home selling secrets

Home Selling Secrets No One Wants You To Know

Upload: carl-weisman

Post on 13-Apr-2017



Real Estate

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Home Selling Secrets No

One Wants You To Know

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I have some news for you

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When it comes time to sell your home…

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...to keep as much of your equity as possible

…no one is looking out for your money

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It’s up to you

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Here are some home selling secrets

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That ensure your hard-earned


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...ends up

in your



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1 You Don’t Have to Pay 6%

Commission to Sell Your Home, Ever

Selling a home is much easier to do today and smart

real estate agents pass that savings on to the home


There are discount agents, flat-fee agents and fee-for-

service agents, who only charge you for what you need.

All of them will save you money compared to 6%. You

should not be afraid to use them.

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2 Selling Your Home Yourself Doesn’t

Save You That Much Money

It’s easy to find a listing agent to help you sell your home

for a few thousand dollars today. BUT, you’re still expected

to pay the full 3% commission to your buyer’s agent.

Even if you sell your own home and save those few

thousand dollars, you won’t save serious money until you

learn to pay less (or nothing) to the buyer’s agent.

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3 You Don’t Have to Pay For the

Buyer’s Agent

In the US and Canada, it is customary for the seller to

pay for the buyer’s agent, but it’s not mandatory.

You’re not obligated to pay for the buyer’s agent, and if

you do, you certainly don’t need to pay them the full

3% commission they desire. You can offer to pay

anything you want, even as little as a few thousand


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4 Buyer Steering is Real

If you do offer less than the customary commission to

buyers' agents, those agents will work like hell to keep

their buyers away from your home until you raise their fee

back up to the acceptable amount.

While this extortion, known as buyer steering, is a

violation of the realtor code of ethics, it is very real* and

you must have a strategy to combat it.


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5 “You Get What You Pay For” is a Lie

Whenever you attempt to negotiate lower realtor

commission, traditional real estate agents will try to

scare you by reminding you that “you get what you pay


Research* conducted by Consumer Reports found...

Sellers who paid 3% were just as satisfied as those

who paid 6%.

Paying less did not hurt the quality of service.

Those who paid 6% were more likely to have regrets

about the selling process.


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6 You Can Be as Smart as a Real

Estate Agent for Free

With the information freely available today, you can

know everything a real estate agent knows, so you

don’t need to depend on them as much to make


From local crime statistics, to the quality of schools to

the price your neighbor’s home just sold for, it’s all

right there at your finger tips.

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So, now

that you




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How would like to learn a few more?

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At a FREE mini course called…

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Introduction to

The Intelligent Home Seller

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Go to End Of Six Percent

I’m Carl Weisman and

I help home sellers preserve their hard-earned equity

Why do I do that?

I’m sick and tired of home sellers being intimidated into

squandering away their equity due to an abundance of fear and a

lack of education