homeopathic products

A small sample of products produced by Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, HD (Homeopathic Doctor) Eczema Herbal Cream Pure Handmade Arnica Cream Pure Handmade Calendula Cream

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Post on 20-Feb-2016




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A small selection of popular homeopathic products produced by Atiq Ahmad Bhatti


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A small sample of products produced by

Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, HD (Homeopathic Doctor)

Eczema Herbal Cream

Pure Handmade Arnica Cream

Pure Handmade Calendula Cream

Bio-M Complex

Okoubaka Complex

Hayfever Tablets

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Does eczema really have to make your life a misery?

Dear Friends:

There are 100's of creams and ointments available on the market today for treating eczema and psoriasis, as well as a host of other common skin disorders, including acne, skin allergies, scabies, ringworm, cradle cap and nappy rash.  All these help to 'relieve' such conditions but only Eczema Herbal Cream (Herbaflora) 'relieves' and completely eradicates such conditions.

Imagine what it would be like to control your itchy, blistered skin. If you could take control of it and reverse the symptoms of:

Red Skin on your face Blisters on the back of your knees Weeping elbows Unbearable itching from eczema Constant scratching Irritation of the feet Sore neck

What would this be worth to you to stop your suffering?  There has always been major symptoms that have added to the misery of eczema:

Dietary factors such as cow's milk Stress Contact with substances such as perfume Nickel Lanolin and detergents Woollen clothing etc

Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, HD, (Homeopathic Doctor), has produced a homeopathic, herbal based eczema cream (Herbaflora) that is 100% natural, safe, powerful and exceptionally effective.  This cream has been tested in USA laboratories and has been proven to be 100% herbal based.

As one person wrote:

“…I am over the moon with the results, it worked very well within a few short days…”

Question?What if you could finally find a solution to all the misery you have suffered?


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Pure Handmade Arnica Cream

Dear Friends:

We are pleased to offer pure handmade Arnica Cream, made from freshly prepared flowers of Arnica Montana. This especially handmade cream is part of our Health Essentials range and is made to the finest quality.

The cream is available in 60g amber jars with a black lid.

Pure Handmade Arnica Cream is prepared from FRESH macerated flowers of Arnica Montana, and as such, the tincture of the flowers is prepared only a short time before the handmade process of preparing the creams.

What makes our handmade Arnica cream effective is that it is prepared from the finest of Arnica flowers and is based on the very highest quality standards - quality is not compromised.

Atiq Ahmad Bhatti HD, (Homeopathic Doctor), invites you to use his cream. As soon as you open the cream jar you'll be able to smell the Arnica flowers - and be able to benefit from its freshness and quality.

Arnica Montana and It's Uses  

Arnica is a very graceful plant that can be found within the same family as the sunflower.  It is found in parts of central Europe.  The freshly cut flowers are used in many holistic treatments, predominately homeopathy and herbal medicine.

Arnica is proven and known to heal and bring about relief from sprains, bruises, muscle pain and stiffness.

Arnica Cream is being used around the world by 1000’s of people everyday. The cream is especially effective on animals and pets.

For more information on Arnica, just google it or search for it on the worldwide web. You'll be pleasantly surprised.


Pure Handmade Calendula Cream

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Dear Friends:

We are pleased to offer pure handmade Calendula Cream, made from freshly prepared flowers of Calendula Officinalis.  This especially handmade cream is part of our Health Essentials range and is made to the finest quality.

The cream is available in 60g amber jars with a black lid.

Pure Handmade Calendula Cream is prepared from FRESH macerated flowers of Calendula Officinalis, and as such, the tincture of the flowers is prepared only a short time before the handmade process of preparing the creams.

What makes our handmade Calendula cream effective is that it is prepared from the finest of Calendula flowers and is based on the very highest quality standards - quality is not compromised.

Atiq Ahmad Bhatti HD, (Homeopathic Doctor), invites you to use his cream. As soon as you open the cream jar you'll be able to smell the Calendula flowers - and be able to benefit from its freshness and quality.

Calendula Cream and It's Uses  

Calendula creams have been used for many centuries due to their extraordinary healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Pot marigold (or Calendula) is a perennial or annual herb originating from southern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean area.

The plant has many traditional culinary and herbal uses. Historically, Calendula has cleansing and antiseptic properties and is used for soothing and healing skin wounds, also as a remedy for certain digestive disorders.

It is a must for anyone with children as it can be applied to cuts, grazes with amazing results.

Calendula has been shown to speed healing of wounds, and the dried petals of the calendula plant are used in tinctures, ointments, and washes for the healing of burns, bruises, and cuts, as well as the minor infections they cause.


Bio-M Complex

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Bio-M Complex contains the 12 Tissue Salt vibrations for perfect health. Please visit this products webpage by using the website link at the bottom of this page for more information on this unique product.

Bio-M Complex is a formulation of trace elements, which are prepared by applying principles of homeopathic preparation and potency.

After research in this area, Dr. Atiq has been able to formulate Bio-M Complex into a Homeopathic product that allows not only cellular health, but also balances the Chakras as well as opens the vibration channels that we are all receptive to.As a result, Bio-M Complex is now available to everybody, with the aim that it forms a powerful healing platform for every individual, from infant to child to adult. Bio-M Complex is a complex that provides harmony on an individualistic level.

Bio-M Complex is prepared (by hand) and is unique in its composition and its purity. Bio-M Complex has been formulated through the use of a varying degree of laws of natural medicine, thus allowing it to be purer by energising the core of its therapeutic properties or value.  As soon as a tablet is dissolved on the tongue, each and every cell becomes a recipient of its properties, providing health, removing dis-ease, and restoring and maintaining overall health.

Dr Atiq recommends that Bio-M Complex is taken for a month, then you allow the body to take advantage of the efficacy of the complex for a further two weeks before starting the cycle again.

Remember, just as in the world of computers, if we get a virus in our computer we use anti virus software to eradicate and remove the virus, thus restoring the functional integrity of the computer to carry on. Bio-M Complex does the same for our cells – each and every single one of them.  It removes danger, viruses and dis-ease that may have penetrated the core of the cells, thus allowing their health to be kept at an optimum level in a world full of toxicity, viruses, bacterial and fungal infections, suppression by antibiotics and damage caused by living habits.

Bio-M Complex is a product that everyone can take for the basic health need – keeping the cells that make who we are, healthy and alive with energy.

Remember you only need to take Bio-M Complex for 30 days and then stop for 14 days to allow your body to assimilate the goodness.


Okoubaka Complex

Okoubaka Complex is a Homeopathic combination that has been specially formulated to treat:


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ALL AUTO IMMUNE CONDITIONS - MS, ME, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Lichen Planus etc

Intestinal Infections

Intestinal Intoxification


Celiac Disease

Gluten / Wheat Allergy



IBS - Irritable / Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome

Nervous Indigestion

Crohn's Disease

Children - Learning Difficulties

Side effects of Vaccinations, such as Eczema, Dry Skin, Heat

Difficult Concentration

Tobacco Poisoning

Unhealthy Blood

Okoubaka Complex will treat gastrointestinal tract infections, especially those accompanied by diarrhea caused by contaminated food.

It also stimulates the excretion of mycotic toxins and speeds detoxification of the intestines and other organs. It will help patients deal with chronic infestations of Candida albicans and Mucor racemosus, both of which can rapidly multiply and cause acute infections.  


Okoubaka is a mysterious medicinal plant, used as a fetish by medicine men in West Africa.  These healers prepare a powder from the tree's bark which is used against all kinds of poisoning.  Many a tribal chief's taster probably owes his life to this bark.  Parts of the plant are also used symbolically to ward off evil spirits.  For this reason the tree is considered invaluable and is associated with the most stringent of taboos; its use is strictly reserved for local magicians and medicine men.


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Dried bark from the branches of the Okoubaka tree are pulverised, macerated in alcohol and then potentized to the desired dilution.


Hayfever Tablets  

Allergy Essentials Hayfever Tablets are a unique Homeopathic prescription that has been used by Dr. Atiq's family of Homeopaths since 1980.

It has been tried and used by over 10,000 patients to date and has proven its effectiveness for ALL TYPES OF seasonal allergies, specifically hayfever and/or allergic rhinitis as well as asthmatic symptoms that come on during the summer months.It desensitises the body of pollen and other allergy triggers such as feathers, grass, haydust, housedust, pesticides and insecticides and provides a natural and powerful way of removing hayfever symptoms, giving you the ability to enjoy the summer without a runny nose, sneezing or the horrible tickly sensation in the eyes, nose and throat.

Hay fever usually occurs during the spring and summer months.  Exactly when you get it depends on which pollens you are allergic to.  From May to July grass and flowers are in pollen, making these the most common cause of hay fever.  During spring, usually from March to May, pollens from trees are the most common cause of hay fever.  Some people do get hay fever into the autumn months, however this is rare and is usually caused by weeds such as nettles and docks, late flowering plants, and mould spores.

Hayfever symptoms can be similar to a cold and can include a runny nose, watery eyes and repeated sneezing attacks. As with all allergies, the symptoms happen as a result of your immune system (the body's defence system) overreacting to a normally harmless substance, which in this case is pollen.  When the body comes into contact with pollen, cells in the lining of your nose, mouth and eyes release a chemical called histamine that triggers the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

You are more likely to get hayfever if there is a history of allergies in your family, particularly asthma or eczema.  Hayfever usually begins in the early teens and peaks when you're in your twenties.  Research has show that many people become less sensitive to pollen as they get older, and by the time they reach their mid-forties, hayfever may no longer be a problem.

We are proud to announce the end of the miserable hayfever season - through the unique Allergy Essentials range.

The HayFever Complex is 100% safe for all the family, from infants, children and adults and works in a natural and effective way to removing ALL hayfever /allergic rhinitis symptoms.

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