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Ranked #882 in Healthy Living, #17,301 overall | Donates to Squidoo Charity Fund Home remedies for your Beuty and Complete health Black raisins: A sherbet made with black raisins, sugar and fennel seeds (saunf) helps to bring quick results as it cleans the digestive tract and chases body h eat away. See the recipe of Fruitful Healer Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables like cucumber, oranges, watermelon, papaya, chickoo, mint, spinach etc. are rich in fiber and nutrients like vitami n A, vitamin C and vitamin E which help to have a glowing skin. Include the Cool ing Cucumber Raita, in your meals everyday and you will see the results yourselv es. Multani mitti (Fuller's Earth), rose water and sandalwood paste: A paste made wi th equal proportions of these three ingredients when applied on the face for 15 to 20 minutes will rejuvenate acne prone oily skin. Tomato: Rub the slices of ripe tomato over the skin. Dry it for ? an hour and wa sh off with lukewarm water. Tulsi (Indian basil): A mixture of juice of tulsi with lemon or ginger (adrak) w ill also help to cure the pimples with its scars. Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day. Do not use soa p. Orange peel is very good for treating acne. Grind the peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. When oranges are not in season, you can use a powder of dried orange peels. For this, when oranges are in season, dry orange peels in shade. Powder finely in a grinder and sift it to make it a very fine po wder. Store in an airtight bottle for future use. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon ( dalchini ) pow der and apply on affected areas frequently. Sift the cinnamon (dalchini) powder to make it into a very fine powder. Crush garlic (lahsun) flakes and apply on the face, once or twice a day. Swallow ing 1-2 flakes of garlic regularly helps. Grind some neem leaves with water to a fine paste. Apply on infected area. Make a paste of teaspoon each of sandalwood and turmeric (haldi) powder in a lit tle water and apply. Grind some black cumin seeds (shahi jeera) with a little vinegar (sirka) to a sm ooth paste. Apply on affected parts. If you have very dry, flaky arms and legs, try this concoction. Mix six-teaspoon petroleum jelly, two-teaspoon glycerin, and two-teaspoon lemon juice. Apply thi s moisturising lotion at least twice a week. Suffering from sunburns? Peel and grate a cucumber. Squeeze the juice. Mix half-

a-teaspoon glycerin and half-a-teaspoon rose water. Apply this on sunburns leave it for some time. A facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face. Black circles? There's a way out. Dip wads of cotton in chilled mixture of cucum ber and potato juice. Keep this on your eyelids for 15 to 20 minutes and gently wash it off. Apply some baby oil. For long eyelashes, apply a thin coat of castor oil every night. It strengthens lashes and cools your eyes. If you have cracked heels, melt paraffin wax; mix it with little mustard oil and apply on the affected area. Leave it on overnight. After 10 or 15 days, your he els will become smooth. Oats, which has high fiber content, is good for your skin too. Try this pack: Mi x oats with honey, yoghurt and ground almonds. Apply this on your face, leave it for five minutes and wash with lukewarm water. Cucumber is a natural cleanser. Mix cucumber juice with milk and use it instead of a cleanser. If you have normal to dry skin, try chocolate mask to make your skin smooth. But if you have oily skin, this is definitely not for you. Take 1/3-cup cocoa, thre e teaspoons of heavy cream, 1/3-cup ripe papaya, 1/4-cup honey and three teaspoo ns of oatmeal powder. Mix all together. Smooth on your face. After 10 minutes, w ash your face with warm water. For oily skin, apply a mixture of grapes, lemon and egg white. Leave it for 20 m inutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it. Don't be alarmed if your skin tingles. Mash a ripe avocado and massage it into your scalp and hair. Rinse in warm water to make your hair soft and supple. For those persisting acne spots, just dab tea tree or lavender oil. They act as natural anti-irritants and will not clog your pores. What's more they will not d ry your skin like acne medication. Tighten your pores before you apply make-up by rubbing an ice cube all over your face. Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minute s, and then rinse off with cold water. This simple and inexpensive way tones you r skin and leaves it feeling refreshed. Avoid doing this if you have dry skin. You can mix one-tablespoon cranberry sauce juice with two tablespoons Vaseline f or a delicious home made lip balm. To reduce puffiness of your eyes, grate a potato; tie in a cloth and place the c loth over your eyes for about 15 minutes. Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil for a great home made moisturiser for your dr y skin. Apply this concoction for 10 minutes. Of course, the legendary honey and milk concoction, which was supposedly Cleopat ra's beauty secret, will make your skin glow.

For a glowing skin, heat four tablespoons of almond oil, two tablespoons of lano lin, two tablespoons of petroleum jelly and two tablespoons of extra virgin oliv e oil. Mix all with an eggbeater. Massage into your skin. Prepare a mask by mixing a slice of pumpkin with egg yolk and milk. Let this mas k set on your face for 30 minutes for a glowing skin. Massage your BODY with a mixture of coconut oil and some of your favorite scente d oils like lavender or rosemary. Your skin, besides smelling heavenly, will acq uire a silky and supple quality. Mix half-a-cup honey to your bath water for soft and smooth skin. Add a small pinch of salt in the water and wash for bright and sparkling eyes.

Dark Circles Take one teaspoon tomato juice, teaspoon lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric ( hald i ) powder & a little gram flour ( besan ). Make a paste & apply. Leave for 10 m inute & wash off. Drink tomato juice with a few mint leaves, little lemon juice & salt. Soak cotton wool in cucumber juice ( kheera ) or potato juice & apply around the eyes. You will find a change in 2-3 weeks. Eyes strain due to TV watching: -Boil teaspoon fennel seeds ( saunf ) in a cup o f water till it is reduced to half. Cool. Use as eye drops (Caution: Beware of c ontamination

Blackheads: Mix 1 teaspoon lime juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon ( dalchini ) powd er and apply on affected areas frequently. Mix 1 teaspoon each turmeric ( haldi ) powder and juice of fresh coriander ( dha nia ) leaves and apply daily as a face pack before going to sleep. For a soothing BODY pack, prepare a paste of mint leaves and almonds. Mix it wit h warm water and apply all over your BODY. Leave it till it dries and rinse with warm water. Buttermilk dabbed on skin for 15 minutes will soak up oil from your skin without drying it. Carrot juice applied daily fades blemishes. For dark underarms and neck apply lemon juice mixed with cucumber juice and a pi nch of turmeric daily. Leave this on for 20 minutes. A mix of crushed mint leaves and oats will reduce pimples. Leave this for 20 min utes and wash it with warm water. If you have facial hair, try this. Apply a sticky paste of egg white blended wit h sugar and corn flour. When it dries, gently peel it off. Repeat this three to

four times a week. Thin apple slices rubbed onto oily skin will help in controlling the oily shine. For rough palms, use a mixture of 100ml glycerin and limejuice. For supple skin, apply a ripe mashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily. Cauliflower juice applied on warts regularly will make them fall. To lighten the tan, try this natural bleach. Mix orange peels (sun dried and pow dered) with milk. Apply this paste for 25 minutes and rinse off. Exfoliate your skin the natural way. Mix grounded moong dal with a pinch of salt and turmeric powder. Make a paste by adding limejuice. Scrub your face with thi s paste to remove dead skin cells, cleanse the pores and rejuvenate dull and tir ed skin.

Hair Problems If you have a dandruff problem, you can try this. Soak one tablespoon of fenugre ek seeds overnight. Grind them into a paste. Apply on hair for an hour and wash it off using gram flour paste. Grind fresh fenugreek leaves ( methi ) to a paste and apply the paste on the sca lp before a bath. Hair Falling Take a handful of neem leaves and boil them in 4 cups water. After cooling and f iltering, use the decoction for rinsing hair. Mix equal quantities of dried curry leaves ( curry patta ), lime peel ( nimbu ka chilka ), shikakai , fenugreek seeds ( methi daana ) & green gram ( moong saboo t dal ) and grind them finely. Store and use as a substitute for soap or shampoo . For itchy scalp, try this recipe. Blend pineapple and papaya slices in a mixie. Stir in a quarter cup of vinegar. Leave this concoction for two minutes and rins e. Make a paste of fenugreek ( methi ) seeds ground with some water and apply this paste on the head. Allow soaking at least for 40 minutes before washing. Use eve ry morning for a month. Hair Loss Apply a little almond oil ( badam ka tel ) on the scalp frequently and massage. Hair Graying Wet a lemon half and rub lemon juice into the scalp well. Wash off after it turn s dry. Grind 1 tablespoon each, pulp of amla and lime juice. Massage this into the hair before going to bed. Wash it next morning.

Soak shredded ginger ( adrak ) in honey. Eat a spoonful every morning. Hair Thinning Bathe the hair in 1-cup coconut milk twice or thrice a week for a few months. Dandruff Soak 2 tablespoon fenugreek seeds ( methi dana ) in water overnight. In the morn ing grind into a fine paste. Apply all over scalp and leave for an hour. Wash wi th shikakai or mild shampoo. Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 teacups of water. After cooling and filtering use for rinsing hair. Baldness Boil 1 cup mustard oil ( sarson ka tel ) with 4 tablespoon henna ( mehendi ) lea ves. Filter and bottle. Massage on the bald patches regularly. Grind the remains of tobacco smoked in a hookah and add to boiling mustard oil. Cool and store. Massage on bald patches regularly. Preserve raw mangoes in oil for a year. Rub 1 teaspoon of this oil on your scalp . Repeat this treatment frequently. Grind 1 tablespoon liquorice root pieces ( mulathi ) in 1 cup milk with teaspoon saffron ( kesar ). Apply this paste on bald patches at bedtime continuously. Grind fenugreek seeds ( methi dana ) with water and apply on the head. Leave for at least 40 minutes before washing. Do it every morning for a month. Angina Pectoris Thoroughly mix 2 teaspoons almond oil with 1 teaspoon of rose oil. Rub gently on the chest, morning and evening. Animal Bite Take teaspoon ground black cumin seeds ( shahi jeera ), twice daily Appetite Loss Mix equal quantities of carom seeds ( ajwain ), fennel seeds ( saunf ), dried gi nger powder ( sonth ), salt and black cumin seeds ( shahi jeera ) and make a pow der. Mix a teaspoon of the powder in a teaspoon of hot ghee and add to cooked ri ce. Have this concoction as frequently as you can. Take 2 teaspoon of amla juice and mix it with 2 me juice. Add 1 cup water and drink on an empty ut juice from fresh amla, remove seeds from the ine paste. Tie it in a muslin cloth and squeeze uits are not available, dried amla can be used. teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoon li stomach every morning. To take o amla and grind the pulp into a f out the juice. Whenever fresh fr

Soak 1 tablespoon of dried amla at night in a cup of water. Strain it the next m orning. Add 1/8 teaspoon black pepper powder ( kali mirch ) and 2 teaspoon lime juice. If necessary dilute with water and drink every morning regularly on an em pty stomach. Take teaspoon black pepper powder ( kali mirch ) and 1 tablespoon jaggery ( gur ) powder mixed together. Cut 1" piece ginger ( adrak ) into small pieces. Add 1 cups of water. Bring to a boil and then let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add milk and sugar to taste, and ta ke it frequently like tea. Anemia Avoid drinking tea and coffee immediately after meals as they interfere in the a bsorption of iron from the food. Take freshly prepared apple juice an hour before meals or just before retiring f or the night. For proper absorption of the juice, remember the stomach should be relatively empty when you have the juice and also do not take anything for abou t half an hour after the juice. Juice of beetroot taken 1-2 times daily is an excellent remedy for anaemia espec ially for children and teenagers. You may combine apple and beetroot for the juice. Mix 1-tablespoon amla juice with a ripe mashed banana and eat 2-3 times a day. H ave a ripe banana with 1-tablespoon honey, 1-2 times a day. Soak 8-10 almonds ( badam ) and 1 teaspoon rice overnight. Remove outer skin of almonds and grind to a fine paste. Boil with 1 cups of milk and a pinch of turmer ic powder ( haldi ). Sweeten with sugar and drink it everyday for a few days. Soak 10-12 currants ( munnakas ) in water overnight. Remove seeds and eat them r egularly for 2-4 weeks. Have spinach juice of 125 gm spinach everyday, for 2-3 weeks. Have plenty of foods, which are rich in iron like honey, almonds, bananas, apricots ( khumani ), raisins ( kishmish ), fenugreek ( methi ) leaves, fenugreek seeds ( methi daana ), lettuce or salad leaves, onion, spinach ( pala k ), grapes, tomatoes, carrots, gooseberry ( amla ), beetroots ( chakunder ), ap ples, pomegranate Bed Wetting: Give 2 walnut halves ( akhrot giri ) and 1 teaspoon of kishmish to the child bef ore sleeping for 10-12 days. Bad Breath: 1. Chew a piece of cinnamon ( dalchini ) put in a betel leaf ( paan ka patta ). Boil some cinnamon ( dalchini ) in a cup of water. Store it in a clean bottle in your bathroom. Use it as a mouthwash frequently. Parsley leaves are rich in chlorophyll, nature's own deodoriser. Chew some leave s regularly and your breath will remain fresh. Alternatively, you can chew some

cardamom seeds to sweeten your breath. Use neem twigs as toothpaste. Powder the dried mint ( pudina ) leaves. Use as toothpowder Burns: Mash a ripe banana and apply on burns. Bandage with betel leaves ( pan ka patta ). If you have a minor burn, immediately place an ice pack on the burnt area for 10 minutes. Combine 4 teaspoon each of lime juice, coconut oil and betel leaves mixture. Rub till the mixture turns white. Apply on affected parts. Apply curry leaves ( kari patta ) as poultices over affected areas. Spread a thin layer of honey over the burn and cover with a dressing. Repeat thi s regularly every two or three hours till it heals. Burns by fire: Immediately apply glycerine on the burnt area. Burn a handful of mango leaves to ashes and apply this on the affected parts. Burns by hot water: Take the thin buds of banana leaves. Bandage directly on aff ected areas. Tie the upper part for two days and then lower parts for two more d ays. Scars because of burns : Boil 1 cup neem bark ( neem ki khal ) in 4 cups water. Remove from fire. Apply the emerging froth on the affected area. Repeat several times and for several days. Bladder Stones: Boil 2 figs ( anjeer ) in 1 cup of water. Drink daily for a month Bruises: 1. Slice a raw onion & place it over the bruise. Do not apply this to broken ski n. Bronchitis In Children: -Mix 1 teaspoon oil of garlic ( lahsun ) with 3 teaspoon s honey and give a small amount three times a day to the child. Body Pain: 1. Boil 3 tablespoon powdered nutmeg ( jaiphal ) in 1 cup sesame oil ( til ka te l ). Cool and apply on affected parts. Breathing Problem: Mix 1 teaspoon camphor ( kapoor ) in cup slightly warmed coconut oil and apply o n the chest. Boil 2 tablespoon fennel seeds ( saunf ) in 1 cup water till it is reduced to ha lf. Filter it and store. Take 1 tablespoon every morning and evening for a few d ays.

Boil 3 tablespoon powdered nutmeg ( jaiphal ) in 1 cup sesame oil ( til ka tel ) . Cool and apply on affected parts. Blood Deficiency: Take 2 teaspoon of amla juice and mix it with two teaspoonfuls each of honey and lime. Add 1 teacup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. Whenever fresh fruits are not available, dried amla can be used. Soak 1 tablespoon the pr evious night in a cup of water. (Note: The treatment should continue for at leas t 120 days to achieve expected results.) Mix 1 tablespoon juice of amla with a ripe mashed banana and eat twice or three times a day. Soak 2 or 3 dried figs (anjeer) in 1 teacup water. Eat them along with milk next morning for a month. Boils: Slightly roast a big onion on a naked flame. Mash it and mix in teaspoon each of turmeric powder and ghee. Apply and tie a bandage. Mash garlic ( lahsun ) and cloves and apply externally. Ground neem leaves into a paste and apply on affected parts. Apply a paste of ginger ( adrak ) powder and turmeric ( haldi ) (ration should b e 1:1) on boils. Grind some black cumin ( kala jeera ) seeds in a little water and apply the past e on the affected areas. Heat black pepper powder in teaspoon ghee until charred. Use this as an ointment . Take fenugreek leaves ( methi patta ) and make a paste. Heat it and when lukewar m, apply on the affected parts of the body. Soak bread in warm milk and sandwich the mixture in-between the folds of a clean cotton cloth. Apply this to the boil and hold it in place with a cotton bandage . This draws the dirt to the surface of the skin and simultaneously bursts the b oil.

Body Swelling 1. Grind black cumin seeds ( shahi jeera ) with a little hot water and apply on affected parts. Boils In Ear Heat 2-teaspoon mustard oil. Add teaspoon carom ( ajwain ) seeds and one or two flakes of crushed garlic ( lahsun ). Boil till they turn red and then filter. Us e as eardrops. For ear pain due to boils: Heat 1 teaspoon each of garlic ( lahsun ) and carom s eeds ( ajwain ) in 2 tablespoon gingelly oil ( til ka tel ) till they turn red i

n colour. Strain and cool. When cooled to body temperature, put some drops into the ears Backache: Rub some ginger paste on the affected area. Apply oil of eucalyptus on it.

Blood Pressure (High): Restrict salt intake and drink plenty of fluids (at least 8-10 glasses of water daily) Drink curry leaves ( curry patta ) juice initially 3 times a day (1 glassful) fo r a month or two and then reduce to only once in the morning. Have it on empty s tomach. For taking out juice: fill your mixy with washed curry leaves, add - 3/4 glass water. Churn well and sieve. Add the juice of or 1 lemon and drink fresh. Have single pod of garlic ( lahsun ), one pod first thing every morning or if th is is not available, have 1-2 cloves of ordinary garlic ( lahsun ). If you get d iscomfort with having garlic first thing in the morning, have 2 cloves twice a d ay - swallow with water any time or with meals. Mix 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon ginger ( adrak ) juice, 1 teaspoon cumin ( jeer a ) powder. Have twice a day. Go on an apple diet for a few days. It has a diuretic effect and thus brings dow n the B.P. Fruits such as mausami , orange, peaches ( aaru ), plum ( aloo bukhara ), waterm elon ( tarbooz ) are also beneficial. Having rice, particularly brown rice as the main staple food is very beneficial. As rice has very low sodium content and low cholesterol, it is a perfect diet f or those who have been advised to have low salt diets. Consumption of natural diuretics like coconut water, butter milk, coriander ( dh ania ) juice (made from green coriander in the same way as curry leaves juice) i s very beneficial. You can also start having fenugreek ( methi ) juice (made fro m fresh methi ) and if this is also not effective, move to curry leaves juice. D rink each juice for 10-12 days at least before you decide. If it does not work t hen move to the next one. Last but not the least, rest, relaxation and good sleep are effective in keeping B.P. under control. Blood Pressure (Low): Crush 10-15 basil ( tulsi ) leaves to a paste and squeeze out the juice through a muslin cloth. Mix with 1 teaspoon honey and have everyday. Add 3/4 cup crushed liquorice ( mulathi ) root to 4 cups cold water and allow it to stand for 2 hours. Then bring it quickly to a boil and steep for 5 minutes. Add this to the bathwater in the tub Body Heat:

Add 2 to 3 drops of almonds oil to pomegranate ( anaar ) juice and drink. Soak 8 to 10 almonds and 1 teaspoon rice overnight. Remove the outer skin. Grind into a fine paste. Mix with some milk and add a pinch of turmeric powder ( hald i ) and sugar candy ( mishri ) to taste. Boil and drink. Remove seeds from fresh amla fruits and grind the pulp into a fine paste. Tie it in a muslin cloth and squeeze out the juice. Take 2 teaspoon of this juice and mix it with two teaspoonfuls each honey and lime juice. Add 1 cup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. Take a tender bel fruit. Grind it with 1 cup milk. Apply on the head and massage well before taking a shower. Colic In Babies: Boil a teaspoon of fennel seeds ( saunf ) in a cup of water. Boil for 2-3 minute s and keep it to cool for 15-20 minutes. Strain. Add 1-2 teaspoon to every feed of milk of the baby. It helps cure colic. Constipation Take a hot glass of water with 1 teaspoon honey and juice of a lemon first thing in the morning. Drink one litre of water first thing in the morning. Soak 6-8 dates ( khajoor ) in a cup of water at night. Churn in the mixer in the morning & drink first thing in the morning. Consume approx. 250-300 gms fresh grapes ( angoor ) every day. When not in seaso n, soak 12-15 raisins ( kishmish ) in water and have them. Raisins should be soa ked for 24-48 hours and eaten early in the morning. The water in which they are soaked should also be drunk. Simply eat a few liquorice ( mulathi ) sticks. One of its many properties is tha t it is a natural laxative. Taking 2-3 teaspoon of Isabgol in milk or warm water either first thing in the m orning or at bedtime is very beneficial. Mix teaspoon honey to - 1-cup warm water and have it 2-3 times a day. Constipation in small children: Soak 6-8 raisins ( kishmish ) in hot water (depending on the age). When cool, cr ush well and strain. When given routinely even to little infants, it helps to re gulate bowel movement (however care should be taken - so as not to give too much otherwise the child will get loose motions.) Consumption of 6-8 apricots ( khumani ) a day or 2-3 cucumbers ( kheera ) a day or 1-2 bananas a day is also very useful. Bulk forming vegetables like carrots, radish, spinach, cabbage or roughage creat ing things should be consumed. Instead of juice always opt for eating the fruit. Whole wheat flour should be used and processed foods (maida, cheese, confectione ry) should be avoided.

Eye Problems Powder equal quantities of liquorice ( mulathi mitti ) and cumin seeds ( jeera ) . Take teaspoon every day along with 1 teaspoon honey for a month. Burning sensation in eyes : Mash 1 ripe banana along with a little curd and water; take twice a day. Tired Eyes Lavender oil offers gentle relief for tired and strained eyes. Add a drop of lav ender oil to 500 ml (2 cups) of water and shake the solution well. Dip two cotton wool pads in the liquid, squeeze out the excess water and place one pad over ea ch eye. If you wear contact lenses, they must be removed beforehand. Weak Eyesight Mix seeds of cardamom ( chhoti illaichi ) along with 1 tablespoon honey. Eat eve ry day. Boil 2 tablespoon fenugreek ( methi ) leaves along with cup moong dal and 10 sma ll onions and eat regularly. Cataract Mix 1 teaspoon rose water ( gulab jal ) with 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice. Add 10 drops of this to the eyes. Cholesterol (High) Finely dice an onion and mix it with 1 cup buttermilk along with teaspoon black pepper ( kali mirch ) powder and drink. Regularly intake garlic (lahsun) cloves for a few days. Regularly intake coriander ( dhania ) decoction made by boiling 2 teaspoon dry s eed powder in 1 cup water. (Milk and sugar can be added to improve its taste. Th is could be a welcome substitute for tea or coffee.) Powder equal quantities of liquorice ( mulathi mitti ) and cumin seeds ( jeera ). Take teaspoon every day along with 1 teaspoon honey for a month. Mash 1 ripe banana along with a little curd and water; take twice a day. Lavender oil offer s gentle relief for tired and strained eyes. Add a drop of lavender oil to 500 m l (2 cups) of water and shake the solution well. Dip two cotton wool pads in the liquid, squeeze out the excess water and place one pad over each eye. If you wea r contact lenses, they must be removed beforehand. Mix seeds of cardamom ( chhot i illaichi ) along with 1 tablespoon honey. Eat every day. Boil 2 tablespoon fen ugreek ( methi ) leaves along with cup moong dal and 10 small onions and eat reg ularly. Mix 1 teaspoon rose water ( gulab jal ) with 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice . Add 10 drops of this to the eyes. Finely dice an onion and mix it with 1 cup b uttermilk along with teaspoon black pepper ( kali mirch ) powder and drink.Regul arly intake garlic (lahsun) cloves for a few days. Regularly intake coriander ( dhania ) decoction made by boiling 2 teaspoon dry seed powder in 1 cup water. (M ilk and sugar can be added to improve its taste. This could be a welcome substit

ute for tea or coffee.) Diarrhea Combine 1 teaspoon each powdered ginger ( adrak ), powdered cumin ( jeera ) and powdered cinnamon ( dalchini ) with honey and make into a thick paste. Take 1 te aspoon thrice daily. Boil 1 teaspoon cumin seeds ( jeera ) in a glass of water. Add to this 1 teaspoo n fresh juice of coriander leaves ( dhania ) and a pinch of salt. Drink it after every meal for 2-3 days. Mash 1 ripe banana along with a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon tamarind ( imli ) p ulp. Take twice a day. Drinking a strong cup of unsweetened black tea is very effective for stopping di arrhoea. Peel an apple and shred it. Keep the shredded pieces in a plate for approximatel y 20 minutes until they turn brown in colour, and then eat them. Slice the tender unripe bel fruit. Sun dry it and then make a powder. Take 1 tea spoon along with warm water twice a day. Every night take 3 cloves of garlic ( lahsun ), chopped and boiled in milk. Make a paste of 1 green chilli along with 2 tablespoon lime juice and teaspoon camph or ( kapoor ). Take teaspoon of this paste. 2 or 3 teaspoon coriander seeds ( saboot dhania ) soaked overnight in water and taken next morning with 1 cup buttermilk. Boil teaspoon powdered cardamom ( chhoti illaichi ) seeds in thin tea water and drink. Mix juice of 15-20 tender curry leaves ( curry patta ) with 1 teaspoon honey and drink. Apply ginger ( adrak ) juice around the navel. Diarrhoea due to indigestion of food :-Insert teaspoon nutmeg ( jaiphal ) powder inside a ripe banana and eat it.

Diabetes For diabetes, diet restriction & light exercise like walking is a must as this c ontrols the sugar level. Grape fruit is a splendid thing in the diet of a diabet ic. Have 3 fruits at a time, 3 times daily. A tablespoon of amla juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter gourd (karela ) juic e and taken daily for 2 months will reduce blood sugar. Dry the leaves of mango tree in shade. Powder and preserve them. Half a teaspoon of this powder twice a day in the morning and evening proves beneficial. 3-4 teaspoons juice of bitter gourd ( karela ), taken every morning on an empty stomach gives good results. Coarsely powder fenugreek seeds ( methi dana ) and have 1-2 teaspoon in the morn ing everyday. (Vary dosage according to individual tolerance level).

Eating 10 fresh fully grown curry leaves ( kari patta ) every morning for 3 mont hs is said to prevent diabetes due to heredity factors. Soak 2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds ( methi dana ) in 1 cup water at night. Drink th is water first thing in the morning and preferably eat the seeds too. Chew 8-10 basil ( tulsi ) leaves in the morning. Guidelines for a diabetics diet: Eat plenty of vegetables like lettuce, tomato and fruits. Use the following fruits and vegetables sparingly and with caution: banana, seed less grapes (angoor), cheeku, leechi , custard apple ( sharifa ), dry fruits, ma ngo, raisins ( kishmish ), potatoes, jackfruit ( kathal ), carrots ( gajar ), pe as ( mattar ), beans, sweet potato ( shakarkandi ), beetroot ( chukandar ). Foods rich in fibre should be preferred. Daily intake of calories should be rest ricted. Use proteins moderately. Milk & nuts intake to be restricted to the minimum whereas have plenty of curds and buttermilk. Avoid all refined foods & sweets. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.

Depression Boil teaspoon powdered cardamom ( chhoti illaichi ) seeds in thin tea water and drink. Mix 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg ( jaiphal ) powder with 1 tablespoon freshly extracted a mla juice. Take 3 times a day. Dehydration Add teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoon brown sugar or ordinary sugar and 2 teaspoon lime juice to 1 cup of water, mix well and drink. Dehydration due to diarrhoea: Soak half a nutmeg ( jaiphal ) in 2 cups water for over 2-3 hours. Take 1 teaspoon of this infusion and mix in 1-cup fresh coconut water. Drink twice or thrice a day. Ear Ache Heat 2 teaspoon mustard oil. Add teaspoon carom seeds ( ajwain ) and one or two flakes of crushed garlic ( lahsun ). Boil till they turn red and then filter. Us e as ear drops. Boil well 1 teaspoon lahsun (garlic) in 2 tablespoon gingelly oil ( til ka tel ) . Cool and filter. Use as ear drops (2 to 3 drops). Mix a few drops of lime juice in 1 teaspoon lukewarm water. Put 4 drops of this into the ear. Use neem leaf juice as ear drops

Ear Infection Extract 1-teaspoon juice from mango leaves. Warm it slightly and use as eardrops . Take care that it should be bearable and not too hot otherwise it might scald the ear. Deafness: Use raw onion juice as eardrops. Put two drops of lukewarm neem oil inside the ear.

Eczema Rub a nutmeg ( jaiphal ) against a smooth stone slab with a little water and mak e a paste. Apply on affected parts. Add 1 teaspoon camphor ( kapoor ) to 1 teaspoon sandalwood paste and apply on th e affected areas. Make a paste of turmeric ( haldi ) and neem leaves (the ratio should be 1:1) in a little gingelly oil ( til ka tel ) and apply on affected areas Remedies For The remedies is a result like chicken Fever mentioned below are ones that can be put to use only when the fever of a viral infection, exhaustion or because of some other ailments pox malaria etc.

Tulsi (Indian basil): A mixture made by grinding few tulsi leaves, Teaspoon of s unflower seeds (surya mukhi ke beej) and 1 teaspoon of honey helps to overcome f ever. Mint (phudina) and Ginger (adrak): Any type of fever can be cured quickly by dri nking the mint and ginger concoction. Turmeric powder (haldi): Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a quarter teaspo on of black pepper powder mixed in a cup of hot milk has been proven to be excel lent for fever. Drink this milk twice a day. Sandalwood: Applying sandalwood mixture on the forehead also helps to reduce the body temperature. Cold Remedy: A lemon a day keeps the cold away. For a bad cold, the juice of two lemons in a litre (2 cups) of boiling water sweetened with honey, taken at bedtime, is a very effective remedy. Have ginger ( adrak ) tea. Cut ginger ( adrak ) into 1"- 1" pieces and boil with a cup of water. Give 8-10 b oils. Strain, sweeten with teaspoon sugar and drink hot. A tablespoon of carom s eeds ( ajwain ) crushed and tied up in a muslin cloth can be used for inhalation to relieve congestion/blocked nose.

A similar small bundle placed near the pillow of sleeping children relieves cong estion. A teaspoon of cumin seeds ( jeera ) is added to 1 glass of boiling water. Strain and simmer for a few minutes and let it cool. Drink it 1-2 times a day. If sore throat is also present, add a few small pieces of dry ginger ( adrak ) to the b oiling water. Six pepper corns ( saboot kali mirch ) finely ground and mixed with a glass of w arm water, sweetened with 5-6 batasha (a variation of sugar candy) can be taken for a few nights. In the case of the acute cold in the head, boil 1 tablespoon full pepper powder in a cup of milk along with a pinch of turmeric (haldi) and have once daily for at least 3 days. Cold with phlegm (balgam) and slight cough: Take 8-10 tulsi leaves and wash well . To 1 cup of water, add these leaves, 1-2 cloves of garlic ( lahsun ), " piece g inger, crushed and 4-5 peppercorns ( saboot kali mirch ). Boil the water and kee p simmering on fire till the quantity is reduced to cup. Let it cool and then st rain. Add 1-teaspoon honey. Drink this every morning. Chills: Instead of your regular hot tea or coffee, have a glass of hot water mixed with honey and lemon. Put a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and a little grated ginger in a glass and a dd hot water. Stir and drink. Chest Congestion Add to litre of boiling water, 1 teaspoon carom seeds ( ajwain ) powder along wi th 1 teaspoon turmeric ( haldi ) powder. Let it cool. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture mix 1 teaspoon honey and have it every day Cough Mix equal amounts of honey and ginger ( adrak ) juice. For better results warm t he mixture a little & then have it. Have 1 teaspoon, 2 to 4 times a day. Three pepper corns ( saboot kali mirch ) sucked with a pinch of black cumin ( sh ahi jeera ) and a pinch of salt gives relief. Mix 1 teaspoon pepper powder with 4 teaspoon gur ( jaggery ). Make small balls. Suck 3-4 balls during the day. Mix equal amounts of pepper powder and sugar candy ( mishri ) by weight. Mix eno ugh pure ghee to form small balls. Suck one ball 3-4 times a day. Avoid - curd, bananas, ice, rice fried and cold foods. 1 teaspoon of basil ( tulsi ) leaves juice 2-3 times a day for children. Make a paste of tulsi leaves and squeeze it hrough a clean muslin cloth to get juice. Mix a pinch of turmeric ( haldi ) with warm 1 cup milk and have at night. Dry Cough: Nearly 250 gms of sweet apples should be taken daily for a week to obtain relief .

A glass of warm water with juice of 1 lime and 1-2 teaspoon of honey is very goo d for cough. Mix 8-10 tablespoon of coconut milk with 1 tablespoon poppy seeds (khuskhus) and 1 tablespoon pure honey. Take every night before going to bed. Cough with Phlegm (balgam) :Mix equal amounts of onion juice & honey. Have 1 tea spoon 3-4 times a day. This is a preventive medicine against cold in winter. Chew a clove ( laung ) with a pinch of salt to ease expectoration and relieve ir ritation in throat.

How to clear a sore throat Powder cardamom seeds. Take a bit of cinnamon. Boil both spices in water. Add sa lt when water comes to the boil. Filter this well, and use for gargling. Brings instant relief to sore throats and prevents further infection. Remedies for Headache Lemon: An equal proportion of lemon and ginger juice when consumed brings instan t relief from headache. Try the recipe to overcome headache. Turmeric milk: One teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed in a glass of milk and boil ed for 5 to 10 minutes is effective against headache. Tulsi (Indian basil): Tulsi in combination with lemon is an age-old remedy for h eadache. Cinnamon (dalchini): A paste made with cinnamon and water should be applied on t he forehead 2 to 3 times every day. Ginger (adrak): One tablespoon of ginger juice combined with? Tablespoon of juic e of tulsi should be used as nose drops to relieve headache. Cloves (laung): A fine mixture of cloves and salt with water or milk is a common cure for headache. Apply the mixture on the forehead twice or thrice daily. Cramps: Apply clove oil ( laung ka tel ) on the affected parts

Remedies for Acidity/Heartburn Here are a few kitchen remedies that are sure to ease your discomfort... Kokum: Sherbet made with kokum and perked with jeera is excellent in keeping aci dity at bay. Check out the recipe of Kokum Sherbet Lemon: Juice of one lemon mixed in half glass of water and teaspoon sugar if con sumed before meals helps to relieve acidity. Vegetable juices: Juices of vegetables like carrot, cucumber, radish or beetroot help to balance the acid in the stomach due to their alkaline nature. Feel free to add a pinch of salt and pepper to enhance the flavour of these juices. Mint: Fresh mint juice taken every day or fresh mint leaves boiled in a cup of w ater and sipped slowly after meals also helps to keep the stomach acids at bay.

Onion (pyaz): The juice of onions is an excellent remedy for acidity. Have them in salads with your meals or alternatively, you can also try a whole-wheat flour or jowar rotis made with onions as done in the recipe of Jowar Pyaz ki Roti. Take a tiny piece of jaggery ( gur ) every hour. Just keep it in the mouth and s lowly suck it till acidity subsides. Drink coconut water 3-4 times a day. Have a plateful of watermelon ( tarbooz ) a nd/or cucumber ( kheera ) every hour. Harad(turmeric) juice, 1-2 teaspoon daily after meals is very effective in contr olling acidity. The juice can be mixed with an equal amount of amla juice for be tter results. To take out amla juice , grate an amla and squeeze the pulp throug h a clean muslin cloth to get juice. Chewing a piece of harad is an age old remedy. Daily health sip Eating cardamom mixed with honey at least once daily it improves eyesight, stren gthens the nervous system and keeps one healthy,