holy trinity magazine september 2013 · ps - parents, grandparents - those verses are wonderful to...

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Ephesians 6:16 (NIV) Church of Ireland WOODBURN, CARRICKFERGUS September 2013 A Bible in their hands A Saviour in their hearts A Purpose in their lives www.holytrinitycarrick.org.uk LEADERSHIP TEAM Rev. Alan McCann 028 9336 2126 Jack Blair 028 9337 8130 Rector’s Warden – Vic Wootton 0777 2512 531 People’s Warden – Sharon Piddock 028 9336 9645 GB Captain – Sandra Montgomery 028 9336 4075 BB Captain – Drew Buchanan MBE 028 9336 5620 Potter’s House Supt. – Vicky Watson 028 9336 0523 Seed Youth Fellowship Ryan Moffett 0784 0453723 Youth Club Leader – Maurice Dalzell 028 9335 1236

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In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Ephesians 6:16 (NIV)

Church  of  Ireland  WOODBURN,  CARRICKFERGUS  


September  2013  A  Bible  in  their  hands  

A  Saviour  in  their  hearts  A  Purpose  in  their  lives  



LEADERSHIP  TEAM  Rev.  Alan  McCann           028  9336  2126  Jack  Blair               028  9337  8130  Rector’s  Warden  –  Vic  Wootton       0777  2512  531  People’s  Warden  –  Sharon  Piddock     028  9336  9645  GB  Captain  –  Sandra  Montgomery     028  9336  4075  BB  Captain  –  Drew  Buchanan  MBE     028  9336  5620  Potter’s  House  Supt.  –  Vicky  Watson     028  9336  0523  Seed  Youth  Fellowship  -­‐  Ryan  Moffett     0784  0453723  Youth  Club  Leader  –  Maurice  Dalzell     028  9335  1236  


Dear Friends,

I hope and pray that you all had an opportunity for some time away from the daily routine of work over the summer so that you could recharge your batteries (as we say). As a family we spent time in our own home on the North Coast. What a world away from normal life here in Carrickfergus - no TV, no telephone and no internet. What did we do before those three things were invented? It was wonderful, as days were spent together, reading books and my two dogs got long walks that they (and I) both needed. The pace of life was much slower, thankfully, and I was able to reflect on the past year at Holy Trinity and pray about the year ahead. Time and time again my heart and my head came back to Psalm 139 verses 13-18, where God tells us that He has planned every day of our lives and written them down before one comes to pass. Time and time again as I reflected on those words I came to realise that there are no surprises for God in my life or in the life of Holy Trinity. Nothing catches Him off guard or knocks the wind out of His sails the way things do in my life and have done in the life of Holy Trinity in the past year. The words of the Psalm reassured me, even though I knew it to be true, that God is in control and that He has a plan for my life and for us as a congregation, the people of God. It really encouraged me and put an anchor into my soul again that God is in control and as the hymn says ‘It is well, it is well with my soul!’

So can I encourage you to look forward to the year ahead safe in the knowledge that God is in control and that He has a plan for your life and for Holy Trinity. We may not see it, or know it, but His unseen hand is guiding our lives and the life of this congregation for His glory and for our good. So as the Psalmist says in verse 14 - let us praise Him for this and for the fact that we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made.’ Let us praise Him as individuals and as the people of God together.

Yours in Christ

Rev Alan McCann

PS - parents, grandparents - those verses are wonderful to read to children to reassure them of God having created them and having a plan for their lives.

Community Bible Experience During October and November as a parish we are going to read through the New Testament. To help us do this we are going to participate in the Community Bible Reading Experience. During September you will have an opportunity to purchase a New Testament - one that is set out differently than our present bible, to make it easier to read. As a parish we are going to read a portion of the New Testament for 20 minutes each day for 8 weeks. In that period we will have read through the whole of the New Testament. So please join with us, sign up and purchase the New Testament. This is for everyone - you can read it, listen to it on your iPod etc, get it emailed to you - a myriad of ways to be part of this exciting venture. You will hear more about it during the month of September.

Prayer Evenings Each Wednesday evening in September the church will be open between 8pm-12pm for prayer. We will also be putting out a schedule to ask people to sign up to pray at certain times each Wednesday evening - either in church or at home. This is important - without prayer our work is in vain and we cannot expect God’s blessing on the year ahead. So carve out some time each Wednesday evening in September and pray for Holy Trinity.


God  Bless  

Rev  Alan  McCann  




TEA and COFFEE after the Services

Volunteers are always needed to help with the tea and coffee after the service. If you can help, please add your name against a date on the list, or speak to Anne or Joanne. The list is beside the donation basket on the table. All donations are to help cover the costs.



From  The  Treasurer  

Gift  Aid.  HMRC  have  changed  the  way  we  have  to  record  the  information  we  send  to  them  when  making  a  claim.  

I  can  no  longer  submit  joint  names  to  reclaim  gift  aid  so  please  let  me  know  which  name  I  should  be  using.  

If  you  no  longer  pay  income  tax  it  is  important  that  you  also  advise  me.  


It’s  never  too  late.  As  preparations  are  now  being  made  for  the  2014  FWO  envelopes  please  speak  with  the  treasurer  if  you  would  like  to  donate  to  the  General  and  or  Building  Fund  by  standing  order.  


Harvest  appeal  in  aid  of  Heating  system.  The  select  vestry  are  investing  in  the  heating  system  by  adding  additional  controls  that  should  allow  more  flexibility  and  control  of  temperature  within  rooms  of  the  building.  Prior  to  this  we  only  could  control  the  timing  of  the  heat  being  on.  


This  work  will  cost  in  the  region  of  £6000  and  the  vestry  ask  that  you  donate  as  generously  as  possible  towards  this  work.  


Envelopes  will  be  available  from  Sunday  6th  October  2013.  

In  turn  the  vestry  would  be  hopeful  of  making  savings  on  oil  allowing  the  heat  to  remain  on  for  longer  periods  during  the  year.  


£1  per  week  extra  –  did  it  make  a  difference?  It’s  possible  you  have  forgotten  to  do  this  as  only  about  10  members  of  our  congregation  have  increased  their  giving.  


Here’s  the  background….  

Last  year  ending  31st  December  2012  we  were  £9436.83  overspent.  The  income  for  the  first  six  months  of  2013  is  up  by  just  over  £1200.  The  expenditure  is  very  similar  to  last  year.  

The  2012  deficit  equates  to  approximately  £60  per  family.  

On  Sunday  5th  May  I  invited  the  congregation  to  prayerfully  consider  trying  to  find  either  an  additional  £1  per  week,  or  £5  per  month  or  £60  per  annum.  

Once  again  I  ask  that  everyone  looks  at  their  giving.    


I  think  it’s  important  that  we  only  spend  in  any  one  year  according  to  our  income  and  we  must  either  reduce  expenditure  or  increase  giving.  I  would  anticipate  that  we  will  over  spend  during  late  October  early  November  going  on  budget  forecast.    


If  you  pay  by  standing  order  just  contact  your  bank  to  make  the  changes.  


Thanking  you  all  in  anticipation.  


Rota  for  Counters  Dates  for  Counting     Your  Team  

 Dates  for  Counting     Your  Team  

22nd  September   David  Sprott    

1st  September   Simon  McDonald  

20th  October   Carol  Marshall    

29th  September   Ann  Richmond  

17th  November   David  Saunderson    

27th  October   Gerry  Piddock  

15th  December     Helen  Wootton    

24th  November   Lynn  McGowan  

12th  January  2014   Margaret  Addley    

22nd  December  Lorraine  S-­‐  Browne  

         Dates  for  Counting     Your  Team    

Dates  for  Counting     Your  Team  

8th  September   Olga  Grange    

15th  September   Mark  Edgar  

6th  October   Adam  Fittis    

13th  October     Elaine  Gray  

3rd  November   Karen  Buchanan    

10th  November   Marjory  Edgar  

1st  December   Arlene  Macartney    

8th  December   Sharon  McNeil  

29th  December   Alison  Moffett    

5th  January  2014   Joanne  Hunter  

 Drew  Buchanan  MBE  

Hon  Treasurer  



Recipe  Book  Please  forward  any  recipes  to  Liz  Adair  or  e-­‐mail  to  [email protected]  by  1st  September  2013.  The  number  received  so  far  has  been  disappointing  please  do  your  bit  to  support  this.  

Friday  20th  September  2013  -­‐  Golf  Competition  at  Greenacres  Golf  Club.  

Tee  off  from  1pm  see  Peter  Moffett  to  book  your  4  ball.  

Cost  £20  for  non  members  and  £8  for  members.  


Saturday  21st  September  2013  -­‐  Tea  Party  and  Dance  at  4pm  

Cost  £7  (Senior  Citizens  £5)  

Dance  classes  will  be  available  for  those  wanting  to  learn  to  dance  on  Wednesday  evening  from    

6.30  to  7.30.  

Further  Details  from  Sharon  Piddock  


Other  fundraising  activities  later  in  the  year  include:  


Saturday  30th  November  2013  -­‐  Christmas  sale  at  11am  


Saturday  7th  December  –  Film  Night  for  all  the  Family.  


Drew  Buchanan  

Chair  Fundraising  Committee  



Holy  Trinity  Chair  Rota  -­‐  September  

Week  1    1  Sept  

Week  2    8  Sept  

Week  3    15  Sept  

Week  4    22  Sept  

Week  5    29  Sept  

James  Beattie  

Colin  Watson  

Graeme  Hunter  

Simon  McDonald   John  Fittis  

Kel  McDermott  

Adam  Edgar  

Arlene  McCartney  

Michael  McDonald  

Daniel  Lafferty  

Colin  McIlwaine  

Mark  Edgar  

Bert  McCartney    

David  Sprott  

Peter  Moffatt  

Garry  Richmond  

Matthew  Edgar     Alan  

Sprott  Mark  Taylor  


Please  note:    

If  you  are  unable  to  meet  your  commitment  please  change  with  a  member  of  another  team.  Please  be  there  for  9.30  am  and  set  out  the  chairs.    After  the  service  put  the  chairs  away  and  tidy  the  hall.    

Thank  you  

Simon  McDonald    


6  Monthly  Statements    

Free  Will  Offering  for  period  ended  30th  June  2013  

1   £0.00   31   £139.10   61   £565.00   91   £90.00   121   £100.00   201   £360.00    

2   £57.00   32   £390.00   62   £330.00   92   £0.00   122   £44.10   202   £1,200.00    

3   £954.00   33   £27.00   63   £500.00   93   £40.00   123   £74.00   203   £240.00    

4   £1.00   34   £9.00   64   £495.00   94   £520.00   124   £115.00   204   £240.00    

5   £60.00   35   £27.00   65   £125.00   95   £400.00   125   £260.00   205   £90.00    

6   £361.00   36   £44.50   66   £249.20   96   £116.00   126   £60.00   206   £120.00    

7   £115.00   37   £143.50   67   £0.00   97   £173.00   127   £125.00   207   £240.00    

8   £45.90   38   £5.00   68   £41.00   98   £133.00   128   £130.00   208   £120.00    

9   £78.00   39   £16.00   69   £75.00   99   £65.00   129   £280.00   209   £1,200.00    

10   £110.00   40   £154.00   70   £810.00   100   £140.00   130   £0.00   210   £125.00    

11   £48.00   41   £53.80   71   £180.00   101   £112.80   131   £60.00   211   £240.00    

12   £129.00   42   £1,440.00   72   £40.00   102   £65.00   132   £0.00   212   £300.00    

13   £60.50   43   £0.00   73   £52.00   103   £150.00   133   £180.00   213   £300.00    

14   £108.00   44   £125.00   74   £420.00   104   £110.00   134   £103.80   214   £300.00    

15   £50.00   45   £260.00   75   £154.10   105   £95.00   135   £0.00   215   £1,800.00    

16   £0.00   46   £40.00   76   £220.00   106   £40.00   136   £50.00   216   £260.00    

17   £75.00   47   £195.00   77   £50.00   107   £241.00   137   £0.00   217   £600.00    

18   £70.00   48   £105.00   78   £90.00   108   £520.00   138   £75.00   218   £1,200.00    

19   £51.10   49   £10.00   79   £0.00   109   £112.00   139   £170.00   219   £250.00    

20   £120.00   50   £190.00   80   £60.00   110   £26.00   140   £70.00   220   £240.00    

21   £270.00   51   £960.00   81   £10.00   111   £545.00   141   £5.00   221   £240.00    

22   £260.00   52   £140.00   82   £520.00   112   £270.00   142   £55.00   222   £756.00    

23   £0.00   53   £0.00   83   £430.00   113   £110.00   143   £0.00   223   £120.00    

24   £530.00   54   £260.00   84   £0.00   114   £3.00   144   £25.00   224   £480.00    

25   £139.00   55   £500.00   85   £250.00   115   £0.00   145   £10.00   225   £300.00    

26   £115.00   56   £330.00   86   £0.00   116   £810.00   146   £0.00   226   £240.00    

27   £26.00   57   £3.00   87   £205.00   117   £155.00   147   £0.00   227   £300.00    

28   £24.00   58   £1.00   88   £128.00   118   £1,140.00   148   £0.00        

29   £115.00   59   £150.00   89   £125.00   119   £0.00   149   £0.00        

30   £28.00   60   £13.00   90   £25.00   120   £326.00   150   £0.00        










Building  Fund  for  period  ended  30th  June  2013  

1   £0.00   31   £30.00   61   £210.00   91   £180.00   121   £0.00   200   £0.00    

2   £0.00   32   £0.00   62   £30.00   92   £0.00   122   £0.00   201   £180.00    

3   £186.00   33   £0.00   63   £14.95   93   £0.00   123   £0.00   202   £300.00    

4   £40.00   34   £0.00   64   £150.00   94   £200.00   124   £0.00   203   £240.00    

5   £35.00   35   £0.00   65   £0.00   95   £0.00   125   £160.00   204   £0.00    

6   £160.00   36   £0.00   66   £0.00   96   £20.00   126   £0.00   205   £30.00    

7   £50.00   37   £0.00   67   £0.00   97   £180.00   127   £150.00   206   £0.00    

8   £0.00   38   £0.00   68   £0.00   98   £180.00   128   £0.00   207   £0.00    

9   £0.00   39   £0.00   69   £50.00   99   £0.00   129   £290.00   208   £0.00    

10   £240.00   40   £40.00   70   £60.00   100   £60.00   130   £0.00   209   £300.00    

11   £0.00   41   £0.00   71   £0.00   101   £240.00   131   £60.00   210   £120.00    

12   £40.00   42   £300.00   72   £13.18   102   £0.00   132   £0.00   211   £240.00    

13   £0.00   43   £0.00   73   £60.00   103   £25.00   133   £240.00   212   £240.00    

14   £50.00   44   £80.00   74   £30.00   104   £100.00   134   £5.00   213   £300.00    

15   £0.00   45   £0.00   75   £100.00   105   £0.00   135   £0.00   214   £0.00    

16   £0.00   46   £0.00   76   £60.00   106   £0.00   136   £30.00   215   £300.00    

17   £180.00   47   £15.00   77   £80.00   107   £70.00   137   £0.00   216   £150.00    

18   £0.00   48   £0.00   78   £0.00   108   £200.00   138   £0.00   217   £120.00    

19   £0.00   49   £0.00   79   £0.00   109   £20.00   139   £0.00   218   £900.00    

20   £10.00   50   £0.00   80   £40.00   110   £20.00   140   £0.00   219   £120.00    

21   £300.00   51   £0.00   81   £0.00   111   £630.00   141   £10.00   220   £120.00    

22   £360.00   52   £0.00   82   £280.00   112   £240.00   142   £0.00   221   £0.00    

23   £0.00   53   £0.00   83   £0.00   113   £0.00   143   £0.00   222   £60.00    

24   £360.00   54   £240.00   84   £0.00   114   £0.00   144   £0.00   223   £60.00    

25   £0.00   55   £600.00   85   £154.00   115   £0.00   145   £20.00   224   £120.00    

26   £105.00   56   £270.00   86   £0.00   116   £240.00   146   £0.00   225   £75.00    

27   £0.00   57   £0.00   87   £10.00   117   £39.00   147   £60.00   226   £245.00    

28   £0.00   58   £0.00   88   £210.00   118   £350.00   148   £0.00   227   £240.00    

29   £100.00   59   £0.00   89   £40.00   119   £180.00   149   £0.00   228   £300.00    

30   £0.00   60   £0.00   90   £75.00   120   £80.00   150   £0.00   229   £90.00    











Drew  Buchanan  MBE  

Hon  Treasurer  



Young  People’s  Badminton    Badminton  restarts  on  Saturday  7th  September  with  section  times  being:-­‐    Beginners:-­‐1.30pm-­‐3pm  Intermediate:-­‐    3pm  –  4.30pm    Our  senior  section  re-­‐opens  on  Thursday  5th  September  5-­‐7pm.  We  are  looking  forward  to  another  great  action  packed  season!  Everyone  from  P6  and  upwards  are  welcome.      Coaching  is  provided  and,  as  well  as  club  days,  we  play  matches  against  other  clubs  and  have  internal  tournaments  and  matches.    We  gave  a  donation  of  £650  to  Church  funds  at  the  end  of  last  season  by  donating  half  of  the  weekly  dues.  

For  more  information  please  speak  to  any  of  our  leaders.  

God  Bless,  

Joanne  Hunter,  Donna  Harrison,  Garry  Richmond  and  Graeme  Hunter  

349th Carrickfergus Girls Brigade

Calling on all girls aged 3 and above. If you’re looking for GOD centred, FUN packed, AWARD achieving evenings look no further. We have put together a packed programme just for you. Our registration evening will be held on September 3rd 6:30 – 7:30 pm.

Classes will re‐commence on September 10th times below. Meeting Times Every Tuesday Night Explorers 3 – 7 years 6.00pm ‐ 7.10pm Juniors 8 ‐ 10 years 7.15pm ‐ 9.00pm Seniors 11 ‐ 13 years 7.15pm ‐ 9.30pm Brigaders 14 years & over 7.15pm ‐ 9.30pm

Due to safe guarding trust, the main door will open at 5:50pm

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to ask or phone me on 02893364075. God Bless,

Sandra Montgomery - (Captain)

Crèche Rota, September - October 2013 Sunday 8th Sept 2013

Sharon McNeill

Joy Graham Valerie Sprott Olga Grange

Sunday15th Sept 2013

Maureen Lunn Adrienne Tasker

Fiona Moody Lorraine Ross

Sunday 22nd Sept 2013


Sunday 29th Sept 2013

Helen Fittis Joan Logan Carolynne Lafferty

Brenda Frame

Sunday 6th Oct 2013

Arlene Macartney

Anne Langley Joan Cummings

Anne Boggs

Sunday 13th Oct 2013

Eileen McLaughlin

Lorraine Saunderson-Brown

Valerie Sprott Joy Graham

Sunday 20th Oct 2013

Sharon McNeill

Lorraine Ross Maureen Lunn Adrienne Tasker

Sunday 27th Oct 2013


Please swap with somebody else on the rota if you are unable to do your day. Thanks to everyone who helps and if you would like to help on the rota or wish to change your slot please speak to me or phone 07706707332.

God Bless, Sharon McNeill

Select Vestry

If anyone wants an item raised at the Select Vestry please contact: Fiona Moody [email protected] Drew Buchanan: [email protected] or any member of SV. This includes booking the church hall for any events.

Fiona Moody

Holy Trinity Bowls Fellowship

The Holy Trinity Bowls Fellowship resumes on Thursday 5th September 2013@ 7.45 pm. A very warm welcome awaits all new and former members. Membership: Membership is open to everyone over 18 years of age. Secondary school pupils are also welcome to join provided they are accompanied each evening by a parent or grand-parent. This rule is in keeping with the "Safe Guarding Trust" policy that operates in Holy Trinity Church. Annual Fees: Adults: £ 10.00 Senior Citizens & Young Adults: £ 5.00. Weekly Tea contribution: £1 Please be aware that 50% of the tea contribution is given to a charity chosen by the members at the Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting On Thursday 5th Sept, we will hold our annual general

meeting. The office bearers: Hon Secretary & Hon Treasurer will be elected. Fees will discussed and agreed. Details of our accounts will be made available and the membership will decide how any surplus monies will be used. The opportunity for any member to bring any other items of interest to the fellowship will be available. At the end of the meeting (the AGM usually lasts around 30 minutes), bowling will commence. Please accept this invitation to come along on every Thursday evening and enjoy the company, the elation as you watch your bowl do exactly what you wanted and some gentle exercise thrown in for good measure. We have spare bowls so you don't have to obtain your own until you make that decision for yourself. We would ask you however, to wear shoes with flat soles, trainers are fine. So come along, you will be made very welcome and you won't regret it, I promise you

Jack Blair - Hon Secretary.    

Young at Heart Ladies, we start back on Monday 2nd September. We hope to see some new members. Everyone welcome. Come and enjoy some tea, coffee and a chat.

Ann, Eva & Violet


- If you have any information you wish to pass to the congregation via the data projector please e-mail it to: [email protected]

- by Friday of each week. Any Microsoft Word or PowerPoint attachments should be sent using Microsoft 1997-2003.

Pilates Thursday’s 10am - 11.00am at Holy Trinity

Pilates will re-open on Thursday 5th September 2013. If you need to strengthen your back and flatten your abdominals, then come to Pilates. Both men and women are welcome. £6 per week, pay at the door. E-mail Avril on [email protected] or ring Avril on 9335 5129.          

Avril  Waller  


Seed Sunday  evenings  at  7.30pm  @  Holy  Trinity  


 If  you  have  any  questions  on  YF  please  contact  me:  [email protected]    or    07840453723      

Ryan  Moffett  Youth  Fellowship  Leader  

Vintage Tea Dance

A Vintage Tea Dance will take place on Saturday 21st September. In order to prepare everyone for this event, there will be dance class held on Wednesday evenings 6:30pm – 7:30pm.

Helen Wootton  

Potter’s  House  Dear  Parents,  

Potter’s  House  (Holy  Trinity’s  Sunday  School)  will  commence  again  on  Sunday  1st  September.    Prior  to  the  start  of  church  on  this  Sunday,  parents  are  asked  to  register  their  children  for  Potter’s  House/J-­‐Club.  This  is  for  Safeguarding  Trust  purposes,  and  we  must  have  a  registration  form  for  each  child  before  he/she  can  take  part  in  any  activities  within  Potter’s  House/J-­‐Club.  Please  also  state  on  the  form  anything  important  about  your  child  that  will  help  us  in  teaching  him/her  God’s  Word  or  any  medical/dietary  needs  that  your  child  may  have.    Registration  will  take  place  in  the  main  foyer  of  the  church.  Many  thanks  in  advance  for  your  patience  and  understanding  in  this  matter.  


Potter’s  House/J-­‐Club  take  place  during  the  service,  and  children  will  be  asked  to  leave  for  their  rooms  at  a  certain  point  announced  during  the  service.  

Classes  for  Potter’s  House  are  situated  as  follows:  

Primary  1,  2  and  3  age  children  in  the  Courtney  Hall.  

Primary  4  and  5  age  children  in  the  Kerr  Room.  

Primary  6  and  7  age  children  in  the  Bennett  Room.  

(This  year  Nursery  age  children  will  be  included  as  part  of  the  Crèche.)  

J-­‐Club  takes  place  on  alternate  first  and  third  Sundays  of  each  month.  It  is  taken  by  a  different  set  of  leaders  who  will  continue  to  teach  God’s  Word  to  the  children  in  slightly  different  ways.  This  allows  the  Potter’s  House  teachers  to  spend  a  Sunday  in  worship  and  attend  the  church  service.    


Can  you  help?  

This  coming  year  in  Potter’s  House  we  have  three  classes  of  children  P.1,  P.2  and  P.  3,  P.4  and  5,  P.6  and  P.7.  We  have  seen  the  benefit  in  other  years  of  taking  the  P.7  class  separately,  to  teach  God’s  word  in  a  way  that  is  relevant  and  meaningful  to  these  children  on  the  verge  of  major  changes  in  their  life;  changes  of  school,  making  new  friends  are  just  a  couple  of  the  challenges  and  stresses  our  young  people  can  face.  In  order  to  do  this  we  would  need  2  more  Christian  helpers/teachers  to  assist  with  Potter’s  House  within  the  P.1  to  P.6  age  range.  We  teach  the  children  2  or  3  Sundays  in  the  month.  Each  class  has  2  adult  leaders  in  line  with  Safeguarding  Trust  requirements;  this  often  means  that  the  lessons  can  be  shared  between  the  2  leaders.  There  will  be  no  pressure  put  on  adult  helpers  to  start  teaching  lessons  

straight  away,  support  and  guidance  will  be  given.  It  is  a  joy  and  a  privilege  to  be  able  to  share  God’s  word  with  children.  If  you  do  feel  you  could  assist  us  in  any  way,  please  speak  to  any  Potter’s  House  teacher.  

On  this  first  Potter’s  House  Sunday  (1st  September)  we  will  all  meet  in  the  Courtney  Hall  during  church  before  we  split  into  our  classes.  We  will  be  distributing  some  little  prizes  for  attendance  during  last  year  (2012/2013).  We  at  Potter’s  House/J-­‐Club  are  committed  to  teaching  the  youth  of  Holy  Trinity  God’s  Word  and  love.  We  do  this  in  a  fun,  active  way.  Your  child  will  bring  home  sheets/creations  completed  with  reference  to  the  Bible.  Please  make  time  to  look  at  these  with  your  child  and  talk  about  what  they  have  been  doing.  We  are  all  really  looking  forward  to  a  new  year  in  Potter’s  House,  with  so  many  new  opportunities  to  have  fun  and  fellowship  together.    

God  Bless.  

Vicky  Watson  


Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Club Tuesdays 10am-11.30am.

This class will re-open on Tuesday 3rd September 2013. MEMBERSHIP continues to be FREE, when you pay for 4 weeks £24.00. The class consists of a weigh-in, a talk and 45 minutes of exercise. So if you need to lose weight or become fitter, you know where to come.

For further details-please visit our website www.rosemaryconley.com/classes Or contact Avril on 9335 5129 Or E-mail: [email protected]

Avril Waller

Youth Club returns on Friday 6th September 2013 when we will be having a registration night from 7pm – 8:30pm. Membership is open to anyone in P5 or above. If you would like to become a member, please come along on this night with a parent or guardian and fill out a membership form. Membership is limited so it’s first come first served! Once the membership is filled, anyone wanting to become a member will have their name placed on a waiting list until a place becomes available. We look forward to seeing you then. Leaders, please note that following registration we will be having a meeting at Holy Trinity to plan the new term. Stay updated via our facebook page HTYC Carrickfergus.

Maurice Dalzell

Welcome back to the new term! Liz, Cathy and myself are so excited to start back this September. It will be fun to see new faces and welcome back our "old" friends. If you would like to join us we are starting back on Thursday, September 12th and we run from 10:30-12:00. There's toys, books, tea, coffee and a good chat. We hope to see you there.  

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to talk to Cathy Wilson, Liz Adair or me on 077 1244 1513.  

God Bless!

Amy Moffett  

 Thank  you  always  for  your  support.  For  more  info  on  classes  please  contact  a  member  of  our  team:  

Email:  [email protected]  Call:  07840453723  Twitter:  @weareuplift  Facebook:  /weare.uplift    

Ryan  &  Amy  Moffett  Uplift  Directors  


8th Carrickfergus Company

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge

him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Welcome back to BB. BB will start back on Monday 9th September at the normal times. Please go to our website and enrol your son back into our company. Please follow the instructions and pay online via paypal. You don't need a paypal account just your debit or credit card. Any problems e-mail [email protected] Please enrol your son before the 9th September as its helps with the smooth running of our company. You can also attend Holy Trinity on Monday 2nd September between 7-8pm to enrol your son.

Anchors, Juniors & Company Battalion Church parade celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the BB in Ireland is on Sunday 6th October in Larne. Please keep the date free and we will advise of travel arrangements later.

Communication with parents We will be using e-mail as our means to communicate with you along with text messages. Can you please ensure we have your correct mobile number and e-mail address. Annual Enrolment Service Our annual enrolment service will be held on Sunday 20th October 2013 at 6pm. All officers and boys are required to attend in full uniform and should be at church at 5-40pm.



Alison Allen, Joan Harvey, Fiona Moody

Vera Saunderson, Libby Todd, Nicky Quigg,

After the 10.30am service every Sunday a number of us will be available to pray with you at the front of the church. Please feel free to bring any situation for prayer. Your prayer requests will, as always, remain confidential, however should you feel that you would prefer to receive prayer in the privacy of the prayer room two of the team will be happy to move into there with you. Additionally the Prayer Team continues to meet Thursdays at 7.30pm-7.45pm to pray through the request slips that have been placed in the box. Please continue to make use of the prayer request box and please feel free to add in a request slip for continued prayer, even if you have already come for prayer in person. As has always been the case the prayer request slips are lifted for one month after which time we ask that you complete a

new slip should your situation require continued prayer or we need to be updated.

God Bless, Nicky Quigg

Services – September 2013 Date Reading

Number Reader Title & Prayer

Leader Book Chapter &


1 September 2013

1st Reading Colin Watson HC Hebrews Chapter 13 verses 1 - 8

2nd Reading Rev Alan McCann

Prayers Libby Todd

Luke Chapter 14 verses 1 - 14

8 September 2013

1st Reading Keith Montgomery

MP Psalm

Psalm 1

2nd Reading Lauren Fittis Prayers Rev Alan McCann

Luke Chapter 14 verses 25 - 33

15 September 2013

1st Reading Darach Saunderson


MP 1 Timothy Chapter 1 verses 12 - 17

2nd Reading Christine McDermott

Prayers Daniel Lafferty

Luke Chapter 15 verses 1 - 10

22 September 2013

1st Reading David Sprott Family Service 1 Timothy Chapter 2 verses 1 - 15

2nd Reading Andrew Hanley Prayers Men’s

Fellowship Group

Luke Chapter 16 verses 1 - 13

29 September 2013

1st Reading Stephen McLaughlin

Service of the Word

1 Timothy Chapter 6 verses 6 - 19

2nd Reading Ashton McDermott

Prayers Janis Gibson

Luke Chapter 16 verses 19 - 31