home protection in remote areas from forest fires (sm version)

Home Protection in Remote Areas from Forest Fires S.M. Huq – Hudson High School Lissabeth Gardner – Troy high School Sean Dory – Troy high School

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Home Protection in Remote Areas from Forest Fires S.M. Huq Hudson High School Lissabeth Gardner Troy high School Sean Dory Troy high School
  2. 2. Forest Fire : Wildfires are 'quasi-natural' hazards.They are not entirely natural features, because forest fires are caused by human activity as well Natural causes - lightning, sparks from rockfalls, arson, slash and burn technique etc Damages: Acres of lands, casualties, loss of properties , damage of civilian structures
  3. 3. What is the problem? The estimated private property losses are huge and affect the home owners Example:The estimated loss of private property from the recent wildfires that ravaged San Diego county from May 13,2014 through May 19,2014 was nearly $30 million Homes in remote areas are more likely to get burned down by fire http://sdbj.com/news/2014/may/27/recent-wildfires-did-30-million-private-property-d/
  4. 4. Problem Statement : To Protect homes in remote areas, near sources of water from forest fires at any time with an autonomous mechanism or, system that will protect homes for a certain period of time until the danger is over.The system will give a 1-2 hours advance notification of the fire.
  5. 5. How to Approach the Solution Consider factors and limitations Brainstorm all solutions Rate solutions on effectiveness, overall cost, and resources used Broke down into two categories- cost effective and if its guaranteed to work Choose the best approach Modify and change the solution to fit the requirements
  6. 6. Factors and Requirements Location Resources Money constraints Forest type Rapidity needed to extinguishing fire The system has to be autonomous It cannot fail Appropriate timing to initiate the overall system Needs to quickly detect potential danger Cost effective
  7. 7. Possible Solutions IronWall Replace house materials Drape house in fire-proof blanket Automated sprinklers Fire resistant paint Moat around house Burn pillage around house(no fuel!) Campaign to end wildfires Fans to push away fire Alert System Fire retardant foam Fire retardant gel
  8. 8. Possible Solution Diagram Scale from 0-5 (Low to High) Solution Effectiveness Overall Cost Resources Used Replace house materials 2 4 4 Automated Sprinklers 1 5 2 Moat around house 4 5 4 Burn pillage around house 2 1 5 Iron wall 5 5 5 Fire retardant gel 5 2 3 Want: 5 Want: 1 Want: 1
  9. 9. Making a Decision
  10. 10. Fire Retardant Gel They can be used for structure protection and in direct-attack applications against wildfires. Superabsorbent polymer slurries Water bubblets provide thermal protection for up to 3500 Fahrenheit. It can last up to 10 hours without rehydration It can be stored for up to 4 years It can be washed off easily
  11. 11. Video:
  12. 12. Selecting an Approach
  13. 13. Completed Process Installed underground at the consumers home Fire fighters notify our service of incoming fires, and the service activates the system The booster pump draws water and gel from the installed tank and nearby water source, creating the mixture The pump then sprays from the hose at the required 130 psi Several hoses are placed around the home to ensure a complete coverage The gel coating protects the home until the fire passes, and is then easily washed off with water
  14. 14. How does it work?
  15. 15. Developed the problem statement Found factors, limitations, and requirements Categorized solutions on efficiency Came to final solution and modified it