home ed gazettehomeedgazette.weebly.com/uploads/6/6/2/7/66275545/home...ack in july, novak djokovic...

Team GB Break Records in the Rio 2016 Olympics and Paralympics! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Your Chance to Become an Editor! 6 Read about the Olympics and Paralympics! 4 - 5 Jeremy Corbyn re-elected Labour Party leader. 2 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: ELYE CUTHBERTSON (AGED 12) PROOF-READER: AARON CUTHBERTSON REPORTERS/ CONTRIBUTERS: RACHEL GARDNER, DOUG PERRY, AARON CUTHBERTSON. HOME ED GAZETTE OCTOBER EDITION ISSUE 16 JOKE JUNCTION Answer to last issues joke (Why are scooters never working?) Be- cause theyre always on a brake! The home-ed community needs this- A reader (By Editor-In-Chief Elye Cuthbertson) CIRCULATION OF OVER 300! The 2016 Olympics were held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 5th—21st August, and the Paralympics from 7th—18th September, and what excing mes those were! They were incredibly successful for Team GB, who won a total of 67 medals in the Olympics (27 gold, 23 silver, and 17 bronze) and 147 medals in the Paralympics (64 gold, 39 silver, and 44 bronze). We came second in the medal table in both the Olympics and the Paralympics. Team GB is the first team to do beer at an non-home games then at their own games. See lots more on the Rio Games on page 4. Dame Sarah Storey, Brit- ains most decorated fe- male Paralympian ever, added three gold medals to her collecon. She now has 12 golds, eight silver and three bronze Paralympic medals. Kadeena Cox competed in two separate events in the Paralym- pics. She won a gold and a bronze medal in athlecs, and another gold medal in cycling. She also carried the flag in the closing ceremony. Max Whitlock (right) won Britains first ever gold medal in gymnascs in the mens floor, and than beat Team GBs Louis Smith to gold in the mens Pommel Horse around an hour later. Mo Farah won two gold medals in Rio, in the 5,000m and 10,000m, which were the two events he also won gold in back in London 2012!

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Page 1: HOME ED GAZETTEhomeedgazette.weebly.com/uploads/6/6/2/7/66275545/home...ack in July, Novak Djokovic also failed to deliver in Wimbledon. The world number one lost to America’s Sam

Team GB Break Records in the Rio

2016 Olympics and Paralympics!


I S S U E :

Your Chance to

Become an



Read about the

Olympics and


4 -


Jeremy Corbyn


Labour Party



E D I T O R - I N - C H I E F : E L Y E

C U T H B E R T S O N ( A G E D 1 2 )

P R O O F - R E A D E R : A A R O N


R E P O R T E R S /

C O N T R I B U T E R S : R A C H E L

G A R D N E R , D O U G P E R R Y ,

A A R O N C U T H B E R T S O N .



E D I T I O N I S S U E 1 6


Answer to last issue’s

joke (Why are scooters

never working?) Be-

cause they’re always on

a brake!

“The home-ed community needs this” - A reader

(By Editor-In-Chief Elye Cuthbertson)


O F O V E R 3 0 0 !

The 2016 Olympics were held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from

5th—21st August, and the Paralympics from 7th—18th

September, and what exciting times those were! They were

incredibly successful for Team GB, who won a total of 67

medals in the Olympics (27 gold, 23 silver, and 17 bronze)

and 147 medals in the Paralympics (64 gold, 39 silver, and

44 bronze). We came second in the medal table in both the

Olympics and the Paralympics. Team GB is the first team to

do better at an non-home games then at their own games.

See lots more on the Rio Games on page 4.

Dame Sarah Storey, Brit-

ain’s most decorated fe-

male Paralympian ever,

added three gold medals to

her collection. She now has

12 golds, eight silver and

three bronze Paralympic


Kadeena Cox competed in two

separate events in the Paralym-

pics. She won a gold and a

bronze medal in athletics, and

another gold medal in cycling.

She also carried the flag in the

closing ceremony.

Max Whitlock (right)

won Britain’s first

ever gold medal in

gymnastics in the

men’s floor, and than

beat Team GB’s Louis

Smith to gold in the

men’s Pommel Horse

around an hour later.

Mo Farah won

two gold medals

in Rio, in the

5,000m and

10,000m, which

were the two

events he also

won gold in back

in London 2012!

Page 2: HOME ED GAZETTEhomeedgazette.weebly.com/uploads/6/6/2/7/66275545/home...ack in July, Novak Djokovic also failed to deliver in Wimbledon. The world number one lost to America’s Sam

P A G E 2



(By Elye Cuthbertson)

From the 22nd August—21st September Labour MPs

and other qualified supporters voted for who they

thought should be the Labour Party’s leader. They

voted between the two possible candidates, Jeremy

Corbyn (previous leader of Labour), and Owen Smith.

Owen Smith was in the Shadow Cabinet (the name of

Labour’s cabinet of MPs) as the Welsh Secretary

between 2012 and 2015, when Ed Miliband resigned

after he lost the General Election, and Jeremy Corbyn

took over the Labour Party. Under Jeremy Corbyn’s

lead, Owen Smith was the Shadow Work and Pen-

sions Secretary until he resigned in June 2016. On

13th July he announced that he would be standing

for leadership, and six days later on the 19th he be-

came Corbyn’s sole opposition after Angela Eagle

dropped out.

After around two month’s worth of hard campaign-

ing, the end result was disappointing for Smith. Jere-

my Corbyn won by a margin of 68.1% (313,209

votes), while Owen Smith had 31.9% (193,229


The Labour Leadership race started back in June,

after the EU referendum. The Brexit side won, and

many people thought Jeremy Corbyn, who was cam-

paigning for the Remain side, campaigned only half-

heartedly, and did not give his side enough support.

Some of these people also thought that, partly be-

cause of this, he was not a satisfactory leader, and a

leadership election was called for. And in the end,

despite lots of people thinking he was not up to

leading the Labour Party, the majority of voters

voted for him.

Jeremy Corbyn re-elected as

Labour Party’s leader

Jeremy Corbyn, who won the Labour leadership election, said, “Elections are passionate and partisan affairs.

Things are often said in the heat of the debate on all sides that we later regret. But always remember in our

party, we have much more in common than that which divides us.”

Page 3: HOME ED GAZETTEhomeedgazette.weebly.com/uploads/6/6/2/7/66275545/home...ack in July, Novak Djokovic also failed to deliver in Wimbledon. The world number one lost to America’s Sam

P A G E 3 I S S U E 1 6

UKIP Disaster (By Editor-In-Chief Elye Cuthbertson)

On 26th of September (or the early hours of 27th in Britain),

the two remaining candidates for the US Presidential Election

(Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton) went head-to-head in a

somewhat vicious political debate. Aggressive comments

were shot back and forth between the two political rivals.

Hilary Clinton started off by saying that the election was

about what the American public wanted their country to be

like, while Donald Trump said that he thought America was

losing “so many” of its jobs to other countries. Going into the

middle of the debate, Clinton started to question why Trump

wouldn’t release his tax returns, saying, “he didn’t pay any

federal income tax,” and Trump interjected saying, “that

makes me smart.” Trump later said, “I will release my tax

returns when she [Clinton] releases her 33,000 E-mails that

have been deleted.”

This was the first time Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton had

had a debate live on stage before, and it lasted for 90

minutes. The next debate will be on Sunday, 9th October.

Trump vs Clinton

Diane James, the former leader of the UK Independence

Party (UKIP) has recently resigned. She had only been in the

office for 18 days, since 16th September. She took over from

Nigel Farage, who resigned after Brexit won the referen-

dum, saying, “my political ambition has been achieved,”

and, “I want my life back.” Diane James said that she did not

have enough authority in the party, and would not be for-

malising her leadership. Mrs James had not yet appointed a

deputy leader, so the party is now in turmoil, with no official

leader. Some people are saying that Diane James had not

yet submitted the form legally required to become leader,

so Nigel Farage may still in fact be in charge, and he does

claim that he is technically back in charge. He has also said

that he will not be contesting in any more leadership con-

tests however.

The UKIP chairman Paul Oakden said, when asked who the

current UKIP leader is now, “in my mind it is Diane James,”

and he said that she may still be the leader until a new one

is elected. Oakden said that he would hold an emergency

meeting with UKIP’s national executive committee to dis-

cuss the process of electing a new party leader.

“She doesn’t have the stamina.”

“A man who can be provoked by a Tweet should not have his

fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes.”

(By Editor-In-Chief Elye Cuthbertson)

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P A G E 4

(By ????)

(By ?????)

Rio Olympics: A Missed Opportunity?


This year's Olympics have been great. Britain have won a record collection of gold medals - even beating

China (!!) and Brazil has had its best medal scoop since the games began. We lowly spectators, on the

other hand, have finished our TV marathons feeling inspired and slightly guilty at all the TV and popcorn

we've devoured. The Rio closing ceremony (broadcasted last week at the time of writing) was spectacu-

lar, but I felt it was missing one thing: nature—or, more specifically, conservation of Brazil's great rain


During the whole ceremony, the only nod to the rain forests was the erection of a large tree made of

netting. The idea was to make it seem glowing in the light of the fireworks and parades, but to me, it just

seemed like it was a ghost of the forests, reminding the spectators what they could have saved but did-

n't. It was quickly eclipsed by women in bikinis, feather dances and massive carnival floats, giving the

poor tree a lost and forgotten air.

For me, the Olympics was a missed opportunity for Brazil. They could have used the publicity to show off

the majesty of their (almost) untouched wild, and gain support for the important conservation work that

needs to take place to save it. Considering this was such an costly experience for Brazil, I was hoping they

would use it to boost support for their breath-taking wildlife, but alas, no such luck. Instead, they dressed

up like broccoli, displayed some parkour skills and sung songs whilst dancing on top of parade floats.


(By Elye Cuthbertson)

(By Rachel Gardner)

This was an incredible Olympic Games for Team GB this

year. Britain is the first country to do better in a foreign

Olympics than their own home games, and beat China in

the medal table, coming in second place.

British competitors also broke many records. Early on in

the games Adam Peaty broke two records in swimming,

and Team GB broke a total of six records in cycling. One

of the best moments for Britain was when Max Whitlock

became the first British gold medallist in gymnastics. He

won gold in the men’s floor, not even two hours later,

gold again in the men’s pommel horse!

Team GB also did extremely well in the Paralympic

Games. They got 64 gold medals, and 147 in total,

coming in second place.

One of the greatest highlights of these Paralympic

games was Dame Sarah Storey winning her 12th

Paralympic gold medal in the C5 3,000m Individual

Pursuit. That is her 23rd Paralympic medal.

Another fantastic British athlete was Kadeena Cox.

She competed in two sports in the Rio Games, and

won a gold in each, plus a world record!

Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic

Games Highlights

The tree in the Olympics

Closing Ceremony.

Team GB did fantastically well at the 2016 Rio Games. They were the first team to do better at a foreign games

than at their own home games. They came second in the Olympics and Paralympics. See below, left for Olym-

pics and right for Paralympics, for the highlights of the very successful games for Team GB.

Page 5: HOME ED GAZETTEhomeedgazette.weebly.com/uploads/6/6/2/7/66275545/home...ack in July, Novak Djokovic also failed to deliver in Wimbledon. The world number one lost to America’s Sam

Wawrinka beats No. 1 to US Open Victory

Stan Wawrinka, from Switzerland, beat world number one

Novak Djokovic, from Russia, in the US Open finals on

Sunday 11th September. Stan Wawrinka has a winning

streak now. Last year he won the French Open, and the

year before he won the Australian Open. Djokovic scraped

the first set to his name, but Wawrinka won the next


In the last set, Djokovic called for treatment for his big

toe, which had a blister. Wawrinka complained about the

delay, and Djokovic shouted at him, “Stan, sorry! I can’t

stand.” But they were all friends again at the end of the

match. (see right-hand picture).

Back in July, Novak Djokovic also failed to deliver in Wimbledon.

The world number one lost to America’s Sam Querrey, number 28

in the third round. Djokovic is still number one on the leaderboard

however. This is probably due to the fact that he has 12 Grand

Slam titles.

There are four Grand Slams. The Australian Open, the French

Open, the US Open and Wimbledon. If you when all four of those

in one year, then you have completed the Grand Slam. Only 19

people (or groups of people, because of doubles), have ever done

that. The last people to do it are Yui Kamiji (Japanese) and Jor-

danne Whiley (British) in the Women’s Wheelchair Doubles in


(By Elye Cuthbertson)

Barclays Premier League (By Editor-In-Chief Elye Cuthbertson)

There is an English and Welsh football competition happening at

the moment called the Barclays Premier League. The Premier

League lasts around three-quarters of the year. The 2016-17

Premier League started on 13th August, and will continue until

21st May 2017. The reason the competition takes so long is be-

cause there are 20 teams competing (19 English, one Welsh),

and all of the teams play each other twice. This means each

there are a total of 380 matches in one Premier League, each

individual team playing 38 matches.

Last year, in the 2015-16 Premier League, the winning team was

Leicester City, which came as a huge shock to everyone, as the

team only just qualified for the previous season. In this current

season (at the time of publication), Leicester are in 12th place,

with eight points, in the leader board, so they are doing much

better than they could be, and there is still plenty of time to get

into the top five!

Anyway, best of luck from the Home-Ed Gazette to all of the


Rio Olympics: A Missed Opportunity?

Novak Djokovic (left) with his had on Stan Wawrinka’s shoulder

after the UP Open finals. Stan Wawrinka (right) holding his US Open trophy, and

Novak Djokovic with his second-place award.

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P A G E 6

Your Chance to Become an Editor (By Editor-In-Chief Elye Cuthbertson)

(By Elye Cuthbertson)

American Tragedies

At roughly the same time, in an area in New York called Manhattan, around 30 people were injured in

an explosion that shattered windows. Again, no injuries were fatal, and no one was killed. A policeman

told the New York Times, “We don't understand the target or the significance of it. It's by a pile of

dumpsters on a random sidewalk.” Another bomb was found nearby, but was removed safely.

The last attack was back in New Jersey again, and it happened in the late hours of Sunday to early

hours of Monday. It was not exactly an attack. Two men found a backpack inside of a bin, thinking it

might contain something of value. They then found that it contained around five bombs, and immedi-

ately reported it to the police.

It is not yet known if there is a link between these tragic attacks, but it is currently being investigated

with the deepest earnest.

I am looking for willing pairs of hands to help out with the Home-Ed Gazette for future issues! As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the Home-Ed Gazette has now been split into sections. Politics, Sports, and the next issue will have a Reviews section. I am looking for an individual Editor for each sec-tion. If you would like to apply to become an Editor for a specific section of the Home-Ed Ga-zette, send an E-mail to [email protected] with the following:

If you wish to become the Politics Editor, write a roughly 300 word long article on either the Labour Leadership Contest or the US Presidential Election, plus a picture relating to the subject of the arti-cle and a title.

If you wish to become the Sports Editor, write a roughly 300 word long article on either the Paralympics or the Premier League, plus a picture relating to the subject of the article and a title.

If you wish to become the Reviews Editor, write a roughly 300 word long review on any book or movie you wish, plus a picture relating to the subject of the review and a title.

Deadline is 25th October.

Being Editor of any of the above sections means the following: you will be required to write at least one article/review to do with your section every issue, and you will need to edit articles written by other people for your section if necessary. The Editor-In-Chief will review every article written.

If you would like further information on anything, please contact [email protected].

On the weekend of the 17th - 18th, there were no less than four attacks in America. Two in New Jer-

sey, one in Minnesota and one in New York. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

On Saturday (17th) morning, in New Jersey, a bomb exploded before a charity race. The race was can-

celled, but there were no injuries. The race was to help raise money for sailors.

Later that day, in a town to the north-west of New Jersey called Minnesota, a man dressed in a securi-

ty uniform stabbed eight people. Thankfully none of the victims were fatally injured. The so-called

Islamic State claimed it was behind the attacks, but the FBI, who are investigating the case, have

found no links.

Page 7: HOME ED GAZETTEhomeedgazette.weebly.com/uploads/6/6/2/7/66275545/home...ack in July, Novak Djokovic also failed to deliver in Wimbledon. The world number one lost to America’s Sam

Compelling Occupations

Google recently announced multiple new products it would be launching in the

coming months. The most prominent of these was Pixel, Google latest

smartphone. Previously Google had their line of Nexus phones, which launched

to moderate success, and also provides its own operating system, Android, for

other manufacturers to use with their phones. Pixel is being launched as a direct

competitor to Apple’s iPhone, complete with a trailer taking various not-so-

subtle jabs at the iPhone 7.

Pixel launches with the Google Assistant, Google’s new AI companion designed to

understand natural language and perform various tasks, like finding nearby res-

taurants or flights. A version of this was also used in Google’s new messaging

app, Allo. Pixel will also launch with the best smartphone camera to date

(according to the DxOMark), a battery that will charge to 7 hours worth of power

in 15 minutes, the latest version of Android and a 3.5mm headphone jack.

Google also announced Google Home, a smart speaker similar to the Amazon

Echo. Google Home will perform various tasks when asked to, such as to play

music or tell the user the weather, and uses a similar AI to the Google Assistant.

Google’s other announcements included their own VR Headset for mobile

phones (specifically Pixel) called Daydream View, a new version of their stream-

ing product Chromecast and Google’s own WiFi router, Google WiFi.

I have always enjoyed writing, and so I began working at my uni-versity’s student paper. This led to an internship at a newspaper, and then some freelance writing assignments, and a few years later I realized I had a career.

Is there any other job that you would like to do more than what you are doing now?

People tend to go into journalism because they want to make the world a better place. So when I think about other jobs I would enjoy, my mind drifts to ones with a strong social mission, such as grassroots political activism, non-profit aid work or social work.

Do you think more people should be doing your job too?

In a word, yes. The internet has decimated the news industry’s business model. In the past decade, half of the U.S.’ journalism jobs have disappeared. And many of the ones that have survived focus on “soft” news – celebrities, trends, cat videos – rather than the kind of journalism that matters. Perhaps the next generation will figure out how to revive the industry and restore its rightful role as the “Fourth Estate.”

(By Doug Perry)

Google Unleashes New ‘Pixel’ Phone (By Aaron Cuthbertson)

What do you do in your job?

My job, in a nutshell, is to provide news analysis. The amount of information that bombards us every day is overwhelming. I try to provide the context that will help people make sense of the news, to push them past the headlines to what the issues and events really mean.

What do you like about it?

The press’ objective is to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” That is, it is supposed to rein in the power of our leaders and provide a voice for those in society who have no power. It rarely achieves those lofty goals, at least in any meaningful way. There are a lot of different reasons for its regular failure. But I believe in the importance of that objec-tive and try to live up to it.

How did you get into your job?

I studied political science and history at university, thinking that I would go into politics. But after working on a few politi-cal campaigns, I became disillusioned.