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{ Content Analysis Homework 1 – Bethany Wallsworth

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Content Analysis

Homework 1 – Bethany Wallsworth

I have chosen the main pages that are usually featured in each magazine weekly.

This is one of the main pages in this magazines issue, it shows a few popular rock bands such as papa roach, & lostalone. This appeals to the target audience as they would enjoy these popular metal/rock bands. On this page, the band members are sharing some of their experiences being in the band, during tours, or just during their home lives, practicing etc, the target audience would enjoy this as they would get to know their favourite bands better, like gossip. It also includes some ‘embarrassing’ photos of the band members. On the bottom right page, there’s a comic strip being promoted, by a popular comic artist, this may inspire some fans of these artists to make their own comics & make artistic things.

In every issue of Kerrang! they show their official rock chart, it’s like the BBC top 40 songs, but a rock version. 20 popular rock/metal songs are shown, most popular to least, this appeals to the target audience as it allows them to broaden their taste in music due to what is popular within that genre. Along the left side of the page, 4 bands in the charts are being promoted, informal language is used, making small jokes about each bands success etc, this would be appealing to the target audience as it gives a sense of informality, making it seem friendly & jokey. Along the left, they have a section called ‘chart attack’, a readers chart, a rockstar chart, & a random chart, chosen by different artists/bands, who’s in each section each week, this allows you to be introduced to new bands that are being promoted, so they get more popularity.

On this page, the Kerrang! Tour of 2014 is being promoted, giving readers details about who’s playing at the concerts, giving dates & locations. This is appealing to the target audience as it lets them know who’s playing at each concert, Kerrang! Usually tend to use popular bandsAlso giving a place to buy the tickets from. The main bands headlining are shown on this page, including limp bizkit, crossfaith & nekro goblikon.

On these double spread pages, are posters promoting individual artists, bands or musicians; usually from the glamourous photo-shoots'.

On this double spread page, shows a way you can win a free t-shirt, using persuasion, as to get the t-shirt you must purchase 10 copies of Kerrang!. Giving details on how to do this, also a slip to cut out to send in the post with your 10 K!’s. Promoting the band t-shirts, are members from each band wearing one of their own.