home - island & oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% grappa di castellare 700ml 260 gr107 use only...


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Page 1: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva
Page 2: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

@ @) @ gluten crustaceans fish

® @ @ eggs nuts dairy/ milk

@ ® ® organic vegetarian

� @ alcohol fair trade


Although all due care is taken, some allergens

may still be present in the dishes.

Please inform our hosts if you have any severe

allergies or intolerances before placing orders.

Kindly note that any bespoke orders cannot be

guaranteed as entirely allergen free.



Page 3: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva
Page 4: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Per Iniziare





AntipastiInsalata Mista Con Ortaggi Ed ErbetteDal Nostro Orto Joal i Joal i garden salad with raw, steamed and baked seasonal homegrown goods

Mozzarel la E Pomodori EssiccatiHomemade mozzarel la cheese compl imented with semi dr ied roma tomatoes

Carpaccio Di Manzo Cert i f ied Black Angus beef carpaccio with pickled baby vegetables and aged Parmigiano Reggiano

Calamari Al la Grigl ia Josper gr i l led calamari with rocket, chi l l i salsa and lemon dressing

Please note that al l pr ices are in US$ and subject to 10% service charge and appl icable taxes

Cestino Di Pane Con Accompagnamenti Bread basket with homemade focaccia, soft white ro l ls with Parmigiano Reggiano, gr iss in i , organic extra v irgin o l ive oi l and ol ive paté

Page 5: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

· spired wine f tive m Try one es t variations· with tas y deguStah�n

·d 1 textures and · d1v1 ua for m · M diterraneanf exotic e .. flavors O · Our Bellm1 h. ticat10n. sop is

the host to· often Kitchen 1s . al chefs · ternahon famous m nts were· e makers eve and wm

h · s1·gnatured e t e1r we intro u� through our· · e wines cu1s1n ,

s thematic menu .

-¥ . ..J_, •

J • C !. .· .....

Page 6: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva






Strozzapreti Con Pomodorini E Rucola Pasta twists with fresh cherry tomatoes and Joal i rocket

Gnudi Di Ricotta E Spinaci In Pomodoro Homegrown garden spinach and r icotta cheese gnudi in a tomato coul is

Agnolott i Di Vitel lo Burro E Salvia Lemon and thyme braised veal parcelswith sage butter

Tagl iol ini Al Nero Con Pol ipett iBrasati Al Peperoncino Squid ink tagl io l in i , gar l ic , chi l l i and s lowcooked baby octopus

Please note that al l pr ices are in US$ and subject to 10% service charge and appl icable taxes

Page 7: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva








Rape E Lenticchie Beetroot three ways with Col f ior i to lent i ls

Parmigiana Di Melanzane Baked aubergine, mozzarel la, tomatoes, basi l and Grana Padano

Fi l letto Di Pesce Del Giorno In Crosta Di Erbe E Sale Grosso Local l ine caught reef f ish in garden herb and a rock salt crust with celer iac puree and caper berr ies

Tonno Ai Ferri Con Caponata Sici l iana Gri l led tuna steak with Joal i garden herbs and Sic i l ian caponata

Galletto Arrosto Glassato Al Miele Piccante Slow roasted spatchcock, spicy honey glaze, lemon spinach

Tagl iata Di F i letto Al Balsamico Cert i f ied Black angus beef tenderlo in with local rocket , cherry tomato salad and aged balsamic dressing






Zucchine Fritte Fr ied zucchini

Patate Novel le Al Forno Rosemary roasted baby potatoes

Verdure Grigl iate Gri l led seasonal vegetables

Spinaci Al L imone Sautéed Joal i garden spinach

Please note that al l pr ices are in US$ and subject to 10% service charge and appl icable taxes

Page 8: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

A selection of Handmade pastas,

authentic Tuscan creations with

vibrant ingredients filling our

menu and combined with

zesty-curated flavors, leaving

you awakened with mouthwatering

tastes and feeling light as the

ocean breeze.

Page 9: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva
Page 10: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

0 @ '# @ gluten crustaceans fish

® @ ® eggs nuts dairy/ milk

@ ® ® organic vegetarian pork

� @ alcohol fair trade

Although all due care is taken, some allergens

may still be present in the dishes.

Please inform our hosts if you have any severe

allergies or intolerances before placing orders.

Kindly note that any bespoke orders cannot be

guaranteed as entirely allergen free.



Page 11: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva
Page 12: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva




Torta CapreseChocolate and almond cake with coconut Ice Cream

Tiramisú Del la Casa Joal i T iramisú

Gelatowe have a dai ly se lect ion of handmade ice creams from La jo ie ice cream parlour. Ask o ur service host for today's var iety

Frutta FrescaSeasonal fruit p late



Biscott i & DigestiviCantucci an d Limoncel lo

Please note that al l prices are in US$ and subject to 10% service charge and applicable taxes

6 per scoop


Amarett i and Grappa 30

Formaggi E Confetture

D a i l y s e l e c t i o n o f 5 h a n d c h o s e n c h e e s e s w i t h c h e f ' s j a m t o m a t c h

Page 13: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva
Page 14: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Coffee Select ion


Please note that al l prices are in US$ and subject to 10% service charge and applicable taxes

Espresso, The Strong one Café Macchiato, The Milky Top one AmericanoDouble Espresso Cappuccino, The Frothy one Café Latte, The Milky one Flat White, The l ight milky one Mocha, The Choccy one Hot Chocolate, Not coffee

Tea Select ionAfter Dinner relax at your table with our Joal i Tea Trol ley. To truly appreciate and enjoy the ful l experience of our organics tea select ion prepared in a a tradit ional manner.

Page 15: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva
Page 16: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Light Grappa42% Bottega, Grappa Fume 700ml 10 75GR125 Aged in prosecco cask, smoky and smooth, pure prosecco musk & must

38% Bottega, Tardivia, Aged Amarone 500ml 17 92GR101 Aged for 12 month , made with the skin of dry Amarone, in the pure 12 century tradit ion, an exceptional s ip of dry plum, Cardamone, lapsang souchon tea

38% Alexander Prosecco, Bottega di Veneto, Glara 700ml 12 95GR102 A blend of prosecco marc and Pinot , Tocai g iv ing a Eaux-de-Vie fresh and pleasant, lychee and rambutans, grapefruit and pure l ime skin

38% Moscato Alexander, Hi l ls of Asti , Piedmont 700ml 13 99GR103 A pure golden marc, dist i l led and kept in stain less st i l l 6 month to reposado the perfumes of anis , l iquorice

38% Bottega Grappa Sandro Botatnedga d Fryu mheér,b s 700ml 14 105

GrappaOld tradit ion of alcohol making, in I taly with pomace from winemaking Used since the 12th century by monks as a medicinal drink Drink tradit ional ly had the end of the meal with espresso coffee "La sagra degl i osei è stata vinta da un merlo drogato con larve, semi di canapa e Grappa". Marcel lo Marchesi

Please ask your service host for today's available Grappas

Glass Bott le (60 ml)

GR104 Grappa from Bottega, one ready i t isaged 12 months l ike a bourbon in smoked barrel g iv ing a dist inct ive color and smoky caramel f lavour

Please note that al l prices are in US$ and subject to 10% service charge and applicable taxes

Page 17: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva
Page 18: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

15042% Santa Christ ina Merlot, Le Maestrel le, Marchesi Antinori GR105 From the v ineyard of Tuscany, a real berr ies, and sherry- l ike

41% Nonnino Grappa Moscato 700ml 190GR106 Fresh and sensual , mi ld with whitecrush grape skin feel

44% Grappa di castel lare 700ml 260GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy

Premiums Grappa42% Antinori Pian Del leVigne Riserva 500ml 250GR126 From Antinor i fami ly , balanced and fruity ,with a f iery exit

42% Gaja, Barbaresco 500ml 280GR110 Nebbiolo marc from the best qual i ty br ings out a r ipe pear and green asparagus f in ish

45% Zenato Grappa di Amarone 750ml 285GR112 Ripest stone fruits and kirsch, spice on the tongue and Amaretto f in ish, a f lamethrower in a g lass

40% Moet & Chandon marc dechampagne 700ml 300GR114 The Grappa French vers ion, th is is smooth and fruity leaving a l ight cognac touch with an almost white wine dry exit

42% Grappa Tignanel lo 500ml 320GR115 From the marvel lous T ignanel lo v ineyard, the pomace give i t a r ich almost creamy feel , deep kirsch-l ike f in ish

42% El igo del l 'Ornel laia Grappariserva 500ml 450GR116 Pure cab and pet i t Verdot, a complement to a great wine, you can't waste good marc, th is has been age 3 years to re lease the fresh f lavour 's of the forest mix with archness of a cr isp mineral i ty and sharp edge of tannins

Size Bott le

Please note that al l prices are in US$ and subject to 10% service charge and applicable taxes


Page 19: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva
Page 20: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

NV 12 65

2016 11 55

By The GlassWine improves with age. The older I get, the better I l ike i t

Vintages 125ml Bott le

Brandy40% Antinori Brandy 700ml 17 265








Size Glass Bott le (60 ml)

Glass(30 ml)


Produced in smal l batch, th is is in a way the essence of Ant inor i , the perfume of a l l the fruits and laborious yearsof work in a concentrated bott le , made exclusively with Trebiano grape and aged for 6 years minimum

The Citrus perfume of I taly

Limoncel lo di capri

L imoncino Bottega

Vil la Cardeea Limoncel lo

The cream of I taly

Amaretto Di Saranno

Pesca Bottega, Peach Liqueur

Melone Bottega, Melon Liqueur

Pistachio Bottega, Pistachio Liqueur, lactose free

(30 ml)

BUBBLY 001 Prosecco di Valdobbiadene,Col de Saci ly , Glara, I ta ly

SWEET 035 Santa Crist ina, Casasole Orvieto, Amabi le (semi-sweet) , Umbria, I ta ly

Grapefruit zest , honeydew melon and vineyard peach a fu l l concentrate ofLove in a g lass

I tal ian BrandyThe "burn Wines" of I taly

Please note that al l prices are in US$ and subject to 10% service charge and applicable taxes



Page 21: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva
Page 22: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


La Dolce Vita of the Italian sun with the Que Sera!Sera! Philosophy of enjoying the moment a flute in your hands and a

blue horizon in front of you

“Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.

- Paulo Coelho, Brida

Page 23: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

The Light12





The L ight ini ’s Non a lcoholi c sparkling and fruits of your choice A softer start to your night!!, la vita bella !

The ClassicThe Barmen Made with the barmen choices

The Bel l in i Made with real peach juice

Rossini Bel l in i Made with real strawberry juice

Raspberry Bel l in i Made with real raspberry juice

The Veneto 16W ith mulled forest fruits and agave syrup

Anything who take your Fancy ?? Ask your Bellinis just the way you are !!

The Bar Twist22



Ocean Bel l in i W ith peach schnapps and a dash of blue curaçao

L imi Bel l in i W ith vodka, lemon sorbet and dash of fresh juice

Love Sparkle With Vodka, strawberry puree and mint puree

Indulge in a more Italian life, give it a twist !!

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GSTShould any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Page 24: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

BELLINI'SAccording to the Cipriani Family, the

Bellini cocktail was created in the 1930s by Giuseppe Cipriani (1900-

1980), a bartender and owner of the famous Harry’s Bar in Venice, Italy.

It was named to honour the Venetian Renaissance painter Giovanni Bellini

(1430-1516) not the bel canto opera composer

Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835) The founder of the Venetian school of

painting, Giovanni Bellini raised Venice to be a center of Renaissance art that rivaled Florence and Rome.

He brought to painting a new degree of realism, a new wealth of subject

matter, and a new sensuousness in form and color. All are Bellini’

made with Prosecco from Valdobbiadenne the “champagne” of


Page 25: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Size Glass Bottle60ml

500ml 17 92

700m 14 105

700ml 16 115

700ml 18 125

700ml 190

700ml 260

Her Select ion - Around I ta ly

Light Grappa

Bot tega, Tardiv ia, Aged amarone Aged for 12 month , made with the skin of dry Amarone, in the pure 12 century tradition, an exceptional sip of dry plum, cardamom, and Lapsang souchong

Bot tega Grappa Sandro Bot tega FumeGrappa from Bottega, is aged 12 months like a bourbon in smoked barrel giving a distinctive colour and smoky caramel flavor

ALEXANDER Proseco, Bot tega di Veneto, Glara A blend of proseco marc and Pinot, Tocai giving a Eaux-de-Vie fresh and pleasant, lychee and rambutan, grapefruit and pure lime skin

Moscato Alexander, Hi l l s of Ast i ,P iedmont A pure golden marc, distilled and kept in stainless steel 6 month

Nonnino Grappa Moscato Fresh and sensual, mild with white crush grape skin feel

Grappa di caste l lare, Ant inori Fami ly Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy







Page 26: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

GrappaOld tradition of alcohol making, in

Italy with pomace from winemaking Used since the 12th century by

monks as a medicinal drink Drink traditionally had the end of the meal with espresso coffee

“La sagra degli osei e state vinta da un merlo drogato con larve, semi di

canape e Grappe” - Marcello Marchesi

Page 27: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Premiums Grappa750ml 285

700ml 300

500m 450

Zenato Grappa di AmaroneRipest stone fruits and kirsch, spice on the tongue and Amaretto finish, a flamethrower in a glass

Moet & Chandon marc de champagneThe Grappa French version, this is smooth and fruity leaving a light cognac touch with an almost white wine dry exit

El igo del l ’Ornel laia Grappa r iservaPure cab and petit verdot, a complement to a great wine, you can’t waste good marc, this has been age 3 years to release the fresh flavors of the forest mix with archness of a crisp minerality and sharp edge of tannins




Page 28: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


Around Italy

Page 29: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Size Glass Bottle(30)

SambuccaThe anised aperi t i f of I ta ly

Sambuca Oro Borghet t i 10

Molinari Sambuca 13

Molinari Sambuca Cafe 13

Aperit ivoThe fresh glass, the bi t ter tongue

Campari 13

Mart ini Rosso 13

Mart ini Extra Dry 13

Aperol 13

Ramazot t i 13

Fernet Branca Menta 13

Lemoncel loThe Ci t rus perfume of I ta ly

L imoncel lo di capri 13

Vil la Cardeea L imoncel lo 13

AmarettoThe cream of I ta ly

Amaret to Di Saranno 13

Page 30: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Our International Team at the Bar Brings you the best of cocktails

from all around the world !!!

Ask Any drink that could take your Fancies..Our bar team is

ready for you...

Page 31: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Classic Cocktai l












Aperol Spri tzer

Cosmopol i tan

Moji to

Long Is land Ice Tea

Margari ta


Old Fashioned

Piña Colada

Planter ’s Punch

Ramos Gin Fizz

Singapore Sl ing

Tom Col l ins

Whiskey Sour



Page 32: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

“He was wise man who invented beer.”-Plato


Page 33: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested










300ml Car lsberg, Denmark

Asia330ml T iger, Singapore 330ml L ion Lager, Sr i -Lanka 330ml L ion Stout , Sr i -Lanka 330ml Heineken, Denmark 330ml Asahi330ml Sapporo

“I ’ve only been in love wi th a beer bot t le and mirror.”Sid Visc ious

South America335ml Corona, Mexico

“Beer, i f drunk in moderat ion, sof tens the temper, cheers the spir i t and promotes heal th.” -Thomas Jef ferson

Cider330ml Savanna cider chi l l South Afr ica

“Isn’ t beer the holy l ibat ion of s incer i ty? The pot ion thatdispels a l l hypocrisy, any charade of f ine manners? The dr inkthat does nothing worse than inci te i t s fans to ur inate in al l innocence, to gain weight in al l f rankness?” -Mi lan Kundera

Non Alcohol ic330ml Bi tburger, Germany, 0% 8

Page 34: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


Page 35: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested








Mixer's FeverTree Organic

200 ml Indian Tonic 200 ml Lemonade 200 ml Ginger Ale 200 ml E lderf lower Tonic Water 200 ml Medi terranean Tonic Water 200 ml Soda Water

Soft Drinks OrganicJoy of Joal iNaked L i fe330ml Sugar - f ree lemonade wi th cucumber 330ml Sugar - f ree raspberry wi th l ime

Remedy Kombucha

330ml Ginger & lemon 6

330ml Apple Crisp 6

Soft DrinksJoal i Favourites





330ml Coca Cola 330ml Coca Cola Zero 330ml Spri te 330ml Fanta

Page 36: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


Page 37: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Mineral Waterfrom the Source



750ml Evian s t i l l water 700ml Acqua Panna s t i l l water800ml Voss s t i l l water750ml San Pel legr ino sparkl ing water 750ml Perr ier Sparkl ing 800ml Voss sparkl ing water

The Joy of Joal iFresh Pressed FruitsAll of our f rui ts are fresh, so wi l l depend on season and avai labi l i ty

Non-Alcohol ic sparkl ingI sabel la spagnola bel la pink, I ta ly 45

Page 38: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


In association with Meraki Coffe, a full Maldivian brand from Mabrouq Azeez

who has a strong passion for gastronomy and coffee,

lovingly exploring and experimenting in search of the perfect cup.

Creating the Perfect Joali’sExclusive Blend.

Page 39: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Energy And Soothing6























Espresso, The s t rong one Café Macchiato, The mi lky top oneAmericano, The b lack cof fee wi th water

Cappuccino, The Fro thy one Café Lat te , The Mi lky one Flat Whi te , The l igh t mi lky one Mocha , The Choccy one Hot Chocolate , Not cof fee

Tea Select ionTea se lec ted from al l around the world f ines t tea leaves and exclus ive cropsNewby Tea, The Aris tocrat of Tea

Herbal Tea

Peppermint , To re lax the body & mind Chamomile , to s leep Ginger & Lemon , To beat the Je t - lagPeach & Raspberry, To cool down

Si lver Neddle - Baihao Yinzhen , To de tox

To beat the headache White Peony Tea Bai Mudan ,

Green Tea

Oriental Sencha , To energizeGyokuro Jade Dew tea , To br ing Joy Matcha , To pur i fy Chinese Green Tea Gunpowder green tea , To shoot ou t tox in

Black Tea

Engl ish Breakfas t , To f reshen the morning Decaf Engl ish Breakfas t

Earl Grey hear t Premium Pu Erh , To heal you r

Black Tropical , To boos t 66

Double Espresso

White Tea

, The morning breath of Engl i shness

Page 40: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


Page 41: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Rum 30ml shots












Plantat ion whi te

P lantat ion Original Dark From Ferrand house the oldest in cognac, made withthe same family spirit and care, handcrafted and pure

Captain Morgan spiced Gold Vanilla based with added secret recipe of spice from Jamaica

Captain Morgan Dark Jamaica Old aged recipe, the perfect mixer with deep dark flavours

Plantat ion Barbados Bourbon cask then Ferrand Barrels, aromatic,

banana and chocolate

Plantat ion Tr inidad Perfect balance and soft touch of grassy sugar

cane with pineapple chunks

Plantat ion Jamaica A deep sense of natural process gives a floralnotes with turkish delight

Flor de Caña, Nicaragua, 12 yo centenario Selection of the best barrels, smooth and long lasting smoked flavors with a dark pepper finish

Ron Zacapa 23 yo, gran Reserva,Centenario Sis tema, Guatemala Guatemala Ron style, marked 98 in most of competition,aged at 2000 meter in old caves for 6 to 23 yo

Ron F lor de Caña, Nicaragua, 18 yo A deep dark black pepper and almost balsamic flavour of Italy, to use and abuse on ice

Ron Zacapa Centenario, X.O, Guatemala from 6 to 25 yo, aged partially in cognac barrels,for connoisseur and quiet night cap under the stars

Page 42: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


Page 43: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Cachaça 30ml shots











Cachaça 51 from 6 to 25 yo, aged partially in cognac barrels,

for connoisseur and quiet night cap under the stars

Copacaiba, Sao Cabanna from 6 to 25 yo, aged partially in cognac barrels,

for connoisseur and quiet night cap under the stars

Tequi la

Patron Bianco Si lver Ultra premium 100% Weber blue, handcrafted,

pure and fresh herbs with soft touch of exotics fruits

Patron XO Cafe Coffee Patron silver blend with coffee essence

Patron Ci t ronge Orange Liqueurs from Patron , a nice sweet twist to triple sec

Patron Gran Patron P lat inum Triple distil led and aged in subtle way with oak

then filtered to remove the hue of colours


Beneva Tequi la Mezcal Aged in caves for one year, smoked caramelfragrances and Beneva “ancient” flowers of Mexico


Belvedere, Poland The luxury vodka by excellence, finest rye,traditional polish method, quadruple distil led,pure crystal clear water

Grey goose, France The French Haute Cuisine of Vodka, smooth is the word here, cognac twist, finest wheat, spring water filtered through champagne limestone

Ciroc, France Another French twist with a base of grape spiritsfor smooth and fruity finish

Page 44: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


Page 45: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

30ml shots









Pravda, Poland Small batch , since 1743, from Carpathian mountain, natural rye, mellow and soft Mature for 90 day, savoury and sweet are playingwith your senses, balance of sweetness,crisp finish and lingering taste

Chopin, Poland Potato vodka, creamy style, roll on the tonguewith sharp green apple flavours

Cris ta l Head, Canadian vodka Filtered seven times, corn based giving amore cream and peach feel to it with a spicy finish

Tonino Lamborghini , I ta ly the pure Italian Talent, triple distilled,a raging bull of velvety and deep flavour’s

Roberto Caval l i , I ta ly An Italian Icon, a sensual vodka, 100% Italian, water from Monte Rosa and filter made out of carrara Marble, a Roman weekend

Beluga gold l ine, Russ ia Mature for 90 day, savoury and sweet are playing with your senses, balance of sweetness,crisp finish and lingering taste


Pisco Por ton Mosto Verde Acholado The Peru premium, using quebranta grape with raspberry and citrus kick black pepper finish

RakiALA, Yeni Raki , t r ip le dis t i l led For aperitif and Mezze, the original Lion’s Milkfor courage and reunion with friends, with cold water as a perfect refreshing drink

Page 46: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

“And on the eve of my death, I have only one regret, so many drinks & so

little time”

Page 47: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Gin 30ml shots









60ml shots




Musgrave Pink Gin, Rose Water Romance and perfume swirl in a glass ofAfrican g inger and grain of paradise, a lover boy!!!

Dutch courage Grain spirits and only 9 botanicals for a more pure feelof oily juniper and almost pot pourri fragrance

Bombay Sapphire The one who tells it all. Juniper, lemon, coriander,angelica, orris root, paradise, cubeb berries,Cassia, Almonds & Liquorice

London N1 UK The ocean blue of Joali, quadruple distil led

Aviat ion American, USA Portland, Oregon, with more botanical than Juniper,from 1930 spirit of the speak easy

The bi t ter t ru th, P ink Gin, Germany The old Navy recipe brought to life by a bitter company, smooth and fruity with a hint of spices

Hendricks The Scottish man with rose and cucumber essence at its core

Monkey 47, Germany The 47% made with 47 botanical in the black forest,no monkey business there

SherryLus tau Solera Reserva Pedro Ximenez San Emi l io A deep and complex expression, chocolate andexotic spices for any end of meal to refresh and prolongates any pleasure

Port Wine

Quinta Do Noval Late Bot t led Vintage Por t 2009 The iconic house of Portugal, violets with eucalyptus tea, and a finish in soft and sensual fruits

Quinta Do Noval 10 Year Old Tawny Por t Coffee, cocoa, red fruit jam and roasted nuts a perfect crushed by foot in the utmost tradition

Page 48: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

“I am prepared to believe that a dry martini slightly impairs the palate,

but think what it does forthe soul!”

From Angers in Val de Loire, a Pure Family production with only one

goal, respecting the natureand the plants, started in 1885

with the Menthe-Pastille and now covering a full range of flavour’s

and country, from Middle East to the Maldives in Joali.

Page 49: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Aperit i f 30ml shots

Ramazot t i 13

fernet Branca Menta 13

Gall iano 13

Grand Marnier 13

L i l le t B lanc 13

L i l le t Rouge 13

L i l le t Rose 13

Aperit i f Fruity

Southern Comfor t 10

Vil la Cardea Maraschino 13

Archer’s Peach Schnapps 13

Campari 13

Midori Melon 13

Pages Aloe Vera 13

Pimms No.1 13

Cointreau 13

Chambord 13

St Germain 13

French Aperit i f

Ricard 13

Pernod 13

Page 50: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


Page 51: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Liqueurs Herbals 30ml shots





Jägermeis ter fernet Branca Benedic t ine DOM Carpano Ant ica Formula

Liqueurs CreamKahlua 10

Tia Maria 10

L iqueurs Mixers Giffards

Amaret to 10

Apricot Brandy 10

Blue Curacao 10

Caribbean Pineapple - Premium range 10

Cherry Brandy 10

Crème de Banana 10

Crème de Cassis 10

Crème de Fraise des Bois 10

Crème de Framboise 10

Crème de Menthe Green 10

Crème de Mure 10

Crème de Peche 10

Elderf lower - Premium range 10

Mandarine 10

Parfai t Amour 10

Passion Frui t 10

Pink Grapefrui t 10

Rhubarb 10

Tr ip le Sec 10

Vani l la de Madagascar - Premium range 10

Bai leys 10

Page 52: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


“The American created Whiskey to make cocktails, Irish created Whiskey to makeeveryone happy, Scottish created Whisky

to make real Man !" F.B

Page 53: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Bourbon Whiskey 30ml


Evan Wil l iams 14Since 1783, the most popular in US,smooth and caramel sweet smoked

Maker’s Mark 14Small batch and traditional recipe, nutty and smooth finish

Bernheim Wheat Whiskey 22Craft from 51 % wheat, soft winter one, unique andwhisky finish from Heaven Hills

Woodford Reserve Sweet Mash Master 45Limited edition, real fruity and smooth,honeydew and elderflower herbal


Jack Danie ls N7 12

Jack Danie ls Tennessee Honey 14

Gent leman Jack 18

Single Barre l 20

Malt Whisky - Blended

BlendedChivas Regal 16

Balat t ine’s 22

Royal Salute Diamond Tr ibute 56

LowlandAuchentoshan Class ic 12 yo 20The easy listening of whisky, grilled almonds and vanilla biscuits

Auchentoshan 18 year old 25A Rembrandt style of high contrast and large scale,mythic from lowland

Page 54: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

"Too much of anything is bad,but too much good whiskey is

barely enough."- Mark Twain

Page 55: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Speyside 30ml

Longmorn 16YO Mal t Whiskey 25Super premium, 3 different cask, unfiltered or chill,mashed fruits palate with crème Brule top

The Glenl ivet 21YO 40Perfect age for a perfect whisky, mature and still fresh

The Macal lan 21 year old Fine Oak 65The Master of all, A more rich Spey, spicy with passion fruit finish

HighlandGlenmorangie 10yo 20

Highland Park 18 year old 32Northernmost and last distilleries, salty and mineral rich,fudge and ginger biscuits

Dalmore Cigar Mal t 35The all of Highland spirit and a smile on your face...

Is lay/SkyeOctomore 5 year old 22For connoisseur only, peat, peat and peat

I s le of Jura Prophecy 25Small batch dryer, stronger, smokier and peatier

Bruichladdich 21 yo 3rd Product ion 30Old peat with new light heart

Ir ish WhiskeyJameson 14Single pot and grain whiskey, smooth, light and fruitywith vanilla tea finish

Japanese WhiskeyNikka Pure Mal t 14

Nikka Taketsuru Pure Mal t 22

Nikka whiskey from the barre l 22

Other WhiskeySul l ivan Coast , Double Cask, Tasmania 45tradition and 100% Tasmanian heart, rich palate,complex and fruity elderflower tea lengths

Canadian Club 13Blended whiskey, from the temperance time, smooth and bold

Page 56: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva


Page 57: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva

Please note that all prices are in US Dollars and subject to ten percent service charge and GST Should any of the products not available, a suitable alternative will be suggested

Armagnac 30ml shots











Janneau VSOP The master of Armagnac with light lilacs, dry herbs,honey and dry figs finish


Sylvain Calva From the communes in the heart of Calva-Dos

BrandyLustau Brandy of Spain, Solera, Jerez Reserva Careful selection of the best sherry, roasted nuts andgrilled apricots with caramel coating

Cognac Hennessy VSOP Joali is starting with VSOP not VS, a more refine taste of burned honey wood & 60 different eaux from 15 yo

Delamain XO grande champagne premier cru A blend of only long aged eaux, round intense and mellow

Delamain Vesper XO Grande Champagne Hand crafted cognac selection from oldest family house,1759, minimum of 35 yo, grapefruits and spices for a good cigars

Hennessy X.O The Master distiller and blender, the unique and bold cognac, not for the faint hearted

Davidof f cognac c lass ic Made with one idea in mind, smoky, deep, earthy and quality, l imited editions and connoisseur exclusive

Hennessy Paradis The extra level of excellence, if you never had a cognacyou will be transported in another dimension of fruits,mulled honey and caramels

Hennessy Richard Hennessey The Saint Graal of cognac aficionados, blend of 100 eauxfrom 100 yo minimum from the private collections andfully matured cognac

Page 58: Home - Island & Oak · 2018. 12. 19. · 44% Grappa di castellare 700ml 260 GR107 Use only Sangiovese marc, fragrant and citrusy Premiums Grappa 42% Antinori Pian Delle Vigne Riserva