holy family parish easter sunday€¦ · contro de maria madalena com jesus ressuscitado se dá...


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Page 1: HOLY FAMILY PARISH EASTER SUNDAY€¦ · contro de Maria Madalena com Jesus ressuscitado se dá logo a seguir (20,11-18). A comunidade cristã primitiva reconhecia-se no jeito de
Page 2: HOLY FAMILY PARISH EASTER SUNDAY€¦ · contro de Maria Madalena com Jesus ressuscitado se dá logo a seguir (20,11-18). A comunidade cristã primitiva reconhecia-se no jeito de


Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família

30 Grafton Street Lowell MA 01852

Main Phone: (978)453-2134 Brazilian Community: (978)934-0622

Fax: (978)453-0933 Email: [email protected]

Administrator Reverend Nicholas Sannella

Pastoral Staff Reverend Donald G. Lozier, OMI Reverend Gilmond Boucher, OMI

Reverend Jonas Christal (Brazilian) Sr. Joan Gregoire, SND Deacon Alvaro Soares

Business Manager David McLean

Director of Religious Education Richard Ouellette

Religious Education Secretary Bailey Lizotte

High School of Religion Director W. Gerald Dockett

(978)808-4505 Parish Secretaries

Marlene Heiss (Brazilian) Cathy Martel (English)

Custodians Roger Geoffroy

Al Stamp

SAT, March 26th; Easter Sunday 7:00 PM Bilinqual

SUNDAY, March 27th; Easter Sunday 8:00 AM Parishioners & Benefactors 9:30 AM Choir 10:00 AM Stephen Pearlswig 11:45 AM Brazilian Mass 5:30 PM Brazilian Choir 6:00 PM Brazilian Mass

MONDAY, March 28th; 8:00 AM Novena TUESDAY, March 29th; 8:00 AM Novena 7:30 PM Brazilian Mass

WEDNESDAY, March 30th 8:00 AM Novena

THURSDAY, March 31st 8:00 AM Novena FRIDAY, April 1st First Friday 8:00 AM Novena SATURDAY, April 2nd First Saturday 2:30 PM Choir 3:15 PM Confessions 4:00 PM Novena SUNDAY, April 3rd 2nd Sunday Easter

8:00 AM Novena 9:30 AM Choir 10:00 AM Jennie & Frank Silveria 11:45 AM Brazilian Mass 5:30 PM Brazilian Choir 6:00 PM Brazilian Mass

We Pray...

Page 3: HOLY FAMILY PARISH EASTER SUNDAY€¦ · contro de Maria Madalena com Jesus ressuscitado se dá logo a seguir (20,11-18). A comunidade cristã primitiva reconhecia-se no jeito de


those who are ill, those who are now or have recently

been in the hospital, and those who have requested our prayers, especially:

Dr. Gert Bailey, Lucy Balkus, Shirley Bell, Ted Bell, Doris Belley, Robert Bolduc, Cyril Braganza, Carol Britton, Buote Family, James Campbell, Bernadette Chartrand, Helena Ciaravolo, Millie Ciszek, Robert Connolly, Kevin Conroy, Dom & Claire Contardo, Br. Augustin “Gus” Cote, Anne Marie Countie, Nancy Cyr, Jane Daly, Davidson Family, Debbie Demers, DeRocco Family, Mary Dockett, Doug Duchesne, Paul Ducharme, Cathy Durand, Claire Durkin, Cynthia Evans, Jean Gagne, Sr. Marilyn Gignac, Donna Gravelle, Len Hallisey, Havelka Family, Denis Hebert, Frank Holden, Rev. Patrick Hollywood OMI, Pauline Jankowski, Sally Kelly, Jim & Annette Knust, Kozowyk Family, Fran Labadini, Maryann Lanzara, Betty LeClaire, Jeanne LeLacheur, Rev. Robert Levesque OMI, Liz Machado, Betty Mallett, Donald Marcouillier, Steven Marks, Hilda McBride, Sheila McCarthy, McDonagh Family, Georgette Mendonca, Manuel Mendonca Sr., Shirley Morrison, Kathleen Muldoon, Francis O’Donnell, Linda Paradise, Rev. Norman Parent OMI, Jeanne Pinard, John Quealey, Mary Richardson, Mary Agnes Rivanis, Mary Rivas, Robert Rivas, Elaine Robinson, Rev. Lucien Sawyer OMI, Pat Steers, Brian Tanny, Barbara Vayo, Diane Wingfield, Rita Wrenn.

May they experience God’s healing love and comfort MONTHLY EVENING OF PRAYER

Tuesday, April 5th at 7:00 PM

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Recitation of the Rosary

and special prayers

All are welcome!


Part I

LUCERNARIUM : The paschal candle is lit from a new fire and carried into the darkened church, as ”Christ our light” is proclaimed three times. The ancient chant, the Exsultet, rejoices at the present reality of God’s deliverance and the blessings of salvation through the Passover of Christ.

Part II

LITURGY OF THE WORD: The sequence of Old Testament readings and psalms recall the history of the Jewish covenant leading up to Christ. These readings cover the time from creation to the promise of the final gathering of God’s people, interpreted through the central experience of the Exodus.

Part III

BAPTISMAL LITURGY: In the early Church, the Easter Vigil was the time for baptisms. Those who had received instrucion (over a period of up to three years) and had prepared by fasting and prayer were presented for initiation into the Christian community. Affirming the baptismal creed, they were baptized and then donned white garments. The newly baptized then received the laying-on of hands by the bishop, were sealed with chrism (consecrated oil), and received Holy Communion.

Part IV

LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST: Now in bread and wine, Jesus comes among us in the Eucharist. He comes into the darkness of our lives with his risen life. The time of waiting is completed, yet we also look ahead to the final fulfillment of the paschal banquet when we shall see him face to face.

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Week Ending March 13, 2016

Offertory Needed to meet Budget 3796 Offertory Collection 1976 Utilities 664 Br. Offertory Needed to meet Budget 550 Brazilian Offertory 462 Dizimo needed to meet budget 725 Brazilian Dizimo 1020

<< I always begin my prayer in silence, for it is in silence of the heart that God speaks. God is the friend of silence—we need to listen to God because it’s not what we say but what God says to us and through us that matters. ~Bl. Theresa of Calcutta >>

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Aril 9th & 10thAril 9th & 10thAril 9th & 10thAril 9th & 10th

PRAYER AND REFLECTION March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday

Dear friends; the whole meaning of Christianity is summed up in this most ancient of feasts. What makes Jesus’ life and ministry unique and our lives meaningful is this single event of Resurrection. We know that following Jesus is demanding, even costly. This event says there is much more … it promises us life on the far horizon. The Gospel tells us that his followers weren’t expecting it. Are we? My friends, we witness to our belief in the promise of life over death by praying for our own needs and those of the whole world. For the whole church and for all Christians: that we may be vibrant witnesses to the Resurrection and to life … we pray, For all who promote or protect life in all its forms, from the environment to human life … we pray, For the desire to seek out and work with all those committed to enhancing life, regardless of their religious affiliation … we pray, For all who struggle to live in the face of sickness, poverty, oppression, violence or war … we pray, For those who do not believe in or have lost hope for life beyond death … we pray, For all those who help us to find meaning in life, especially our teachers and guides, families and friends … we pray, For those who are most in need of our parish ministries directed toward saving and sustaining life, especially the poor, the sick and the dying … we pray, For those who have entered into eternal life and those who grieve for them … we pray, PRAYER: God of life, today we celebrate the fullness of life shown to us by your Son, Jesus, in the Resurrection. Help us to live as Easter people, confident that life will prevail over death and eager to share our joy with others. We pray in the name of the Risen One. Amen.


Page 5: HOLY FAMILY PARISH EASTER SUNDAY€¦ · contro de Maria Madalena com Jesus ressuscitado se dá logo a seguir (20,11-18). A comunidade cristã primitiva reconhecia-se no jeito de


Ele viu, e acreditou! Domingo da Páscoa (Ano C): At 10,34a.37-43; Sl 117; Cl 3,1-4; Jo 20,1-9

O primeiro dia da semana indica um novo tempo. Tem ligação com o início da criação do mundo. A morte de Jesus significou a passagem das trevas para a luz que nunca mais se apagará. A fé na ressurreição, porém, não se processa da mesma maneira em todas as pessoas. Algumas precisam de um tempo maior para assimilar essa verdade que tudo transforma. Maria Madalena recebe especial distinção: ainda no escuro, dirigese ousadamente ao túmulo de Jesus. Apesar de ver a pedra removida, não conse-gue ainda perceber a luz do sol (Jesus que ressuscitou) anunciando uma nova aurora. Perplexa, corre ao encontro de Simão Pedro e do discípulo que Jesus amava para dizer-lhes de sua preocupação com o que havia constatado. O seu anúncio provoca a mo-vimentação dos dois discípulos na busca do verdadeiro sentido dos últimos aconteci-mentos.

Maria Madalena, nesse relato de João, é representativa da comunidade que não aceita permanecer acomoda-da. Busca ansiosamente a explicação do que realmente aconteceu naquele “primeiro dia da semana”. É ati-tude muito positiva, pois “quem busca encontra e quem procura acha”. Por isso, ela é especialmente valor-izada. Jesus deixa-se encontrar. Impulsionada pelo amor, caminha na direção do Amado. O maravilhoso en-contro de Maria Madalena com Jesus ressuscitado se dá logo a seguir (20,11-18). A comunidade cristã primitiva reconhecia-se no jeito de ser de Maria Madalena, de Pedro e do discípulo amado. Havia pessoas que ainda permaneciam nas “trevas” da morte de Jesus; sentiam-se desamparadas e desorientadas. Havia as que não conseguiam acolher a verdade da ressurreição de Jesus. Diziam que seu cor-po fora retirado por alguém e que se inventou a notícia de que ele havia ressuscitado. É o que se percebe na expressão de Maria Madalena: “Retiraram o Senhor do sepulcro e não sabemos onde o colocaram”. Essas pessoas ainda estão no emaranhado de dúvidas, porém, pouco a pouco, receberão a graça de reconhecer a ressurreição de Jesus como um acontecimento verdadeiro e não como uma lenda

(Extraído da Revista de Liturgia)


Ó Deus, nosso Pai, hoje abriste para nós o caminho da vida, com a vitória do teu filho Jesus sobre a morte.

Por teu Espírito, faze de nós, que celebramos este dia de festa e alegria, a graça de sermos homens e mulheres novos, ressuscitados.

Por Cristo, nosso Senhor. Amém. Pe. Jonas D. Christal


LEITURAS DA SEMANA: 2ª-: At 2, 14.22-32; Sl 15 (16); Mt 28, 8-15

3ª-: At 2, 36-41; Sl 32 (33); Jo 20, 11-18

4ª-: At 3, 1-10; Sl 104 (105); Lc 24, 13-35

5ª-: At 3, 11-26; Sl 8 ; Lc 24, 35-48

6ª-: At 4, 1-12; Sl 117 (118); Jo 21, 1-14

SÁB.: At 4, 13-21; Sl 117 (118); Mc 16, 9-15

2º DOMINGO DA PÁSCOA: At 2,42-47; Sl 117(118); 1Pd 1, 3-9; Jo 20,19-31

Page 6: HOLY FAMILY PARISH EASTER SUNDAY€¦ · contro de Maria Madalena com Jesus ressuscitado se dá logo a seguir (20,11-18). A comunidade cristã primitiva reconhecia-se no jeito de


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