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nigeria's number 1 s home business newsletter


PUBLISHER’S CORNER: Start with what you have.

Nigeria’s no1 small business journal.

Volume2 issue 4

Publisher : start with what you have


Interview 1

Poultry business 2

Ebook writing 3

motivation 3

Small business finance 4

Auto secrets 4

Inside this issue: Homebizweekly.

It’s another Saturday, when I

get to do my thing, thanks

for checking on us, hope you

had a pleasant week? Mine

was hectic. I’d briefly like to

talk about the spirit of the

postage stamp.

It sticks to a letter all

through, till its final

destination, I think we

should be like the postage

stamp. I call it

stick-to-it-iveness, really

small businesses can be

frustrating, getting a loan,

getting your clients, getting

good people to work with, it

sure takes very strong will, all the same

just keep doing it, there’s a place called the

future, and it’s very bright

Have a nice week.


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Jeff Casmer is an Home Business Ideas ex-pert that provides the top reviews, tips, tools, and resources

There is nothing more irritat-ing than not being able to help

with the house's income. A stay-at-home mom usually

finds herself helpless. She

usually cannot do anything but budget the income of her hus-

band. Sometimes, she cannot

help but think how great it is to just help out. If applies to

you, then you may find these

home business ideas valuable. The best part is that you can

do it without applying for a job.


Writing is

one of the

most com-mon ways to

make a living online. I know a

lot of people who have made a living by just writing for other

people. The Internet runs on content and people just cannot

get enough of it. This is a ser-

vice that will forever have a need and the least you can do

is tap it. The best part is that

you do not need to be an Eng-lish major to write for people

online. You just need to know

how to speak the language.

Web Design

If you are the

creative type, then maybe web design is for you. Some of the

services you can provide are

logo and banner creation along with website template

generation. You can also go an extra mile and offer mascot

creation. These services also

have a constant need. Lots of websites are being created

every day. Each of these web-

sites needs to have their lay-out designed. They need to

have a brand.

5 Home Business Ideas for Stay-At-Home Moms- Jeff Casmer

This is the reason why web design is always a valuable service to



If you are not that good with writ-

ing or designing, perhaps you can

look into tutoring. This is an easy home business idea to implement.

All you need is to be knowledge-

able in teaching little kids and you can go to your local school princi-

pal to tell them about your ser-

vice. If you speak English, you can also teach foreign students like

the Japanese or Koreans. These people usually pay just to learn

the language.

Business Coaching

If you know something about any type of business or Internet mar-

keting, then you can make a living

while being a business coach. With the economic depression, a lot of

people want to go into their own

business. You can tap into this need by helping people launch

their own businesses. The best part is that you can teach them

remotely either through e-mail,

Skype or on the phone.


In the same way, you can also

offer consulting services. With this

home business idea, you only need to be an expert on one topic.

Some popular consulting services

can be in the niches of dating or romance, finance and business. If

you have knowledge in a niche that others are willing to pay for,

then providing consulting services

may be the right path for you.

It is amazing how technology has changed our way of life. Stay-at-

home moms usually do not have a chance to help their families. But

with the Internet, it is possible. All

it takes are some simple home business ideas and a little effort

and creativity.



Otigba street Ikeja



Page 4 homeb izweek ly Vo lume2 issue 4

Catfish Farming In Nigeria - Step By Step How To Start

Catfish farming in Nigeria consists of two most im-

portant types, which could either be operated separately or as an integrated process. The two

divisions are the Nursery Fish farming and the

Grow Out Fish Farming. The grow out fish farm-ing is dependent of the nursery fish farming be-

cause you can't grow fish without the nursery. But,

like I said, they can be operated separately by two different farmers. The nursery involves the induce-

ment of the female fish to lay eggs, which are then

fertilized, incubated and hatched. Those little fishes are know as fries. These fries are then nur-

tured from between three and four weeks into fin-gerlings which is the size suitable for use in the

Grow Out farming.

A catfish farming is a major investment op-eration. And so, starting one needs careful


In between the nursery and grow out operation is what we referred to as the primary operation. It

involves the nurturing of the three or four weeks

within which they could grow into post fingerlings, mini juveniles and juveniles respectively. These

can then be nurtured for between four to five month into grow out or table size fish suitable for

sale and consumption.

Going in catfish farming involves the following

Step One: Land To Use

This is very important. One has to acquire at least

half plot of land in a suitable location. This means, you must consider good access road, closeness to

market and labor. If the land is already available,

it is good. Then we apportion it as follows:

1. Location of ponds

2. Location of farm house 3. Location of water supply and lastly, loca-

tion of drainage facility. The last point is very

important, as you don’t drain your water to

constitute public nuisance.

Step Two: Pond Planning

Once the pond was dug and the area has been de-

veloped, there is nothing one can do to undo the work and recover the cost. And so, extensive

evaluation must be done by someone planning to

start a catfish farm before he finally decides whether it is wise for him to pursue the pro-


Construction Considerations

• Where should the pond be located? Does the

site have enough supply of quality water (from wells or springs)? There are minimum water flow rate requirements in building a pond for a catfish. Will the source meet them? Employ professionals to test whether the water supply volume and flow rate meets standard require-ments.

• Is the water supply suitable for catfish farming?

Try growing a few catfish using water taken from the target source.

• Is the area suitable for pond construction in

terms of soil composition and permeability? Ideal soil for pond construction is one with good compaction property. One resource you can run to check on this is your local soil man-agement office.

• Catfish farming will require some water move-

ment. Will you be able to obtain permits and other necessary licenses for the operation?

Step Three: Water Supply Source

The best water for catfish farming is from bore

hole. One or two must be sunk to guarantee steady water supply. Overhead tanks for hold-

ing water should also be installed. The mecha-

nism of pumping of water must be back up

facility. The system must not fail.

Step Four: Pond Construction

It is advisable to engage the service of a con-

sultant. The success or failure of this project

depends largely on construction of standard

ponds that can stand the test of time.

Putting up a facility for catfish farming is a

large investment. The most major invest-

ment for a catfish farm is the construction

of the pond. Once that is done, you are as

good as through to your business. Buy the

Catfish comprehensive Ebook!



Just before you get that loan.

Internet business wumi sanyaolu

Write Your First Article

Most small business

owners, simply believe

once they can get a loan

to push their business,

that’s it, they’ll soon

become financial giants.

Each time I hear such

statements I simply

laugh, I think every one

should take up a course

in accounting, not just

that I think it should be

applied to every part of

our daily lives.

Let’s take a close look at

this, you get a 50000 loan

for your small business,

and you are paying the

bank or whoever your

source is 10% per month

that’s 5000 every month.

However, the kind of

business you do, after

deducting all expenses

you are barely left with

1000, you have neither

thought of paying

yourself, nor setting

aside a little monthly

saving for your business.

At this point you are

obviously worse off,

than when you first

begun, and because you

have to pay up your in-

terest, which you didn’t

make, you must

definitely pay interest

first from the capital, and

after you crash the capital,

you find out you are in

debt, that’s how debt accu-

mulates with interest pill-

ing up monthly.

Think deeply of other

sources of capital, and if

you opt for taking a loan,

please do your calculations

right, to ensure you are not

just working, for the bank,

that’s modern day slavery.

All the best.

Maybe tomorrow :People say procrastination is the thief of time, to me time is not the only thing procrastination steals it steals everything. So many people will never write their first article because they want to write it tomorrow, you and I know that there has never been any day called tomorrow, and there will never be, tomorrow lives in the heart of man and it will never come. So why not pick up your pen and write your first article now.

Its not good enough:Another major reason why you may never write your first article is because you feel your draft is just not good enough. What ever happens sweetheart keep writing, things will only get better, put in extra effort to write articles, don't bother about making it the best article on the internet, if you wait till when you will be able to write your best article, you'd be waiting forever, no matter how it looks write.

Finish before you start: Never start an article you have not finished, take extra time to plan your articles, this will enable you predefine the

Write your first article! You must have heard the story of the chained eagle, for years it sat in a cage watching other eagles fly, this eagle never knew he was of the same specie with, the eagles that flew over its cage, finally one day, its cage opened up, our eagle walked out, occasionally flapping its wings. Gradually it began to raise its wings, and then for the first time in its life it flew, soon it was soaring like an eagle that it was. Deep inside of you there is a writer, waiting to be re-leased. May be you belong to the school of thought that believes that writing is a talent, permit me to disagree with you, to the eagle soar-ing is not a talent, its a way of life, and so to man writing is not a tal-ent, its a lifestyle. Whether you will end up as a prolific writer, or as a miserable one, largely depends on what you do with the writer chained inside of you.

pattern in which your article will go, if all you do is just to pick up your pen and write, you may end up distracting your reader, and diverting their attention, from where you first began, this might leave them more con-fused after reading your article, than they were before then, carefully jot down the main points of your article, and how it will go.

Arm yourself: There are so many tools you will need to perfect your writing skills, how-ever for starters, please take advantage of, the dictionary, search engines and other peoples articles.While search engines will help you search out resource materials you will be needing to make up your articles, a constant visit to the dictionary will not only improve your vocabulary, it will make you a more confident writer, if all you learn in a day is a new word, at the end of the year you will have added 365 more words to your vocabulary.Going through articles of prolific writers will give you the opportunity of comparing their writing styles; it will teach you so many tips on writing flawlessly-

“ I think every one

should take up a

course in accounting,

Page 5 homeb izweek ly Vo lume2 issue 4
