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Hompes Method Practitioner Training Level II © Health for the People Ltd – not for reuse without expressed permission Hompes Method is a trading name of Health For The People Ltt | Registered in England & Wales | Company # 6955670 | VAT # 997294742 Lesson Eight The “4Rs” Part A (i) – “Removal”

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Hompes Method Practitioner Training Level II

© Health for the People Ltd – not for reuse without expressed permission Hompes Method is a trading name of Health For The People Ltt | Registered in England & Wales | Company # 6955670 | VAT # 997294742

Lesson Eight

The “4Rs” Part A (i) – “Removal”

GI Tests – What Do You Do?

• So let’s say you’ve run a stool and Organix test with your client or patient, showing H. pylori, Pinworm, Blastocystis hominis and low good bacteria levels. What on Earth do you do?

“The 4R’s”

• The typical model you’ll see in functional medicine training models is the “4R’s”.

– Remove irritants bad food, bad bugs, bad toxins

– Replace key nutrients and digestive factors

– Reinoculate with good bugs

– Reintroduce foods that were removed

“The 6R’s”

• In one of the training programmed I attended, they expandd the 4R principle to 6R’s (just to confuse everyone):

– Remove allergenic foods, alcohol, gluten, pathogens

– Reduce sugar, saturated fat and red meat (?)

– Restore bowel transit time

– Replace digestive factors

– Reinoculate with probiotics

– Repair the mucosal lining

4 or 6?

• It doesn’t really matter whether it’s 4R’s or 6R’s, the concept is the same. You get rid of the bad stuff and put the good stuff back in. Some of these stages can also overlap, but to begin with you may feel more comfortable running them separately.

The 4R’s - Client Expectations

• The first thing to do is this: clearly communicate with your client or patient the fact that it’s going to take time to fix their gut! Altering diet, removing a ton of bad bugs, replacing good bugs and healing the gut lining can take several months. Research indicates that a gluten-damaged intestine can take years to fully recover (in some people, it may never do so).

4R’s – Remove Bad Foods

• Key foods to remove to enable the gut to settle down are:

– Gluten and possibly even all grains

– Processed foods

– Soy

– Cow’s milk in many people

– Raw and undercooked vegetables

– Nightshades

– Nuts and seeds

– All vegetable oils except coconut oil

– Alcohol

– Processed sugar

– Artificial sweeteners

4R’s – Remove Bad Foods

• The reduction of red meat and heavy, fatty foods can be very beneficial for some patients as well, especially if their pancreatic, liver and gallbladder function is not strong (gallbladder removal is an important one to watch out for).

4R’s – Remove Bad Foods

• Any food can cause a reaction in a given person. People may have problems with foods such as bananas, strawberries and seafood. The list on the previous slide shows the “big players” that most people benefit from avoiding.

4R’s – Remove Bad Foods

• Hompes Method Level I training provides detail on these foods and specific rationale behind recommending that your clients and patients avoid them.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs

• The removal of bad bugs is imperative in helping many clients/patients progress up the Vitality Scale. Sometimes you’ll find that symptoms don’t improve at all until you begin removing the bugs.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs

• As with all the elements in functional medicine - and healthcare in general – some people will find it relatively easy to eliminate their unwanted guests, whereas others will have a little more difficulty. Many factors are at play – nutrient and hormonal status, toxicity, genetics, willingness to optimize diet and lifestyle, etc.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs

• I’ve had generally had good success working from the top-down:

– Mouth

– Stomach

– Intestine

• But there is no hard, fast rule for the sequence you address bad bugs and sometimes I use my intuition to work in a different order/sequence.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs - Oral

• I’ve learned some neat little techniques for assisting with the optimization of oral health. In addition to referring to a high quality dentist, if a client has a white tongue, furry mouth, sore gums and other oral symptoms, I recommend oil pulling and a sodium bicarbonate mouthwash.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs - Oral

• Your client/patient may need some significant work done to assist with the restoration of optimal oral health, but in most cases the optimization of nutrition, eating habits, rest and the use of these little techniques can really improve oral health.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Oil Pulling

• Please see the resources beneath this video window for a full description of oil pulling. It’s a great technique in which your client uses coconut or sesame oil to cleanse the oral cavity. It works very well for many people.

– Lauric and caprylic acids in coconut oil are antimicrobial.

– The oils break down plaque and tartar.

– Theories exist that the method also detoxifies the body.

– It may reduce the load of bad bugs and toxins entering the stomach.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Oil Pulling

• Dr. Bruce Fife wrote a book on oil pulling. You can grab it from Amazon or anywhere else you can find it! There are also a couple of PDF ebooks on the Internet that may be worth reading – they are in your resources guide.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Bicarb Gargle

• A technique I first learned from Michael Ash, who’s head of Nutri-Link, UK, is the sodium bicarbonate gargle. It’s simple:

– Add 1-2tsp sodium bicarbonate to water and mix

– Use as a mouthwash and gargle 4-5 times per day

– Stand toothbrush in the solution

– Brush and scrape tongue

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Serious Issues

• Some people can have really serious issues in the oral cavity and may need medical intervention, an expert dentist or even a periodontist. If your client/patient can link symptoms to dental work – e.g. root canal, mercury amalgam, crown - it’s prudent to refer out as soon as possible whilst you work on everything else!

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

• H. pylori is the most frequently detected bad bug in the 401H, GI Effects and DRG tests (but not in the PCI test, as we discussed). Whilst it can live in the small intestine, it’s primarily considered a bad bug of the stomach. You are not allowed to “treat” H. pylori unless you’re a doctor, so terminology is important when you’re writing out your protocols.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

• I always offer my clients the choice of pharmaceutical treatment (via their doctor) or more gentle botanical intervention. It’s important to do this as part of your legal protection. Allow your client / patient to make the choice.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

• Standard medical treatment for H. pylori is known as “triple therapy” and includes:

– Two different antibiotics

• Clarithromycin, metronidazole, amoxicillin

– A proton pump inhibitor to block acid production

• Omeprazole, esomeprozole, pantoprazole, lanzoprazole

– 7-14 days

• May depend on country/region

– PPI sometimes recommended for 30-days

• To block acid and facilitate mucosal healing

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

• The Maastricht Consensus Report on H. pylori is worth keeping in your literature database to show clients and patients what’s actually happening with H. pylori treatment around the world.


4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

“The triple treatment including PPI-clarithromycin and amoxicillin or metronidazole proposed at the first

Maastricht conference to treat H pylori infection has become universal. However, the most recent data show that this combination has lost some efficacy and often

allows the cure of only a maximum of 70% of the patients, which is less than the 80% rate aimed for at the beginning and far below what should be expected

for an infectious disease.”

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

“While no new drug has been developed for this indication, a number of studies have been carried out in recent years using different combinations of known

antibiotics. Most data were obtained with the so-called ‘sequential treatment’ which includes a 5-day period with PPI amoxicillin, followed by a 5-day period with

PPI-clarithromycin-metronidazole (or tinidazole).”

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

“It was also proposed that the three antibiotics should be taken simultaneously together with a PPI (non-

bismuth quadruple therapy). There was also a renewal of the old recipe—that is, the bismuth-containing quadruple therapy following the development of a

gallenic formulation including bismuth salts,

tetracycline and metronidazole in the same pill.”

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

• The list of side effects I’ve heard clients tell me about (and about which I’ve read on the Internet forums) is pretty frightening. Two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor - three potent and toxic drugs taken all at once and sometimes on top of other medications is a big load for the body to deal with.

Special Note on Antibiotic Resistance

• Dame Sally Davis – chief medical officer for England – was quoted by the BBC in 2013. Her words echo the sentiments of microbiologists and forward-thinking doctors around the world.

Special Note on Antibiotic Resistance

"If we don't take action, then we may all be back in an almost 19th Century environment where infections kill us as a result of routine operations. We won't be able

to do a lot of our cancer treatments or organ transplants…We haven't had a new class of antibiotics since the late 80s and there are very few antibiotics in the pipeline of the big pharmaceutical companies that

develop and make drugs.”


Special Note on Antibiotic Resistance

"It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to

concentrations not sufficient to kill them, and the same thing has occasionally happened in the body. The time may come when penicillin can be bought by anyone in the shops. Then there is the danger that the ignorant

man may easily under dose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make

them resistant.”

Alexander Fleming – 1945 Nobel Prize Speech

• Botanical agents may assist in the restoration of optimal microbe balance in the stomach (please note the way I’ve just said that). Using a botanical stomach cleanse we may be able to help clients/patients alleviate gastric symptoms and improve gastric function.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

• When I had H. pylori, Dr. Kalish recommended two supplements (Mastika by ARG and Bio-HPF by Biotics Research). He’d used them as his stomach cleanse protocol for a long time, with success. But they didn’t work for me and actually made me feel much worse.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

• I subsequently scoured the Internet for other possible solutions. I found some alternatives and tried a product called Matula Herbal Formula. Literally 48 hours after I started taking it, all my upper GI symptoms disappeared. I’ve since successfully used Matula with hundreds of clients to restore optimal microbial balance in the stomach and have spoken with many other practitioners who’ve observed similar results.

4R’s – Remove Bad Bugs – Stomach

• My preferred option for the stomach cleanse is 30-60 days of Matula Herbal Formula.

• If my client can afford additional products, I use Helico-X, Allicillin and Gastromend-HP.

• If the H. pylori issue is particularly stubborn, adding Interfase Plus may help break down the H. pylori Biofilm.

4R’s – Stomach Cleanse

4R’s – Matula Herbal Formula

• Matula Herbal Formula is a herbal tea. Many clients wonder how on earth a herbal tea can help them, but it’s very potent. It’s pleasant tasting and very simple / convenient. It’s great for people who don’t like to swallow capsules. I’ve seen one case of a serious negative reaction (allergic symptoms and elevated liver enzymes). Apart from that isolated incident, it’s been very safe. I’d say our success rate is about 95%, which is 25% higher than triple therapy.

4R’s – Matula Herbal Formula

• Unfortunately, it’s only available from one exclusive provider and is shipped from within the US. They only accept Paypal. I know the owners and they are very nice, heart-centred people. But the customer service isn’t the best. A major plus is that they do offer a money back guarantee or a free second box if your client still has H. pylori after completing a 30-day protocol. Details are in your resources section, beneath this video window.

4R’s – Gastromend-HP

• Mastic gum

• Zinc-l-carnosine

• Vitamin C

• Vitamin U

• DGL (deglycerrhizinated licorice root)

– All either have anti-H.pylori properties or help heal stomach lining

4R’s – Allicillin

• The first commercially available garlic supplement containing significant levels of ajoene and diithins, the most active compounds formed from garlic. Equivalent of 40 bulbs of garlic in 60 capsules.

4R’s – InterFase Plus

• Biofilm is made up of microorganisms that are encased within a matrix of polysaccharides and proteins. The bugs in these biofilms are resistant to antibiotics and other antimicrobials. InterFase Plus was designed to disrupt the biofilm.

4R’s – Helico)X

• Helico)X is a well researched Chinese Herb formula with clinical trials proving its efficacy in controlling H. pylori, chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric & peptic ulcers & reflux.

4R’s – Amazon C-F

• “Cold and Flu” capsules provide a herbal blending formulated to be used first and foremost as an antimicrobial immunity booster for cold- and flu-causing bad bugs.

4R’s – Pyloricil

• I haven’t found it to be particularly effective. Other practitioners have said the same thing. Nevertheless it’s worth knowing about – contains mastic gum, bismuth, berberine, ginger root.

4R’s - Probiotics

• Probiotics have been shown to enhance the effectiveness of triple therapy, whilst also reducing side effects during treatment. They should be used four hours away from antibiotics. Dosing guidelines will be given during the specific lesson on probiotic protocols.

4R’s – Stomach Cleanse Summary

• I’ve given you a range of products to use for the stomach cleanse process. Specific protocols and suppliers for UK/Europe and North America are provided for you in the resources section for this lesson.

4R’s – Parasites

• For recommendations regarding the pharmaceutical treatment of parasites, I recommend two websites: CDC and Emedicine Medscape:

– http://www.cdc.gov/

– http://emedicine.medscape.com/

4R’s – Parasites

• Always offer your client/patient the option of working with a doctor. Unlike H. pylori, which well known, doctors don’t tend to consider parasites. They may be reticent to treat a patient based on testing from a private lab, and may not know what to do with a particular finding (I’ve seen this many times). It gets even more frustrating when they insist on running their own tests, which often don’t find anything!

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• As you’re probably aware, there’s a whole gamut of herbs that have anti-parasitic properties. Traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic, European, African, North American and South American peoples all have their specific natural substances and methods. There are some excellent combination products that make the process of restoring optimal intestinal microbial balance convenient.

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• GI Microb-X is potent and does a great job. It’s not just an anti-parasitic. It also has non-specific anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• Amazon A-P is a fantastic product. It’s very potent and I have seen some side-effects in people, so it’s wise to introduce in small doses and increase them gradually.

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• Dr. Kalish taught me to use AP-Mag when Crypto shows up on the stool test. The magnesium helps the botanical compounds get right into the nooks and crannies where Crypto can hide.

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• Another great product is Biocidin, which has anti-microbial, immune supportive and also detoxification supportive properties. Having products available as liquids is important for those who don’t like capsules.

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• GI Synergy is a combination of three Apex Energetics products, H-PLR, Yeastonil & Parastonil.

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• Parabotanic Select is one of the products I use with my US clients. It’s very effective when used together with GI Microb-X or Amazon A-P.

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• Para-Key is another product I use with US clients for protozoan and fungal issues. Again, it’s a very effective product, especially when used alongside Parabotanic, Amazon A-P or GI Microb-X.

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• Verma-Plus from UniKey is a liquid anti-parasitic. Its name suggest use for worms, but it can also be used for protozoans.

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• Other compound products:

– Intestin-ol (Orthmolecular)

– Paracid Forte (Orthomolecular)

– Microbial Defense (Seeking Health)

– Parabiotic Plus (Biogenesis)

– Para-Gard (Integrative Therapeutics)

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• Utilization of two products in combination generally brings favourable results. Combinations I like are as follows:

– GI Microb-X and Amazon A-P

– GI Microb-X and Parabotanic Select

– GI Synergy and Amazon A-P

4R’s – General Parasite Cleanse

• One problem with these combination products is that a client only needs to be sensitive to one herb and it renders the product useless. If clients/patients struggle to tolerate compound/combination products, you can use products that contain just a single ingredient. We’ll look at some specific individual ingredient products in part (b).

Thank You!

• As always, thanks a million for tuning in and consuming this info. Look out for lesson 8, Part One (b) in which we’ll cover yeast and fungal protocols, as well as single ingredient products.