home direct values - sell sheet

Home Direct Values reduces the waste in other forms of advertising: Radio, television, newspapers and magazines cover large areas...Most business DON’T. If  you are like most businesses 90% or more of your business comes from the surrounding neighborhoods, why would you pay to advertise to people that live 80 miles away? everyone  does not listen to the same radio station. everyone  does not watch the same television show. less and less people are reading the newspaper . E  vEryonE chEcks thE M  ail! TARGET  your advertising to those nearby and most likely to become your regular customers. INCREASE RESPONSE with Home Di rect Values. There is no clipping, nor cutting. We make it easy for new customers to respond to your ad! Plus, it is the only cooperative mailer that allows your business to stand on its own. TRACK returned coupons and you will know exactly how well Home Direct Values is working for YOU! If the majority of your business begins with a phone call, we also offer call-tracking phone numbers This allows you to calculate closing ratios and lead costs - invaluable information to running a successful business. PROFIT by reaching 10x the homes for the same dollar, via cooperative direct mail. This allows for greater response per mailing and increases returns on your advertising dollar . REPEAT by mailing with us often. This will al low you to maintain frequency of your message and sync y our ad to seasonal promotions that are vital to your business.  H  O M  E  D  I  R  E  C  T  V  A  L  U  E S  L  O  O  K   I  NS  I  D  E  F  O  R  V  A  L  U  A  B  L  E  C  O  U  P  O  NS &  G  I  F  T  C  E  R  T  I  F  I  C  A  T  ES  F  R  OM  T  H  ES  E  L  O  C  A  L B  US  I  N  ESS  ES  A  N  D  M  A  N  Y  M  O  R  E ...  R e d d i n   g  I  C  S  T  i  l  e  &  G  r  o  u  T  s  e  r  v  i  c  e  s  SA  T E L L I  T E  B &  T  C  o  b  b  l  e  s  t  o  n  e  V  i  l  l  a  g  e  P  l  a  z  a A  &A P  r  e  s  t  i  g  e  D  r  y C  l  e  a  n  i  n  g  B  i  G   T  i  M  e  P  e  s  T  c  o  N  T  r  o  l C  l  e  a  n  i  n  g S  e  r  v  i  c  e  R  u  s  s  e  l  l For advertising information, rates, coverage areas & mailing schedule please contact: 888-729-2818 [email protected] www.HomeDirectValues.com H O M E D IR E C T  V  A L U E S North Valley

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Page 1: Home Direct Values - Sell Sheet

8/3/2019 Home Direct Values - Sell Sheet

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Home Direct Valuesreduces the waste in other

forms of advertising:

Radio, television, newspapers and magazinescover large areas...Most business DON’T. I

  you are like most businesses 90% or moreof your business comes from the surroundingneighborhoods, why would you pay toadvertise to people that live 80 miles away?

everyone does not listen to the same radio station.

everyone does not watch the same television show.

less and less people are reading the newspaper.

E vEryonE chEcks thE M ail!

TARGET your advertising to those nearby and mostlikely to become your regular customers.INCREASE RESPONSE with Home Direct Values. Thereis no clipping, nor cutting. We make it easy for newcustomers to respond to your ad! Plus, it is the onlycooperative mailer that allows your business to standon its own.TRACK returned coupons and you will know exactlyhow well Home Direct Values is working for YOU!If the majority of your business begins with a phone

call, we also offer call-tracking phone numbers Thisallows you to calculate closing ratios and lead costs- invaluable information to running a successfulbusiness.PROFIT by reaching 10x the homes for the samedollar, via cooperative direct mail. This allows forgreater response per mailing and increases returnson your advertising dollar.REPEAT by mailing with us often. This will allow you tomaintain frequency of your message and sync your adto seasonal promotions that are vital to your business.


 T V A  L U ES

 L O O K   I NS I D

 E  F O R

 V A  L U A  B L E  C

 O U P O NS & 

 G I F T  C E R T I F I

 C A  T ES 


 E  L O C A  L  B U


 A  N D M A  N Y M

 O R E...

 R e d d i n   g

 I C S T i l e  &


 G r  o u T s e r  v

 i c e s


 B& T

 C o b b l e s t o n e

 V i l l a g e  P l a z a

A &A  P r e s t i g e

 D r y C l e a n i n g

 B i G  T i M e

 P e s T  c o N T r 

 o l

C l e a n i n g S e r v i c e R u s

 s e l l

For advertising information,rates, coverage areas & mailingschedule please contact:

[email protected]



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8/3/2019 Home Direct Values - Sell Sheet

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10,000 Homes per zone as low as 4¢ per home - DESIGN INCLUDED!

2012 Mailing Schedule: January (ad deadline 12/7)

May (ad deadline 3/31)

 July (ad deadline 5/31)

October (ad deadline 8/31)

Target homes near your businessfor pennies per household!

Contact us today:


[email protected]

What if your advertising left areminder to do business with you?

Direct Mail does just that!

• Home Direct Values allows you to reachTEN TIMES the consumers through directmail for the same dollar......while still allowing your business to

stand alone.

• Packaged coupons & certicates are aproven medium that gets results.

• Target potential customers in your area.

• Track your results effectively and know your ROI.

 www.HomeDirectValues.com• Custom-designed yer to maximize response• High-quality printing & nishing• Mailing list targeting premium neighborhoods• Packaging, addressing, postage & mailing• Your yer available online the until next mailing• Exclusivity available for most categories.• Tracking phone numbers available.


 T V A  L U ES


 E  FO R

 V A  L U A  B L E CO

 U PO NS & G


 A  T ES 


  LOC A  L  B US


 A  N D M A  N Y M

O R E...

 R e d d i n   g

 I C S T i l e  & 

 G r  o u T s e r  v i

 c e s



& T

 C o b b l e s t o n e

 V i l l a g e  P l a z a

A &A  P r e s t i g e

 D r y C l e a n i n g

 B i G  T i M e

 P e s T  c o N T r  o


C l e a n i n g S e r v i c e R u s

 s e l l


 T V A  L U ES C h i c o 


 E  FO R

 V A  L U A  B L E C



 A  T ES 


  LOC A  L  B US


      I       N      C

 I C S T i l e  & 

 G r  o u T s e r  v i

 c e s

 S O LA R   &  E

 L E C T R  I C


 B& T G R E A T  E S

 C A P E

 T R A V E L

 A  N D M A  N Y M

O R E...


ma x VALUEmailer is no w