palestinians detained in the Israel jails and the number of

Israel's illegal settlements on the Palestinian lands.

American freelance journalist and researcher Alison Weir is the

founder and executive director of "If Americans Knew." She

has written several articles and compiled investigative reports

on the Israeli Palestinian conflict and provoked the furious and

frantic criticism of Zionist organizations such as Anti

Defamation League. Her articles have appeared on a number

of media outlets and news websites including Counter Punch,

Antiwar.com, The Link, Znet, Los Angeles Times, Greenwich

Post, Poynter.org and Washington Report for Middle East


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Alison Weir is at the forefront of combating the biased

coverage of Israeli – Palestinian conflict in the mainstream

media and through her sincere efforts has revealed the plight

of the Palestinian nation under the occupation of Zionist

regime. She believes that criticizing Israel in public will cost a

journalist his career. She says that it's far less damaging for

an American journalist to write critically of the United State

government than of Israel.

What follows is the complete text of my interview with Alison

Weir in which we discussed a variety of topics including the

dominance of Israeli lobby over the U.S. administration and

Congress and also the biased coverage of the Israeli –

Palestinian conflict by the western mainstream media.

Kourosh Ziabari: Ms. Weir; Let me start with the

question that, what would really happen if Americans

knew? What would happen if they knew that their taxes

go to empower an occupying regime which kills women

and children ruthlessly, massacres innocent civilians

relentlessly and destroys their homes unjustifiably?

Alison Weir: They would be outraged and would demand that

this stop. I have found that when I speak to groups around the

country the most common question I receive is, “What can we

do about this?!”

KZ: What made you think of establishing "If Americans

Knew?" Actually, what were your motives for taking

such a sensitive step?

AW: When I returned from my first trip to Gaza and the West

Bank, I was determined to tell Americans what was going on. I

felt that while I could probably occasionally get articles into

the mainstream media, the context would remain so distorted

that they would make little difference. Therefore, I felt it was

essential to begin an organization that would work to get the

information straight to the public in as many ways as possible

and that would also study and expose media malfeasance on

this issue.

KZ: What difficulties did you face while working on this


AW: One of the most difficult aspects is raising enough money

to sustain the organization. The good news is that we have

been able to keep going for almost ten years. The unfortunate

reality is that there’s never been enough money to go beyond

a paid staff of about 2-3 people. Zionist organizations of all

sorts have extremely large staffs, extensive offices, etc. They

also have a great many people of sufficient wealth that they

can work on this issue without compensation. We’re in a far

different situation.

KZ: Have you ever been pressured by the Zionist-

controlled mainstream media or the Israeli lobby in the

United States not to talk of Israeli regime critically?

AW: I don’t recall being pressured by the Israeli Lobby

directly. Instead, they frequently try to pressure local

organizations not to have me speak.

Mainstream media organizations also don’t pressure me

directly. Rather, they simply don’t report about my information

or inform their audiences about the existence of If Americans

Knew. Democracy Now is among this group.

One book editor commissioned an article by me and then

attempted to censor what I wrote.

KZ: Have you ever been threatened or seriously

intimidated for the content which you publish?

AW: Yes. I received a death threat in 2003. You can read the

details here. We periodically receive obscene or harassing

emails and phone calls from Zionists. There are websites that

misconstrue my work and that defame me, including the very

powerful Jewish “Anti-defamation League.”

There are infiltrators in the pro-Palestinian movement who

initiate whispering campaigns against me and work to prevent

groups from inviting me to speak and from using our written

materials. This often fails; sometimes it succeeds.

Recently a man knocked my phone from my hands. You can

see this here.

Once when I tried to go to Palestine I was stopped at Ben

Gurion Airport, held in a detention cell for 28 hours, and

deported. Twice I have been briefly detained by Israeli soldiers

while trying to film incidents in the Occupied Territories.

KZ: Several renowned politicians, academicians,

activists and writers have likened Israel's treatment of

the subjugated Palestinians to the deplorable situation

of the blacks under the South African Apartheid regime.

From the former U.S. President Jimmy Carter to the

Archbishop of Wales Barry Morgan and from the Nobel

Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu to

former Israeli Knesset member Uri Avnery, many people

believe that Israel undeniably resembles aspects of the

South African Apartheid regime. What's your viewpoint

in this regard? Does the Israeli regime have the

features of an apartheid state?

AW: While no two situations are ever identical, it is clear that

Israeli actions are a form of apartheid. As you note, South

African experts who have visited Palestine have stated this and

they are clearly in a position to know.

The Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa

commissioned a legal study of the Israel-Palestine situation to

“scrutinize the situation from the nonpartisan perspective of

international law, rather than engage in political discourse and

rhetoric.” Their 15-month investigation found that “Israel,

since 1967, is the belligerent Occupying Power in occupied

Palestinian territory, and that its occupation of these territories

has become a colonial enterprise which implements a system

of apartheid.”

In addition, inside Israel itself there is systemic discrimination

against non-Jews.

KZ: In your recent article, you referred to statistical

studies which reveal that primetime network news

shows report on Israeli children's deaths at rates up to

14 times greater than they report on Palestinian

children's deaths. The same is applicable to the other

aspects of mainstream media's portrayal of the Israeli –

Palestinian conflict. For example, we clearly witnessed

the exercise of double standards by the Western media

during the Gaza War of 2008 – 2009. Why do the

American media treat the Israeli – Palestinian conflict

so unfairly?

AW: I feel there are most multiple causes. Below are some of

the main ones:

1. Advertising and consumer pressure by Israel partisans

against media that begin to provide more accurate coverage

on this issue. These are often orchestrated and cause

considerable financial damage to news organizations.

2. Reporters and editors who are biased towards Israel. I

recently was astounded to learn how many of the allegedly

“objective” journalists in the region reporting for American

media have close ties to the Israeli military. Ethan Bronner,

New York Times bureau chief, has a son in the Israeli army.

Others have themselves served in the Israeli military. “Pundit”

Jeffrey Goldberg, who is often interviewed for commentary on

U.S. mainstream news broadcasts, served in the Israeli


I’ve written several articles and made a video on this topic:

1, 2, 3 and 4

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The Associated Press is probably the primary source of

international news for media all over the U.S. and is probably

an extremely significant cause of the problem. Its control

bureau, through which virtually all reports on the region must

pass, is located in Israel and is staffed largely by Jewish and

Israeli journalists, many with close family ties to the Israeli

military. Their reporting invariably contains pro-Israel spin and

context. Quite often, they don’t even send out reports on

newsworthy items that reveal negative facts about Israel.

3. Media owners, publishers, CEOs, etc. who are biased toward

Israel, for example, Mortimer Zuckerman, Leslie Moonves,

Sumner Redstone, etc. Journalist Jeffrey Blankfort has

reported on this.

4. Editors who know nothing about this issue and would not

necessarily be Israel partisans but are taken in by AP, the New

York Times, etc. Journalists who have never been to the

region, never read a book on it, or studied it independently,

often think they are experts on the subject because they’ve

been reading AP et al reports for years. They have no idea

how filtered and slanted these are.

5. Journalists quickly learn that reporting honestly on Israel-

Palestine is not a good career move and often self-censor. It is

much safer not to touch the “third rail” of American

journalism; they are aware that the people who pay them

won’t like it. It is far less damaging to one’s career to write

critically of the American government than of Israel.

6. Fear of being called “anti-Semitic” and of being black-

balled. The ADL, similar organizations, and Israel partisans

are quite powerful in the U.S. People don’t wish to come under

their attack; they’ve seen what happened to Helen Thomas

and others.

KZ: Many American citizens who voted for President

Obama in the 2008 presidential elections had hoped

that he would be a different, sincere and trustworthy

politician and a real man of change who would detach

himself from the hawkish policies of George W. Bush.

However, no essential change of policy was observed

during President Obama's administration. What's your

analysis of the performance of President Obama? Why

did he fail to fulfill his promise of change?

AW: Because he is aware that pro-Israel groups and

individuals determine who has the chance to be a major

contender for the Presidency of the United States. If he tried

to do something substantial, there would be a powerful – and

successful – campaign to prevent him from winning a second

term. This campaign would consist of funneling donations

away from him to his opponents and of defaming him on a

variety of issues in the media. Plus, even if he tried to do

something, Congress would over-rule him, out of the same

fears. Long before Mearsheimer and Walt wrote their exposé

on this, Paul Findley described this situation in his powerful

book, “They Dare to Speak Out.” Richard Curtiss, Janet

McMahon, and Delinda Hanley, from the Washington Report on

Middle East Affairs, have been exposing this for many years.

KZ: Following the 9/11 attacks, a wave of Islamophobic

sentiments began to encompass the public sphere in the

United States and the European society. The U.S.

administration portrayed a horrific and appalling image

of Islam and sowed the seeds of hatred against Muslims

in the hearts of the Western citizens. However, we

already know that they were not Muslims who planned

and carried out the 9/11 attacks. Even if we admit that

it was Osama Bin Laden who masterminded the 9/11

attacks, I as a Muslim should promulgate that he was

not a devout Muslim, but rather a CIA asset since the

Afghan-Soviet war in 1980s. What's your viewpoint in

this regard? Why is the American

society's stance toward the Muslim so repulsive?

AW: Islamophobia in the U.S. has been largely promulgated

by media, individuals, and organizations working on behalf of

Israel. This is one of their most despicable and dangerous

campaigns and has been going on for decades. Among those

whose work, statements, and or funding have resulted in

making Americans fear and hate Muslims are Pamela Geller,

Steve Emerson, Aubrey and Joyce Chernick, Martin Kramer,

Charles Jacobs, David Horowitz, David and Meyrav Wurmser,

Frank Gaffney, Caroline Glick, Daniel Pipes, etc. John Sugg has

written on this topic for years; more recently Max Blumenthal,

Maidhc O Cathail, and several others have exposed it. See 1,

2, 3 and 4

KZ: The Zionist lobby and organizations such as Anti

Defamation League, as you have pointed out in your

articles, denounce as anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish every

single criticism of the actions and policies of the Israeli

regime, thus demoralizing and discrediting the critics of

Israel who dare to call into question the illegal and

immoral actions of this regime. What's your take on

this? How should the critics of Israel find podiums to

voice their opposition to the actions and policies of the

Israeli regime without being demonized?

AW: This is one of their most widely used tactics. Their

intention is two-fold: to undermine the credibility of people

speaking and writing accurately on Israel, and to intimidate

people from doing this.

I feel that people should simply ignore these attacks and

continue to write and speak as honestly and accurately as

possible. Such smears have become so widespread that they

are beginning to be a bit like crying wolf too often. An

increasing number of Americans are rolling their eyes when

they hear that yet another person with no record of bigotry is

allegedly “anti-Semitic.” In fact, such an attack often helps to

raise interest in the person being so maligned, many people

assuming – often correctly – that this is a person giving the

true facts on Israel and/or the Israel Lobby.

KZ: You may admit that as long as the United States

gives its unconditional support to the Israeli regime,

vetoes any UNSC resolution critical of Tel Aviv and

prevents the international community from

investigating its crimes and illegal activities, including

its underground military nuclear program, no progress

may be made in the course of holding Israel

accountable for its actions and policies and therefore no

change will be resulted and the suffering of the

Palestinian nation will continue. Do you foresee a future

in which Israel is eventually held responsible for its

criminal actions before the international community? Is

such a thing practically possible at all?

AW: Yes, I believe strongly that this will change when

Americans learn the facts and demand a change in U.S.

policies. The reality often forgotten in analyses on this issue is

that Israel’s power comes from the U.S. When the sleeping

giant in this relationship, i.e. the American public, wakes up,

everything will change. The fact that this is already starting is

reflected by the creation of entities such as J Street trying to

co-opt this growing movement.


